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简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《三一口语MY BEST FRIEND》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《三一口语MY BEST FRIEND》。


My best friend 1.the appearance of my friend My best friend is Sun Minqi.She is ten years old.She has two big eyes ,a small nose and a small mouth.She has a pair of big ears ,so she is very clever.She is taller and thinner than me.She is 145cm.Can you guess what’s my height, teacher ?Her favrite colour is pink,because she thinks that pink is in fashion.Nearly all her things are pink,for example ,her coat her dress and her shoes and so on.2.the hobby of my friend My friend has many hobbies ,for example ,playing basketball as well as playing football with the classmates.We often play basketball games during our PE class.she is a member of our school football team.She often wins a prize for the best player.3.the family of my friend

My friend has a happy family.There are three people in her family.Her mother is a housewife ,and her father is an enginer.Of couse ,they are very busy Her hometown is in He Bei province which is a beautiful place.4.the relationship between she and me

We’ve known each other since we were in Grade 1.We used to fight with each other but now we have had a good relationship.We often go outing on weekends for relaxing.I enjoy the days we spend together.This is a pleasant thing for me.





















































句式结构:If I had done„, I would have„


1.If you had followed my advice, you would have not got into trouble.(如果你当时听从我的建议,就不会碰到那么多麻烦了。这是对过去事实的假设,用的第三条件句,也就是说,其实当时“你”并没有听从“我”的建议。)2.If I had worked hard before, I would not have been a poor man now.(如果我过去努力工作的话我现在就不会是个穷人了,言外之意就是“我”过去没有努力工作,这是与过去事实相反的条件句。)3.If I had left a little earlier,I would have caught the train.(如果我早点离开,我就不会淋雨了。真实情况就是我没有早点离开,并且我淋雨了。此句同样是与过去事实相反的条件句)





1.结构:主语+had+过去分词 2.时间状语

before, when, after, by, until, once, had no sooner„„than,yet,already等。



By nine o’clock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship.到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。

②表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态 I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.当车来的时候,我在车站已经等了20分钟。The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.中国有2000年的造纸历史。(动作还将继续下去)I have been learning English since three years ago.自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去)

We have been waiting for you for half an hour.我们已经等你半个钟头了(人还没到,如同在电话里说的,还会继续等)



引述或转述别人的话称为“引语”。直接引用别人的原话,两边用引号“ ”标出,叫做直接引语;用自己的语言转述别人的话,不需要引号这叫做间接引语,实际上间接引语大都是宾语从句。当直接引语为祈使句,陈述句,疑问句被转换成间接引语时,句子的结构,人称,时态,时间,时间状语和地点状语等都要发生改变。




She said.“My brother wants to go with me.” →She said her brother wanted to go with her.“二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如:

He said to Kate.“How is your sister now?” →He asked Kate how her sister was then。


Mr.Smith said。“Jack is a good worker。” →Mr.Smith said Jack was a good worker。



1)She said.“I have lost a pen.” →She said she had lost a pen 2)She said.“We hope so.” →She said they hoped so.3)She said.“He will go to see his friend。” →She said he would go to see his friend。


直接引语变间接引语,状语变化有其内在规律,时间状语由“现在”改为“原来”(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before)地点状语(分具体情况),尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代词修饰的状语,由“此”改为“彼”(例:this 改为that),如:

He said, “These books are mine.” →He said those books were his.4、如何变句型

①直接引语如果是陈述句,间接引语应改为由that引导的宾语从句。如: She said, “Our bus will arrive in five minutes.” →She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes.②直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句.如:

He said, “Can you swim, John?” →He asked John if he could swim.“You have finished the homework, haven‘t you?” my mother asked.→My mother asked me whether I ha-d finished the homework.“Do you go to school by bus or by bike?” →He asked me if I went to school by bus or by bike.③直接引语如果是特殊问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句(宾语从句必须用陈述句语序)。

She asked me, “When do they have their dinner?” → She asked me when they had their dinner.④直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg等)sb(not)to do sth.”句型。如:

“Don’t make any noise,” she said to the children.→She told(ordered)the children not to make any noise.“

Bring me a cup of tea, please,” said she.→She asked him to bring her a cup of tea.⑤直接引语如果是以“Let‘s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动名词(或从句)。”如:

He said, “Let’s go to the film.”

→He suggested going to the film.或He suggested that they should go to see the film.五、连接短语,如:even though , in spite of , unless,although 1.even though 即使

He will come on time even though it rains.即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。

2.in spite of不管

I went out in spite of the rain.尽管下雨我仍外出了。3.unless如果不,除非

I won't apologize unless she apologizes first.除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉


Although he was ill, he worked hard.他虽然生病,但仍努力工作。

六、连接上下文的短语,如:so to continue , in other words , for example 1.so to continue

2.in other words换句话说

In other words, with hard work any obstacle can be overcome.换句话说,只要努力工作任何障碍都可以被克服。3.for example例如 Many great people rose from poor backgrounds--Lincoln for example.很多伟人出身贫寒,林肯就是一例

第四篇:三一口语话题 food



1.What’s your favorite food?

2.Do you often have meals at home?

3.Do you have three meals everyday?

4.What did you eat this morning?

5.What do you often have for your breakfast/lunch/dinner?

6.Who often cooks in your family?

7.Do you know how to cook? / Can you cook?

8.Do you like fast food?

9.Do you like junk food?

10.Do you often go to KFC or Mcdonald’s?

11.Is junk food good for your health?

12.Do you like spicy food?

13.Do you like beef/pork/chicken/vegetables?

14.Do you often have meals in a restaurant?

15.What food do local people like?

16.Do you know how to make a cake?

17.Do you ever make dinner for your family?

18.Do you help to do the food shopping at home?

19.What did you eat for your breakfast this morning?

20.Did you eat some delicious food these days? Can you introduce something about it?

21.Is it OK for you to have spicy food?

22.Are you on a diet?

23.Have you eaten any western food? Do you like it?

24.Chinese food and western food,which one do you prefer?

25.Do you usually help your mother cook at home? What’s your favorite food? 2 What food don’t you like to eat? What fruit do you like best? What fruit don’t you like? 4 What vegetable do you like? What vegetable don’t you like? 5 What do you always have for breakfast? 6.What did you have for breakfast yesterday? 7.What are you going to have for breakfast tomorrow? 8 What did you have for lunch/supper yesterday? 9 Do you always have dinner in the restaurant? 10.How often do you go to KFC or McDonald’s? 11 Do you eat snack foods between meals? 12 When do you have your meals? 13.How often do you eat out in restaurants? 14.Do you often have lunch at school? 15.Which do you like better, Chinese food or western food? 16.Which is your most important meal of the day? 17.Who cooks food for you? 18.What food is Beijing famous for?

 About how many different color foods did you eat for dinner last night?  Do you think about color when you are preparing a meal?  Are there any foods that you wouldn't eat as a child that you eat now?  Are you a good cook?  Are you a vegetarian?  Are you concerned about your daily calorie intake when choosing something to eat?  At what times do you usually eat your meals(breakfast, lunch, and dinner)?  Can you cook well?  Did you drink coffee this morning?  Did you eat lunch today?  Do you always eat dinner with your family?  Do you always eat vegetables?  Do you cook? If yes, what food do you cook the most often?  Do you drink milk every day?  Do you drink tea every day?  Do you eat beef?  Do you eat bread every day?  Do you eat breakfast every day?  Do you eat fruit every day?  Do you eat lunch at school every day?  How much does lunch usually cost at school?  Do you eat rice every day?  Do you ever skip breakfast? If so, how often and why?  Do you have a favorite bar or cafe? If so, where is it? Why do you like it?  Do you have coffee for breakfast?  Do you know someone who struggles with an eating disorder?  Do you like British food?  Do you like Chinese food? Why or why not?  Do you like deep-fried food?  Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most?  Do you like Japanese food?  What kind of Japanese food do you like?  Do you like peas and carrots? How about spinach?  Do you like to cook? Why or why not?  Do you like to eat a lot of food every day?  Do you like to eat American foods?  Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants?  Do you like to eat cakes?  Do you like to eat junk food?  Do you like to eat some desserts after dinner?  Do you like to eat? Why or why not?  Do you like to have breakfast each morning? Why or why not?  Do you like to try new food and drinks?  Do you often eat out?  Do you prefer fish or meat?  Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?  Do you prefer your own country's food or other kinds of food?  Do you read the nutritional information on the foods you buy?  Do you take vitamin pills?  Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat?  Do you think fast food, soda and sweets should be sold in school cafeterias?  Do you usually want to eat dessert after dinner?  Have you ever been a diet? If so, how long did you stayed on it?  Have you ever eaten dog meat?  Have you ever eaten Mozambican food?   ...French food?...Chinese food?...Italian food?  How long do you take to eat lunch?  How many calories do most people need every day?  How many meals do you usually eat every day?  How much do you eat when you are sad or happy?  How much does it cost to eat dinner at a hotel in your country?  How much rice do you eat?  How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant?  How often do you eat bread?  How often do you eat fresh fruit?  How often do you eat in a restaurant?(How often do you eat out?)    Where do you usually go? Who do you usually go with? About how much do you spend? Do you ever go to an Indian restaurant?  How often do you eat steak?  How often do you go drinking? What's your favorite drink?  How often do you go shopping for food?  If you are living abroad, what is the food that you miss most from home?  Is there any food that you really dislike to eat?  What are some foods that are considered unhealthy?  What are some foods that you know are healthy for your body?  What country's food do you like the most?  What did you eat for lunch yesterday?  What did you eat the last time you ate at a restaurant?  What did you have for breakfast this morning?  What did you have for supper last night?  What do you eat for breakfast every day?  What do you eat when you feel sad?  What do you like to drink?  What do you like to eat for your dinner?  What do you think of Thai food? Chinese food? English food?  What do you usually eat for lunch?  What do you usually like to drink when you go out?  What food can you cook the best?  What food do you hate? Why do you hate it?  What foods do you hate?  What foods do you love?  What foods have you tasted which you will never forget for the rest of your life?  What fruit do you eat the most often?  What have you eaten so far today?  What is a typical meal from your country?  What is one of your favorite foods?  What is the cheapest place to eat that you know?    About how much is a meal? Where is it? How often do you go there?  What is the food you like about your country. What is the last meal you cooked for someone else?  What is the most expensive meal you have ever eaten?  What is the most expensive restaurant that you have ever been to?   What did you eat there? When did you go?  Who did you go with?  What is the most unusual thing you've ever eaten.Did it taste good or bad?  What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?  What is your favorite food?  Please describe your favorite food. What is your favorite Chinese food?  ...French food? etc. What kind of food does your mother make?  What kind of food that you think is the least healthy?  What kind of food that you think is the most healthy?  What kind of food you usually eat?  What kind of fruit do you like the best?  What kind of restaurants you like?  What kind of vegetables do you like?  What kinds of food do you usually eat for lunch?  What Korean food do you like?  Chinese, French, Italian, etc. What restaurant in this city do you recommend?   Why is it a good place? About how much does a meal cost?  What special foods do you eat on holidays?(Christmas, New Year's Day, etc.) What time do you usually eat breakfast? How about lunch and supper?  What vegetable do you like best?  What's the best restaurant you've ever been to?  What's the best restaurant you've ever been to? Why did you like it?  What's the strangest food you've ever eaten?  What's your favorite dessert?  What's your favorite drink in the summer?  What's your favorite fish?  What's your favorite food?  What's your favorite fruit?  What's your favorite junk food?  What's your favorite kind of ethnic food?  What's your favorite kind of food?  What's your favorite kind of meat?  What's your favorite restaurant? Why do you like it?  What's your favorite snack?  When was the last time you ate at a restaurant?  When was the last time you ate dinner with your mother?  Where do you usually eat dinner?(...lunch,...breakfast) Which country's food do you like the most?  Which do you eat more often, rice or bread?  Which fast food restaurants do like?  Which fast food restaurants do you eat at the most often?  Who do you usually eat dinner with?  Why are diets usually short?  Why can't people stop eating?  Why do you think obesity is becoming such a problem in the United States and throughout the world?  What do Chinese people eat for lunch? (Substitute the nationality of your students.) Do you know the nutritional value of the things you eat every day?  Do you believe that “we are what we eat?”  How many meals a day do you think should be eaten?  Do you usually eat at home or eat at a restaurant?  Can you name a spice or flavoring that is good for your health?  If you were on death row, what would you request for your last meal?  Do you pray before each meal?  Have you ever eaten something that made you ill?  How many calories are in one hamburger?  If you don't know, can you make a guess? Is it more or less than an ice-cream cone?  Have you ever had pot-luck?  Have you ever tasted African food?  Does your family have any special recipes that are passed down from generation to generation?  What would you bring to a pot-luck lunch?  Do you like brunch?  How much should you tip the server in a restaurant?  What type of restaurants would you not tip in?  Have you ever found something disgusting in your food?  Have you ever sent food back in a restaurant?  Have you ever left a restaurant without paying(“dined and dashed”)?  Do you like trying new foods?  What new foods have you tried this month?  What is the strangest food you have ever tried?  Do you have any food allergies?  Which food from this country do you like the least?  What do you think about super-sizing?  Should fast food restaurants serve healthier food?  Are food portions too big for our health?  What food would you like to see in a restaurant in this country?  Do you think it is good to count calories when you are eating?  Which food is overpriced?  What differences do you notice in the preparation of American/British/Australian and Chinese/Japanese/Korean foods?  Do the utensils we use to eat affect the kind or way we prepare the foods we eat?  Do you think that food defines a culture? If so, how?  Do you notice any differences in the way food is served at the table when you travel?  Do you enjoy eating intestines?(Substitute in other foods that students are not likely to enjoy.) How does the etiquette of eating together in your country differ from other countries?  Are there any foods that bring back special memories for you? What are they?  Pizza    Do you like pizza? What is your favorite pizza topping? How often do you eat pizza at a restaurant?        How often do you order pizza to your home? Are there pizzerias near your home that deliver pizzas? What do you like to drink with your pizza? Do you know how to make a pizza? Do you know who invented the pizza? Why is pizza popular? Have you ever called for pizza delivery? 09年 考试问题

1.What's your favourite food?

2.What's the difference between...and...?

3.Do you like drinking coffee/ cola/ hamburger?

4.Which food is healthier, Chinese food or foreign food?


China is very famous for its food in the world.There are many kinds of food in China.They're Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Shanghai food, Hunan food and so on.Generally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light, Sichuan food is very hot, Shanghai food is rather oily, and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste.Mapo Beancurd, steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs, spring roll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious.In the north of China, people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings.In the south of China, people eat a lot of rice and seafood.Chinese food is good in color, flavor and taste.So I like it very much.Fast food in China

As an import, fast food has come to China since last 80s.Now, fast food is becoming more and more popular in public, especially children, teenagers and travelers.It has become the first choice for their outside repast.Why has fast food done so well only through 20 years? I think there are several reasons for its popularity.In the first place, fast food is really very fast as its name indicates.Some world-famous fast food chains, like KFC and McDonald’s, restrict the time for preparing food.In the next place, it is cheaper than restaurant while cleaner than small eateries.Thirdly, fast food chain can provide food of relatively uniform size, volume or even shape all over the world because of its strict standard.Last but not the least is fast food chain often uses some finesse to attract customers, for instance, presenting food or toys with suit, providing all kinds of vouchers, etc.Fast food: Advantages:

Having fast food is a popular fashion among young people.在年轻人之中,吃快餐是一种时尚。

Fast food is convenient and timesaving.快餐便利而且节省时间。Fast food is a good choice to help people make full use of time.快餐能帮助人们充分利用时间,是理想的选择。

Many fast food chains provide good service.许多快餐连锁店提供了很好的服务。It is difficult to resist the temptation of the aroma of well-known fast food chains such as McDonald’s or KFC.要想抵挡住那些知名的快餐连锁店如麦当劳或肯德基的香味诱惑是很难的。Disadvantages:

Too much fast food will do harm to people’s health because this type of junk food fails to provide adequate daily requirements of all nutrition.经常吃快餐会损害人们的健康,因为这种垃圾四五不能保证人们日常的营养需要。

Fast food cannot supply such a rich variety of dishes as traditional cuisine.快餐不能像传统食物那样提供这么多种类的菜肴。



Section 1 Travel(旅游)1.Do you like traveling?

2.Do you like traveling alone or with people? 3.Have you ever traveled abroad? What’s the difference between China and this country? 4.Travelling to big modern cities or small remote villages, which one do you prefer? 5.Tell me some places you have travelled to? Which one impressed you the most? 6.Which country's city have you ever been? 7.What can tourists(you)get from traveling? 8.What kind of place is likely to become tourist attraction? 9.Can you describe a famous tourist attraction you've ever visited? 10.Have you ever been to some places out of Beijing? 11.Which kind of city do you prefer to visit, modern or historic? 12.What's your plan for traveling next time? 13.If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? 14.What do people usually do during holidays in your town? 15.Do you often go traveling? 16.Do you think travel is a good thing or a bad thing? 17.Can you tell me the most terrible traveling experience? 18.How do you spend your money while travelling? 19.Have you travelled a lot? 20.How important is travelling for you? 21.Who’s going with you on the trip?

22.What type of accommodation are you staying in? 23.What is the most important thing to take for a trip? Why? 24.What may happen if you forget to take it? 25.Do you have to follow any safety instructions during a trip to the countryside? 26.Can you imagine what might happen if you didn’t follow the requirements?

Section 2 Money(金钱)1.What do you think of money?

2.If you have a lot of money, what would you do? 3.Do you like saving money? 4.Some parents always give much money to their children.What's your opinion on the subject? 5.Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school.What's your opinion on it? 6.Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? How to spend your red-envelope money? 7.Do you give tips at a restaurant in your country? How about to taxi drivers? 8.Do you have a credit card? If so, do you have more than one? 9.Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need? If so, give some examples.10.Do you think that money can buy love? 11.What do you like spending money on? What don't you like spending on? 12.Have you ever given money to a homeless person? 13.How important is money to you? 14.If you had no money, do you think you could be happy? 15.Some people say that “money makes the world go around.” Do you agree? Why or why not? 16.What is your opinion of discount stores? 17.What kind of things do you often shop for? 18.What was the last thing you bought for yourself? 19.How do you think money helps make us happy? 20.How do you usually spend your money? What do you usually buy? 21.How to spend your pocket money reasonably? 22.Is it necessary to learn to manage your money as a student? 23.What do you think about making money by working out of your home? 24.Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? How to spend your red-envelope money? 25.Do you like bargaining when you are shopping? Why? 26.Are you good at bargaining? 27.Do you have to do any work at home? 28.What is more important to you – to be happy or to have money?

Section 3 Fashion(时尚)1.Who is the most fashionable boy around you? 2.In your class, do you prefer talking about clothes or study? Why? 3.Do you think fashion needs a lot of money? 4.What is fashion? 5.Should we go after fashion or not? 6.Can we wear earrings at school? 7.What do you think of fashion? 8.What do you think of boys’ fashions today?

9.When you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother/ grandfather? 10.Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids? 11.How important is fashion to you? 12.What would you love to buy but you can't afford? 13.If a student is not fashionable, other people don't like to make friends with him/her.What do you think of this fact? 14.What color do you never wear? Why? 15.Do you spend much money on fashion? 16.Do you find it important to follow the latest fashion? Why? 17.Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy? 18.Do you care about fashion and follow the fashion? Why? 19.I am going to the playground;can you give me some suggestions for what I should wear? 20.Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school.What's your opinion on it?

Section 4 Regulations(规章制度)1.How important are rules and regulations for you? Why? 2.What rules do you think are important in life? Why? 3.Can you tell me some rules on a plane? You have to wear a seatbelt at take-off and landing.You can’t use your mobile phone during the flight.4.Can you tell me some rules in a library? 5.Do you think it is necessary for students to wear uniforms at school? Why or why not? 6.If you can change one rule today, what rule will you change? 7.Do you have some rules at home? 8.Do you have to help your mother with the housework? 9.What rules will you have in your own family when you grow up? 10.What do you think about the rules in your class? 11.Do you know some traffic rules? How to obey these rules? 12.What rules do you need to obey when you're in a car? 13.What do you think about the safety belt? 14.Do you think it is necessary to have lots of family rules for children? Why? 15.Does your father smoke? If so, what rules stop him from smoking? 16.Do you think it's important for people to obey laws? 17.Many people think that occasional, minor breaches of the law are ok?(难题框架)18.What will happen to you if you are late or absent for school? 19.What will happen to the students if he/she smokes on campus? 20.What do you think about the traffic rules in Beijing? 21.What is your opinion about the class rules?

Section 5 Health & Fitness(健康与健身)1.How can we keep our fit? 2.Can you tell me how to keep optimistic all the time? 3.How can you keep fit according to your own experience? 4.What kinds of exercise do you think are the best for your health? 5.Would you like to exercise outdoor? 6.What living habits do you have? Which is the best living habit? 7.If you are getting ill, will you go to the hospital or take some medicine at home? 8.For modern people, mental health is as important as physical health.9.What are you going to do to maintain your mental health? 10.Do you think you have a healthy diet? 11.How are you feeling today? 12.What do you think of the plain food? 13.What do you think of diet? 14.Are there many hospitals where you live? 15.Do you think smoking should be prohibited in public? 16.What are the symptoms when people get stressed? 17.Have you gained or lost weight recently? What are you going to do about it? 18.Does smoking need special attention? 19.Do you buy health insurance? Give your reasons.20.At school, what exercise do you have to do? 21.Do you do exercise every day? 22.What will happen if you don’t stay healthy? 23.Where can you get health treatment? 24.Do you feel satisfied with the treatment you get? 25.What do you need to do when you go to a clinic to see a doctor? 26.What do you need to do when you go to a pharmacy to buy medicine? 27.Do you feel stressed sometimes? What may cause you stress? 28.What do you do when you feel stressed?

Section 6 Learning a foreign language(学习一种外国的语言)1.Why do you want to learn a foreign language? 2.What do you need to learn a foreign language? 3.What should you do when you learn a foreign language? 4.What methods do you use to learn a foreign language? 5.Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people? 6.Going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language.What do you think about it? 7.Do you learn a foreign language through watching movies/ reading books? 8.Do you think vocabulary/ grammar is important for learning a foreign language? 9.What is the best way do you think to learn a foreign language? 10.Do you think we should learn a foreign language at an early age? 11.If you learn a foreign language, what would you get? 12.What are the advantages if you learn a foreign language? 13.Do you think taking a language course is a good way to learn a foreign language? 14.Can you learn a foreign language in a few months? 15.Why do you want to learn a foreign language? 16.The importance of learning a foreign language 17.Do you think it is a good way to learn a foreign language at an early age? 18.How long will you take to learn a foreign language? 19.Is it necessary for primary school students to learn a foreign language? 20.Do you think a student should learn more than one kind of foreign language? 21.Have you learned other foreign languages except English? 22.Can your parents speak a foreign language? 23.What do you parents think of you learning a foreign language? 24.Do you have to spend lots of money learning a foreign language?

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