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My Favorite Amusement Park 云舟学员:刘睿迪 考试级别:三一六级 指导老师:李蓓蓓 云舟李老师点评:因为考生属于背材料背的不是很快的那种,而且没有其他的更好的话题,所以我们继续使用五级话题,内容上多加入六级语法,又扩展了一些范围。

I first went to Shijingshan Amusement park when I was a little boy.I was four years old then.And before that I had never been to Beijing。So I was quite excited when my parents took me to Shijingshan Amusement park.At that time,I was too young , so I could play children’s Amusement project.But Amusement project were rich and colorful。I played Merry-Go-Round、GuoGuo drift、little bee、Aoto car… ect.But I preferred Sky wheel to others.Because it gave me a deep impression.Sitting in the Sky wheel and rising to the high place , I felt I was a brave boy。And I found many things turn smaller and smaller: people looked as little as ants, and the cars looks like boxes, I felt it was so fantastic.From then on, I love to go to Shijingshan Amusement park very much.云舟学校咨询电话51287249

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I like many projects in Shijingshan Amusement park, but I prefer coaster to others.In Shijingshan Amusement park,there is roller coaster ,it’s a kind of coaster suitable for our ages.It runs alone the round orbit with high speed, when the coaster arrives at the top of orbit, Man Men turn upside down ,which make me feel very excited.I often play this project by myself for many times, because my parents are afraid of this exciting game, I am the bravest man in my home.看到这,你是否也像坐一坐 coaster,感受一下这种感情呢? I prefer to go to Shijingshan Amusement park , especially in spring and autumn, Because in these two seasons, the weather is more suitable for us to play outside.If I’m not busy with studying on weekends, I will go there with my parents once a month.We spend a whole day in the park ,playing coaster、torrent brave、sky wheel、speed lose… and so on, all these make me feel I am brave and adventurous.云舟学校咨询电话51287249 云舟学校网址www.yunzhou.net 云舟学校三一口语金牌导师点评三一口语6级优秀自选话题稿

I have never been to Shijingshan Amusement park in winter, because it’s too cold, many equipments outside need repair, they don’t work in winter.原来去石景山游乐园还得看季节呢。

I prefer Shijingshan Amusement park to happy valley for several reasons.First, because happy valley is far from my home, but Shijingshan Amusement park is near to my home, I live in Dinghuisi, it’s convenienite to go to Shijingshan Amusement park.Second , The projects in happy valley are suitable for young people not to for children, many projects request high and weight, I am too thin, they are dangerous for me.I like coaster very much ,but I can’t play in happy valley,they are not exciting.But in Shijingshan Amusement park, there are more projects I can play ,such as coaster、torrent brave、speed lose ….,all these are my favorite.在作者的眼里,适合的才是最好的。

Next time, I hope I will go to Shijingshan amusement park with my classmates.Because I have been there with my parents many times.they could take good care of me,For example, If 云舟学校咨询电话51287249

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there were too many people , they will help me wait in line, especially for my favorite project-coaster, thus I can have more time to play.But they seldom play projects with me, because my parents are afraid of exciting game.So I would rather play with my classmates, we can enjoy the happy time together.If I have money , I’ll open an amusement park.The theme of the park will be “magic”, the spokesmen of the park should be “Harry Potter” and “Hermione Granger”.Because there are many Harry Potter fans in China.So I think this amusement park must be attractive.Then, I will design 3 parts in the park, they are hogwarts castle、hogsmeade village and the forbidden forest。Children can experience amusement projects which are related to the movie.we can travel risk ride through 4D technology、we can visit Dumbledore's office、defense against the dark classroom。I think it will be a paradise for the fans of Harry Potter.云舟李老师点评:如果作者开了一个魔法乐园,你是否觉得很有创意?

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第二篇:三一口语7级 自选话题


说到这具体的考试环节其实就只是一个培训的问题了,不过最大的难点还是自选话题的甄选的问题,下面我给大家一些很好的选择,Selecting a topic(话题选择)

Anything you can talk about

Blog.Senior citizen's life in Beijing

How to reduce work pressure shopping on line

Comment on a movie

my holiday plan

How to save water

should we compete all the time?

Should Chinese people be encouraged to buy cars?

My plan of starting a private business

I hate car alarms



Early Memories

My Arrival to Britain

When I was four years old, my father was sent to work in Britain so he took me and my mother with him to London.We got to London on a mid-summer's evening but the sky was still quite light.My father told me that London is much nearer to the North Pole than Beijing, so day is much longer than night in summer, while night is much longer than day during the winter.London is a really big city with lots of cars and heavy traffic.My first impression of London was old and crumbling unlike Beijing, where there are lots of new and modern buildings.Did you like the school life there?

My father put me in a primary school which is called Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary school.The first several months were quite hard to me.I could not understand what they were talking about and what I knew were simple words like toilet, water, good morning and bye-bye.The teachers and classmates were very kind to me and step by step I made progress with my English.I made lots of friends there.This photo was taken when I was in Year One.Look, here's my best friend Laurie Rankin.She once invited me to her birthday party.These two are Alexandra Craze,(Alex for short)and Ivana Nicolaou.This is our teacher Miss Clarke.And look, that's me!Back then as you see from this picture my hair was very short, I looked really like a boy.When I was in reception I was in the nativity play.I was to be one of the three wise men giving out gifts when'Jesus'was born.The school organized lots of Activities like visiting London Zoo, Tate Modern Museum and going to the church.This photo was taken by my mother in the school sports day.I won three races.What did you do in the weekends?

Nearly every weekend my parents took me out to parks.There are lots of parks in London and my favorite is the Greenwich Park.Greenwich Park is well-known for its Observatory and Greenwich Meantime.There is also a playground and a deer park within it.In the deer park there are lots of deer and squirrels.The squirrels like to eat peanuts.Once I put a peanut in my hat and placed it on my lap.The squirrel bounded forwards and ate the peanut in the hat!I nearly touched the squirrel's soft fur.What was my hobby in London?

Reading was and still is my hobby.I really liked to go to local libraries near our home.The first time my father helped me ask for a library card so you can borrow twelve books at one go.I started with picture books with more pictures than words, and later I could read books with more words than pictures, some with no pictures at all.I also started to borrow audio books so I could listen to them at home.Sometimes my parents took me to the bookstores so that I could read newly published books.I usually sit on the floor while reading.I could always find some books of my liking.My favorite author is J.K.Rowing.She wrote the book Harry Potter series.I have read all the English version of the seven books now.Roald Dahl's books are good too: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator are the most entertaining.I also like Enid Blyton, David Henry Wilson, C.S.Lewis and Lemony Snicket.I like reading because it can make me more imaginative and give me more knowledge.How do you spend you holidays?

In the school holidays I traveled with my parents to different places in or out of Britain.We've been to the capital of France-Paris and climbed the Eiffel Tower;we visited France's Disneyland too.Then we traveled to the capital of Italy-Rome and ate pizza on the street.Venice is a beautiful Water City in Italy.It is a marvelous place to have a holiday, but in the summer the mosquitoes were very bothering.I got stung twenty times in three days.Once, me, my mother and my father went to Edinburg for the Easter

Holidays.We stayed in an old house which had once been the home of the famous author of Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson.The book is about a boy called Jim Hawkins going on an adventure with pirates.Cambridge is a good place for education and boating.My father steered the boat when we went boating in Cam River.He had the oar and was standing on the deck all on his own.Me and my mother were afraid that my father would fall into the water!He didn't fall in the water;he didn't even scrap the sides of the boat when we were under the bridge.How do you like the food there?

When I was in Britain I really liked western food.At our school we could choose between eating school dinners and bringing packed lunches.English children like to pack sandwiches, crisps, biscuits, fruit and vegetables and sometimes a handful of sweets in their packed lunches but school dinners are different.We have fish and chips twice a week with carrots and peas.Sometimes we eat garlic bread and shepherd pie, and sometimes we ate mashed potato.There were sauces to make the food taste better: gravy, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc and delicious puddings.There are puddings that I disliked too, for example custard and rice pudding.The rice puddings were not anything compared to my mother's porridge.Although I ate a lot of English food I still liked Chinese food.When the Spring Festival came, my father's colleagues would come to our flat and made Chinese dumplings together.They were delicious.How did you feel about going back to China?

I stayed in London for two years.We came back to China when I was six years old.I was very sad to leave my friends and my school in London and as a result I had a fever.I was so ill that I had to be carried to the hospital in an ambulance.The doctor said I was attacked by'some kind of virus that we don't know.She didn't give me any medicine apart from some liquid to make me feel better.She also told me to drink a lot of water and have a rest.Several days later my parents took me to the hospital again to have a check.The doctor said I had been very brave and had defeated the virus and I would be healthy soon.Ten days later, I was healthy enough to go back to China.London has given me a lot of good memories.I hope one day in the future I could go back there, to study English and to meet my old friends.1.Tell the differences between Chinese primary school and British primary school

a.Boarding schools ,living conditions, accommodation

b.Teaching method

c.Study process, pressure, class rules, school rules

d.School tradition

2.Let's discuss the cultural toys

a.feature of toys in Britain

b.price and packing

3.You are what you eat---the British style of food and Chinese style of food

a.Style of cuisine

b.Taste and flavor

c.Cook way of them

Try to explain these points clearly and creative


PERCY JACKSON Today I ′ll talk about a book,named 《Percy Jackson》.《Percy Jackson》is the one of the famous teen novel in the word.it has ten books(《The Lightning Thief》《The Sea Of Monsters》《The Titan′s Curse》《The Battle Of The Labyrinth》《The Last Olympian》《The Lost Hero》《The Son of Neptune》《The Mark of Athena》《The House of Hades》《the blood of olympus》,the last books is set to be released on October 7, 2014,so……),one outbound(《The Demigod Files&The Demigod Diaries 》)and one guide(《The Ultimate Guide》).The writer of these books is Rick Riordan , he become famous with these books ,and now he is the one of the famous writer in the word with Joanne Rowling(the writer of the 《Harry Potter》)and Stephenie Morgan Meyer(the writer of the 《Twilight》).The story is talk about a boy called Percy Jackson, the son of the Poseidon, Neptune,he fight with bad guys and save the olympus.(《The Lightning Thief》:Zeus lost his weapon——lightning.And Zeus think Percy steal it,so Zeus told Percy′father ——the Neptune,Poseidon, Percy should put the lightning back before the summer solstice,If he don′t,Zeus and Poseidon will make a war.But Percy never know he is a half-blood before.(half-blood means half god and half human))After he was attacked by Nemesis(Fury),he know he is a half-blood.And than he go to a summer camp ——Camp Half-Blood.Then he find the lightning and give it back to Zeus when Zeus wants make a war with Poseidon.《The Sea Of Monsters》:Long time ago,Cyclops killed Zeus’daughter, Thalia.And Zeus is very sad ,turn Thalia into a tree.This tree protects the Camp Half-Blood.Oneday, a Bull made with metal destroy the protective cover.The tree——Thalia, is going to died.So Percy and his friends is going to find the golden fleece,to save the Thalia.




Latin Dance and I

云舟学员:苏芷杨 考试级别:三一六级 指导老师:李蓓蓓


Outline: What is Latin dance? Why did I learn Latin?

What was my most unforgettable experience? Do I spend lots of money on my hobby? Who is my partner?

How did I Learn? 云舟学校咨询电话51287249

云舟学校网址www.xiexiebang.compared to other ballroom dances社交舞, Latin dances are generally faster-paced, more sexy性感的, and have more rhythmic有节奏的 expression.And the Latin dances are for couples, a man and a woman.Partners sometimes dance in a closed, tight position, and sometimes hold only one hand.I’m learning International Latin which consists of 包括five dances: Cha-Cha恰恰, Rumba伦巴, Samba桑巴, Paso Doble斗牛舞 and Jive摇摆舞.If you are interested in them, I will show you some pictures to introduce more: Cha-Cha Cha-Cha is energetic and sassy,活泼的(lively)Rumba:

The Rumba is known as the “dance of love.” Danced to romantic, Latin love songs, it is fun and quite easy to learn.Samba: Often difficult to master, the Samba is lively,consisting of many jumps and turns.The Samba is a very fast dance.云舟学校咨询电话51287249

云舟学校网址www.xiexiebang.competition last year.The competition was held in the Ditan Stadium.Different from other competitions I joined in, this one was for the amateurs.We should be much more special.So I was a little nervous and worried.My partner and I danced rumba, cha-cha, and jive.Finally, we got the second.When the referee gave us the certificate and others was taking photos of me.I was so excited and proud.It reminded me of a saying’ No pains, no gains.'

Of course, I think it is an expensive hobby.I joined in a Latin class.For each class, it costs 100yuan.Every week we have three classes.That is to say, my mom has to pay more than 10,000yuan on it every year.Besides, I also need to buy dancewear, performance costume, and shoes and so on.For example, a set of performance costume spends me 500 Yuan.And if there is a competition, we have to pay extra money for it.But I think it worths the money.Because I benefit a lot from it.云舟学校咨询电话51287249

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I learnt in Baba kongjian training school, there are many boys and girls.When I had the first class, I was very excited.Firstly, the teacher taught us the basic foot steps like time steps, New York steps and so on.Then, we need to practice the basic steps until we dance them well.And we also need to learn dance to the music.Next, it’s time for us to dance with our partners.If we can dance very well teacher will praise us.I think Latin is easy!云舟李老师点评:舞台上的绚丽和证书,原来是需要很多汗水和钱的。能获得那么多的成果,确实是一份耕耘,一份收获。

Latin dance is a dance of men and women, I am no exception, and I also have a dance partner who named DongZhuoHui.He is one year older than me, but he and I are at the same height.He dances very well.As we know, cooperation is the hardest part in dancing.If we want to dance well, the understanding between us will be very important.We need to feel the same pace.Luckily, we have danced as partner for years.When we dance, we can cooperate very well.Our teacher often praises us.And we have joined in Beijing sports dance game several times.To get better results, we 云舟学校咨询电话51287249

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are learning more difficult and more exciting dance together.最后小作者介绍了自己的舞伴。

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云舟学校咨询电话51287249 云舟学校网址www.xiexiebang.come pets of people.I like dogs because of their looks and faith.Some dogs look like very cute , some look like very powerful.I think dogs are cleverer, keener and braver than other animals.They have good smell and quick movement.They are very faithful to their owners.My dog’s name is Maria.You can get she is a beautiful girl from her name.Maria is a rottweiler.She is bigger and taller than other dogs.She is glossy black, and she has beautiful big



云舟学校咨询电话51287249 云舟学校网址www.yunzhou.net eyes and cute short ears She looks very healthy and powerful.She likes hunting, so she is not so kind to other little animals.She likes to play balls.She can gets balls exactly that is thrown to her.云舟王老师点评:首段交代了小作者为什么喜欢狗,并介绍的介绍了自己的宠物狗。这一段主要用到的四级语法点是-表喜好词汇,比较级和过去式。

2.How did I get the dog? We got Maria from our neighbour.My neighbour was a tall man.He loves dogs very much.He had two rottweilers but had no enough place.And my mother always know that I love dog very much.And I always wanted a dog as my pet.So my mother asked my neighbour if he could give the dog to me.My neighbour was very kind, he promised to give it to me.He thought my family would look after her better At first I didn't know, until one day my mother said she wanted to give me surprise and asked me to closed my eyes.When she asked me open my eyes, I saw a lovely and cute dog in a box.I loved it so much.And all my family love it.Now she is a member of my family.Maria is my good friend.Everyday I get home from school she will give me a hot hold and kiss.Every time she will jump and put her forelegs on my



云舟学校咨询电话51287249 云舟学校网址www.yunzhou.net shoulder.She is so tall and heavy that I almost fall down.But I feel very happy.Because we love each other.云舟王老师点评:这一段说明了小作者是如何得到她的宠物狗的,这里主要用到了四级的语法点-过去式。

3.What’s the most interesting thing between us?

Maria is a cleverer, keener and braver dog.She is a hero.Many years ago, she caught a thief who was stealing beside our car.That day my parents and I were taking Maria for a walk on the road.Then we went back to our home.Suddenly Maria rushed out over fifty metres.We all didn't know what happened then.When we got closer we saw a man was down Maria’s forelegs.Then we knew that the thief wanted to steal our car.We couldn't see it, because he was far from us.But Maria smelled it.Then we called the police.All the police praise her a brave and faithful dog.We were all proud of her.So my parents bought a bag of biscuits for her as a reward and gift.云舟王老师点评:这里说的是小作者和宠物狗之间发生过的最难忘的一件事。这里主要用到了两个四级的语法点-过去式和比较级。4.Am I going to raise another pet in the future? 云舟学校教研部


云舟学校咨询电话51287249 云舟学校网址www.yunzhou.net I am not going to have any other pets, I am going to take my Maria to Beijing.Because my family has moved to Beijing.We had to send Maria to a friend.That made me very sad.I saw the sadness from Maria’s big beautiful eyes too.I had cried many times those days.Now I still miss Maria very much.So I am going to take Maria to Beijing and stay with me some day.Now I can't take her home, because I am very busy on my study, I have no enough time to look after her.If I have time, I am going to see her to my hometown.云舟王老师点评:这一段是小作者和她心爱的宠物狗分离后,希望有一天能够把她的Maria接到北京和她团聚的愿望。这里主要用到的语法点是将来时be going to和过去式。





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