
时间:2019-05-13 09:23:37下载本文作者:会员上传






Spring-like Education Leading to Youth of

Passion Review of 《Dead Poets Society》

When people are generally talking about the educational problem in this society, a film that I watched sereval days ago left me a far-reaching impact beyond my imagination, thus allowing me to get a more profound understanding connotation of education.That impressive film is Dead Poets Society.Before this I had never thought there would be such a good movie that could change my opinion of the world.Compared to this solemn and rigid school, the teaching style of Keating seems to be a fresh spring breeze.It’s John Keating who ignites students’ enthusiasm for life and encourages students to try to think in terms of new issues independently, and it’s the same person who asks students to read out their dreams on the pitch and gets them to be fully alive to the significance of “Seize the day”.“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.To put to rout all that was not life, and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.” This is a classic line in this movie and it is selected from one of Rousseau's poems.Mr.John takes advantage of the poet to allow students to cherish life besides reading it, release passion when understanding it and rebuild lives after creating it [1].Another sentence I like very much is “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice.Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all” which strikes a chord in my heart.In my opinion, education is not an easy form of the question and the answer, instead it seems much better as to extract questions


Stand up, always keep smiling

After I saw this movie –dead poets society, I was totally shocked ,the only words in my mind is that :‘stand up ,and always keep smiling ”.What the movie showed to us is that a passionate and unconventional teacher inspired his students to fight against the conservational social system to pursue what they really wants.Although the final result of this movie is an unexpected tragedy, I believe that Mr.Keating got a perfect success when most of the students stood on the desk, in spite of the master’s threats, to show their respect to their teacher.From this movie ,I rethink profoundly that on matter what we meet with , we need to face it bravely , we need to know what we really wants or truly needs , and then we can spare no efforts to fight for it ,just stand up and always keep smiling ,never give up your dreams or your life.we should believe that life is full of sunshine and hope if you are brave enough.when we find the conflicts between dreams and the reality ,we should find ways to balance them ,and try best to live everyday ,gradually you can find that you are growing to maturity.At the end of this movie, I’m very sorry for Neil’s suicide;maybe he found the freedom after his end his life.In my mind ,Mr.Keating is a good teacher ,he just like a mentor or a

guide , he encouraged confidence and enthusiasm ,I hope that I can find myself ,and do the best of myself with his inspiration ,and ‘suck out all the marrow of life ‘.however, he forgot to taught his students how to become brave enough to fight for their dreams or beautiful things.He forgot to say: Never give up, just stand up and always keep smiling, you can become a fighter!

第三篇:死亡诗社 英文影评

Dead poets society

The movie which the first time I heard is recommended by my friend, because the movie is so old that I didn’t want to watch it.But this time my teacher also recommended it, I think it must be a good movie.After watching it, I felt a little sad, not because of its end, but think o us today.There was much to think about in the film, maybe different people have different ideas.The film tells us a story of the U.S.wilton elite school in 1959.it’s a traditional and old fashioned school which like a prison.The ancient bells ushered in new semester and also ushered in a new teacher Keating.He calls himself the captain.The captain like a lighthouse will lead students through the gloom.In his classroom, he encouraged his students to stand on the desk, with a new perspective to observe the world around.He introduces many thoughtful poetry to students, even allow students to tear up those dull textbooks.On the other hand they were encouraged to search the beauty and the real life in the poetry.Neil made me the deepest impression, he was fond of poem and the performances, but he was asked to become a doctor;he was the first one to comprehend Keating’s thought, but also he is the first one to reconstruct” Dead Poets Society“.on the stage he found his target, but strict father didn’t care about what he thought.Neil did not want to become a father expect people, but also unable to become a real himself, he chose to end his own life.Todd this closed and timid child, he never dared to show true himself, he was afraid that others evaluate him.Under the guidance of the teacher, he slowly began to bloom his own ideas.Neil's death made him grew up, when Keating was dismissed, he is the first one to stand on the table and shouted: Oh, the captain, my captain!Under his leadership other students also stand on the table, the moment was very impressive.I have learned many things from these two kids, the most difficult is to choose in our life.When reality and the ideal have contradiction, what kind of choice you will make? There will certainly be a gap between in reality and the ideal, but how we should do? The answer is to be the master of life, not the slave of life.When we have goals we should be bold to pursue.Carpe diem.Seize the day, boys.Make your lives extraordinary.Do real ourselves, as the film said, ”I went to the woods because I wanted to the live deliberately.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life.And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."


Life is there for us to enjoy After watching the movie Dead Poets Society, my eyes were full of tears.What could not be removed from my heart is that these young men finally learned the way to look at things from different ways from Mr.Keating.Seize the day, when you notice this point, it is never too late to start to do something.In Welton School, four pillars were set for the students to obey: tradition, hour, discipline, excellence.But what the school leaders performed left them an image as hypocrisy, and the school like a place of hell.Not until the day John Keating came, did they find some new meaning of life.I still remember on Keating's first class, one boy copied every sketch Keating drew on the blackboard, and then was told all that was nonsense.Keating told them to rip off the very page about theory on poetry, which may restrain their free thought about poetry.Then standing on the desk, he showed the young men they could look at things from different angles.“Carpe Diem, seize the day, boys, make your life extraordinary.” In order to make them realize the true meaning of life, Keating disguised as one of the precursors on the picture, whispering to them.When I heard this sentence, I began to think about my own life.Being a senior student faced with graduation, we are pushed to believe that every second is a inseparable part of life to become a step near to success.That is to say, for almost every one of us, to seize the day means to be successful, it is same with me.Not until a piece of news on the Internet shocked me some other day—Kaifu Lee found himself suffering from cancer.In my eyes, he is always positive, ready to give job hunters tips for searching jobs.What's more, I took for granted that such a person could live a happy and healthy life.The truth is that I was wrong.Hence, I have been reconsidering about life.To pursue success on career is one kind of passion, but life is not only made up of fame and profit, there are many other things for us to do, such as find a job you are interested with.Thus, a task is finished, though you may feel a little tired, you are filled with joy as well.To seize the day, not only means to make full use of time,to become successful, but to live a meaningful life.When we grow old, we will not regret that nothing has been done, and will thank ourselves for the passion we once had.Neil committed suicide when he is forced to obey what his parents had arranged for him.Failed to find the reason, the school leaders believed it is Keating's fault.Keating had to quit the job.Back to the classroom to pack his baggage, the boys could not help to show their respect to Mr.Keating in the way their captain taught them.The young men finally learned how to look at things in different ways, to solve problems in free will.There are certain films that can touch our hearts,Dead Poets Society is such a film which can make us know about how important free will means, and to think over our own life.We could get the same courage when we saw Todd overcome the fear and dared to express his ideas in the front of the class.Finally he told the girl who had boyfriend that he loved her so much,and wrote her a poet.Everyone of us has our inner side, what we lack of is confidence and courage to break out of the traditional ideology and to find a new self.Dead Poets Society was a group of young men John Keating set up when he also attended Welton School.To John Keating poem is like his life, so he founded a group with his partners in which they could express their ideas.Thoreau said in Walden:”I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.“It is good for one like Mr.Keating know what he himself wants to do,same with everyone of us.Whatever the results are, when you do something your heart told you, you will not regret in the future.We are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference.That we have a moral obligation to”seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary".In daily life, being independent in thought is critical in making a society progress gradually.It is what matters most for every one of us, for the nation.Once a person's thought become independent, can he perceive the world actively, and gets to know himself better.As a modern college student, I told myself over and over again that I want to live with a soul, but not one day regret of wasting time all my life.Just as it is said, life is so far to continue, I would rather do something to make myself happy every day than be sad if something bad happened.Life is there for us to search, pack up and be ready to enjoy the sceneries along the roadsides.What is better for us youth is that, our parents and teachers are more open-minded.We are free to do something as we like.This is a democratic era for people to search his soul, to live a better life.Being a part of the human race, you never know what the limit of your potential is.In a democratic society, do as your heart tells you is the process of enjoying life is best way to live a happy life.It is also what Mr.Keating want the young men to do in the film.

第五篇:死亡诗社 英文影评

Busy living or busy dying--the view after seeing “Dead Poets Society”

What does life mean?Life is like poetry.Life is like music.Life is ambition.Life is freedom.A person should have confidence and independence, which leads you, inspires you to seek true youth and noble beliefs.In this key school with top graduation rates and a history of more than 100 years, it purports four pillars: tradition, honor, discipline, excellence.But when the students shut the door, the four pillars are turned into: hypocrisy, terror, decadence and impurity.They also give it a name: hell.Mr Keating's existence is a bunch of sunshine but also a dagger.He is their wisest “captain”, the most fearless spirital guide.He brings them to an imprisoned situation step by step.But when the children see light, they also smell death.When we are young, we can chase for lofty ideal and glorious death.Between unromantic living and regretless death, I will always choose the latter because “people are great for dreams”.After seeing the “Dead Poets Society”, I realize the value of living.Life is just a stage for us, not important in itself.What kind of role and content we select on stage is of importance.Whatever drama, poetry, tragedy, drama, mime or opera...Even a hideous mess or an empty-headed can be shining.The principle is: make your choice and pursue it in you life.“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life.And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

“O Captain!my Captain!”


英师1班 吴侃璇 100111045



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