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第一:双品 The Pairs 1.Mind precedes all mental states.Mind is their chief;they are all mind-wrought.If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts, suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.心是诸(名)法的前导者,心是主,诸(名)法唯心造。若人以邪恶之心言行,痛苦将跟随着他,有如车轮跟随拉车之牛的足蹄。

2.Mind precedes all mental states.Mind is their chief;they are all mind-wrought.If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.心是诸(名)法的前导者,心是主,诸(名)法唯心造。若人以清净之心言行,快乐将跟随着他,如影随形。

3.“He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.“他辱骂我、打我、击败我、掠夺我。”若人怀有是心,怨恨不得止息。

4.“He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.“他辱骂我、打我、击败我、掠夺我。”若人不怀是心,怨恨自然止息。

5.Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world.By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased.This is a law eternal.在这世上,恨绝不能止恨,唯有慈爱方能止恨,这是永恒的真理。

6.There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die.But those who do realize this settle their quarrels.除了智者之外,他人(愚者)皆不了解:“世人终须一死。”智者明了这点,因此一切争论得以平息。

7.Just as a storm throws down a weak tree, so does Mara overpower the man who lives for the pursuit of pleasures, who is uncontrolled in his senses, immoderate in eating, indolent, and dissipated.住于欲乐中的人,放纵六根(感官),食不知足,怠惰与不事精进,他肯定被魔王制伏,如强风吹倒弱树一般。8.Just as a storm cannot prevail against a rocky mountain, so Mara can never overpower the man who lives meditating on the impurities, who is controlled in his senses, moderate in eating, and filled with faith and earnest effort.住于观照不净法的人,防护六根(感官),知足于食,充满信心(对佛法僧)与精进力,他肯定不会被魔王击败,如狂风摇不动岩一般。

9.Whoever being depraved, devoid of self-control and truthfulness, should don the monk's yellow robe, he surely is not worthy of the robe.未脱离烦恼之污染,不自制与不真实的人,却身披橘色袈裟,那是他所不配的。

10.But whoever is purged of depravity, well-established in virtues and filled with self-control and truthfulness, he indeed is worthy of the yellow robe.已弃除烦恼之污染,戒行具足,具备自制与真实的人,真正配得上身披袈裟。

11.Those who mistake the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential, dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrive at the essential.把不真实的视为真实,把真实的视为不真实。持此邪思惟的人,不可能觉悟真实法。12.Those who know the essential to be essential and the unessential to be unessential, dwelling in right thoughts, do arrive at the essential.视真实为真实,视不真实的为不真实。持此正思惟的人,得以觉悟真实法。

13.Just as rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, so passion penetrates an undeveloped mind.雨可以渗透屋顶粗陋的房子,欲念亦可渗透尚未受到培育的心。

14.Just as rain does not break through a well-thatched house, so passion never penetrates a well-developed mind.雨渗不透屋顶精良的房子,欲念亦渗不透已受到良好培育(修习止禅与观禅)的心。15.The evil-doer grieves here and hereafter;he grieves in both the worlds.He laments and is afflicted, recollecting his own impure deeds.这一世他感到悲哀,来世他一样感到悲哀,造恶者在今生与来世都感到悲哀。当忆及自己污秽的行为时,他感到悲哀与苦恼。

16.The doer of good rejoices here and hereafter;he rejoices in both the worlds.He rejoices and exults, recollecting his own pure deeds.这一世他感到喜悦,来世他一样感到喜悦,行善者在今生与来世都感到喜悦。当忆及自己清净的善业时,他感到喜悦,非常的喜悦。

17.The evil-doer suffers here and hereafter;he suffers in both the worlds.The thought, “Evil have I done,” torments him, and he suffers even more when gone to realms of woe.这一世他受苦,来世他一样受苦,造恶者在今生与来世都受苦。想到“我造了恶业”时,他感到痛苦。再者,当投生至恶道时,他会遭受更多的痛苦。

18.The doer of good delights here and hereafter;he delights in both the worlds.The thought, “Good have I done,” delights him, and he delights even more when gone to realms of bliss.这一世他快乐,来世他一样快乐,行善者在今生与来世都快乐。想到“我造了善业”时,他感到欢喜。再者,当投生至善趣时,他更加快乐。

19.Much though he recites the sacred texts, but acts not accordingly, that heedless man is like a cowherd who only counts the cows of others — he does not partake of the blessings of the holy life.即使他背诵了许多经典,然而并不依法实行,这怠惰的人有如牧童在数别人的牛,没得分享沙门生活的利益。

20.Little though he recites the sacred texts, but puts the Teaching into practice, forsaking lust, hatred, and delusion, with true wisdom and emancipated mind, clinging to nothing of this or any other world — he indeed partakes of the blessings of a holy life.即使他只背诵了少许经典,然而真正依法实行,舍弃贪嗔痴,如实知见后得以令心解脱,不再执著于今生与来世,他得以分享沙门生活的利益(道果)。第二:不放逸品 Heedfulness 21.Heedfulness is the path to the Deathless.Heedlessness is the path to death.The heedful die not.The heedless are as if dead already.不放逸是不死道,放逸是死路;不放逸者不死,放逸者有如早已死去。22.Clearly understanding this excellence of heedfulness, the wise exult therein and enjoy the resort of the Noble Ones.明了这道理,不放逸的智者乐于精进、乐于圣界。

23.The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering, alone experience Nibbana, the incomparable freedom from bondage.他持续地修禅(止观),持恒者得以体验解脱:至上的涅盘。

24.Ever grows the glory of him who is energetic, mindful and pure in conduct, discerning and self-controlled, righteous and heedful.若某人精进、有正念与身语意清净、慎重行事、防护诸根、依法生活及不放逸,他的声誉与幸福得以增长。

25.By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.通过不放逸、正念、戒律与防护诸根,智者使自己成为一座洪水无法淹没的岛屿。

26.The foolish and ignorant indulge in heedlessness, but the wise one keeps his heedfulness as his best treasure.愚者恣情放逸,智者则如守护珍宝一般,珍惜地守护着不放逸。

27.Do not give way to heedlessness.Do not indulge in sensual pleasures.Only the heedful and meditative attain great happiness.因此人们不应放逸,不应沉湎于欲乐,因为勤奋的人,通过禅修,即会得证至上乐。

28.Just as one upon the summit of a mountain beholds the groundlings, even so when the wise man casts away heedlessness by heedfulness and ascends the high tower of wisdom, this sorrowless sage beholds the sorrowing and foolish multitude.智者以不放逸去除放逸,登上智慧的高楼,已断苦的他看着苦难的众生,如智者立足于山顶,向下看着平原的愚人。

29.Heedful among the heedless, wide-awake among the sleepy, the wise man advances like a swift horse leaving behind a weak jade.在众放逸人中不放逸,在众昏睡人中保持警觉,智者有如良马迅速地前进,把疲惫的马远远抛在后头。

30.By Heedfulness did Indra become the overlord of the gods.Heedfulness is ever praised, and heedlessness is ever despised.由于不放逸,摩伽婆得以生为诸天神之王。精进永远受到赞赏,懈怠永远受到责备。31.The monk who delights in heedfulness and looks with fear at heedlessness advances like fire, burning all fetters, small and large.乐于精进与视放逸为危害的比丘,有如火焰般前进,烧尽一切大小的束缚。

32.The monk who delights in heedfulness and looks with fear at heedlessness will not fall.He is close to Nibbana.乐于不放逸而视放逸为危害的比丘,绝不会倒退(止观禅修不会倒退),事实上他已非常接近涅盘。

第三:心品 The Mind 33.Just as a fletcher straightens an arrow shaft, even so the discerning man straightens his mind — so fickle and unsteady, so difficult to guard.心是飘浮不定的,难以控制,难以防护。智者训练其心,使它正直,如矢师矫正箭一般。34.As a fish when pulled out of water and cast on land throbs and quivers, even so is this mind agitated.Hence should one abandon the realm of Mara.如把水中鱼取出投掷于地时,它会跳跃不安;当把心带离欲界以脱离魔界(烦恼轮转)时,它亦会跳跃不安。

35.Wonderful, indeed, it is to subdue the mind, so difficult to subdue, ever swift, and seizing whatever it desires.A tamed mind brings happiness.心难以受到控制,它非常迅捷轻浮,随着喜好飘荡与停留。能训练心是很好的,因为已受到训练的心能带来快乐。36.Let the discerning man guard the mind, so difficult to detect and extremely subtle, seizing whatever it desires.A guarded mind brings happiness.心是非常难以察见的,它极度的微细,随着喜好飘荡与停留。且让智者防护其心,因为受到防护的心能带来快乐。37.Dwelling in the cave(of the heart), the mind, without form, wanders far and alone.Those who subdue this mind are liberated from the bonds of Mara.心独自四处飘荡远游,它是无色的,住于心室。能制伏己心的人,得以解脱魔王的束缚。(注:心独自飘荡是指在同一个心识刹那里,只能有一个心识生起。心是依靠位于心室里的心所依处而生起的。)

38.Wisdom never becomes perfect in one whose mind is not steadfast, who knows not the Good Teaching and whose faith wavers.若某人的心不安定,对正法无知,信心动摇不定,其智慧决不会获得圆满。

39.There is no fear for an awakened one, whose mind is not sodden(by lust)nor afflicted(by hate), and who has gone beyond both merit and demerit.若某人的心已无贪无嗔,若他已舍弃善恶两者(阿罗汉),如此警觉之人是没有怖畏的。40. Realizing that this body is as fragile as a clay pot, and fortifying this mind like a well-fortified city, fight out Mara with the sword of wisdom.Then, guarding the conquest, remain unattached.明了此身脆弱如瓶,他培育己心至固若城堡,再以智为武器向魔王奋战。过后他继续保护己心,毫不执著于胜利。


41.Ere long, alas!this body will lie upon the earth, unheeded and lifeless, like a useless log.噢,不久之后,这失去心识的身体将躺在大地,就像无用的木头般被丢弃。

42.Whatever harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater to a hater, an ill-directed mind inflicts on oneself a greater harm.敌人可能伤害敌人,怨家可能伤害怨家;然而导向邪恶的心,却会带给自己更大的伤害。43.Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good than one's own well-directed mind.不是母亲,不是父亲,也不是任何亲戚,能比得上导向于善的心,可为自己带来更大的幸福。第四:花品 Flowers 44.Who shall overcome this earth, this realm of Yama and this sphere of men and gods? Who shall bring to perfection the well-taught path of wisdom as an expert garland-maker would his floral design? 谁能征服大地(即此身)、阎魔界(即四恶道)与人天界?谁能如熟练的花匠采花般,印证善说的真理之道? 45.A striver-on-the path shall overcome this earth, this realm of Yama and this sphere of men and gods.The striver-on-the-path shall bring to perfection the well-taught path of wisdom, as an expert garland-maker would his floral design.圣学者将征服大地、阎魔界与人天界。圣学者能如熟练的花匠采花般,印证善说的真理之道。(注:学者是至少已证悟须陀洹道,但还未证得阿罗汉果的圣人。)

46.Realizing that this body is like froth, penetrating its mirage-like nature, and plucking out Mara's flower-tipped arrows of sensuality, go beyond sight of the King of Death!知道此身如水泡般无常,以及觉知它如海市蜃楼般毫无实质,他将切断魔王之花,脱离死亡之王的视线。

47.As a mighty flood sweeps away the sleeping village, so death carries away the person of distracted mind who only plucks the flowers(of pleasure).采(欲乐之)花的人,心执著于欲乐,他被死亡带走,如酣睡之村被洪水冲走。

48.The Destroyer brings under his sway the person of distracted mind who, insatiate in sense desires, only plucks the flowers(of pleasure).采(欲乐之)花的人,心执著于欲乐,他无法满足己欲,只有被死魔征服。

49.As a bee gathers honey from the flower without injuring its color or fragrance, even so the sage goes on his alms-round in the village.如蜜蜂采花粉时,不损伤花朵,亦不损伤其色及香味,只取其蜜,而后飞走。且让智者同样(不损害到村民的信心及财富)地在村子里活动。

50.Let none find fault with others;let none see the omissions and commissions of others.But let one see one's own acts, done and undone.不应观察他人的过失,或已做与未做的(善恶)事;应只省察自己已做与未做的事。

51.Like a beautiful flower full of color but without fragrance, even so, fruitless are the fair words of one who does not practice them.如美丽却不香的花朵,不能为戴花者带来香气;同样的,不依言实行之人的善语,亦是没有结果的。

52.Like a beautiful flower full of color and also fragrant, even so, fruitful are the fair words of one who practices them.如美丽且香的花朵,能为戴花者带来香气;同样的,依言实行之人的善语,(肯定)是有结果的。

53.As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, even so should many good deeds be done by one born a mortal.如花匠能用群花制造许多花饰,还需生死的人亦可(依于信心慷慨地善用其财富)做许多善事。54.Not the sweet smell of flowers, not even the fragrance of sandal, tagara, or jasmine blows against the wind.But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind.Truly the virtuous man pervades all directions with the fragrance of his virtue.花香不能逆风吹送,檀香木、多伽罗及茉莉之香亦不能;只有具德者之香才能逆风吹送,具德者之香能吹送至一切方向。55.Of all the fragrances — sandal, tagara, blue lotus and jasmine — the fragrance of virtue is the sweetest.有檀香木、多伽罗、莲花及茉莉之香,然而,戒行之香远胜一切香味。

56. Faint is the fragrance of tagara and sandal, but excellent is the fragrance of the virtuous, wafting even amongst the gods.多伽罗与檀香木之香是微不足道的,具德者之香才是最胜的,甚至能向上飘送至天界。57.Mara never finds the path of the truly virtuous, who abide in heedfulness and are freed by perfect knowledge.魔王找不到戒行具足、精进,及以正智获得解脱者所行之道。


58-59.Upon a heap of rubbish in the road-side ditch blooms a lotus, fragrant and pleasing.Even so, on the rubbish heap of blinded mortals the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom.如在大道旁的垃圾堆中,可能长着芳香的莲花;在众生杂堆中,亦可能出现佛弟子,其智慧的明亮,远远超越盲目的凡夫俗子。第五:愚人品 The Fool 60.Long is the night to the sleepless;long is the league to the weary.Long is worldly existence to fools who know not the Sublime Truth.对于无法入睡的人,黑夜实在漫长;对于疲惫的旅人,一由旬亦非常遥远;对于不知正法的愚人,生死轮回极漫长。

61.Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let him resolutely pursue a solitary course;there is no fellowship with the fool.在旅途上,若找不到比自己更好或同等的同伴,就让他坚定地独自前进,绝无与愚者为伴这一回事。

62.The fool worries, thinking, “I have sons, I have wealth.” Indeed, when he himself is not his own, whence are sons, whence is wealth? “我有儿子,我有财富。”因此(执著的)愚者感到苦恼。事实上,他自己也不是自己的,儿子与财富又怎能是他的呢?

63.A fool who knows his foolishness is wise at least to that extent, but a fool who thinks himself wise is a fool indeed.自知愚昧的愚人,基于这点是个智者;自以为是智者的愚人,才是真正的愚者。

64.Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup.即使愚人尽其一生亲近智者,亦不能知见真理,如勺子不知汤的味道。

65.Though only for a moment a discerning person associates with a wise man, quickly he comprehends the Truth, just as the tongue tastes the flavor of the soup.利慧者虽只与智者相处片刻,却能迅速地知见真理,如舌头能知汤的味道。

66.Fools of little wit are enemies unto themselves as they move about doing evil deeds, the fruits of which are bitter.对于无知的愚人,他即是自己的敌人,他四处造下恶业,带来苦果的恶业。

67.Ill done is that action of doing which one repents later, and the fruit of which one, weeping, reaps with tears.若做了某事会后悔,以及受其果报时,他泪流满面地悲泣,那即是没有善行其事。

68.Well done is that action of doing which one repents not later, and the fruit of which one, reaps with delight and happiness.若做了某事不会后悔,以及受其果报时,他感到欢喜快乐,那即是已经善行其事。

69.So long as an evil deed has not ripened, the fool thinks it as sweet as honey.But when the evil deed ripens, the fool comes to grief.只要恶业还未成熟,愚者以为它是甜如蜜的;然而当恶业成熟时,愚者就得为它受苦。70.Month after month a fool may eat his food with the tip of a blade of grass, but he still is not worth a sixteenth part of the those who have comprehended the Truth.即使愚者月复一月地修苦行,只以古沙草片摄取饮食,却依然比不上已思惟真谛者(圣人)的十六分之一。

71.Truly, an evil deed committed does not immediately bear fruit, like milk that does not turn sour all at once.But smoldering, it follows the fool like fire covered by ashes.恶业不会即刻带来果报,如刚挤出的牛奶不会即刻凝固,但它依然跟随着愚者,如盖上灰的活火炭。

72.To his own ruin the fool gains knowledge, for it cleaves his head and destroys his innate goodness.愚人的知识只会伤害他自己,它毁灭了他的福业,也使他的头颅(智慧)破裂。

73.The fool seeks undeserved reputation, precedence among monks, authority over monasteries, and honor among householders.无知的比丘,贪求自己不当得的恭敬,想要在众比丘中居先,要在寺院里掌权,以及贪求与他非亲之人的顶礼。

74. “Let both laymen and monks think that it was done by me.In every work, great and small, let them follow me” — such is the ambition of the fool;thus his desire and pride increase.且让在家众与比丘们都想:“诸事皆因我而成就。无论一切大事小事,且让他们听从我的指示。”这是愚人的想法,增长其贪欲与我慢。75.One is the quest for worldly gain, and quite another is the path to Nibbana.Clearly understanding this, let not the monk, the disciple of the Buddha, be carried away by worldly acclaim, but develop detachment instead.诚然,一个是导向世俗成就之道,另一个则是导向涅盘之道。明了这一点,身为佛弟子的比丘,不应乐于世俗的成就与恭敬,而应培育舍离与不执取。第六:智者品 The Wise 76.Should one find a man who points out faults and who reproves, let him follow such a wise and sagacious person as one would a guide to hidden treasure.It is always better, and never worse, to cultivate such an association.人们应跟随指摘人们过失的智者,如同跟随向导至被埋没的宝藏。对于跟随此智者的人,只有益处,绝无厄难。

77.Let him admonish, instruct and shield one from wrong;he, indeed, is dear to the good and detestable to the evil.智者应训诫他人,给予他人劝告,以及防止他人犯错。这种人受到善人喜爱,只有恶人才会讨厌他。

78.Do not associate with evil companions;do not seek the fellowship of the vile.Associate with the good friends;seek the fellowship of noble men.人们不应亲近恶友,亦不应亲近卑劣之人。人们应亲近善友,以及亲近智者。

79. He who drinks deep the Dhamma lives happily with a tranquil mind.The wise man ever delights in the Dhamma made known by the Noble One(the Buddha).饮法之人,以安乐之心愉快地活着;智者常乐于圣者所说之法。80. Irrigators regulate the rivers;fletchers straighten the arrow shaft;carpenters shape the wood;the wise control themselves.治水者疏导水,矢师矫正箭,木匠修饰木,智者制伏自己。

81.Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.如同岩石不受狂风动摇,智者亦不受毁誉动摇。

82.On hearing the Teachings, the wise become perfectly purified, like a lake deep, clear and still.如同既深且清又平静的水池,智者听闻正法后变得安详。

83.The good renounce(attachment for)everything.The virtuous do not prattle with a yearning for pleasures.The wise show no elation or depression when touched by happiness or sorrow.诚然,具德者舍弃了一切(执著),不以贪欲之心交谈;当面对快乐或痛苦时,智者不显示出欢喜或悲愁。

84.He is indeed virtuous, wise, and righteous who neither for his own sake nor for the sake of another(does any wrong), who does not crave for sons, wealth, or kingdom, and does not desire success by unjust means.他不会为了自己或他人造恶,不会造恶以求获得子女、财富或王国,不会以卑劣的手段获取成就。只有这种人才是真正的——具德、睿智及公正。

85.Few among men are those who cross to the farther shore.The rest, the bulk of men, only run up and down the hither bank.到达彼岸(涅盘)的人,只有少数几个;其他所有的人,皆在此岸(生死轮回)来去徘徊。86.But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dhamma will cross the realm of Death, so difficult to cross.然而,依照善说之法实行的人,能够到达彼岸,越渡了极难越渡的死界(生死轮回)。

87-88.Abandoning the dark way, let the wise man cultivate the bright path.Having gone from home to homelessness, let him yearn for that delight in detachment, so difficult to enjoy.Giving up sensual pleasures, with no attachment, let the wise man cleanse himself of defilements of the mind.离家后走向无家的智者,应舍弃黑暗而培育光明。他应乐于独处、无著与涅盘,这是凡夫俗子难以享受的。他亦应舍弃欲乐,不执著于任何事物,清净自己心中的一切污秽。

89.Those whose minds have reached full excellence in the factors of enlightenment, who, having renounced acquisitiveness, rejoice in not clinging to things — rid of cankers, glowing with wisdom, they have attained Nibbana in this very life.心已圆满地培育了七觉支,以及舍弃了一切贪欲的人,乐于自己已舍弃了执著。此人已根除了一切烦恼,拥有阿罗汉道智明亮之光,在此界已证得了涅盘。第七:阿罗汉品 The Arahant 90.The fever of passion exists not for him who has completed the journey, who is sorrowless and wholly set free, and has broken all ties.旅程已尽,解脱了苦及一切,已消灭了一切束缚的人,不再苦恼。

91.The mindful ones exert themselves.They are not attached to any home;like swans that abandon the lake, they leave home after home behind.有正念的人勤于修行,不乐于家(即欲乐的生活);如同天鹅舍弃泥沼,他们舍弃一切住家生活(即一切贪欲)。92.Those who do not accumulate and are wise regarding food, whose object is the Void, the Unconditioned Freedom — their track cannot be traced, like that of birds in the air.他们不储藏,饮食时适当地省察。他们的目标是空与无相的解脱。他们的去处无法追寻,如同鸟在天空中所经之路(无迹)。

93.He whose cankers are destroyed and who is not attached to food, whose object is the Void, the Unconditioned Freedom — his path cannot be traced, like that of birds in the air.他已解脱烦恼,不执著于饮食。他的目标是空与无相的解脱。他的行道无法追寻,如同鸟在天空中所经之路。

94.Even the gods hold dear the wise one, whose senses are subdued like horses well trained by a charioteer, whose pride is destroyed and who is free from the cankers.他诸根平静,如同被马车夫驯服的马,他已脱离我慢及诸烦恼,这平稳的人受到天神喜爱。95.There is no more worldly existence for the wise one who, like the earth, resents nothing, who is firm as a high pillar and as pure as a deep pool free from mud.阿罗汉如大地般坚忍,不会受到刺激而生气;他有如门柱般稳固,不受生命中的起落所动摇;他有如无淤泥的水池般安宁清净。这样的人是不会再有轮回的了。

96.Calm is his thought, calm his speech, and calm his deed, who, truly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil and wise.完全解脱、寂静与平稳者,他意平静、语平静、身亦平静。

97. The man who is without blind faith, who knows the Uncreated, who has severed all links, destroyed all causes(for karma, good and evil), and thrown out all desires — he, truly, is the most excellent of men.他不盲信,以证悟无为(涅盘),断除了生死轮回的束缚,不再造善恶业,舍弃了一切渴爱,他的确是至上者(阿罗汉)。98.Inspiring, indeed, is that place where Arahants dwell, be it a village, a forest, a vale, or a hill.在村子或森林里,在山谷中或山上,无论阿罗汉住在何处,其地都令人感到愉悦。

99.Inspiring are the forests in which worldlings find no pleasure.There the passionless will rejoice, for they seek no sensual pleasures.森林是令人感到愉悦之地,然而凡夫俗子却不喜爱它;只有无欲之人才会喜爱森林,因为他们不追求欲乐。

第八:千品 Thousands 100.Better than a thousand useless words is one useful word, hearing which one attains peace.一句有意义及听后心得平静的话,好过千句无意义、与证悟涅盘无关的话。

101. Better than a thousand useless verses is one useful verse, hearing which one attains peace.一首有意义及听后心得平静的偈,好过千首无意义、与证悟涅盘无关的偈。

102.Better than reciting a hundred meaningless verses is the reciting of one verse of Dhamma, hearing which one attains peace.背诵一首有意义及听后心得平静的偈,好过背诵百首无意义、与证悟涅盘无关的偈。

103.Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself.即使人们在战场上战胜千人千次,然而,能战胜自己的人,才是真正的至上胜利者。104.Self-conquest is far better then the conquest of others.战胜自己的确远胜于战胜他人。

105.Not even a god, an angel, Mara or Brahma can turn into defeat the victory of a person who is self-subdued and ever restrained in conduct.天神、乾达婆、魔王与梵天,都赢不过已制伏自己者的胜利。

106. Though month after month for a hundred years one should offer sacrifices by the thousands, yet if only for a moment one should worship those of perfected minds that honor is indeed better than a century of sacrifice.虽人月复一月布施千个钱币(给普通人)长达百年,然而,向一位有修行的人(修习观禅的比丘)顶礼一刹那,却胜过百年的布施(给普通人)。

107.Though for a hundred years one should tend the sacrificial fire in the forest, yet if only for a moment one should worship those of perfected minds, that worship is indeed better than a century of sacrifice.虽人在林中拜祭圣火百年,然而,向一位有修行的人顶礼一刹那,却胜过拜祭圣火百年。108.Whatever gifts and oblations one seeking merit might offer in this world for a whole year, all that is not worth one fourth of the merit gained by revering the Upright Ones, which is truly excellent.虽人整年作了许多大小布施,然而这一切布施却比不上向行正道的圣者顶礼的福业的四分之一。

109.To one ever eager to revere and serve the elders, these four blessing accrue: long life and beauty, happiness and power.时常尊敬长辈及具德者之人的四种利益会增长,即:寿命、美貌、快乐与力量。

110. Better it is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years immoral and uncontrolled.有德及有禅修的一天,好过无德与不能自制诸根的百年生命。

111.Better it is to live one day wise and meditative than to live a hundred years foolish and uncontrolled.禅修智者的一天,好过不能自制诸根之愚人的百年生命。

112.Better it is to live one day strenuous and resolute than to live a hundred years sluggish and dissipated.精进于禅修者的一天,好过怠惰之人的百年生命。

113.Better it is to live one day seeing the rise and fall of things than to live as hundred years without ever seeing the rise and fall of things.知见五蕴生灭者的一天,好过不能知见五蕴生灭者的百年生命。

114.Better it is to live one day seeing the Deathless than to live a hundred years without ever seeing the Deathless.知见不死道(涅盘)者的一天,好过不能知见不死道者的百年生命。

115.Better it is to live one day seeing the Supreme Truth than to live a hundred years without ever seeing the Supreme Truth.知见至上法(出世间法)者的一天,好过不能知见至上法者的百年生命。第九:恶品 Evil 116.Hasten to do good;restrain your mind from evil.He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.应速于行善及防止心造恶,因为行善缓慢之心乐于邪恶。

117.Should a person commit evil, let him not do it again and again.Let him not find pleasure therein, for painful is the accumulation of evil.若人造了恶,他不应重犯,不应乐于造恶,累积邪恶将导致痛苦。

118.Should a person do good, let him do it again and again.Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.若人行了善,他应常常行善,应乐于行善,累积善业将导致快乐。

119.It may be well with the evil-doer as long as the evil ripens not.But when it does ripen, then the evil-doer sees(the painful results of)his evil deeds.只要恶业还未成熟,恶人依然会看到快乐;但当恶业成熟时,他就会遭受恶果。

120. It may be ill with the doer of good as long as the good ripens not.But when it does ripen, then the doer of good sees(the pleasant results of)his good deeds.只要善业还未成熟,善人依然会遭受痛苦;但当善业成熟时,他得享善业的福报。

121.Think not lightly of evil, saying, “It will not come to me.” Drop by drop is the water pot filled.Likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills himself with evil.莫轻视恶行,以为“小恶不会为我带来果报”;如同滴水能注满水瓶,愚人累积小恶至罪恶满盈。

122.Think not lightly of good, saying, “It will not come to me.” Drop by drop is the water pot filled.Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.莫轻视善行,以为“小善不会为我带来果报”;如同滴水能注满水瓶,智者累积小善至福德满盈。

123.Just as a trader with a small escort and great wealth would avoid a perilous route, or just as one desiring to live avoids poison, even so should one shun evil.如财多而随从少的富商避开危险的路线,如想要生存之人避免毒药,人们亦应避免邪恶。124.If on the hand there is no wound, one may carry even poison in it.Poison does not affect one who is free from wounds.For him who does no evil, there is no ill.若手无创口则可以手持毒,因毒不入侵无创口之人;不造恶者是不会有罪恶的。125.Like fine dust thrown against the wind, evil falls back upon that fool who offends an inoffensive, pure and guiltless man.若人冒犯了不应受到冒犯、清净无染者(即阿罗汉),该罪恶返归于愚人,如逆风扬尘。126.Some are born in the womb;the wicked are born in hell;the devout go to heaven;the stainless pass into Nibbana.有些人投生母胎,邪恶者堕入地狱,正直之人上生天界,无烦恼者(阿罗汉)入般涅盘。127.Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean, nor by entering into mountain clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one may escape from the results of evil deeds.无论是在虚空中、海洋里,山洞内或世上任何地方,都无处可令人逃脱恶业的果报。128.Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean, nor by entering into mountain clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one will not be overcome by death.无论是在虚空中、海洋里、山洞内或世上任何地方,都无处可令人逃脱死亡。第十:惩罚品 Violence 129.All tremble at violence;all fear death.Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.一切众生都害怕刑罚,都害怕死亡。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。130.All tremble at violence;life is dear to all.Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.一切众生都害怕刑罚,都爱惜自己的生命。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。

131.One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter.伤害他人以求己乐者,来世不得安乐。

132.One who, while himself seeking happiness, does not oppress with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will find happiness hereafter.不伤害他人以求己乐者,来世得享安乐。133.Speak not harshly to anyone, for those thus spoken to might retort.Indeed, angry speech hurts, and retaliation may overtake you.莫向任何人粗言恶语,受辱骂者将会反击。愤怒之言的确是苦因,换来的只是痛击。

134.If, like a broken gong, you silence yourself, you have approached Nibbana, for vindictiveness is no longer in you.若你能保持沉默平静,向一只破裂之鼓不再声响,你肯定会证悟涅盘,不再存有愤怒。135.Just as a cowherd drives the cattle to pasture with a staff, so do old age and death drive the life force of beings(from existence to existence).如同牧牛者以棍棒驱赶牛群至牧场,老与死亦在驱逐着众生的寿命。

136.When the fool commits evil deeds, he does not realize(their evil nature).The witless man is tormented by his own deeds, like one burnt by fire.愚人造恶时不知其恶,然而他却因自己的恶业而受苦,如同被火焚烧的人。

137.He who inflicts violence on those who are unarmed, and offends those who are inoffensive, will soon come upon one of these ten states: 若人以棍棒伤害无害、不当受到伤害的人,他会很快就遭受到以下十种恶果之一:

138-140.Sharp pain, or disaster, bodily injury, serious illness, or derangement of mind, trouble from the government, or grave charges, loss of relatives, or loss of wealth, or houses destroyed by ravaging fire;upon dissolution of the body that ignorant man is born in hell.他会受到剧痛,或不幸,或身体伤残,或重病,或发疯,或因国王发怒而遭殃,或被诬陷,或失去亲人,或财产破毁,或家被火烧毁。该愚人死后将会堕入地狱。

141.Neither going about naked, nor matted locks, nor filth, nor fasting, nor lying on the ground, nor smearing oneself with ashes and dust, nor sitting on the heels(in penance)can purify a mortal who has not overcome doubt.不是裸行,不是结,不是以泥涂身,不是睡在露天之下,不是以灰尘涂身,也不是蹲着勤修能够清净还未破除疑惑的人。

142.Even though he be well-attired, yet if he is posed, calm, controlled and established in the holy life, having set aside violence towards all beings — he, truly, is a holy man, a renunciate, a monk.虽有庄严其身,若他是平静的、脱离了烦恼、制伏了诸根、拥有道智、完全清净及舍弃了对一切众生的嗔恨,那么,他的确是婆罗门,是沙门,是比丘。(注:在此,婆罗门、沙门与比丘都是指阿罗汉。)

143.Only rarely is there a man in this world who, restrained by modesty, avoids reproach, as a thoroughbred horse avoids the whip.在这世上,由于羞于为恶而自制者是稀有的,他保持警觉及不造令人指责之事,如良马不会作出受到鞭打的导因。

144.Like a thoroughbred horse touched by the whip, be strenuous, be filled with spiritual yearning.By faith and moral purity, by effort and meditation, by investigation of the truth, by being rich in knowledge and virtue, and by being mindful, destroy this unlimited suffering.如良马受到鞭策,人们应精进及对生死轮回感到悚惧。以信、戒、精进、定、抉择法、具足明行与正念来解脱这无量之苦。

145.Irrigators regulate the waters, fletchers straighten arrow shafts, carpenters shape wood, and the good control themselves.治水者疏导水,矢师矫正箭,木匠修饰木,善行者制伏自己。第十一:老品 Old Age 146.When this world is ever ablaze, why this laughter, why this jubilation? Shrouded in darkness, will you not see the light?(世间)常在烧,为何还有欢笑?为何还有喜悦?当被黑暗覆蔽时,为何不寻求明灯? 147.Behold this body — a painted image, a mass of heaped up sores, infirm, full of hankering — of which nothing is lasting or stable!看这被装饰的身体,它是一堆的疮痍,由(骨头)所支持,多病与拥有许多(欲)念。此身的确不坚固及不能常存。148.Fully worn out is this body, a nest of disease, and fragile.This foul mass breaks up, for death is the end of life.这身体随着年纪衰老,它是一窠的疾病,易坏的。当这恶臭的污秽体分解时,生命真的结束于死亡。

149.These dove-colored bones are like gourds that lie scattered about in autumn.Having seen them, how can one seek delight? 这些灰白的骨头就像在秋天里被丢弃的葫芦一般,见到它们又有什么可喜的呢?

150.This city(body)is built of bones, plastered with flesh and blood;within are decay and death, pride and jealousy.此城(身)以骨建成,再以血肉包装;内里藏着老、死、我慢与贬抑。

151.Even gorgeous royal chariots wear out, and indeed this body too wears out.But the Dhamma of the Good does not age;thus the Good make it known to the good.装饰得华丽的皇家马车亦终须损坏,人体也是一样会变得衰老,然而善人之法(出世间法)不会老化。众善人如此互相说示。

152.The man of little learning grows old like a bull.He grows only in bulk, but, his wisdom does not grow.这少闻之人如牡牛般长大,只增长肌肉,不增长智慧。

153.Through many a birth in samsara have I wandered in vain, seeking in the builder of this house(of life).Repeated birth is indeed suffering!多世以来我在娑婆世界里漂流,找却找不到造屋者。生而复生的确真苦。

154.O house-builder, you are seen!You will not build this house again.For your rafters are broken and your ridgepole shattered.My mind has reached the Unconditioned;I have attained the destruction of craving.噢,造屋者,我看到你了。你将无法再造屋。你的柱子都断了,你的栋梁都毁了。我的心已证得无为,已灭尽渴爱。

(注:屋子是身体;造屋者是渴爱。无为即是涅盘;灭尽渴爱即已证得阿罗汉果。)155.Those who in youth have not led the holy life, or have failed to acquire wealth, languish like old cranes in the pond without fish.他们少壮时不修梵行,也不赚取财富;他们沮丧地浪费了生命,如同在无鱼的干池里的老鹭。156.Those who in youth have not lead the holy life, or have failed to acquire wealth, lie sighing over the past, like worn out arrows(shot from)a bow.他们少壮时不修梵行,也不赚取财富;如已损坏的弓般无助地躺着,悲叹着种种的过去。第十二:自品 The Self 157.If one holds oneself dear, one should diligently watch oneself.Let the wise man keep vigil during any of the three watches of the night.若人懂得爱惜自身,他应当好好地保护自己。在(生命)三个阶段的任何阶段里,智者应保持(对邪恶)的警觉。

158. One should first establish oneself in what is proper;then only should one instruct others.Thus the wise man will not be reproached.人们应自己先修好善法,然后才可教导他人。此等智者不会有烦恼。159.One should do what one teaches others to do;if one would train others, one should be well controlled oneself.Difficult, indeed, is self-control.自己所作的应如自己所教的;只有在完全制伏自己后才可制伏他人。制伏自己的确是很困难的。

160.One truly is the protector of oneself;who else could the protector be? With oneself fully controlled, one gains a mastery that is hard to gain.自己的确是自己的依归,他人怎能作为自己的依归?制伏自己之后,人们获得了难得的归依处(阿罗汉果)。

161.The evil a witless man does by himself, born of himself and produced by himself, grinds him as a diamond grinds a hard gem.自己所造之恶,由自己所生,由自己造成,它摧毁了愚人,如同金刚粉碎了宝石。

162.Just as a single creeper strangles the tree on which it grows, even so, a man who is exceedingly depraved harms himself as only an enemy might wish.如同蔓藤缠住娑罗树,无德者为自身所作的,正是其敌所愿的。

163.Easy to do are things that are bad and harmful to oneself.But exceedingly difficult to do are things that are good and beneficial.要做对自己有害的恶事是很容易的,真正最难做的是对自己有益的善事。

164.Whoever, on account of perverted views, scorns the Teaching of the Perfected Ones, the Noble and Righteous Ones — that fool, like the bamboo, produces fruits only for self destruction.持有邪见的愚人诽谤阿罗汉、圣者、住于正法者的教法,实是自我毁灭;如迦达迦树生果实,实是为自己带来灭亡。165.By oneself is evil done;by oneself is one defiled.By oneself is evil left undone;by oneself is one made pure.Purity and impurity depended on oneself;no one can purify another.只有自己才能造恶,自己才能污染自己;只有自己才能不造恶,自己才能清净自己。净与不净只看自己,无人能够清净他人。

166.Let one not neglect one's own welfare for the sake of another, however great.Clearly understanding one's own welfare, let one be intent upon the good.无论利益他人的事有多重大,也莫忽视了自身的利益(道、果与涅盘);清楚地知道了自身的利益,他应当尽全力获取它。第十三:世间品 The World 167.Follow not the vulgar way;live not in heedlessness;hold not false views;linger not long in worldly existence.莫作卑劣事,莫怠惰过活,莫执持邪见,莫延长世界(生死轮回)。

168.Arise!Do not be heedless!Lead a righteous life.The righteous live happily both in this world and the next.莫懒于执行(托钵的)责任,应细心地奉行此善行。实践此善行的人,今生来世皆安乐。169.Lead a righteous life;lead not a base life.The righteous live happily both in this world and the next.应细心地奉行(托钵的)责任,莫跟随恶行(即不托钵)。实践此善行的人,今生来世皆安乐。170.One who looks upon the world as a bubble and a mirage, him the King of Death sees not.若人能有如看待水泡,或看待海市蜃楼般,来看待这世界(即五蕴),那么,死亡之王就看不到他了。

171.Come!Behold this world, which is like a decorated royal chariot.Here fools flounder, but the wise have no attachment to it.来吧,看看这世界(即五蕴)。它像华丽的皇家马车;愚人沉湎其中,但智者毫不执著于它。172.He who having been heedless is heedless no more, illuminates this world like the moon freed from clouds.以前放逸,后来精进的人,如无云的明月,照亮这世间。

173.He, who by good deeds covers the evil he has done, illuminates this world like the moon freed from clouds.以善(阿罗汉道智)扑灭了旧恶之人,如无云的明月,照亮这世间。

174.Blind is the world;here only a few possess insight.Only a few, like birds escaping from the net, go to realms of bliss.这世界是黑暗的,在此中能(以观智)洞察之人很少。就像只有少数的鸟能逃脱罗网,只有少数几人能去到天界(与涅盘)。

175.Swans fly on the path of the sun;men pass through the air by psychic powers;the wise are led away from the world after vanquishing Mara and his host.天鹅在天空中飞翔,有神通者在虚空中飞行;智者在战胜魔王与魔军之后,脱离了这世间(即证得涅盘)。

176.For a liar who has violated the one law(of truthfulness)who holds in scorn the hereafter, there is no evil that he cannot do.违犯一种(真实)法,说妄语及漠视来世者,是无恶不可为的。177.Truly, misers fare not to heavenly realms;nor, indeed, do fools praise generosity.But the wise man rejoices in giving, and by that alone does he become happy hereafter.诚然,吝啬的人不会上生天界,愚人不会赞叹布施;然而智者随喜布施,因此来世获得安乐。178.Better than sole sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better even than lordship over all the worlds is the supramundane Fruition of Stream Entrance.成为统治这大地唯一的大王,或上生天界,或统治全宇宙,都远远比不上证悟须陀洹果。第十四:佛陀品 The Buddha 179.By what track can you trace that trackless Buddha of limitless range, whose victory nothing can undo, whom none of the vanquished defilements can ever pursue? 佛陀的胜利是圆满的,再无世间的烦恼可生起。智慧无边的佛陀是超越道的,你能以何道引诱他?

180.By what track can you trace that trackless Buddha of limitless range, in whom exists no longer, the entangling and embroiling craving that perpetuates becoming? 再也没有罗网般的渴爱可带佛陀去任何地方(轮回)。智慧无边的佛陀是超越道的,你能以何道引诱他?

181.Those wise ones who are devoted to meditation and who delight in the calm of renunciation — such mindful ones, Supreme Buddhas, even the gods hold dear.智者投入禅修中,乐于出离之寂静(即涅盘)。持有正念正觉者,甚至天神也敬爱。

182.Hard is it to be born a man;hard is the life of mortals.Hard is it to gain the opportunity of hearing the Sublime Truth, and hard to encounter is the arising of the Buddhas.甚难获得此人身,有死生命真难过,欲听正法真是难,甚难会有佛出世。

183.To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind — this is the teaching of the Buddhas.不造一切恶,实行一切善,及清净自心,是诸佛所教。184.Enduring patience is the highest austerity.“Nibbana is supreme,” say the Buddhas.He is not a true monk who harms another, nor a true renunciate who oppresses others.诸佛说:“忍辱是最好的德行,涅盘至上。”出家人不会伤害他人,伤人者不是沙门。

185.Not despising, not harming, restraint according to the code of monastic discipline, moderation in food, dwelling in solitude, devotion to meditation — this is the teaching of the Buddhas.莫辱骂、莫伤害、依照戒律自制饮食知节量、安住于静处、勤修增上心(禅定),这是诸佛的教诫。

186-187.There is no satisfying sensual desires, even with the rain of gold coins.For sensual pleasures give little satisfaction and much pain.Having understood this, the wise man finds no delight even in heavenly pleasures.The disciple of the Supreme Buddha delights in the destruction of craving.即使天降金币雨,欲念也不会满足。欲乐只有小小的甜头,却有很大的苦果。如此的明了,即使对天上的快乐,智者也不觉其乐;佛弟子只乐于断除爱染。

188.Driven only by fear, do men go for refuge to many places — to hills, woods, groves, trees and shrines.当面对怖畏时,人们寻求种种归依处:高山、森林、公园、树木与寺院。189.Such, indeed, is no safe refuge;such is not the refuge supreme.Not by resorting to such a refuge is one released from all suffering.但这些都不是平安的归依处,不是最上的归依处。人们不能依此归依处而解脱一切苦。190-191.He who has gone for refuge to the Buddha, the Teaching and his Order, penetrates with transcendental wisdom the Four Noble Truths — suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the Noble Eightfold Path leading to the cessation of suffering.归依佛法僧者,以道智得见四圣谛,即苦、苦的起因、苦的止息与导向灭苦的八圣道。192.This indeed is the safe refuge, this the refuge supreme.Having gone to such a refuge, one is released from all suffering.诚然,这是平安的归依处,是最上的归依处。依此归依处,人们得以解脱一切苦。

193.Hard to find is the thoroughbred man(the Buddha);he is not born everywhere.Where such a wise man is born, that clan thrives happily.最圣洁者(佛陀)是稀有的,他不会随处出生。无论这智者生于何处,其家皆得安乐。

194.Blessed is the birth of the Buddhas;blessed is the enunciation of the sacred Teaching;blessed is the harmony in the Order, and blessed is the spiritual pursuit of the united truth-seeker.诸佛的出世令人喜悦,正法的宣说令人喜悦,僧伽的和合令人喜悦,和合者之行令人喜悦。195.He who reveres those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their disciples, who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the reach of sorrow and lamentation.他顶礼值得顶礼的人,即已克服障碍与脱离忧悲的佛陀或佛弟子。

196.He who reveres such peaceful and fearless ones, his merit none can compute by any measure.此人向寂静无畏者顶礼所获得的功德,是无人能够计量的。第十五:乐品 Happiness 197.Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the hostile.Amidst hostile men we dwell free from hatred.我们的确很安乐地活着。在众怨恨之中,我们无怨无恨;在众怨恨者中,我们住于无怨无恨。198.Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the afflicted(by craving).Amidst afflicted men we dwell free from affliction.我们的确很安乐地活着。在众病(道德之病)之中,我们无病患;在众病患者中,我们住于无病。

199.Happy indeed we live, free from avarice amidst the avaricious.Amidst the avaricious men we dwell free from avarice.我们的确很安乐地活着。在众贪欲之中,我们无贪无欲;在众贪欲者之中,我们住于无贪无欲。

200.Happy indeed we live, we who possess nothing.Feeders on joy we shall be, like the Radiant Gods.我们的确很安乐地活着,无忧无虑(无贪、无嗔及无痴)地活着。如同光音天的梵天神般,我们以喜悦为食。

201.Victory begets enmity;the defeated dwell in pain.Happily the peaceful live, discarding both victory and defeat.胜利者招来仇敌,战败者活在苦恼里;舍弃胜败的寂静者(已断除烦恼的人),得以安乐地过活。

202.There is no fire like lust and no crime like hatred.There is no ill like the aggregates(of existence)and no bliss higher than the peace(of Nibbana).无火可比贪欲,无恶可比嗔恨,无苦可比五蕴,无乐可比寂静(涅盘)。

203.Hunger is the worst disease, conditioned things the worst suffering.Knowing this as it really is, the wise realize Nibbana, the highest bliss.饥饿是最大的疾病,诸行(五蕴)则是最苦。智者如实知见它们后,得证至乐的涅盘。

204.Health is the most precious gain and contentment the greatest wealth.A trustworthy person is the best kinsman, Nibbana is the highest bliss.健康是最大的利益,知足是最大的财富,可信任的朋友是最亲的亲人,涅盘是至上的寂乐。205.Having savored the taste of solitude and peace(of Nibbana), pain-free and stainless he becomes, drinking deep the taste of the bliss of the Truth.得尝独处与寂静(涅盘)之味后,饮法悦者得以无畏无恶。

206.Good is it to see the Noble Ones;to live with them is ever blissful.One will always be happy by not encountering fools.得见圣者是很好的,与他们相处常安乐;不见愚人亦是常安乐。

207.Indeed, he who moves in the company of fools grieves for longing.Association with fools is ever painful, like partnership with an enemy.But association with the wise is happy, like meeting one's own kinsmen.与愚人同行者必会长期苦恼。与愚人相处常是苦,如与仇敌共生共活;与智者相处常是乐,如与亲人共生共活。

208.Therefore, follow the Noble One, who is steadfast, wise, learned, dutiful and devout.One should follow only such a man, who is truly good and discerning, even as the moon follows the path of the stars.因此,人们应跟随智者、慧者、多闻者、持恒者及尽责的圣者;跟随这样的善智者,如同月亮顺着星道而行。

第十六:喜爱品 Affection 209.Giving himself to things to be shunned and not exerting where exertion is needed, a seeker after pleasures, having given up his true welfare, envies those intent upon theirs.做了不该做的,该做的却不做;放弃修行而执取欲乐的人,将妒嫉精进者的成就。

210.Seek no intimacy with the beloved and also not with the unloved, for not to see the beloved and to see the unloved, both are painful.莫与亲爱者相处,莫与厌恶者相处;不见亲爱者是苦,见厌恶者也是苦。

211.Therefore hold nothing dear, for separation from the dear is painful.There are no bonds for those who have nothing beloved or unloved.因此人们不应执著任何喜爱。与所爱者分离是苦;无爱无恨者无束缚。

212.From endearment springs grief, from endearment springs fear.From him who is wholly free from endearment there is no grief, whence then fear? 由喜爱引生忧愁,由喜爱引生恐惧。脱离喜爱者无忧,于他又有何可惧? 213.From affection springs grief, from affection springs fear.From him who is wholly free from affection there is no grief, whence then fear? 由亲爱引生忧愁,由亲爱引生恐惧。脱离亲爱者无忧,于他又有何可惧?

214.From attachment springs grief, from attachment springs fear.From him who is wholly free from attachment there is no grief, whence then fear? 由欲乐引生忧愁,由欲乐引生恐惧。脱离欲乐者无忧,于他又有何可惧?

215.From lust springs grief, from lust springs fear.From him who is wholly free from craving there is no grief;whence then fear? 由渴爱引生忧愁,由渴爱引生恐惧。脱离渴爱者无忧,于他又有何可惧?

216.From craving springs grief, from craving springs fear.From him who is wholly free from craving there is no grief;whence then fear? 由渴爱引生忧愁,由渴爱引生恐惧。脱离渴爱者无忧,于他又有何可惧?

217.People hold dear him who embodies virtue and insight, who is principled, has realized the truth, and who himself does what he ought to be doing.具足戒行与智见、住于法、了悟真谛及实行自己的任务者,为人人所爱。

218.One who is intent upon the Ineffable(Nibbana), dwells with mind inspired(by supramundane wisdom), and is no more bound by sense pleasures — such a man is called “One Bound Upstream.” 欲求到达超言说(即涅盘),其心盈满正虑(三果),及不再执著于欲界的人,是为“上流人”(肯定会生于净居天的阿那含圣者)。219.When, after a long absence, a man safely returns from afar, his relatives, friends and well-wishers welcome him home on arrival.如长久在异乡之人,从远方平安归来时,其亲友及愿他幸福的人,都愉快地欢迎他归来。220.As kinsmen welcome a dear one on arrival, even so his own good deeds will welcome the doer of good who has gone from this world to the next.同样地,在今生行善者去到来世时,他以前所造的善业会迎接他,如同亲戚迎接亲爱的人归来。

第十七:忿怒品 Anger 221.One should give up anger, renounce pride, and overcome all fetters.Suffering never befalls him who clings not to mind and body and is detached.舍弃忿怒、舍弃我慢、克服一切结。苦恼不会降临不执著名色与无烦恼(无贪嗔痴)之人。222.He who checks rising anger as a charioteer checks a rolling chariot, him I call a true charioteer.Others only hold the reins.若人能如善御马者制止疾行的马车般抑制忿怒,我称此人为真正的御者,余者只是执缰人而已。

223.Overcome the angry by non-anger;overcome the wicked by goodness;overcome the miser by generosity;overcome the liar by truth.以无忿(即慈爱)战胜忿怒者,以善战胜恶人,以布施战胜吝啬的人,以说真实语战胜妄语者。

224.Speak the truth;yield not to anger;when asked, give even if you only have a little.By these three means can one reach the presence of the gods.人们应说真实语、不忿怒、(己物虽少)仍然施与企求者;以此三事他得以上生天界。225.Those sages who are inoffensive and ever restrained in body, go to the Deathless State, where, having gone, they grieve no more.圣者不伤害他人,常防护自身行为,去到不死(的涅盘),在其地无忧无愁。

226.Those who are ever vigilant, who discipline themselves day and night, and are ever intent upon Nibbana — their defilements fade away.时刻保持醒觉的人,日以续夜地训练自己,他真心地朝向涅盘,总有一天他的烦恼必会止息。227.O Atula!Indeed, this is an ancient practice, not one only of today: they blame those who remain silent, they blame those who speak much, they blame those who speak in moderation.There is none in the world who is not blamed.噢,阿都拉,这并不是新的,自古以来即是如此。人们指责沉默的人,指责多话的人,也指责少语的人。在这世间是无人不受指责的。

228.There never was, there never will be, nor is there now, a person who is wholly blamed or wholly praised.在过去、未来与现在,都没有只受指责或只受称赞的人。

229.But the man whom the wise praise, after observing him day after day, is one of flawless character, wise, and endowed with knowledge and virtue.智者日复一日地检讨后,他会称赞真正无过失、贤明及智慧与戒行兼备的人。

230.Who can blame such a one, as worthy as a coin of refined gold? Even the gods praise him;by Brahma, too, is he praised.谁会指责这有如纯金之人?他为天神所称赞,甚至梵天也称赞。

231.Let a man guard himself against irritability in bodily action;let him be controlled in deed.Abandoning bodily misconduct, let him practice good conduct in deed.防止身恶行,善制御己身;舍弃身恶行,培育身善行。

232.Let a man guard himself against irritability in speech;let him be controlled in speech.Abandoning verbal misconduct, let him practice good conduct in speech.防止语恶行,善制御己语;舍弃语恶行,培育语善行。

233.Let a man guard himself against irritability in thought;let him be controlled in mind.Abandoning mental misconduct, let him practice good conduct in thought.防止意恶行,善制御己意;舍弃意恶行,培育意善行。

234.The wise are controlled in bodily action, controlled in speech and controlled in thought.They are truly well-controlled.智者制御身,御语亦御意;智者于自制,真能善圆满。第十八:污垢品 Impurity 235.Like a withered leaf are you now;death's messengers await you.You stand on the eve of your departure, yet you have made no provision for your journey!如今你就像一片枯叶,死亡使者已在你近旁;你就要开始漫长的旅程了,然而却没有旅费。236.Make an island for yourself!Strive hard and become wise!Rid of impurities and cleansed of stain, you shall enter the celestial abode of the Noble Ones.你应当为自己建个归依处,快快勤修以成为智者。在清除污垢与解脱烦恼之后,你会上生天界的圣地。

237.Your life has come to an end now;You are setting forth into the presence of Yama, the king of death.No resting place is there for you on the way, yet you have made no provision for the journey!你的生命已到了终点,就快要去见死亡之王了,途中又没有休息站,然而你却没有旅费。238.Make an island unto yourself!Strive hard and become wise!Rid of impurities and cleansed of stain, you shall not come again to birth and decay.你应当为自己建个归依处,快快勤修以成为智者。在清除污垢与解脱烦恼之后,你将不会再有生与老。

239.One by one, little by little, moment by moment, a wise man should remove his own impurities, as a smith removes his dross from silver.智者渐次地、一点点地、刹那至刹那地清除自己的污垢,如同金匠清除银或金的杂质。240.Just as rust arising from iron eats away the base from which it arises, even so, their own deeds lead transgressors to states of woe.如铁锈自铁而生,生锈后反蚀其铁;同样地,造恶者的恶业导致他投生恶道。

241.Non-repetition is the bane of scriptures;neglect is the bane of a home;slovenliness is the bane of personal appearance, and heedlessness is the bane of a guard.不背诵是学习的污垢,不维修是屋子的污垢,懈怠是美貌的污垢,无正念是守护者的污垢。242.Unchastity is the taint in a woman;niggardliness is the taint in a giver.Taints, indeed, are all evil things, both in this world and the next.邪淫是妇女的污垢,吝啬是施者的污垢;恶法的确是今生与来世的污垢。

243.A worse taint than these is ignorance, the worst of all taints.Destroy this one taint and become taintless, O monks!比这些更糟的污垢是无明,它是最大的污垢。诸比丘,当舍弃这污垢,以成为无垢之人。244.Easy is life for the shameless one who is impudent as a crow, is backbiting and forward, arrogant and corrupt.无耻与勇若乌鸦者的生活是容易的,他两舌、虚伪、傲慢与腐败。

245.Difficult is life for the modest one who always seeks purity, is detached and unassuming, clean in life, and discerning.知耻与常求清净者的生活是艰难的,他无著、谦虚、有礼、清净活命及有智见。246-247.One who destroys life, utters lies, takes what is not given, goes to another man's wife, and is addicted to intoxicating drinks — such a man digs up his own root even in this world.在今世杀生、说妄语、盗取不与之物、犯邪淫及沉湎于饮酒的人,连自己今生的根也都给掘毁了。

248.Know this, O good man: evil things are difficult to control.Let not greed and wickedness drag you to protracted misery.你应当知道:“不自制即为恶。”莫让贪与非法带给自己长久的痛苦。249.People give according to their faith or regard.If one becomes discontented with the food and drink given by others, one does not attain meditative absorption, either by day or by night.人们依照信心与喜好而行布施。若人对他人所受的饮食心怀不满,其心昼夜皆不得安宁。250.But he in who this(discontent)is fully destroyed, uprooted and extinct, he attains absorption, both by day and by night.若人能断除、根除与消灭此不满,其心昼夜皆得安宁。

251.There is no fire like lust;there is no grip like hatred;there is no net like delusion;there is no river like craving.无(任何)火可相等于贪欲(之火),无(任何)执著可相等于嗔(的执著),无(任何)罗网可相等于痴(的罗网),无(任何)河流可相等于渴爱(之流)。

252.Easily seen is the fault of others, but one's own fault is difficult to see.Like chaff one winnows another's faults, but hides one's own, even as a crafty fowler hides behind sham branches.要见到他人的过失是很容易的,但要看到自己的过失却很难。他如同播掉谷糠般宣扬他人的过失,却如同遮蔽自己的狡猾捕鸟者般隐藏自己的过失。

253.He who seeks another's faults, who is ever censorious — his cankers grow.He is far from destruction of the cankers.常挑他人的过失及贬抑他人者,其烦恼增长。灭烦恼离他真是遥远。254.There is no track in the sky, and no recluse outside(the Buddha's dispensation).Mankind delights in worldliness, but the Buddhas are free from worldliness.虚空中没有行道,正法之外无圣沙门。凡夫乐于延长轮回的束缚,诸佛皆已解脱这些束缚。255.There is no track in the sky, and no recluse outside(the Buddha's dispensation).There are no conditioned things that are eternal, and no instability in the Buddhas.虚空中没有行道,正法之外无圣沙门。没有任何有为法(因缘和合法,即名色法)是永恒的,诸佛皆不受动摇。

第十九:住于法品 The Just 256.Not by passing arbitrary judgments does a man become just;a wise man is he who investigates both right and wrong.对事武断者不公正;智者应辨别对错两者之后才下判断。

257.He who does not judge others arbitrarily, but passes judgment impartially according to the truth, that sagacious man is a guardian of law and is called just.智者不会误导他人,而是如法与平等的护法者,他被称为“住于法之人”。258.One is not wise because one speaks much.He who is peaceable, friendly and fearless is called wise.人不会只是因为讲得多即成为智者;只有平安无怨无畏之人才是智者。

259.A man is not versed in Dhamma because he speaks much.He who, after hearing a little Dhamma, realizes its truth directly and is not heedless of it, is truly versed in the Dhamma.人不会只是因为讲得多即成为精通法者;听闻虽少,却能知见法、对法不失念者,是真正的精通法者。

260.A monk is not Elder because his head is gray.He is but ripe in age, and he is called one grown old in vain.他不会只是因为白了头发即是长老(1),仅只是年岁大的人名为“白活到老”。

261.One in whom there is truthfulness, virtue, inoffensiveness, restraint and self-mastery, who is free from defilements and is wise — he is truly called an Elder.只有已体证四圣谛与法、无害与有戒行、自制与解脱烦恼的人才是真正的长老(受戒十年以上比丘)。

262、Not by mere eloquence nor by beauty of form does a man become accomplished, if he is jealous, selfish and deceitful.若依然嫉妒、吝啬与狡猾,仅只辩才好或容貌美并不会令人成为善心人。

263、But he in whom these are wholly destroyed, uprooted and extinct, and who has cast out hatred — that wise man is truly accomplished.已断除、根除与消灭这些(恶法)及已解脱烦恼的智者才是真正的善心人。

264.Not by shaven head does a man who is indisciplined and untruthful become a monk.How can he who is full of desire and greed be a monk? 若人无戒行又说妄语,仅只剃掉头发并不会成为沙门。充满贪欲之人怎么会是沙门?

265.He who wholly subdues evil both small and great is called a monk, because he has overcome all evil.已彻底熄灭一切大小恶的人才是沙门,因为他已克服一切恶。

266.He is not a monk just because he lives on others' alms.Not by adopting outward form does one become a true monk.他不会只是因为去托钵即成为比丘。他不是比丘,因为他奉行不如法的信仰。

267.Whoever here(in the Dispensation)lives a holy life, transcending both merit and demerit, and walks with understanding in this world — he is truly called a monk.在这世间上,已舍弃善恶两者、修持梵行、及明了五蕴的人才是真正的比丘。

268.Not by observing silence does one become a sage, if he be foolish and ignorant.But that man is wise who, as if holding a balance-scale accepts only the good.愚人不会只是因为保持沉默而成为圣者。

269.The sage(thus)rejecting the evil, is truly a sage.Since he comprehends both(present and future)worlds, he is called a sage.智者如持秤般舍恶而取最上(戒定慧),因此他才是圣者。明了两种世间(内外五蕴)者也因此是圣者。


270.He is not noble who injures living beings.He is called noble because he is harmless towards all living beings.伤害生命者不是圣人;不会伤害一切生命者才是圣人。

271-272.Not by rules and observances, not even by much learning, nor by gain of absorption, nor by a life of seclusion, nor by thinking, “I enjoy the bliss of renunciation, which is not experienced by the worldling” should you, O monks, rest content, until the utter destruction of cankers(Arahantship)is reached.比丘不应只是因为有戒行、或多闻、或有禅定、或独处、或自知“我得享凡夫享受不到的出离乐(阿那含果)”而感到满足,而不灭尽烦恼(即证悟阿罗汉道果)。第二十:道品 The Path 273.Of all the paths the Eightfold Path is the best;of all the truths the Four Noble Truths are the best;of all things passionlessness is the best: of men the Seeing One(the Buddha)is the best.于诸道之中,八圣道最胜;于诸谛之中,四圣谛最胜;于诸法之中,离欲(即涅盘)最胜;于诸二足(人类)之中,一切知者最胜。274.This is the only path;there is none other for the purification of insight.Tread this path, and you will bewilder Mara.这是唯一的道路,再无其他知见清净之道。实践此道能令魔王迷惑。

275.Walking upon this path you will make an end of suffering.Having discovered how to pull out the thorn of lust, I make known the path.实践此道,你将能灭苦。在亲自知见这能拔除烦恼之刺的道路后,我对你们宣说此道。276.You yourselves must strive;the Buddhas only point the way.Those meditative ones who tread the path are released from the bonds of Mara.你必须自己努力,如来只能指示道路。修禅者得以解脱魔王的束缚。277.“All conditioned things are impermanent” — when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.This is the path to purification.诸行无常。当以智慧知见这点时,他就会对苦(即五蕴)感到厌倦。这即是朝向清净之道。278.“All conditioned things are unsatisfactory” — when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.This is the path to purification.诸行是苦。当以智慧知见这点时,他就会对苦(即五蕴)感到厌倦。这即是朝向清净之道。279.“All things are not-self” — when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.This is the path to purification.诸法无我。当以智慧知见这点时,他就会对苦(即五蕴)感到厌倦。这即是朝向清净之道。(注:在此,智慧是指观智。诸行是指一切有为法。诸法则包括一切有为法、概念法与无为法,即涅盘。于此,不能说“诸法无常”或“诸法是苦”,因为概念法与无为法都不是“无常”,也不是“苦”的。)280.The idler who does not exert himself when he should, who though young and strong is full of sloth, with a mind full of vain thoughts — such an indolent man does not find the path to wisdom.懒人当勤时不努力,虽年轻力壮却怠惰,意志薄弱及心散乱,无法以慧体证道智。

281.Let a man be watchful of speech, well controlled in mind, and not commit evil in bodily action.Let him purify these three courses of action, and win the path made known by the Great Sage.慎言、摄心、亦不以身造恶。且让他清净此三业,及赢获智者觉悟之道。

282.Wisdom springs from meditation;without meditation wisdom wanes.Having known these two paths of progress and decline, let a man so conduct himself that his wisdom may increase.智慧生于禅修之中,无禅修智慧即退失;知晓此二得失之道,且实践以令慧增长。283.Cut down the forest(lust), not just a tree;from the forest springs fear.Having cut down the forest and the underbrush(desire), be passionless, O monks!诸比丘,且砍掉(欲)林而非真树;怖畏自欲林而生。砍掉欲林与欲丛,以达到无(欲)林。284.For so long as the underbrush of desire, even the most subtle, of a man towards a woman is not cut down, his mind is in bondage, like the sucking calf to its mother.只要男子对女子的情欲还有些少未断除,他的心即还是受到束缚,如同小牛离不开母牛。285.Cut off your affection in the manner of a man plucks with his hand an autumn lotus.Cultivate only the path to peace, Nibbana, as made known by the Exalted One.且断除自己的贪,如以手拔掉秋莲。善逝(佛陀)已说示涅盘,且培育寂静之道。

286.“Here shall I live during the rains, here in winter and summer” — thus thinks the fool.He does not realize the danger(that death might intervene).愚人心想:“雨季时我住在这里,冬天和夏天我也住在这里。”却觉察不到(就快要死的)危险。

287.As a great flood carries away a sleeping village, so death seizes and carries away the man with a clinging mind, doting on his children and cattle.宠爱孩子与家畜者,其心执著于欲乐。他被死神捉走,如洪水冲掉沉睡中之村。

288.For him who is assailed by death there is no protection by kinsmen.None there are to save him — no sons, nor father, nor relatives.儿子、父母或亲戚都不能保护被死神捕捉之人。的确无亲族能给予保护。

289.Realizing this fact, let the wise man, restrained by morality, hasten to clear the path leading to Nibbana.明了这一点,持受戒律的智者应迅速地清除趣向涅盘之道的阻碍。第廿一:杂品 Miscellany 290.If by renouncing a lesser happiness one may realize a greater happiness, let the wise man renounce the lesser, having regard for the greater.若舍弃小乐会获得大乐,预见大乐的智者应当舍弃小乐。

291.Entangled by the bonds of hate, he who seeks his own happiness by inflicting pain on others, is never delivered from hatred.为求自己的快乐,而令他人痛苦者,他受到怨恨束缚,而无法解脱怨恨。

292.The cankers only increase for those who are arrogant and heedless, who leave undone what should be done and do what should not be done.若人该做的事不做,却做了不该做的事,又骄慢与自我放纵,他的烦恼即会增长。293.The cankers cease for those mindful and clearly comprehending ones who always earnestly practice mindfulness of the body, who do not resort to what should not be done, and steadfastly pursue what should be done.若人常勤修身至念,不做不该做的事,又常做该做的事(勤修戒定慧),及具有正念与明觉,其烦恼将会止息。

294.Having slain mother(craving), father(self-conceit), two warrior-kings(eternalism and nihilism), and destroyed a country(sense organs and sense objects)together with its treasurer(attachment and lust), ungrieving goes the holy man.在杀掉母亲(即渴爱)、父亲(即我慢)与两位刹帝利王(即常见与断见)、及摧毁了国家(即六根与六所缘)和她的众臣(即执取)之后,婆罗门(即阿罗汉)得以解脱苦。

295.Having slain mother, father, two brahman kings(two extreme views), and a tiger as the fifth(the five mental hindrances), ungrieving goes the holy man.在杀掉母亲、父亲与两位婆罗门王、及消灭了有疑如虎的五盖之后,婆罗门(即阿罗汉)得以解脱苦。

296.Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the Recollection of the Qualities of the Buddha.乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆常念佛(的功德)。

297.Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the Recollection of the Qualities of the Dhamma.乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆常念法(的功德)。

298.Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the Recollection of the Qualities of the Sangha.乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆常念僧(的功德)。

299.Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice Mindfulness of the Body.乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆常念身(不净)。300.Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of non-violence.乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆乐于悲(即无害)。301.Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of meditation.乔达摩的弟子们心常醒觉,不论昼夜皆乐于培育(对一切众生的慈爱)。

302.Difficult is life as a monk;difficult is it to delight therein.Also difficult and sorrowful is the household life.Suffering comes from association with unequals;suffering comes from wandering in samsara.Therefore, be not an aimless wanderer, be not a pursuer of suffering.成为比丘是很难得的;过后又乐于比丘的修行更是难得。艰难的俗家生活是痛苦的;与性格不同之人相处是痛苦的。


303.He who is full of faith and virtue, and possesses good repute and wealth — he is respected everywhere, in whatever land he travels.他信戒具足,有声誉财富,无论去何处,皆备受尊敬。304.The good shine from afar, like the Himalaya mountains.But the wicked are unseen, like arrows shot in the night.善人有如喜马拉雅山,虽在远处亦明显可见;恶人有如在黑夜里放射的箭,虽在近处亦看不到。

305.He who sits alone, sleeps alone, and walks alone, who is strenuous and subdues himself alone, will find delight in the solitude of the forest.他独坐、独处、独行地勤修、独自克服自己、乐于住在林中。第廿二:地狱品 Hell 306.The liar goes to the state of woe;also he who, having done(wrong), says, “I did not do it.” Men of base actions both, on departing they share the same destiny in the other world.说妄语者堕入地狱;造恶后说“我没有做”的人也堕入地狱。他们两者都是造恶者,死后来世同样在(地狱)里受苦。

307.There are many evil characters and uncontrolled men wearing the saffron robe.These wicked men will be born in states of woe because of their evil deeds.许多身穿袈裟覆盖及颈的人,性格恶劣而不自制。由于自己的恶业,这些造恶者死后堕入地狱。

308.It would be better to swallow a red-hot iron ball, blazing like fire, than as an immoral and uncontrolled monk to eat the alms of the people.对于无戒行与不自制的人,吞下烧得火红的铁球也好过食用人们供养的食物。

309.Four misfortunes befall the reckless man who consorts with another's wife: acquisition of demerit, disturbed sleep, ill-repute, and(rebirth in)states of woe.放纵自己而与他人之妻通奸者会遭受四种不幸,即:有恶业、睡不安眠、受到谴责与在地狱里受苦。

310.Such a man acquires demerit and an unhappy birth in the future.Brief is the pleasure of the frightened man and woman, and the king imposes heavy punishment.Hence, let no man consort with another's wife.这是有恶业又会堕入地狱的。受惊吓的男女之享受是短暂的,而且国王又会给予重罚。因此男人不应与他人之妻通奸。311.Just as kusa grass wrongly handled cuts the hand, even so, a recluse's life wrongly lived drags one to states of woe.如同不握好古沙草就会割伤手,胡乱的出家生活拖该比丘入地狱。312.Any loose act, any corrupt observance, any life of questionable celibacy — none of these bear much fruit.散漫的行为、腐败的修行、可疑的梵行,皆无大果报。

313.If anything is to be done, let one do it with sustained vigor.A lax monastic life stirs up the dust of passions all the more.有该做的即应当好好地做、稳健与精进地做,因为散漫的比丘生活会散播更多(烦恼)的尘埃。

314.An evil deed is better left undone, for such a deed torments one afterwards.But a good deed is better done, doing which one repents not later.最好别造恶业;恶业过后会折磨造恶者。最好是行善业;行善后不会苦恼。

315.Just as a border city is closely guarded both within and without, even so, guard yourself.Do not let slip this opportunity(for spiritual growth).For those who let slip this opportunity grieve indeed when consigned to hell.比如边界之城内外都需要防护,你也应如此防护自己。莫错失这大好机会,错失这机会的人去到地狱时就会悲痛。

316.Those who are ashamed of what they should not be ashamed of, and are not ashamed of what they should be ashamed of — upholding false views, they go to states of woe.对不应羞耻的感到羞耻、对应羞耻的不感到羞耻、及持有邪见的人,将会堕入恶趣。

317.Those who see something to fear where there is nothing to fear, and see nothing to fear where there is something to fear — upholding false views, they go to states of woe.对无险的视为危险、对危险的视为无险、及持有邪见的人,将会堕入恶趣。

318.Those who imagine evil where there is none, and do not see evil where it is — upholding false views, they go to states of woe.把无恶的想成有恶,对恶的又不见其恶,及持有邪见的人,将会堕入恶趣。

319.Those who discern the wrong as wrong and the right as right — upholding right views, they go to realms of bliss.知道恶的是恶、知道善的是善、及持有正见的人,将会投生至善趣。

第廿三:象品 Elephants 320.As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse.There are many, indeed, who lack virtue.如同在战场上的象忍受箭射,我亦应忍受(他人的)毁谤。诚然,多数人是无戒行的。321.A tamed elephant is led into a crowd, and the king mounts a tamed elephant.Best among men is the subdued one who endures abuse.只有已受驯服的(马和象)才可被带往人群;国王只骑已受驯服的(马和象)。在众人之中的最上者是已制伏自己及能忍受毁谤的人。

322.Excellent are well-trained mules, thoroughbred Sindhu horses and noble tusker elephants.But better still is the man who has subdued himself.已受驯服的骡、骏马与大象是优良的;然而能以(道智)制伏自己者更为优良。

323.Not by these mounts, however, would one go to the Untrodden Land(Nibbana), as one who is self-tamed goes by his own tamed and well-controlled mind.以任何车乘皆不能去到未到过之地(涅盘);只有完全制御自己的人才能到达其地。

324.Musty during rut, the tusker named Dhanapalaka is uncontrollable.Held in captivity, the tusker does not touch a morsel, but only longingly calls to mind the elephant forest.那名为护财的象发怒时是难以制伏的,被捕后它绝食,只想着要回去象林(照顾母亲)。325.When a man is sluggish and gluttonous, sleeping and rolling around in bed like a fat domestic pig, that sluggard undergoes rebirth again and again.愚人怠惰、贪吃又如饱食的猪般懒睡。这愚人必须不断地轮回。

326.Formerly this mind wandered about as it liked, where it wished and according to its pleasure, but now I shall thoroughly master it with wisdom as a mahout controls with his ankus an elephant in rut.在过去,此心随着自己的喜好四处飘荡。现在,我将善御己心,如象师持钩制伏发狂的象。327.Delight in heedfulness!Guard well your thoughts!Draw yourself out of this bog of evil, even as an elephant draws himself out of the mud.当乐于精进、防护己心。如受困的象脱出泥沼般,你亦应使自己脱离烦恼的泥沼。328.If for company you find a wise and prudent friend who leads a good life, you should, overcoming all impediments, keep his company joyously and mindfully.若人能找到有德及有智慧的圣者为伴,他应欢喜及有正念地与其人共同生活,而克服一切危难。

329.If for company you cannot find a wise and prudent friend who leads a good life, then, like a king who leaves behind a conquered kingdom, or like a lone elephant in the elephant forest, you should go your way alone.若人不能找到有德及有智慧的圣者为伴,他就应该独自生活,如舍弃所征服的国土之王,又如玛当伽象在森林里独行。

330.Better it is to live alone;there is no fellowship with a fool.Live alone and do no evil;be carefree like an elephant in the elephant forest.宁可独自生活,亦绝不与愚人为友。所以人们应当独自过活、不造恶,如玛当伽象般在森林里自由自在地独行。

331.Good are friends when need arises;good is contentment with just what one has;good is merit when life is at an end, and good is the abandoning of all suffering(through Arahantship).在需要时有朋友是乐,对所拥有的感到满足是乐,临命终时有善业是乐,脱离一切苦是乐。332.In this world, good it is to serve one's mother, good it is to serve one's father, good it is to serve the monks, and good it is to serve the holy men.在这世上,事奉母亲是乐,事奉父亲也是乐。在这世上,事奉沙门是乐,事奉婆罗门(佛陀、辟支佛与阿罗汉)也是乐。

333.Good is virtue until life's end, good is faith that is steadfast, good is the acquisition of wisdom, and good is the avoidance of evil.能够持戒到老是乐,有不动摇的信心是乐,获得智慧是乐,不造恶是乐。第廿四:渴爱品 Craving 334.The craving of one given to heedless living grows like a creeper.Like the monkey seeking fruits in the forest, he leaps from life to life(tasting the fruit of his kamma).沉于怠惰之人的渴爱有如蔓藤般滋长。他有如林里贪吃果子的猴子,从这一世跳到那一世。335.Whoever is overcome by this wretched and sticky craving, his sorrows grow like grass after the rains.在这世上,对于为卑劣的渴爱所控制的人,他的痛苦就会增长,有如受到好好浇水的野草般增长。

336.But whoever overcomes this wretched craving, so difficult to overcome, from him sorrows fall away like water from a lotus leaf.在这世上,对于能克服这难以克服的卑劣渴爱之人,他的痛苦则会消失,就有如水珠从荷叶上掉落一般。

337.This I say to you: Good luck to all assembled here!Dig up the root of craving, like one in search of the fragrant root of the birana grass.Let not Mara crush you again and again, as a flood crushes a reed.如是我当向你们这些在此集会的人宣说此善法:“有如在掘一枝良好的树根一样,把渴爱连根拔起。别让魔王不断地折磨你,有如洪水不断冲击芦苇般折磨你。”

338.Just as a tree, though cut down, sprouts up again if its roots remain uncut and firm, even so, until the craving that lies dormant is rooted out, suffering springs up again and again.被砍倒的树,若其根未受损而深固,它即会重生。同样地,若潜伏的渴爱未被根除,此苦(生老死)即会不断地生起。339.The misguided man in whom the thirty-six currents of craving strongly rush toward pleasurable objects, is swept away by the flood of his passionate thoughts.那持有邪见及具有奔向欲境的三十六道强(爱)流之人,为欲思惟冲走。

340.Everywhere these currents flow, and the creeper(of craving)sprouts and grows.Seeing that the creeper has sprung up, cut off its root with wisdom.渴爱之流奔向一切感官目标;渴爱之藤自(六门)而生,及缠住(六尘)。看到渴爱之藤在滋长,你应以道智砍断其根。341.Flowing in(from all objects)and watered by craving, feelings of pleasure arise in beings.Bent on pleasures and seeking enjoyment, these men fall prey to birth and decay.在众生之中,流着的是受到渴爱滋润的快乐。那些执著与追求欲乐的众生,必须遭受生与老。342.Beset by craving, people run about like an entrapped hare.Held fast by mental fetters, they come to suffering again and again for a long time.渴爱所困的人惊慌得有如落网的野兔。他被束缚紧紧地绑住,必须长期受苦(生死轮回)。343.Beset by craving, people run about like an entrapped hare.Therefore, one who yearns to be passion-free should destroy his own craving.渴爱所困的人惊慌得有如落网的野兔。因此,想令自己获得解脱者应灭除渴爱。

344.There is one who, turning away from desire(for household life)takes to the life of the forest(of a monk).But after being freed from the household, he runs back to it.Behold that man!Though freed, he runs back to that very bondage!在舍弃欲林(即俗家生活)之后,他去到修行林(即比丘生活)。但当离开欲林之后,他却又赶着回去那欲林。


345-346.That is not a strong fetter, the wise say, which is made of iron, wood or hemp.But the infatuation and longing for jewels and ornaments, children and wives — that, they say, is a far stronger fetter, which pulls one downward and, though seemingly loose, is hard to remove.This, too, the wise cut off.Giving up sensual pleasure, and without any longing, they renounce the world.智者不会说由铁、木与麻绳所造的束缚是坚牢的;他们只说对珠宝、妻子与儿女的渴爱执著的束缚才是坚牢的。


347.Those who are lust-infatuated fall back into the swirling current(of samsara)like a spider on its self-spun web.This, too, the wise cut off.Without any longing, they abandon all suffering and renounce the world.执著渴爱的人随着自己所造的欲流而去,如蜘蛛投向自己所结的网。智者断除渴爱之束缚,舍离一切苦而遨游。

348.Let go of the past, let go of the future, let go of the present, and cross over to the farther shore of existence.With mind wholly liberated, you shall come no more to birth and death.舍弃过去、未来与现在。在到达最后一生之后,心已解脱一切,你将不会再有生与老。349.For a person tormented by evil thoughts, who is passion-dominated and given to the pursuit of pleasure, his craving steadily grows.He makes the fetter strong, indeed.对于受到欲念扰乱的人,他的渴爱很强,不断把事物看成美好,其渴爱也不断地增长。诚然,他弄到自己的束缚更为坚牢。

350.He who delights in subduing evil thoughts, who meditates on the impurities and is ever mindful — it is he who will make an end of craving and rend asunder Mara's fetter.乐于平息(欲)念及时刻保持正念的人,观照(身等)不净,肯定能够脱离渴爱。此人将会断除魔王的束缚。

351.He who has reached the goal, is fearless, free from craving, passionless, and has plucked out the thorns of existence — for him this is the last body.已证得阿罗汉果的人是无畏、无贪与无烦恼的。他已断除了生命之刺(例如渴爱)。这是他的最后一生。

352.He who is free from craving and attachment, is perfect in uncovering the true meaning of the Teaching, and knows the arrangement of the sacred texts in correct sequence — he, indeed, is the bearer of his final body.He is truly called the profoundly wise one, the great man.无贪欲、无执著、通达圣典的词义语法与次第的人是为“此生是最后一生的大智者、大丈夫”。353.A victor am I over all, all have I known.Yet unattached am I to all that is conquered and known.Abandoning all, I am freed through the destruction of craving.Having thus directly comprehended all by myself, whom shall I call my teacher? 我已征服了一切、了知一切、不执著一切、舍弃一切。在灭除了贪欲之后(即证得阿罗汉果),我脱离了诸烦恼。自证四圣谛之后,我应称谁为师?

354.The gift of Dhamma excels all gifts;the taste of the Dhamma excels all tastes;the delight in Dhamma excels all delights.The Craving-Freed vanquishes all suffering.在一切施之中,法施最殊胜;在一切味之中,法味最殊胜;在一切悦之中,法悦最殊胜;灭除渴爱战胜了一切苦(生死轮回)。

355.Riches ruin only the foolish, not those in quest of the Beyond.By craving for riches the witless man ruins himself as well as others.财富毁灭了愚人,但毁不了寻求彼岸之人。愚人以对财富的贪欲毁灭了自己,如害他人般害了自己。

356.Weeds are the bane of fields, lust is the bane of mankind.Therefore, what is offered to those free of lust yields abundant fruit.杂草损坏了田地;贪欲害惨了众生。因此施与离贪者,必将获得大果报。

357.Weeds are the bane of fields, hatred is the bane of mankind.Therefore, what is offered to those free of hatred yields abundant fruit.杂草损坏了田地;嗔恨害惨了众生。因此施与离嗔者,必将获得大果报。

358.Weeds are the bane of fields, delusion is the bane of mankind.Therefore, what is offered to those free of delusion yields abundant fruit.杂草损坏了田地;愚痴害惨了众生。因此施与离痴者,必将获得大果报。

359.Weeds are the bane of fields, desire is the bane of mankind.Therefore, what is offered to those free of desire yields abundant fruit.杂草损坏了田地;欲望害惨了众生。因此施与离欲者,必将获得大果报(大福报)。第廿五:比丘品 Monks 360.Good is restraint over the eye;good is restraint over the ear;good is restraint over the nose;good is restraint over the tongue.律仪眼是好的,律仪耳是好的,律仪鼻是好的,律仪舌是好的,361.Good is restraint in the body;good is restraint in speech;good is restraint in thought.Restraint everywhere is good.The monk restrained in every way is freed from all suffering.律仪身是好的,律仪语是好的,律仪意是好的,律仪诸根是好的,律仪诸根的比丘得以解脱一切苦。

362.He who has control over his hands, feet and tongue;who is fully controlled, delights in inward development, is absorbed in meditation, keeps to himself and is contented — him do people call a monk.制御己手、制御己足、制御己语、能够完全自我控制、乐于修观与平静、独处与知足的人是为比丘。

363.That monk who has control over his tongue, is moderate in speech, unassuming and who explains the Teaching in both letter and spirit — whatever he says is pleasing.比丘制御自己的言语,以平静的心善巧地说话,能解说法的涵义。这比丘的话是柔和甜美的。364.The monk who abides in the Dhamma, delights in the Dhamma, meditates on the Dhamma, and bears the Dhamma well in mind — he does not fall away from the sublime Dhamma.住于法、乐于法、禅修法、忆念法的比丘不会脱离正法。

365.One should not despise what one has received, nor envy the gains of others.The monk who envies the gains of others does not attain to meditative absorption.不应轻视自己所得的,也莫妒嫉他人所得的。妒嫉他人的比丘不会获得定力。

366.A monk who does not despise what he has received, even though it be little, who is pure in livelihood and unremitting in effort — him even the gods praise.若比丘所得虽少,却不轻视自己所得的,诸天肯定会称赞这生活清净与不怠惰的人。

367.He who has no attachment whatsoever for the mind and body, who does not grieve for what he has not — he is truly called a monk.不视名色为“我和我的”,及不为名色的坏灭感到忧悲者是真正的比丘。

368.The monk who abides in universal love and is deeply devoted to the Teaching of the Buddha attains the peace of Nibbana, the bliss of the cessation of all conditioned things.住于慈爱及勤修正法的比丘将会证悟寂静、无为与安乐的涅盘。

369.Empty this boat, O monk!Emptied, it will sail lightly.Rid of lust and hatred, you shall reach Nibbana.诸比丘,汲掉这船(身)的水(邪念)。汲掉水后,船就能迅速地行驶。在断除贪欲与嗔恨后,你将会证悟涅盘。

370.Cut off the five, abandon the five, and cultivate the five.The monk who has overcome the five bonds is called one who has crossed the flood.断除五个(低层次的结:身见,疑,戒禁取见,欲欲,嗔恨)、舍弃五个(高层次的结:色欲,无色欲,慢,掉举,无明)、及培育五个(五根:信、精进、念、定与慧)。已脱离五种执著(贪、嗔、痴、慢与邪见)的比丘被称为“已渡过瀑流者”。371.Meditate, O monk!Do not be heedless.Let not your mind whirl on sensual pleasures.Heedless, do not swallow a red-hot iron ball, lest you cry when burning, “O this is painful!” 修禅吧,比丘。莫放逸、莫让心沉迷于欲乐。莫失念与吞(热)铁丸;当你被狱火焚烧时,莫哀号“这真是苦”。

372.There is no meditative concentration for him who lacks insight, and no insight for him who lacks meditative concentration.He in whom are found both meditative concentration and insight, indeed, is close to Nibbana.无慧者无定,无定者亦无慧。具足定慧两者的人,真的已近涅盘。373.The monk who has retired to a solitary abode and calmed his mind, who comprehends the Dhamma with insight, in him there arises a delight that transcends all human delights.比丘去到僻静处(修禅),他的心是平静的,能清晰地知见正法,体验到凡夫所无之乐。374.Whenever he sees with insight the rise and fall of the aggregates, he is full of joy and happiness.To the discerning one this reflects the Deathless.每当观照五蕴的生灭时,他获得喜乐。对于智者来说,这即是朝向涅盘之道。

375-376.Control of the senses, contentment, restraint according to the code of monastic discipline — these form the basis of holy life here for the wise monk.Let him associate with friends who are noble, energetic, and pure in life, let him be cordial and refined in conduct.Thus, full of joy, he will make an end of suffering.对于有智慧的比丘,开始修行时应:防护感官、知足、遵守别解脱律仪(根本戒)、亲近精进与生活清净的善友、友善及行为端正。然后,在(时常)充满喜悦之下,他将灭尽苦恼(生死轮回)。377.Just as the jasmine creeper sheds its withered flowers, even so, O monks, should you totally shed lust and hatred!诸比丘,如娃斯迦树令其枯萎的花脱落一般,你们亦应舍弃贪欲与嗔恨。

378.The monk who is calm in body, calm in speech, calm in thought, well-composed and who has spewn out worldliness — he, truly, is called serene.身语意皆平静、善于得定、及已舍弃世俗快乐的比丘是为“寂静者”。

379.By oneself one must censure oneself and scrutinize oneself.The self-guarded and mindful monk will always live in happiness.比丘,你应训诫自己、检讨自己、防护自己及保持正念,如此你将生活安乐。

380.One is one's own protector, one is one's own refuge.Therefore, one should control oneself, even as a trader controls a noble steed.自己的确是自己的依归,(他人怎能成为自己的依归?)自己的确是自己的依靠。因此,你应如马商看护良马般地看护自己。

381.Full of joy, full of faith in the Teaching of the Buddha, the monk attains the Peaceful State, the bliss of cessation of conditioned things.常充满喜悦与勤修正法的比丘将证悟寂静、无为与安乐的涅盘。382.That monk who while young devotes himself to the Teaching of the Buddha illumines this world like the moon freed from clouds.比丘虽然年轻,若勤修正法,亦会照耀这世间,如无云之月。第廿六:婆罗门(圣人)品 Brahmans(Holy man)383.Exert yourself, O holy man!Cut off the stream(of craving), and discard sense desires.Knowing the destruction of all the conditioned things, become, O holy man, the knower of the Uncreated(Nibbana)!婆罗门(阿罗汉),精进地断除渴爱之流,及舍弃欲欲。婆罗门,知见有为法的止息,以成为证悟无为涅盘的阿罗汉。


384.When a holy man has reached the summit of two paths(meditative concentration and insight), he knows the truth and all his fetters fall away.当婆罗门善立了二法(即止禅与观禅),智者(婆罗门)得以灭除一切束缚。

385.He for whom there is neither this shore nor the other shore, nor yet both, he who is free of cares and is unfettered — him do I call a holy man.无此岸(内六处)、无彼岸(外六处)、无怖畏及无烦恼者,我称此人为婆罗门。

386.He who is meditative, stainless and settled, whose work is done and who is free from cankers, having reached the highest goal — him do I call a holy man.独处修习禅定、无污垢、应作的皆办、无漏及已到达最高境界(阿罗汉果)者,我称此人为婆罗门。

387.The sun shines by day, the moon shines by night.The warrior shines in armor, the holy man shines in meditation.But the Buddha shines resplendent all day and all night.太阳日间照耀;月亮夜间明照;刹帝利以甲胄辉耀;婆罗门以禅定生辉;佛陀的光辉则昼夜不断地普照。

388.Because he has discarded evil, he is called a holy man.Because he is serene in conduct, he is called a recluse.And because he has renounced his impurities, he is called a renunciate.由于舍弃了邪恶,他被称为婆罗门;由于行为清净,他被称为婆罗门;在灭除污垢之后,他被称为出家人。

389.One should not strike a holy man, nor should a holy man, when struck, give way to anger.Shame on him who strikes a holy man, and more shame on him who gives way to anger.莫攻击婆罗门,婆罗门不应对攻击者发怒;攻击婆罗门是可耻的,对攻击者发怒却更为可耻。390.Nothing is better for a holy man than when he holds his mind back from what is endearing.To the extent the intent to harm wears away, to that extent does suffering subside.(无怨恨心)的婆罗门利益非小。当心不再执著喜乐,及已断除害人之心时,其苦恼才会止息。

391.He who does no evil in deed, word and thought, who is restrained in these three ways — him do I call a holy man.不造身语意恶业、及防护这三处者,我称此人为婆罗门。392.Just as a brahman priest reveres his sacrificial fire, even so should one devoutly revere the person from whom one has learned the Dhamma taught by the Buddha.不论向谁听闻正等正觉者的教法,听者皆应礼敬说法者,如婆罗门礼敬圣火。

393.Not by matted hair, nor by lineage, nor by birth does one become a holy man.But he in whom truth and righteousness exist — he is pure, he is a holy man.并非由于发结、或种族、或阶级而令人成为婆罗门。只有证悟谛(四圣谛)与法(九出世间法)的人才是清净的,才是婆罗门。394.What is the use of your matted hair, O witless man? What of your garment of antelope's hide? Within you is the tangle(of passion);only outwardly do you cleanse yourself.愚痴的人,你戴发结有何用?你穿皮衣有何用?你只是外表清净而已,内里却满是整片欲林。395.The person who wears a robe made of rags, who is lean, with veins showing all over the body, and who meditates alone in the forest — him do I call a holy man.身穿粪扫衣、清瘦筋脉显露、及独居林中的修禅者,我称此人为婆罗门。

396.I do not call him a holy man because of his lineage or high-born mother.If he is full of impeding attachments, he is just a supercilious man.But who is free from impediments and clinging — him do I call a holy man.我不会只是因为他从婆罗门族的母胎中出生即称他为婆罗门。若还未脱离烦恼,他只算是个低下的婆罗门。只有对无污垢与无执著的人,我才称他为婆罗门。

397.He who, having cut off all fetters, trembles no more, who has overcome all attachments and is emancipated — him do I call a holy man.他已断除一切束缚、无畏、无执著及已脱离诸烦恼,我称此人为婆罗门。

398.He who has cut off the thong(of hatred), the band(of craving), and the rope(of false views), together with the appurtenances(latent evil tendencies), he who has removed the crossbar(of ignorance)and is enlightened — him do I call a holy man.他已断除(嗔恨之)缰、(贪欲之)皮带、(邪见之)绳、(愚痴之)锁、及已觉知真谛,我称此人为婆罗门。

399.He who without resentment endures abuse, beating and punishment;whose power, real might, is patient — him do I call a holy man.他能忍受辱骂、殴打与困缚而无嗔、忍辱之力有如整支军队的力量,我称此人为婆罗门。400.He who is free from anger, is devout, virtuous, without craving, self-subdued and bears his final body — him do I call a holy man.他无嗔有德、有戒行与离贪、制御诸根、此身为最后一身,我称此人为婆罗门。

401.Like water on a lotus leaf, or a mustard seed on the point of a needle, he who does not cling to sensual pleasures — him do I call a holy man.如水不黏荷花叶,或如在针端上的芥子,他不执著于欲乐,我称此人为婆罗门。

402.He who in this very life realizes for himself the end of suffering, who has laid aside the burden and become emancipated — him do I call a holy man.他在此生得证灭苦(涅盘)、已放下(五蕴)这负担、及已解脱诸烦恼,我称此人为婆罗门。403.He who has profound knowledge, who is wise, skilled in discerning the right or wrong path, and has reached the highest goal — him do I call a holy man.他有甚深的智慧、能分辨道与非道、已证得最高境界(即阿罗汉果),我称此人为婆罗门。404.He who holds aloof from householders and ascetics alike, and wanders about with no fixed abode and but few wants — him do I call a holy man.他不与在家人交往,也不与出家人相混,离贪少欲,我称此人为婆罗门。

405.He who has renounced violence towards all living beings, weak or strong, who neither kills nor causes others to kill — him do I call a holy man.他已舍弃对一切强弱众生动用武力,自己不杀生,也不叫人杀生,我称此人为婆罗门。406.He who is friendly amidst the hostile, peaceful amidst the violent, and unattached amidst the attached — him do I call a holy man.他对敌人亦不怨恨,对暴力者保持平和,无著于一切执著物,我称此人为婆罗门。

407.He whose lust and hatred, pride and hypocrisy have fallen off like a mustard seed from the point of a needle — him do I call a holy man.如在针端上的芥子,他的贪、嗔、我慢与虚伪皆已脱落,我称此人为婆罗门。

408.He who utters gentle, instructive and truthful words, who imprecates none — him do I call a holy man.他言语柔和,说有益的实话,不以言语触怒任何人,我称此人为婆罗门。

409.He who in this world takes nothing that is not given to him, be it long or short, small or big, good or bad — him do I call a holy man.在这世上,无论东西是长或短,是大或小,是好或坏,他亦绝不会不与而取,我称此人为婆罗门。

410.He who wants nothing of either this world or the next, who is desire-free and emancipated — him do I call a holy man.他不欲求今生或来世,已解脱贪欲与烦恼,我称此人为婆罗门。

411.He who has no attachment, who through perfect knowledge is free from doubts and has plunged into the Deathless — him do I call a holy man.他没有贪欲,已觉悟四圣谛而断疑,已证悟不死的涅盘,我称此人为婆罗门。

412.He who in this world has transcended the ties of both merit and demerit, who is sorrowless, stainless and pure — him do I call a holy man.在这世上,他已超越了善恶两者,无忧无贪而清净,我称此人为婆罗门。413.He, who, like the moon, is spotless and pure, serene and clear, who has destroyed the delight in existence — him do I call a holy man.如无云之月,他清净、澄洁与安详,完全灭尽了对生存之欲,我称此人为婆罗门。

414.He who, having traversed this miry, perilous and delusive round of existence, has crossed over and reached the other shore;who is meditative, calm, free from doubt, and, clinging to nothing, has attained to Nibbana — him do I call a holy man.他已超越了危险的(贪欲)泥沼、艰难的(烦恼)路、生命之洋(生死轮回)、愚痴的黑暗及四道瀑流,而到达彼岸(涅盘),修习禅定,无贪无疑无著及心寂静,我称此人为婆罗门。415.He who, having abandoned sensual pleasures, has renounced the household life and become a homeless one;has destroyed both sensual desire and continued existence — him do I call a holy man.在这世上,他已舍弃了欲乐,离家而成为比丘,已断除了欲欲与生存(即:有),我称此人为婆罗门。

416.He who, having abandoned craving, has renounced the household life and become a homeless one, has destroyed both craving and continued existence — him do I call a holy man.在这世上,他已舍弃了贪欲,离家而成为比丘,已断除了欲欲与生存(即:有),我称此人为婆罗门。

417.He who, casting off human bonds and transcending heavenly ties, is wholly delivered of all bondages — him do I call a holy man.他已舍弃了对人生(欲乐)的执著,已经克服了对天界(欲乐)的执著,及完全脱离了一切执著,我称此人为婆罗门。

418.He who, having cast off likes and dislikes, has become tranquil, is rid of the substrata of existence and like a hero has conquered all the worlds — him do I call a holy man.他已舍弃了享受欲乐,以及舍弃了不乐于独处,证得平静及无烦恼,已征服世界(即五蕴)及勤勇,我称此人为婆罗门。

419.He who in every way knows the death and rebirth of all beings, and is totally detached, blessed and enlightened — him do I call a holy man.他遍知一切众生的死与生、不执著、善逝及觉证四圣谛,我称此人为婆罗门。420.He whose track no gods, no angels, no humans trace, the arahant who has destroyed all cankers — him do I call a holy man.诸天、乾达婆或人都不知他(死后)的去处。他已灭尽了烦恼,是阿罗汉,我称此人为婆罗门。

421.He who clings to nothing of the past, present and future, who has no attachment and holds on to nothing — him do I call a holy man.他不执著于过去、未来与现在的五蕴,已解脱烦恼与执著,我称此人为婆罗门。

422.He, the Noble, the Excellent, the Heroic, the Great Sage, the Conqueror, the Passionless, the Pure, the Enlightened one — him do I call a holy man.他如牛王般无畏、圣洁、勇猛,是增上戒定慧的寻求者,是战胜三魔王(烦恼魔,死魔,天子魔)的胜利者,无欲无烦恼、觉证四圣谛,我称此人为婆罗门。

423.He who knows his former births, who sees heaven and hell, who has reached the end of births and attained to the perfection of insight, the sage who has reached the summit of spiritual excellence — him do I call a holy man.他能知过去世,能看到天界与恶道,已到了最后一生,通过道智成为阿罗汉,已圆满地成就了一切,我称此人为婆罗门。

Teachings from Dipa Ma 蒂帕嬤的教导

A woman, a mother, and a householder, Dipa Ma made the Buddha’s path seem accessible and the great goal of freedom attainable in this very life.What follows is derived from the essential teachings presented in Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master.May it be of help to you in your own journey of liberation.作为一个女人,一位母亲和一位在家居士,蒂帕嬤使得觉悟之路在当今这时代显得可以接近,使得宏大的解脱目标显得可以实现。以下是《蒂帕嬤:一位佛教大师的一生和馈赠》中所提供的教导要点。愿它对行走在解脱之道上的你有所饶益。

Meditate all the time “Practice now.Don’t think you will do more later.” Dipa Ma stated firmly that if you want peace, you must practice regularly.She insisted that students find time for formal meditation practice every day, even if only for five minutes.If that proved impossible, she advised, “At least when you are in bed at night, notice just one in-breath and one out-breath before you fall asleep.” More importantly, in addition to formal sitting on the cushion, Dipa Ma urged students to make every moment of their lives a meditation.Some of us are busy people who find it difficult to set aside any time at all.“If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation,” she tells us.“Meditation is to know what you are doing.When you do calculations, know that you are doing calculations.If you are rushing to the office, then you should be mindful of ‘rushing.’ When you are eating, putting on your shoes, your socks, your clothes, you must be mindful.It is all meditation!For Dipa Ma, mindfulness wasn’t something she did, it was who she was-all the time.Dipa Ma made it clear that there is nothing wrong with lapses of mindfulness, with the mind wandering.”It happens to everyone.It is not a permanent problem.“ ”There is nothing ultimately to cling to in this world,“ Dipa Ma taught, ”but we can make good use of everything in it.Life is not to be rejected.It is here.And as long as it is here and we are here, we can make the best use of it.“ 不断地去禅修






Choose one meditation practice and stick with it ”If you want to progress in meditation, stay with one technique.“ For those beginning the spiritual journey, Dipa Ma was adamant about commitment to one style of meditation.Don’t give up, and don’t jump around from practice to practice.Find a technique that suits you, and keep going until you find your ”edge,“ the point where difficulties start to arise.A common mistake many Western spiritual seekers make is to interpret difficulties as a problem with a particular practice.From the vantage point of that uncomfortable edge, some other practice always looks better.”Maybe I should do Tibetan chanting...or Sufi dancing.“ In fact, difficulties usually are a reliable sign that the practice is working.Take Dipa Ma’s advice to heart.Stick with the practice you’ve chosen through difficulty and doubt, through inspiration and stagnation, through the inevitable ups and downs.If you can stay committed to your practice through the darkest of times, wisdom will dawn.选好一个法门然后坚定不移地修习





Practice patience ”Patience is one of the most important virtues for developing mindfulness and concentration.“ Patience is forged by constantly meeting the edge.In the most challenging situations, merely showing up, being present, may be all that is possible-and it may be enough.One student recounts the effects of this kind of patience in Dipa Ma’s life: ”She had seen her mind go through every kind of suffering and was able to sit through it.Later, when she came out of that fire, there was something very determined, almost frightening about how she could look at you, because she had seen herself.There was nowhere to hide.She exemplified that you can’t just sit around thinking about getting enlightened.You have to take hold of these truths at the deepest level of your heart.“ Patience is a lifetime practice, to be developed and refined over time.Cultivating patience is a large part of maturing the mind, which, according to Dipa Ma, is the highest vocation of all.实践耐性





Free your mind ”Your mind is all stories.“ Dipa Ma did not say that the mind is mostly stories;she said that there is nothing in the mind but stories.These are the personal dramas that create and maintain the sense of individual identity: who we are, what we do, what we are and are not capable of.Without our being aware of it, the endless series of such thoughts drives and limits our livesjust various elements of nature going their own way, all empty.No one born and no one to die!Those who speak of birth and death are speaking the language of ignorant children.In the language of the heart, of Dhamma, there are no such things as birth and death.” 一位虔诚的年老妇女从邻省出发,开始她的朝圣之旅。他跟阿姜 查说,她只能停留短暂的时间,她必须回去照顾她的孙子;此外,因为她已经是位年老的妇女,所以她请问阿姜 查,是否可以给她做个简短的开示。於是,阿姜 查便非常强硬地答道:「嘿,听著!当下没有任何人存在,如此而已!没有主人、没有人年老、没有人年轻、没有人可以好或坏、虚弱或强壮,如此而已──只是自然的种种元素在运行罢了,一切皆空。没有人生,也没有人死!那些说生说死的人,是在说无知的童言。在心的语言裡,法的语言裡,没有生和死这档事。」 94 The real foundation of the teaching is to see the self as being empty.But people come to study the Dhamma to increase their self-view, so they don’t want to experience suffering or difficulty.They want everything to be cozy.They may want to transcend suffering, but if there is still a self, how can they ever do so? 教法的实际基础,就是视自我为空的。可是,有人学习「法」,却是来增长他们的我见,所以他们才不想去经验痛苦和困难,而希望一切都舒舒适适的。他们也许会想要超越苦,可是,如果还有一个自我存在的话,他们何时才办得到呢? 95 It is so easy once you understand.It is so simple and direct.When pleasant things arise, understand that they are empty.When unpleasant things arise, see that they are not yours.They pass away.Don’t relate to them as being you, or see yourself as the owner of them.You think that papaya tree is yours, then why don’t you feel hurt when it is cut down? If you can understand this, then this is the correct path, the correct teaching of the Buddha, and the teaching that leads to liberation.一旦你瞭解之后,一切就会迎刃而解了,而且既单纯又直接。当快乐生起时,理解它们是空的;当不快乐生起时,视它们是非你所有的、会消逝离去的。不要和它们有牵连,认为它们就是你,抑或视你自己为它们的主人。你认为木瓜树是你的,那麼,当它被砍下来时,为何你不会觉得被伤害了呢?如果你能明瞭这点,心就会平衡。一旦心平衡时,这就是正确之道──佛陀的正确教法,也就是导致解脱的教法。96 People don’t study that which is beyond good and evil.This is what they should study.“I’m going to be like this;I’m going to be like that,” they say.But they never say, “I’m not going to be anything because there really isn’t any ‘I’.” This they don’t study.人们不去学习超越善、恶,其实这才是他们应该学习的。他们说:「我要成为这样,我要成为那样。」可是,他们却不说:「我什么都不做,因为事实上,根本没有『我』存在。」这点是他们所不学的。97 Once you understand non-self, then the burden of life is gone.You’ll be at peace with the world.When we see beyond self, we no longer cling to happiness and we can truly be happy.Learn to let go without struggle, simply let go, to be just as you areonly earth, water, wind and fire.Don’t get excited over it or infatuated by it.If you really look into it, you will not find anyone there.所有的身体都是由地、水、火、风四大元素所组成。当它们聚集而成身体时,我们就称它是女的,男的,并给它命名等等,以便使彼此更容易确认。但事实上,并没有任何人存有,有的只是地、水、火、风而已。所以,别过度兴奋或被它所迷惑;如果你真正地往内仔细看的话,你将找不到任何人存在。

归依 [作者] 坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 by Ven.Thanissaro Bhikkhu Going for Refuge http://www.xiexiebang.com

The act of going for refuge marks the point where one commits oneself to taking the Dhamma, or the Buddha's teaching, as the primary guide to one's life.To understand why this commitment is called a “refuge,” it's helpful to look at the history of the custom.归依之举,标志着一个人作出承诺,把佛法或者说佛陀的教导作为自己生活的主要指南。为了理解这项承诺何以被称为”归依”,审视该傳统的历史渊源是有益的。

In pre-Buddhist India, going for refuge meant proclaiming one's allegiance to a patron — a powerful person or god — submitting to the patron's directives in hopes of receiving protection from danger in return.In the early years of the Buddha's teaching career, his new followers adopted this custom to express their allegiance to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, but in the Buddhist context this custom took on a new meaning.在佛教出现之前的印度,“归依”意味着对某位保护者──当权者或者神明──宣示忠诚,服从该保护者的指示,以期换得远离危险的安稳庇护。在佛陀傳法生涯的早期,他的新弟子们沿袭了这个傳统,以表达自己对佛、法、僧的忠诚,不过在佛教语境之中,该傳统有其新意。

Buddhism is not a theistic religion — the Buddha is not a god — and so a person taking refuge in the Buddhist sense is not asking for the Buddha personally to intervene to provide protection.Still, one of the Buddha's central teachings is that human life is fraught with dangers — from greed, anger, and delusion — and so the concept of refuge is central to the path of practice, in that the practice is aimed at gaining release from those dangers.Because the mind is the source both of the dangers and of release, there is a need for two levels of refuge: external refuges, which provide models and guidelines so that we can identify which qualities in the mind lead to danger and which to release;and internal refuges, i.e., the qualities leading to release that we develop in our own mind in imitation of our external models.The internal level is where true refuge is found.佛教不是一个奉神的宗教──佛陀不是一位神祗──因此一个人归依,在佛教意义上,并非是请求佛陀亲自介入,提供庇护。虽如此,佛陀的一条核心教导是,人生布满了危险──指来自贪、嗔、痴的危险──故此,归依的概念对修证之道具有根本的重要性,因为修持的目的正是为了脱离这些危险。由于心既是危险的来源,又是解脱的来源,我们需要在两个层次上归依: 外在层次的归依为我们提供榜样与指南,我们得以认清心的哪些素质引生危险,哪些素质引生解脱;内在层次的归依,则是效仿我們的外在榜样,在自己内心培育起来的趋向解脱的素质。这个内在层次才是归依的真正实现处。

Although the tradition of going to refuge is an ancient practice, it is still relevant for our own practice today, for we are faced with the same internal dangers that faced people in the Buddha's time.We still need the same protection as they.When a Buddhist takes refuge, it is essentially an act of taking refuge in the doctrine of karma: It's an act of submission in that one is committed to living in line with the principle that actions based on skillful intentions lead to happiness, while actions based on unskillful intentions lead to suffering;it's an act of claiming protection in that, by following the teaching, one hopes to avoid the misfortunes that bad karma engenders.To take refuge in this way ultimately means to take refuge in the quality of our own intentions, for that's where the essence of karma lies.尽管归依的傳统古已有之,今日它对我们自己的修行仍具相关性,因为我们面临着与佛陀时代的人们同样的内在危险。我们仍然需要同样的庇护。当一位佛教徒归依时,基本上这是对业力法则的一种归依: 之所以为遵奉,因为他承诺在人生中遵奉善业[以善巧动机为基础的行为]趋向幸福,不善业趋向苦痛的原则。之所以为庇护,因为藉着服从教导,他希望避开恶业招致的不幸。以这种方式作归依,终究意味着归依我们自己的动机的质量,因为那就是业的精髓。

The refuges in Buddhism — both on the internal and on the external levels — are the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, also known as the Triple Gem.They are called gems both because they are valuable and because, in ancient times, gems were believed to have protective powers.The Triple Gem outdoes other gems in this respect because its protective powers can be put to the test and can lead further than those of any physical gem, all the way to absolute freedom from the uncertainties of the realm of aging, illness, and death.佛教的归依──内在、外在两个层次上──都是指佛、法、僧,亦称三宝。之所以被称为宝,既因为它们有价值,也因为在古代,人们相信宝石具有种种护佑力量。三宝于此处胜于诸宝,因其保护力可被验证,并且功效之远为矿物宝石所不及,它能把我们一直带到彻底脱离老、病、死 之不安稳的自由境界。

The Buddha, on the external level, refers to Siddhattha Gotama, the Indian prince who renounced his royal titles and went into the forest, meditating until he ultimately gained Awakening.To take refuge in the Buddha means, not taking refuge in him as a person, but taking refuge in the fact of his Awakening: placing trust in the belief that he did awaken to the truth, that he did so by developing qualities that we too can develop, and that the truths to which he awoke provide the best perspective for the conduct of our life.佛陀,在外在层次上,指的是悉达多-乔达摩,那位舍弃了王族头衔,进入丛林禪修,最终证得觉醒的印度王子。归依佛陀,并非意味着把他作为个人而归依,而是对他的觉醒的归依,也就是置信于: 他的确觉悟真相、他的觉醒是藉着培育我们亦可培育的诸种素质、他所悟得的真谛为我们的人生行动提供了最佳视野。

The Dhamma, on the external level, refers to the path of practice the Buddha taught to this followers.This, in turn, is divided into three levels: the words of his teachings, the act of putting those teachings into practice, and the attainment of Awakening as the result of that practice.This three-way division of the word “Dhamma” acts as a map showing how to take the external refuges and make them internal: learning about the teachings, using them to develop the qualities that the Buddha himself used to attain Awakening, and then realizing the same release from danger that he found in the quality of Deathlessness that we can touch within.法,在外在层次上,指的是佛陀傳给弟子们的修证之道。它又分为三层: 他的教言、依此教言的实修、修成的觉醒体证。对“法”一词作此三部区分[1],如一幅地图,指明了从外在归依出发,将其内在化的转变方式: 即,学习教言,把它们应用于培育佛陀本人藉之证悟的诸种素质,接下来,在由他发现的、我们亦能从内心触及的不死素质之中,同样地实现解脱,远离危险。

The word Sangha, on the external level, has two senses: conventional and ideal.In its ideal sense, the Sangha consists of all people, lay or ordained, who have practiced the Dhamma to the point of gaining at least a glimpse of the Deathless.In a conventional sense, Sangha denotes the communities of ordained monks and nuns.The two meanings overlap but are not necessarily identical.Some members of the ideal Sangha are not ordained;some monks and nuns have yet to touch the Deathless.All those who take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha become members of the Buddha's four-fold assembly(parisa)of followers: monks, nuns, male lay devotees, and female lay devotees.Although there's a widespread belief that all Buddhist followers are members of the Sangha, this is not the case.Only those who are ordained are members of the conventional Sangha;only those who have glimpsed the Deathless are members of the ideal Sangha.Nevertheless, any followers who don't belong to the Sangha in either sense of the word still count as genuine Buddhists in that they are members of the Buddha's parisa.僧伽一词,在外在层次上有常规与理想两种意义。在理想意义上,僧伽由所有修练到至少瞥见不死之法者构成,不论在家、出家。在常规意义上,僧伽指出家的比丘与比丘尼组成的团体。这两种意义有重叠,但不一定等同。有的理想僧伽的成员并未出家;有的比丘与比丘尼尚未触及不死。所有归依佛、法、僧者,皆属于佛教四众弟子(parisa)的成员: 比丘、比丘尼、优婆塞(男居士)、优婆夷(女居士)。尽管有一种流行说法认为所有佛教徒都是僧伽的一分子,其实不然。只有出家者,才是常规僧伽的成员;只有已瞥见不死者,才是理想僧伽的成员。不过,上述两种僧伽以外的信众,作为佛陀的四众成员,仍都是真正的佛弟子。

When taking refuge in the external Sangha, one takes refuge in both senses of the Sangha, but the two senses provide different levels of refuge.The conventional Sangha has helped keep the teaching alive for more than 2,500 years.Without them, we would never have learned what the Buddha taught.However, not all members of the conventional Sangha are reliable models of behavior.So when looking for guidance in the conduct of our lives, we must look to the living and recorded examples provided by the ideal Sangha.Without their example, we would not know(1)that Awakening is available to all, and not just to the Buddha;and(2)how Awakening expresses itself in real life.当一个人归依外在的僧伽时,他归依的是两种意义上的僧伽,但这两种意义提供了不同层次的归依。常规僧伽协助延续着教言的生命力,长达两千五百多年。没有他们,我们不可能了解佛陀教导的是什么。然而,并非常规僧伽的所有成员都是可靠的行为楷模。因此,当我们寻找人生的操行指南时,必须以在世的和记载中的理想僧伽作为楷模。没有他们作出的典范,我们不会了解(1)觉醒不仅只有佛陀才能成就,而是对人人开放;(2)觉醒在真实生活中如何体现。

On the internal level, the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha are the skillful qualities we develop in our own minds in imitation of our external models.For instance, the Buddha was a person of wisdom, purity, and compassion.When we develop wisdom, purity, and compassion in our own minds, they form our refuge on an internal level.The Buddha tasted Awakening by developing conviction, persistence, mindfulness, concentration, and discernment.When we develop these same qualities to the point of attaining Awakening too, that Awakening is our ultimate refuge.This is the point where the three aspects of the Triple Gem become one: beyond the reach of greed, anger, and delusion, and thus totally secure.在内在层次上,佛、法、僧是我们效仿外在的榜样,在自己的内心培育起来的善巧素质。譬如,佛陀是一位智慧、清净、慈悲者。当我们在自己的内心培育起智慧、清净、慈悲时,它们就构成了我们在内在层次上的归依。佛陀藉着培育信念,精进、念住、定力、明辨,尝得觉悟之果。当我们培育同样这些素质、达到同样的觉醒时,该觉醒就是我们的终极归依。就在此处三宝的三侧面合而为一: 超越了贪、嗔、痴之所及,故此彻底安稳。

Refuge in the Buddha by Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi

The first step in entering the Buddhist path is going for refuge to the Triple Gem, and the first of the three gems that we approach as refuge is the Buddha, the Enlightened One.Because the act of going for refuge to the Buddha marks the beginning of a new chapter in our life, it is worth our while to repeatedly pause and reflect upon the significance of this momentous step.Too often we are prone to take our first steps for granted.Yet it is only if we review these steps from time to time in a deepening awareness of their implications that we can be sure the following steps we take will bring us closer to our desired destination.踏上佛教之道的第一步,乃是归依三宝,而我们前往归依的三宝之首,即是佛陀,觉悟者。由于归依佛陀之举标志着生命新一章的开启,它值得我们反复地静下来观想这一重大步骤的意义。我们太过于倾向把自己的起步视为理所当然。只有以渐进的理解,时时回顾这些足迹的意涵,我们才能够确保后继的步程将带领我们趋近欲达之终点。

The going for refuge to the Buddha is not a single action which occurs only once and is then completed with absolute finality.It is, or should be, a continually evolving process which matures in tandem with our practice and understanding of the Dhamma.To go for refuge does not imply that at the outset we already possess a clear grasp of the dangers that make a refuge necessary or of the goal toward which we aspire.Comprehension of these matters grows gradually over time.But to the extent that we have actually gone for refuge with sincere intent, we should make an earnest effort to sharpen and deepen our understanding of the objects to which we have turned as the basis for our deliverance.归依佛陀并非是一次性彻底完成的单一事件。它是,或者说应该是一个随着我们对佛法的修持与领悟的成熟而连续进化的过程。归依并不意味着我们对使归依成为必要的危险或者对期望达到的目标一开始即有明确的领悟。对这些事的理解与时俱增。不过,我们应当作出相应于归依之诚意的努力,对自己视为解脱之根本依靠的对象,获得明确与深入的了解。

In going for refuge to the Buddha it is most essential at the outset to clarify our conception of what a Buddha is and how he functions as a refuge.If such clarification is lacking, our sense of refuge can easily become tainted by erroneous views.We may ascribe to the Buddha a status he never claimed for himself, as when we regard him as the incarnation of a god, as the emanation of the Absolute, or as a personal savior.On the other hand, we may detract from the exalted status to which the Buddha is properly entitled, as when we regard him simply as a benevolent sage, as an unusually astute Asiatic philosopher, or as a genius of meditative technology.在归依佛陀之初,澄清我们对何为佛陀、他如何起归依作用的概念,是至为重要的。缺乏这样的澄清,我们的归依感很容易沾染妄见。我们也许会赋予佛陀某种他自己从未承认的位格,比如把他视为一尊神祗的化身、绝对终极的体现、或者一位个人的救主。另一方面,我们也许会对佛陀正当拥有的崇高地位加以贬低,比如把他仅仅视为一位慈蔼的智者、一位异常敏锐的亚洲哲学家、或者一位掌握禪定技术的天才。A correct view of the Buddha's nature would see him in terms of the title he assigned to himself: as a Fully Self-Enlightened One(samma sambuddha).He is self-enlightened because he has awakened to the essential truths of existence entirely on his own, without a teacher or guide.He is fully enlightened because he has comprehended these truths completely, in all their ramifications and implications.And as a Buddha he has not only fathomed these truths himself, but has also taught them to the world so that others may awaken from the long sleep of ignorance and attain the fruits of liberation.对于佛陀本质的正确见解,乃是以他本人赋予自己的名号来看待他: 一位正自觉者(samma sambuddha, 彻底自我觉醒者)。之所以称他为自觉者,是因为他对生存的基本真相的觉醒,无师尊、无向导,全凭自力成就。之所以称他为正自觉者,是因为他对这些真相的一切细节与寓意,已达成全知。作为一位佛陀,他不仅本人领悟了这些真相,而且还把它们傳给了世界,使得他人也有可能从无明的长眠中觉醒,证得解脱之果。

Taking refuge in the Buddha is an act anchored in a particular historical individual: the recluse Gotama, the scion of the Sakyan clan, who lived and taught in the Ganges valley in the fifth century B.C.When we take refuge in the Buddha, we rely upon this historical individual and the body of instruction that stems from him.It is important to stress this point in view of the fashionable notion that taking refuge in the Buddha means that we take refuge in “the Buddha-mind within ourselves” or in “the universal principle of enlightenment.” Such ideas, allowed to go unchecked, can lead to the belief that anything we contrive in the flights of our imagination can qualify as true Dhamma.To the contrary, the Buddhist tradition insists that when we go for refuge to the Buddha, we place ourselves under the guidance of one who is distinctly different from ourselves, one who has scaled heights that we have barely begun to glimpse.归依佛陀,指的是对一位特定历史人物的归依: 即隐者乔达摩,生活于公元前五世纪、傳法于恒河流域的释迦族太子。我们归依这位佛陀时,是在归依这位历史人物和他的教诫。面对现今流行的归依观念──所谓归依佛陀意味着归依“我们自己内在的佛心”或者“开悟之普遍原则” ──强调这一点是十分重要的。听任那些观念自由发展,可以引向但凡想象力驰骋之所及皆可作为真法的地步。与之相反,佛教傳统坚持认为,当我们归依佛陀时,是在把自己置于那位卓然有别于我们自身者的指导之下,他所成就的高度我们只开始获得遥遥的一瞥。

But when we rely upon the recluse Gotama as our refuge, we do not apprehend him merely as a particular individual, a wise and sensible sage.We apprehend him rather as a Buddha.It is his Buddhahood — his possession of the full range of excellent qualities that come with perfect enlightenment — that makes the recluse Gotama a refuge.In any cosmic epoch, a Buddha is that being who first breaks through the dark mass of ignorance encompassing the world and rediscovers the lost path to Nibbana, the cessation of suffering.He is the pioneer, the trailblazer, who discovers the path and proclaims the path so that others, by following his tracks, may extinguish their ignorance, arrive at true wisdom, and break the fetters that tie them to the round of repeated birth and death.不过,当我们依止隐者乔达摩作为自己的庇护时,并不把他仅仅理解为一位智慧贤明的个人。我们把他理解为一位佛陀。正是他的佛陀位格──随着圆满觉悟而来的、对一切殊胜品质的









很多的东西都是“只可意会不可言传”的!佛的很多境界需要自己去悟,去修心佛陀教化众生要抛弃妄念执着,进入到非想非非想的状态!“说”这一行为本身需要一个妄念才能实行,所 以不可说!佛陀有这么多经书,这么多语录就是为了教化众生不得已而为之,故禅宗讲求不执着于文字就是这个道理。有句话很好的说明了这句佛家经典:有的事可说不可做,有的可做却不可说,有的既不可说又不可做。



佛家讲“色”是指眼睛所看到的一切,这句话基本要阐述的是万物本空的理念不要对万物起执情,而使身心不得自在,使得谈空却又恋空,其实恋取世事和恋空并无分别,同样是执取而不放 一切能见到或不能见到的事物现象,是人们虚妄产生的幻觉。色即是空,使人们认识到事物的现象,认识到诸多的苦和烦恼都是虚妄产生的空即是色,则由事物的共性,因缘关系,让人们知道因果报应,善恶循环所谓:要知前世因,今生受者是,要知后世果,今生做者是“色即是空,空即是色”是劝人向善的基础。



人生在世间时时刻刻像处于荆棘丛林之中一样,处处暗藏危险或者诱惑。只有不动妄心,不存妄想,心如止水,才能使自己的行动无偏颇,从而有效地规避风险,抵制诱惑。否则就会痛苦 绕身。













出自《坛经》中一则禅宗典故,这是从神秀和惠能那两个偈子引申出来。神秀问:“身是菩提树,心如明镜台,时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃”。惠能答:“菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?”菩提原本比喻智慧,明亮的镜子比喻清静心。本来清静,那里会染上什么尘埃? 就常人来讲,如悟到,对于世间的事情,万物,需要一颗宁静的心,去面对这一切,就足够了。对于修证佛法的人来说,这是一个非常严重的问题,佛法是让人悟得本性的,从而对万事万物没有迷惑,不是理解,不是文字,执着于文字,用文字猜度佛法,永远找不到本性。禅宗,修证需要极高的慧根。“身是菩提树,心如明镜台,时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃” 这是禅宗五祖弘忍门下上座弟子神秀所作的一句偈语。这句偈语以尘埃比作烦恼,以镜比喻人的心,也就是说我们应当时时观察自己的心有没有烦恼,如有烦恼就要除去,即“时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃”。断除烦恼是佛教修行内容之一,所以神秀说得也的确不错。






佛经上说:“人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。”我们的一生说真的是浪费了不少时间和精力去追求心仪的东西。这些东西往往不是我们所需要的,至少是我们不知道该不该要的。有人说生命是一种过程,我们应该享受这一过程而不是考虑结果。或许是的,或许不尽然。享受过程原本是一种美,一种刺激。不过有时候这一过程并不对劲,甚至一塌糊涂。过程完毕之后的结果 是啥,谁也不能在过程中就会有知晓。能有知晓的结果是乏味的。如果我们追求的不是我们要的或是应该要的,痛苦是必然的结果。如果我们追求的是我们想要的,但是最终又追求不到,也是痛苦的。







“诸法无我,诸行无常,涅盘寂静。” 此是佛学中的“三法印”法印是佛法之特征!乃印证义理是否正确,若所说与法印相契,则可认为是佛说,如与法印违背,则被判定为非佛说。无常是说世间一切事物无时不在生住异灭中,过去有的,现在起了变化,现在有的,将来终归幻灭。









20、心生种种法生,心灭种种法灭 解释是:“心生种种法生,心灭种种法灭”,这个心不是指法心,是指无始无明,也就是佛所说的第八意识(简单的说就是潜意识吧)所产生的种种幻想。比如:心生种种法生,看到美女,喜欢她,就产生横多美好的感觉;心灭种种法灭,看到仇人时,分外痛苦,但是,如果将心念转变一下——宽恕他、原谅他、同情他,以慈悲心对待他。当慈悲心一生起,怨恨就消失了;当你没有怨恨的心时,他不再是仇人,「仇人」这个想法、「仇人」这个现象,也就不存在了。所以,对任何一件事,只要念头转变或消失,外界也就没有固定的、永恒的、不变的现象。





从宗教的角度看,人生的本质就是痛苦。转变痛苦的方法很简单,就是保持平和的心,你的心平和了,你就身在天堂,如果 你的心贪嗔痴,即使实质上你过得很好,也会身在地狱。“饥来吃饭,困来即眠”才最接近生活的本质。








“本性体弱太虚”是指如果你执着于这个虚空的“我”,那么这个“我”是很虚弱的,“我”无法掌握自己,每时每刻,“我”的身体都在刹那的变化,每天细胞都在新陈代谢,每天细胞都在生长,成长,衰老,死亡,我们的皱纹都在增长,我们无法控制,所以说这个“我”并不属于你的,你不应该去执着于“我”,所以也就有了“无内无外”,当你不在执着于你的身体,你的财富,你的身份的时候,生于死你也不会再去执着了,你的来与去,也就自由 了,也就是“非来非去”。








这句话是佛门的古大德说的,是用来告诫出家修行人要知恩德,勤修行,勿懈怠,意思是这样:出家人,都受着众生的供养,所有这些供养的米(这里泛指钱,米,油,菜等等)都是众生(也就是施主)辛辛苦苦赚来的。那人家凭什么要供养出家人呢?出家人又凭什么接受这些供养呢?因为众生们需要出家人修行成 就了以后能渡他们出离生死,出离苦海.所以出家人享受到的每一份供养(一颗米)都是众生了脱生死的大愿呐,这样的大愿如同须弥山一样重,如果出家而不修行,不思进取,白吃白拿着人家的供养,混日子,辜负众生的期望,这样欠下的众生债,那是要在以后的生生世世做牛做马(披毛戴角)都还不完的。

31、念佛无难事,所难在一心。一心亦无难,难在断爱根 念佛无难事,所难在一心意思说,让人念佛很容易的,譬如念“阿弥陀佛”,但是难就难在你念这四个字的时候,是不是一心不乱、专心致志的念,这就不是随随便便能做到的了。



“但”后面应该还有个“自”字,完整的句子是“但自无心于万物,何妨万物常围绕”,意思是只要自己心里对一切事物毫 不执著,那么有再多的事物围绕在身边,都没有关系。这句话是针对某些只知道修苦行,却不注重内心修行的人来说的。虽然吃住等外部环境条件很差,但是内心还是充满了对物质的渴望,这种修行是没用的,只是一种表面的功夫。






这段话是从《无量寿经》摘录出来的。人在这个世间,因为我们都贪图五欲,所以都在“爱欲之中”。但其实都是“独生独死,独去独来”,这并不表示我们死的时候才是独死、才是独去,连我们生的时候,也是独生独来.“独生独来”是指我们即使有六亲眷属,恩爱、和合在一起,但其实也是孤独的,因为往往我们的心事,很难有一个知交能让我们倾诉,所以台语有一句话说“心事谁人知”,这个大家都有同感吧!所以,即使与众相处也是独.更何况 “当行至趣,苦乐之地,身自当之,无有代者”!当我们临终受果报的时候,不管是到苦的地方,或是乐的地方,是善道或是恶道,都要自己去承担,没有人可以替代,即使想替代也替代不得,这个就是“自因自果”、“自作自受”。








39、七佛通诫偈 诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意,是诸佛教。

诸恶莫作,是一切的 害人害己的事情都不要去做。众善奉行,是一切的利人利己的事情的应该遵行。自净其意,就是要去掉你心中那些污浊的东西,要在心中充实那些光明高尚的东西。是诸佛教,以上三点,可以说就是一切圆满觉悟的佛陀们的共同的教诲。这个偈子,被称之为:七佛通诫偈。40、罗衣偏罩脓血囊,锦被悉遮屎尿桶。






南怀瑾《金刚经说什么》:佛自己提出来心的问题,由眼见到 心。他的结论一切都不是心,众生一切的心都在变化之中,像时间一样,像物理世界一样,永远不会停留,永远把握不住,永远是过去的;所以“过去心不可得,现在心不可得,未来心不可得”。我们刚说一声未来,它已经变成现在了,正说现在的时候,已经变成过去了。






其实,这句话是告诉我们一个简单的道理,就是一切法的形成,都是因为我们的心变复杂了。我们的心呢,它一复杂,就会 生出很多的是非来,所以说,万法为一心生。因为心复杂了,所以,就生出很多很多。但生出这么多以后,最终还是要回过来,回到一,回到单一。回到单一,就是回到简单,回到简朴,也就是把复杂的心去掉。回到简单,才是真实。回到简单以后,简单的心又能反射出一切的存在物,所以,一就是多了。






学无上菩提,不可轻于初学,下下人有上上智,上上人有没意智。若轻人,即有无量无边的罪!若想学得最上无上菩提,不要轻视刚学佛法的人,即使是最愚痴的人,他也有成佛的智慧!不可轻视!众生皆是未来之佛嘛!都可以成佛!即使是最聪明,具有大智慧的人,他也有智慧被无明、欲念埋没的时候,被自已高深的知识所障碍,如果轻慢刚学佛法的人,就会有无量无边的罪!所以说,障碍自已圣道的,不是别人,而是自已。我相一起,百相、千相„„ 顿起。我相不起,诸相皆没!


兀兀不修善,腾腾不造恶,寂寂断见闻,荡荡心无著。六祖惠能圆寂前所说的一句佛揭,“兀兀不修善”,“兀”是不动,心里不动.善要不要修?要修。“诸恶莫作,众善奉行”,虽然修一切善,心不动.诸位读了“兀兀不修善”这句话,一切善事都不做了,你就不懂大师的意思。这是教你心里不能有修善的心,可是修善的事情要做。“腾腾不造恶”,‘腾腾’是自在的意思,自在坦然,不造恶。“寂寂断见闻,荡荡心无著”,这四句话实在是说尽修行人的本色,是我们应当要学的。“荡荡心无著”就是诚敬之心,心中坦然、平等、清净、慈悲一切。“寂寂”是安静的意思。“断见闻”,就是在一切见闻中,心是清净的,心是不染著,这样才能把一切事情看得清清楚楚.在一切见闻中不生分别、不生执著;今人 所谓是客观的看,实际上客观还落在意识;这是完全离心意识接触、见闻,心地才能真正达到平等、清净、慈悲一切。这是大师末后的教诫。










人与人之间的爱恨情仇,世间的各种酸甜苦辣,特别繁琐和 复杂,该怎么办呢?所以不管安定、危急还是痛苦、快乐,还是要能够在任何情况下都能满足,不要追求更高,这样才最好。






大意是说:“如果有人能够亲见自己的色身并非实有,亲见一切众生的色身并非实有,那么,他的见解,就是佛陀之见。如果有人能够明了自己的心如幻,也明了一切众生的心如幻,那么,他这个明了,就是佛陀之明了。倘若能够如此明了,明了所有的 色身和心识,其本性都是空而不可得的话;那么,像这样的人,与佛陀有啥差别呢!






万法随着因缘,而迁变,比如有阳光雨露,种子就萌发,没有就死掉,如此生灭无常,没有永恒的实体,所以是空。而空不代表没有缘起的现象,年年岁岁花相似,花还是有开;同时,也没有一个“空”可以给我们依赖,所谓“色即是空,空即是色”,对立而统一。但是当我们万缘放下,不要执着于假象,假象看破 了,自己本有的清净圆满的心性就显现。山河大地都是我真心所展现,没有区别对立,哪里可以安置一个观念,说这个是“你”,那个是“我”呢?所以禅法是不二法门,离颠倒分别,“法”、“无法”都是戏论,要看破,放下,就能随缘自在。






生活中的人就如那野鹤总要独立而活,生存的技能会慢慢 领会的。粗疏饮啄:鹤的生存技能。


这是六祖大师说的偈颂,「一切无有真」:这所有的一切,都不是真的,「不以见于真」:你不要以为这个不真的,你见它是真的。「若见于真者」:如果在这个不真之中,你认为是真的话。「是见尽非真」:你所见的见,也不是真的。「若能自有真」:假设你 能自己回光反照,反求诸己;在你自性里,你就知道它是真的。「离假即心真」:你离开世间上一切的假形假相,那就是你的真心。「自心不离假」:你自己心里不离开这个假,「无真何处真」:你心里要是没有真,那么哪个地方又会有真的呢?所以真的是不离自性的;离开自性就没有真的。





佛说:修百世方可同舟渡,修千世方能共枕眠。前生五百次的凝眸,换今生一次的擦肩。今生的一次邂逅,定然孕育前世太多甜蜜或痛苦的回忆。万发缘生,皆系缘分!偶然的相遇,蓦然回首,注定了彼此的一生,只为了眼光交会的刹那。你说:缘是 山中高士晶莹雪,世外仙姝寂寞林。我说:缘是众里寻她千百度,那人却在灯火阑珊处。你说:缘是纵然两情相悦,仍难逃宿命之劫。我说:缘是无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。缘是悲欢离合总无情,一任窗前点滴到天明。缘是无尽的思念。而我,傲立于沙漠中静静的看着它缘起缘灭。65、悟心容易息心难,息得心缘到处闲。




大意是:“尽自己的善心,就是觉悟到了自己的本性。觉悟到了自己的本性,就是懂得了天命。保存自己的善心,养护自己的本性,以此来对待天命。不论寿命是长是短都不改变态度,只是修身养性等待天命,这就是确立正常命运的方法。” 68、真心应物,不生分别。









修善的人家,必然有多的吉庆,作恶的人家,必多祸殃。所 阐述的是一种事物由循序渐进、慢慢积累,最终量变引起质变的现象。同时也是警示人们,一些微小不良现象的萌生,应尽早看到及早警惕和采取措施。任其发展下去的危害和后果十分严重。74、人身难得今已得,佛法难闻今已闻,此身不向今生度,更待何时度此身?






这句话的本意是,在是非和既得利益面前学会退让一点,就 得到一点好处;反之,如果争个高低,贪心太大,看似满足,实则是福分的丢失。引申为退一步海阔天空,吃亏是福。77、若问前世事,今生受者是;若问后世事,今生作者是。












象王的儿女们见一向食欲极好的父王突然间食不甘味,都愁得不得了。可无论它们怎么劝父,父王总是郁闷不乐,无奈,象王的儿子只好到国王那里去求救。国王正在宫中用膳,卫士进来报告说象王的儿子求见。“就说我正在吃饭,让他稍候一会儿。” 国王说道。“陛下,它非常焦急,一定要立即见您。”“那就让它进来吧。”象王的儿子满面愁云的进来报告说:“尊敬的陛下,我父亲突然间非常郁闷,饭都吃不下去了。”“赶快说说,到底发生了什么事?”国王听说他治国御敌的得力助手象王吃不下饭去,感到问题重大,着急起来。“刚才有个穿得破破烂烂的沙门进来,抓着我父亲的耳朵说了句话,他就马上闷闷不乐,饭也不肯吃了。”“那沙门到底说了什么?”国王有点愤怒地问。“没有听清他说什么。”象王的儿子喃喃地说。国王也不吃饭了,立即传卫士进来吩咐道:“你马上带几个人跟小象去把那个沙门给我抓来,我要亲自审讯他!” 卫士们跟象王的儿子一起出去了。国王吃罢饭便在宫中等着他们回来。不一会,卫士们便将那个穷沙门带了来。“该死的沙门,你知罪吗?”国王厉声问。“尊敬的陛下,我犯了什么罪?请您指明。”“你跟我的象王说了什么恶毒的话?”“没有,没有啊。”“那为什么我的象王吃不下饭去?它要病了,我饶不了你!”“噢,是这么回事。”罗汉把前世因缘和刚才跟象王说过的话都告诉了国王。国王心中也有许多感喟。他对罗汉说:“既然你们前生有此缘,我也就恕你无罪。念你衣食无着,赶快回去忙你的衣食吧。”罗汉走了。国王又费了一番口舌,才使象王新高兴起来,心安理得地过起了自己的舒服日子。


人间的快乐光阴很短暂,而地狱的痛苦则非常漫长,所以活 在人间时要利用各种因缘清净往昔的罪业,以后尽量不再造新的罪业。














大家赶紧来学佛念佛吧。不要贪恋尘俗的虚幻世界,不要被一些看似很好的假象所迷惑,极乐世界比这好的多的多!” 91、黄泉路上无老少,要想善终请念佛;待到大限来临时,方知却有阿弥陀。(无注解)

























































此乃六祖慧能的悟禅之言 心非心,物非物,心高于物。心是心,物是物,心物合一,心物是一。人在尘中,不是尘,尘在心中,化灰尘。世间人,法无定法,然后知非法法也;天下事,了犹未了,何妨以不了了之。切莫刻意的寻求,人人皆由佛性,重在修心和意,而不是外在的。


源自《地藏菩萨本愿经》,当年地藏王菩萨原可以成佛,但他见地狱里有无数受苦的魂灵,不忍离去,于是留在了地府,并立下重誓:“我不入地狱,谁入地狱,地狱不空,誓不成佛!” 于是有一这句话的由来,属于佛教的大乘。






出自“般若波罗密多心经” 由唐代玄奘法师所译,尽得禅宗精髓!


原文应是: 一花一世界,一叶一如来。出自《华严经》:昔时佛祖拈花,惟迦叶微笑,既而步往极乐 从一朵花中便能悟出整个世界,得升天堂!佛曰:一花一世界,一草一天堂,一叶一如来,一砂一极乐,一方一净土,一笑一尘缘,一念一清静 这一切都是一种心境,心若无物就可以一花一世界,一草一天堂。参透这些,一花一草便是整个世界,而整个世界也便空如花草,处处皆是佛,一切众生人人皆是佛。

经典七: 前世五百年的回眸才换得今世的擦肩而过

出自一个故事,佛说:修百世方可同舟渡,修千世方能共枕眠 前生五百次的凝眸,换今生一次的擦肩。今生的一次邂逅,定然孕育前世太多甜蜜或痛苦的回忆。万发缘生,皆系缘分!偶然的相遇,蓦然回首,注定了彼此的一生,只为了眼光交会的刹那。







(一)1. 恰恰用心时,恰恰无心用,无心恰恰用,常用恰恰无。

2. 天上天下,唯我独尊,自观自在,守本真心。

3. 所谓无上正等正觉者非他,即是真如本性,亦名自性清静心是也。

4. 众生由其不达一真法界,只认识一切法之相,故有分别执著之病。

5. 凡所有相皆是虚妄。虚妄者,言其是假非真,非谓绝对没有。

6. 众生念念在虚妄之相上分别执著,故名曰妄念,言其逐于妄相而起念也;或难知是假,任复念念不停,使虚妄相于心纷扰,故名曰妄念,言其虚妄之相随念而起也。

7. 根身器界一切镜相,皆是空花水月,迷著计较,徒增烦恼。

8. 一切处无心是净;得净之时不得作净想,名无净;得无净时,亦不得作无净想,是无无净。(无净无无净,即是毕竟净。)

9. 与外不染色声等,与内不起妄念心,得如是者名为证;得证之时不得作证想,名无证;得无证时,亦不得作无证想,是名无无证。(无证无无证,是名毕竟证。)

10. 若起精进心,是妄精进;若能心不妄,精进无有涯。

11. 一切处无心者,即修菩提、解脱、涅槃、寂灭、禅定乃至六度,皆见性处。12. 不以有行,亦不以无行。

13. 诸行性相,悉皆无常。

14. 诸行是常,无有是处;汝但一切处无心,即无诸行,亦无无行。

19. 起见生心,分别执著便有情尘烦恼、扰攘、若以利根勇猛身心直下,修到一念不生之处,即是本来面目。20.平常心是道,趣向即乖,到崮里正要脚踏实地,坦荡荡,圆陀陀,孤*危峭,不立毫发知见。

21. 一切无心无住着,世出世法莫不皆尔。

22. 道贵无心,禅绝名理忘怀泯绝,乃可趣向回光内烛,脱体通透。

23. 真如佛性,非是凡形,烦恼尘垢,本来无相,岂可将质碍水洗无为身。

24. 不忆一切法,乃名禅定。

25. 一切众生皆自空寂,真心无始,本来自性清净。

26. 能善分别诸法相,于第一义而不动。

27. 佛身者即法身也,从无量功德智慧生,从戒定慧解脱知见生。

28. 见无所见即名正见。

29. 众生身中有金刚佛,犹如日轮,体明圆满,广大无边。只为五阴重云覆,如瓶内灯光,不能显现。30. 终日不见己过,便绝圣贤之路。终日谈人过,便伤天地之和。

31. 32. 33. 34. 无妄想时,一心是一佛国;有妄想时,一心是一地狱。住相布施生天福,犹如仰箭射虚空。势力尽,箭还坠,招得来生不如意。若悟真心本空,万法自然消殒。自美三寸舌头,一日改头换面,辗转吞食,那时痛苦恨悔,无人能释。35. 色欲二字生死之根。

36. 妄言、绮语、两舌、恶口、杀人无血,其过甚恶。





41. 念动急觉,觉之即无,久久收摄,自然心正。










51. 本性体若太虚,无内无外,非来非去。



. 尔勿崇饮,狂. 怒为万障之根,. 世人言忍,忍. 来得不明,去. 尽其心知其性,. 悟佛之言,定. 从外入者不是. 真心应物,不. 一念才生,万. 真心虚灵,照. 知止而后有定,. 物有本末,事. 佛云若能转物. 三教圣贤,本. 人心惟危,道 54. 乐天知命,无喜无忧,妙性朗然,其乐难述。

55. 知昼则知夜,知始则知终,如若先悟未生以前面目,便知末后安身立命之处。

56. 若不究心,坐禅徒增业苦;如能护念,骂佛犹益真修。

57. 念佛人心清净,净心念佛净心听;心即佛兮佛即心,成佛无非心净定。

58. 明明白白无生死,去去来来不断常;是是非非如昨梦,真真实实快承当。

59. 一水一山何处得?一言一默总由伊;全是全非难背触,冷暖从来只自知。

60. 终日拈花择火,不知身是道场。

61. 夜夜抱佛眠,朝朝还共起,欲识佛去处,只这语声是。苟能念念不忘,心心弥陀现前,步步极乐家乡,何必远企十万亿土。

62. 坐石看云闲意思,朝阳补衲静工夫;有人问我西来意,尽把家私说向渠。

63. 情不附物,物岂碍人。

64. 境缘无好丑,好丑起于心。

65. 一切烦恼业障本来空寂,一切因果皆如梦幻,无三界可出,无菩提可求。人与非人,性相平等,大道虚旷,绝思绝虑。

66. 莫贪短利将心昧,轮回之人皆因此;快刀斩断迷魂梦,直取正心超俗尘。67. 离俗家与出家相应,去业障与道人相应,去习气与工夫相应,去烦恼与清净相应,此数相应,虽然觉得,不如不相应好。

68. 不悟本性,即佛是众生,一念悟时,众生是佛故万心尽在自心应从自心中顿见真如。

69. 若顿悟此心,本来清净,元无烦恼,无漏智性,本自具足,此心即佛,毕竟无异。

71. 未生前本来面目,死了烧了什么处相见。

72. 只愁不作佛,莫愁佛不解语是也。

73. 悟门了当,澈见圣凡不二,迷悟不二,生死涅槃不二,有情无情不二。

74. 不睹恶生嫌,不观善劝措,不舍智就愚,不抛迷就悟。

75. 迷时师度,悟时自度,只合自性自度。听法顿中渐,悟法渐中顿,修行顿中渐,证果渐中顿。

76. 菩提无是处,佛不得,众生亦不失菩提,但一切众生,即菩提相。

77. 心生种种法生,心灭种种法灭。

78. 处凡愚而不减,在贤圣而不增,住烦恼而不乱,居禅定而不寂,不断、不常、不来、不去、不在中间及内外,不生不灭,性相如如,常住不迁,名之曰道。

79. 不生不灭者,本自无生,今亦无灭,非外道,将灭止生,以生显灭,灭犹不灭,生说不生。80. 于一切处不住相,彼相中不生憎爱,亦无取舍,不念利益成坏等事,安闲恬静,虚融淡泊,此名一相三昧。

81. 行住坐卧,纯一直心不动道场,真成净土,名一行三昧。

82. 心性虚空,动静之源莫二,真如绝虑,缘计之念非殊。

83. 惑见纷驰,穷之则唯一寂,灵源不状,见之则以千差。千差不同,法眼之名自立,一寂非异,慧眼之号斯存,理量双销,佛眼之功圆着。

84. 学道须是铁汉,着手心头便判,直取无上菩提,一切是非莫管。

85. 佛是众生药,病生病除,药亦无用。病(病字头里面一个 差)药除佛魔俱扫。始于此大事因缘有少分相应。

86. 佛是众生界了事汉,众生是佛界不了事汉。

87. 欲得一如,但佛与众生一时放下,则无了无不了。

88. 但于事上通无事,见色闻声不用聋。

89. 是人知得世间有为虚妄不实底道理,及至对境遇缘,蓦地撞在面前,不随他去,否则被伊穿却鼻孔定也。90. 佛说:汝以色空相倾相夺于如来藏,而如来藏随为色空,周遍法界。

91. 佛说:我以妙明,不灭不生,合如来藏。而如来藏惟妙觉明,圆照法界是故于中,一为无量,无量为一。小中现大,大中现小。不动道场,遍十方界无尽虚空。92. 于一毫端现宝王刹,坐微尘里转大□□。

93. 道,但以假名字,引导于众生。未识得破时千难万难,识得破后,有什么难易。

94. 凡夫志量狭妄,说有难易。离相如虚空,尽契诸佛智。戒相亦如空,迷人自作持。病根不肯拔,只自弄花枝,要识病么?不是别物,只是个执难执易。96. 断除烦恼重增病,趋向真如亦是邪。随分世缘无挂碍,涅槃生死等空华。

97. 要得直截,不疑佛祖,不疑生死,但常放教方寸虚豁豁地。事来则随时拔置,如水之定,如鉴之明,好恶妍丑到来,逃一毫不得,信知无心自然境界,不可思议。

98. 离妄想颠倒无真如佛性。离贪嗔邪见,无菩提涅槃。

99. 三界之中,以心为主。真观心者,究竟解脱。不能观者,究竟沉沦。

100. 众生之心,犹如大地。五谷五果从大地生。如是心法,生世出世,善恶五趣,有学无学,独觉菩萨,及于如来。以此因缘,三界唯心,心名为地。

101. 赤肉团上,人人古佛家风。毗卢顶门,处处祖师巴鼻。

102. 不住一切处心即是佛心。

103. 慕道真士,自观自心,知佛在内,不向外寻。

104. 求趣无上菩提者,要净自心,福田方净。

105. 真心是菩萨净土。

106. 发菩提心者,非为己利,原为尽十方遍法界,一切极苦有情之所依怙。107. 十方如来,同一道故,出离生死,皆以直故。

108. 菩萨不与法缚,不求法缚。

109. 于一切相,离一切相,即是无相。

110. 但离却有无诸法,心如日轮常在虚空,光明自然,不照而照,无棲泊处即是行诸佛行,亦便是应无所住而生其心。

111. 邪正烦恼,同一性空,分别假相,妙心现影。

112. 菩萨心无取舍,如大月轮,圆满寂静,即是涅槃。

113. 菩提本自性,性净是菩提,亦非可修相,更无可作相。

114. 本净明心非别处,惟在众生妄心中。

115. 但学无心,顿息诸缘,莫生妄想分别,无人无我,无贪尘、无憎爱、无胜负,但除却如许多种妄想,性自本来清净,即是修行菩提法佛等。

116. 智者任物不任己,愚人任己不任物。

117. 不见一物名为见道,不行一物名为行道。

118. 念念无相,念念无为,即是学佛。

119. 息念忘虑,佛自现前。

120. 但悟一心,更无少法可得。

121. 但能无心,便是究竟。若不直下无心,累劫修行,终不成道。

122. 凡夫取境,道人取心,心境双忘乃是真法。

123. 但于一切一切法,不作有无见,即见法也。

124. 一念离真,皆为妄想。

125. 若欲无境,当忘其心,心忘即境空,境空即心灭。

126. 但契本心,不用求法。

127. 愚人除事不除心,智者除心不除事。

128. 菩萨心如虚空,一切俱舍,所作福德皆不贪着。

129. 无法可说,是名说法。

130. 佛本是心自作,哪得向文字中求。

131. 一切法相,皆是假名,本来即非,盖生即无生也。

132. 一切法相本为缘生,缘生之法,当体即空。

133. 一切诸众生,无始幻无明,皆从诸如来,圆觉心建立。犹如虚空花,依空而有相,空花若复灭,虚空本不动。

134. 无明不过是本性中缘起之幻相。

135. 一切如来本起因底,皆依圆照清净觉相,永断无明,方成佛道。

136. 何谓圆照?前念已灭,后念未生,正恁么时,一心湛寂,了了明明,是之谓照。圆者,非着力,非不着力,不沉不浮恍如朗月孤圆是也。此寂一念未起,清净无比,遍体清凉,便是本来面目。137. 自性本来不生也,本来不生即是本来不动。生灭即指无明,意谓自性中本无无明,说有无明,由于妄见耳。

138. 一切万法,皆与自己无违无背,直下透脱成一片。

佛祖妙道径截,唯直指人心,务见性成佛尔,但此心源,本来虚静明妙。140. 道本无言,因言显道,若真体道之人,通之于心,明之于本。

141. 参问之要在专一,不强作为,只守本分,须根脚有透脱处,明见本来面目。142. 学道深宜退步体究,但以生死为念,世谛无常,是身非坚久,一息不来,便是异世。143.平常心是道,然才起念待要平常,早乖差了也,此最为微细难凑处。144. 契证佛祖妙道,最宜上智利根,忘怀体究,不坠机境,直下拔萃超群。145. 先悟妙心,行无修之修,证无证之证,不用向外驰求,只自回光便了。146. 脱虚妄缠缚,破生死巢窟,第一要根器猛利轩豁,次办长久不退之心。147. 佛祖妙道,唯在各人根本上,实不出本净妙明,无为无事心矣。

148. 死生之变亦大矣,衲僧家坐断报化佛头,不立纤毫知见,直下透脱。

149. 大道体宽,无易无难,小见狐疑,转急转迟,若达大道体宽,廓然同太虚空。150. 道本无言,法本无生,以无言言,显不生法,更无第二头。

151. 至道之要唯在息心,心即息,则万缘休罢廓同太虚了然无寄。




























1,微笑能助长我们的活力;2,宽恕能助长我们的气度;3,包容能助长我们的和谐; 4,放生能助长我们的寿命;5,慈悲能助长我们的人缘;6,读经能助长我们的智能。


1,是非创造智能之人;2,反省创造完善之人; 2,读书创造达礼之人;4,教育创造理性之人。











观人自在,与任何人相处都很自在; 观事自在,遇到任何事情都能自在。





(一)1. 恰恰用心时,恰恰无心用,无心恰恰用,常用恰恰无。

2. 天上天下,唯我独尊,自观自在,守本真心。

3. 所谓无上正等正觉者非他,即是真如本性,亦名自性清静心是也。

4. 众生由其不达一真法界,只认识一切法之相,故有分别执著之病。5. 凡所有相皆是虚妄。虚妄者,言其是假非真,非谓绝对没有。

6. 众生念念在虚妄之相上分别执著,故名曰妄念,言其逐于妄相而起念也;或难知是假,任复念念不停,使虚妄相于心纷扰,故名曰妄念,言其虚妄之相随念而起也。

7. 根身器界一切镜相,皆是空花水月,迷著计较,徒增烦恼。

8. 一切处无心是净;得净之时不得作净想,名无净;得无净时,亦不得作无净想,是无无净。(无净无无净,即是毕竟净。)

9. 与外不染色声等,与内不起妄念心,得如是者名为证;得证之时不得作证想,名无证;得无证时,亦不得作无证想,是名无无证。(无证无无证,是名毕竟证。)

10. 若起精进心,是妄精进;若能心不妄,精进无有涯。

11. 一切处无心者,即修菩提、解脱、涅槃、寂灭、禅定乃至六度,皆见性处。

12. 不以有行,亦不以无行。

13. 诸行性相,悉皆无常。

14. 诸行是常,无有是处;汝但一切处无心,即无诸行,亦无无行。

15. 疾苦在身,宜善摄心,不为外境所摇,中心亦不起念。

16. 参须实参,见需实见,用须实用,证须实证,若纤毫不实即落虚也。

17. 临终之际,若一毫凡圣情量未尽,纤毫思虑未忘便乃轻重五阴去也。

18. 忍苦捍劳,繁兴大用,虽粗浅中皆为至实,惟贵心不易移,一往直前履践将去,生死亦不奈我何。19. 起见生心,分别执著便有情尘烦恼、扰攘、若以利根勇猛身心直下,修到一念不生之处,即是本来面目。20.平常心是道,趣向即乖,到崮里正要脚踏实地,坦荡荡,圆陀陀,孤*危峭,不立毫发知见。21. 一切无心无住着,世出世法莫不皆尔。

22. 道贵无心,禅绝名理忘怀泯绝,乃可趣向回光内烛,脱体通透。

23. 真如佛性,非是凡形,烦恼尘垢,本来无相,岂可将质碍水洗无为身。

24. 不忆一切法,乃名禅定。

25. 一切众生皆自空寂,真心无始,本来自性清净。

26. 能善分别诸法相,于第一义而不动。

27. 佛身者即法身也,从无量功德智慧生,从戒定慧解脱知见生。

28. 见无所见即名正见。

29. 众生身中有金刚佛,犹如日轮,体明圆满,广大无边。只为五阴重云覆,如瓶内灯光,不能显现。30. 终日不见己过,便绝圣贤之路。终日谈人过,便伤天地之和。

31. 无妄想时,一心是一佛国;有妄想时,一心是一地狱。

32. 住相布施生天福,犹如仰箭射虚空。势力尽,箭还坠,招得来生不如意。

33. 若悟真心本空,万法自然消殒。

34. 自美三寸舌头,一日改头换面,辗转吞食,那时痛苦恨悔,无人能释。

35. 色欲二字生死之根。

36. 妄言、绮语、两舌、恶口、杀人无血,其过甚恶。37. 尔勿崇饮,狂药非佳味,能使谨厚性,化作凶顽童。38. 怒为万障之根,忍为百福之首。39. 世人言忍,忍字最难,非大智慧,断然不能。40. 来得不明,去得正好,智人观此,未免心冷。41. 念动急觉,觉之即无,久久收摄,自然心正。

42. 尽其心知其性,知其性则知其天。

43. 悟佛之言,定要行佛之行。

44. 从外入者不是家珍,从内发者,方谓真慧。

45. 真心应物,不生分别。

46. 一念才生,万法齐现,假指心性,而明易道。

47. 真心虚灵,照而常寂,德者心用,纯善无恶。

48. 知止而后有定,定而后有静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。

49. 物有本末,事有终始,知所先后,则近道矣。

50. 佛云若能转物即同如来。

51. 本性体若太虚,无内无外,非来非去。

52. 三教圣贤,本乎一理,若离心性尽是魔说。

53. 人心惟危,道心惟微,惟精惟一,允执厥中。

54. 乐天知命,无喜无忧,妙性朗然,其乐难述。

55. 知昼则知夜,知始则知终,如若先悟未生以前面目,便知末后安身立命之处。

56. 若不究心,坐禅徒增业苦;如能护念,骂佛犹益真修。

57. 念佛人心清净,净心念佛净心听;心即佛兮佛即心,成佛无非心净定。

58. 明明白白无生死,去去来来不断常;是是非非如昨梦,真真实实快承当。

59. 一水一山何处得?一言一默总由伊;全是全非难背触,冷暖从来只自知。

60. 终日拈花择火,不知身是道场。

61. 夜夜抱佛眠,朝朝还共起,欲识佛去处,只这语声是。苟能念念不忘,心心弥陀现前,步步极乐家乡,何必远企十万亿土。

62. 坐石看云闲意思,朝阳补衲静工夫;有人问我西来意,尽把家私说向渠。

63. 情不附物,物岂碍人。

64. 境缘无好丑,好丑起于心。

65. 一切烦恼业障本来空寂,一切因果皆如梦幻,无三界可出,无菩提可求。人与非人,性相平等,大道虚旷,绝思绝虑。

66. 莫贪短利将心昧,轮回之人皆因此;快刀斩断迷魂梦,直取正心超俗尘。

67. 离俗家与出家相应,去业障与道人相应,去习气与工夫相应,去烦恼与清净相应,此数相应,虽然觉得,不如不相应好。

68. 不悟本性,即佛是众生,一念悟时,众生是佛故万心尽在自心应从自心中顿见真如。

69. 若顿悟此心,本来清净,元无烦恼,无漏智性,本自具足,此心即佛,毕竟无异。

71. 未生前本来面目,死了烧了什么处相见。72. 只愁不作佛,莫愁佛不解语是也。

73. 悟门了当,澈见圣凡不二,迷悟不二,生死涅槃不二,有情无情不二。

74. 不睹恶生嫌,不观善劝措,不舍智就愚,不抛迷就悟。

75. 迷时师度,悟时自度,只合自性自度。听法顿中渐,悟法渐中顿,修行顿中渐,证果渐中顿。

76. 菩提无是处,佛不得,众生亦不失菩提,但一切众生,即菩提相。

77. 心生种种法生,心灭种种法灭。

78. 处凡愚而不减,在贤圣而不增,住烦恼而不乱,居禅定而不寂,不断、不常、不来、不去、不在中间及内外,不生不灭,性相如如,常住不迁,名之曰道。

79. 不生不灭者,本自无生,今亦无灭,非外道,将灭止生,以生显灭,灭犹不灭,生说不生。80. 于一切处不住相,彼相中不生憎爱,亦无取舍,不念利益成坏等事,安闲恬静,虚融淡泊,此名一相三昧。81. 行住坐卧,纯一直心不动道场,真成净土,名一行三昧。

82. 心性虚空,动静之源莫二,真如绝虑,缘计之念非殊。

83. 惑见纷驰,穷之则唯一寂,灵源不状,见之则以千差。千差不同,法眼之名自立,一寂非异,慧眼之号斯存,理量双销,佛眼之功圆着。

84. 学道须是铁汉,着手心头便判,直取无上菩提,一切是非莫管。

85. 佛是众生药,病生病除,药亦无用。病(病字头里面一个 差)药除佛魔俱扫。始于此大事因缘有少分相应。

86. 佛是众生界了事汉,众生是佛界不了事汉。

87. 欲得一如,但佛与众生一时放下,则无了无不了。

88. 但于事上通无事,见色闻声不用聋。

89. 是人知得世间有为虚妄不实底道理,及至对境遇缘,蓦地撞在面前,不随他去,否则被伊穿却鼻孔定也。90. 佛说:汝以色空相倾相夺于如来藏,而如来藏随为色空,周遍法界。

91. 佛说:我以妙明,不灭不生,合如来藏。而如来藏惟妙觉明,圆照法界是故于中,一为无量,无量为一。小中现大,大中现小。不动道场,遍十方界无尽虚空。

92. 于一毫端现宝王刹,坐微尘里转大□□。

93. 道,但以假名字,引导于众生。未识得破时千难万难,识得破后,有什么难易。

94. 凡夫志量狭妄,说有难易。离相如虚空,尽契诸佛智。戒相亦如空,迷人自作持。病根不肯拔,只自弄花枝,要识病么?不是别物,只是个执难执易。

96. 断除烦恼重增病,趋向真如亦是邪。随分世缘无挂碍,涅槃生死等空华。

97. 要得直截,不疑佛祖,不疑生死,但常放教方寸虚豁豁地。事来则随时拔置,如水之定,如鉴之明,好恶妍丑到来,逃一毫不得,信知无心自然境界,不可思议。

98. 离妄想颠倒无真如佛性。离贪嗔邪见,无菩提涅槃。

99. 三界之中,以心为主。真观心者,究竟解脱。不能观者,究竟沉沦。

100. 众生之心,犹如大地。五谷五果从大地生。如是心法,生世出世,善恶五趣,有学无学,独觉菩萨,及于如来。以此因缘,三界唯心,心名为地。

101. 赤肉团上,人人古佛家风。毗卢顶门,处处祖师巴鼻。

102. 不住一切处心即是佛心。

103. 慕道真士,自观自心,知佛在内,不向外寻。

104. 求趣无上菩提者,要净自心,福田方净。

105. 真心是菩萨净土。

106. 发菩提心者,非为己利,原为尽十方遍法界,一切极苦有情之所依怙。107. 十方如来,同一道故,出离生死,皆以直故。

108. 菩萨不与法缚,不求法缚。

109. 于一切相,离一切相,即是无相。

110. 但离却有无诸法,心如日轮常在虚空,光明自然,不照而照,无棲泊处即是行诸佛行,亦便是应无所住而生其心。

111. 邪正烦恼,同一性空,分别假相,妙心现影。

112. 菩萨心无取舍,如大月轮,圆满寂静,即是涅槃。

113. 菩提本自性,性净是菩提,亦非可修相,更无可作相。

114. 本净明心非别处,惟在众生妄心中。

115. 但学无心,顿息诸缘,莫生妄想分别,无人无我,无贪尘、无憎爱、无胜负,但除却如许多种妄想,性自本来清净,即是修行菩提法佛等。

116. 智者任物不任己,愚人任己不任物。

117. 不见一物名为见道,不行一物名为行道。

118. 念念无相,念念无为,即是学佛。

119. 息念忘虑,佛自现前。

120. 但悟一心,更无少法可得。

121. 但能无心,便是究竟。若不直下无心,累劫修行,终不成道。

122. 凡夫取境,道人取心,心境双忘乃是真法。

123. 但于一切一切法,不作有无见,即见法也。

124. 一念离真,皆为妄想。

125. 若欲无境,当忘其心,心忘即境空,境空即心灭。

126. 但契本心,不用求法。

127. 愚人除事不除心,智者除心不除事。

128. 菩萨心如虚空,一切俱舍,所作福德皆不贪着。

129. 无法可说,是名说法。

130. 佛本是心自作,哪得向文字中求。

131. 一切法相,皆是假名,本来即非,盖生即无生也。

132. 一切法相本为缘生,缘生之法,当体即空。

133. 一切诸众生,无始幻无明,皆从诸如来,圆觉心建立。犹如虚空花,依空而有相,空花若复灭,虚空本不动。

134. 无明不过是本性中缘起之幻相。

135. 一切如来本起因底,皆依圆照清净觉相,永断无明,方成佛道。

136. 何谓圆照?前念已灭,后念未生,正恁么时,一心湛寂,了了明明,是之谓照。圆者,非着力,非不着力,不沉不浮恍如朗月孤圆是也。此寂一念未起,清净无比,遍体清凉,便是本来面目。137. 自性本来不生也,本来不生即是本来不动。生灭即指无明,意谓自性中本无无明,说有无明,由于妄见耳。

138. 一切万法,皆与自己无违无背,直下透脱成一片。

佛祖妙道径截,唯直指人心,务见性成佛尔,但此心源,本来虚静明妙。140. 道本无言,因言显道,若真体道之人,通之于心,明之于本。

141. 参问之要在专一,不强作为,只守本分,须根脚有透脱处,明见本来面目。142. 学道深宜退步体究,但以生死为念,世谛无常,是身非坚久,一息不来,便是异世。

143.平常心是道,然才起念待要平常,早乖差了也,此最为微细难凑处。144. 契证佛祖妙道,最宜上智利根,忘怀体究,不坠机境,直下拔萃超群。145. 先悟妙心,行无修之修,证无证之证,不用向外驰求,只自回光便了。

146. 脱虚妄缠缚,破生死巢窟,第一要根器猛利轩豁,次办长久不退之心。147. 佛祖妙道,唯在各人根本上,实不出本净妙明,无为无事心矣。148. 死生之变亦大矣,衲僧家坐断报化佛头,不立纤毫知见,直下透脱。149. 大道体宽,无易无难,小见狐疑,转急转迟,若达大道体宽,廓然同太虚空。150. 道本无言,法本无生,以无言言,显不生法,更无第二头。

151. 至道之要唯在息心,心即息,则万缘休罢廓同太虚了然无寄。

























1. 起心动念无不是业,开口动舌、举手投足无不是罪。

2. 只要缘深,不怕缘来得属;只要找到路,就不怕路遥远。

3. 人生幾十年的成就,都是由每一天的言行累積而成。所以,要照顧好每一天的言行。

4. 要培養一分清淨無染的愛。在感情上不要有得失心,不要想回收,就不會有煩惱。

5. 有所求的愛,是無法永久存在的。能夠永久存在的,是那分無形、無染且無求的愛。

6. 家庭不能只追求豐富的物質生活,應著重心靈溝通,使親子、夫妻間和諧、圓滿。

7. 鳥要有巢,人要有家,如果夫妻子女各居一方,何來天倫之樂?

8. 一念之非即種惡因,一念之是即得善果。

9. 健康時,多做善事,多造善因福果,鋪好人生健康之道。

10. 過去宿業所帶來的業障,如能以歡喜心去接受,就可以重業輕受。

11. 面對業力不要埋怨,要用寬諒和樂的心來代替埋怨。

12. 勇氣不可,信心不可無,世間沒有不能與無能,只怕─不肯。

13. 不管路有多遠、自己的能力有多少,都能隨分隨力盡量去達成目標,此即「毅力」。

14. 苦幹象徵毅力和耐力,要成就大業,必須擁有苦幹的精神。

15. 人所以缺乏力、勇氣,是因為好逸惡勞、玩物喪志。

16. 愛要濃淡合宜,像清茶淡香;若是太濃,則苦得喝不下。

17. 與人相處要去除我執,擴大心胸,客客氣氣,互讓互愛。

18. 人生多病!身體四大不調是病,家人吵嚷不和是病,社會動盪不安也是病。

19. 有愿放在心里,没有身体力行,正如耕田而不播种,皆是空过因缘。

20. 死是生的开头,生是死的起点。生生死死、死死生生,本来就在一个循环中。

21. 想要家庭吉祥、和睦,就應該常常起歡喜心,天天為自己的家祝福。

22. 社會型態源自於家庭教育,家庭熱育源自於個人修養。

23. 不求身體健康,只求精神敏睿;不求事事如意,只求毅力勇氣;不求減輕責任,只求增加力量。

24. 千里之路,必須從第一步開始;聖人的境域,也是自凡夫起步。

25. 要提起就完全提起,要放下就全心放下。

26. 發心容,恆心難持;光說不練,無法體悟真理,實踐道法。

27. 發願必須發利益眾生的大願,並且隨時隨地身體力行。

28. 要把握做好事的因缘,一旦因缘消逝,想做就来不及了!

29. 寧靜最美,安定最樂。

30. 以媽媽心愛天下的眾生,以菩薩的智慧教育子女。

31. 任何事都是從一個決心、一粒種子開始。

32. 不要小看自己,因為人有無限的可能。

































































第五篇:佛教静思语录 1































【词语定义】格言 格言是一个人机智之精华,众人汇成的睿智.聪明人的智慧,老年人的经验,都在格言里面。格言,可以作为人们行为规范的言简意赅的语句。从句法结构角度说,格言是相对完整、相对独立的句子,可以独立用来表达思想。言简,促人有美德。如:「满招损,谦受益。」。《宋史·吴玠传》:「玠善读史,凡往事可师者,录置座右,积久,墙牖皆格言也。」 在内容上它是人生经验和规律的总结,具有教育意义;在语言形式上简洁而精练。因此,格言与谚语、名言、警句、箴言等有着直接的血缘关系,可以说,只要是有教育意义的精练语句,都可以称为格言。只是谚语来源于民间无名氏之口,或经众人加工而成,而名言则大多数出于名


人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好的教师是幸福,不如说好的教师是不幸。——海贝尔 谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,便永远是一个奴隶。——歌德 我们要把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。——居里夫人 要体验人生,就要把握现实,相信现实。——拉蒂特

人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这一生,就太长了。——莎士比亚 人生的道路有成千上万条,每一条都要它各自的风貌。

路的好坏不在于崎岖多少,只在于谁能最终达到目标。——申宝峰 不要抄近道,否则会白跑。不要绕远道,否则会迟到。不要走邪道,否则会坐牢。不要走黑道,否则会挨刀。不要只想要,付出不能少。不要急着要,一定要戒躁。不要求回报,该到自然到。不要急得到,心静便无恼。不要怕人笑,看谁笑到老。不要怕辛劳,勤是传家宝。不要怕摔跤,起来是英豪。不要怕阻扰,继续挺起腰。不要装知道,不懂就请教。不要放大炮,说话要可靠。说话要想好,办事要公道。说到要做到,不要瞎编造。出名要趁早,赚钱要靠脑。该了就要了,不爱就拉倒。


生命,那是自然付给人类去雕琢的宝石。——诺贝尔 生命不等于是呼吸,生命是活动。——卢梭


生命如同寓言,其价值不在与长短,而在与内容。——塞涅卡 生命在闪光中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。——伯克

谁能以深刻的内容充实每个瞬间,谁就是在无限地延长自己的生命。——库尔茨 生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。——吕凯特 命运格言

命运就是对一个人的才能考验的偶然。——蓬皮杜 聪明的人造就机会多与碰到机会。——培根

平凡的人听从命运,只有强者才是自己的主宰。——维尼 如果错过了太阳时你流泪了,那么你也要错过群星了。——泰戈尔

一个人的性格决定他的机遇。如果你喜欢保持你的性格,那么,你就无权拒绝你的机遇。——罗曼.罗兰 友谊格言

朋友需要你今天帮助,千万不要等到明天。——佚名 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。——李白


谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友!——谚语 朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。——查理士 友情的纽带,或会因情绪激动而绷紧,但决不可折断.——林肯


5 财富不是真正的朋友,而朋友却是真正的财富。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。——傅玄 情深恭维少,知己笑谈多。——谚语 独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。——孔子 树直用处多,人直朋友多。——谚语

怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。——罗曼·罗兰 朋友看朋友是透明的,他们彼此交换着生?——罗曼·罗兰 良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。——谚语 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。——谚语

真正的朋友应该说真话,不管那话多么尖锐…… ——奥斯特洛夫斯基 朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊.——莎士比亚



信任一位虚伪的朋友,增加一个敌对的证人.——西班牙谚语 什么是朋友?朋友就是你可以精诚相待的人——西塞图

在这个世上,诚实的人最尊重,最珍视的莫过于真正的朋友,这种朋友可以说是另一个自我.我们的朋友比想象的少,却比我们认识的多。——霍夫曼斯塔尔 友谊是个无限的天地,它多么宽广啊。——罗·布朗宁

6 励志格言

人生难免经历挫折和悲伤, 再痛再苦不要放在心上.风雨过后才会有彩虹和阳光, 雨过天晴终究会晴朗。——申宝峰 ★

人生酸甜苦辣都要尝一尝, 尝尽人间冷暖才能成长.历尽重重磨难才能变坚强, 遇到困难要挺起胸膛。——申宝峰 ★

哪怕前方布满了风霜, 哪怕前方有大风大浪。也要更加斗志昂扬, 一路高歌乘风破浪。——申宝峰 ★

幸福不会平白无故从天而降, 付出努力才会有补偿.没有人能随随便便就辉煌, 7 除非只是好梦一场。——申宝峰 ★

心中有梦想就要一如既往, 不能遇到困难说放就放.千锤百炼才能磨炼出好钢.饱经风霜才能更强。——申宝峰 ★

哪怕前方有虎豹豺狼, 哪怕前方有魑魅魍魉 也要更加奋发图强, 一路高歌冲向前方。——申宝峰 ★

只要有梦想装在心上, 朝着梦想去飞翔.不怕一切困难和阻挡, 一定会如愿以偿。——申宝峰



1.莎士比亚说: 再好的东西,都有失去的一天。再深的记忆,也有淡忘的一天。

再爱的人,也有远走的一天。再美的梦,也有苏醒的一天。该放弃的决不挽留。2.几米说: 你喜欢我的时候,我不喜欢你,当你爱上我的时候,我喜欢上你,当你离开我的时候,我却爱上你,是你走得太快,还是我跟不上你的脚步, 我们错过了诺亚方舟,错过了泰坦尼克号,错过了一切的惊险与不惊险,我们要继续错过。我不了解我的寂寞来自何方,但我真的感到寂寞。你也寂寞,世界上每个人都寂寞,只是大家的寂寞都不同吧。

3.刘心武说: 不要指望,麻雀会飞得很高。高处的天空,那是鹰的领地。麻雀如果摆正了自己的位置,它照样会过得很幸福!

4.亦舒说: 人们日常所犯最大的错误,是对陌生人太客气,而对亲密的人太苛刻,把这个坏习惯改过来,天下太平。

5.郭敬明说: 我终于发现自己看人的眼光太过简单,我从来没有去想面具下面是一张怎样的面容,我总是直接把面具当做面孔来对待,却忘记了笑脸面具下往往都是一张流着泪的脸。

6.刘心武说: 对不起是一种真诚,没关系是一种风度。

2.如果你付出了真诚,却得不到风度,那只能说明对方的无知与粗俗!7.韩寒说: 再累再苦就当自己是二百五,再难再险就当自己是二皮脸。8.安妮宝贝说: 当一个女子在看天空的时候,她并不想寻找什么。-


9.遇见平凡说: 缘分像一本书。-


10.张小娴说: 爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?

11.亦舒说: 无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。

12.刘心武说: 与其讨好别人,不如武装自己;与其逃避现实,不如笑对人生; 9



14.三毛说: 一个朋友很好,两个朋友就多了一点,三个朋友就未免太多了。知音,能有一个已经很好了,不必太多,如果实在没有,还有自己,好好对待自己,跟自己相处,也是一个朋友...15.雪小禅说: 我以为终有一天,我会彻底将爱情忘记,将你忘记,16.郭敖说:我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人。17.三毛说: 不要害怕拒绝他人,如果自己的理由出于正当。


18.梓色心晴说: 男人哭了,是因为他真的爱了。女人哭了,是因为她真得放弃了。

19.玄漪说:能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈; 能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。-20.张爱玲说:爱情本来并不复杂,来来去去不过三个字,不是我爱你、我恨你,便是算了吧、你好吗、对不起。-


22.饶雪漫说: 这个世界欺骗了我,我必须给与还击,我不会放掉任何一丁点儿属于我的幸福,哪怕付出的代价是从此坠入地狱,我也在所不惜。





10 ●人生的真理,只是藏在平淡之中。







●人不是坏的,只是习气罢了,每个人都有习气,只是深浅不同罢了。只要他有向道的心,能原谅的就原谅他,不要把他看做是坏人。●说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢? ●其实爱美的人,只是与自己谈恋爱罢了。


●你目前所拥有的都将随着你的死亡而成为他人的,那为何不现在就布施给真正需 10 11 要的人呢?








●不要常常觉得自己很不幸,世界上比我们痛苦的人还要多。●愚痴的人,一直想要别人了解他。有智慧的人,却努力的了解自己。●别人永远对,我永远错,这样子比较没烦恼。12 ●来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。●慈悲是你最好的武器。








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