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Pride and Prejudice

There is no doubt that pride and prejudice is one of Jane’ masterpieces.It tells the story of Mr.and Mrs.Bennet, and their five young, unmarried daughters.The plot revolves mainly around Elizabeth and her troublesome romance with the wealthy but arrogant Mr.Darcy.Also, this novel introduces other “love and marriage” stories to us.Thus, we know that it focuses on the theme of “love and marriage”.There are five different kinds of marriages.First one is the marriage between Mr.and Mrs.Bennet.Mr.Bennet married Mrs.Bennet because of her appearance.So he had all the time to regret his mistakes and could not stop mocking his wife.Second one is the marriage between Mr.Collins and Charlotte.Their marriage is based on economics rather than on love or appearance.So we can learn that their marriage can be called as a material trade.Third one can be described as the worst one in the novel.Lydia and Wickham’s marriage was based on appearances, good looks, and youthful vivacity.Once all these disappeared, the once strong relationship will slowly fade away.Then the love story between Jane and Bingley, they fall in love at the first sight.However, due to their personalities, they miss each other at first.Luckily, with the help of Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy, they eliminated the misunderstanding and expressed their love to each other.Their marriage is better than the preceding three ones.Finally,the marriage between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy.Mr.Darcy represents the pride, while the prejudice is represented by Elizabeth’s attitude to Mr.Darcy.At first, Mr.Darcy was so proud that he looked upon Elizabeth’s family.And Elizabeth has some prejudice on him.Mr.Darcy’s persistence and his change for love make Elizabeth accept him at last.I think it is the perfect love in the novel because the marriage is based on both true love and material.From this novel, I learnt that if “love and marriage” is only based on money or social status, it would be unhappy, but it is also stupid without considering all of these.Both true love and material should be considered if we want to establish a home.


Puritanism Features: 1.Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.2.Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.3.Total depravity4.Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.Influence1.A group of good qualities – hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety(serious and thoughtful)influenced American literature.2.It led to the everlasting myth.All literature is based on a myth – garden of Eden.3.Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.4.With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct;the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.General features of Romanticism

A.Stressing emotion rather than reasonB.Stressing freedom and individuality

C.Idealism rather than materialismD.Writing about nature, medieval legends and with supernatural elements

Features of American Romanticism



a.peculiar American experience(landscape, pioneering to the West, Indian civilization, new nation's democracy and dreams)

b.Puritan heritage(more moralizing, edifying more than mere entertainment)(careful about love and sex.example: Scarlet Letter)

“Father of American literature”“Father of the American short story”

The first American writher of imaginative literature to gain international fame.The short story as a genre in American literature began with Irving’s The Sketch Book.The Sketch Book also marked the beginning of American Romanticism.超越主义features:

A.Emphasis on Spirit(Oversoul)(超灵)against “world is made of matter”;against “neglecting of spiritual life in capitalist world”

B.Emphasis on individualsOld Puritan views: self-reliance and self-improvement Through communication with Oversoul, human being can be divine.against “total depravity” in Old Puritan doctrinesagainst dehumanization of capitalist world

C.Taking nature as the symbol of the Spirit(Oversoul)

encouraging people to find goodness and beauty from nature

against materialism in the society and the actions which broke the harmony between human and nature only for profits

D.Brotherhood of man(equal and liberty)interested in social reforms;endeavor to create an ideal society;against “everything for money” in the capitalist world

Significance:A.influenced a large group of writersB.summit of American RomanticismC.marked the independence of American literature

Emerson’s aesthetics brought about a revolution in American literature in general and in American poetry in particular.It marked the birth of true American poetry and true American poets.Robert Frost Features

(1)His poems mostly wrote about nature(influence from Wordsworth and Emerson)and New England landscape.(2)Deceptively simple style(reason for popular)(3)Symbolism(show his poems’ deep meaning)(4)He was likely to choose traditional forms for his poem, but the themes of his poems are mostly modern.(In his poems, traditional elements and modern elements mingle together.)

In Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening, Frost uses the kind of familiar New England details that constitute his poetry for more than descriptive purposes.He shapes them into a meditation on the tension we sometimes feel between life’s responsibilities and the “lovely, dark, and deep” attraction that death offers.When the speaker’s horse “gives his harness bells a shake”, we are reminded that we are confronting a universal theme as well as a quiet moment of natural beauty.Emily Dickinson Features

A.Strong influence of Puritanism on her thought(pessimism and tragic tone of her poems)

B.Care about death and immortality(1/3 of all her poems talked about these two themes.)

C.exploring human’s inner world(psychology description in her poems)

D.severe economy of expressionE.original imagesF.direct and plain language G.great influence on the Imagist Movement in the 20th century

The poem is discussing death, a very gloomy subject, but it is done with a rather light tone.The tone is light just because the author does not take death as a catastrophe;instead, she treats the angel of death as a very polite gentleman, as a long-missing guest, giving up her work and leisure, putting on her fine silky dresses, she accompanies death in the same carriage to eternity.All the beauty of this work lies in the poetess’ open-minded attitude towards death.Edgar Allan Poe 诗的特点:father of modern short story,father of detective story

father of psychoanalytic criticisma.Gothic elements(terror and romance)

b.deep analysis of human psychology(He noticed subconscious of human mind nearly one hundred year before Freud.)(He was also the first American author who took neurotic characters as main characters in his stories.)c.precursor of detective stories(e.g.“The Murders in the Rue Morgue”)and science stories

The aim of poem writing is beauty;the most beautiful thing described by a poem is the death of a beautiful woman;the desirable tone of a poem is melancholy;

Whiteman featuresA.He extols the ideals of and and celebrates the B.employing “free verse” as the form of his poems with two characteristics: parallelism;phonetic recurrence(P92-P93)What is the difference between free verse and blank verse?(blank verse has no rhyme, but it should be iambic pentameter)C.frankness of the commonplace and the ugly sides in human lifeD.direct, plain and even vulgar languageE.“untold latencies”(his poetry suggests rather than tell)F.great influence on the 20th century American poets

The Jazz Age

Specifically the 1920s, when young men and women indulge in a whirl of frenetic social excitement or dissipation fostered by the collapse of moral standards during and following World War I.The term was established by Fitzgerald in his Tales of the Jazz Age(1922)

The Great Gatsby Symbolism

Gatsby: the country’s historyDaisy: seemingly beautiful American Dream

Tom: commercialization which brought the country only moral depravityNick: hope of the countryMore: The green light on Daisy’s dock, the eyes of Doctor T.J.Ekleburg, the valley of ashes, Gatsby’s parties, East Egg, West Egg.Theme: disillusionment of American Dream in the materialized America

The decline of the American dream, the spirit of the 1920s, the difference between social classes, the role of symbols in the human conception of meaning, the role of the past in the dreams of the future.







Book Reading

Jane Austen(1775-1817)

“Pride and Prejudice”Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press(April 2010)

Information about the writer: An English writer, who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life.Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime, she published her works anonymously.The most urgent preoccupation of her bright, young heroines is courtship and finally marriage.Austen herself never married.Her best-known books include PRIDE AND PREJUDICE(1813)and EMMA(1816).Virginia Woolf called Austen “the most perfect artist among women.”

Extract1.Elizabeth’s astonishment was beyond expression.She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent.This he considered sufficient encouragement;and the avowal of all that he felt, and had long felt for her, immediately followed.He spoke well;but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed;and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride.His sense of her inferiority— of its being a degradation—of the family obstacles which had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit.2.In spite of her deeply-rooted dislike, she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man’s affection, and though her intentions did not vary for an instant, she was at first sorry for the pain he was to receive;till, roused to resentment by his subsequent language, she lost all compassion in anger.She tried, however, to compose herself to answer him with patience, when he should have done.My comments: Mrs.Bennet is a vain person, and she has five daughters, all of whom with obvious personality.Mrs.Bennet has no other wish but marring off her daughters with someone wealthy and has high social status, but she never gives a lot of care to her daughters’ improperly behavior.Mr.Bennent is an old gentleman who take good care of his family, but he would like to let his wife’s improper behavior go unchecked, and he prefer hiding himself into library to find a piece of peace.Their oldest daughter, Jane Bennet, has a good appearance, gentle despotism, and always be quiet.Second daughter, Elizabeth, a vivid, wisdom, pretty, independent girl.Third daughter, Mary Bennet, maybe she is not as beautiful as her sisters ,but she is delinquent in pursuing knowledge to make up the common of her appearance ,so she is also a pride girl.Forth girl, Catherine “Kitty” Bennet ,who has a impetuous character , is fond of dancing, her manner is always improper, but she was never aware of this point.The youngest daughter , Lydia Bennet , is also a vain person , interested in dancing and making fun with officers ,it seems that such thing is her own life’s aim.One day, Bingley, a single man of a large fortune came to live near their home.He was a gentle, honest, tolerant and rich young man.He fell in love with Jane in a dance and had an affinity for each other.But Bingley’s friend

Darcy was serious and not good at communicating with others, which left a proud impression on others.Gradually, he fell in love with Elizabeth.However, the family of Bennet was not a decent family itself, which hindered their love from developing smoothly.Elizabeth had a prejudice against Darcy from the first.The problem between Elizabeth and Darcy was just a representative.Once one’s parentage, property, status and cultivation are related to upper class, he will be proud and look down on poor, humble and vulgar people.In turn, people with low status and little property, out of the self-esteem, will defend the proud with prejudice, which turns out to be another pride.Elizabeth was a clever girl;she did not accept that kind of marriage, either.When Darcy, a rich man proposed to her, she rejected.Because she did not like Darcy.Darcy was proud.Elizabeth had prejudice with him.Obviously, the pride and prejudice;two bad guys obstructed Darcy and Elizabeth's marriage.Fortunately, Darcy and Elizabeth rediscovered

themselves.Gradually, Elizabeth fell in love with Darcy, too.Finally, they married.By the way, in the end, Jane married Bingley.Love is really a wonderful thing.On the way of seeking love, as long as we stick to our principle and don’t be afraid of misunderstanding, I believe one day happiness will come true.


Marriages in Pride and Prejudice

The novel Pride and Prejudice,written by Jane Austen in 1813, tells the love story of four couples.The first one is Jane and Bingly.Although they fall in love with each other somehow influenced by wealth and beauty,their marriage is mainlybased on love.The second is about Elizabeth.Elizabeth has a prejudice against Mr.Darcy because he istoo proud to appreciate her.Even when he displays Darcy affair to her,she refuses him for he considers Bingly and her sister,Jane.Another is Elizabeth’s Friend Charlotte Lucas who is neither beautiful nor rich.She marries Mr.Colins for financial supprot.The last one is her sister Lydia Bennet ,who is laching in maturity,runs off with George Wickham.Through these characters,this novel mainly tells us the attitude towards love and marriage.Above all,Jane Austen held the view that one should marry based on love like Elizabeth and Darcy.A womanshould refuse to marry a man without love,however rich he is.However,her friend Charlotte Lucas fail to persist on it,resulting in an unhappy mariage.What’s more,a woman should be independent when she choose her husband.In the Chapter 20,Elizabeth refuses the proposal of Mr.Colins in spite ofhis wealth and her mother’ persistence.“She talked to Elizabeth again and again;coaxed and threatened her by turns and Elizabeth, sometimes with real earnestness.” “and Elizabeth, sometimes with real earnestness and sometimes with playful gaiety, replied to her attacks.Though her manner varied, however, her determination never did.’’And in our real life,one should choose his or her mates because of love rather than money or appearance.Moreover, maturity is important in one’s marriage.Lydia Bennet accepts George Wickham without consideration.And her indiscreetnot only lead to a distress to her family but also runis her marriage.“How Wickham and Lydia were to be supported in tolerable independence, she could not imagine.But how little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue, she could easily conjecture.”

Last but not least,this novel also shows that one coulple should recognize their own faults so that they can know each other better.At first Elizabeth just can not stand Mr.Darcy’s pride so she refused him.But later she realized that he is kind to help Williama and her sister and generous to forgive others.All in all,Pride and Prejudice is a novel tells the principles of marriage and love.And Elizabeth’s indeendence of persenality as well as her persistence of love is still meaningful inmodern society.



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