
时间:2019-05-15 14:27:40下载本文作者:会员上传


Topic 2What do people usually take into consideration when they look for a job?

A:Hello,B.Because the population of the world is becoming larger and larger,to find a job ,especially the job we like,is very difficult.Well,what do you think that people usually take into consideration when they look for a job?

B:Well.As far as I an concerned,people's interest should be taken into

consideration first.Because interest inspires one's desire to learn without the pressure from outside.A:As the saying gose:“interest is the best teacher”,right?

B:Yes.With the great interest,students needn't be told what to do and finish it,for the simple reason that he likes what he is learning.A:I agree.Interest really has magical power.When people get a job they're

interested in,they will take more responsibility for it and really try to do well.And they will be more motivated to learn something new related to his work.B:That's right.Take Lincoln for example.He was interested in law when he was just a yougman.He learnt it all by himself at home,which seems beyond imagination nowadays.It is his interest in law that led to his success.A:So do Bill Gates,who is the richest millionaire in the world.He enjoyed computer techniques since he was young,and maintained his interest until today.It is just his life-long interest that resulted in his greatest software company in the world.B:So, we can not ignore the interest when we look for a job in 4 years,right? A:Of course!

Topic 4How do you define success?

A:Hello,B.B:Hi.A:B,well,every one wants to achieve success.In fact, as the famous saying goes:”Each reader has a Halmet inside of heart”.Different people have quite different definition of success.For instance,getting a high grade in an important exam,giving your friends a hand,solving a problem,leaning a new skill and so on.So,have you ever considered how to define success?

B:Well,nowadays,there are many people who are regarded as the

successful.And the most obvious characteristics of them are always more

money,higher position and luxury life.So most people believe that success and all that they do is for this purpose.But the problem is that whether it is real success.A:I quite agree with you.We all know that there are always more money,higher position and better condition in front of us.But,if we keep chasing them,where is the end?What will satisfu us at last.B:Yeah,in my opinion,success doesn’t depend on how great the achievement we get,but what is felt.Well,as for me ,success is having a nice family.With a nice family,we can lead a happy life even we are short of money,and we will possess the wonderful feeling of giving and receiving care.A:That is not bad.Well,no matter how we define success,we cannot gain it if we don’t try our best,can we?

B:Of course.Like the saying goes:”No pains, no gains”.Topic 1What contributes to a good first impression?

A:Hello,B.B:Hi,A.A:B,well, First impression is always the most important thing when you meet a stranger.It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you when you meet for the first time.So,to leave a good impression on others is very important,isn’t it?

B:Of course.In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance,your manners and even your behaviours that tell them what type of person you are and your characteristics.Thus it is necessary for us to know how to create a good first impression, whether they are in your career or social life.A,do you have any good advice about it?

A:In my opinion, to make a good impression,we have to have deep confidence in ourselves.If you are calm and confident, the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a solid foundation of a good first impression.B:You are right.And the next thing is your appearance.Although physical

appearance seems to be more important nowadays, don't get upset if you are not born pretty/handsome.Try presenting yourself appropriately, start with the way you dress.Dress for occasions, do not dress for your own mood.Make sure that you look clean and tidy as this help to make a good impression.A:I quite agree with you.What’s more,the most important things is a

smile..“Smile and the world smiles too.” A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.You have to look sincere and true while

you are smiling.When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.B:Yeah.And it is of great importance of making eye contact and greeting people handshake ,too.I believe if we can follow all we said,we can make good impression.A: So do I.



Frow my point of view,Parents giving their children pocket money will just make them lazy.If the children need some money to buy the stuff they like, they will just have to work for it.If when kids need some money, they just go to their parents and ask for it, they will never realize the value of money, and how hard it is to earn it.So when they grow up, they will not know how to spend money responsibly, and trust me, they will regret it.Stress

Frow my point of view,feeling stressed during the exam is too bad.First,under pressure student can not do their best Second,if they go over the course very well,but they have pressure ,sometimes they will forget the knowledge.Last, sometimes they only have one chance.due to stress they maybe lose the chance.Youth

Frow my point of view planting trees is a very good thing to do.As everyone know,our environment is becoming worse,it is our duty to protect our environment.we only have one earth.Trees can absorb more carbon dioxide,beauty the city and so.We student should be the volunteer to plant trees.The nuture world

Frow my point of view, decorating streets with flower beds is very good.First it can make our city more beautiful.Second when the someone drivering on the streets he will be tired so he can look at the flowers and have a rest.Last our city have too many buildings it make everyone depressive, the flowers can make everyone happy.Courage

Frow my point of view,choosing a risky profession can make us have courage to face the challenge, someone may want to choose a steady work ,but I think it is too stuffy.When the work is hard to someone, it can arouse his potential and courage.And as a result he may have unexpected gains.Humor

Frow my point of view that a sense of humor can be cultivated.Maybe some have a gift of humor.But not everyone who humorous own the ability when birth.We can read some humorous books or tv shows to learn some skills of humor.And after that using the skills in daily life.As time passes the sense of humor will be grasped.


英语口语考试范文 is your favourite festival? Why do you like it? how can you make your college life more colorful? which place in the world do you want to visit the most?why? do you think military training(军训)is necessary for a freshman a university(大一学生)?why?

1.There are a lot of holidays for chinese people, such as National day, May Day.Chinese people look on spring festival as their most important one of all.And it's also my favorite festival, especially when I was a child.Beceuse it's very lively.we always have a big dinner.And there is much food on the dinner.Such as:dumplings,fish and some RICE(年糕).It's very grand.So we can enjoy ourselves.After the big dinner,we can enjoy the TV programs with our family.In a word, I like Spring Festival very much because during the Festival we can get pocket money from our parents and relatives.Before Spring Festival, the family will went around the shopping there and buy clothes for each member of the family.On the eve(前夕)of Spring Festival, the family will have a reunion(重聚)dinner.Mother will cook special dishes for the family.It was the best home-cooked meal of the year.It is the most exciting festival in my mind.Good afternoon, everyone, today my topic is I want to paris.I’d like to go to a beautiful place where could be a garden city with many kinds of flowers and trees.I think it would be paris.If I went there, I’d visit NotreDameCathedral first

which is a symble of France, because I like traditional buildings which always make me feel time goes quickly.What’s more, I heard that French was gengle, so I want to learn it.That must be entertaining.I also heard French wine tastes delicious and I mignt want paris to try it.Besides, I am always looking forward to buying some perfume which is a symbol of romance.“Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of weather.” That’s the specific reason why I chose paris.In a word, paris is a good place for me to visit.Thank you for your listening!


6phone conversation


Kitty:Good afternoon.This is kitty speaking.May I help you?

Conson:This is Condon speaking.Kitty,This Friday I will have a trip to Beijing.Would you like to go with me?

Kitty:Yes,I would like to go to Beijing with you.It must be very pleasant.Conson :Ok.9 o’clock on this Friday.At the school gate,I will go with you to take the train.Kitty:Will that be all,Canson?

Conson :Yes,see you Friday.情况二:接电话的不是你要找的人

Litty:Good afternoon.This is Litty speaking.May I help you?

Conson:I would like to speak to Lucy.Litty:Could you please holding on the line,please?


Litty:Lucy is out this moment.Would you leave a message? Leave your name and phone number and I'll have Lucy call you back as soon as she's available.Conson:My name is Canson.My telephone number is 123456.Litty:Would you please spell it ?

Conson:Canson.c-a-n-s-o-n.Litty:Your phone number is 123456.Right?

Conson:Yes.Litty:Will that be all, sir ?

Conson:Yes.Litty:Thank you for calling, bye.预定房间

Kitty:Good morning, this is the Hilton.May I help you?

Conson:I’d like to reserve a room.Kitty:When is that?

Conson:It’s from the fifth of May to the seventh of May, for three days.Kitty:What kind of room would you like?

Conson:I’d like a double room.Kitty:It’s 600 yuan per night.Conson:That’s fine.Kitty:May I have your name?


Kitty:Good afternoon.This is Garden Restaurant.May I help you?

Conson:I’d like to reserve a table for two tonight, please.Kitty:For what time, Sir?

Conson:Around 7:30.Kitty:May I have your name and telephone number,sir.Conson:Conson.And my number is 123456.Kitty:Would you please spell your name?

Conson:Canson.c-a-n-s-o-n.Kitty:Thank you!A table for two at 7:30 tonight!

Conson:That’s right.Kitty:Thank you for calling.We look forward to welcoming you.预订机票:

Kitty:Good morning.This is Beijing Airways.May I help you?

Conson:Good morning.I’d like to book a seat on a flight from Beijing to New York on July 20.Kitty:Do you like a morning, afternoon or evening flight?

Conson:10:00 a.m.flight, please.Kitty:Would you mind holding on the line,please? I am going to check the schedule.Conson:Sure.Kitty:We have a flight leaving Beijing at 10:00.What kind of ticket would you like?

Conson:I need a economic ticket with an open return.(回来时间不定的来回票)

Kitty:All right.I’ll book a seat for you on flight 388.You may confirm this booking next week.Conson:I see.Thank you.Goodbye.Kitty:Bye.7Different kinds of jobs

Kitty:Hello,Conson.There are many jobs now.And what kind of job do you like most?

Conson:I want to become a teacher because teacher is a respectable profession.A teacher selflessly teaches knowledge;inculcate us with the credos of bravery, kindness and confidence.I also want to devote my life to teaching cause and lead our nation’s younger generation to a bright future.Kitty:That’s really a noble job.Conson:Yes.I need to improve my ability as well as setting moral disciplines so that I can become an outstanding teacher.Kitty:I have confidence in you.You can make it.Conson:Really? Thank you.And what’s you ideal job?

Kitty:I want to be a doctor.Conson:Why? That’s a demanding and stressful job.Kitty:I want to cure patients, helping them get through the different times and defeat terrible diseases.I’ll feel very happy to see my patient recover and become healthy again.Conson:You have sympathy on those suffering pain.That’s great.I admire you.Kitty:Thank you.Let’s work hard together to achieve our goals, will you?

Conson:Sure.8preparing for a job interview

K: Hey, Cherry.I have got my offer.C: Wow, congratulations.I will have an interview soon.Can you give me same tips?

K: Sure.Before the interview, I advise you to research the company and the job thoroughly, such as the company’s aim or reputation.C: Will it be helpful for me to answer the questions?

K: Exactly.Remember that your answer should be brief and specific.And you must get to the point.C: Er, if I don’t know how to answer the question, what can I do?

K: Admit it frankly.It will help you get the interviewee’s favor and trust.C: I get it.K: Well.Business Etiquette is important, too.It is better to dress formally whilst remaining comfortable.As a lady, you should avoid wearing a dress but stick to a jacket and skirt or trousers.Also, you should keep your makeup simple.Moreover, on the day of the interview it is very important to be on time, so arrive early.The last one, you should be polite.Making eye contact with interviewer, introducing yourself and firmly shaking his or her hand is necessary.C: I see.Thank you very much.K: You’re welcome.Wait for your good news.Come on.C: Thanks.9the job interview(questions asked in a job interview)

Can you sell yourself in two minutes?

I hope so.With my qualifications and experience, your organization can benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.I'm hard-working, responsible and diligent in every project I undertake.How about your English?

I've passed CET 4 and 6 tests.I also have a CET certificate for spoken English.I've spent a lot of time on my English because I believe it will be crucial for my career.What hobbies do you have?

I have a wide range of interests ranging from surfing the Internet, and reading magazines and journals, as well as jogging

What range of pay scale are you interested in?

Money is important;however, the responsibility that goes with this job is what interests me.10Brands and logos and companies

K: With the development of car industry.There is a virety of cars.Which car do you like most? C:I like the Toyota car very much.When I was a child, I dreamed to grow up own a Toyota car myself.And do you like its logo?Kitty.K:No.I don’t know about it.Can you introduce it for me?

C: Toyota Corporation is consist of three oval logo.Signs in the large oval represent the earth, by the middle of two elliptical vertical form a T word, on behalf of Toyota Corporation.It is a symbol of Toyota Corporation based on the future, to the future confidence and ambition, is also a symbol of Toyota Corporation based on the customer, the customer assurance, symbolizing the hearts of users and car manufacturers hearts are linked, with mutual trust, at the same time means Toyota superb technology and innovative potential.K:That is very wonderful.I have learned a lot of things about cars.Thank you.C:And what kind of car do you like very much?

K:E,I think the car I like most is Audi.Audi logo for the four rings, represents the merger of the four former company--Audi(Audi)and Hoch(Horch)automobile company, Rover car company(Wanderer)and DKW motor company, the four companies merged in 1932 to form the Auto Union Ag(Auto Union AG).C:Nice.Maybe I will fall in love with Audi.haha.K:Let’swork hard together to earn more money to achieve our goals, will you?

C:Sure.11All about shopping

C: Hi, Henry!Do you like shopping?

Kitty: Yes, I love it every much.I love seeing all kinds of delicate, lovely products on display.It

brings me a lot of pleasure.C: Well.But don’t you think it waste you too much time? I guess you like window shopping too.Kitty: Oh, yes.I especially enjoy window shopping.Going through those shops windows and watching beautiful goods make me happy.C: I don’t understand!What on earth do you enjoy?

Kitty: I enjoy browsing decorations, clothes as well as shoes.It’s kind of visual feast.C: Maybe, I am not sure.I think it’s a better way to shop online.It’s very cheap and convenient.What do you think of online shopping?

Kitty:I think it is great.You can easily compare goods in short time also get them paid and delivered without going out of room.Most importantly, you don’t need to bargain.C: Yes, bargaining is anything but funny job for me.Now we finally reach agreement on something.Kitty: Ha-ha, yes.But it’s true that you need to take care when shopping online.There are some potential risks for shopping online, for example, false ads.C: Yes, last time I bought a T-shirt which looks awesome online.But it is actually very awful, the color isn’t as bright as the pictures shows and the cloth touches rather rough.Kitty: Next time, before you buy a product, you can see other comments about the product on the website first.I always do that.C:Wow, that’s a good idea.I’ll try it next time/

Kitty: It is time to go back home.See you tomorrow.C: See you.



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