
时间:2019-05-15 14:28:17下载本文作者:会员上传


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!It’s my pleasure to be here to show me.Today I will say something about To Be a Qualified English Teacher.In a moment, I have been a primary English teacher for several months.Within the few months, I deeply appreciate the pure and beautiful of the job.As the king of children, the atmosphere together with the children can’t be instead by any modern decoration.I feel so warm and sweety.Someone describe the primary teachers are always look so young and full of youthful spirit.Yes, it’s true.When you face the children’s limpid and innocent eyes, when you listen to the children’s laughter, everyone seems to back to their childhood.That’s amazing!I must do my best to create the relaxed atmosphere.It’s helpful for English learning.First, stimulate the interest.Interest is the best teacher to the children.Regarding the primary students who begin to study English, stimulate them to study English with interest, change passive “study is painstakingly” to initiative “happy study”, becomes each primary English teacher first to do.In my teaching, I try as many ways as possible to stimulate their interest.Second, help the children to be succeed.It’s not very difficult to stimulate the interest, however, after the original fresh, it’s a very difficult task to keep the interest in learning English.Sukhomlinskii said;” The joy of success is a great emotional power.It can promote the children’s desire to study hard.Don’t let the power disappear.It’s useless to take any measures of education without this power.” To put forward different tasks according the different students is a good measure.Third, lay a solid foundation.Learning English does not happen overnight.As the saying goes: skills come from practice.As if the beginners have bad habits or pronunciation, it will be hard to correct in the future.Therefore, the children must develop good habits.For example, speak English everyday;write standard letters.I am still a novice.I still need more exercise and challenge.I will do my best for my children.I will do my best to be a qualified English teacher.Thank you for your listening.Thank you!


Language English Talent Contest

Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to listening to my speech!

First,I will introduce myself briefly!I am a member of department of information, named Wangleilei.I am glad to have this opportunity for this Language English Talent Contest, which is my honor.I hope I can make a good performance.I’m very fond of English , so I take participate in it!But , because of my weak Spoken English , today I just tell you my past.In the past few years , specially in the middle school , I’m very interested in watching TV.However , due to updating slowly ,I prefer to watching TV on line.More importantly , watching TV through the Internet is quick and fluent , and has no advertisements.So I become an Internet fan.Anyway , I feel great pity for delaying my study ,but I fall in love with the Interent , and I choose learning it.Idetermine to acquire basic knowledge of my major during my school time,in order to work on IT ,which is my dreams.As a famous saying goes, “The only key to success is closely linked to your dreams.”

Meanwhile,I decide to learn more about IT professional knowledge.That is the reason why I come Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute to complete my pursuit.It’s certain that my efforts will not be in vain.Last but not least, today , I’m equipped with this pretty fluent English ,which makes me have advantages over others.I'm confident that I must succeed.On the contrary , if I am given a chance to study Spoken English in the English club.I will have a more wonderful performance.The above is my introduction.Thank you for your listening!See you later!


An Unforgettable Day Yesterday is Saturday.My whole family had an unforgettable day.I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning as usual,my mom said to me”I love you,my son”,I was very happy especially whenI saw a big cake on the table.Because yesterday is my twelfth birthday.Then we went shopping together.We bought many things, such as lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, oranges, milk and bread.Besides, my mother bought many toys for me.I liked them very much.After that we went to the zoo.I saw many animals.The monkeys were very interesting, the lions were very fearful, and the hamsters were very cute.We had our lunch under a big tree,singing ,dancing and telling jokes.At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, we went home tired.But my grangparents helped me prepare a lot of my favorite food.I had a wonderful and unforgettable day.


英 语 风 采 大 赛 演 讲 稿

姓名:XXX 系别:XXX


My college life

Good evening everybody!I am honored to participate this final.My name is XXX, and Crystal is my English name.I am from Environmental and Chemical Engineering Department.My major is Environmental Monitoring and Governance Technology.Now let me share my college life with you.Before I attend college, I knew nothing about my future, and just because of the ardor for environment, I chose the major I study now.But I told myself: College life is an exploring process.Therefore, I stepped the way of exploring future.In the early campus life, some teachers told us: As a student, your duty is to study.I nodded.However, the other teachers said: College life is colorful, you should enjoy yourself.“My God!What’s up?” In that period, I was very confused.Later, I did a lot of attempts such as work for the dining room of our school, sold the goods from door to door and played a worker’s roal in a factory on the last summer holiday in Tianjin.Of course,I suffered a variety of setback.But they didn’t shake my determination of

exploring future any more.Now,two years past, the ambiguous future life becomes clear.I realize how to go on my life, though it doesn’t go as my planning way, I know how to adjust myself.College life is an exploring process, and through those, I have found my answer.So I really thank my college life, and I believe it will be a pretty experience for my life.Thank you for your attention!



高二级段 孙宝元 毕业第三年,我也是第三年当班主任,在这将近一千个日子里,我品尝了失败的痛苦,也体会了成功的快乐。在这充满挑战的路上,有许多感受想与大家分享。工作之初,学校组织名师对我们进行指导,真羡慕这些名师啊,同样是为人师,他们的工作能如此轻松快乐幸福,而我却没有如此多的体会,被其他的情绪牵着走„„,我也应该努力向他们学习,积攒经验,让工作轻松快乐一点。









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