假结婚影评 the proposal

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第一篇:假结婚影评 the proposal

Let the Love Encircle Our World

--Reading impression of The Proposal

With the rapidly development of economy , people occupy their life with work ,work and work.Everyday we walking in the street , come across many people , acquired or not, we won’t halt our step , standing and talking to them , even not smiling.I always assume , is economy development equal to our work-obsessed.Just as Magret the female leading role in the film , she spent almost all of her time in working , and everyone in the company are afraid of her.The clerk use computer to send message to each other of her routine and her assistant ,the male leading role , Andrew ,drink the same coffee as her , even he didn’t like it , only making preparation that if Margret’s coffee is split and she will be mad about it.Obviously , she have no idea about it.When she knew that her visa was became due and she can’t work in the company anymore , an idea came into her mind , that if she get wedding with Andrew , she can still stay in here.Finally , the attraction of promotion made Andrew compromised.In their vacation to Alaska , Andrew’s home , Magret begin learning how to treat people by heart , which lead to the result that she and Andrew fall in love with each other.I think the dirctor shoot the flim as a reflection of society , that we emphasize material much significant than sprit.We lose the real treasure of ourselves and we need time to refind it.As for me , the world without love can not be called world.I can’t accept the realize that no real friends or lover around ourselves , and I think if that happens , it must be a tragedy , because we can not share our happiness or sadness to people.Therefore , please let the things you are busy with along , call your old friend , talking to them with heart , and try to care about their life.And we will find the world is so perfect with love around.

第二篇:电影假结婚 英文观后感

The Proposal is a comedy.It was predictable but was funny at moments and romantic, it had two good performances from Bullock and Reynolds and had an interesting plot.The Proposal follows Bullock forced her assistant to marry her after discovering that her work visa is about to expire.Both leads were good.Sandra Bullock is absolutely a dragon lady whom started off as the character you hate but grows on you throughout the movie.Reynolds plays the long-suffering assistant of Bullock who is subjected to unreasonable demands, late nights and canceled vacations at the hands of his self-centered boss.It's hard for me not to like Ryan Reynolds because he is so handsome and it’s impossible for one not attracting by him and he really did a good job.This movie contains a lot of surprising moments.I’m sure you will like it.I recommend you give it a try if you are a girl who likes romantic comedies.


here you go, your regular lattes.You literally saved my life, thank you.这简直就是救命稻草!I need you shirt off your back, literally.Literally 逐字地,不夸张地,正确地,简直 That was originally my cup.And i'm drinking your coffee, why? Because your coffee spilled.So, you drink unsweetened cinnamon light soy lattes? Cinnamon 肉桂

I do, it's like a christmas in a cup? Is that a coincidence? Coincidence 巧合,一致,同时发生

Incrediblely, it is.I mean i wouldn't possibly drink the same coffee that you drink just in case yours spilled, that would be pathetic.Actually, we are headed to your office now.Have you finished the manuscript i gave you? Manuscript 原稿,手稿 Uh, i read a few pages, i wasn't that impressed.You are just a prop in here.Prop 支柱,支持人,道具 你这这里就是个摆设

Ah, our fearless leader and her liege, please, do come in.Liege 君主,王侯 liegeman 臣下,忠实的部下 Oh, beautiful breakfront, is it new? Breakfront 断层式橱柜,断层式书架 It is English Regency Egyptian Revivial, built in the 1800s.But, yes, it's new to my office.这是十九世纪的英国摄政时期埃及复古品 Witty 富于机智的,诙谐的 Witty.Bob, i'm letting you go.Pardon? I asked you over a dozen times to get Frank to do Oprah, and you didn't do it.You are fired.我反反复复的要求你让弗兰克写奥佩拉

I have told you that was impossible, Frank hasn't done an intetview in 20 years.Oh, that is interesting, because i just got off the phone with him, and he is in.Get off the phone 挂电话 Excuse me? You didn't even call him, did you? I know, frank can be a little scary to deal with, for you.Now, i will give you two months to find another job, and then you can tell anyone you resigned, ok? What's his twenty? 他什么反应 He is moving, he has crazy eyes.You poisonous bitch, you can't fire me, you don't think i see what you are doing here? Sandbagging me on this oprah thing just so that you can look good to the board, because you are threatened by me, and you are a monster, just because you have no semblance of a life, outside of this office, you think you can treat all of us like your personal slaves, you know what? I feel sorry for you, because you know what you are gonna to have on your deathbed? Nothing and no one.Sandbag 强迫,强制 semblance 外貌,外观,酷似 Have no semblance of 一点也不像


Listen carefull, bob.i didn't fire you because i feel fired, no.I fired you because you are lazy, entitled, incompetent, and you spend more time cheating on your wife than you do in your office.And if you say another word, andrew here is gonna have you thrown out on your ass, ok? Another you are going out of here with an armer escort.Andrew will film it with his little camera phone, and he will put it on that internet site, what was it? 我炒掉你因为你懒惰,自以为是和无能。如果你再敢胡言乱语,安德鲁会把你直接扔出去,再说一个字,你就马上走人,在武装警卫的护送下。Escort 护送者,护航舰 Youtube

Exactly, is that what you want? Didn't think so, i have work to do.Have security take him breakfront out his office and put it in my conference room.security guard 保安

Will do.And i need you around this weekend to help review his files and his manuscript.这周我要你加班帮忙审查他的文件和文稿 This weekend? You have a problem with that? No, i just my grandmother's 90th birthday, so i was gonna go home and...it's fine, i will cancel it, you are actually saving me from a weekend of misery anyway.正好把我从周末的苦海中拯救出来

Mom, what do you want me to tell you? She is making me work the weekend, i've worked too hard for this promotion, to throw it all away, ok? I am sure that dad is pissed, but we take all of our submissions around here very seriously.Submission 屈从,顺服,谦恭 但我们在这里都唯命是从不敢怠懈

This isn't about my second raise, is it? Just kidding.Margaret, do you remember when we agreed that you wouldn't go to the Frankfurt Book Fair because you weren't allowed out of the country, while your vise application was being processed? Yes, i do.And you went to frankfurt.Yes, i did.We were giong to lose Delillo to Viking.So, really didn't have a choice, did i? It seems that the united states government doesn't too much about who publishes Don Delillo.We just spoke to your immigration attorney, your visa application has been denied, and you are being deported.Deported? And apparently there was also some paperwork that you didn't fill out in time.Until this is resolved i am going to turn operations over to bob.在这个事情解决之前我得让鲍勃来运作一切了 Bob? The guy i just fired, We need an editor inm chief.He is the only person in the building who has enough experience.You can not be serious, i beg of you.We are desperate to have you stay, if there was anyway, anyway at all that we could make this work, we'd be doing it.我们也诚恳的想让你留下来,如果有任何法子,什么法子都行,只要能做到的,我们都会去做。Mary from miss winfery's office called, she is on the line, she is on hold, she needs to speak with you right away, i told her you were otherwise engaged, she insisted, so...sorry.她要立即与你通话,我告诉她你另有安排。

Gentlemen , i understand the predicament we are in.Predicament 困境 I think there is something you should know, we are getting married.Isn't he your secretary? But wouldn't it be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries, would it, edwin? You know, andrew and i , we are just two people who weren't meant to fall in love but we did.Tried to fight it and can't fight a love like ours.但是我们公司也不是头一次爱上自己的秘书了,安德鲁和我本不该恋爱的一对却爱上了彼此,也试图抗拒这种情感但是无法阻挡我们之间的爱。

I don't understand what's happening.Relax, this is for you too.Do explain.They were going to make bob chief.So natrually i would have to marry you? And what's the problem? Like you were saving yourself for someone special?

有什么问题么?难道你已经心有所属了? I like to think so, besides, it's illegal.They are looking for terrorists, not for book publishers.I am not gonna marry you.Sure you are, because if you don't marry me, your dreams of touching the lives of millions with the written world are dead.Bob is gonna fire you the second i'm gone.Guaranteed.That means you are out on the street alone looking for a job, that means all the time that we spent together, all the lattes, all the canceled dates, all the midnight tampax runs were all for nothing and all your dreams of being an editor are gone, but don't worry, after the required allotment of time, we will get a quickie divorce and you will be done with me, but until then, like it or not, your wagon is hitched to mine, ok? Maxi pad 卫生巾 hitch 用绳钩圈等拴住,钩住


I can't tell you how much we appreciate you seeing us on such short notice.非常感激你能在这么短时间内抽空见我们 So, i have one question for you, are you both committing fraud and avoid her deportation so she can keep her position as editior in chief at Colden Books? Fraud 欺骗,诈欺

commit fraud 设下骗局 That's ridiculous, where did you here that? We had a phone tip this afternoon from a man named...Would it be bob? Bob is nothing but a disgruntled former employee, i apologize, but we know you are incredibly busy with a room full of gardeners and delivery boys to tend to, if you just give us our next step, we will be out of your hair and on our way.Disgruntled 不满意的,不高兴的

Out of someone's hair: If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying 不打扰或烦扰某人

Let me explain to you the process that's about to unfold.Step one will be a scheduled interview, i will put you each in a room, and i will ask you every little question that a real couple would know about each other.Step two, i dig deeper, i will look at your phone records, i talk to your neighbours, i interview your coworkers, if your answer don't match up at every point, you will be deported indefinitely, and you, young man, will have committed a felony punishable by a fine of 250000, and a stay of five years in federal prison.Unfold 展开 match up to 与...相符,符合 felony 重罪 The truth is, margaret and i are just two people who weren't supposed to fall in love, but did, we couldn't tell anyone we work with, because of my big promotion that i had coming up, we both felt that it would be deeply inappropriate if i were to be promoted to editor.我们不能告诉我们的同事,因为我要升职了

Have the two you told your parents about your secret love? My parents are both dead, no brothers and sisters either.Are your parents dead? No, his are very much alive.We are gonna tell them this weekend, grammy's 90th birthday, and the whole family is coming together, and we thought it would be a nice surprise.And where is this surprise gonna take place? At andrew's parents' house.Where is that located again? Why am i doing all the talking, it's your parents' house, why don't you tell him where it is? Jump in.Fine, i see how this is gonna go, i will see you both at 11 Monday morning for your scheduled interview, and your answers better match up on every accout.Gonna be fun, and i will be checking up on you.会很有趣的,我会追踪你们的情况的。Check up on 检查,调查 What's gonna happen is we will go up there, we will pretend like we are boyfriend and girlfriend, tell your parents we are engaged, uh, use the miles for the tickets, i guess i will pop for you to fly first class, but make sure you use the miles, if we don't get the miles, we are not doing it.Oh, please confirm the vegan mile, ok? Cause last time they actually gave it to a vegan, and they forced me to eat clammy, warm, creamy salad thing, hey, why aren't you taking note? 要用里程票,我能把你弄去头等舱,但一定要用里程票,没有里程票我们就不去了,确保有好吃的素食,上次他们知道我是素食者,他们要我吃温腻的沙拉。

Clammy 冷湿的,冷粘的 creamy 含乳脂的,乳脂状的,奶油色的 Pop for something 请某人客 I'm sorry, were you not in that room? Oh, the thing about being promoted, genius, genius, he completely fell for it.I am serious.I am looking at a 250000 fine and five years in jail, that changes things.我面临着被判250000元罚金和入狱五年,情况不同了。Promoted to editor? No, no way.Then i quit, and you are screwed.那我就辞职你就完蛋了。Fine, fine, i will make you editor.And you will publish my manuscript.Twenty thousand copies, first run.第一版,两万份 And we will tell our parents about our engagement when i want and how i want, now ask me nicely.我们告诉我父母我们订婚了,时间及形式由我决定 Ask you nicely what? Ask me nicely to marry you.What does that mean? You heared me, on your knee.Fine, does this work for you? 这样可以么? Oh, i like this, yeah.Will you marry me? No.say it like you mean it.Andrew, would you please, with cherries on top, marry me? 你能赐予我幸福,娶我么?

So, these are the questions that INS is gonna ask us.Now, the good news is that i know everything about you, but the bad news is that you have four days to learn all this about me, so, you should probably get studying.What am i allergic to? 我对什么过敏

allergic 过敏的,反感的 Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotion.松仁果还有人的七情六欲

spectrum 系列,幅度,范围 Do i have any scars? Oh, i am pretty sure you have a tattoo.We are done with that question.那个问题到此结束 Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts, we are beginning our descent into juneau.Now, do you prefer being called margaret or satan's misstress? 撒旦的情人

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this weekend.Oh, you are welcome, we are thrilled to have with you.Let's get you two to the fort.You didn't tell me about all the family businesses, honey? He was probably just being modest, dear.What are we doing? Shouldn't we check into our hotel right now? Check into a hotel 登记住进旅馆

Oh, we canceled our reservation.Family doesn't stay in a hotel, you are gonna stay in our home.Reservation 预订,保留意见

She insists on doing it all herself, she is a feminist.You see the shoes that broad was wearing? Broad 女子 That will dry right off.Hand off my ass.Who are you people? 你们是什么人啊? When are you going to tell them we are engaged? I will pick the right moment.So i always want toknow, what does a book editor do? That's a good question, louise.I am curious to know the answer myself, so, why don't you tell us exactly what a book editor does, besides taking writters out to lunch and getting bombed.Now that sounds like fun.No wonder you like being an editor.难怪你想成为一个图书编辑

I think i will get a refill.我得再去满一杯了 That's a hell of a first impression, dad? 这真是个糟糕的第一印象,爸爸?

What the hell, andrew? You show up here after all this time with this woman you hated and now she is your girlfriend? 究竟怎么回事?

We just got here.Can we wait two seconds before we throw the kitchen sink at each other? 在我们互相挖苦之前能不能先冷静两秒。Just never figured you for a guy who slept his way to the middle.从未想过你会要一个半老徐娘

Actually, i will have you know that that woman in there is one of the most respected editors in town.She is your meal ticket, and you bring her home to meet you mother.She is not my meal ticket, she is my fiance.Ladies and gentlemen, i have a very important announcement to make.We are being completely rude.Did i miss the story? What story? About how you proposed? Oh, how a man proposes say a lot about his character.一个男人如何求婚最能展现他的性格了

I actually love to hear the story, andrew.Would you tell us? Actually, margaret loves telling the story, so i'm gonna let her go ahead and do that.Cause i think we should just sit in rapture.我们在这里满怀期待的坐着就行了 Rapture 着迷,痴迷,欢天喜地

Wow, where to begin the story? Well, andrew and i were about to celebrate our first anniversary together, and i knew that he'd been itching to ask me to marry him, and he was scared, like a little tiny bird, so i started leaving him little hints here and there, because i knew he wouldn't have the guts to ask.Gut 勇气,胆量,毅力

That is not exactly how it happened, i mean, i picked up on her little hints, the woman is about as subtle as a gun, what i worried about was that she might find this little box。

Pick up on 与...熟悉起来,理解,领悟

Oh, the decoupage box that he made where he'd taken time to cut out tiny, little pictures of himself, yes, just pasted all over the box, oh, so beautiful, so i opened that beautiful little decoupage and out fluttered these tiny, hand-cut heart confettis, and once they cleared, i looked down, and i saw the most beautiful, big....他做的那个精剪纸的盒子,他花时间一点点剪出精细的小小的图片,先不提盒子了,哦,太漂亮了,于是我拨开那些剪纸,那些令人心动的小小的精细的手工心型五彩剪纸引入我眼帘,当我全部拨开这些纸片的时候,我看见了,看见了...decoupage 剪纸装饰 confetti 五彩纸屑,糖果

Nothing, no ring, but inside that box, underneath all that crap, there was a little hand written note with the address to a hotel, date and time, masculine, anyway, natrually, margaret thought...Crap 垃圾

I thought she was seeing someone else, it was a terrible time for me, but i went to that hotel anyway, i went there and i pounded on the door, but the door was already unlocked, and as swung open that door, there he was standing, kneeling, like a man, on a bed of rose petals, in a tuxedo, and he was choking back soft, soft sobs, and when he held back the tears and finally caught his breath, he said to me: margaret, will you marry me? Pound 敲打,连续猛击petal 花瓣tuxedo无尾燕尾服 sob哭泣,啜泣 我觉得他应该有别的女人了,那是对我来说真是痛不欲生,但是我还是去了那酒店,到了那里我用力的敲门,但是们没有上锁,然后门吱呀的打开了,他站在那儿,跪着,想一个真正的男人,穿着燕尾服,在铺满玫瑰花瓣的床上,止不住轻轻啜泣,当他住住泪水,匀顺呼吸后,他对我说,嫁给我,好么?

That is quite a story, gorgeous.Gorgeous 绚丽的,极好的,太美了 Hey, let's see a kiss from you two cuties.Kiss on the mouth like you mean it.Exquisite bed exquisite 精挑细选的,精致的 So, where is andrew's bed? Oh, sweetie, we are not under any illusions that you two don't sleep in the same bed, so he will sleep in here with you.Illusion 错觉,幻觉,错误的信仰或观念 Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of space.我们认为你们两个应该睡在一张床上

Oh, great, cause we love to snuggle, don't we, honey? Snuggle 依偎,挨近

She snuggled down in bed 她蜷缩着躺在床上 We are huge snugglers.We just rescued him from the pound, and he is still in training, sorry.Pound 汽车扣押所,宠物收留所

Just be sure you don't let him outside, or the eagles will snatch him.By the way, there are extra towels and linens and things in here if you need them.Linen 亚麻布制品,床单,桌布,内衣等 We'd better turn in, it's been quite an evening.So, you haven't been home in a while? I haven't had a lot of vacation time the last three years.Stop complaining.Are your eyes closed? Completely Those are the pajamas you decided to bring to alaska? Pajamas 宽大的睡衣裤

Yes, because i was supposed to be in a hotel alone.Looks like i won't be getting much sleep with the sun streaming in.I have horrible service, frank, give me just one minute, hold on just second.我这里信号不好

Frank, i am sorry you feel i pressured you into doing oprah.My phone is on all the time 我的手机从不关机

Will you go get her, andy? We have a whole day planned for her, and she needs to get ready.她得准备一下 Are you drunk? You have to get ready? For what? You are going out with my mom and the girls.Shopping, sightseeing and a surprise.Now give me a nice big hug, we don't want them to think we are fighting.If you touch my ass one more time, i will cut you balls off in the sleep.They dissolve in water.他们溶于水中 She is a little peeved, apparently, i wasn't the most gracious of hosts last night, it was a little bit of shock to find out that you are getting married, especially when none of us even knew you were dating, the point is, i owe you a apology.Peeved 恼怒的,不高兴的 Accepted.There is something else, i have been going over my retirement plan recently, and it got me thinking, i have done a lot of things in my life, practically built an empire with your mother from the ground up, it doesn't mean anything unless you have someone to leave it to.我这一生中做了很多事情,特别是和你妈妈白手起家创建了一个帝国,但如果没有人来接受,他他就一文不值。We already discussed this.I'd like to discuss it again.You have responsibilities here, i think i have been more than understanding about your goofing off in new york, i need you to quit playing around.Goof off 游手好闲,吊儿郎当,偷懒,不认真工作 Play around 玩耍,胡为,胡闹,轻率对待

我觉得我对你在纽约无所事事已经很容忍了,我要你停止胡闹 When are you going to start taking what i do seriously? 你什么时候才能真正接受我的职业 When you start acting seriously.I feel sorry for you, dad, i wish you had another son, i really do, one who wanted to stay here, one who wanted to take the family business, one who wanted to marry someone that you approve of, but it's not me, now, it must seem strange to you my life in new york, sitting in an office, reading books, but i makes me happy, you understand? If that's what makes you happy, son, i got nothing to say.Hey, there you are, how are you holding up? 嘿,你在这儿,你怎么停了?

Oh, fine, fine, just working on my tan.晒晒太阳 Yeah, the paxtons can be a bit overwhelming at times.帕克星盾人有时有些胡闹

So it's a little different than new york, huh? little bit, you ever been? No, that was always andrew's dream, not mime.You guys were pretty serious, huh? 你们当时很当真是么? Well, i mean we dated in high school and all through college, but we were kids.我们曾在高中大学时交往

And you guys called it off because of...你们分手是因为

Well, the night before we graduated school, he proposed, and said he wanted to elope and run away to new york with me, and i said no, i have never been anywhere but here, this is home, but anyway, you are a lucky girl, he really is the best, which you obviously already know.Elope 私奔 What's he doing? Something is up, it's best to leave him alone.Why is andrew out there hollowing that old stupid canoe again? Hollow out 挖空,开凿

canoe 独木舟 Well, maybe he is planning to escape, what? What did you do? I didn't do anything, i mean i just had a frank conversation with him about his futrue.Frank 坦白的,直率的,真诚的

Oh, well, joe, that's a good idea, because he will never come back home now, he is my son, i only get to see him every three years because of you, i've had enough, you are gonna be suportive of him marrying margaret, and that is that, you know, if we are not careful, we are gonna end up in this great big house just you and me alone, just you and me and everything we are angry about and god forbid that they should have a grandchild that we never get to see, you are going to fix this, joe, i mean it, fix it now.哦,干的真不赖啊,周,因为他现在再也不回家了,他是我的儿子,而我三年才能见到他一次,因为你,就是因为你,我受够了,你得支持他跟玛格丽特结婚,我说了算,你要知道,如果我们一不小心,那就会只有你和我老死在这座大房子里,你和我以及我们所生气的每一件事,上帝呀,即使他们有了我们的孙子我们也看不到,你现在要赶快弥补,周,我是认真的,现在就补。

I'm so tired, think i'm gonna upstairs, take a shower, i had a great day today, thank you.Oh, god, you are showing everything, cover it up, for the love of god!Explain yourself please.哦,上帝,我真是一览无余,遮起来,看在上帝的份上 What are you even doing home? Then you just jump me out of nowhere.你就这样突然出现把我扑倒

I didn't mean to jump you, your dog was attacking me , and i had to run, and i run into you.Go take a shower, you stink.Stink 臭味,臭气,发臭味,令人讨厌 Oh, barely made it out with my life there.哦,几乎就是我生命的写照

So, what's the deal with you and your father? Oh, i'm sorry, that question is not in the binder.这个问题不在回答范围之内

Oh, really, well, i thought you were the one that said we need to learn all this....Not about that, i didn't.I like the phychic network.我喜欢通灵网站 What? Not in the“ haha, isn't that funny, she likes that trash” kind of way, i actually quite enjoy it.In a kind of way 在某种程度上

I don't like flowers in the house, because they remind me of funerals.Never played a videogame Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄

Haven't slept with a man in over a year and a half.The bird tattoo, they are swallows, got them when i was16 after my parents died.I am sure there are many many other things, but that's all i can come up with now.You are there, uh.I'm here, just processing.You really haven't slept with anyone in 18 month? Oh, my god, out of all that, that's all you got? 哦,上帝啊,说了这么多,你只得出这一点。

Margaret, don't take this the wrong way, you are a very very beautiful woman.别误解 God, i can't sing that high.Room service, breakfast for the happy couple.Are you wearing makeup? 你化妆了? Spoon me.贴着我 Oh, you shouldn't have gone to that trouble.哦,您不用这么麻烦的

Your mother and i have come up with a proposition and i happen to think it's a terrific idea.Proposition 提议 We want you to get married here tommorow.What, what? Well, you are gonna get married anyway, so why don't you get married here? Where we can be all together, and that way grandma annie can be a part of it.无论如何你们都要结婚的,那为什么不在这里结婚呢?我们可以聚在一起,那样的话安妮奶奶就可以算一份。

Oh, no, it's grammy's big birthday tomorrow night, big day for here, we don't want to ruin it.I have had 89 birthday parties, i don't need another one, oh, it would be a dream come true for me to see my one grandchild's wedding, a dream come true, so you will do it? Before i am dead? Oh, we wil do everything, and you can get married like we did, in the barn.It's a paxton family tradition.Wow, i have always wanted to get married in a barn.It's a sign, a sign from universe that you are meant to be together, oh, we must give thanks, i tell you.Ok, i know i should leave you alone now.But we are just so excited.Oh, my god, when my mom finds out that this whole thing is a sham, she is gonna be crushed, and my grandma is gonna be die.Sham 假的,赝品,伪造的 crushed 失望的

What the hell is with that? The whole wedding thing, where did that come from? 哪儿来的主意?

She probably got him worked up into it, fine, she is not gonna find out, andrew, they are not gonna find out, ok? Just relax, it's gonna be ok, it's not like we are gonna be married forever, we will be happily divorced before you know it, we wil be fine, ok? 这并不表示我们会永远结为夫妻,你还没弄清呢我们就愉快的离婚了。Yeah.Get us some coffee, so, would you like a cinnamon soy latte? You are right, you know, get quickie divorce, we will be fine.Absolutely, everything is going to be great.But this little missus better learn how to cook so she can take care of her husband, keep my man happy, i don't want him leaving me for another woman.Missus 太太,妻子,老婆 但是我初为人妇,最好学习烹饪。

Come on, haven't left you yet, margaret.还没离开你呢 I just kinda feel like going outside.You have to fucus, this is a business deal, this is just a business deal.Mother earth has provided all this just as she brought you and andrew together to be joined, we must to give thanks, and ask that you loins be abundantly fertile.大地母亲赋予了这一切就像他把你和安德鲁联系在一起一样,我们必须感恩,并祈祷你后代繁多。Feel the rhythm of the drums.Your gammy want me to chant from the heart.你奶奶要我发自内心的咏唱 Balls? That's what came to your heart? You know, it went with the beat.随着拍子就唱出来了

Your phone is arrived, i am gonna go into town to pick it up, wanna come? You got that phone i ordered? Yes, it came in, how are you? 是的,到货了 I think you made quite an impression on Ramone.Here we go, it's all charged up, andrew.都充满电了 Charge up 给...充电 Thanks, buddy.Is there a computer in this godforsaken town? Godforsaken 荒芜的,凄凉的

Ok, so when it runs out, it gives you a warning.Just put into more dimes.Ok, i can figure this out, i am an intelligent woman.She looked really pretty today.Yeah, she did.Must be nice to see each other again and just catch up.It's definitely good to see her again.There they are, margaret, we need you, afraid we are going to have to steal you away, young lady.But not you, it's girl stuff, you'd hate it.Stripper 剥皮器,脱衣舞表演者 恐怕我们要把你偷走了,小姐

I can't believe this is happening, my mother made this dress by hand, in this very shop, in 1929, it's funny how things come back in style.看到风格轮回真是有趣啊。

Just finishing up the buttons.正在系扣子

And don't worry about the fit, because Annie is the best tailor in the southeast Alaska.别担心是否合身 Wow, incredible.Maybe a tad loose in certain areas.也许有些地方有些松

tad 少些

Oh, sorry, i am a bit chesty to begin with and i happened to be knocked up when i wore this, oh, let's see if we can find your boobs.Chesty 胸部大的,胸部丰满的 哦,对不起,我以前胸部很丰满,我穿的时候正好能撑起来 Maybe they shrunk up in the cold Alaskan air.I was thinking, if you'd like, maybe we could head down your way for the holidays this year.也许今年我们能去你们那儿过假期

Oh, that would be nice, or maybe we could come to you too.Now, let's make this absolute perfection.Now, just one special touch and you are ready.It's been in the family for more than 150 years, my great-grandfather give it to my great-grandmother when they got married, They were quite a scandal, you know, he was Russian and she was tlingit, and back then you have to get approval from every member of the tribe before you get married, almost broke them up.你知道,好多流言蜚语,他是俄国人而他是特里吉特人,在当时结婚之前要经过部落里每位成员的同意,他们差点被拆散。Well, how did they stay together then? She was a lot like you, tough, wouldn't take no for an answer, she was good for him, i want you to have it, grandmothers love to give their stuff to their grandchildren, it makes us feel like we will still be part of your lives even after we are gone.Take it.I just wanted to make sure there was enough time to get all the sewing done.This is untied, hop on it.Hop on please 请跳上来 Mind telling me what the hell is wrong? I just needed to get away from everybody.Would you mind telling me what's happening now? I forgot what it was like to have a family, i have been on m own since i was 16, and i forgot what it felt like to have people love you, and make you breakfast and say“ hey, we'd love to come down for the holidays” and i say“ well, why don't we come up and see you instead”, and give you necklaces, and you have all that here, and you have Gertrude, and i am just screwing it up.我忘了有家的感觉是什么样的,我从十六岁起就自己一个人,我忘了被人爱是什么感觉,还有人给你做早餐,然后说,嘿,我们想去你那里度假,然后我说为什么我们不能去看你们呢,还送你项链,你在这儿拥有一切,你拥有gertrude, 而我正在搞砸一切。You are not screwing it up, i agreed to it.Your family love you, you know that? I know that.And you are still willing to put them through this? What the hell were you thinking? Could've gotten yourself killed.你到底在想什么,你差点弄死你自己。

You turned the boat and made me fall in, you jackass.Jackass 愚蠢的人,傻瓜

You let go of the steering wheel.你放开了方向盘 I want to talk to both of you, you mother is never to hear any of this.Told you i'd check up on you.What did you do? I got a phone call from Mr.Gilbertson here, who told me that if you were lying, and he strongly believes that you are, he would send you to prison, so i flew him up here.所以我让他飞过来 Dad Luckily for you, your father negotiated a deal on your behalf, now, this offer is gonna last for 20 seconds, so listen closely, you are gonna make a statement, admitting this marriage is a sham, or you are gonna go to prison, you tell the truth, you are off the hook, and she is going to go back to Canada.Off the hook 脱离困境 Well, take the deal.I don't think so, i have been working for margaret for three years, six months ago we started dating, we fell in love, i asked her to marry me, and she said yes, i will see you at the wedding.I am very appreciative of what you have done.Appreciative 有鉴识力的,感激的 You've got your whole lives to be together.你们是要一辈子在一起的

We are gathered here today to give thanks and to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to give recognition to the beauty, honesty, and unselfish ways of andrew and margaret's true love in front of family and friends, for it is their family and friends who taught andrew and margaret to love.今天我们聚集在这里感谢庆祝生命中最辉煌的时刻之一,在家人和朋友面前去赞美美丽,善良,无私的安德鲁和玛格丽特的真爱,因为正是他们的家人和朋友教会了安德鲁和玛格丽特如何去爱。I do have something i need to say.Can it wait till after? 能等会再说吗? No Thank you all so much for coming out, i have a bit announcement to make about the wedding, a confession, actually.I am a canadian, with an expired visa who was about to be deported, and because i didn't want to leave this wonderful country of yours, i force andrew here to marry me, see, andrew has always had this extraordinary work ethic, something i think he learned from you, and for three years i watched him work harder than anyone else at our company, and i knew that if i threatened to destroy him career he would do just about anything, so i blackmailed him to come up here and to lie to you, all of you, and i thought i would be easy to watch him do it, but i wasn't, turns out it's not easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are, you have a beautiful family, don't let this come between you, this was my fault, andrew, this was a business deal, and you held up your end, but now the deal is off.Expired 到期的blackmail 敲诈,勒索 Hold up one's end 坚持到底,乐观战斗

We meet at the dock, you are going me a ride to the airport.Let me get my head on straight, ok? 让我整理下头绪

You are right, this book is special, i lied because i knew publishing meant i'd loose as an assistant, but you have an extraordinary eye, and i will make sure we buy this before i leave, have a amazing life, you deserve it.Wow, that was crazy, you know, people are gonna be talking about this forever.You know what the problem is? The problem is that this woman is a gigantic pain in my ass, first there is the whole leaving thing, i understand that, it's a sham wedding, it's kind of stressful, but then she goes ahead and she leaves this note, because she doesn't have the decency, the humanity to do it to my face, three years, three years i work with this terrorist, never once has she had a nice thing to say, and then she goes ahead and she writes this crap.But none of that matters because we have a deal, i am sorry, she just makes me a little crazy.Gigantic 巨大的

这个女人简直是我的心病,起初是离开的那事,我可以理解,这是假结婚,令人压抑,然后他一走了之后留下这个纸条,因为他没那么高尚那么人性的面对我的脸,三年了,我和这个恐怖分子工作了三年,他一次都没有好好的跟我说过话,然后她写了这个玩意,拍拍屁股走人了。但那些都不重要,因为我们有一个约定,Yeah, i can see that, so, you are just gonna let her go? 那你就让她这样一走了之吗? So, what now? we land on new york, you have 24 hours to head back to canada.Andrew, what's happening? I got to talk to her.Why would you do that, boy? This has nothing to do with you.I am not gonna let you do this.I am not asking your permission here.I think i am having a heart attack.You two need to stop fighting, you will never see eye to eye, but you are family, promise me you will stand by andrew, even if you don't agree with him.I promise Andrew, promise me, you will work harder to be a part of this family.I will.I guess they are not ready for me.我想他们还没有准备好要带我走。Mom, what? Are you faking the heart attack? Come on 你假装犯心脏病?

Well, it was the only way i could get you two to shut up and get us to the airport.We are not authorized to take you to the airport.You scared the hell out of me?你吓死我了 I have a little favor i need from you, buddy.What's wrong? Margaret is on that plane.And he didn't get to tell her.Tell her what? That he loves her.So she could tell him that she loves him too.If she didn't love him, she wouldn't have left.Of course not.Am i the only one not getting this? Sorry, man, there was nothing we could do.I am sorry, son, i didn't know how you felt about her.Why are you panting? Because i have been running.I need to talk to you.Well, i don't have time to talk, i need to catch a 5:45 to Toronto.Margaret, stop talking.Gotta say something, Ok Just take a sec Fine, what? Three days ago, i loathed you, i used to dream about you getting hit by a cab or poisoned, then we had our little adventure in alaska, and things started to change, things changed when we kissed, and when you told me about your tattoo, even when you checked me out when we are naked.Well, i didn't see anything.You did, but i didn't realize any of this until i was standing alone, in a barn, wife-less, now, you can imagine my disappointment, and it suddenly dawned on me, that the woman i love is about to be kicked out of the country, so, margaret, marry me, because i'd like to date you.Trust me, you don't really want to be with me.Yes, i do.See, the thing is, there is a reason why i have been alone all this time, i am comfortable that way, and i think it would just be a lot easier, if we forgot everything that happened and i just left.Aren't you supposed to get down on you knee or something.












第五篇:电影The Proposal(假结婚)相关分析

Members: Cara/ Molly/Emily/Kira Q2:We think love is the most important.Evidence 1.One day, Andrew’s grandma and mother dressed her and gave her a precious necklace.Margaret felt love from the family.When she was on the boat with Andrew, she said, “I forgot what is felt like to have family!I’ve been on my own since I was 16.And I forgot what it felt like to have people love you.” We can see from the plot that love is important, because Margaret was moved and burst into tears.Their behavior mad her feel guilty, so she changed her thoughts and didn’t want to deceive Andrew’s family.2.From the beginning, Margaret forced Andrew to marry her.Andrew resisted her fiercely.But when the custom officer told his father that it was a scam, Andrew said,”I will see you at the wedding.” It’s love gave him courage, so love is the most important.3.Margaret wore high heels everyday at the beginning.After living with Andrew’s family, she wore flat shoes everyday.We think it’s love changes her attitude about life.

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