
时间:2019-05-15 14:44:21下载本文作者:会员上传


Lesson 1

 There is a bed, a desk and a chair in my bedroom.Lesson 2

 There are five balloons in my living room.Lesson 3

 There are some hamburgers and cakes on the table.Lesson 4

 Can you clean the table and chairs?

Lesson 5

 What can I do for you?

Lesson 7

 What time is it? It’s seven o’clock.Lesson 8

 It’s time for class.Lesson 9

 I like hamburgers, French fries and Coke.Lesson10

 What do we have for dinner? We have rice, chicken, beef, pork, carrots, eggplants, cucumbers and green peppers.Lesson 11

 It’s time to go to bed.Lesson 13

 How many words do you have? We have twenty-nine words.Lesson 14

 How many students are there in your class? Fifty students.Lesson 15

 How many classes do you have today? We have six classes today. What subjects do you like? I like music and art.Lesson 17

 What do you do in English classes? We listen and do.Lesson 19

 How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.Lesson 20

 What day is today? Today is Monday.Lesson 21

 I have Chinese on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.Lesson 22

 When do you have PE classes? We have PE classes on Tuesday and Friday.Lesson 23

 What do you usually do on weekends?

 I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays.Lesson 25

 What would you like, Lisa? I’d like some bread and sausages.Lesson 26

 I like singing. Are you interested in drawing and painting? Yes, I am.Lesson 27

 I enjoy reading and watching TV. What are you interested in? I’m interested in singing and dancing.Lesson 28

 Are you good at swimming? No, I am not. Do you like skating? Yes.I like roller skating. What would you like to buy?

 I want to buy a ruler, a pencil-box and a notebook.Lesson 31

 We want to go to the Great Wall.Lesson 32

 Are they ducks? No, they aren’t.They are geese.Lesson 33

 What are these(those)? They are peacocks.Lesson 34

 What would you like to do? I’d like to go on the teacups.Lesson 35

 How can we get there? We can get there by coach.



Module 1: 问是谁?She’Who’s that man?He’s问外貌?What is he like?

What is she like?


Module 2:问时间?It’

时间表示方法:(1)正点表示用数字(1-12)+o’clock,如: one o’clock 一点钟

(2)30分钟,逆读法:用half past +数字(1-12)如:half past one 一点半

顺读法:用(1-12)+thirty如:one thirty一点半

(3)超过一刻钟,逆读法:用a quater past +数字(1-12)如:a quarter past one1:15

顺读法:用(1-12)+fifteen如:one fifteen一点半

(4)差一刻钟到,逆读法:用a quarter to +数字(1-12)如:a quarter to one12:45

顺读法:用(1-12)+forty-five如:twelve forty-five12:45

Module 3: 问星期?It’

问最喜欢的一天? What’问原因?Why do you like Sunday?Because I have music lesson and I love


What lesson do you like best?

Module 4-5问通常做的事情?

问正在干什么? What are you doing?I am taking photos.(I am running.)

问喜欢做的事情? What do you like doing? I like swimming.问喜欢的运动? What’s your favourite sport? My favorite sport is running.Module 6问出生月份?When is your birthday?…was born in +月份)When is your mother’s birthday? She was born inWhen is your father’s birthday?He was born in问年龄?How old is your mother?She is years old.How old is your father?He is years old.在某一节日里喜欢做的事情? What do you like doing for Christmas? I like having a big party.







和…..交流______多大________问问题_________照相________最新的消息__________远离_____________ 太空旅行___________超过_________如此多的________


















21.你听说最新的消息了吗?________________________22.我经常通过电话和儿子交流。__________________________ 23我还没有开始,因为我不确定该怎么做。_________________________________________________________________________
















1.---Where’s my schoolbag?---It’s near the computer.___________________________________________________________________

2.Let’s clean the desks and chairs.Let me clean the fish bowl.___________________________________________________________________

3.We have a new classroom.___________________________________________________________________

4.---What’s in the classroom?---Let’s go and see.___________________________________________________________________

5.It’s so big.___________________________________________________________________

6.Open the door.Close the window.Clean the blackboard.___________________________________________________________________ Put up the picture.Turn on the light.___________________________________________________________________

7.Let’s clean the classroom._________________________


8.---Let me help you.---Thank you.___________________________________________________________________

9.This is the new classroom.The door is orange.___________________________________________________________________

10.This is my classroom.The door is green.The desks are green.I like my classroom.___________________________________________________________________

11.There is a bee in our classroom.There is a bee on the blackboard.___________________________________________________________________

12.---Where is it?---Look!It’s on the wall now.___________________________________________________________________

13.---What’s this?---It’s a bee.---No, it’s a board.___________________________________________________________________ Unit2

1.---John,I have a new schoolbag.---May I see it?


2.--Excuse me,I lost my notebook.-What colour is it?-It’s green.I like it very much.___________________________________________________________________

3.---My schoolbag is heavy.---What’s in it?


4.---What’s in your schoolbag?

---I have an English book, a Chinese book,a maths book,and three storybooks.___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

5.Put your Chinese book in your desk.___________________________________________________________________

Put your pencil box on your English book.___________________________________________________________________

Put your maths book under your schoolbag.___________________________________________________________________

Put your eraser near your pencil box.___________________________________________________________________

6.Put away your books.All right.___________________________________________________________________

7.Is everything in your schoolbag?


8.Good night.Sweet dreams!


9.Take out your books,please.___________________________________________________________________ Unit3

1.She’s short and thin.She has two big eyes.She’s cute.___________________________________________________________________

2.He’s strong and he has two big eyes.He’s very friendly.___________________________________________________________________

3.I have a new friend.___________________________________________________________________

4.---What’s his name?---His name is Zhang Peng.___________________________________________________________________---What’s her name?---Her name is Lucy.___________________________________________________________________

5.---Who is he?---His name is Zhang Peng.___________________________________________________________________---Who is she?---Her name is Lucy.___________________________________________________________________

6.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.___________________________________________________________________

7.---Is he Wu Yifan?---Yes,you are right.___________________________________________________________________

8.---My friend has blue glasses.---It’s Wu Yifan.His glasses are blue.___________________________________________________________________

9.I can’t pull it up.We are coming.___________________________________________________________________

10.I’m strong.Let’s work together.___________________________________________________________________ Unit4

1.Mum,where are my crayons?Are they in the study?


2.Zip, your living room is nice.___________________________________________________________________

3.Zip is in the living room.I’m her sister.___________________________________________________________________

4.Is she in the living room? No,she isn’t.Look!She is in the kitchen.___________________________________________________________________

5.Is it in your hand? Yes, it is.___________________________________________________________________

6.Go to the living room.Watch TV.Go to the study.Read a book.______________________________________________________ Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.Go to the bedroom.Have a nap._______________________________________________________ Go to the bathroom.Take a shower._____________________________

7.Look!They’re in the door.___________________________________________________________________

8.Look at that room.It has a blue bed.The bed is near the window.___________________________________________________________________

9.My bag is under the table,and my glasses are near the phone.___________________________________________________________________

10.Where are my keys? Can you find them?


11.Where has the TV gone?


12.Do you see my glasses?Those are not my glasses.___________________________________________________________________

13.Let’s change our glasses.I can see now.___________________________________________________________________ Unit5

1.Mum,I’m hungry.What’s for dinner?


2.What would you like?I’d like some soup and bread,please.___________________________________________________________________

3.Dinner is reaady!Help yourself.Thanks!


4.Would you like a knife and fork?No, thanks.I can use chopsticks.___________________________________________________________________

5.Here are today’s specials.Would you like some beef?Yes,please.___________________________________________________________________

6.Pass me the bowl.Pass me the bowl.Cut the vegetables._________________________________________________

Use the spoon.Use the fork.Now let’s try it._________________________________________________

7.Can I have a knife and fork,please.Yes,John,but try chopsticks for noodles.___________________________________________________________________

8.Here’s your bill.___________________________________________________________________ Unit6

1.That’s Sarah’s father.He’s a doctor.___________________________________________________________________

2.How many people are there in your family,Chen Jie?


3.But that’s only five.___________________________________________________________________

4.My family has six people.___________________________________________________________________

5.How many apples are there on the tree?


6.Is this your uncle,Sarah?Yes,it is.He’s a football player.___________________________________________________________________

7.What’s your aunt’s job?She’s a nurse.___________________________________________________________________

8.What’s his job? He’s a driver.What’s her job? She’s a nurse.___________________________________________________________

9.I have no job.___________________________________________________________________

10.Welcome to my home.Come and meet my family.___________________________________________________________________

11.Look at these photos.These are photos of my family.___________________________________________________________________



Unite 1单词:学习用品 penpencilrulercrayonblackborddeskchairschoolbag 方位词:inonunderinfrontofbehindbesidebetween

数字:onetwo threefourfivesixseven eight nineteneleven twelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentythirtyfourtyfiftySixtyseventy eightyninety hundred

句型:1 whoseruleris this?It’skim’sruler.2 How many books are there ?sixteen.3 WhereisKim?She isontheplaygroud.4,Howareyou ? Fine , thank you.5,Niceto meetyou.Nicetomeetyoutoo.Unite 2 单词:月:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilM ayJuneJulyAugestSeptember OctoberNovemberDecember

序数fist secondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtenthelventh twelfth天气:sun—sunnyrain—rainnywind---windysnow—snowycloud—cloudy

句型:1,WhosebirthdayisinJuly ? Mybirthdayisin July.2.When isyourbirthday.MybirthdayisinMay20(twenth)

3,WhenisChildren’sDay.?It’sJune 1(first)

4,How’stheweathertoday?It’swarmandwindy.Unite 3 句型:1,How old are you ?I’melvenyearsoid.2, Whenisyourbirthday ?MybirthdayisDecember17(seventh)

3,Howtallare you ? I ‘m1.4 metrestall.4,Wheredo youliveLI NING.Iliveinahousebesidethepark.5,How do you go to school ?I goto schoolon foot.(bybusbycarride mybike)6,whatdo youliketo do ?IliketoplayPING PANG

Unite 4 单词:科目:subjectmusicartPEmathscienceEnglishchinese句型:1,What’syourfavouritefood ?MyfavouritefoodisNoodles.What’syourfavouritefruit ?Myfavouritefruitis apples.3,What’syourfavouriteclothes ?Myfavouriteclothesisshorts.4,What’syourfavouritesubject ?Myfavouritesubjectis Science.5,What’syourfavouritecolour ?Myfavouritecolourisbiue.



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