
时间:2019-05-15 14:16:23下载本文作者:会员上传


The phoenix mountain scenery resort is located 4 km away in the east of Chaoyang city.It was named Dragon Mountain in history, and in the early Qing dynasty it was renamed Phoenix Mountain.It covers an area of 55 square kilometers, the highest peak 668 meters above sea level.Phoenix Mountain has luxuriant forest;all kinds of plants more than 600, forest core coverage rate reached 85%, and cover an area of 55 square kilometers.In the 1660, there were have the first Buddhist temple of Northeast China Region---Longxiang Temple which built by monarch of Yan dynasty.Therefore, Phoenix Mountain could be describe as a bright pearl of north of the Great Wall place.When you go into the mountain, you will see the first humanistic landscape---Cliff niches.Niches were carved in the Beiwei period, and it is the oldest historic sites of Phoenix Mountain.The cliff is in the direction of east, and the meaning is Phoenix Mountain receive the first wisp of shine.Then go straight this way, you will see the gate of Phoenix Mountain.And the gate of Phoenix Mountain has an admirable name---First gate of Northeast China Region.There have two pavilions on sides of the gate, one named dragon pavilion and another one named phoenix pavilion.Back in the gate, there is an identical building which high 4.5m and up to 20m.In the front of this building is a wall related with the history of China, and the back of this building is Jiufengbi.The wall carved 76 portraits that are ancient outstanding figures on every field.Keeping moving along the road, you will see a wall which named Jiulongbi built in 1995.Looking into the distance from top of mountain, the lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain.The pagoda is Moyun pagoda which built in Liao dynasty.It is a rectangular solid brick building sarira pagoda and high 37m divided four parts.In September 1963, it designated as a provincial-level cultural relic’s protection unit.Under the pagoda, there have a temple named Yunjie.It covers over area of 1500 square meters and the construction area is 742 square meters.And its elevation is 550 meters.Dabei hall is the main building of Yunjie temple.And inside the hall have a statue of the quan yin bodhisattva which has the thousands of hands and eyes.Walking along the pathway toward the mountains, you will see the Huayan temple located in the top mountain.The Huayan temple built on hills, and randomly scattered.Dabao pagoda standing in this temple, and this pagoda isn’t very big but Cabinet and delicate.What is more distinctive is the pedestal has craved Sanskrit, which very rare in the pagoda of Liao period.So, that’s the introduction of Phoenix Mountain.











进取”的办学精神;坚持“为学生服务,给每一位师生创造成长的舞台”的办学理念;以“规矩 活泼”为校训;“为人师表 榜样引领”是我们的师风;“严谨细致

务实有效”是教风;“脚踏实地 力争上游”是学风;以“让学生体验成功,享受快乐;让教师体现价值,感受幸福;
















Yes, sir/madam, thank you for giving me such an opportunity to introduce myself.My name is Wu Ya, I am a fresh undergraduate Beijing Institute of Technology, with a major in marketing.My hobby is making friends, football and reading in my part-time.During the university, I pay attention to the comprehensive development of myself.Through four years' system study, I have had a deeper understanding of my major.What's more, at the aspect of social practice, I am fond of taking an active part in various community activities.Besides, I also worked as an agent of notebook in my campus.In a word, I am an optimistic, cheerful boy with the ability of good

independence and adaptability;I hope to catch this opportunity to join Tesco, thank you very much!



In my eyes, the biggest achievement in my academic studies is the successful pass of the National University Entrance Examination.As you know, that is really a fierce exam.I am pound of entering Beijing institute of technology which is a very famous university in China.At the period of my high school, I once obsessed with football excessively, as a result,my grades is only at a middle level.Fortunately, one day, I suddenly realized what is more important of my life than football, and I swore to get into a key university.From then on, I started to put all of my passion for football on study, grasping and making good use of all the time to rest.Finally, my dream came true;I was admitted to Beijing University of technology in 2008.第三问:What challenge will you meet after you are admitted by Tesco? 因为我目前只是一名本科生,作为一个职场新人,资历和阅历都不够丰富。能够进入乐购这样一家全球500强公司,意味着机遇和挑战并存。由于经验的匮乏,在处理大公司的一些业务流程时,可能会不够成熟稳妥,甚至是犯下错误。因此,我需要一段时间去调整和适应,虚心向同事和前辈请教,尽快地熟悉业务流程和公司环境。

At present, I have a clear realization that I am only an undergraduate and a

freshman in job market, both my qualifications and experience are not rich enough.Entering into Tesco, one of the top 500 companies in the world, means a lot of

opportunities and challenges are waiting for me.Due to the lack of experience, when to deal with some important work, I may not be mature and wise enough, even could make some mistakes.Therefore, for me, some time to adjust and adapt is very necessary.At the same time, I will consult to colleagues and elders modestly, be familiar with the business process and the environment of company as soon as possible.第四问:作为管培生,你认为在一线店铺进行培训,好不好?


I think it will be a good experience for me.On the one hand, the current

experience and ability of a college student cannot be directly applicable to the work in management class, so a basic learning and accumulation in one-line shops is necessary;at another hand, this is also a valuable opportunity to contact with

customers directly.I hope that if I can be provided with such an chance, it will be a foundation for my future improvement and development.第五问:是否有过顺利解决紧急问题的经历,举例说明。


I still remember that in 2008, on May 12nd, when Wenchuan earthquake happened, our class was taking a simulation test of mathematic, suddenly I found that all the electric fans at the classroom shook greatly, and water inside of the bottle also

appeared severe ripple, my first response was earthquake, at once I stood up and let everybody to leave the classroom, then organized the students to withdrawal to a safeorderly.The fact proved that my decision at that second is very correct.第六问:在解决问题时,一般你都从哪些方面去考虑。


The perspective-taking each other's feeling;feelings of my team members, and the interests of the team.第七问:why do you think the situation you applied is important? 首先,乐购是一家全球500企业,她的扩展需要不断吸引人才,确保其正确的经营方向,其次,我喜欢不断挑战自己,在更重要的位置上不断学习,不断提高自己的素质。First of all, Tesco is a global top 500 enterprise, the expansion of her need to constantly to attract talents, to ensure the correct direction of management,Second, I like to challenge myself, and I believe that keep learning at a more important position, I will improve my quality constantly.第八问:why do you think you can be the right person?


Firstly, I am quite confident with my ability of learning;Secondly, I am a person with strong adaptability;What's more, I believe the perfect training system of Tesco can also help me grow quickly.第九问:Which city would you like to work in?


The best choice is Beijing or Hangzhou, of course, I will put the future development and overall interests of the company at the first place, if the company needs, and I can accept the assignation to other cities.第十问:any questions?

我想知道乐购对新员工是如何培训的?以及员工的发展由什么评定? I want to know the detailed training system of Tesco concerning with the new employees;And the standard of evaluation about the improvement of the staff in your company?


学校介绍 济南乐训学校是乐训国际教育集团、美国乐训文教基金会语言教育旗舰品牌,是国内最专业最权威的雅思、托福、SAT、AP全能英语培训基地,教育培训行业中的著名学校。学校荟集了近千位全国优秀中外雅思、托福英语语言教育专家,学校定位全国,是长三角华东西南华南地区最专业最权威的雅思、托福、SAT、AP培养基地之一。乐训学校与新华日报报业集团培训杂志社鼎力打造政府教育主管部门认可的专业国际教育机构。学校共享美国、香港等全球Linkfun乐训强大的研发、教学能力,传承了乐训国际一贯的品质承诺,培养了一批立足全国的一流教师。乐训雅思严格执行20人小班化、3-5人VIP授课、中外教老师联合执教,采用了美国英联邦沉浸式最新考试信息的内部教参,确保了每个学员学习目标的达成。同时乐训在行业内率先通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,在教学研发、教学服务等方面成为标志性典范。目前乐训在中国设有近30个直营与特许连锁学校,南京乐训教学面积近3000平方米,文化氛围浓厚,学习环境良好,目前有5个大校区、12个教学点。南京乐训已经一跃成为华东雅思、托福、SAT培训的领导者之一。学校除雅思、托福、SAT系列课程以外,还开设外教教练口语、国际成人英语、企业外语、高级职业课程、法德西意日韩、中小学全科教育等课程,全方位为有需求的学员提供专业高效的最佳课程。乐训国际与美国乐训文教基金会已和美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新西兰、新加坡、日本、韩国、法国、西班牙、德国、意大利等国近千所高校机构和中国南大、河海、浙大、山大等高校建立友好交流合作关系。









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