
时间:2019-05-15 14:35:20下载本文作者:会员上传


Good afternoon everyone.We are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in China, in our mind, it is environment growth that should be chosen.China is a developing country, economic development and environmental protection are often conflict.We agree economy growth is needed.But think about the past decades, we followed the old model of “first pollution, last treatment”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local region environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great to our existence

We need to do the environment protecting first.My reasons are as followsFirstly, environment protection is the essential requirement of economic development.Economic development is to improve people's living standards, to solve the conflict of people's increasing material and cultural needs.Some measures on economic development especially in heavy industry have a negative impact on the lives of the residents and the situation in the countryside is more dangerous.They are contrary to the original intent of economic development.Secondly, environment protection is the strategy of sustainable development requirements.We live in the environment which our future generations will live in.Suppose that we destroy the environment and the damage is irreparable, this is a crime to the future generations.Now countries around the world have attached great importance to the strategy of sustainable development researchso do our country and to leave our future generations a better living space.Finally, environment protection is a natural requirements.If the damage is huge, we will be severely punished by the nature and cause inevitable consequence like some major floods.We spend more in relief than we earned from the development of economic.The laws of nature is merciless.We must pay more attention on protecting environment.


Which should receive priority in china? Environmental protection or economic growth.:Good morning everyone!We are here now debating about whether environmental protection or

economic growth should take priority in china;we think its economy growth should be chosen.I have three reasons to prove this point.:First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed countries, so the urgent

affair of china is to develop our economy.:Second, Economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection.We can develop

our economy without environmental pollution.:Third, when our economy strength become strong, we can spend more money and energy on

environment protection, till then it will be a win-win.In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in china.:We agree economic growth is needed.But think about the past decades, we followed the old model of

“first pollution, last treatment”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’ environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.:What’s more, the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much by this means, it placed us in a

completely passive position.At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.:So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past, which is to say, in the course of

development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority.Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably.:We all know that in many places of china like many poor countries, where the environment is pretty

good, but there are thousands people lack of money for the food or clothes.Even in the city like Dalian, how many people can’t afford of the expensive price of house.Do you think the problems like these can be solved by environmental protection?

:But opponent debaters can’t ignore the fact that most areas of china have solved the problem of food

and clothing at present.Furthermore, the level of economic development in many cities in eastern china is very high.But the pollution is pretty serious accordingly.We have money, but being under the sub health condition.Does it make any sense, opponent debaters?

:Some eastern cities do exist whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that china has 130

million people.The eastern cities can’t stand for the whole china.We know that environment protection need high-technology, high-tech personnel, and science research.They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy.I want to ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strength.:Environmental protection needs money.But we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth.If you drink polluted water, eat the toxic food, can we have a high quality of life? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection.:Economic growth is important, environmental protection is also important.And our government has

already realized the importance of the balance between the two parts, and did achieve some

good results.I think in the future there will be on a win-win situation in the economic and

environmental protection.



Which should receive priority in China? Environmental protection or economic growth.正方一辩陈词:Good morning everyone!We are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in China, we think it’s economy growth that should be chosen.I have three reasons to prove this point.First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed counties, China have one fifth of the people in the world, but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries.So the urgent affair of China is developing our economy.Second, economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection.We can develop our economy without environment pollution.Third, when our economy strength becomes strong, we can spend more money and energy on environment protection, till then it will be a win-win.In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in China.反方一辩陈词:We agree economic growth is needed.But think about the past decades, we followed the old model of “first pollution, last treatment”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’ environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.What’s more, the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much.By this means, it placed us in a completely passive position.At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past.That is, in the course of development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority.Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably.That’s all I want to say.自由辩论

正方二辩:We all know that in many places of china like many poor countries, where the environment is pretty good, there are thousands people lack of money for the food the need to live.Then, opponent debaters, do you think we still need to develop our economies?

反方二辩:But opponent debaters can’t ignore the fact that most areas of China have solved the problem of food and clothing at present.Furthermore, the level of economic development in many cities in eastern China is very high.But the pollution is pretty serious accordingly.We have money, but being under the sub health condition.Does it make any sense, opponent debaters?

正方三辩:There do exist some eastern cities whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that China has 130 million people.The eastern cities can’t stand for the whole China.We know that environment protection need high-technology, High-tech personnel, and science research.They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy.I want to ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strength.反方三辩:Environmental protection needs economy.But we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth.If you drink polluted water, eat the toxic food, can we have a high quality of life? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection.The policy of “returning farmland to forests and grass” slow down the speed of economic development to protect the

environment.Doses it show that the environmental protection is more important?

正方四辩:Opponent debaters have referred the returning farmland to forest policy.We admit our country has paid a lot of money for the environment even sacrificing the profit.But we should still take economic construction as the central task.反方四辩:We admit economic construction is our country’s principle task.But we have to insist on sustainable development while developing economy.We must attach great importance to the protection of the natural environment in the process of economic development.总结:

正方总结:Our opponent said , ” we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth”.I think what they said can’t come true at present.It’s unavoidable to harm the environment while developing economy.反方总结: Our opponent said ” the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy”.The goal we develop the economy today is to create a happy and comfortable life for people in the future.If the economic growth lead to the pollution of the environment, can we live a better life? The excessive economic growth has caused the greenhouse effect, which lead to sea-level rises.As a result, thousands of coastal dweller has to face the fate of the migration.Moreover, the opponent also said,” when our economy strength become strong, we can spend more money and energy on environment protection.” I want to question that when the animals and plants have died out, what the opponent debater protect with the money and energy.If the economic growth delays for two years, we can wait two years to develop it.But, if the environmental protection delays two years, the species will be extinct, the resources will exhaust.The urgency like this can’t wait.So our side advocates the environmental protection should receive priority in China.Thank you.补充及参考材料

二辩盘问 Two debate questioned 反方二辩:请问对方二辩,经济是一时之事,环境是万代之事,哪个重要?经济 发展慢了,人们还可以吃到饭,环境没了,还能生存吗?
My fellow debaters,please allow me to ask.The economy is the temporary matter, but the
environment is of the ten thousand generation, which one is more important? When Economic develops slowly, people can also eat rice;how can we still survive if there is no environment.正方二辩:不好意思对方辩友,恐怕我们今天讨论的重点是优先权。并不是说经 济优先就不搞环保了,只是环保处于较次的位置,跟中国现状一样,政策虽 然说要重视环保,但一般县区还是经济发展优先的,也就有资本的大城市才 比较重视搞环保,相信大家心知肚明
Sorry, I'm

afraid the key points we debate today are the right of priority.Economy
development first does not mean totally ignore the environmental protection, the
environmental protection is just in the inferior position.Just like the present China,
although the policy attach great importance to environmental protection, economic development receive priority in the general counties, there is only capital cities would likely
take it seriously to environmental protection, everybody know it in our own heart.反方二辩:请问正方三辩,如果发展经济优先的话,很可能造成环境成本大于经 济效益的情况,这样的经济是发展还是倒退?
Excuse me, my fellow debaters.If economic development receives priority then it is likely
the environmental costs to be larger than the economic efficiency, such economy develops or backs up? 正方三辩: 这种情况确实有存在,但并不是每时每刻都存在。各个行业情况不同,我们不能以偏概全。但按你的意思,这种情况下经济效益是负的,那我们改 行环境保护优先,就能转亏为盈?我不这么觉得。to cause This kind of situation is there truly, but not every moment.The situation in each industry is different;we cannot draw conclusions from one part.But according to your point, in this case the economic benefit is negative, then if we changed environment first, we can turn it into profit? I don't think so.正方二辩: 我们知道环境的保护是预防为主,防治结合,而预防和治理都要依 靠技术的发展,那请问对方二辩,如果没有强有力的经济基础支持科学技术 发展,那么以科技为支撑的环保从何谈起呢?
We know that the protection of the environment is mainly prevention, and we should combine prevention with treatment, and the prevention and control depends on the development of technology, then my fellow debaters, if there is no strong economic basis for science and technology development, then don’t mention the environmental protection supported by the science and technology.反方二辩:你的问题未免抽象了点。科技发展无止尽,经济发展也没尽头,什么 时候算得上是“强有力”呢?但是环境保护是迫在眉睫,耽误不起。Your question is a little abstract.Science and technology develops endlessly, so dose economic development, when will it be considered as “strong"? But environmental protection is
imminent, which can't afford to delay.正方二辩:请问反方三辩,经济发展是让人们享受到丰富的生活内容,包括衣食 住行娱乐,这难道不是现在社会上人们的普遍愿望吗?
Excuse me, my fellow debaters.The responsibility of economic development is to let people enjoy a rich life, including the basic necessities and entertainment, isn't it now the
people's universal desire? 反方三辩:人们喜欢的期望的不一定都是好的。我相信,人们更倾向于在一个既 能享受到生活乐趣,同时又是一个健康和谐自然的环境中生存。People`s expectation is not necessarily that good.I believe that people tend to live in a life of happiness, and at the same time, survive in a healthy and harmonious natural environment
自由辩论 正方一辩: 请问对方辩友,原始社会的人类祖先们环境保护工作做得可谓好了吧,而他们 经济发展很落后,所所以才一直过着钻木取火、茹毛饮血的生活,按你们的 意思我们应该回归这种生活吗?
Excuse me, my fellow friends.In the primitive society, human ancestor`s environmental protection work is good, but to them Economic development is very backward, so it has been living a life of the earliest people, should we return to this kind of life according to your meaning?
反方一辩:人类祖先确实需要发展经济,但若是在这个过程中砍完了森林,污染 了河流,使衣食都不再有保障,恐怕也无法发展下去了。我想问的是,核电站是 经济发展的产物,但众所周知,几次核电站的泄漏带来了环境的极度恶化,请问 你怎么看?
Human ancestors do need to develop the economy, but if cut out the forests, pollute the river, making Food and clothing are no longer guaranteed in this process, I’m afraid it cannot develop any longer.What I want to ask is, nuclear power station is the

outcome of the economic development, but it is well known that a few times nuclear power leakage has brought the environment extremely worsened, what do you think of it?
正方二辩:首先,我方并没有承诺经济发展就一定会破坏到环境;其次,对方所 说的情况只是凤毛麟角;第三,核电站泄漏是科技不力,而经济是科学研究 的基础。First, we have never pledge that the economic development certainly will destroy the environment;second, the situation you said is only rare;third, nuclear power station leakage because the technology is not strong.But economy is the foundation
of scientific research.反方二辩:但是核电站可以再建,那些污染了的土地和地下水怎么办?没有了这 些,我们的生活怎么办?你愿意生活在核电站附近,还是一片山清水秀之 间?
But the nuclear power station may be reconstructed, how about these polluted land and the underground water? Without land and water, how does our life manage? Would you like to live nearby the nuclear power station, or between pieces of beautiful sceneries?
正方三辩:但是对方辩友请注意,核电站的建造,正是为了千千万万人类的生活 用电得到满足。有了电,我们的机器可以运作,生产可以兴起,环境总会有 办法弥补,我也想问,你愿意生活在两小时停一次电的地方还是用电无忧之 处? Please note that the construction of nuclear power stations is precisely to satisfy millions of people's living power.With the electricity, our machine can be operated, the production can rise, and there must be any way to make up for the
environment.I also want to ask, are you willing to live in a place two hours stop a electricity or a place with abundant power.反方三辩:你的意思是破坏了环境然后再去弥补。为什么要先污染后治理?为什 么要兜这么大一个圈子呢?而且我国的经济建设里程已经证明,先污染后治 理是错的,行不通的。You mean to make up for the environment after destroying it.Why management after pollution? Why to pocket so big a circle? And the economic construction of our country has already proved that treatment after pollution is wrong, it won't work.正方四辩:我不得不说我方真冤枉。是你给的前提,说核电站泄漏了,严重污染 了环境,而我方坚信是可以挽救的。而且事实上,包括核电站在内的很多工 业厂子,都种有青草绿树,他们在搞经济的同时,并没有放弃环境的保护。I can not but say that we are really undeserved.It is you who give the premise, said that the nuclear power station leakage has polluted the environment seriously, but we believed that is can be saved.And in fact, including nuclear power stations, many industrial factories, plant all kinds of green grass and trees, while they practice the economy, they do not give up the protection of the environment.反方四辩:但是仅仅不放弃就可以吗?再怎么注意也无法保证无污染,这样日积 月累下来,依然会是一片惨状。必须把环境保护放在第一位,每个工厂都严 抓,才能从根本上阻止环境的恶化。But only does not give up possible? However do we pay attention to the environment, we cannot guarantee there will be no pollution.As time goes on, it will still be a miserable situation.So we must place the environmental protection in the first place, each factory should be managed strictly, only in this way, can we prevent the environment from worsening fundamentally.正方三辩:对方辩友请从事实出发,经济发展必然会付出代价,我们已经在努力 使代价降到最低。Opposite party debates , please to start from the fact, the economic development will definitely pay the price, we have been trying to make the price to a minimum.反方三辩:降低应该有个标准吧,这不是你我能定的,是自然环境定的,等到他 揭示这个标准时,只怕为时已晚了。Reduces should have a standard, which is not you or me can decide, it is the natural environment, when he reveals this standard, I’m afraid it is too late.



Which should receive priority in China? Environmental protection or economic growth.正方一辩陈词: we think it’s economy growth that should be chosen.I have three reasons to prove this point.First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed counties, China have one fifth of the people in the world, but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries.So the urgent affair of China is developing our economy.Second, economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection.We can develop our economy without environment pollution.Third, when our economy strength becomes strong, we can spend more money and energy on environment protection, till then it will be a win-win.In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in China.反方一辩陈词:We agree economic growth is needed.But the environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’ environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.What’s more, the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much.By this means, it placed us in a completely passive position.At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past.That is, in the course of development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority.Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably.That’s all I want to say.反方二辩:请问对方二辩,经济是一时之事,环境是万代之事,哪个重要?经济 发展慢了,人们还可以吃到饭,环境没了,还能生存吗?
My fellow debaters,please allow me to ask.The economy is the temporary matter, but the
environment is of the ten thousand generation, which one is more important? When Economic develops slowly, people can also eat rice;how can we still survive if there is no environment.正方二辩:不好意思对方辩友,恐怕我们今天讨论的重点是优先权。并不是说经 济优先就不搞环保了,只是环保处于较次的位置,Sorry, I'm afraid the key points we debate today are the right of priority.Economy
development first does not mean totally ignore the environmental protection, the
environmental protection is just in the inferior position.、反方三辩:请问正方三辩,如果发展经济优先的话,很可能造成环境成本大于经 济效益的情况,这样的经济是发展还是倒退?
Excuse me, my fellow debaters.If economic development receives priority then it is likely
the environmental costs to be larger than the economic efficiency, such economy develops or backs up?

正方三辩: 这种情况确实有存在,但并不是每时每刻都存在。各个行业情况不同,我们不能以偏概全。但按你的意思,这种情况下经济效益是负的,那我们改 行环境保护优先,就能转亏为盈?我不这么觉得。This kind of situation is there truly, but not every moment.The situation in each industry is different;we cannot draw conclusions from one part.But according to your point, in this case the economic benefit is negative, then if we changed environment first, we can turn it into profit? I don't think so.反方四辩:你的问题未免抽象了点。科技发展无止尽,经济发展也没尽头,但是环境保护是迫在眉睫,耽误不起。Your question is a little abstract.Science and technology develops endlessly, so dose economic development, But environmental protection is
imminent, which can't afford to delay.正方四辩:请问反方四辩,经济发展是让人们享受到丰富的生活内容,包括衣食 住行娱乐,这难道不是现在社会上人们的普遍愿望吗?Excuse me, my fellow debaters.The responsibility of economic development is to let people enjoy a rich life, including the basic necessities and entertainment, isn't it now the
people's universal desire?

反方一辩:人们喜欢的期望的不一定都是好的。我相信,人们更倾向于在一个既 能享受到生活乐趣,同时又是一个健康和谐自然的环境中生存。People`s expectation is not necessarily that good.I believe that people tend to live in a life of happiness, and at the same time, survive in a healthy and harmonious natural environment

正方一辩: 请问对方辩友,原始社会的人类祖先们环境保护工作做得可谓好了吧,而他们 经济发展很落后,所所以才一直过着钻木取火、茹毛饮血的生活,按你们的 意思我们应该回归这种生活吗?
Excuse me, my fellow friends.In the primitive society, human ancestor`s environmental protection work is good, but to them Economic development is very backward, so it has been living a life of the earliest people, should we return to this kind of life according to your meaning?

正方总结:Our opponent said , ” we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth”.I think what they said can’t come true at present.It’s unavoidable to harm the environment while developing economy.反方总结: Our opponent said ” the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy”.The goal we develop the economy today is to create a happy and comfortable life for people in the future.If the economic growth lead to the pollution of the environment, can we live a better life ?






























查,狠抓工作落实。特别是经济管理部门、行政执法部门和条条部门的领导,要进一步深化对改善经济发展环境重要性的认识,从放宽经济发展环1 2 下一页



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