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RB-D50PW Electronic Dog Detector

operation manual

RB-D50PW electronic dog detector uses advanced digital processing technology with automatic temperature compensation,Main Features:

Single chip microcomputer intelligent digital processing.Dual channel intelligent signal processing

Pet Immunity, resistance to electromagnetic interference, low rate of false positives

Level 3 sensitivity Settings

Automatic temperature compensation

AC/DC, could choose backup battery as backup power supply, electronic dog built-in automatic charging device, AC/DC power supply switch and battery voltage alarm function

Wireless remote control distance open less than 100 meters


Detection range: 4~12m(optional)

Detection angle: 110°

Operation voltage: AC220V±15%

DV9.6-14V(10pcs NI-MH battery)

Block time after power on:20 seconds

Standby current: ≤15mA

Alarm current: ≤150mA

Alarm volume:more than 80db with the range of 1m

Launch frequency: 315MHz

Dimensions: 119mm*65mm*61mm(without antenna)

Operating temperature:-10℃~ +55℃

Storage temperature:-25℃~ +65℃

Structure diagram:

Battery Input

AC14V power Input

Arming/alarm Indicator(red light): the light on when arming,flicker when alarming.Low Battery Indicator(green light): light on when low battery.Infrared Sensor: Sensor the infrared signal released by body.please keep the surface clean and no hands touch.Cotton ball with 75% alcohol could be used to clean when the surface is dirty.The Control of Infrared Detector Distance: 3 grade optional.9-12m when black mini jumper insert “H”, 6-9m when “M”,4-6m when put in “L”, please adjust the position of the mini jumper according to needs when using.It is recommended to ensure against the requirements of the situation as far as possible choose low sensitive files

Installation Requirements

1.Please pay attention to the angle and height of detector and the horizontal,which has great impact on the protection area,for the electronic dog is more sensitive in infrared detection when body lateral movement relative to the lens,and poor for vertical motion.The installation height(2m)and angle(about 0~15)are shown as following picture:

2.Please keep installing electronic dog not facing the sunlight or other lights directly(such as auto lamp head)etc.3.Please keep installing electronic dog away from heat and cold source or outlet,such as cold and heat outlet,air conditioning vents,electronic heats,air conditioners,and don’t facing the door or window directly.4.The protection area of the e-dog should be able to look straight ,and no obstacle allowed.5.Electronic dog are not suitable for outdoor because without design of weather-proof and frost-proof

5.Installation and Test

1.Put Universal seat fixed in the detector installed in the location of the installation, the installation height is 2 m(as shown), install the probe on the universal bridge.If not matching spare batteries, no universal detector, just at the right height and Angle fixed a nail, the detector can be fixed on the nails.2.Reference to detecting sensitive area, adjust the universal bridge satisfy the coverage area to achieve the best effect.3.According to the requirements of protection setting appropriate detection sensitivity

4.The power plug on the detector, detector electrical work

5.Analog delay: detector electricity 20 seconds, protection, when the indicator lamp light people outside the electronic dog installed 8 ~ 10 m lateral movement 3 m(0.75 m/s)should be alarm occurs, the alarm light flashing, colleagues from high loudness alarm at the scene.According to the “removal” button on the remote control, alarm should be stopped, and in accordance with the “protection” button on the remote control, electronic dog protection indicator lights.6.Simulations showed that normal, the success of the installation check when abnormal detection Angle, probe installation position is correct

6.Daily use


Every 30 seconds a “di di” two shortthe remote control

“Di Di” two short-----------the remote machine will succeed

2.The method of use

(1).The protection

Electronic dog, after the power supply automatically blocked for 20 seconds, 20 seconds don't detect infrared signals, facilitate staff left to play.After 20 seconds automatically entered into protection state, protection indicator lights.Press “protection” button on the remote control, at hear “Di” after a short confirmation note, that may wish to succeed, electronic dog immediately into the protection state, protection indicator

lights.(2).The removal

According to the “removal” button on the remote control, at hear “Di Di”, after two short confirmation notes disarming success, electronic dog immediately into the state machine, as well as light is put out.Electronic dog in the alarm state when press the disarming of the remote control, alarm will be closed, colleagues into the state machine.(3).Alarm and emergency alarm

In the electronic dog in their state, if there are people in their sectors, screeched electronic dog will alarm

Press “emergency” button on the remote control, whether the electronic dog protection or removal, screeched will alarm for help

7.(Matters needing)attention

Please do not touch, such as infrared sensor surface with the hand, lest affect the detector sensitivity, If you need to clean the sensor, please disconnect the power supply wiped with cotton ball after dipped 75%.Please do the walking test for the detector regularly.This product can reduce the happening of the accident, but it can't be sure, for your safety, it is still remain vigilant in our daily life, and to strengthen security prevention consciousness, except for using this product in the right way.For our products, our company reserves the right of final explanation.



















































5.任何时候,只要收到甲方的书面要求,乙方应立即归还全部商业秘密资料和文件,包含该商业秘密资料的媒体及其任何或全部复印件或摘要。如果该技术资料属于不能归还的形式、或已经复制或转录到其他资料或载体中,则应删除。所有翻译资料的知识产权归甲方所有,任何时候乙方未经许可不得用于(包括报告全文、摘录、单项数据等)公开发布、转载、使用或其他用途,否则视为违约,乙方同意如违反本合约任何条款的,甲方有权单方面解除与乙方的服务合同,并保留依法追 究乙方违约责任的权利。

下列情形乙方不负保密责任:1.已公开为众所周知的文件或资料; 2.甲方同意公开的; 3.基于法律规定或法院的判决,裁定而披露者。








商予以解决,如果协商不成,双方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。争议解决 本协议受中国法律管辖并按照中国的法律进行解释。







乙方(盖章):法定代表人 或授权代表(签字): 2012年9月5日


legal writing: an overview


legal writing: an overview


In many legal settings specialized forms of written communication are required.In many others, writing is the medium in which a lawyer must express their analysis of an issue and seek to persuade others on their clients' behalf.Any legal document must be concise, clear, and conform to the objective standards that have evolved in the legal profession.在许多法律环境中要求特别的写作沟通形式。其他情形下,写作是律师表述对问题的分析以及代表客户努力说服他人的方法。任何法律文件必须简练、清晰,及符合法律行业演变出的客观标准。

There are generally two types of legal writing.The first type requires a balanced analysis of a legal problem or issue.Examples of the first type are inter-office memoranda and letters to clients.To be effective in this form of writing, the lawyer must be sensitive to the needs, level of interest and background of the parties to whom it is addressed.A memorandum to a partner in the same firm that details definitions of basic legal concepts would be inefficient and an annoyance.In contrast, their absence from a letter to a client with no legal background could serve to confuse and complicate a simple situation.通常有两类法律文章。第一类要求分析权衡一个法律问题或争端。这类的例子是办公室内部的备忘录和客户信函。为使这种写作形式有效力,律师必须对他所服务的当事人的需要、兴趣程度及背景非常敏感。给同一事务所的合伙人的备忘录,如果对基本法律概念作详细解释不但没有效果并且令人厌烦。相比较而言,如果在客户信中没有这样的法律背景就会令人迷惑并且使简单的事情复杂化。

The second type of legal writing is persuasive.Examples of this type are appellate briefs and negotiation letters written on a clients behalf.The lawyer must persuade his or her audience without provoking a hostile response through disrespect or by wasting the recipient's time with unnecessary information.In presenting documents to a court or administrative agency he or she must conform to the required document style.第二类法律文章是说服性的。这类文章的例子有上诉事实摘要及代表客户写的谈判信件。律师必须说服他或她的听众,而不能因为无理而激起对方的敌意或者用多余的信息来浪费对方的时间。在提交文件给法庭或行政机构时,他或她必须遵照要求的文件格式。

The drafting of legal documents, such as contracts and wills, is yet another type of legal writing.Guides are available to aid a lawyer in preparing the documents but a unique application of the “form” to the facts of the situation is often required.Poor drafting can lead to unnecessary litigation and otherwise injure the interests of a client.起草法律文件,例如合同和遗嘱,是另一种类型的法律文章。在准备文件中律师可以得到指导性的帮助,但是经常要求根据事实情形采取独特的“格式”。糟糕的写作可以导致不必要的诉讼并且也损害当事人的利益。

The legal profession has its own unique system of citation.While it serves to provide the experienced reader with enough information to evaluate and retrieve the cited authorities, it may, at first, seem daunting to the lay reader.Court rules generally specify the citation format required of all memoranda or briefs filed with the court.These rules have not kept up with the changing technology of legal research.Within recent years, online and disk-based law collections have become primary research tools for many lawyers and judges.Because of these changes, there has been growing pressure on those ultimately responsible for citation norms, namely the courts, to establish new rules that no longer presuppose thata publisher's print volume(created over a year after a decision is handed down)is the key reference.Several jurisdictions have responded and many more are sure to follow.法律行业有其独特的引用体系。虽然它为有经验的读者提供充足的信息去评估和找到权威引用,但是似乎对一般读者来讲却很困难。法庭规则通常对递交的所有备忘录和事实摘要的引用格式都有具体要求。这些规则没有随着法律研究技术的变换而改变。近些年,在线和磁盘法律收集已经成为许多律师和法官的基本研究工具。由于这些变化,对于那些对引用格式最终负责的法庭逐渐产生了压力。法庭必须建立新的规则,即不再要求将出版商的案件汇编(通常产生于判决裁定一年后)作为关键参考。几个法院已经有了回应并且更多的将会追随。

第四篇:一带一路 文件部分翻译

Part III.Translated by XuYi:


T: Currently, China is highly interdependent with international society economically.The reform and opening-up state policy will be unswervingly adhered to foster a new environment in all-dimensional opening up and integrate profoundly into the world economic system.Pursuing the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives is not only necessary for deepening reform and expanding opening-up, but also for enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation with Afro-Eurasian and other countries.China is willing to be increasingly responsible as its capacity allows for making greater contributions toward the peace and development of mankind.二、共建原则

II.Co-Constructing Principle 恪守联合国宪章的宗旨和原则。遵守和平共处五项原则,即尊重各国主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、和平共处、平等互利。

T: Keep our commitments to the purposes and principle of the UN Charter.Steadfastly follow the Five Principles of Peace and Coexistence, which calls for mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit equally..坚持开放合作。“一带一路”相关的国家基于但不限于古代丝绸之路的范围,各国和国际、地区组织均可参与,让共建成果惠及更广泛的区域。

T: Stay committed to opening and cooperation.Countries relating to “One Belt And One Road” are mainly but not only in the range of ancient Silk Road, including worldwide countries, international and regional organizations, which aims to bring benefits from co-building to wider area.坚持和谐包容。倡导文明宽容,尊重各国发展道路和模式的选择,加强不同文明之间的对话,求同存异、兼容并蓄、和平共处、共生共荣。

T: Stay harmonious and inclusive.Call for civilized tolerance, respect multiple choices of different paths and models of all countries in order to strengthen dialogues between various civilization.Seek common ground while reserving differences, incorporate things of diverse nature to promote peaceful co-existence and common prosperity.坚持市场运作。遵循市场规律和国际通行规则,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用和各类企业的主体作用,同时发挥好政府的作用。

T: Stick to marketing operation.Abide by its laws and basic norms of international practice, allow the market to full play its decisive function in resource allocation including the main roles from all kinds of enterprises.Meanwhile, the government is also needed for greater efforts.坚持互利共赢。兼顾各方利益和关切,寻求利益契合点和合作最大公约数,体现各方智慧和创意,各施所长,各尽所能,把各方优势和潜力充分发挥出来。

T: Persist on pursuing mutual benefit and win-win result.Taking all sides' interests and concerns into consideration.Explore the interests conjunction point and the greatest common divisor of cooperation.We should embody wisdom and creation from each side to work together with various advantages and power and call each nation on exerting their strength and potential sufficiently.Translator Summary: According to this political document, there are some features and notices I found to focus on: 1.Mainly use imperative sentence.Meanwhile, the transition of the subject of sentences is key to improving the fluency and coherence.2.Cautions vocabulary selection.There are many fixed structure in such a official document, so we need to understand deeply for them to choose more suitable words and usage in English.3.Sentence integration.Four-character structures appear many times in this article and there are many repeating saying, which requires us to pay attention to merge some phrases into one sentence.


摘要: 随着利用外资贷款的公路工程项目的增多, 招投标文件的汉英翻译工作愈显重要。通过分析目标文献的语言特征, 从而探讨翻译时应遵循的原则, 希望能对翻译工作者起到一定的帮助作用。

关键词: 招投标;语言特征;翻译原则 引言

自从京津塘高速公路成为我国首个利用世界银行贷款, 实行国际竞争性招标, 按照FIDIC条款修建的跨省、市的高速公路工程, 并取得良好的经济社会效益以来, 我国利用外资贷款项目修建的公路工程项目逐渐增多。尤其根据中国加入WTO后对公路市场的承诺, 国内公路承包市场更加规范更加开放, 且必将有更多的外资输入中国市场。根据世界银行的规定, 招标文件应该包括: 招标邀请书、投标人须知、标书格式、合同格式、一般的和特殊的条款、技术规格、货物清单或数量和图纸清单、必要的文件如各种担保形式等;投标文件则是对招标文件的响应, 需要填写各种表格或承诺各项要求, 这些都是评标的依据。按照国际惯例, 利用招标方式采购货物、工程和服务时, 与招标活动有关的一切文件资料, 包括招标文件、投标文件、合同范本、双方往来信函等, 均须用英文编制, 即使允许用非英文的语言编制, 也须随附一份英文译本备案, 发生含义解释分歧时以英文版为准。因此对招投标文件相关资料的理解和翻译就成了竞标的基础工作, 贯穿于整个竞

标过程, 必须予以足够的重视。为了探讨公路工程招投标文件的汉英翻译, 笔者结合工作中的体会, 拟通过详细分析招投标文件的语言特征, 归纳总结出翻译时应遵循的原则。1 公路工程招投标文件的语言特征

招投标文件属于严肃的书面文体, 作为具有法律效应且用以约束工程招投标双方的文献, 其具备以下几个特征。

1.1 为保证语言的明晰性, 准确用词, 甚至不惜指代重复, 同时又存在一定模糊语言现象 1.1.1 招投标文献需要将招投标双方的意愿清晰地表达出来, 首先要考虑的问题就是语言的明晰性,其主要依赖于用词的准确性, 这在情态动词的选择上显得尤为突出。

现以shall和will为例: shall一词在文件、合同、条约和规章中多表示客观义务或规定, 有时还带有一定的强制性, 因此在招标文件里要求投标人必须做到的条款应多用shall。Ex.1 Any price modification of Bid Price shall be strictly in the form of “Modified Bid Price Declaration”.译: 对报价所作的任何修改应该严格按照“标价修改声明”的形式。Shall在这里虽然只是一个情态动词, 字面的意思是“应该”, 但其中包含的意思却是“必须”。如果承包商调整报价时不严格按照声明的形式, 业主将不会接受这个调整后的报价, 而仍旧按原报价执行, 致使承包商费尽心思得到信息来源从而调整报价为了中标的目的就极可能落空。Ex.2 This project shall be completed before October 30, 2005.招标人向投标人提出“工程应于2005年10月30日前完工”的要求字面看来语气比较委婉, 实际却是不容置疑的。首先, 如果在投标文件里承包商提出的施工组织设计不能按期竣工, 则肯定不会中标。此外, 即使承包商以书面形式作了承诺, 在实际施工时却达不到要求, 也必然会被重罚。Will不同于shall, 它用来表示说话人的主观愿望和打算, 不带有强制性。因此, 在投标文件中,投标人自己的愿望应多用will来表示。

Ex.3 In case of severe cold weather in winter,to guarantee the concrete quality, the method of steam atomizing for concrete curing will be adopted.句中投标人运用了will来说明在冬天, 如果天气特别冷, 混凝土将采用蒸汽养生。因为will在这里所表示的是投标人的意向和打算, 而没有必须的含义在里面, 所以译为“将要”, 故在此最好不用shall。

Ex.4 For this project, 8 000 square meters of living area will be supply to the construction staff and workers in order to meet the demand.句中投标人打算为此工程施工人员提供8 000m2的生活住房, 没有必须的含义在里面, 目的是达到招标方的要求。

从以上两个例句中可以看出, 投标人在投标文件中运用will, 既可以满足对方要求, 又不会把自己局限在其中, 使自己在今后的工作中有较强的灵活性。

1.1.2 通常情况下, 翻译都需要行文简练, 但为了尽可能把一切都写得准确无疑, 定义准确无误, 作者往往会不借笔墨重复名词或修饰词, 尽量避免代词或省略手段的使用。Ex.5 The contrctors in the above – mentioned sections should make the promises below.译: 上述合同段的承包商须做出如下承诺。

Ex.6 The contractor should purchase the said materials for engineering in the said territory.译: 承包商须在所述地点购买所述工程用材料。从上述两例中可以看出, 用词在大的结构上虽有些重复, 但表述清晰自然。如果运用省略或替代的方式加以简化, 其语言的明晰度则逊色了许多,甚至会让人产生误解。

1.1.3 以上所说招投标文件的语言一定要清晰、交代明确是相对的, 也是以招投标各自的立场和利益为出发点的。通常在此基础上, 各方也会充分利用模糊语言为对方设下“陷阱”, 使自己处于主动地位。

Ex.7 The section is about the concerning works such as clearing, dismantlement and excavation of construction site as necessary grading, etc.in the scope of highway right of way and within the range of borrow soil field.译: 本节为公路用地范围及借土场范围内施工场地的清理、拆除和挖掘, 以及必要的平整场地等有关作业。

Ex.8 No separate measurement will be made for excavation, drilling, cleaning of drilled holes, drilling slurry, casing, concrete, pile head break age and other items such as artificial island, erecting operation platform, trestle and floating pontoon required to completed the works, they are considered as subsidiary works of castplace boredfilling piles.译: 开挖、钻孔、清孔、钻孔泥浆、护筒、混凝土、破桩头, 以及必要时在水中填土筑岛、搭设工作台架及浮箱平台等其他为完成工程的细目, 作为钻孔灌注桩的附属工作, 不另行计量。Ex.7中的“necessary”(必要的)平整场地“etc.”(等有关)作业及Ex.8中“such as”(例如)及“etc”(等其他)为完成工程的细目, 这样的句子因为没有涵盖要求对方所要做的全部工作内容, 对招标方来说是保护性条款, 这对投标方来说就是一种模糊语言。投标方必须去思考他的工作范围, 而很难把握一个标准尺度。严格地讲, 在严肃性很强的招标文件中是不能出现这样的模糊语言的。可是招标方有权利这样做, 目的是为了自己节省费用, 在计量支付时, 承包商常常干了额外的工作, 却由于这样的句子得不到应有的支付, 并且几乎在所有的招标文件中都可以碰到这样的句子。

1.2 招投标文件属于正规应用文体, 倾向于套用格式化句式:习惯沿用书面用词及大量运用复合副词

1.2.1 书面用词的应用

Ex.9 Either party reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon negotiation.译: 任何一方要中止合同都必须经过协商。

Ex.10 Both parties shall act in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.译: 双方都应该按照协议条款办事。

以上两句使用了party, reserve, terminate, provision等正式用词, 而未使用常见的side, keep, end, term等词。这种正式书面用语常用以代替常见口语用词, 大致有以下几类(见表1)。1.2.2 复合副词的应用

Ex.11 This contract hereby comes into effect from the date of execution by the two parties.译: 本合同自双方签署之日生效。句中, 若把hereby去掉, 意思也完全正确, 但有hereby更充分体现了“签署”和“生效”的因果关系。

Ex.12“Hereinafter referred to as the Employer.” 译: 以下称“业主”。

相对“Referred to as the Employer in the below.”来说, 前者在结构上比后者更符合原文表达。1.3 普通词有特定意义或特定用法

公路工程和其他各行业一样, 都有自己特定的专业术语。专业术语近乎行话, 具有国际通用性及其特定的含义, 与一般辞典上的含义常常有较大出入, 因此要在学习了解招投标业务的同时专门去熟悉和理解, 不能盲目用普通词语对译专业术语, 否则无法表达出其真正内涵, 甚至会闹出笑话。至于说“业主”(employer)、“承包商”(contractor)及“工程量清单”(bill of quantities)等行话还可以让人比较容易理解, 而像其他的专业术语, 对于外行则相当费解了。对于外行来说, 一见“简支梁”就有可能简单翻译成“simple branch beam”(简易分叉梁), 与正确译文“simple supported beam”根本就不是一回事;一见“明洞”就翻译成“bright cavity”, 这与其代表真实意义“明挖隧道”的翻译“open cut tunnel”大相径庭;即使对于内行来说, 见到“碎落台”, 如不明白其真实含义是“在路堑边坡坡脚与边沟外侧边缘之间或边坡上, 为防止碎落物落入边沟而设置的有一定宽度的纵向平台”, 要能翻译成“stage for

heaping soil and broken rock”难度也是颇大;至于“悬臂浇筑法”翻译成“cantilever cast method”固然可以, 但“cast-in-place cantilever method”则把其是属于现场浇筑的那层含义也表达出来了, 更为传神;还有路面施工中的“企口缝”, “假缝”, “缩缝”这个“缝”字, 用“joint”就比“crack”更贴切些, 因为后者仅仅表示是个“裂缝”, 而前者潜在意义还表示其是个“接缝”, 还可以承受荷载。公路工程招投标文件的汉英翻译原则

华先发(华中师大外国语学院教授)认为翻译时“首先要注意公文的格式, 原则上原文的体例应当保留, 因为这些格式是一种语体(语域)标识, 自有其形式意义。此外, 要正确把握词义, 尤其要认清一些common words在公文中的特定含义。在措辞上, 还要注意词语的正式程度及专业术语和公文习用语的使用”。针对公路工程行业的特殊性, 在大致了解招投标文件的语言特征的基础上, 结合实际翻译工作中的经验, 笔者认为翻译招投标的相关文件时需要遵守以下几个原则。

2.1 在选词明晰准确的前提下, 有意识模糊, 力争使招投标方取得招投标工程的主动权因为招投标文件要严格规定合同双方的义务、权力、行为准则等明确条款, 其明晰与否将会影响 当事双方的直接利益。此外, 我们知道, 无论何种译文都渗透着翻译者的创造性劳动。虽然招投标文件中的模糊语言现象并不是文体所要求, 可以说是自觉或不自觉而出现的一种语言现象, 然而尽管其有悖于文体要求, 但毕竟是存在的, 更是俯拾皆是。从各自的利益来讲,招标方需要搞清楚的, 也正好是投标方需要模糊的, 反之亦然, 归根结底都是为了己方的利益服务的。

2.2 力戒望文生义, 望文生译, 以此简单类推彼译因为不是每个翻译人员都是既懂专业又通晓英语的复合性人才, 一般来说, 他们对术语的理解很难到位, 甚至还会产生歧义, 引起合同纠纷。因此, 首先要熟悉专业术语, 了解其所代表的真实含义。如对于“明洞”, 若知道其代表的是“明挖隧道”, 要翻译到位还是容易的。其次, 由于我国公路工程行业发展迅猛, 一些常出现的短语就会用缩略语来表示, 即使对于专业和英语兼修的人士来说, 初次碰到这种陌生的缩略语, 他们也会头疼。此时, 别无它法, 只有结合上下文及查阅资料, 挖掘缩略语代表的含义, 来确保英译的传意性。例如, 对于“三通一平”, 如不知道其代表的是“通水、通电、通路及平整场地”(three supplies and one leveling: supply of water, electricity and access road and leveled ground), 想翻译准确很难。又如对于“五纵七横”, 如果不知道其指的是几大纵横贯穿全国的国家主干线公路, 而简单翻译为“five longitudinal roads and seven transverse roads”, 信息就太粗略了, 应译为“12 key national main roads,5 longitudinal and 7 transverse”。再有, 很多翻译常犯这样的错误, 即草率地由此译推彼译。如由设计荷载“design load”、验算荷载“calibration load”认为人群荷载就是“herd load”或“crowd load”, 这与地道的译文“pesdestrian loading”相差甚远。

2.3 合理使用公文惯用词语代替普通词语, 从而提高译文质量 为了使译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅,且符合招投标文件的表达习惯, 酌情使用目标体(英语)惯用的一套公文词语, 会使译文更地道和流畅。但是从一些招投标文件的英文译本中发现, 这种公文词语常被普通词语所代替, 从而影响到译文的质量。这就需要译者平时的博闻强记。此外, 对于复合副词, 其实为数并不多, 而且构词简单易记。常用这类副词时一般都是由here, there, where等副词分别加上after, by, in, on, to, under, upon等副词, 构成一体化的形式, 诸如hereafter(从此以后), whereto(对于那个), there under(在其下)。但如何恰当运用这些复合副词, 起到锦上添花, 甚至是画龙点睛的作用, 还有待于翻译工作者在实践中不断揣摩, 逐渐提高。3 结语

总之, 招投标文件的翻译是一项复杂的工作,其好坏直接关系着招投标方的利益。因此, 翻译工作者除了需要具备一定的专业知识和语言能力外,同时还需要有严谨的工作学习态度, 这样才能在实践工作中不断提高。


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