第一篇:马尔科姆演讲稿:选票还是子弹 The Ballot or the Bullet
The Ballot or the Bullet
by Malcolm X
April 3, 1964
Cleveland, Ohio
Mr.Moderator, Brother Lomax, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies: I just can't believe everyone in here is a friend, and I don't want to leave anybody out.The question tonight, as I understand it, is “The Negro Revolt, and Where Do We Go From Here?” or What Next?“ In my little humble way of understanding it, it points toward either the ballot or the bullet.Before we try and explain what is meant by the ballot or the bullet, I would like to clarify something concerning myself.I'm still a Muslim;my religion is still Islam.That's my personal belief.Just as Adam Clayton powell is a Christian minister who heads the Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York, but at the same time takes part in the political struggles to try and bring about rights to the black people in this country;and Dr.Martin Luther King is a Christian minister down in Atlanta, Georgia, who heads another organization fighting for the civil rights of black people in this country;and Reverend Galamison, I guess you've heard of him, is another Christian minister in New York who has been deeply involved in the school boycotts to eliminate segregated education;well, I myself am a minister, not a Christian minister, but a Muslim minister;and I believe in action on all fronts by whatever means necessary.Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion.I'm not here to try and change your religion.I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we differ about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem, a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a nationalist.Whether you're educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you're going to catch hell just like I am.We're all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man.He just happens to be a white man.All of us have suffered here, in this country, political oppression at the hands of the white man, economic exploitation at the hands of the white man, and social degradation at the hands of the white man.Now in speaking like this, it doesn't mean that we're anti-white, but it does mean we're anti-exploitation, we're anti-degradation, we're anti-oppression.And if the white man doesn't want us to be anti-him, let him stop oppressing and exploiting and degrading us.Whether we are Christians or Muslims or nationalists or agnostics or atheists, we must first learn to forget our differences.If we have differences, let us differ in the closet;when we come out in front, let us not have anything to argue about until we get finished arguing with the man.If the late president Kennedy could get together with Khrushchev and exchange some wheat, we certainly have more in common with each other than Kennedy and Khrushchev had with each other.If we don't do something real soon, I think you'll have to agree that we're going to be forced either to use the ballot or the bullet.It's one or the other in 1964.It isn't that time is running out--time has run out!
1964 threatens to be the most explosive year America has ever witnessed.The most explosive year.Why? It's also a political year.It's the year when all of the white politicians will be back in the so-called Negro community jiving you and me for some votes.The year when all of the white political crooks will be right back in your and my community with their false promises, building up our hopes for a letdown, with their trickery and their treachery, with their false promises which they don't intend to keep.As they nourish these dissatisfactions, it can only lead to one thing, an explosion;and now we have the type of black man on the scene in America today--I'm sorry, Brother Lomax--who just doesn't intend to turn the other cheek any longer.Don't let anybody tell you anything about the odds are against you.If they draft you, they send you to Korea and make you face 800 million Chinese.If you can be brave over there, you can be brave right here.These odds aren't as great as those odds.And if you fight here, you will at least know what you're fighting for.I'm not a politician, not even a student of politics;in fact, I'm not a student of much of anything.I'm not a Democrat.I'm not a Republican, and I don't even consider myself an American.If you and I were Americans, there'd be no problem.Those Honkies that just got off the boat, they're already Americans;polacks are already Americans;the Italian refugees are already Americans.Everything that came out of Europe, every blue-eyed thing, is already an American.And as long as you and I have been over here, we aren't Americans yet.Look at it the way it is.What alibis do they use, since they control Congress and the Senate? What alibi do they use when you and I ask, ”Well, when are you going to keep your promise?“ They blame the Dixiecrats.What is a Dixiecrat? A Democrat.A Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise.The titular head of the Democrats is also the head of the Dixiecrats, because the Dixiecrats are a part of the Democratic party.The Democrats have never kicked the Dixiecrats out of the party.The Dixiecrats bolted themselves once, but the Democrats didn't put them out.Imagine, these lowdown Southern segregationists put the Northern Democrats down.But the Northern Democrats have never put the Dixiecrats down.No, look at that thing the way it is.They have got a con game going on, a political con game, and you and I are in the middle.It's time for you and me to wake up and start looking at it like it is, and trying to understand it like it is;and then we can deal with it like it is.The Dixiecrats in Washington, D.C., control the key committees that run the government.The only reason the Dixiecrats control these committees is because they have seniority.The only reason they have seniority is because they come from states where Negroes can't vote.This is not even a government that's based on democracy.lt.is not a government that is made up of representatives of the people.Half of the people in the South can't even vote.Eastland is not even supposed to be in Washington.Half of the senators and congressmen who occupy these key positions in Washington, D.C., are there illegally, are there unconstitutionally.I was in Washington, D.C., a week ago Thursday, when they were debating whether or not they should let the bill come onto the floor.And in the back of the room where the Senate meets, there's a huge map of the United States, and on that map it shows the location of Negroes throughout the country.And it shows that the Southern section of the country, the states that are most heavily concentrated with Negroes, are the ones that have senators and congressmen standing up filibustering and doing all other kinds of trickery to keep the Negro from being able to vote.This is pitiful.But it's not pitiful for us any longer;it's actually pitiful for the white man, because soon now, as the Negro awakens a little more and sees the vise that he's in, sees the bag that he's in, sees the real game that he's in, then the Negro's going to develop a new tactic.These senators and congressmen actually violate the constitutional amendments that guarantee the people of that particular state or county the right to vote.And the Constitution itself has within it the machinery to expel any representative from a state where the voting rights of the people are violated.You don't even need new legislation.Any person in Congress right now, who is there from a state or a district where the voting rights of the people are violated, that particular person should be expelled from Congress.And when you expel him, you've removed one of the obstacles in the path of any real meaningful legislation in this country.In fact, when you expel them, you don't need new legislation, because they will be replaced by black representatives from counties and districts where the black man is in the majority, not in the minority.If the black man in these Southern states had his full voting rights, the key Dixiecrats in Washington, D.C., which means the key Democrats in Washington, D.C., would lose their seats.The Democratic party itself would lose its power.It would cease to be powerful as a party.When you see the amount of power that would be lost by the Democratic party if it were to lose the Dixiecrat wing, or branch, or element, you can see where it's against the interests of the Democrats to give voting rights to Negroes in states where the Democrats have been in complete power and authority ever since the Civil War.You just can't belong to that party without analyzing it.I say again, I'm not anti-Democrat, I'm not anti-Republican, I'm not anti-anything.I'm just questioning their sincerity, and some of the strategy that they've been using on our people by promising them promises that they don't intend to keep.When you keep the Democrats in power, you're keeping the Dixiecrats in power.I doubt that my good Brother Lomax will deny that.A vote for a Democrat is a vote for a Dixiecrat.That's why, in 1964, it's time now for you and me to become more politically mature and realize what the ballot is for;what we're supposed to get when we cast a ballot;and that if we don't cast a ballot, it's going to end up in a situation where we're going to have to cast a bullet.It's either a ballot or a bullet.In the North, they do it a different way.They have a system that's known as gerrymandering, whatever that means.It means when Negroes become too heavily concentrated in a certain area, and begin to gain too much political power, the white man comes along and changes the district lines.You may say, ”Why do you keep saying white man?“ Because it's the white man who does it.I haven't ever seen any Negro changing any lines.They don't let him get near the line.It's the white man who does this.And usually, it's the white man who grins at you the most, and pats you on the back, and is supposed to be your friend.He may be friendly, but he's not your friend.So, what I'm trying to impress upon you, in essence, is this: You and I in America are faced not with a segregationist conspiracy, we're faced with a government conspiracy.Everyone who's filibustering is a senator--that's the government.Everyone who's finagling in Washington, D.C., is a congressman--that's the government.You don't have anybody putting blocks in your path but people who are a part of the government.The same government that you go abroad to fight for and die for is the government that is in a conspiracy to deprive you of your voting rights, deprive you of your economic opportunities, deprive you of decent housing, deprive you of decent education.You don't need to go to the employer alone, it is the government itself, the government of America, that is responsible for the oppression and exploitation and degradation of black people in this country.And you should drop it in their lap.This government has failed the Negro.This so-called democracy has failed the Negro.And all these white liberals have definitely failed the Negro.So, where do we go from here? First, we need some friends.We need some new allies.The entire civil-rights struggle needs a new interpretation, a broader interpretation.We need to look at this civil-rights thing from another angle--from the inside as well as from the outside.To those of us whose philosophy is black nationalism, the only way you can get involved in the civil-rights struggle is give it a new interpretation.That old interpretation excluded us.It kept us out.So, we're giving a new interpretation to the civil-rights struggle, an interpretation that will enable us to come into it, take part in it.And these handkerchief-heads who have been dillydallying and pussy footing and compromising--we don't intend to let them pussyfoot and dillydally and compromise any longer.How can you thank a man for giving you what's already yours? How then can you thank him for giving you only part of what's already yours? You haven't even made progress, if what's being given to you, you should have had already.That's not progress.And I love my Brother Lomax, the way he pointed out we're right back where we were in 1954.We're not even as far up as we were in 1954.We're behind where we were in 1954.There's more segregation now than there was in 1954.There's more racial animosity, more racial hatred, more racial violence today in 1964, than there was in 1954.Where is the progress?
And now you're facing a situation where the young Negro's coming up.They don't want to hear that ”turn the-other-cheek“ stuff, no.In Jacksonville, those were teenagers, they were throwing Molotov cocktails.Negroes have never done that before.But it shows you there's a new deal coming in.There's new thinking coming in.There's new strategy coming in.It'll be Molotov cocktails this month, hand grenades next month, and something else next month.It'll be ballots, or it'll be bullets.It'll be liberty, or it will be death.The only difference about this kind of death--it'll be reciprocal.You know what is meant by ”reciprocal“? That's one of Brother Lomax's words.I stole it from him.I don't usually deal with those big words because I don't usually deal with big people.I deal with small people.I find you can get a whole lot of small people and whip hell out of a whole lot of big people.They haven't got anything to lose, and they've got every thing to gain.And they'll let you know in a minute: ”It takes two to tango;when I go, you go.“
The black nationalists, those whose philosophy is black nationalism, in bringing about this new interpretation of the entire meaning of civil rights, look upon it as meaning, as Brother Lomax has pointed out, equality of opportunity.Well, we're justified in seeking civil rights, if it means equality of opportunity, because all we're doing there is trying to collect for our investment.Our mothers and fathers invested sweat and blood.Three hundred and ten years we worked in this country without a dime in return--I mean without a dime in return.You let the white man walk around here talking about how rich this country is, but you never stop to think how it got rich so quick.It got rich because you made it rich.You take the people who are in this audience right now.They're poor.We're all poor as individuals.Our weekly salary individually amounts to hardly anything.But if you take the salary of everyone in here collectively, it'll fill up a whole lot of baskets.It's a lot of wealth.If you can collect the wages of just these people right here for a year, you'll be rich--richer than rich.When you look at it like that, think how rich Uncle Sam had to become, not with this handful, but millions of black people.Your and my mother and father, who didn't work an eight-hour shift, but worked from ”can't see“ in the morning until ”can't see“ at night, and worked for nothing, making the white man rich, making Uncle Sam rich.This is our investment.This is our contribution, our blood.Uncle Sam's hands are dripping with blood, dripping with the blood of the black man in this country.He's the earth's number-one hypocrite.He has the audacity--yes, he has--imagine him posing as the leader of the free world.The free world!And you over here singing ”We Shall Overcome." Expand the civil-rights struggle to the level of human rights.Take it into the United Nations, where our African brothers can throw their weight on our side, where our Asian brothers can throw their weight on our side, where our Latin-American brothers can throw their weight on our side, and where 800 million Chinamen are sitting there waiting to throw their weight on our side.Let the world know how bloody his hands are.Let the world know the hypocrisy that's practiced over here.Let it be the ballot or the bullet.Let him know that it must be the ballot or the bullet.
第二篇:演讲稿 三颗子弹
徐世炎不敢看他,只惭愧地把头深深地埋了下去:“3„3万现大洋,蒋委员长„亲自悬的赏。” “蒋委员长?叫得好亲热!世炎同志呀,你好糊涂哇!”
第三篇:哈姆莱特 生存还是毁灭
哈姆莱特 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题;默默忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具腐朽的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故;谁愿意忍受人世的鞭鞑和讥讽、压迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的鄙视,要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?谁愿意负担着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的磨折,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去?这样,重重的顾虑使我们全变成了懦夫,决心的炽热的光彩,被审慎的思维盖上了一层灰色,伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去行动的意义。
看完影片的现在,我长舒了一口气,想要出去散个步。Now!放松下压抑!了两个多小时的心情。看惯原音电影了,看中译配音版的《王子复仇记》的时候,非常不适应,像 朗诵课文一样不自然的台词,造作的舞台腔,甚至不甚标准的普通话,加上黑白 ”这个词的时 的压抑的色调,刚开始看的时候我头都大了,听到“宝藏(cang)候我差点笑出来,并不时地感叹如今电影技术的发展带给我们更新的,更立体的 视觉感受,可据说在当时,该影片的配音阵容相当豪华,为此我专门百度了哈姆 雷特的配音者已故老艺术家孙道临,发现他果然了不起,经典的电影一定有 它的价值所在,我发现如果将之看成是话剧,好像更容易接受,于是,我慢慢静 下心来,开始进入角色。To be or not to be,that is a question 我终于在影片中看到了这句经典台词,并为此兴奋不已,哈姆雷特当时正经 历着他人生中的错愕,他痛苦、焦虑、迷茫、愤怒,父亲的死,母亲的移情别恋,复仇的想法完全打乱了他的生活,在我看来,当他受父亲灵魂之托要报杀父之仇 的时候,他的人生已经没有别的意义了,他仍活在世上就只是为了一件事,那就 是“复仇”,他为此装疯卖傻,责骂母亲,错杀奥菲尼亚的父亲并导致他心爱的 奥菲尼亚溺水而死,我不由得哀叹,影片的开头,他听从父亲的遗魂为之报仇,就已经预示了故事悲剧的结尾。很多人都在赞叹哈姆雷特的勇气,面对生命中的浩难,他不像自己的母亲一 样屈服于命运,重新嫁给前夫的弟弟苟延存活,而是要为父报仇,向命运抗争,在他看来,如此苟延残喘,不如从容燃烧,他说: 生存或毁灭, 这是个问题,究竟哪样更高贵? 去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残,还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净,去死,去睡,就结束了,如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和肉体的千百种痛 苦,那真是求之不得的好事啊。哈姆雷特的选择即使最终逃不开死亡,那如此这般也死的壮丽了。然而,不是说,一千个人心中有一千个哈姆雷特么?我虽然赞叹王子的选择,却不赞同。To be or not to be? 我们的价值观一直在教我们怎样乐观坚强地面对生命中不可预知的劫难,哈 姆雷特向命运反抗的勇气固然可嘉,但是戏剧就是戏剧,这样的复仇注定会牵扯 出一连串的灾难,他口口声声揣在心上的爱人奥菲利亚也为此成为了牺牲品,影 片中最悲剧的人物已然成为美丽的奥菲利亚,因为爱情似乎已经完全不在他考虑 的范围之内了,他对 beautiful girl 奥菲利亚 的爱情不像是爱一个人,甚至不是爱 情本身,而是他所谓的“贞洁”,对母亲也是如此,我眼里的他是自私的。他非 要自己的母亲也同他一样活在悲伤的过去不能自拔么?叔叔克劳迪斯是为谋求 皇位手段狠毒,可他是真爱他的母亲的,如果母亲因受疼爱而过的安宁,不好么?而复仇的方式有很多种,这样大毁灭的结果也不是上计。也可以 说,是他疯狂的复仇心理导致了悲剧的结尾。用现在年轻人的观点来看,过去的就是过去了,要珍惜现世美好,复仇也许 能使自己找到内心的平衡点,但考虑到可能会牺牲了无辜的人,那你会真心快乐 么?你还会 to be 么? 我们应该在愤怒之上加以宽容之心,每个人都有其自身的黑点,也许大到 不可饶恕,但如果你用同样残忍的方式来报复,那么你和使你愤怒的人还有什么 区别,况且身边还有爱你的和值得爱的人,壮烈的死去有时候不是最明智的选择。佛曰:不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己。是啊,憎恨是对自己的惩罚,用一生的时间去憎恨不如用一生的时间去领悟 人生,去珍惜身边事物。哈姆雷特在剧中不断问自己是生存还是毁灭,问自己世间为什么如此多烦心 事。答案是:什么时候放下了,什么时候就没有烦恼。
我有时候是个挺自负的人,我最烦别人给我讲大道理。像这种跟励志有关的演讲我从来不喜欢听,因为我觉得没什么用。我觉得不过是一些成功者炫耀自己经历和成就的话。但今天我却站在这里,我在给大家灌着可能大家都厌烦的心灵鸡汤。我说的话也很老套,我和那些励志的演讲者的区别就是我不是一个成功者。我一直是个平凡到无趣的人,甚至在以后我也没有几率成为一个成功人士。所以我没有谈怎样成功,我没有谈梦想,没有谈政治,没有谈国家和世界。我是学国际政治的,可是我一直说,真的去改变世界是伟人要做的事,而我不是伟人,我能做的,只是改变自己。我希望自己能不再厌恶自己的生活,我希望我的每天充满希望,充满色彩。我希望把有限的时光浪费在美好的事物上,去相信,去期待,去爱去恨,去闯去梦。再给大家举一个例子吧。美国一个老奶奶Cathy Johnson,她到了晚年,突然发现自己对水彩画很感兴趣,于是她开始学水彩画。大家看,这就是她的作品,我看了她的画觉得很吃惊,不相信这是一个从那么大年纪才开始学画画的人画的。一个热爱生活的人,即使到暮年,也是美好的。你自己过的美好,你的生活才会美好。你若是懒得下笔,永远不会拥有这么美的色彩。