
时间:2019-05-15 14:17:47下载本文作者:会员上传


Helle everyone, it’s the third time to deliver my speech here.Very glad to see your all guys.The last few days i have been thinking what am I going to talk today.I found it’s a hard to select an interesting topic.At first Iwant to share something about love ,butit’s a big topic and I’m afraid I can’t handle it.Then I thought why not to talk about break up? Maybe it’s more interesting.So today my topic is how to break up peacefully.Ibelieve there must be quite a lot people in this classroom are not single and dating with someone.We have grown up and it feel good to experience this.No one can deny that the love is romantic and beautiful.We cherish it and enjoy it.However, as the time goes by, we maybe tired of this relationship, and for some reason we want to break up.So when the goodbye day is coming ,what should we do, and how to break up peacefully? I have some useful advice to share about you.First, choose a good place.Break up in the right environment is important.You should choosesome place quiet and peaceful where you two can talk freely without disturb.Oh, I forget to remind , you’d better say this things face to face.Some of you may want to break up on the telephone or send an text or a letter.I don’t suggest this.Because this methods may cause misunderstanding and make both of you lose control.So it necessary to choose a good place to to make sure you can clarify your idea clearly.Try to communicate from your heart.Try to break

the news as gently as you can.Second, be honest.Everybody deserved to know the truth.Maybe you find he or she is not the right one for you.Maybe you find you have feelings for another person.But no matter what your reasons are, just be honest.Just say what you want to say.Someone want to choose to tell lie rather than the truth.They may think the truth is so true, and it will hurt the other so much.But is it fair for your partner if you make up a story to cheat him or her? It is complete wrong way.So trust me.Show your sincere and be honest.Third,try to control your emotions.Remember no matter what happens, remain to be calm.Maybe you will hear something hurt and unbelievable.Take a deep breath, control yourself and then calm down.Force yourself to be emotionally strong.Focus on the positives.Focus on the good memories and the good times you've shared.Crying is good but crazy is not the way.Try to be tough and never show your weak.Finally , the most important thing is learn to forget and forgive.No one is perfect.We should not only see the other people’s mistake.Nowthat the relationship is over.We both should be responsible for the final result.Just like we responsible for the love before.We all do something wrong.let bygones be bygones, we should looking forward and move on.Forgive each other and forget the bad things.Try to remain friends.Promise to keep in touch.Promise to respect each other forever.Here are my suggestions, remember? First, choose a good place.Second, be honest.Third,try to control your emotions.Finally , learn to forget and forgive.Those tips may help you to deal with the breaking stuff.Don't let it end painfully.Don't let the hurt continue.Just go on as friends.No matter what your end is.Wish your all guys have a happy ending.













































As Dream Come True

2080823 陈旭东

How are you!Boys and girls.Today I’m glad to give the speech which the title is “As dream come ture”.First,please permit me introducing myself briefly to all of you.I come from gansu province ,and I have a harmonious and happinessful family.All above,I’ m a honest and little-words boy.At the same time,it’s seems that make great contributions is my born-hobbby.Now begin my speech..We all have dream..Yet so few of us fulfil them, often a dream dies as quickly as it is born because we lack the cnfidence to keep it.We need dreams.They give us a vision of a bettter future.They nourish our spirit,they represent possiblity even though we are dragged down by reality.Most of my life,I’m thinking,so as to enhance my values.Here I quote some sentences to reflect my minds.“Three passion,simple but overwheling strong,have govered my life:the longing for love,the search for knowledge,and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.These passion,like great winds,have blown me hitter and thither,in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish,reaching to the very verge of despair.”

University life is like drinking coke.I'm experiencing it.And I know, I enjoy it!

I would rather be myself.I would contribute my individual and unique colors to create a more diverse universe.Please, be myself.Dream flying our ordinary life is a dream, from the very moment of landing, we are a dream to come!Similarly, we left this world at the time, it will also be left with our own dreams.Call in the dream, we gradually grew up thinking of gradually mature, and have learned more and more, understand more and more.Our dream is also more and more content, more and more rich.One can not forget that book title mountain crossing the sea during the day and night;not forget that the coexistence of a bitter years of joy;not forget that a bit more respectable mentor taught......The face of the past, we open our minds and hearts of the door, bathed in sunlight to accept and listen to exhort the time, we dream of flying.Is to achieve the dream of the cornerstones of long-term vision;the dream is the beginning of the power savings.To this end, the respect of ethics,goodness,responsiblityand love.We will be ready at all times......Singing rooster dawn broke through the silence, awakened the dream of youth,with the aid of a weak but immorta belief, embarking on a new journey began.Eastern rising sun, leaving a string attached to their native land is the footprints of the feelings and give up.Goodbye dear land, we have our dreams, we all need to face new.The rudder has been fated into our own hands, taking our own route.Believe in ourself and work hardly, must be clear after dark.To do the masters of time, for every seconds, when the ship set sail hard, you are ready? Show your style and create brilliant tomorrow.Toralf Konetzke(托尔夫斯基)said that the sky did not leave traces of the birds, but I have been over.Is an eagle, it is necessary to fly across the sky, is a tree, it is necessary to cast a time, the courage to go flying,the courage to go into.I dream of1

flying, I believe we will be more brilliant tomorrow, tomorrow you will be more exciting.Cherish the present, should grasp the opportunity.Friends, the dream is flying now, let us gather in the glory of that day.As a conclusion,I’d rather to read the poet of Ebert Einsten.Let’s appreciate and think it.Hold fast to dreams,For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That can never fly

Hold fast to dreams,For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen only with snow

Thank you!2


大学英语诗歌朗诵稿《time to say goodbye》

we talked all night about the rest of our lives where were gonna be when we turn 25 i keep thinking times will never change keep on thinking things will always be the same you better say it right now cause you dont have another day cause were moving on and we cant slow down these memories are playing like a film without sound and i keep thinking of that night in june i didnt know much of love but it came too soon and there was me and you and then we got real cool stay at home talking on the telephone with me wed get so excited, wed get so scared laughing at our selves thinking lifes not fair and this is how it feels as we go on we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change we will still be friends forever if we get the big jobs and we make the big money when we look back now will our jokes still be funny? will we still remember everything we learned in school? still be trying to break every single rule will little brainy bobby be the stockbroker man? can we ever find a job that wont interfere with a tan? i keep, i keep thinking that its not goodbye keep on thinking its a time to fly and this is how it feels will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? can we survive it out there? can we make it somehow? i guess i thought that this would never end and suddenly its like were women and men will the past be a shadow that will follow us round? will these memories fade when i leave this town i keep, i keep thinking that its not goodbye keep on thinking its a time to fly [参考译文] 不要停顿,永不放弃,高昂起头 到达顶峰。















o wild west wind, thou breath of autumns being thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, pestilence-stricken multitudes!o thou who chariotest to their dark wintry bed the wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low, each like a corpse within its grave, until thine azure sister of the spring shall blow her clarion oer the dreaming earth, and fill 10(driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)with living hues and odours plain and hill;wild spirit, which art moving everywhere;destroyer and preserver.hear, o hear!狂野的秋风啊,你这秋的精气!没看见你出现,枯叶已被扫空,像群群鬼魂没见法师就逃避—— 它们或枯黄焦黑,或苍白潮红,真是遭了瘟灾的一大片;你呀,你把迅飞的种子载送去过冬,让它们僵睡在黑黢黢的地下,就像尸体在各自的墓里安躺,直到你那蔚蓝的春天妹妹呀对梦乡中的大地把号角吹响,叫羊群般的花苞把大气吸饮,又让山野充满了色彩和芳香。狂野的精灵,你正在四处巡行,既拉朽摧枯又保护。哦,你听!

你呀,乱云是雨和闪电的使者,正是在你震荡长空的激流上闪电被冲得像树上枯叶飘落,也从天和海错综的枝头骤降:宛若有个暴烈的酒神女祭司把她银发从幽暗的地平线上直竖向中天,只见相像的发丝在你汹涌的蓝莹莹表面四起,宣告暴风雨的逼近。残年濒死,你是它挽歌,而正在合拢的夜便是它上接天穹的崇墓巨陵—— 笼着你聚起的全部水汽之力,而黑雨、电火和冰雹也都将从这浓云中迸发而下。哦,你听!

thou who didst waken from his summer dreams the blue mediterranean, where he lay, 30 lulld by the coil of his crystàlline streams, beside a pumice isle in bai?s bay, and saw in sleep old palaces and towers quivering within the waves intenser day, all overgrown with azure moss, and flowers 35 so sweet, the sense faints picturing them!thou for whose path the atlantics level powers cleave themselves into chasms, while far below the sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear the sapless foliage of the ocean, kn ow 40 thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear, and tremble and despoil themselves.o hear!我若是被你托起的一片枯叶;我若是随你飞驰的一团云朵;我若是浪涛在你威力下喘息,分享你有力的冲动,那自由,哦!仅次于不羁的你;我若是仍然在我的童年时代,仍然能够做你在天空邀游时的忠实伙伴—— 因为那时,奔得比你快也未必是梦想;那我就不会如此艰难,无须这样哀求你。请把我掀起,哦,就当我是枯叶、云朵或浪涛!我,跌倒在人生荆棘上,滴着血!我,太像你:倔强、敏捷又高傲,但岁月的重负把我拴牢、压倒。

让我像森林一样做你的诗琴,哪伯我的叶像森林的叶凋落!这两者又美又悲的深沉秋音你那呼啸的浩荡交响会囊括。但愿你这刚烈的精神我也有!但愿一往无前的你也就是我!请把我已死的思想扫出宇宙,就像你为催新生把落叶扫除!而且凭着我这一诗歌的经咒把我的话语传遍这人间各处,像由未灭的炉中吹送出火花!愿你通过我的嘴响亮地吹出唤醒这人世的预言号声!风啊,冬天既快来,春天难道还远吗?篇三:大学英语诗歌朗诵稿1 time to say goodbye time to say goodbye 说再见的时候

we talked all night about the rest of our lives 对于以后的生活,我们聊了一整夜

where were gonna be when we turn 25 我们25岁的时候,会在哪里

i keep thinking times will never change 我不停地想,想时间永不前行

keep on thinking things will always be the same 因为我们都要向前走,不能迟疑。no more hanging out cause were on a different track 我们不会再相约出门,因为天各一方

and if you got something that you need to say 如 果你还有未曾说出口的话 you better say it right now cause you dont have another day 那么就在今夜告诉我,因为别无他日。

cause were moving on and we cant slow down 因为我们都要向前走,不能迟疑 these memories are playing like a film without sound 那些回忆啊,像在放映无声的电影。and i keep thinking of that night in june 我不停地想,想起六月的夏夜。i didnt know much of love 我不曾了解爱情,but it came too soon 它来的如此迅速。

and there was me and you 我们就是这样,and then we got real cool 我们就好成这样。

stay at home talking on the telephone with me 我们在电话两头谈天说地,wed get so excited, wed get so scared 我们如此兴奋,又如此惶恐。

laughing at our selves thinking lifes not fair 我们嘲笑自己,说为何生活这样残忍。

and this is how it feels 这就是我的感受。as we go on 我们继续成长,we remember 还会记得,all the times we had together 那些在一起的时光。

and as our lives change 即使生活变迁,we will still be friends forever 我们知道,朋友永远。if we get the big jobs 如果有一天,我们有很好的工作 and we make the big money 赚好多的钱

when we look back now will our jokes still be funny? 我们那些笑话还会让我们发笑吗?

will we still remember everything we learned in school? 我们还会记得学校里教我们的那一切吗?

still be trying to break every single rule 我们还那样叛逆吗,will little brainy bobby be the stockbroker man? 小波比会变成股票经纪人吗? can we ever find a job that wont interfere with a tan? 我们会找到可以让我们随心所欲度假的工作吗? i keep, i keep thinking that its not goodbye 我不停地想,想这不是离别。keep on thinking its a time to fly 这是我们出发的时间。and this is how it feels 这就是我的感受。

will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? 我们会幻想未来,就像我们现在这样做吗? can we survive it out there? 我们会经受住一切吗?

can we make it somehow? 我们会实现这一切吗? i guess i thought that this would never end 我想这些都不是结局,and suddenly its like were women and men 突然之间,我觉得我们都长大成人。will the past be a shadow that will follow us round? 过去的回忆,会变成我们身后的阴影吗? will these memories fade when i leave this town 我离开这座城市的时候,那些过去会淡忘吗? i keep, i keep thinking that its not goodbye 我不停地想,想这不是离别。keep on thinking its a time to fly 我不停地想,想这只是出发。



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