host:welcome to searching and offering jobs,Let’s warmly welcome three Bosses。
Ann,(Google):Hello everyone.I come from Google.Today I come here to recruit personnel for company.I think I will find talent here, I know that this stage will not let me down.Amy,(Alibaba)Hello everyone, I am from Alibaba, My purpose is to find talent for the company, I look forward to their performance.Chris,(Baidu)Hello everyone, I come from Baidu.I hope this stage can give me what I wanted.host:Next please Mr.Job Alex
Mr.Job : I am Alex, I am lifetime honorary professor of Imperial college and very glad to come here.host:Everybody can have a communication with us via sina weibo.(PPT)Promotion rule :1.Through professional skills assessment, self-introduction and answering professional question to understand the job seekers.2.Support the job seeker with the light on if disapproves him you can turn it off..3.If someone’s light is on, which means the boss with the light on is willing to offer a position.host:Ok,welcome today’s job seeker.Penny:Hello everyone, my name is Penny,I graduated from the Hunan Institute of Technology and Science, and major in Accounting.I want to find a job related with accounting, and expected income is 3000 Yuan.Thanks
host:Very good, Penny, welcome.As a student specialized in accounting, you should be good at managing money matters.Penny:Really, as I am only a student, I don’t have too much money to manage.But I have a useful skill that can be shared to everyone, that is keeping account.It is a very practical skill for the student whose living expenses is limited.It will help us develop a good consumption habit.host:Ok, Ann.Ann:As a student who is good at managing money matters, are you shopping online?
Penny:yeah, I will.Ann:Every coins have two sides.Taobao breaks record in double eleven festival, but its logistics can’t bear the weight of sales volume.There are four subjects in the process of shopping online: the first is consumer, second is business, third is paying platform and the last logistics company.Since you have learn accounting four years, from your point of view, who earns most and who lost most in the double eleven?
Penny:Alipay, Taobao is a network consuming platform, protect the benefits of consumer and business.As far as I can see, the money is in the Alipay’s pocket when the goods are in the delivering process.Alipay can utilize money to invest, earning the time value of money.So I think paying platform earn most and consumer lost most.Ann:Your analysis to this question is pretty good.However, you ignored another two subjects and you didn’t get my point.But your communication with others was excellent.host:The three bosses,what are your impression of the candidate?
(Light OFF)
Penny:Thank you.host:Amy
Amy:I think you can do more by virtue of your degree, and not only taking accountant or cashier.For example, you need give come assessment and suggestion by analyzing capital usage efficiency, including fund supervision and risk control.I think you don’t have enough ability to finish it, this is the reason I off the light.Penny:thank you
host:All right,Chris
Chris:Can you share some experience in your internship?
Penny:I assisted the accounting to make account and to deal with the tax issues.To be honest, I made several mistakes at that time, because there are many defects with my professional ability and there is much difference between the knowledge which we have learnt from books and
practice.Chris:It seems you are pretty candid.In fact I need a skillful worker at present.So, I wish you would pay more attention on the professional skills and make progress continuously.host:Mr.Job , what do you think?
Mr.Job: In my opinion, Penny lack skills in communication.For example, when it comes to her internship she did not mention how to solve her defect and what complement behavior she had done.Consequently, there is a misunderstanding in the communication.host:Please Ann and Chris make decisions
(Chris Off the Light)
host:Ann, do you have any appropriate position offering to Penny
Ann:There is a position Financial analyst,and the salary is 3000
host:Penny,will you accept it?
Penny:yes, I would like to practice myself in reality.host:please send a letter of recommendation
(offering recommendation)
Game Over~
After 1and3’s 15-day’s waiting,1 finally receive the company’s offer,while 3 is refused.Do you want to know the reason for their success or failure?Now let’s recall the interview scene on that day.Before the interview,1 is really nervous.And this time his friend 2 begins to confort him.1:I am nervous.If I fail,what can I do?
2:Come on,there is no use for you beng nervous.take a deep breath and believe that you are the best,no one can defeat you.I believe you.success is yours.1take a deep breath).Hope so.But I will do my best.I will win.旁白:Also for the same position,3 is talking with his friend 4.3:what do you think of my clothes? Is it fashionable?
4:Great!new shoes,new clothes,and fashionable style.That position must be yours.i am waiting for your treating.haha
3:ya!the time is closing,I must go now.bye!
5:please sit down,and relax yourself.we just have some questions to ask you.From your resume ,I know you are an excellent student in school.Now can you tell us something about yourself.1:My name is xx, a graduate student from zhengzhou University, and will get my degree in March 2012.In the past 4 years, I spent most of my time on studying.I have passed CET4/6 with a ease.Besides, I have also gotten through the Second-level and Third-leveltest for National Computer.As for my character, I think I am optimistic and confident.My favorite pastime areplaying ping-pang , reading books and listening to the music.5: We all know that no one is perfect.what disadvantages do you think you have3:I am not a perfect man.but I am alwayspursuing excellence.And I think that may be one of my advantages.for example,when I provide service for customers,I always consider much to make sure that they feel comfortable and they have no disatisfaction with me.6:to the salary.how much do you think is suitable?: in your resume I learn that you don’t have much experience.Hou can you make sure that you can do well on this work?
1:That’s not a question.Now you do great on your work.You must also have no experience beforeyou do it.And that proves that what important is not experience but your ability.Nou I have the ability ,and I am certain that I also can do well it.5:great!I believe you can.6:can you tell us your salary expectations?
1:As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity.and I am sure that you won’t despair.5:ok!you can go now and reform the next one.6:sit down please!And don’t be nervous.We are just chatting like friends.there is no reason for feeling nervous or frightened.Can you give us a self-introduction? 3:Well , my name is 3,and I graduate from Zhengzhou university.-------(介绍自己的年龄、爱好、工作经验等)
5:I know in your resume that you have practiced in your former company for much time, can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us?
3:the boss is too bad!he always givesme a dressing down(训斥)besides,the partners even complain to the manager about me.they are over my bottom my line.I can’t stand them.so I left.6:we have ask you so many questions ?do you have any problem about our company? 3:I think your company is excellent!and there isnot a little problem any more.5:ok!that’s all.now you can go back first.and wait for answer.With 1’s success and 3’s failure,we can clearly know that,when we are interviewing,we should dress formely ,but not fashionable.And we should not only say our name,sex,working experience,but also the technical ability we have,and the successful things we have done when we are giving self-introduction.To the ask of the company’s problem,we shouldn’t say nothing,we may know little about the company,but we can ask some usually problems,such as your promotion system,traiting programs we can take and so on.So when we are interviewing,we should notice these,and avoid these.That’s all!Thank you
他喝完咖啡,慢悠悠地走出值班室,挺着一个大肚子,威武地巡视着地铁站内的人群。每个人都匆匆地来匆匆地去,从来没有留意过身边的人和事。站长这个时候伸伸懒腰,正准备回值班室大睡一觉的时候,突然不知道哪里出来的一个人把他撞倒了。站长甩了一个跟头,挺笨拙地爬起来刚想大骂一顿的时候,却首先听到一把声音,有点怯懦地说:“对不起对不起” 站长这个时候擦擦眼睛,开始打量眼前的这个人:他的衣着很随意,脏兮兮的样子,而且还带着一副墨镜。站长就开始骂了:“你没长眼睛吗?这样也能撞上我!”然后那个人就回答说:“我是一个盲人,我都看不到要在哪里候车了。”站长听了之后,也见到他是一个残疾人,便说:“没事啦,我是这里的站长,如果你不知道哪里候车的话,可以咨询一下当班的值班员嘛。不过既然你遇上了我,我就帮你带路吧。”这时候盲人也说了一声:“好的,非常感谢你。”于是,站长让盲人一手牵着他,一手摸着扶手,慢慢地下楼梯到乘车站台。站长拖着盲人慢慢地走,突然脚底下一绊,整个人又甩了一跤,幸好盲人一手扶着墙壁没有摔倒。这时候站长发火了,起来就说一句:“特么的是谁!”这一次没有人回答他。于是站长低头一看,有一个乘客正躺在地上一动也不动了。站长于是就怕了,马上松开牵着盲人的手,盲人觉察到不对劲,就问:“发生什么事了”站长结结巴巴地回答:“地…地上…躺…躺着…一个人啊!!”盲人显然要比站长冷静:“快去看一下他是否还活着”于是站长弯下腰,问一句:“先生请问你还清醒吗?”没有回应。于是站长又弯下腰用耳朵贴着他的胸口听他的心跳声,可是出人意料地听不到。站长这时候怕了,他用手擦了一下额头的汗,然后又颤抖地把手伸向躺着的人鼻子,谁知道这时候传来呼呼的鼻鼾声。站长定了一下惊,然后又闻了一下他的衣服,一股很浓烈的酒精味,大概是喝醉酒了吧。于是站长让醉酒的人继续躺着,扶了盲人上车之后,然后就来看了一下醉酒的人,结果发现还没醒。站长本来想着呼叫值班员前来帮忙,但正是午饭时间,值班室空无一人,又不能置醉酒人一直在这里,于是自己便背起醉酒人爬上楼梯直到回到值班室。此时的站长已经气喘吁吁地,累个半死之下于是什么都不管了,躺在地上呼呼地睡着了…
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way。下面我们组将给大家带来一个关于社会诚信的话剧,他的名字是《狼来了》,请大家欣赏,谢谢!
情侣男:(两个人一起跑过去)大爷,你怎么了? 情侣女:大爷好像是心脏病发作,(此时大爷已经奄奄一息),快找一找他身上是不是有急救药!
情侣女:老大爷,我们真没碰到你呀!天可以作证,你怎么能讹诈我们呢? 老大爷2:腿好痛呀,痛死了!救命呀,快救人呀!有人撞人了还不赔钱!群众1:小伙子呀,我看到刚才的情况了,你没碰到这位老大爷,你是清白的,我可以证明。群众2:我也可以证明你们的清白,咱们还是打110吧!让警察来处理这件事吧!老大爷2:我好痛呀!你们怎么可以这样对待以为老人呢!我是受害者呀!情侣男:(拿起手机拨打110)喂,你好,我这里是东北大学逸夫教学楼302,这发生了一起交通讹诈事故,我们请求帮助!
警察:请问,发生什么事了?(Excuse me, what happened)?
警察2:(对着群众1、2)能叙述一下你看到的情况吗?(Can you describe what you see?)
老大爷:你怎么把他们放走了,我无话可说,就是他们把我撞倒的,就是他们把我撞倒的!为什么为什么??(捂着腿做痛苦状)好痛呀,好痛呀!警察2:老大爷,你还好吧,我先送你去医院吧!(Old man, are you alright, I'll take you to the hospital!)
(两个人一起快跑过去,同时后面的两个群众也一起跑过去,大家围在一起看着老大爷)情侣男:啊!我的天呀!这不就是上次骗我们的那位老大爷吗? 群众1:是呀,就是他,我认识他
情侣女:老公,咱们快走吧,一会就要上课了!快点!大家一块喊了一句:Let‘s go!老大爷2:(老大爷趴在地上,目光无神,看着大家远去的背影,伸手朝向远方,说)救命呀,救命!(哀叹了一声)自作孽不可活呀!上帝,下辈子我一定要作一个好人!
(老大爷,作非常痛苦状,头磕地,死去!)过了一段时间(急救车声响起),120急救车来了,下来两个医生 医生1(警察1饰演):(用听诊器停了一会,又用手试了试鼻子处是否还有呼吸)没有呼吸了,拿不来吧!医生2(警察2饰演):(拿来一块布,两个医生共同把布盖子尸体上)是呀,如果能及时吃一粒救心丸就好了,太可惜了!(Yes,if it is good to eat a grain of JiuXinWan timely, what a shame!)
英语话剧剧本:4人英语话剧 Another day in paradise 场景简单,语言适中,4个主要人物,推荐。适合课上演出,很有意义,关于亲情
Characters: Angel: A chief broadcaster.Anny: A primary school girl who had called so much in order to look for her mother.Anny’s father Anny’s teacher Anny’s classmates Divide the stage into two parts.On the left: Children’s ward, a chair, some flowers.On the right: A desk, a chair, a lamp, some books.(幕启,舞台左半亮,右半暗)(The phone is ringing)Old woman: Hello!Anny(怯生生地): Hello, I, I want mum.Is that mum? Old woman: Oh, I’m granny.I’m not mum.Anny: I’m sorry.(电话挂断声,拨号声又起)A young woman: Hello!Anny(怯生生地): Hello!I want mum.Is that mum? Young woman: Are you joking? I’m not married.(电话继续响,右半舞台亮)Angel: Hello!Anny(鼓起勇气): I want mum.Is that mum? Angel: Who’s that speaking? Anny: I’m Anny, your Anny.Angel: Anny?(充满疑惑)。(略为思索后,用母亲的声调)Where are you? Anny(仿佛遇见母亲,忍不住哭起来): Mum,(哭声,欲语泪先流,又猛然惊觉)Mum, mum, I’m not crying.Angel(安慰地,担心地): You are a nice little girl.Anny: Mum, why don’t you come to see me? Dad says you will come back if I am well behaved.Mum, don’t you miss me? Angel(慈爱地): Of course, I do.I do miss you? Anny: Really? Angel: Yes.I miss you so much.Anny: Mummy!Angel: En„ Anny: Mummy!Angel: Yes? Anny(笑若银铃)(Angel 慈爱地笑,心略有所安)Anny(突然又哭了): But mummy, why don’t you come back? I’m ill.Angel(关切地): Anny, where are you? Tell me, where are you? Anny: Mummy, I’m in hospital now.I felt pain, but I didn’t cry.Dad says the one who cries is not a good girl.Then you won’t come back.Mummy, can you come back to see me? I’m waiting for you with no tears.Angel: Anny, I’m, I’m not„ Oh, yes, mummy will come back to see you(Dad推门入,见Anny在打电话,连忙夺过)Dad: I’ve told you not to call anybody else.(对着电话)Sorry, I’m really sorry.The child has disturbed you.Angel: Never mind.I’m a mother, too.I understand her.May I know the truth? Dad: Eh„, her mum isn’t here.So she called and called.Angel: Where’s Anny’s mother? You divorced? Dad: No, no.I hope she would come back.But„
Angel: You don’t trust in me? I’m Angel, the chief broadcaster of the hot line.Dad(回头看Anny): Then, I’ll tell you the truth some other day.Angel:All right.(灯暗景换)On the left: Anny’s sitting room.On the right: Anny’s classroom.(左右同时演绎)Left: Dad: Anny’s mum passed away in a tracffic accident six years ago.She told me to hide the truth.This is the letter for Anny.Right: Teacher: Children, in this class.Let’s enjoy Anny’s composition “A letter to mummy”.Angel, Anny同时,时空错接,音乐起)Angel: Anny, my dearest baby!Anny: Mummy, my dearest mummy!Angel: When we played hide and seek, I was found easily.Anny: When we played hide and seek, I could found you easily.Angel: But this time, you can’t find me.Anny: But this time, I can’t find you.Angel: Baby, we have a date.When you are 14, you can find me.Anny: Mummy, we have a date.Dad says when I am 14, I can find you.Angel: Baby, the game lasts so long.I wonder if you have the courage to go on.Anny: Mummy, don’t worry.I grow up with your arms around me in my dream.Angel: Anny, if the time is so long, mummy will talk with you when you are looking at our photo.Anny: Mum, the letter you left to me is so long.I read it every night, again and again.Angel: Anny, your birthday present is on the wardrobe.Anny: Mummy, I’ve known the truth.Every time I take a bus, I can see your dad eyes.Angel: Anny, I’m really worried if you will be so sad after your 14th birthday.Is there anyone to love you all his life? Anny: Mummy, I’ll never give up.I believe there is a call to the paradise.I will love Dad.I will love myself.I can fly with my own wings one day.Angel: Anny, my dear.Anny: Mummy, be safe all the way.There are no tears in paradise.(灯亮,谢幕)