
时间:2019-05-15 14:27:46下载本文作者:会员上传


The origin of American Thanksgiving

As is known to us, the Thanksgiving is one of the most crucial festivals in the United States and Canada’s.However, the historical origins of the festivals in the both countries are different from each other.Here I’d like to introduce something about the origin of American Thanksgiving.In 1620,the boat called “may flower” arrived in North America from Britain, carrying 102 pilgrims.Unfortunately, in the winter of this year, they encountered unimaginable difficulties, half of them dyingof hunger.Luckily, the native Indians provided pilgrims with the necessities in time.What’s more, they were so kind that they even taught pilgrims how to hunt, fish and plant corn,pumpkin.With the help of the Indians,the immigrants finally overcame the difficulties and received a harvest.During the days of harvest celebration, according to religious traditions , immigrants rules the day of thanksgiving to god, and decided to show their gratitude to Indians.Immigrants invited them to celebrate the festival.In this day of the first Thanksgiving, immigrants and the Indians got together,chatting and eating happily.Immigrants were so grateful to god that they set off fireworks, held a grand banquet and enjoyed delicious turkeys.The first thanksgiving day was very successful.As a result,a lot of these celebration ways remained for many years.In 1789, the first American president Washington declared November,26was the national Thanksgiving celebration.However, for a long time, every state holiday date still stipulated based on their own situation.It was not until 1863 that president Lincoln declared Thanksgiving day was a national holiday again.In 1941, Congress passed bill, the president Roosevelt declared the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving day throughout the country.Nowadays Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts form Thursday to Sunday.In western countries,it is time for people to express gratitude and share love.Besides,thanksgiving day is a wonderful feast for children in which children can enjoy excellent snacks.Generally, the thanksgiving day plays an very important role in today’s Americans’ life.


Good afternoon, everyone: What i want to introduce to you is American Independence Day,which is equivalent to Chinese National Day

Independence Day,commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.During the American Revolution(美国独立战争), the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence.After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five(五人小组), with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author.Congress debated and revised(修正)the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4.From then on, American celebrated the birthday of their homeland every year by a variety of ways.In the beginning, people will held demonstrations and speeches in this special day and most of these activities were covered with a layer of religious color.With the development of America, outdoor activities and sports events also became a part of celebration.Fireworks activities were once very popular before 20th century, but government canceled these projects to prevent the risk of fire after 20th century.Nowadays, Independence Day in the United States is a fairly important festival.People will have a day off to relax.All of american church bells rang in honor of American Independence after the ringing of Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.Various floats, model cars, acrobatics car and crowd line up a enormous and powerful team to go forward which is a very spectacular sight.At the end of the procession, people tend to gather in a park or public place.All the families dance and cheer, or have a picnic in sound of music.Businessmen are busy selling souvenirs, the politicians take the opportunity to conduct campaign speeches, the kids play games on the grass, the entire United States show the joyful scene of festival.That's all.Thank you!


The Beginning of Slavery in America 美国奴隶制起源

Hello, everyone!It is known that racial discrimination against the black people is an old problem in America which can be traced back to the colonial period.It was the dispute over Negro slavery that touched off the American Civil War in 1862.Slavery developed almost side by side with the English-American colonies.After the colonists reached the New World, they found that one of the problems to be solved was the shortage of labor.The first blacks were brought into the colonies in 1619.Within a few decades, the demand for cheap labor led to a large slave trade.After tobacco was successfully planted and more rich people arrived in the colonies, especially in the South, the problem of labor shortage became acute.European adventurers began to capture Negroes in Western Africa and transported them to America.The slave traders, many of whom were from New England, made a big profit from what was called the triangular trade between Europe, Africa and America.Plantation owners of the South got the cheap labor they needed.The number of Negro slaves increased very quickly before America won its independence.After the Independence War, Britain shifted much of its trade to other colonies.The price of tobacco fell sharply in America.Slave labor became less profitable and began to decline.Before long, America began its industrial revolution and the cotton gin was invented in 1793.The revolutionized cotton textile industry increased the demand for cotton.To increase the production of cotton, cheap labor was needed.As a result, the number of Negro slaves stopped falling and black slavery revived.Since the South had abundant and suitable land for farming and thus needed a lot labor, many slaves were bought by those plantationers.Moreover, the Blacks cannot endure the bitter cold in the North.That is why large numbers of blacks were in the South.By 1860, there were about 3 million Negro slaves in the South who made up about one-third of the total population of the South.Before the Civil War, more than 98% of the American Negroes were in the South.An average Southern plantation was about 1000 acres with 100 slaves.They fed on horrible food which was made in the central kitchen or in the black slaves’ cabins.They had to toil all day long in the cotton fields, eating their noon-day meals in the fields.Black slaves were supervised by the cold-blooded overseers.Slave owners could beat, sell, or kill a slave without violating the law.Negro families were often broken when the master sold some of his slaves.Marriage of the slaves were regarded by the slave owner as a means to produce more slaves.A slave owner could buy a man slave and marry him to a woman slave or vice versa.No slave was allowed to go out his master’ plantation unless he had obtained a written permission from his master.There were professional slave captors who would hunt down any slave in escape.The law did not allow anyone to teach the blacks how to read and write.It is no exaggeration to say that the Negro slaves were treated as farm animals.The only difference was that they could think and speak.If you want to know more about the miserable life of slaves, you can read Mrs.Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin or Solomon Northup’s 12 Years A Slave.The conflicts between the South and the North concerning slavery led to the American Civil War.We’re going to discuss that next session.Thank you.





XX美国感恩节时间为:XX年11月24日 星期四









XX年11月24日 农历 十月廿五为感恩节。




感恩节一般为11月第四个星期四,感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),美国和加拿大节日,由美国首创的,原意是为了感谢印第安人,后来人们常在这一天感谢他人。自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,在这一天起将休假两天,都要和自己的家人团聚,感恩节在每年11月22-28日之间,感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,加拿大的感恩节则起始于1879年,是在每年10月第二个星期一。


11月的最后一个星期四是感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。























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