
时间:2019-05-15 14:13:42下载本文作者:会员上传


A review of One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest

There is a widespread anecdote : A frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.This story called The boiling frog.And One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest just demonstratses this phenomena.People in the cuckoo`s nest just like this frog who get accustoumed to the life that is schedualled and controlled by others and lose the courage to leave.And it takes a lot to go out this slowly heated water.People in the cuckoo`s nest who are compelled to eat medicine and listen harsh music and are not allowed to watch the ball game are threated badly.Although they always complain about the Cuckoo`s nest ,it never occurred that they want to flew over this disgusting place.They has adapted to the life of being principled ,and their awareness of resistance has died out.When Memurphy comes to there ,he begins to resist the authority of nurse Ralched by claiming to turn down the music and change the schedual to watch the ball game and bring people outside to go fishing.At last , the chief`s awareness of resistence comes to be aroused and leave

this water that is slowly heated successfully.


The review of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest——self-reflection

1.My impression and feeling about this film

The beginning of this film gives me a sense of comedy:a bunch of nuts are playing poker, Mr.Martini is always smiling, Mr.Cheswick seems to be crying, their “therapy” looks like a circus show......However , the film ends with a tragedy.I watch this movie twice.After that, I'm thinking that we are playing what kind of role in this real world.I wish I were McMurphy who is a little bit unrestrained but can do everything he want to do.He does not care about all kinds of rules and maybe his behavior can't accept by everybody, but, to give him due respect, at most he is an indocile troublemaker.But sometimes I choose to be chief, keeping silent and giving up his pursuits.When growing older, I am facing more and more difficulties and what I can do is making my efforts to deal with them.I am tired, I want to give myself a long holiday, so I really want I can be chief to escape myself from the reality some time.But sometimes I will become head nurse who is always serious, controls other people and forces them to give up their own ideas to obey the rules of the unity.Maybe a lot of people don't like her, but I think sometimes the society needs such person to maintain order, besides , she is not so bad.She's just brainwashed by the society and I notice that she smiles at the ending of-1-

the film.Perhaps most of the time, I just like the patients, blind and numb , are refrained by a set of rules from the start.Due to the uniform model life, eventually they forget who they are.So am I.I remember that my dream is to be a writer, a novel writer, but I have given up few years ago.Because the people around me all say what I should do is studying and then find a decent and steady job.2.McMurphy and me

I am not living in mental institution, but I am;I am not constrained by the concrete rules, but I am bounded by the intangible ones......In my opinion, McMurphy represents freedom and individuality, his sentence “at least I tried” touches me so much that gives me a lot of thoughts.McMurphy attempts to move up a washbowl to smash Windows and run, but all ward mates bet that he can't lift the heavy washbowl.He does not agree, tries repeatedly after he gives up, and then he says to oneself, also to all the inmates “at least I tried” as going away lonely.It is the charm of McMurphy's character:never give in, never give in flying over the mental institution.Compared with him, I am the greenhouse flower.Turning my mind back to my past, I was always listen to other's advices “you should do this, you can't do that”, and even I had no courage to try something what I wanted to do.There are many people just like me--greenhouse flowers--in the society which can't endure us to make mistakes.We are

afraid of others' judgment just like the doctors see McMurphy with colored eyes ,we fear we make the wrong choice......I have a question that how many people have said to himself“at least I tried”, maybe some, maybe a few, at least I am not the one of them.So I really respect McMurphy that he does I can't or dare not do.Before the film ending , I have contrived the end--McMurphy and Chief escape and lead a carefree life.However, he is dead.It's my regret, I don't know how to express my feeling.On the one hand, his death is a tragedy, he is supposed to escape;On the other hand, his soul is free and he liberates Chief.3.About the Theme and My Harvest

The movie is a reflection of the status of American society at that time, and focuses primarily on two themes—freedom and individuality.Freedom is one of the eternal themes of humanity, and the pursuit of freedom and the possession of liberty are the rights of everyone.Meanwhile, It is one of the symbols of a civilized country that to protect the citizens right to be freedom.In this film, the psychiatric hospital just stands for the power institution.But under the humanitarian guise, they just use brutal rules to repress human nature, and then, let these once normal people become real “nerds”.In fact, these, who accept “close treatment”in a mental hospital, are only the victims of medical experiments, nothing more.I have said that I respect McMurphy, but I am thinking if he stayed in jail and never appeared in Cuckoo's Nest, the everything would go smoothly.At least ,Billy and he won't die.Maybe McMurphy bring the patients happiness, but it isn't make any difference to them.Maybe they have a little change, but in fact ,they still can't leave the hell(Cuckoo's Nest)because they can't fight against the hear, pressure ,rules and so on.Maybe McMurphy bring them hope and dream, but sometimes dream makes those who are afraid of chasing dream more painful.Just like Billy, he gets back a little confidence at the expense of life.After McMurphy's death, the Cuckoo's Nest goes back and becomes“normal”again, except for lessening three people.All in all,the film, especially this guy, really entangles me.


“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is a film which we worth pondering more.McMurphy , a hot-blooded youngsters ,break into a mental hospital accidentally.In the mechanical rigid the Cuckoo’s Nest, His various rebellion is defiant to the rules and authority of this institution.From the perspective of the American counter-culture movement, Undoubtedly, he represented those who rised up against tyranny and pursuit freedom.The second role is monstrously indifferent Nurse Ratched, who is the chief representative of oppression of social at that time.In fact, as the executor of the management systems, she herself is also a great tragedy.She is absolutely demonic as a robotized arm of a dehumanizing system.In addition, I must mention Chief Bromden.He is the representative of marginalized people which has been squeezed by American society.Chief Bromden just disguises himself to face the repression and bondage.Under the influence of McMurphy, he recovered from numbness and negative, overcome fear and regain hope.Finally he restore human nature, back to the original and wild in nature.Maybe McMurphy bring patient hope and dream, but sometimes dream makes those who are afraid of chasing dream more painful, just like Billy.And the Cuckoo's Nest goes back after McMurphy's death.The rest patient also have a rough time.



作者:云星伟 看完影片我触动很深,也想到很多,课后我了解了很多关于这部影片创作背景和相关影片介绍的资料,所以仅凭自己对《飞越疯人院》这部影片的了解简单谈一谈自己的看法。

















随后就是最大的“犯罪活动”。他叫来了他女友,在疯人院里开了一个很大的夜间派队,就在护士们熟睡的时候,就在深沉的夜晚里,他们疯狂地播放自己喜欢的摇滚,喝着从来都是禁止的啤酒,尽情地感受人性的释放,他告诉他们他要在这个夜里逃走,离开这个地 1









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