Wealth 视听说考试对话(5篇范文)

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第一篇:Wealth 视听说考试对话


A: When comes to wealth, we might come up with money.So what do you think about the general attitude toward wealth in our society? B: To this question, in my view, different people have different ideas.To some people, wealth is equaled with success, power, happiness, and satisfaction in life, but to others, wealth is nothing but glittering baggage.A: To the money, is money the most important thing in your life? B: There is a saying that money can make the world go around.However, I don't think money is the most important thing in my life.Though money can take us many things such as food, education, travel, luxury, there are lots of other important things that money can't give us.Like health, happiness, time, no matter how rich you are, you can't buy these things.What about you? What's your attitude about money? A: My opinion is the same with you.Furthermore, I think we don't have to become millionaires.Having enough money to maintain our life is enough.We should pursue spiritual wealth which is more precious than money.B: Yeah.


A: How long from now Canton Fair? Julie 现在离广交会还有多久? B: Two months.还有两个月

A: Do you think we should be from which side the fair start? 你认为这次交易会我们应从哪方面开始?

B: I think we should go to the Book Trade Fair booths.我觉得我们应该先去交易会预订展位

A: Yes, We want to go to book a flow of people and more booths.Then what? 没错,我们要先去预订一个人流量多的展位.B: We need to be carefully selected exhibition of products.我们要把参展的产品仔细挑选出来。

A: Definitely better product quality trade fair, Carefully selected product does first.And it is also conducive to our booth design 交易会的产品质量一定要好, 产品确实要先仔细挑选.而且这也有利于我们的展台设计

B: Yes, booth design is very important, Designed to be innovative, attractive note.The next is product of advertising 设计要新颖,吸引人注意, 接下来就是产品的广告宣传

A: Product promotion must be in place, There will be more people know our products 产品宣传一定要到位, 这样才会有更多人知道我们的产品 B: Yes, the product is good publicity has assembled a team of propaganda, This not worry.是的,产品的宣传已经组建好一个宣传团队了, A: Well done, What to do next? 接下来要做什么?

B: The next plan is to do the whole trade fair, Such an arrangement can exhibition sequential.这样展会的布置才能按顺序进行

A: The earlier you make plans to account for everyone.这个你要交待大家早点做好计划

B: Yes, we do have to notify the Finance Department budget.好的,我们还要通知财务部做好预算。

A: This is very important to let the Finance Ministry carefully to reckon.Do not mistake.这个很重要,要让财务部仔细算好。

B: Ok, Employees participating in this trade fair we have to train well in advance.参加这次交易会的员工我们也要提前培训好.A: These employees represent our company's image, Training must be good.这些员工代表我们公司的形象, 一定要培训好.B:Ok, manager.We will Make Efforts to do the trade fair.我们会努力做好这次交易会


The trouble of fame/the meaning of a good fame A:Doyouknow?Wenzhang famous again!

B: Yes,He betrayed Ma Yili.Almost everyone knew.A:yes.Actually,I want to say:do you want to be famous?B:sure,A: en,Do you think what are the advantages of fame?

B:let me see, there are too many benefits.if I become famous,I will get


fromfans and praise from peers.and I have much money I can go to wherever I want to go.A:That's right.But fame also bring about trouble.such as,if you are an artist,you cannot remain idle,when you become bored,your works begins to show a lack ofits appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.B:you are right.A:in addition,fame’s spotlighttakes you out of yourself:you must be what the publicthinks you are,not what you really are or could be.B:so I think I will be remains true to myself.one drop of fame won’t contaminate the entire well of my soul,A:right,if you be well-known,you should sustain a good fame.B:The meaning of a good name is the person who achieves success that it doesmore good than harm,try to be happywith who you are and what you do.try to do work that you can be proud of.maybe you won’t be famous in your own lifetime,but you may create better art.An original person in my life/why being original is important A: you look upset!What's the matter with you?

B:the resultof My spoken language test is worse.ACheer up,you should face it for positive attitude.B:I havetried,but,, A:then next step is,…Seriously think aboutyourself,if Learning method is correct.Maybe you can try something new and unique way


A: I'd like to introduce a person to you, she is my teacher

B:your teacher? A:yes,My teacher, she is a original andunique person, she always use a different kind of way to teach, you know, almost everyone likes to hear the story, no matter how boringtheory is , she would be in the form of story to tell us.it can bring the students' interest, and can let studentsremember easily.B:yes,wonderful

A :She told me, originality is very important we should learn to build ourselvis own originality.She put the theory into a very attract people's story, then teach her students.B: Yes, originality is important, it can make themselves stand out from all kinds of game with many players, it also allows you to create their own wealth.But how can I do the originality, how can I let me win from this game? 独创性重要,它能使自己从各种比赛中和众多选手中脱颖而出,它也能让你创造出属于自己的财富。但是我该怎么样才能做到独创性,我要怎样才能让我从这比赛中胜出呢。

A: thereare a first name in your life, what do you think they are very successful?, learn about their way of learning, learn their originality B:yes ,there are many person who are my an examples.A:Perhaps, you can start practice oral English, for example, to

participate in the morning reading, communicate with classmates andteachersin English, ensure their various pronunciation is correct, then select a unique speech, such as touching story也许,你可以从练习口语开始,比如,参加晨读,多与同学老师用英语交流,保证自己的各种发音正确,然后,选择一篇独特的演讲稿,比如感人故事

B:maybe you are rightI will try my best to do.A:good luck to you

第四篇:视听说 培训心得

“视、听 说”培训心得体会







1、on low-carbon lifestyle2、on water shortage3、government officials' shocking words4、a letter of thanks on fathers' day5、on-line shopping



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