实习周记 1 商英071 47 郑愉颖

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第一篇:实习周记 1 商英071 47 郑愉颖

The first weekend I came here,it was not true if I said I could adapt the working condition and life here.it is obviously totally different from the college life.But everything is difficult at start,as long as willing to have the first step.My mainly job at this weekend was to familiar with the products,the company background and development objectives.The first week of the internship, I can summary in simple words:multi-look, ask, observe andthink.In addition, i have tried to communicate with my colleagues, because i can also learn a lot of things from communicating with them.My colleagues are very enthusiastic and always take care of me.they lend me a hand when I came across a difficult time.such as teach me how to use printers, fax machines, copiers and some other commonly used office supplies.And they did not givepressure to me and teached me how to make the arrangements with their own experience.As the time goes by,I can handle the work smoothly.In order to adapt the social lift here and learn the knowledge, I have to try the best to do everything that helpful for me, even always repeat the simple things(documentation finishing).The second week, it was still a period of adaptation.But the sales manager have arranged some business-related job for me.Though that is simple(just check ed the details on the website and made sure the accuracy.)This was also a test of my focus.

第二篇:实习周记 1 商英071 47 郑愉颖

The first weekend I came here,it was not true if I said I could adapt the working condition and life here.it is obviously totally different from the college life.But everything is difficult at start,as long as willing to have the first step.My mainly job at this weekend was to familiar with the products,the company background and development objectives.The first week of the internship, I can summary in simple words:multi-look, ask, observe and think.In addition, i have tried to communicate with my colleagues, because i can also learn a lot of things from communicating with them.My colleagues are very enthusiastic and always take care of me.they lend me a hand when I came across a difficult time.such as teach me how to use printers, fax machines, copiers and some other commonly used office supplies.And they did not give pressure to me and teached me how to make the arrangements with their own experience.As the time goes by,I can handle the work smoothly.In order to adapt the social lift here and learn the knowledge, I have to try the best to do everything that helpful for me, even always repeat the simple things(documentation finishing).The second week, it was still a period of adaptation.But the sales manager have arranged some business-related job for me.Though that is simple(just check ed the details on the website and made sure the accuracy.)This was also a test of my focus.

第三篇:实习周记 2 商英071 47 郑愉颖

It was almost a month of the internship.at first,I was shame and not brave enough to express myself,and always afraid that I couldn’t do well.But when I have got use to,it became a part of my job.The mainly job at the third weekend was to familiar with international business documents.and I had studying documents in the college.so I have a certain understanding of various documents and it helped me a lot in practice.for example,lydia,my boss asked me to make and fill in some documents,such as packing list、commercial invoice and bill of loding.and I could it without the help of Internet.it sounds good that I can use the knowledge from college.And I also need to managered the alibaba business platform,that are my mainly job.Every day when I came to company,the first thing I did is to log in alibaba platform,check the email and unload the products detail.and when I finished all of that,I would search some inquiries that match our company’s product,and send a company introduction with photo attachment to the customers.At first,lydia gave some company name cards to me and asked me to find out the potential clients and sent the letter to them,it was a hard job for me at the beginning,although I have learned the correspondence before,but it was difficult to write a formal commercial correspondence in practice.In order to handle it well,I have took a few day to take the knowledge into practice.It sounds everything gone on well in the first month of the internship.nice colleagues, enrich job and I also have a new friend from iran,a guy gentle and humorous.when I was free, talking with him is the best moment.商英071 47 郑愉颖

April 2,2010

第四篇:商英071 47 郑愉颖 周记5

Two months have passed.I find I really got lots of progress from the training.Even those field I have never contact before.Such as international trade which I have totally stranger before, I get a better understanding now.And have a strong interest in this field.Sometimes I came out with my boss for business connection.At first,it was hard for me to introduce our products to the clients.For I just a beginning learner of the lamp industry,and I also unfamiliar with the lighting glossary.So the connection appeared to tight.But after two months of efforts,I can offer the fluency product introduction to the clients they need.everything goes on well.And I gradually used to deal with that kind of introduction.The company has already established some extensive agent's network in Mainland.Recently they are planning to develop business continuously by cooperating with them abroad.Therefore, due to my better English than others in this company, my job mission is to search and set up more product platform overseas.Whether it is an interesting job needs a lot of time to see.I have to search all the lighting suppliers and get their infos,then send the invitation to them.day after day,and there was little payback of my job.But it have be continued for boss order.And the job also took lot of my time to upgrade product infos,repeat and repeat.it was a tough text for my patient and passion.And there has another thing that also annoying me in this month,for one of my colleagues asking for leave more than one month,and I have taking over her job until she came back.although the extra work is simple,just taking and answering phone,fax and other trivias.i am deeply hope she can come back ASAP.商英071 47 郑愉颖

May 21, 2010

第五篇:商英071 47 郑愉颖 周记3

The fifth week of internship,already in April, and it seems I have been here for a long time.Though there is no a real contact with a order,I still have a enriching lift here.answering the phone,making quotations,uploding infos and so on.Here continue with my working feeling.“ It`s not easy to know clearly about the international trade field, you have quite a lot to learn, and you need lots of time to experience the real business, and you can not say you know trade business quite well even when u have worked in this field for many years.” Boss often says like that.Does he bluster me? I know it`s true.Lamp fixture is an emerging field at foshan, especial for the LED lighting.It has not formed a large scale and large circulation speed, so it has a vast space to tap.So when I think of the great potentiality of this field, I feel it is worth tog overcome all the difficulties and chagrin in the few weeks.This is the sixth weekend, now I will recall the whole week`s work of my probational period.As a trader of the international trade field, I was totally at sea at the beginning.Even in the sixth week, I still know little about lamp forwarding.I did lots of thing everyday such as telephoning,faxing, checking the Bill of Lading…repeated again and again.My mood was too bad, I felt the most terrible days in my life, wasting my time here repeating things like a machine, and nobody trained me.Why not quit? My friends asked me.No, I won`t quit a job in such a short time, that`s not me.I can`t give up without learning the general situation of a field.Without getting a better understanding of a field, one can not say it is boring or easy or something else.So I insist on being a “machine”, while learning the international trade through the Internet and other materials.“Feel free to ask when you meet any question!” my boss often said, but the problem is that I have too much questions that I don`t know from which point I should ask.Yet I did asked when I came across some, and one thing convenient is that people here are all willing to answer, except for their busy moment.Well, the dilemma is, that they are always busy in the company.商英071 47号 郑愉颖

May 2,2010

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