
时间:2019-05-15 14:23:28下载本文作者:会员上传


Today, Nanjing is rainy, but it not big.My father said there’s two small yellow cats around our flat at Gu Lou.And they are too lovely.There’s a big white and black cat and a big yellow cat too, but they aren’t lovely.



I like reading books, especially fairy tales. I've been holding little red riding hood these days. The story is vivid and interesting. I've seen it again and again. Now I can recite the content of the story.

The story tells of a lovely little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. Once she went to visit her grandmother and was watched by a wolf. The wolf won Little Red Riding Hood's trust with sweet words, tricked little red riding hood into picking flowers in the nearby forest, and then ate little Red Riding Hood's grandmother first and then little red riding hood. Thanks to the rescue of the hunter, he saved his life and killed the wolf. Later, when Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother's house again, she met a wolf again. This time Little Red Riding Hood was not deceived. Because of the first lesson, she and her grandmother killed the wolf with intelligence. Mother said that this is called “eating a moat and learning a wisdom”, that is, after a loss, we should remember that we can't make the same mistake again.

Little Red Riding Hood was cheated because she didn't realize the cunning and ferocious nature of the wolf. Now there are some people in society who are seemingly kind but actually bad, that is, the “wolf in sheep's clothing”! Therefore, when we associate with a person, we must recognize this person and don't believe others' words, otherwise we will suffer great losses. Teachers and parents have always told us that we should learn to protect ourselves, so I won't be fooled by little red riding hood.

Later, Little Red Riding Hood learned to behave well. After the first experience, she did not commit a repeat crime the second time, and cleverly got rid of the wolf. I like this little red riding hood. In fact, I also make the same mistakes as little red riding hood. For example, when I finish my homework, I don't know to check it. As a result, I will make a lot of mistakes. I was criticized by my teacher and mother. Later, I remember to check carefully after I finish my homework, and there are fewer mistakes in my homework. This made me understand that if I knew I was wrong, I should correct it in time.

I like extracurricular books, especially fairy tales. During the national day, my mother bought me a green fairy tale, which contains many wonderful and interesting stories, including one called Little Red Riding Hood. My mother told me this story when I was very young, and I was particularly impressed.

The story is mainly about a lovely little girl named Little Red Riding Hood a long time ago. One day, her mother asked her to visit her sick grandmother. On the way, Little Red Riding Hood met a hateful big gray wolf. The big gray wolf tricked little red riding hood into saying, if you go and pick some flowers for grandma, grandma will like you more. Little Red Riding Hood believed the wolf's words and unknowingly went to the depths of the forest. At this time, the wolf took the opportunity to go to grandma's house, ate grandma and lay in bed pretending to be grandma. When Little Red Riding Hood came to grandma's bed with flowers, the big gray wolf jumped out of the bed and ate little red riding hood again. At this time, a clever Hunter passed by, cut open the belly of the sleeping wolf and rescued Little Red Riding Hood and grandma. Little Red Riding Hood finally knew the true face of the wolf, put a big stone into the wolf's stomach and killed it.

The plot of this story is tortuous, thrilling and magical. I read it again and again. Not only the plot is very attractive, but also let me understand a lot of truth and give me a lot of enlightenment. I think little red riding hood in the story is very kind and brave, but she didn't see the ferocious nature of the big gray wolf and easily believed his words, so she suffered a big loss. Therefore, in life, we can't easily believe the words of strangers and other people's rhetoric. We should learn to distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, and learn to protect ourselves. Also, when you do something wrong, you should know to correct it in time to prevent making bigger mistakes.


记述文是记人叙述事情的文章,它主如果用于申明事务的时间、配景、因由、历程及成果,即咱们凡是所谓5个“ W ”(what, who, when, where, why)和1个“ H ”(how)记述文的重点在于“陈说”和“描述”,是以一篇好的记述文要叙述层次清晰,描述活泼形象底下就谈谈英语记述文的独特之处和写好记述文的基本方法


I gave the rice to the mother.She divided the rice in two, and went out, carrying half the rice.When she came back, I asked her, “Where did you go?” she gave me thellos simple answer, “To my neighbors-they are hungry also!”

The other day, five-year-old Xiaoqiang left home alone and wandered happily in the street.After some time, he felt hungry so he wanted to go back home.But he found he was lost among the crowded people and heavy traffic.When he could not find the way home, he started and crying.Just then, two young students who were passing by from school found hellom sanding crying in front of a shop.They immediately went up to hellom.2.动词的时态

“Don't worry, we'll send you home.”


When the worried mother saw her son come back safe and sound, she was so thankful and she invited the students into her house.Gratefully, she offered them some money, saying it was a way to express her thanks, but the young students firmly refused it and left without even a cup of tea.更多英语撰著技法和初级中学生英语作文……


Little Tom was going to school with an umbrella, for it was raining hard.On the way, he saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothellong to cover.Tom went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her, but he was too short.What could he do? Then he had a good idea.I was in the kitchen cooking somethellong.“Crash!” a loud noise came from the front.Thellonking someone was knocking at the door, I asked, “Who?” No reply.After a whellole, I saw my cat running across the parlor.“It's you.” I said, quite released.2、写好记述文的基本方法

I was in the kitchen, and I was cooking somethellong.Suddenly I heard a loud noise from the front.I thought maybe someone was knocking the door.I asked who it was but I heard no reply.After a whellole I saw my cat running across the parlor.I realized it was the cat.I felt released.One day Xiaoqiang was wandering away.He was soon lost among people and traffic.He could not find the way back home and started crying.Just then, two young students who were passing by found hellom standing alone in front of a shop and crying.They went up to Xiaoqiang and asked hellom what had happened.Xiaoqiang told them how he got lost and where he lived.The two students decided to take hellom home.Mother was pleased to see Xiaoqiang come back safe and sound.She invited the two students into the house and gave them some money, but they didn't take it.She served them with tea but they left.4.叙述的过渡

The other day, I was driving along the street.Suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards me fast.I was so frightened that I quickly turned to the left side.But it was too late.The car hellot my bike and I fell off it.用第三人称叙述,长居于于叙述者不受“我”勾当规模之内的上下团结物质的限定,而是路程经过过程笔者与读者以外的圈外人,直接把故事中的情节展此刻读者眼前,文章的客不雅性很强如:


In my summer holidays, I did a lot of thellongs.Apart form doing my homework, reading an English novel, watchellong TV and doing some housework, I went on a trip to Qingdao.It is really a beautiful city.There are many places of interest to see.But what impressed me most was the sunrise.这原来应是一段故事性很强的书契,但经笔者恁地一写,就不那末吸惹人了缘故原由是文顶用的都是叙述标准样式,没有人士语言,把“牵挂”给冲淡了可作如次调解:

What a moving and unforgettable scene!





When I finally came to that family, I saw the faces of those little chelloldren di游戏igured(粉碎表面)by hunger.There was no sorrow or sadness in their faces, just the deep pain of hunger.One night a man came to our house and told me, “There is a family with eight chelloldren.They have not eaten for days.” I took some food with me and went.写好记述文,起首要头绪分明,脉络清晰,明确文章要求写啥子要对于所写的事务某人士举行阐发,搞清事务发生、成长一直至竣事的全般历程,之后再网络拔取原始素材这些个原始素材都应该跟上面所说的5个“ W ”和1个“ H ”涉及只管不是每一篇记述文里都必需包孕这些个“ W ”和“ H ”,但涉笔以前,盘绕5个“ W ”和“ H ”举行构想是必不成少的不论是顺叙、倒叙、插叙照旧补叙,都要让读者能搞清工作的前因后果顺叙最容易操作,较容易给读者供给涉及工作的空间和时间线索但这类方法也容易使文章显患上平铺直叙,读起来平庸寡味倒叙、插叙、补叙等叙述方法能有用地提大作章的布局成效,让所叙之事跌荡升沉,使读者在阅览时思维孕育发生较大的跳跃,从而为文章所吸引,深切此中但这些个方法如果施用不妥,则容易画蛇添足,使文章布局狼藉,头绪不清,让读者不知说什么



And they spent the next two hours looking for the boy's house.With the help of a policeman, they finally found it.过渡在上下文中起着继往开来、畅通贯通贯通的效用过渡往往用在所在转移或者时间、事务转换和由归纳综合申明到敷陈时如:

“I want Mom, I go home.” said the boy, still crying.2009年10月28日

“Little boy, why are you standing here crying?” they asked.5.叙述预会话




Dear Sir:

I would like to inquire about some information on(主旨),I would be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning(主旨)available.we would be grateful for many further information you may be able to give us about the(主旨).Would you please tell me ….I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear ….:

I am pleased to invite you to participate in(活动名称)to be held from 时间to 时间 in 地点.You are welcome to the party.The party will hold a lot of wonderful surprise for you ,so make sure you join us then.It will also be an opportunity for all of us to step out of our professional roles and really connect as people.活动名称 is served at 6pm,and there are games afterwards.We hope you can conce, and look forward to seeing you by then.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I am extremely glad to hear that you 成就in your ….I congratulate you on this achievement.It is excellment of you to 成就.as we all know, you are always intelligence, which is essential to 成就.Moreover, your diligence enable you to 成就.I think that is 主题句.There is no doubt that 成就.Having you as a friend , I really feel both proud and lucky because I can often learn so much from you.I am sure, you will continue to challenge your self to ever greater success in your future career.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I have read your advertisement in 地点of 时间for 职位, and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.Keenly interested I am in the post of 职位 you have advertised on the job market because I think my major ,right personality and my practical experience particularly matches your requirements of the post.For one thing, ….For another, …

I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience.If my application were taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming



I am writing to apply for 干什么.My teacher prof, 人 strongly recommended that 去干什么,telling me that it would benefit me in many years to come.I have been….Ever since I was in elementary school.I hope I can grow up into a good … in your team, I will surely become more creative and enthusiastic.If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful, I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, with the hope that you will be kind to help me.I have been longing to … for a long time because I want to ….Unfortunately I find myself far from the required standard.At this moment, the personal friendship leads me to approach you with the request, whether you can manage to give me some constructive guidance.I promise to be a diligent student, If you agree, I will come to your house once a week at a time most convenient to you.Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …,It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to you for your considerate and warm treatment when I was in ….What a good time I had in ….My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words, I wish I could repay it someday.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …,I must apologize to you for 主旨.It was very kind of you to give me such a good change.But now, much to my regret that I may not be able to continue to do it, because ….If you should find our activities bothersome, please do not hesitate to let us know.It is due to my negligence, for which I can exceedingly sorry.The reason for my decision is that ….Please accept my sincere apology for 主旨once more.I can very sorry for that and really regret that I would miss such an excellent chance of ….Besides, please give my regards to eberyone.Sincerely yours,Li ming


Dear …,Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce 人, from university of 学校.I would be grateful for anything you could do for him to 干什么.人is an extremely enthusiastic and enterprising person.He has various practical experience for more than three years.I am sure that his participation will do a lot of help to your team.人 will be arriving here on … and he will soon go to visit you after arrival.You can introduce the overall development of 单位/组织 to him, and then explore the details of cooperation.My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words.Yours sincerely, Li ming


Dear…,I am afraid that I won’t be … tonight because … and I plan to ….I had wanted to tell you that in person but you are not back yet.So I have to leave this note for you.Besides I have ….So I won’t be ….Would you do me a favor by …in my … to the teacher? Thanks.Take care of yourself.Yours sincerely,Li ming


What is your favorite job? Reasons?

Different people have different choice to job.My favorite job is to be a teacher.because I think they are great and I love children very much.Nowadays, teachers become more and more important to the national education and the development of children.Without teacher there won't be future of education.So teacher is the most glorious career under the sun.Working with the children is an interesting thing, so I will be happy every day.If I become a teacher, I will make my best to teach my students and make contributions to the development of education.不同的人有不同的选择到另一种工作。我最喜欢的工作是一名老师,因为我认为他们是伟大的,我爱孩子们很开心。如今,教师成为越来越重要的国家教育和孩子的成长。要是没有老师不会有未来的教育。所以老师是最光荣的职业在太阳下。孩子们一起工作是一件有趣的事,所以我要开心快乐每一天。


1.Do guns protect people or harm people? Reasons? [选一种写]

With the recent school shooting in many places, questions about gun have begun to circulate.People have started to point out all of the incidents in the last decade that have caused many innocent lives lost due to a gun being in the wrong hands.But people need to realize that it is not the fault of the gun that causes countless deaths and injuries, but the fault of those who abuse the use of guns.Guns have the reputation of taking lives, and this reputation may correspond with the severity of the crimes that have been committed in our society.However, it needs to be known that there is a better chance of a gun saving a life than a gun taking the life of an innocent.Guns, when used correctly, can stop a criminal from killing a room full of hostages, save the lives of a family when their house is invaded, or provide a substantial part of our food and nutrition through hunting.So I am not agreeing with the opinion that guns harm people.近期校园枪击事件在许多地方,关于枪已经开始流通。人们已经开始指出所有的事件在过去十年中,引起了许多无辜的生命损失掉一把枪在错误的手里。但是人们需要意识到这不是故障导致无数的枪死亡和受伤,但那些滥用的过错使用枪支。枪有杀害生命的声誉,这可能与名誉罪行的严重性已经发生在我们的社会。然而,它需要知道有一个更好的机会拯救一个生命的枪比枪以一个无辜的生命。枪支,如果操作正确,可以阻止一个罪犯杀死这个满屋子的人质,拯救生命的一个家庭在他们家被侵入,或提供的相当一部分我们的食物和营养通过打猎。所以我不赞同的危害人们认为枪支。

3.How can people become more creative? Reasons

Being a creative person can help you to be a better employee, a better problem solver and an all around more effective person in anything you choose to do.Creativity can be expressed in many different ways.Plus, there are many techniques you can use to

develop and nurture your natural creativity.If you long to be more creative, first, think of yourselfas creative.We all have the spark of creativity inside us;Then, Put your new ideas into action.Don't worry what other people will think.By trying out your creative ideas, even if you don't succeed at first, you'll learn something and give your creativity a chance to flourish.The last but not the least, Take a break!If you're stuck for ideas, don't sit there in your workspace staring at the walls.Even the most creative people need to take some time off.This can allow a blocked well of creativity to flow again.作为一个有创造力的人能帮助你成为一个更好的(和更高的支付)的人,一个更好的问题解决者和一个更有效的人周围任何你如何选择。创造力可以用很多不同的方式。另外,有许多的技术,你可以用它来培养和发展你自然的创造力。如果你渴望的是更有创意,首先,把你自己当成有创造力。我们都有创造力的火花在我们里面.然后,把你的新想法付诸行动。别担心别人的想法。当孩子们尝试着自己创造性的想法,即使你不成功,首先,你会学到一些东西,给你的创造力有机会兴盛。最后但不可忽略的是,休息一下吧!如果你困扰,不要坐在那里盯着墙上你的工作场所。即使最具创意的人需要请假。这可以让一个封锁的创造力再次流动。如果你渴望的是更有创意,首先,把你自己当成有创造力。



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