
时间:2019-05-15 14:18:04下载本文作者:会员上传


The King's Speech

It is a quite inspiring story about a man, psychologically scarred, and trapped in a situation from which he could have no escape and facing it with immense courage.The movie starts off with a stammering speech and signs off with a staggering one, with hardly any glitches in between.The basic premise of the movie is fairly simple.A king with a stutter is helped by a maverick speech therapist to overcome his problem and become an inspiring orator.That sounds like a very known territory to most movie goers.But few minutes into the movie, and you realize that this one simply pushes the bar a notch higher.The film conveyed very powerfully in the opening scene, the enormity of what was required of him.As the film develops, the complexities of the character are revealed.The acting is superb, especially from the three principals, and the development of the troubled and spark relationship at the heart of the film is a joy to watch.The film is very funny and the characters have warmth and humanity.The film is well paced, and carries you along to the emotional climax, so that, even though I knew the story, it had me holding my breath.If you don't need lots of action or special effects in your film, and enjoy seeing top-notch actors at the very peak of their craft, this will be for you.You might also, as I did, gain a bit more insight into the human drama behind a significant, but relatively unexplored period of British history.This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem.Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate.Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted.I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes.The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause.Geoffrey Rushdoes a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth is excellent as King George VI.It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king's struggle.Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it.He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permission.She agreed but told him “not in my lifetime”.Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue's grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director.They got access to Lionel's diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.This movie is an unqualified must see.

第二篇:英语影评 国王的演讲

High school students Charlie witnessed a mischief, school duress the students to confess their friends.But Charlie does not want to betray his friends, so he have to face the threat of school retire.However, quite a few Americans choose to sell.The retired military officer, Frank, is more pessimistic: your friend George would say them out, like a canary.And Charlie, once you say, my child, you will add to the mass of the U.S.adult which is at the middle of long and gray contingent.I think that Frank's worries and pessimistic reflect the normal problems of the social situation.In China, a lot of people are thinking through opportunistic way to meet their own needs.Perhaps we cannot change the environment, but if you choose the path, it had better be recalcitrant in the end.Just like Charlie in “Scent of a Woman”, I cannot change the world, but the world cannot even change me.


This movie mainly tells us that the hero George must have no escape and facing the situation with immense courage be a king and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate.Because George is a stuttered, after he becomes a king, there is a huge challenge to him, as the most devastating war—the Second World War that humanity has ever faced is coming, he must give a speech to his national to lead them have the courage and power into the war.Fortunately, at last the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist to practice thousands of time to find his voice and finish all the speeches perfectly during the war.This is a powerful, deeply moving and fantastic story, it told against the background of a critical moment in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted.The film is very funny and the characters have warmth and humanity.It is well paced, and carries you along to the emotional climax, so that, even though I knew the story, it had me holding my breath.If you don't need lots of action or special effects in your film, and enjoy seeing top-notch actors at the very peak of their craft, this will be for you.You might also, as I did, gain a bit more insight into

the human drama behind a significant, but relatively unexplored period of British history.In brief, this movie is an unqualified must see and it deserve the reputation that the 83rd Oscar’s biggest winner.


The film review of The King's Speech

Actually,before the class we watched the movie, I have seen the movie by myself because of its fame as the King's Speech has won the Oscar for the Best Picture at the 83rd Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles.As known to all, it is a very touching, and quite inspiring story about a man who became King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II.I have never known that he, a king ,should suffer so much to fufil his responsibility,while his brother just abandoned his throne for his so-called true love,which in my eyes,is reallyridiculous and irresponsible.And it’s also his brother that pushed George VI to be stronger, Through a set of unexpected techniques, and as a result of the friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and lead the country through the war.The film is well paced, and carries me along to the emotional climax, so that, even though I’m watching the movie a second time, it still hold my breath all through the movie,during which I feel the perseverance and patience Bertie owned once again.The most impressing part is that the King bear the

responsibility and finally suceed through his hardworking train,despite how tiring and sweating,with his lips trembling again and again.As the film develops, the complexities of the character are revealed.Bertie’s brother Edward VIII focus his attention on his marriage,giving no care to the management of his country,though his father George v wished him to be a good king before his death.He didn’t know he was giving up his country.He just misunderstood the significance of his life.You see, the prince and Mrs

Simpson talked on the phone, the younger brother George six on the floor said, “mother iswaiting for you for dinner”, he said: “she forgot that father's clock is faster for half an hour.” And then he went to put the clock back half a lap.How absurd he was!

The doctor,according to the movie and the true history,Leon was not a professional doctor, he just had some speech experience of the guidance, but helped George VI solve the problem of nine experts.According to

Buckingham Palace staff memories,George VI was like a studying-hard

primary school student,under Leon's train.George VI once said, at one o 'clock in the morning he was awakened by nightmare , the dream of his own standing in the UK parliament preparinga presentation, but no word he could speak out.As countries gradually evolved into the horrors of war, the state and the

people desperately needed a wise leader.Then Edward VIII gave the throne to his brother and George VI’s wife Elizabeth also would be the future queen mother, Through a series of training, the new king got big improvement, overcame his stuttering problem, Leon also won the people's respect and honored to be the king's friends.I really enjoy the king’s wife, Elizabeth,inspiring his husband though the king is always losing his temper.Bertie can not compare with his smart and handsome brother, he never tried to be a king, but history and fate chose him.As the film has shown, if not for Elizabeth's full support, George VI won't have later achievement, if it weren't for the queen’s unyielding insistment, even a language therapists he was unwilling to meet.After searching for the true story, I admire Elizabeth’s kind heart even more, George VI awarded the medal of “fine heart” immediately to his wife after his coming to the throne : “without her help and support for me , I can't afford to take on the burden.” He and his wife's portraits are printed on commemorative stamps , when queen avatar has never appear on the stamps, this shows George VI’s attention on his wife.In addition,it teaches me to find the root of the problem and suit the remedy to the case,just like the doctor who uses his particular and maybe a little werid ways to cure the stuttering of the king.Moreover, a real hero, is not one saying how wonderful he is but one with a sincere heart and working enthusiasm.And everybody has a weak side.However,we can be stronger and more capable through hard work.Besides, This film is very beautiful, all composition of a picture, all of the screen, are graceful and calm.The king's speech is completely played in a modern look to structure the history, combining serious history with relaxing plot..Such an insping movie gives me much benefit and help, I believe it deserve me seeing a third time.And I will learn more about this story,in order to fufil myself.





每个人的成长中总得有也总会有那么一两个人在鼓励扶持着你,并非因为身份,而只是纯粹因为信赖。对于Bertie,妻子和语言导师Lionel就是那两个人。正如Lionel所说,“This fellow would be somebody great, he just afraid of his own shadow.”他的确有资格成为伟人,而不是龟缩在自己的精神世界中无法自拔。

尽管作为皇室题材电影,口吃会导致吐字时的发音气流显得格外清晰,镜头的特写甚至能明显看到Colin的唇部肌肉紧张且不规则的张弛,努力想要读出的单词因无法吐出而涨红了脸,面对Lionel有意的咄咄逼人而作出暴跳如雷的反驳。乔治六世敏感脆弱又无奈的心理在他的演绎下被彻底展现在观众面前。再加上Geoffrey,Helena,Timothy, Jennifer等一众戏骨,不可否认,是主演们的演技让这部皇室题材电影显得更具观赏性。之所以会产生口吃,始终归咎于Bertie的心理阴影和缺乏自信。在片中他有六次不同时间段的演讲,而这些演讲又与他当时的心理有密切联系。因此将这六次演讲与当时的心理活动结合起来,能更准确的揣摩出这位从有身体障碍的约克郡公爵成长为具有反战象征的乔治六世的艰难过程。













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