
时间:2019-05-15 14:46:08下载本文作者:会员上传


好的Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefits for us but also causes many problems at the same time.For one thing,there’s no doubt that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily.Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want.However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What’s more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious.Last but notleast, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots.As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages.It’s high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars.Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed.Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars.坏的Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people's living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefit for us but also causes many problems at the same time.For one thing,it's no doubt that that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily.Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want.However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What's more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious.Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots.As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages.It's high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars.Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed.Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars.



Automobile, the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth ,is moving into a new era ,an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world.Discussion on the duality has become very popular in newspapers or in people's chats.On the one hand, no one denies that automobile is currently one of the most useful transportation in our daily life.On the other hand, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in frequent traffic jams.The harm and loss they cost are incalculable.Heavy traffic will make much time waste for nothing and accidents happen form time to time.In addition, more and more private cars will make environmental pollution more serious, which will do harm to human beings.In my opinion, it is high time for the whole people to reduce the frequency of traffic jams.The first step should be to fundamentally change lifestyles so that the car is no longer part and parcel of everyday life.Governments also need to apply attractive measures to draw citizens to adopt means of public transportation, for instance, to reduce prices and improve relevant facilities.译文:






2.汽车配件英文速查 http:///group.php?page=7&gid=7304






There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

7.Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

9.Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

10.They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。

11.Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。

12.We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。

13.Packing has a close bearing on sales.包装对产品的销路有很大关系。

14.We are trying to find a market for this article.我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。

15.We regret we cannot find any market for this article.我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。

16.According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。

17.We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.等你们全面了解我们产品销售可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。

18.According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?

19.The market situation is not known to us.我们还不了解市场情况。20.Your market still has great potential.你们的市场仍有很大潜力。


Do you like this model ? 你喜欢这款吗?

What would you like ? 你喜欢什么样的?

What goods will you order? 你想订什么样的货?

How do you pack them? 你想怎样包装它的?

The style is out of stock ? 这款没货!

How do you like this color? 你觉得这颜色怎样?

Take your time!请随便看!

We have some special offers!我们有一些特价产品!

We have ready stock!我们有现货!

The quantity is too small!这个数量太少了!

Can you order more!能不能订多点呢?

It is our latest model!这个是新款!

It is up to date style!这是新货(新款)!

It's high qullity 这是好的质量!

It's well-made!质量很好!

This is class one!A级货!

Sorry!the price is fixed!对不起!一口价!

This is the best price!这是最低价!

This is the last offer!这是最低报价!

The goods are not available!那货还没准备好!

We have a rush on this model!这货很畅销!

The material is very expensive!现在面料很贵!

It's very hard to make 做工很难!

How many pieces would you like to order ? 你要多少数量?

May I know what items you are intersted in ?


This order will be delayed!这个单要推迟!

I will deliver the order tomorrw!我明天可以帮你送货!

Where would you like us to deliver the goods!把货送到哪里呢?

When will you deliver the goods ? 什么时候要送货?

I promise, have stock a few day later!我保证!过几天就有货!

We can deliver the goods in end of this month!我们能在月底交货!

We can deliver the goods in 15 days!我们能在15天内交货!

Because our factory is too busy , can we deliver the goods later ?


If this color is not available, would you like another one ?

The order is too small , we can't afford delivery!这个定单太小,我们负担不了那费用!We will try our best to deliver it ASAP!我们会尽快交货!Hope you will come again next time!希望你下次再光临!Hope to see you again!希望再见到你!Hope you will be our business partener!希望你成为我们合作的伙伴!Make sure you will sign on the order!务必在定单上签名!cash on delivery!交货付款!C.O.D is our usual way!交货付款是我们通常的方式!Take care of you belonging!请看好你的财物!How can I reach you? 我怎么联系你呢?Enjoy your trip!





Good morning everyone ,today, the topic of my lecture(演讲)is “Do you love automobiles('ɔːtəməbiːlz)”.before I start my speech ,I want to ask a question,did there anybody present had seen the movie”the Fast and the Furious['fjʊərɪəs]”.There are many cars of different styles in the movie,for example ,when you see the movie,you can find roadsters(跑车)

just like Porsche(保时捷)GT3,sports utility(通用的)vehicles(车)SUV such as Volkswagen ['fɔ:lks,va:gən]Touareg ['twɑ:reɡ](大众途锐),even armored cars ,all of them are so powerful and beautiful.When I was a child,I dreamed I can have a car like FORD GT 40,this racing bike(跑车)is amazing and fantastic,but as time goes on ,my hobby is changing,now my favorite car is Jeep Rubicon,this is a car I really want ,it’s dynamic performance(性能)and off-road(越野)performance is top-ranking(一流的),which other ordinary SUV is unable to compare;the shape and color of this car is magnificent(华丽的)[mæg'nɪfɪs(ə)nt],and it’s gear-shift system(齿轮转动系统)shows astonishing

(惊人的)[ə'stɒnɪʃɪŋanti-interfering performance ,which make you simple to operation.(操作)

At last,I hope everyone can have more knowledges about cars in the future.That’s all ,thank you.其实,真人版电影里是没有“变形”这个词的,就是“汽车人,出发!”

The Autobots,(transform), roll out!The Transformers变形金刚

transformer改革者 Hao many rancing bikes I refer to in the article ?



Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefits for us but also causes many problems at the same time.For one thing,there’s no doubt that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily.Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want.However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What’s more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious.Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots.As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages.It’s high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars.Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed.Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars.坏的

Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people's living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefit for us but also causes many problems at the same time.For one thing,it's no doubt that that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily.Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want.However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What's more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious.Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots.As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages.It's high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars.Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed.Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars.



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