短语大全 - 以字母b开头的短语

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第一篇:短语大全 - 以字母b开头的短语

back and forth(前后)来回地,往返back away逐渐后退

back down off放弃,让步,退却back of在…的后面;在…背后back out of收回(诺言等)back up支持,援助;倒退based on以…为基础

be able to能,会

be about to即将(做)

be absorbed in

be abundant in

be accustomed to

be acquainted with

be addicted to

be adequate for

be alike to

be alive to

be all ears

be at the end

be at war

be attached to

be attentive to

be available for

be aware of

be beneficial to

be better off

be blind to

be bound for

be bound to

be bound up in

be bound up with

be burned to a crisp

be busy with

be capable of

be careful of

be careful with

be caught up in

be cautious of

be certain of

be certain to do sth

be charitable to

be civil to

be clear about

be comparable to专心致力于……富于,…丰富习惯于开始认识;开始了解沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾适合与…相同,与…相似对…敏感,觉察,关心全神贯注地倾听着到尽头,达限度处于交战状态附属于;喜爱;爱慕对…关怀有效知道,意识到,认识到有利于,有益于境况富裕;更富有不了解,对…是盲目的准备到…去;开往一定会…,必然…热心于;忙于与…有密切关系烧脆忙于…有做出(某事)倾向的当心…对…仔细照顾;对…过细地对…特别感兴趣留心…,谨防…确信,肯定一定做…对…慈善对…有礼貌,对…谦恭对…明白,对…明确比得上…

be comparable with与…可比较的be composed of由…组成be concerned with关心,挂念;从事于be considerate of体谅…,替…着想be detached from把…从…上卸下

be disagreeable to不合…意;对…发脾气be disgusted with讨厌…,厌恶…be eager for sth.渴求某事物

be envious of羡慕(或忌妒)

be equal to

be essential to

be familiar to

be familiar with

be favourable to

be fed up with

be fed up

be fond of

be friends with

be full of

be generous in

be generous with

be good at

be good to

be hard on sb.be hard up for money

be hard up

be ignorant of

be in drink

be in fashion

be in for

be in love with

be in sympathy with

be in the habit of

be in the wrong

be inferior to

be jealous of

be keen about

be keen on

be keen on

be known as

be known for

be known to

be located in

be lost on等于,相当于对…不可缺少为…所熟悉对…熟悉赞成…对…感到厌烦,腻了吃得过饱;对…极厌倦爱好与…交友(友好)充满乐于…用…很大方善于,擅长于对…好;对…很慈善过于严厉对待某人缺钱,手头紧短缺,在急需中对…不知道(了解)喝醉了(人、物)合于时尚参加(竞赛、考试等)跟…恋爱赞同,同情有…习惯(或脾气)错,理亏(质量等)比…差嫉妒…喜爱,对…着迷喜爱,爱好;渴望喜爱;渴望以…知名;被认为是因…而众所周知为…所知位于…,坐落在…对…不起作用

be loyal to忠于

be married to sb.和…结婚

be noted as以…而闻名

be occupied in忙于…,正从事…

be off one's head神经错乱,神志不清be on a diet节食

be on the advance(物价)在上涨中be on the drink常常喝酒,酗酒be out for为图要;一心为

be out of employment

be out of style

be qualified to

be remarkable for

be representative of

be responsible to sb

be rid of

be satisfied with

be seated

be short of

be skilled in

be subject to

be superior to

be supposed to

be sure and...be sure of oneself

be thick with

be to blame for

be to blame

be typical of

be up against

be up to

be used to['ju:stu]习惯于

be useful to

be very useful at

be worth doing

bear away

bear down on

bear down

bear in mind

bear off

bear on

bear out

bear sth.in mind

bear up失业不合时式,不时髦能胜任…以…而著称代表…向…负责摆脱,去掉对…感到满意坐下,坐着;位于…缺乏,不足;达不到擅长易受…的;惯患…的比…更优越被期望;应该一定要…有自信心充满;与(某人)很亲密对…应负责任该受责备;应该负责是…的特点面临(困难等)该由…负责;胜任对…有益精通值得(做)夺得;赢得(奖品等)冲向;对…施加压力压倒,击败,克服记住赢得;使离开;驶离对…施加影响;有关证实,证明记住(某事)支持,拥护;打起精神

bear with宽容;耐心等待

beat down打倒,推翻;杀(价)beat off击退,打退(进攻)beat up and down来回奔走before long不久以后

begin with以…开始;开始于behind schedule落后于预定计划believe in相信,信仰,主张belong to[bi'l08]属于;附属

bend one's knee to

beside the point

beside the question

best of all

beyond control

beyond dispute

beyond number

beyond question

bit by bit

black and blue

black out

blow off

blow one's top

blow out

blow over

blow over

blow up

blow up

boast of

bomb out

border on

born of

both...and...break away

break down

break faith

break in on

break in

break into pieces

break into

break off

break one's word

break out into

break out

break the ice向…跪下,屈服于离题,不中肯离题,和本题无关 最(好),首先无法控制没有争论余地的多得数不清毫无疑问,无可争辩 一点一点地,渐渐(被打得)遍体鳞伤用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻)吹掉,将(热水等)放出(美)气急败坏;发脾气吹熄(灯火等)被淡忘经过;(云等)吹散发脾气;放大(照片等)给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸吹牛,自夸,夸耀把(地方等)炸毁接界;接近,非常像源于;出生于既…又…,不但…而且突然离开;逃跑,脱身打破;发生故障;中止背信,背弃信仰打扰;打断训练;强行进入;打断(使)成为碎片闯进;突然…起来(使)折断;中断;断绝失信,食言长出(嫩芽等);迸发出(战争等)爆发;逃出打破沉默

break through突破,冲垮;突围break up打碎;(关系)破裂break up分裂,分解;解散breeze through轻松地做

bring about带来;使(船)掉过头来bring back带回来,使恢复

bring down降低(温度等);使倒下bring forth使产生;生(孩子)bring forward使涌现出

bring forward

bring in

bring into action

bring into effect

bring into operation

bring off

bring on

bring out

bring over

bring through

bring to life

bring to ruin

bring together

bring under

bring up the rear

bring up

bring...into contact

brush aside

brush off

brush up

build up

burn down

burn oneself out

burn out

burn up

burst into laughter

burst into

burst out laughing

burst up

burst upon

but for

button up

buy off

buy out

buy up提出(建议等);显示收获(庄稼等);生产使行动起来实行,实现,实施实施,使生效救出;成功地做某事引导,导致;使发展使…显示出来;公布把…带来;使某人转变救活(病人)使苏醒使毁灭,使落空使…团结起来镇压;压制;使就范走在最后面教育;提出(供讨论)使…和…接触扫除(障碍等),无视刷去;掸去;拂去擦亮;重新学习;复习树立;逐步建立;增大把…夷为平地(因过劳而)筋疲力尽 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽(炉火等)烧旺起来突然笑起来闯入;突然发作突然笑起来爆炸;失败;突然发怒突然来到倘没有,要不是扣,扣紧钮扣收买出钱使(某人)放弃地位全买;尽可能买进

buzz off(俚)急忙离去

by accident偶然

by air通过航空途径

by all means尽一切办法;一定by all nerves高度不安,神经紧张by and by不久以后,将来

by and large总的来说,大体上by any means无论如何

by chance偶然,碰巧,意外地by comparison

by error

by far

by force

by hand

by heart

by instinct

by itself

by leaps and bounds

by little and little

by means of

by mistake

by name

by nature

by night

by no means

by oneself

by oneself

by pressed for

by reason of

by reason that

by request

by the moment

by the name of

by the way

by turns

by virtue of

by way of

by worthy of

by yourself




1.lie on one's back四脚朝天躺着

the back number of...过期的…(the current…)

back and forth来回turn one's back on sb 不理睬…

2.historical background历史背景

He is a worker by background.他是工人出生。

3.want sth badly = need sth badly 迫切希望得到…

4.keep balance 保持平衡

break balance 打破平衡destroy balance of nature

5.ban 禁止Swimming in this river is banned.6.barely(never, rarely, hardly, scarcely, seldom)

He barely goes there, does he?

7.beat a bargain with sb 与…讨价还价make a bargain with sb 与…成交 pick up a bargain 买到便宜货

8.be based on 以…为基础

on the basis of 在…基础上,在…前提下

9.be able tobe bad forbe busy withbe covered withbe famous for

10.bear = stand = put up withbear the red cross标有

bear a share of responsibility承担

11.beat sb 打败…

The waves beat the shore.浪打岸

My heart beats fast.心跳快

12.long before 很久以前before long = soon = presently不久

13.beg a favour of sb 向…乞求帮助go begging 乞讨beg sb to do 乞求

14.begin with(end with)

to begin with 首先

at the beginning of 在…初be good at

from the(very)beginning 从…一开始

15.behave yourself 行为规矩些

be on one's good behaviour举动规矩, 检点

16.from behind the door 从门后behind time 迟到

behind the times 落后,陈旧的17.come into being = come into existence开始形成for the time being 目前

18.believe sbbelieve in sb = trust sb信任…

believe sb to have done相信某人做过了…

19.be beneficial to sb 对…有益benefit sb有益于, benefit from 从…中获益 Your answer is 20.beside the point/ to the point 你的答案不在要点上/在要点上。

21.do sth to the best of one's ability = do sth in one's power = go all out to do 竭尽全力干…

22.had better(not)do 最好去干…

would rather(not)do 宁可干…

would you please(not)do

might as well(not)do 最好去干…

23.know better than 很明白不至于干…

You should know better than to believe such a man.24.I lived in that house , but he lived beyond.我住在那所房子里,但他住得更远。

This train goes to London and all the stations beyond.这辆火车到伦敦后,以后每站都停。

beyond my knowledgebeyond my understandingbeyond my power超出…

lived beyond my income.超出我的收入。

25.pay the bill付账单pass the bill 通过议案reject the bill否决议案

26.a bitter smile 苦笑a bitter taste 苦味the bitter winter wind 刺骨寒风

27.blame sb for sthblame sth on sbbe to blame for 为…而受责怪

28.be blind in 在…失明be blind to 视而不见He is blind to his son’s faults.29.a block of 一大块walk two blocks 走过两街区“Blocked!” 此路不通!

The street is blocked.此路不通。The pipe is blocked.管子被塞住了。

30.blow away 吹走blow down吹倒

blow up 给…吹气

blow out 吹灭, 车胎的爆裂blow out the candleThe candle went out.31.a chess board 棋盘

notice board 布告栏

the board of the company 这个公司的董事会

There are 50 passengers on board.在船上有50位乘客。

32.boast of/ about吹牛,自夸

No body should boast of his learning.33.build up one's body强健体魄develop one's mind 增长智力

34.book sth 预定(票子、位子、房子)order sth 预定(其它)reserve a table预定booking office售票处book in = check in登记

35.be bored with = be tired of 对…感厌烦

36.be born 出生于①He was born in/of a worker family.他出生于工人家庭。

②He was a born poet.他天生就是诗人。= He was born a poet.③He was born blind.他天生就是瞎子。

37.bother oneself about为…烦恼Don’t bother yourself about making the dinner for us.38.break into pieces碎成碎片break a record 打破记录break one's promise/words食言

break the balance ofbreak away from除去;逃脱turn away from 避开;不理睬 break out 爆发break down坏了;抛锚break into/in 破门而入

a ten-minute break 十分钟休息at break = at the dawn of the day 在黎明

39.out of breath上气不接下气short of breath气短;气急

hold/catch one's breath 闭住呼吸take/draw a deep breath 深呼吸

40.give(offer, hand out)bribes to sb向某人行贿take bribes受贿bribe sb

41.make a brief speech简短演讲a brief stayIn brief简短而言…

42.bring about = lead to = result in = cause 引起bright up 抚养长大

bring forward = put forward 提出bring sb back to health 使…恢复健康

The news brought tears to her eyes.这消息使她热泪盈眶

43.the broad shoulders 宽的肩膀in broad daylight 在光天化日之下

broadly speaking从广义上讲strictly speakinggenerally speaking

44.browse through = leaf throughbrowse about(around)the book store逛书店

45.be built of bricks 用砖砌成build up one's body强健体魄built up one's muscle 锻炼肌肉 built(up)

one's mind 增强智力develop one's mind 发展智力

46.bump into sb 撞到…(bump against)knock sb down 撞倒…

47.take up/bear the family burden承担家庭负担be burdened with 肩负着

relieve the family burden The burden is too heavy for you.对你们来说负担太重。

48.burst into laughter = burst out laughing 哈哈大笑burst into tears = burst out crying 大哭

49.be on business , be on holiday/vacation/leave 度假, follow a business of 以…为业 It's none of your business.= Mind your own business.这不关你的事。

50.be busy in doing = be busy with sth忙于be busy at work

51.do nothing/anything but do

have no choice but to do

can't(help)but do 不得不…

52.but for 要不是+n.+虚拟从句(But for your help, I wouldn't have succeeded.)

not only…but alsonot...but...不是…而是… nothing but 只不过,仅仅

anything but 一点也不none but只有He chose none but the best.53.He is taller than I by a head.by a river 在…旁边by sea/air/land

by the way 顺便问一句by way of 取道by means of 通过by all means 尽一切办法,决不lead sb by the hand 牵住…的手pay sb by the hour 按小时付费

by hand 手工 by far+最高级make a living by doing(谋生)by turns = in turn = in one's turn

by no means


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1.maintain low and order

maintain his family = suport his family

maintain friendly relations maintain a high speed 保持

Food is necessary to maintain life.2.major 主要的The cars needs major repairs.车要大修

a major discover 重大发现

a major question

major in = specialize in 主修the majority of

大多数的 3.make

We made the airport in half an hour.赶到

make a cup of coffee

make an effort


make a promise

make a plan 制定

make a price

make sb do

make a fire 生火

make noise

be made of /from make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做…

make fun of 取笑

make...into...把…制成make one's position known 表明立场

Make your self at home.别拘束。

make a face 扮鬼脸

make ends meet 收支平衡

make one's way前去;去

make off with 带着…逃走

make merry 寻欢作乐

make trouble 制造麻烦

make no sense 无意义

make sense of

make profit 获利

make money

make friends with

make arrangements of

make a dive for 向…冲去

make preparations for 为…做准备

make an excuse 找借口

make way for 给…让路

make use of 使用

make out 辨别出

make up for


make it 及时抵达,赶上,通过 It is already 9 a.m , and I am afraid that I can’t make it.It is a very difficult exam, are you sure you can make it? make up 弥补(= make up for)

组成(= be made of)


make up a story 4.man , mankind , human being人类

The army made a man of you.军队使你成为真正男人。5.Mind your manners.注意礼貌。

good manners 好礼貌

6.many a boy + 单 = many boys + 复

7.the international market 国际市场

the domestic/home market 国内市场

8.get high marks 得高分

a question mark 问号

Make a mark where you don’t understand.make one’s marks 成功,出名 That boy is a hard worker, he will make his mark.mark 做记号于

mark the place

The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era.标志 9.marry 结婚

marry sb

be married to sb

I married him two years ago.I got married.We have been married for two years.taoti.tl100.com 你的首选资源互助社区

10.master sth = have a good command of = have a grasp of

精通, 掌握


相配(go with)

No one can match her at class.12.matter 麻烦事,物质Matter exists in three states in the natural.大自然中物质存在三种状态。

a matter of life and death.What's the matter with you ?

money matters


She is very honest in money matters.as the matter stands = as matters stand 按目前情况


It doesn't matter whether we go together or separately?

13.may/might as well do 不妨去做…may sb do 祝愿

May you succeed.= Wish you success.14.mean to do = intend to do 打算干…

mean doing 意味着做…

What do you mean by doing that ? 你那样做意味着什么?

be meant to do 应该做… 15.means 方法

Every means has been tried to save the dying boy.by means of 通过…

by all means 无论如何,务必,当然可以(=of course)by no means 决不

I am by no means surprised at it.16.measure take measures = take action = take steps , measure the room, measure the distance 17.meet one's needs 满足…需求

meet with 偶遇;碰到 I met with a friend in the train yesterday.run into

come across 18.in memory of = to memorize 纪念

have a good memory 记忆力很好 19.mend 修理,缝补

It's never too late to mend.亡羊补牢。

mend one's ways 改过自新,改邪归正

mend the hole , mend one’s skirt

20.mention to sb that 提及

at the mention of 在提到…时

as mentioned above 如上所述

not to mention 此外更不用说

The boy hasn’t learnt Chinese, not to mention English.21.mercy 慈悲

show mercy to sb

beg the mercy of sb 恳求得到宽恕

have mercy on 对…表同情

without mercy ~ 毫不同情 22.mild 温和的a mild climate 23.the military training


24.mind 理智

She come to my mind at the moment.我想起了她

lose one's mind 失去理智

speak your mind out 说出想法

change one's mind 改变想法

keep/bear sth in mind(learn sth by heart)

make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做… one/a mind 同心协力

be of the same mind 相同想法

Never mind.没关系。

be of

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What's on your mind? 你在想…? to one mind = in one's opinion 据…看来

Watch out = Mind out 当心

Mind your step.走路小心。absent-minded 心不在焉的25.minor 较次要的 a minor fault 小错误

a minor operation 小手术 minority少数,少数民族

26.in a minute 立刻

the minute = the moment 一…就

27.modest 谦虚的The young actress is very modest about her success.28.at any moment 任何时刻 at the moment 在这时

at the critical moment 紧急时刻

for the moment 暂时

There seems nothing to be done for the moment.29.be in no mood to do


be in the mood to do


be in a good mood = be in a good humour = be in high spirits = be in a good humour 有好心情 30.the moral sense 道德感

moral standards 道德标准 Would you like some more coffee ?,more and more 越来越,the more...the more...The more exercise you take, the more good it will do you.more or less


I more or less agree with you.more than

① = over 超过

② = not only 不仅仅是

③ = very

no more than


② = only 只不过

He is no more than a little boy.You are no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am.你同我一样都不会讲中文。once more 再;又

Read it once more.what is more

更重要的是 more…than…


She is more mad than stupid.31.Moreover = besides = furthermore = in addition 此外,而且 32.at most 至多

make the most of 好好使用

The medicine is mostly sugar and water.这药主要由糖和水组成。They are mostly/mainly/chiefly from workers' family.33.not much of a...不太好的He is not much of a doctor.庸医 much more + 比

much the best + 最高级

much too + adj.34.muddy

泥泞的 muddy water

35.murder 谋杀

murder sb 36.mysterious

神秘的a mysterious letter

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1.in the east of(在里面)to the east of不连接)on the east of(接攘)

2.take it easy 别着急

3.eat one's words = break one's promise 食言

4.economic developmenteconomical 节俭的,节约的an economical car to run节油汽车

5.economy class 经济舱national economy 国民经济

6.have an effect on 对…影响produce an effect of(doing)sty 产生…效果

7.come into effect 开始生效(come into force)bring sth.into effect实施

8.be of no effect无效side effect副作用

9.make an effort to do 做出努力去做spare no efforts to do 不遗余力去干…

10.the elderly = the aged = the old老年人

11.不定代词 + else特殊疑问词 + esle

12.embarrass sb使为难,难堪I felt embarrassed.I was embarrassed by lack of money.因缺钱而苦恼

13.an emergency ward 急诊室the emergency measures 紧急措施 in an emergency在紧急时刻

14.place/put/lay emphasis on/upon sth强调

15.employment agency 职业介绍所be out of employment = be out of work = lose one’s job

16.enable sb to do sth

17.encourage sb to do鼓励inspire sb to do激励

18.fight to the end 战斗到底make ends meet 使收支平衡without end无尽的19.end up with以…结束end up(by)doing以做…结束

end in failure 以失败而告终end in divorce 以离婚而告终

20.endure toothache忍受牙痛I can’t endure that woman.无法容忍

21.be engaged in(doing)从事于, 忙与干…(be busy in doing)

be engaged to sb 与…订婚The room is engaged.房间预订了。

22.spoil/enhance the company's reputation毁掉/增加公司荣誉enhance my confidence增加自信

23.can't...enough = can't...tooegg: You can't be too careful/careful enough.24.enter for 报名参加, 竞选

25.entertain sb with by/by doing给…娱乐entertain sb to/at dinner


26.entitle sb to do 给人干…的权利The editorial is entitled “...”.这篇社论题目是… entitle the book “Love”给书取名为…

27.be equal to…in...在…方面与…相等

(be second to…in…, be similar to…in…, be superior to…in…)

be equal to doing/sth能够胜任做…He is equal to doing this work.28.equip sb with sthA good education should equip you for future life.29.escape from从…逃脱,逸出escape doing

escape one’s notice / one’s attention / one’s mindYour name escaped me.= I forgot your name.a narrow escape九死一生an escaped prisoner逃犯

30.Water is essential to the growth of crops.必要的There is no essential difference between them.本质上的31.it is estimated that…estimate the cost 估价the estimated cost 估计的成本

32.at all events , in any event(in any case)无论如何,在任何情况下

In any event, the worst that she can do is say “no”

33.speak evil of sb 讲…坏话speak highly of sb

34.exchange our opinions交换exchange A for B 用A换B

in exchange for 作为…的交换I gave him my favorite football in exchange for his knife.35.make an excursion to sp 到…短途旅行an excursion train 旅游专列

36.Please excuse my interrupting you.= Please excuse me for my interrupting you.37.excuse sb from 免除…的责任, 对其要求He was excused from piano practice.38.I am exhausted.= I am tired out.= I am worn out.39.We can't exist without water.存在come into existence = come into being

40.Heat expands mental.热量使金属扩胀.expand the production扩大生产

41.expect sb to do sty / thatThe city was more beautiful than we had expected

expect too much of sb 对…期待过多

42.traveling expenses 旅费cut down one's expense减少…费用

at the expense of 以…为代价He finished the work at the expense of his health.(at the cost of)

43.an unusual experience一个不同寻常的经历

He has no experience of life at all.他全无生活经验。an experienced teacher 一个有经验教师

44.do/make/perform an experimentcarry out an experiment 作实验

45.explore the unknown探索explore the castle

46.expose sty in it's true natural 揭露…本性expose sty to 使…接触

Don't expose it to the sun.不要让它接触阳光.Expose Children to some good books.47.express way 快车道express oneself表达express my thanks 表达谢意with a strange expression带着一种奇怪表情

beyond expression无法表达The scenery was beautiful beyond expression.48.to the full extent of one's power 竭尽所能

to some extent/degree 到某种程度为止To some extent, you are correct.49.have an eye for对…有鉴赏力keep an eye on照看catch one's eye吸引…注意in the eyes of sb 在…心目中

have a good/poor eyesight视力


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a traffic jam 交通阻塞

apple jam 果酱

He jammed all his clothes into his bag.塞进


羡慕的, 妒忌的 be jealous of nobody

join the party ,join sb in doing sth

joint 结合处 , 共同的 joint action 联合行动 ,joint efforts play a joke on sb = make fun of sb = play a trick on sb


a practical joke 恶作剧

It's no joking.这不是开玩笑。(I am serious)journey 旅行(陆上)go on a journey

journey to sp

trip, tour, travel, excursion He was judged in public.公开审理

as grave as a judge 象法官一样庄重 judging by / from 用于句首

Judging by his appearance, he didn’t pass the examination.jungle 热带雨林


forest junior

年少的 He is two years junior to me.(senior, 年长的)jury


justice 公正,公平,正义

a sense of justice

a court of justice 法院

treat sth with justice 公正对待… keen eyes 敏锐的My hearing is as keen as it used to be.be keen to do = be eager to do 渴望的be keen on/about doing = be fond of doing keep

Will you keep the seat for me ? 保留

keep sth under lock and key 保管

keep one's promise 遵守

keep silent保持

keep on doing sth 反复某一个动作

keep doing sth 持续

keep notes = keep diary 记笔记

keep accounts 记账 Keep the cold out.不让冷空气进来。

keep to 遵守

keep up with = catch up with stop/prevent/ keep sb from doing

keep up 保持

Keep the right side up!请勿倒置!kettle




the key to the door

the key school 重点学校 kick the football

kick out = fire sb 解雇… kidnap 绑架

kidnap the children kill oneself 自杀

kill time 消磨时间

this kind of pen 这种类型笔

three pens of this kind 三支这种类型笔

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three kinds of pens 三种类型的笔

all kinds of = a variety of

kind of 有点

I felt kind of sorry for her.kindly

in a kindly tone/voice 和蔼的语气 fly kites


have a knack of doing 技能

He has a knack of making friends wherever he goes.knee

bring a person to one’s knees


fall on one’s knees 跪下 kneel down 跪下

He knelt down to look for the coin.kneel at one’s feet 跪在某人脚下 knock against 撞上

Knock his head against the door.knock down 撞倒 Do you know the answer to this question.To know everything is to know nothing.know of 听说过

I know of him but I don't know him.know about 了解

I know him but I don't know about him.common knowledge 常识,one-sided knowledge 片面的知识

have a knowledge of = have an understanding of


have a good command of bring sth to one’s knowledge … come to one’s knowledge

使某人知道 to the best of one’s knowledge = as far as I know

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