module4-6 重点短语句子检测题

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第一篇:module4-6 重点短语句子检测题

BOOK3 Module 4-6 重点短语检测题


Half of the forest ___________________________to make room for the road.2.但不幸运的是, 一到达北京, 我们就遇到了黄色的沙尘暴。

But unfortunately, on arriving in Beijing, we _________________________yellow sandstorm.3.太阳给大地以光和热。

The sun ________________________light and heat to the earth.

4.在七天的假日里, 我每天醒来, 都会感觉鼻子吸入了很多灰尘。

During the seven-day vacation, when I woke up every day, I would always feel I________________________ lots of dust.5.有时候, 我可以从窗户上看到, 在街上有些汽车一辆接一辆地追尾撞车, 因为能见度低(poor visibility)

Sometimes, I________________________ the window and saw some cars on the street crashed into one after another due to poor visibility.6.简言之, 沙尘暴对人们的健康有坏的影响并且让人们出行非常不便。

________________________, sandstorms have a bad effect on people’s health and are a big inconvenience to people’s daily travels.7.人们一个接一个地来到动物园看这个奇怪的动物。People came to see the strange animal in the zoo ________________________.8.事实证明,暴力电视节日对儿童的成长有不良影响。

As a matter of fact, violent TV program ________________________children's growth.9.总之, 我们全班同学都为他感到自豪

In conclusion, all of our classmates ________________________him..他是由外婆抚养长大的。

He ________________________ by his grandmother.11.你什么时候开始对英语感兴趣的?

When did you ________________________English?


__________________,walking is a cheap,safe,enjoyable,and readily available form of exercise.13.1920年, 波兰与俄罗斯仍处于战争状态.In 1920,Poland ______________ still ____________________Russia


We gathered _______________________after graduation.15.三峡大坝的建设可以追溯到十年前, 那时, 我的家就在三峡大坝附近。

The construction of the Three Gorges Dam can _______________________ten years ago, when my home was just near the Three Gorges dam

16.但是我认为建设三峡大坝是有意义的,因为它能够挡住洪水和结束长江下游的自然灾害。But I think it _______________________ to build the Three Gorges Dam, as it can_______________________ the flood and _______________________ the natural disasters in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.17.在政府的帮助下, 他们重建了家园, 梦想最终实现。

With the help of the government, they rebuilt their homes, and their dreams finally_______________________

第二篇:Module 1--Module5短语

Module 1-----Module 5短语 Module 1Unit 1 School Life

at ease with 和…相处不拘束the way to do sth 做某事的方法achieve high grades 获得高分used to do sth 过去常常做某事at lunch time 在吃午饭的时候at the end of term 在学期末as well as 除…之外还有word by word 逐字逐句地break times 课间休息时间develop an interest in 培养对…的兴趣 more than 不仅仅pay attention to 注意be responsible for对…负责come up with 想出sign up 报名参加

be happy with 对…感到满意earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like 听起来象

school hours 学校作息时间for free 免费

get a general idea 了解大意key words 关键词

be available to sb 对某人来说可以使用的upon doing sth 刚一做某事donate …to… 把…捐赠给…inform sb of sth 告知某人某事make a decision 作决定consist of 包含,由…构成base …on … 把…建立于…基础之上

Module 1Unit 2 Growing Pains

turn up 调高声音;出现a waste of 浪费 spare time 空余时间than expected 比预料的要… can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地要做某事expect…from… 从…指望… be supposed to do 被期望或要求做,应该做do …with… 处置 be a mess/ in a mess 乱成一团leave sb in charge 委托某人负责 act like 行为举止像go unpunished 不受惩罚 go out 熄灭not…any more 不再 have one’s arm crossed 双臂交叉抱在胸前be hard on sb 对某人苛刻 now that 既然feel like(doing)sth 想要做某事 in the form of 以…的形式stay up 熬夜,不睡 after all 毕竟mix up 混淆 as though/if 好像,似乎insist on(doing)sth 坚持(做)某事 Internet Café 网吧at present目前 forbid sb from doing sth/forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事 like crazy 发疯似的,拼命的Module 1Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

be dying to do/ for sth 渴望做某事work out 锻炼,训练 lose weight 减肥be ashamed of 对…感到羞耻 recover from 从…中恢复过来an exact match for 和...完全匹配的 follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议be embarrassed about 对某事感到难堪 go on diets/a diet 实行节食come across 偶然遇到 in secret 秘密地side effect 副作用 fall out(头发等)脱落team sport 团队运动 build up 增强risk doing sth 冒着做某事的风险 put on weight 体重增加call sb names 骂人 cheer up 高兴起来live(lead)a… life 过着…样的生活 along with 和…一起in the long term(run)从长远角度看 skip meals 不吃饭give up on sb 对某人失望 a good amount of许多,大量的as a matter of fact 事实上 in no time 很快give out分发, 发出 allow enough time for sb to do sth 留出充足的时间让某人做某事

Module 2Unit 1Tales of the unexplained

run into 碰到

step up 加紧

due to 因为

put on播放

rule out 排除

look into 调查

take charge of 负责

so far 到目前为止

outer space 外层空间

on average平均

cause sb/sth to do 促使,引起

make a speech 作报告

dream of 梦想

have the chance to do 有机会做某事

see…with one’s own eyes 亲眼看见

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

go rafting 去漂流

in case 万一

go on a trip 去旅游

take photos 拍照

up close 靠近地

feel sick 感到恶心

make sure 确保

all over the world 全世界

at dawn 在黎明

in silence 沉默地

feed on 以…为食物

be home to 是…家园

provide…with… 给…提供…believe in 相信(信仰、理论、说法等)go missing 失踪show up 露面 according to 根据 stay out late 在外呆很晚make up 编造make progress 取得进步 carry out 完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行 run after 追赶pull back 拉开 do research on 在…方面进行研究 human beings 人类come true 实现 become convinced 确信 show great interest in 对…表现出极大的兴趣by camel/on camels 骑骆驼 in the dark 在黑暗中 turn upside down 颠倒过来 even though 即使 scare away 吓跑 move on 继续往前 run out 用完 look forward to 期望 wake up 醒来 than usual 比往常… be covered with 被…覆盖 tower over 远高于(周围的人或物)in harmony with 与…和谐 heaven on earth人间天堂 Module 2Unit 2Wish you were here

Module 2Unit 3 Amazing people

of all time 自古以来,有史以来during one’s life 在某人的一生中

be curious about sth 对…好奇set sail for 启航去

be known as 以…知名be present at the meeting 出席会议

die of heart trouble 死于心脏病have sth to do with 与…有关系/牵连

result in 引起(某种结果)fall ill with a fever 由于发烧而生病

in advance 提前pay off(某事得到)回报

work as a nurse 当护士go well 进展顺利

a great deal of money 大量的钱set foot on/in 踏上,踏入

at full speed 全速in his thirties 在他三十多岁时

make a note of 作…笔记be related to 与…有关系

make a dream a reality 使梦想成真three out of the fourteen 十四个中的三个

go down in history 载入史册look up to sb 尊敬某人

live one’s dream实现梦想win over 战胜;争取过来

have a(n)… effect on 对…有影响compare…to...把…比作…

in the 90s 在90年代by coincidence= by chance 碰巧

as well as和…一样好;也,还有(用来连接并列成分)

be qualified for /to do 做…是合格的,有…的资格

Module 3Unit1 The world of our senses

watch out for …留心...make achievements取得成就

glance at扫视in sight看得到

stare(up)at(抬头)凝视wish for 盼望

make a decision做出出决定set off出发

reach out伸出(手)bang into 不小心撞到

pay back 报答,偿还work out 制定

turn to 变成go hungry挨饿

lose sight of看不见in the distance 在远处

make the most of 充分利用set sail for...启航

the sixth sense第六感make sense 有意义

ring out发出响亮的声音warm sb.up使某人暖和起来

express one’s thanks to sb.向某人致谢 be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住

can’t help doing禁不住作某事in everyday life在日常生活中

hold sb still使某人一动不动be likely to do 很有可能做

over a long distance越过很长的一段距离rather than 而不是;宁愿

Module 3Unit 2Language

stand for 代表all over the world全世界

be made up of 由…组成differ from不同于

consist of 由…构成lift up 拿起,举起

back and forth来回take controlof控制

a waste of time浪费时间work as 担当;担任

as a whole 总体上mother tongue 母语

look into one’s eyes直视某人lose face丢脸

in addition 另外throw away丢掉

right away立刻in a word 总之

sort out安排,拣选,分类instead of 代替,而不是

set a standard确立标准take action采取行动

what if倘使…将会怎样care about 关心,担心

look up查找,向上看Chinese character中国汉字

at one time一度,曾经agree with 同意,适应

turn into使变成body language 肢体语言

sign language 手语up and down 上上下下

official language官方语言have an impact on对……造成冲击

replace….with…用…来替代…have a word with sb.和某人说句话

depend on 依靠;视…而定mix … with… 把…与…混和

contribute to有助于,是…的成因之一get along with进展,相处

undergo huge changes经历巨大的变化

Module 3Unit 3 Back to the past

be in use 在使用中set sail for 启航去…

by the time 到…时候as early as早在in the future将来take over 接管,接任,控制

lead to 导致in memory of 纪念

in return for 作为…的回报lost civilization失落的文明carry out实施,执行,进行no more不再pour out 涌出,倾泻more than 多于, 不仅仅

be buried alive被活埋be covered with被…覆盖

on board在船上,飞机上或火车上in good condition处于良好的状态

prevent sb.from sth/ doing sth阻止某人做某事declare war against 向…宣传

Module 4Unit 1 Advertising

be used to(doing)sth习惯于(做)某事 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 do some research on sth 做…的研究share sth with sb 与某人分享某物

be intended /meant to do sth 旨在做…protect sb from 保护某人不受…的伤害 be aware of 意识到even if 即使

fall for 受…的骗be proud of 以…感到骄傲

connect … to…将…与…连接play tricks on sb 捉弄某人

lead(live)a …life 过着…的生活deal with 处理be satisfied with 对…感到满意believe in sth 信仰;信任

trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事go on the market 上市

be popular with 受…的欢迎be of high quality 高质量

for the benefit of 为了…的利益get sb to do sth 使某人做某事 come up with 提出over and over again 反复地

in order to 为了,以便up to 达到

be bored with 对…感到厌倦day and night 整日整夜

be concerned with 对…关心;与…有关put sth together 组织;汇集

appeal to sb迎合某人;对…有吸引力;向…呼吁

get sth across 传播(消息等);使某事被人理解

Module 4Unit 2 Sporting events

be delighted to do sth 很高兴做某事take part in 参加

save time for 省下时间做…every four years 每四年,每隔三年 in honour of 纪念,向…表示敬意side by side 共同,肩并肩

realize one’s dream 实现梦想of all times 有史以来

come to public attention 引起公众关注 at the opening ceremony 在开幕式上 know of 了解compete for 为获得…而比赛

recognize… as… 认为/承认/认出…是… break the record 打破纪录

set an example to 为…树立榜样compete in 参赛come up with 想出(计划、主意)plenty of 许多,大量tourist attractions 旅游景点be similar to 与…相似meet/satisfy one’s requirements 满足需keep…under control 使…处于控制之下 make way for 给…让路,让位于hope for 希望,期待maintain a balance 保持平衡be involved in 涉及,卷入add to 增加play a role/part in 在…起作用

Module 4Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world

be set in 以…为背景

enable sb to do sth 使某人能做某事

thousands of 成千上万的put forward 提出(观点、议案等)

bring history alive使历史再现

be accused of 被控告犯有…罪

close down 关闭,使倒闭

make a profit 赚取利润

belong to 属于

move round 四处移动

take the risk of 冒…危险

make a profit 获取利润

draw a conclusion 得出结论

tell…from… 把…和…区分

go bankrupt 破产a sense of happiness 幸福感pass on 传递be connected to 与…相连接in reality 实际上 last but not least最后但同样重要的 set up 建立,竖立 leave sb with… 给某人留下… go on a virtual trip to 虚拟旅行 be responsible for 对…负责 sign one’s name for 给…签名 invest in 投资于 end in failure 以失败告终 on display 展览 concentrate on 专注于 voice one’s opinions 表达某人的看法

fall off 从…上掉下来;脱落in my opinion 在我看来

come across 遭遇,偶遇science fiction 科幻小说

tell of 讲述keep/get in touch with 和…保持(取得)联系 be trapped in 被困在…at a speed of 以…的速度

with the help of 由于…的帮助deliver into 送进

give out 发出(气味、热等);用完, 耗光;筋疲力尽

Module 5Unit 1Getting along with others

get along well with sb与某人友好相处feel betrayed感到背叛了 be/feel ashamed of 对…感到惭愧be proud of 以…为自豪

feel like(doing)sth 想, 感觉像admit doing sth 承认做了某事 keep one’s word 信守诺言in trouble 有麻烦,处于困境 go straight to 直奔as a result 结果

break one’s word 食言focus one’s attention on 集中精力于 yell at sb 对着某人大叫can’t stand(doing)sth 不能忍受某事 apologize to sb for doing 向某人道歉blame sb for sth 因为某事而责备某人 can’t help doing sth 禁不住做某事feel jealous of 嫉妒

in public 当众,在公众场合feel guilty about 因为…感到内疚 before long 不久put off 耽搁,推迟

make it 成功take care 保重,小心

discourage sb from doing sthspeaking of 谈到;说到

阻止某人去做某事without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 rather than 而不是ever since自从那以后

would rather do sth than do sth 宁可…而不…

can’t wait to do sth 等不及去做某事

get through to 打通…的电话be absorbed in 全神贯注于 have/take different attitudes towardsin the world 到底,究竟

对…有不同的态度one another互相

be consistent with 与…一致regardless of 不管,不顾 be based on shared activities or interests


Module 5Unit 2The environment

open the floor 自由发言in addition 另外

have a lasting effect on/upon 对…持久影响grow to 增长到

wipe out 扫除,消灭cut back on 削减,减少

be concerned about/ for 担心be concerned with 与…有关 be responsible for对…负责see/ sb as 把某人看作是 the key to success 成功的关键run out 用完

do harm to 对…有危害run across 偶然遇到

be covered with 被覆盖draw conclusions 得出结论 take steps to do sth采取措施做某事be stocked with 装备有,储备有 pick out 找出,挑选in the form of 以…形式

on account of 由于rely on 依靠

be under way 在进行中natural reserve 自然保护区 work out solutions to 想出解决办法replace…with… 用…代替 prohibit sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 remain to be done 有待做

appreciate doing 欣赏做某事home of/ to …的故乡,…的发源地 lead to=result in 导致a diverse range of 多种多样的Module 5Unit 3Science versus nature

on(the)one hand…on the other hand…一方面…另一方面

point out 指出interfere in/ with 干涉

in general一般说来,大体上

with the intention of为了,以…为目的 on one’s(the)way to doing sth 即将成为… show respect for 对...表示尊重 be desperate for sth/to do sth 非常渴望

be related to 与…有关联

succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事

use up 用完

in complete agreement with 完全赞同

come across(偶尔)碰到,发现

in praise of 赞扬(某人)

put…in place 准备就绪,布置妥当

figure out 想出,理解,算出

on one’s part 对某人而言

in favour of 赞同,支持

turn out 结果是

meet one’s needs满足某人的要求 of one’s own 某人自己的 push ahead with 推进,推行 end up 以…而告终 comment on 评论 after all 毕竟,终究,别忘了 make sense 有意义,讲得通 for sale 待售,出售的 next door 隔壁的 the other day 几天前 advocate + n./v-ing 提倡,倡导 point of view 观点 follow in one’s footsteps 追寻某人的足迹

第三篇:9AUnit 4 重点单词短语句子

9Aunit4 重点单词短语句子





































































24、不同意某事 /某人









第四篇:7A 期末重点短语和句子


(一)7A Unit5 重点短语和句子




Thanksgiving Day感恩节

May Day五一节

Chinese New Year春节

Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

Dragon Boat Festival端午节

New Year‟s Day元

Children‟s Day儿童节

Teachers‟ Day教师节

National Day 国庆节


1.dress up as a ghost装扮成一个鬼

2.have lots of fun过得很开心 3.thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事

4.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事

5.have a special party 举办一场特别的派6.on October 31st / on the evening of October 31st 在10月31号 a game with the people inside和里面的人玩游戏 7.knock on/ at the door 敲门 a trick on sb.跟某人玩恶作剧

8.have a nice day 9.give us some candy as a treat = give us a treat of some candy 给我们一些糖果作为招待 10.wear masks戴面具

11.paint our faces 把我们的脸涂上色彩 this time of year在一年的这个时候 birthday presents 作为生日礼物 important holiday 一个重要的假日

15.on the evening of… 在……的晚上

16.get new clothes ready for us为我们准备新衣服

17.enjoy nice food and drinks享受美食和饮料

18.make lanterns out of oranges用桔子做灯笼 Christmas 在圣诞节 20.get cards and presents 收到卡片和礼物 rice dumplings/ mooncakes 吃粽子/月饼 breakfast/ lunch/ supper 在早餐/午餐/晚餐时 the age of seven 在7岁时 spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter在春/夏/秋/冬

25.go to see the doctor 看病 26.have a long holiday 过长假

27.start / finish doing sth.开始/ 结束做某事

28.visit houses拜访人家

29.have sth.for lunch 吃某物当午餐 on holiday 在度假

31.on NEW YORK Radio 通过纽约电台 packets 红包 the lion dance 看舞狮表演 34.have time to do sth.有时间做做某事

35.have a big dinner 吃大餐 36.a great Spring Festival Gala on TV在电视上的盛大的春晚37.get together 相聚 38.on the other side of the card在卡片另一面

40.people in the USA/West 美国人/西方人 many ways 用许多种方式

42.lots of interesting things许多有趣的事 43.Monkey King美猴王 favourite festival 我最喜欢的节日

45.let/set off fireworks(letting/ setting)燃放焰火

46.give each other presents互相赠送礼物

47.take a lot of photos拍许多照片 night在夜里 members 50.on this/that day 【重点句子】

1.Which is your favourite festival? = Which festival do you like best? 哪个是你最喜欢的节日?

2.Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.感谢你告诉我有关中秋节的事。3.We knock on people‟s doors and shout „trick or treat‟.我们敲人家的门并叫喊“不招待就使坏”。

4.If they don‟t give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.如果他们不招待我们,我们就和他们玩恶作剧。

5.We dress up and wear masks.我们装扮并且戴上面具。6.Sometimes we paint our faces.有时候我们把脸涂上色彩

7.What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing?你在北京做什么来庆祝中国的新年?

8.You seem very happy.你似乎很开心。

9.We have shows about different festivals around the world.我们有关于来自世界各地的不同节日的演出。

10.People in the West celebrate Halloween in many ways.西方人用多种方式庆祝万圣节前夕。11.Their neighbours usually give them a treat of some candy.= Their neighbours usually give them some candy as a treat.他们的邻居通常用一些糖果招待他们。

7A Unit6 重点短语和句子


1.Let‟s have a hamburger.咱们吃一个汉堡

2.walk to … = go to …on foot 走路去……

3.all kinds of food各种各样的食物

4.dislike/ hate doing sth.不喜欢/讨厌做某事

5.want to be a dancer 想成为一名舞蹈家

6.have a healthy diet/lifestyle 一份健康饮食/生活方式 be important for 对于……很重要

8.need lots of energy to dance 需要很多能量来跳舞 for half an hour挑半小时舞

10.keep fit = keep healthy 保持健康 sweet snacks between meals两餐之间吃甜食 12.too much sugar 太多糖分(too much + un.)13.have milk and bread for breakfast 早餐吃牛奶和面包 playing computer games 喜欢打电脑游戏 with sb.on the Internet 在网上与某人聊天 16.exercise=do sports 锻炼 hamburgers for lunch 午餐吃汉堡

18.never do exercise = never exercise 从不锻炼

19.plan/ need/ want/ would like to do---

20.go swimming twice a week 每周去游泳两次 careful with … 小心对待…

22.have much time to play badminton有许多时间打羽毛球

23.spend all his free time sitting in front of the computer 把他所有的空闲时间用于坐在电脑前 24.go roller skating 去溜旱冰

25.a packet of salt/ sugar 一袋盐/ 糖

26.two bags of rice 两袋大米

27.three cups of tea/ coffee 三杯茶/ 咖啡 28.four kilos of meat三公斤肉

29.five cartons of milk 五盒牛奶 30.a bottle of Coke 一瓶可乐

31.less than 少于

more than 多于 TV for two hours = watch two hours of TV 看两小时电视

33.take/ have a walk 散步

34.exercise more = do more exercise 锻炼更多 less TV 看更少的电视

36.give me energy for the whole afternoon给我整个下午的能量 apple/hour/orange/interesting book/important hundred children一百个孩子 39.lie on the couch 躺在长沙发上

40.good luck with sth.祝某事进展顺利 good /bad for one‟s teeth 对某人有好处 /坏处42.a few bottles of juice 几瓶果汁 【重点句子】

1.It‟s lunchtime./ It‟s time for lunch./ It‟s time for us to have lunch.是午餐时间了。2.You never exercise.= You never do any exercise.你从不锻炼。

3.An apple a day keeps the doctor a way.一天一个苹果医生远离我。4.What about something/ doing something?---怎么样?

5.Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, I eat an apple or a pear.我在两餐之间觉得饿,我吃一苹果或梨。

6.I need to change my lifestyle.I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables every day.我需要改变我的生活方式。我几划吃更多的水果和蔬菜

7.I seldom eat cakes or sweets.They have too much sugar and are bad for my teeth.我很少吃蛋糕和糖,它们含有太多的糖分并且对我的牙齿是有害的。8.What do we need to buy?我们需要买什么?

9.How long do you watch TV every day?=How much TV do you watch every day?你每天看多久电视? 10.What would you like to order?你想点什么?

11.How do you like your new diet? = What do you think of your new diet? 你认为你的新饮食如何?

12.Would you like some vegetables?你想要些蔬菜吗? 13.How long do you sleep every night?你每晚睡多久?

14.This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.这顿饭给我提供整个下午的能量。15.We need them to keep healthy.我们需要它们来保持健康。16.This helps me start the day well.这有助于我很好的开始一天。17.Let me have a look at the menu.让我看一下菜单。

7A Unit7 重点短语和句子


1.want/ need do sth.想要/ 需要某人做某事 sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物

5.just a minute = wait a short time等一下


7.(sth.)cost some 某物价值……

9.many / different kinds of 许多/不同种类的

2.carry all the bags 拎所有的包 4.look for 寻找

find 找到

6.take/have a look at sth.= look at sth.看8.down the street沿着这条街

10.have enough money to do sth.有足够的


11.never mind 没关系/ size 42 42码

12.I‟ll buy them./ I‟ll take them.我要买下它们。

13.match = go well with 与……相配

14.expensive = having a high price 昂贵的

15.ask do sth.请某人做某事

16.the same… as… /be different from 与……相同的……

17.clothes shop服装店sports shop运动品店shoe shop鞋店toy shop 玩具店bookshop书店 18.come with me 和我一起来

19.write a letter to sb.= write to sb.给某人写信 interested in(doing)sth.对---感兴趣

21.different kinds of 不同种类

22.last year‟s football cards 去年的足球卡片

23.most of the children 绝大部分孩子 for her new shoes 为她的新鞋子付钱

25.children in poor areas 贫困地区的孩子

26.need books most 最需要书

27.walk a long way to school步行很远区学校

28.pocket money 零花钱

29.You are welcome不用谢 30.have enough money to do---/ for---有足够的钱---31.take notes做比记

32.collect stamps 收集邮票

33.enjoy watching films喜欢看电影 34.the children in poor areas 贫困地区的孩子们 35.another pair另外一双 36.a good idea一个好主意

37.a pair of football boots 一双足球靴 38.try on 试穿(try it on / try them on)

39.bus stop 公共汽车站

40.five floors of shops 五层的商店

41.some more shops 更多一些商店 42.on the top floor 在顶楼 from different areas不同地区的食物 games 电脑游戏

45.too many people 太多人(too many + cn.)45.a good place to meet friends and have fun一个见朋友的好地方

46.not far away from离---不远

47.learn a lot from---从----学到许多

48.listen to CDs听CD

49.lots of interesting books许多有趣的书 the beginning of 在---开始 the end of



1.I need you to carry all the bags.我需要你拎所有的包。

2.Can I help you? = What can I do for you? 您想买些什么?/ 有什么我能为您效劳的吗? 3.How much does the card cost? =How much is the card? =What‟s the price of the card?这张卡片多少钱?

4.I want to buy Simon a present.我想给西蒙买个礼物。

5.These hair clips are beautiful, and they match her pink coat 这些发夹很漂亮,与她最粉红色外套很相配。

6.I don‟t have enough money to buy her a CD.我没有足够的钱给她买一张CD。

7.We would like to help the children in poor areas in our country.我们想帮助我们国家贫困地区的孩子。

8.Do you have a cheaper pair? 你们有更便宜的一双吗?

9.Do you have any ideas? 你有好主意吗?

10.I‟m not sure.我不确信 11.That‟s a good idea.那是好主意

12.I‟ll take /buy them.我将买下它们

13.Here is your change.这里是你的零钱。14.What‟s your size?你的尺码是多大?

15.They fit very well.它们大小很合适。16.There are foods from different areas.那儿有来自不同地区的食物。

17.The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.那个购物中心是一个会见朋友和玩乐的好地方。

18.Maybe he is not interested in music.= He may not be interested in music.也许他对音乐不感兴趣。

7A Unit 8重点短语和句子


1.think about what to wear 思考该穿什么

2.spend 10 more minutes in bed在床上多呆十分钟

3.welcome to … 欢迎来到…… show 时装表演 lazy 如此懒惰 sb.sth.= show sb.给某人展示某物

7.wear clothes 穿衣服

8.too large for me对于我来说太大了 8.hope to do sth.希望做某事

9.his red and grey tie他的红灰相间的领带

10.look smart / cool 看上去很帅气/ 很酷

11.a yellow cotton blouse一件黄色全棉女衬衫

12.a pair of blue jeans 一条蓝色牛仔裤

13.a black wool skirt 一条黑色羊毛裙 14.a pair of red boots一双红色皮靴

15.a red silk blouse 一件红色丝绸女衬衫 16.lend sb.sth.= lend sb.把---借给某人 made of silk/ wool/ cotton由丝绸/羊毛/棉花做成

18.look modern and beautiful看上去时髦又漂亮 19.sports clothes 运动服

20.ladies and gentlemen女士们先生们

20.your long red boots你的红色长靴 21.give us your ideas告诉我们你的想法

22.ask you to help us 请你帮助我们ask do about doing sth.谈论做某事

24.a pair of trainers 一双运动鞋

25.borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物

26.turn on/ turn off the light 打开/ 关闭电灯

27.have dinner with my family与我家人一起吃饭 great in white穿白色很漂亮 29.dress up in white trousers穿白色裤子装扮起来 30.choose what to wear 选择该穿什么 31.look lovely in your new hat戴着你的新帽子很可爱 32.go for a big dinner去赴晚宴 fit for a long walk适合长时间的步行

34.sth.look good on sb.衣服穿在某人身上漂亮

35.make sth.使某人做某事

36.look good in blue 穿蓝色很好看 made of… 由……制成38.look smart in dark / light blue 穿深/ 浅蓝色很帅气

39.look cool on anyone 穿在任何人身上都很酷 40.go well with = match 与……相配 comfortable to wear 穿起来是舒适的42.make my design better 使我的设计很好 popular among young people 受年轻人欢迎

43.not too long or too large不太长也不太大

44.write a letter to her friend= write to her friend给某人写信

45.lie on the bed 躺在床上

46.any other color任何一种其它的颜色 46.look lovely in your new hat戴着你的新帽子看起来很可爱


1.I can spend 10 more minutes in bed.我可以在床上多躺十分钟。(10 more minutes = another 10 minutes)2.I‟m thinking about what to wear? 我在考虑该穿什么?

3.Ca you lend us your red blouse for our fashion show?你能把你的红色衬衫借给我们参加时装秀吗?

4.What size is your blouse? 你的衬衫是什么码?

5.Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes.今天我们将向你展示不同风格的衣服。

6.Trainers are light and comfortable and are popular among young people.运动鞋轻便且很受年轻人的欢迎

7.Here comes Simon.西蒙走过来了。

8.He is wearing a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers.他正穿着一件紫色的衬衫和一条灰色的裤子。

9.Both of them are wearing blue jeans.他们俩都穿着蓝色牛仔裤。

10.That‟s all for today‟s fashion show.Thanks for coming.今天的时装秀到此结束。谢谢光临。11.what do you think of my red gloves? = How do you like my red gloves? 你觉得我的红手套怎么样?

12.Jeans are very popular among students, so my design includes a pair of blue jeans.牛仔裤在学生中很受欢迎,所以我的设计包括一条蓝色牛仔裤。13.What a great show!= How great the show is!这演出真棒!

14.I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any other color.我认为白衬衫看起来干净,而且白色和其它任何颜色都搭配。any other +单数名词,“表示任何其它之一“



















A、小明的报纸每天都是按时送还,钢笔、薄纸 和刀子都妥善地放好。
















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