It is a pleasure to address this audience, even, if regretfully, it is from afar.我很荣幸有机会做这次发言,不过很遗憾不能来到现场。
I would like to thank Tsinghua University and CPIFA, the core organizers of the conference, who made this possible, and who showed their characteristic thoughtfulness and attention to detail in their design of this program.非常感谢此次论坛的主办方和协办方清华大学和中国人民外交学会,他们细致周到的工作使得此次论坛得以顺利召开。
The sense of warm hospitality and meticulous preparation is an aspect of Chinese culture I appreciate deeply from my many previous personal visits.这种热情好客的和精心准备的意识是中国文化的一种体现,在我过去的多次访问中都能感受到,我很欣赏。
I appreciate the chance to participate and will miss the opportunity to experience Chinese friendship in person.感谢有这一个机会参与,但也很遗憾无法亲自感受到中国人民的友情。
This conference meets at a crucial time.此次会议的举办适逢一个关键时期。
Its theme reflects the central question of our period of international affairs: in pursuit of common security: peace, mutual trust, and responsibility.它的主题,“追求共同安全:和平,互信,责任”反映了当今国际事务的核心问题。
This pursuit has taken on a new aspect in our era.这种追求在我们的这个时代被赋予了新的内容。
In every age, statesmen have sought to distil peace from a multitude of forces.在每一个时代,政治家们都尝试了通过各种力量寻求和平。
But this search has never before taken place on a global basis, in real time, with every region involved in the affairs of all others, and with the consequences of failure so stark and evident.但在过去,对和平的寻求从未建立在全球的基础上,每个地区都介入到了其它地区的事务之中,在遭遇失败之后,其后果都非常显著和严重。
For most of history, the search for peace was a tale of regional orders.在绝大多数历史时期,对和平的寻求塑造的只不过是地区性的秩序。
Prevailing technology limited the frequency and the intensity of interaction between different regions.当时的科技水平限制了不同地区间交流的次数和程度。
That’s the affairs of the Roman Empire, and the Chinese Empire, took place in distinction from each other, and with very little, if any contact, between them.罗马帝国和中华帝国的事件是彼此无关的,两国之间几乎没有任何接触。
Then in the 19th century, the global order was determined by European nations.到了十九世纪,全球秩序是由欧洲国家确定的。
Now, it’s the first time in history that all regions of the world are in contact with each other.而到现在,有史以来第一次出现了世界上所有地区都彼此互相接触的情形。
Government and citizens alike are familiar as never before with the regions beyond them.政府和民众对外部世界有着前所未有的了解。
In this environment, nearly every country has a stake in building an international community.在这种环境之下,国际共同体的构建关乎几乎所有国家的利益。
But they bring different historical experiences to the task of defining what this community is and the shape its interactions should take.不过,对于“什么是国际共同体”、“国际共同体中的互动应当是什么样的”等问题,不同国家有着不同的历史经验。
No task can be more important for peace than bridging the gaps between the various societies and ensuring that differences in perspective do not translate into institutional rivalry.为了确保和平,最重要的任务应当是实现不同社会之间的沟通,并防止观点上的分歧转化成制度上的敌对。
The organization of the Asia-Pacific is thus a shared challenge in the search for a 21st century world order.因此,亚太地区的组织安排是寻求二十一世纪全球秩序的共同挑战。
Thus far, major regional countries’ perception and pursuit of their national interests, rather than any distinct system of order, has shaped the mechanisms that have developed.目前,塑造地区机制的主要动力并不是某种明确的秩序系统,而只是源于地区主要国家对本国国家利益的认知和追求。
Therefore, the United States and China must play a vital role, particularly in charting a constructive pattern of relations with each other.因此,中美两国都必须发挥关键性作用,尤其应当共同构建一种富有建设性的国家间关系模式。
Each is a country on a continental scale, with a proud history, a distinctive culture, and a conviction of a special international role.中美两国都是洲级规模的国家,拥有光荣的历史和独特的文化,同时也都拥有扮演特殊国际角色的信念。
Their people’s achievements and vitality and the scope of their visions have brought them into close contact.两国人民的成就、活力和视野,使得他们彼此的接触日益密切。
A host of contemporary policy changes, including environmental, energy, and cyber issues, cannot be solved without their cooperation.当前许多的政策改革,包含环境、能源、网络等问题,都需要两国合作解决。
The history of great power interactions offers a cautionary tale, in which a rising power and an established power fall into a dynamic of confrontation.大国互动的历史警示我们,崛起国和现有大国的互动有可能陷入对抗的境地。In our age, such a course would prove disastrous for both sides.在当今时代,这种对抗性的进程对双方都将是灾难性的。
It would polarize the international system and preclude progress on key issues.It would involve a style of conflict that could have no real victor.It would encourage other nations to try to exploit the rivalry between China and the United States.这种对抗将使得国际体系出现极化,阻碍关键性问题的进展。这种对抗所引发的冲突将不会有真正的赢家。它还将促使其他国家恶意利用中美两国的竞争。
President Xi and President Obama have recognized these dangers and have affirmed their commitment to a visionary alternative first put forward by President Xi, which he called, A New Type of Major Power Relations.习近平主席和奥巴马总统已经意识到了这些危险。习主席首次提出了一种富有远见的替代性模式,他将其称之为“新型大国关系”。习主席和奥巴马总统都对这种“新型大国关系”做出了承诺。
This would allow for a focus on common interests, a frank discussion of differences when they arise, and a commitment to pursue competition through political, economic, and cultural avenues.这将使得双方更加关注共同利益,在分歧出现时能更加坦率地交流和讨论,同时也更有责任通过政治、经济、文化等渠道开展竞争。
It is a wise vision, calling for concerted elaboration for both sides.Success will be a vital contribution to a peaceful 21st century.这是一种富有智慧的政治远见,有待于双方彼此协调,共同努力。如果成功,那将对21世纪的和平做出巨大贡献。
For all these reasons, I have strongly favored the evolution of a transpacific partnership in which China and the United States cooperate with other nations for a truly global world order in which every region is a full participant, and in which each country can feel that its experiences and aspirations have been accounted for.综上所述,我非常希望跨太平洋伙伴关系能够不断发展,并且在此基础上,中美两国能够与世界其他国家共同合作,构建出一个真正意义上的全球性的世界秩序,使得所有地区都能参与其中,并使得每一个国家都能感到它们的经验和愿望都得到了重视。
I regret that I cannot participate in the discussions that are about to take place at Tsinghua University.我很遗憾无法参与这次即将在清华大学进行的研讨。
It will be a contribution to the deepest challenge of our period, which is to bring peace and progress to the world, and to emphasize this process in Asia and across the Pacific.当今时代最深刻的挑战是如何促进世界范围内,特别是亚洲和太平洋地区的和平和进步,此次论坛将为应对这一挑战做出贡献。
So I congratulate again Tsinghua University and the Chinese government for having encouraged this, and express my view that how very much I look forward to being able to visit China again.再次祝贺支持此次论坛的清华大学和中国政府。非常希望能够再次访问中国。
Thank you very much.
Excerpt from The Most Influential Tsinghua Speeches
Unit 1 Build international cooperation and communication
Speech 1 Mutual Understanding between China and America ——美国前总统小布什2002年在清华大学的演讲
1、The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here.这所大学的办学标准和声望都闻名于世,我知道,能来这里学习深造就是一种成就。
2、And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world—as demonstrated by the knowledge and potential right here in this room.我们也看到中国日益成为世界上最富活力和创造力的国家之一,3、This university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens.这所大学不仅在培养专家,也在培育公民。
4、I’m confident that they will find a China that is becoming a da guo, a leading nation, at peace with its people and at peace with the world.我相信,那是他们都将亲眼见证迈向大国行列的中国,一个走向世界前列,内部和平并与世界各国和平相处的国家。
Speech 2 The Nature of the Desired Relation between China and South Africa ——南非前副总统蓝菲姆齐莱姆·兰博·努卡2007年在清华大学的演讲
1、The relations between China and the African continent were strengthened by your own maritime pioneer, the great Zheng He, when he captained an exploratory ship that visited Somalia, Kenya and Madagascar among the 30 places he visited between 1405 and 1433.中国的航海先锋郑和使中国和非洲大陆的联系加强。1405年至1433年间,他率领探险船到达非洲的30多个地方,包括索马里、肯尼亚和马达加斯加。
2、However, it is a matter of concern that, despite the enabling technoligical advancements brought about by globalisation, South Africa’s share of global trade remains very little which stands at 2%.然而,值得关注的是,尽管全球化带来了技术的先进,但是南非在全球贸易所占的份额仍然很小,只有2%。
3、We hope to benefit more from the scientific advancement made by China and to contribute, as a partner in the larger objective of a more caring and human-centred global order.我们希望能更多地得到贵国科技的惠泽,同时,为了我们更宏大的目标——简历一个更具包容性和人性化的世界秩序,做出自己应有的贡献。
4、We look forward to engagement with you at all levels, and more especially at a level where students can engage.So they can provide the next generation of South Africans and Chinese which will sustain a long lasting friendship between the two counties.我们热切盼望与贵国在各个领域的合作,特别是在两国学生都能参与的领域,这样,我们的下一代人才能把中非两国的长久友谊世世代代传承下去。
Unit 2 Achieve the abilities of changing the future Speech 1 Superior Management
1、How far you go will depend on how high you set your dreams and how hard you work to achieve them.你们能走多远,取决于你们的梦想有多大和为了实现这些梦想你们付出了多少努力。
2、It is also the dream of China—where everything is possible and you can be as great as the size of your imagination.这也是中国的梦想——一切皆有可能,梦想有多大,成功就有多大。
3、Dream big dreams.Dream bold dreams.Dream as far as your imagination will take you.拥有更大的梦想。大胆的梦想。极尽你们的想象力去梦想。
4、Whatever it is you dream of, there is no doubt in my mind you can do it.The world is open to you.So go out there and make all your dream come true.不管你们的梦想是什么,我相信,毫无疑问,你们可以实现它。世界正向你们敞开怀抱。所以大胆地走出去,去实现你们的梦想吧。
Speech 2 The Mirror and the Crystal Ball ——路透社全球总编大卫·施莱辛格2009年在清华大学的演讲
1、Journalism at its best is a mirror, exposing back to society a true and brutally honest picture of what is going on.新闻做多也只能做一面镜子,将社会现状真实地诚实地反馈给社会。
2、But remember, a good mirror has no emotion.但请记住,一面好的镜子是不带感情的。
3、A good mirror simply and perfectly tells the story as it is.一面好的镜子,只会简单而完整地呈现事件本身。
4、As we know from this financial crisis that even most so-called experts failed to make good predictions as well.而且,从此次金融危机中,我们不难看出,就算是所谓的专家,也不能对事态今后的发展做出很好的预测。
Unit 3 Towards a Greener Future Speech 1 Towards a Greener Future
1、As financial and economic disruptions strike like waves at our societies, we must strengtheno our resolve to keep a steady course to calmer seas.当金融和经济**像汹涌的海浪席卷全社会时,我们必须坚定决心,稳步驶向更为风平浪静的海洋。
2、Size and power were not decisive in securing prosperity and security for our people.What mattered were strong values, knowledge and skill.在稳固繁荣和保卫人民安全问题上,大小和力量并不起决定性作用。真正重要的是坚定的价值观、巩固的知识和过硬的技能。
Climate change is a threat, but it is also an opportunity.I understand that the
3、Chinese terms for crisis and opportunity are quite similar.气候变化是一种威胁,但同时也是机遇。我知道中国对于危机和机遇的理解也是非常相同的。
4、Meeting the challenges of climate change is our common responsibility towards ourselves, and for our future generations.Our goals must be both ambitious and achievable.迎接气候变化的挑战是我们共同责任,为我们自己同时也为子孙后代造福。我们的目标不仅要雄心勃勃还要保其可以实现。
Speech 2 Cooperate Internationally in Coping with Climate Changes ——挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格2007年在清华大学的演讲
1、This is where the torch is being passed to new generation of leaders.正是在这里,引领时代的火炬正在传递给新一代的领导者们。
2、China has a right to develop.中国有权利发展经济。
3、Great achievements often start with a vision that seems to be bordering on madness.伟大的成就往往始于看似疯狂的远见卓识。
4、China’s need for more energy may prove to be the driver of change that helps humankind solve the climate problem.中国对更多能源的需要可能会推动产生变化,而这一变化会帮助人类解决气候问题。
Speech 3 Enviromental Collaboration between China and USA ——美国前环保署署长史蒂芬·约翰逊2006年在清华大学的演讲
1、One of the America founders, Benjamin Franklin, once said, “The doors of wisdom are never shut.”
2、But unlike the lotus flower, which can bloom amidst the muck of a swamp, the availability of clean, abundant water resources is essential for the economic and environmental health of the U.S.and China.但是与出淤泥而不染的莲花不同,大量而清洁的水资源对中美两国的经济发展和环境保护尤为重要。
3、According to the World Health Organization, each year the indoor smoke caused by cooking and heating from wood, coal and waste biomass causes the death of 1.6 million people worldwide, and more than 400,000 people here in China—mostly women, and children under the age of five.据世界卫生组织统计,每年因用木材、煤炭和废弃物做饭和取暖产生的室内烟雾而导致全球160万人死亡,中国的死亡人数超过40万,受害人群大多是妇女和5岁以下儿童。
4、By relying on performance indicators that look at both the economy and the environment, you will be laying the foundation for an even greater and more sustainable economy…
Speech 4 Energy for the Future ——荷兰总理巴尔克嫩德2008年在清华大学举行的“未来能源”
1、We can learn a lot from each other.And we must.Because global problems demand global action and global cooperation.我们可以互相借鉴学习,而且我们必须这样做。因为,全球问题需要全球各国的行动和全球各国之间的合作来解决。
2、China’s concious decision to pursue “quality growth, rather than mere fast growth” is of great significance for the whole world.中国制定出追求“高质量增长,而不仅仅是快速增长”的明智决策将对整个世界产生重要意义。
3、Your efforts and ours will be even more successful if we work together more closely and more intensively on energy.It is without doubt in our common interest.如果我们能在能源领域开展更加紧密和广泛的合作,我们两国的合作将会更加成功。毫无疑问,这是我们的共同利益。
4、Let us continue to work together towards “Energy for the future”, believing that the sky is the limit.让我们坚信前途无限,携起手来继续为“未来能源”作出努力。
Unit 4 Establish a Harmonious World
Speech 1 Keep Your Dreams ——美国加利福尼亚州州长施瓦辛格200年在清华大学的演讲
1、But let me tell you something, my young friends.Keep your dreams.No matter what, keep your dreams.Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied.Keep your dream.但我要告诉你们,我的青年朋友们,执着于你们的梦想。无论如何,坚守你们的梦想。即使你暂时被打倒或被别人否认,也不要放弃你们的梦想。执着于你们的梦想。
2、Well, let me tell you.Even though you maybe have no money or anyting, you can go out and help a child that has not yet learned yet have to read.那么,就让我来告诉你们,即使你们没有钱甚至别无所长,你们也可以走出去,帮助那些还不会读书识字的孩子们。
3、There are all kinds of things that the individual can do to reach out and to help.每个人都可以各种形式伸出自己的援助之手。
4、All you have to do is create the action and commit,and say, “Let’s do it.”Go out and do it.你们所需要做的就是付诸于实际行动并全力以赴,并且说:“我们能做到。”去实现你们的梦想。
Speech 2 China and Europe--Global Partners ——丹麦首相安诺斯·福格·拉斯姆森2004年在清华大学的演讲
1、And, as a member of the United Nations and a significant factor in the global economy, China has much to offer in shaping our global future.而且,中国作为联合国的一员以及全球经济中的一个重要因素,在全球未来的事业发展过程中必然会做出很大的贡献。
2、Government must be an instrument of the people—not the other way round.政府应该是为人民服务的机构,而不是奴役人民。
3、Respect for democracy, human rights, freedom of information, social justice and the equality of citizens is fundamental in the future development of all modern states.尊重民主、人权和新闻自由、尊重社会正义和公民平等,是所有现代化国家在未来发展中必须遵循的基本原则。
4、Given these circumstances we must continue to respect diversity while ensuring the free flow of information, news, and ideas.鉴于这些情况,我们必须继续尊重各国的差异性,同时确保信息、新闻和思想的自由畅通。
3India and China--a Haumany of Civilizations ——印度国大党主席索尼亚·甘地2007年在清华大学的演讲
1、There is perhaps no other example of two countries, indeed two ancient many-splendoured civilizations, coexisting side-by-side, both in geography and in the realm of ideas, in peace and harmony,almost uninterrupted for millennia.也许还没有其他两国的古老灿烂的文化,能像这样跨越地理和思维的局限,和平融洽地共处近千年。
2、Our relationship has already assumed increasing importance to the stability and prosperity of the world at large.我们两国的关系对整个世界的稳定和繁荣产生了日趋重要的影响。
3、I have no doubt, however, that there is no problem that cannot be sorted out through free and frank dialogue and discussion 然而,我敢肯定的是,通过自由坦诚的对话和协商,没有问题是解决不了的。
4、With knowledge comes awareness, with awareness comes understanding, and with understanding comes an appreciation of the benefits cooperation between our two countries.知识可以促进意识,意识增进了解,了解则有利于强化两个合作利益。
Speech 4 Ireland and China:Friendship and Cooperation ——爱尔兰前总理伯蒂·埃亨2005年在清华大学的演讲
1、The healthy and positive development of our relations has been nourished by regular high level visits.两国高层首脑的经常会晤促进了爱中关系健康积极的发展。
2、A sign of a close and growing bilateral relationship is that it can include dialogue on a wide range of issues, including some which have started from different points of view.亲密不断地发展双边关系的标志是两国能就诸多问题展开对话,包括那些因不同观点而引起的问题。
3、As partners in the international community, China and Ireland have a firm belief in the value of international cooperation and dialogue which aims at defusing tensions and preventing conflicts.作为国际社会中一对合作伙伴,中国和爱尔兰都坚信国际合作与对话对缓和紧张局势及防止国际冲突具有重要意义。
4、Thus the greatest challenge facing in the international community is to prevent conflict and the causes of conflict, as opposed to dealing with its consequence.所以国际社会所面临的最大挑战,不是处理战后问题,而是阻止战争及消除隐患。Speech 5 Millennium Development Goals ——联合国秘书长安南2004年年在清华大学的演讲
1、They promised to spare no efforts to free more thatn one billion of their fellow men, women and children from extreme poverty, and to make the right to development a reality for all.他们承诺,将竭尽全力帮助世界上超过10亿的男人、妇女和儿童摆脱贫困潦倒的状况,真正实现所有人的发展。
2、It is theoritically possible that we might succeed in halving the proportion of very poor people in the world by 2015, simply because China had succeeded I lifting almost all its people out of that category, even if most countries in the Africa still had the same proportion.即使非洲大部分国家贫困人口的比例保持不变,理论上,我们还是可能在2015年实现将全球最贫困人口数量减少一半的目标——只要中国成功地引导全国人民摆脱贫困。
3、Others have replied that the doctrine itself is in a grave threat to international peace and security since it might imply that any state has the right to use force whenever it sees fit, without regard to other states’ concerns.也有人认为,这项条款本身就对国际和平和安全构成了重大威胁。因为这项原则可能暗示,任何国家都有权在其认为合适的时候使用武力,而不必考虑其他国家的忧虑。
4、I urge you all and your contemporaries throughout China to commit yourselves to finding answers to our century’s great challenges of poverty, disease and environmental degradation.我鼓励在座的各位,以及全中国与你们同代的人,立志为我们这个世纪所面临的贫困、疾病和环境退化等巨大挑战积极寻求解决方案。
Speech 6 The Relations of Latvia with China and Europe ——拉脱维亚前总统瓦伊拉·维基耶-弗赖贝加2004年在清华大学的演讲
1、Qing Hua University has been the alma mater of many of China’s most outstanding intellectuals and scientists, as well as such motable politicians as the current President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr.Hu Jintao.清华大学的学术成就享誉全球,一直是中国最杰出的知识分子、科学家和卓越政治家的摇篮,譬如现任中华人民共和国主席的胡锦涛先生。
2、However, even though Latvia and China are vastly different in size, even though they are separated by a considerable geographical distance, and even though their shores are washed by different seas, our nations have experienced similar turns of fate in their history.然而,尽管拉脱维亚和中国在国土面积和人口数量上有如此大的悬殊,尽管我们在地理位置上相隔甚远,尽管我们毗邻不同的大洋,但是我们两个国家在历史上都经历了相似的曲折命运。
3、The People of China and of Latvia both share the wish to ensure world peace and stability, to combat terrorism and international crime, to reduce poverty and disease, and to prevent the further environmental degradation of our planet.中拉人民都有维护世界和平和稳定的共同愿望,都反对恐怖主义和国际犯罪,防止地球环境的进一步恶化。
4、I hope that your efforts will ultimately serve to increase the level of cooperation between Asia and Europe, for our mutual benefit and for the benefit of the world at large.我希望,为了我们两国的共同利益以及全人类的利益,你们所付出的努力最终将把亚洲和欧洲之间的合作提高到新的水平。
Speech 7 Uniting the world against AIDS ——联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任皮奥特2008年年在清华大学的演讲
1、The Comprehensive AIDS Research Center of Tsinghua University is a real leader in the vital field of examining societal drivers behind the epidemic, and developing innovative strategies to counter them.在检测疫情背后的社会驱动力和研发遏制艾滋病的新策略这一重要领域,清华大学艾滋病综合研究中心走在领先之列。
2、AIDS is not over.AIDS, like climate change, is one fo the defining issues of our time.艾滋病这场战役仍未结束。就像气候变化一样,艾滋病是我们这个时代需要解决的问题之一。
3、In many cases community organizations are doing work that no other sector can do as well.For example, no one kowns better what support people living with HIV need, than other people living with HIV.很多时候,社区组织能做其他部门所不能胜任的工作。举个例子,没有人比同一个社区的居民更了解艾滋病病毒携带者需要怎样的帮助。
4、When prominent people lead by example---when they actively promote tolerance and reject stigma and discirmination---one of the biggest obstacles to winning the fight against aids disappears.当这些杰出的领导人积极倡导宽容时,当他们反对羞辱和歧视时,他们为我们树立了良好的典范,与艾滋病作斗争的最大障碍也就不攻自破了。
Speech 8 The Relationship between China and Britain ——英国前首相布莱尔2003年在清华大学的演讲
1、The thing that is amazing today is that the UK is now the number one destination for overseas students from China.We have got double the number of Chinese students as the United States of America.I like that.如今有一个令人惊奇的现象,英国已经成为中国学生海外留学的首选目的地,且在英国留学的中国留学生数量已经达到在美国留学生数量的两倍之多。对此,我很高兴。
2、So the thing that has impressed me most from benig back in Beijing is just the amount of change in China,and I think for the future the relationship between my country, the UK and China is going to be very important.此行再次来到中国,令我印象最我深刻的是中国这些年发生的翻天覆地的变化,并且我深信中国与我的祖国英国之间的友好关系在将来世界舞台上会越来越重要。
3、How you develop both economically and politically as a country is going to have a colossal impact on the whole of the world, and we need to make sure that countries like mine in Europe, countries like the United States, and countries like China are working together.贵国如何发展经济和政治,将会对整个世界产生巨大的影响力。所以我们也要努力促进世界各国,如位于欧洲的英国,北美的美国以及亚洲的中国紧密联系,互相合作。
4、You will be the leaders of this country in the years to come, and how you lead, and the values with which you lead, will make a difference even in my own country to the citizens there.或许,在不久的将来你们中的一些人将成为贵国的领导力量,所以你们领导国家的方式已经倡导的价值观都将改变这个国家,甚至改变万里之外我的祖国和人民。
万峰痛批寿险乱象:不去提供保障 反以投资为目的 直播
朱进元:保险作用远超金融作用 一些公司行为被过度关注 |万峰:全社会对寿险认识盲人摸象
央行货币政策司司长:货币太松 僵尸企业就很难去掉 |张志刚:近两年国企债务违约率直线上升
哈佛大学教授:中国越来越富有 投资回报不断缩水
五道口论坛主持人:证监会有紧急事项 希望是利好
社保王忠民:按信用逻辑搜寻 挖到的全是欺诈
王忠民:传统金融监管不利创新 建议不管行为只管信用
央行前官员呼吁减负:中国企业杠杆率全世界最高 吴晓灵谈一行三会改革:两个独立 两个紧密 |去杠杆不是消灭杠杆 影子银行不能人人喊打
吴晓灵接受凤凰财经专访 亲笔签名曝光 |中国目前空前重视金融安全
央行前官员:这7年放出了前30年2倍多的贷款 |有些互金投资者挣钱了偷着乐 出事了找政府
【闭门午餐会】周延礼:5-10年内 养老金缺口或8-10万亿 中投公司原总经理李克平:大资管行业大而不专 产品多而不精
央行副行长陈雨露4个字释放中国货币政策重磅信号 陈雨露:非常规货币政策存在明显的边界 |为供给侧结构性改革营造中性适度的货币金融环境
朱民:每次美元走强就会有一些国家进入金融危机 朱民:特朗普是全球金融最大的不确定性 |英国金融局原主席:为什么全世界利率如此之低?
屠光绍:一带一路反映了全球的利益和诉求 |“如何促进投资”是目前全球面临的问题
韩国央行官员:信贷扩张过快 央行要适度提高利率 |美国学者:国际金融中心有两大巨人 焦点图吴晓灵接受凤凰财经专访 亲笔签名视频
吴晓灵谈一行三会改革:两个独立 两个紧密 吴晓灵:要高度重视金融安全问题 吴晓灵:中国金融杠杆上升过快 央行陈雨露:希望实体企业立足主业 央行陈雨露:金融统计滞后于金融创新求 朱民:特朗普改变了债券市场的预期 屠光绍:一带一路反映全球利益和诉求
张晓燕:中国对互联网金融投资过于盲目 屠光绍:如何促进投资是全球面临的问题 屠光绍表示“一带一路”反应了全球广泛的利益,“如何促进投资”是目前全球面临的问题,“一带一路”倡议恰好为跨境投资创造机遇。[详细]
朱民:特朗普是全球金融最大的不确定性 朱民表示,全球经济金融最大的不确定性是美国经济的不确定性,是特朗普的不确定性。这是需要全世界予以高度关注的。[详细]
英国金融局原主席:为什么全世界利率如此之低? 他表示,在利率非常低的时候货币政策是无效的,我们现在是没有任何工具可用了,没有什么弹药可以用了,现在是出现了一个不可避免的选择。[详细]
韩国央行官员:信贷扩张过快 央行要适度提高利率 他表赤,当流动性的增长超过了一定的上限的时候,会对于整个经济带来一些预期之外的影响。[详细]
美国学者:国际金融中心有两大巨人 Wing Thye Woo认为,在全世界的国际金融中心当中有两大巨人:纽约、伦敦,除此之外其他的都是侏儒,都是小矮人。[详细]
渣打银行原行长:中国上市公司治理多借鉴经验少走弯路 对中国来说,可以走一些捷径,多借鉴一些经验,可不去走那些弯路,不再犯欧美西方的错误。[详细]
毛志荣:香港交易所董事总经理兼内地业务发展主管授 毛志荣曾历任深圳交易所多个要职,近职为策划国际部总监?金融创新实验室主任和衍生品工作组组长。
朱慈蕴:中国公司治理水平在下降 独董有花瓶之嫌 她指出,独立董事的功能有花瓶的问题。她以大家都比较熟悉的万科案件为例。独立董事张利平提出来要回避,引发的投票权争议。[详细]
谢佳扬:上市公司内控缺失是财务造假动因 她认为,作为上市公司来说,其实常常是因为内控缺失了,因为经营失败、战略失误,导致了有财务造假的动因。[详细] 王娴:推动机构投资者有序参与公司治理 王娴引述数据称,当下市场上充斥了大量的理财产品,有的说是60万亿,有的说是90万亿,这些理财产品按照国际通行的定义都属于机构投资者。[详细]
李东荣:数字普惠金融面临四大挑战 数字普惠金融在业务模式、技术属性、风险特征等方面的新特点,带来了一些前所未有的新挑战,需要引起普惠金融从业者的高度重视。[详细]
证监会巡视员:利用大数据对上市公司画像 达到分类监管 智能交易虽然能够快速、准确地捕捉到市场的变化,但是这种典型的趋势跟随策略会强化市场当前的走势,从而放大市场波动。[详细]
蚂蚁金服首席战略官陈龙:金融科技出现五个重要趋势 金融体系最大的问题一般会是两个问题,刚才前面的嘉宾已经有很多的阐述。第一个问题是难普难惠。第二个是脱实向虚。[详细]
廖理:现金贷的确改善了一部分人的福利 他表示,现金贷在国内是有市场的,的确改善了一部分人的福利,但是它也同时带来了恶意催收、过度消费的问题。[详细]
央行货币政策司司长:货币太松 僵尸企业就很难去掉 他认为,中性的货币政策就是不紧也不松,要保持流动性的基本稳定,要维护金融体系的基本稳定,防治发生系统性的金融风险。[详细]
朱进元:中国保险行业协会会长 经济学博士研究生,高级会计师。历任大连保监局局长助理、副局长、纪委书记,局长、党委书记,中国保监会办公厅正局级干部。[详细]
五道口论坛主持人:证监会有紧急事项 希望是利好 据圆桌论坛主持人何海峰透露,洪磊缺席是证监会有临时紧急事项,何海峰表示希望是利好消息。[详细]
信达证券董事长:近两年国企债务违约率直线上升 两方面原因使得转股工作现在是停停走走,另外,张志刚表述,近两年国有企业的债务违约率应该是直线上升。[详细]
周昆平谈银行改革:可以借鉴互联网金融的效率 他表示,涉及到银行业改革就是防范风险。现在金融风险中央很重视,银行业要把控制风险放在一个比较突出的位置。[详细]
周延礼:人口老龄化倒逼养老保险体系改革加快步伐 人口老龄化是经济发展的一个障碍,对政策的财政负担、有效的应对,都提出了严峻的挑战。[详细]
姜波:正研究监管沙箱 允许险企一定范围创新 姜波表示,保险监管思维模式的改变,需要大家对新事物有一定容忍度和灵活性,有个词叫监管沙箱,姜波透露目前保监会也对此进行研究。[详细]
上海保交所董事长:保险市场高度复杂 对监管要求高 保险加了金融属性以后,中间这一列加了金融属性以后,就衍生、派生出一些新的保险的品种。[详细]
社保基金王忠民:按信用逻辑搜寻 挖到的全是欺诈 按照信用逻辑去搜寻的时候,发现今市场当中惩罚的、挖出来的全部都是欺诈,全部都是一些用非信用的逻辑在金融市场当中攫取不当的收益。[详细]
李克平:中投公司原总经理 1956年4月生,陕西清涧人。1994年加入中国共产党,1970年参加工作,1982年北京大学经济系毕业。曾任中国投资有限责任公司副董事长兼总经理。
陆磊:中国人民银行金融稳定局局长,清华大学五道口金融学院战略咨询委员会委员 先后就学于北京大学经济学院、光华管理学院、澳大利亚国立大学及中国人民银行金融研究所。
张旭阳:百度副总裁 分管百度金融体系下理财和资产管理业务。国内资深的财富管理、资产管理专家,国内“大资管”时代业务领军代表人物,超万亿理财业务管理者。
冯鹤年:民生证券股份有限公司董事长 高级经济师,西南政法大学本科毕业,中国政法大学硕士,中国政法大学民商经济法学院商法研究所兼职教师。
余利明:国新国际投资有限公司常务副总经理 管理学博士。历任招商局集团执行副总裁兼投资委员会主席、招商路凯公司和中国南山开发集团董事长。
韩学渊:汉富控股董事长 拥有20年金融行业从业经验,熟悉国内外证券法则和会计准则,先后主持过多起国际并购和企业国内外IPO发行。
蔡雷:昆吾九鼎投资管理有限公司董事长 九鼎集团主要创始人及核心管理层之一,九鼎投资董事长。
International Taoist Forum on the Southern
Sacred Peak
理应内静人心,反观自我,外顺自然,善应万物,损有余而补不足,行谦让而止纷争。力促天人之和谐,共致世界之和平。尊道而为,天清地宁; 贵德以行,万物相生。执古之道,御今之有。尊道贵德,和谐共生!
The Greatest Tao is nameless, tranquil and natural;there are teachings of the mysteries, that show us how to follow the way of Heaven in our every 1
action.Only the Tao holds the position of greatest respect, only Virtue is honoured above all;to redeem the world and benefit its peoples, from the depths of history to modern times.In the world at present, science and technology develop alongside daily advances in civilization.At the same time, the desires of mankind grow unchecked, the urge to take runs to excess;as people fight each other for personal gain, it becomes ever more difficult to reconcile their mutual grievances.Eventually the distance between rich and poor grows ever greater, and conflicts grow rife;the natural world is disturbed and the forces of Yin and Yang fall into a state of imbalance.This year(2011), the year of Xin Mao, in the auspicious season of Autumn, followers of the Tao and Virtue converge together with benevolent individuals from all walks of life at the foot of Heng Mountain, by the shores of the Xiang River, to be bathed in the refreshing ambience of the sacred mountain and share in the profound civilization of China’s Southern Sacred Peak.With the last notes of the International Tao Te Ching Forum held in the Spring of the year of Ding Hai(2007), yet to fade, interpreting the profundities of respecting the Tao and honoring Virtue, voicing our wish for harmonious co-existence.We seek a way to achieve serenity of body and mind, peaceable relationships, a friendly environment and sustainable development.The forum considers the past whilst discussing the future, for a period of 2
three days;a group of elite minds will raise questions in pursuit of truth, reaching a common ground of understanding: Giving vent to unrestrained desires is the true root of disorder in nature;seeking unlimited profit is the source of strife between people.For such reasons the people of the world have become lost and strayed far from the Great Tao.One must know that the Tao of Heaven benefits without harming, that the Tao of the sage man accomplishes without striving.By adhering to simplicity and truth one may achieve spiritual peace, by honoring and rejoicing in life one gains a happy life;when the Tao follows nature, we draw closer to the goal of sustainable development, by joining together in benevolent and charitable love we will share in prosperity.We ought to quiet the mind and reflect upon the self, to follow the path of nature and act kindly towards all things, to diminish the excessive and replenish the lacking, to give way to others and cease all struggles.Using our strength to promote harmony between nature and mankind, working together for peace on earth.Acting out of respect for the Tao, Heaven and Earth are at peace;Acting with honor towards Virtue, all things learn to live together.Upholding the Tao of the ages, 3
as we face the present.Respect the Tao and honor Virtue for harmonious co-existence.
5月14日上午,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛(Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation)在北京开幕,国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表了主旨演讲。
Over 2000 years ago, our ancestors, trekking across vast steppes and deserts, opened the transcontinental passage connecting Asia, Europe and Africa, known today as the Silk Road.Our ancestors, navigating rough seas, created sea routes linking the East with the West, namely, the maritime Silk Road.▌古丝绸之路绵亘万里,延续千年,积淀了以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为核心的丝路精神。这是人类文明的宝贵遗产。
Spanning thousands of miles and years, the ancient silk routes embody the spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.The Silk Road spirit has become a great heritage of human civilization.谈历史与现实
From the historical perspective, humankind has reached an age of great progress, great transformation and profound changes.▌从现实维度看,我们正处在一个挑战频发的世界。和平赤字、发展赤字、治理赤字,是摆在全人类面前的严峻挑战。这是我一直思考的问题。
In terms of reality, we find ourselves in a world fraught with challenges.Deficit in peace, development and governance poses a daunting challenge to mankind.This is the issue that has always been on my mind.谈“一带一路”4年成果
These four years have seen deepened policy connectivity, enhanced infrastructure connectivity, increased trade connectivity, expanded financial connectivity, and strengthened people-to-people connectivity.▌100多个国家和国际组织积极支持和参与“一带一路”建设。
Over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in this initiative.谈对“一带一路”的寄望
We should build the Belt and Road into a road for peace, a road of prosperity, a road of opening up, a road of innovation.用数字说话
Total trade between China and other Belt and Road countries in 2014-2016 has exceeded US$3 trillion, and China's investment in these countries has surpassed US$50 billion.▌中国企业已经在20多个国家建设56个经贸合作区,为有关国家创造近11亿美元税收和18万个就业岗位。
Chinese companies have set up 56 economic cooperation zones in over 20 countries, generating some US$1.1 billion of tax revenue and 180,000 jobs for them.▌亚洲基础设施投资银行已经为“一带一路”建设参与国的9个项目提供17亿美元贷款,“丝路基金”投资达40亿美元。
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has provided US$1.7 billion of loans for 9 projects in Belt and Road participating countries.The Silk Road Fund has made US$4 billion of investment.▌中国将加大对“一带一路”建设资金支持,向丝路基金新增资金1000亿元人民币。
China will scale up financing support for the Belt and Road Initiative by contributing an additional RMB 100 billion to the Silk Road Fund.▌中国国家开发银行、进出口银行将分别提供2500亿元和1300亿元等值人民币专项贷款,用于支持“一带一路”基础设施建设、产能、金融合作。
The China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will set up special lending schemes respectively worth RMB 250 billion equivalents and RMB 130 billion equivalents to support Belt and Road cooperation on infrastructure, industrial capacity and financing.▌本届论坛期间,中国将同30多个国家签署经贸合作协议,同有关国家协商自由贸易协定。
During this forum, China will sign business and trade cooperation agreements with over 30 countries and enter into consultation on free trade agreements with related countries.▌我们将在未来5年内安排2500人次青年科学家来华从事短期科研工作,培训5000人次科学技术和管理人员,投入运行50家联合实验室。
In the coming five years, we will other 2,500 short-term research visits to China for young foreign scientists, train 5,000 foreign scientists, engineers and managers, and set up 50 joint laboratories.金句总结
These pioneers won their place in history not as conquerors with warships, guns or swords.Rather, they are remembered as friendly emissaries leading camel caravans and sailing treasure-loaded ships.2.历史告诉我们:文明在开放中发展,民族在融合中共存。
This part of history shows that civilization thrives with openness and nations prosper through exchange.3.古丝绸之路见证了陆上“使者相望于道,商旅不绝于途”的盛况,也见证了海上“舶交海中,不知其数”的繁华。
The ancient silk routes witnessed the bustling scenes of visits and trade over land and ships calling at ports.Along these major arteries of interaction, capital, technology and people flowed freely, and goods, resources and benefits were widely shared.4.历史是最好的老师。
History is our best teacher.5.发展是解决一切问题的总钥匙。
Development holds the master key to solving all problems.6.开放带来进步,封闭导致落后。对一个国家而言,开放如同破茧成蝶,虽会经历一时阵痛,但将换来新生。
Opening up brings progress while isolation results in backwardness.For a country, opening up is like the struggle of a chrysalis breaking free from its cacoon.There will be short-term pains, but such pains will create a new life.7.“一带一路”建设要以文明交流超越文明隔阂、文明互鉴超越文明冲突、文明共存超越文明优越,推动各国相互理解、相互尊重、相互信任。
In pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, we should ensure that when it comes to different civilizations, exchange will replace estrangement, mutual learning will replace clashes, and coexistence will replace a sense of superiority.This will boost mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual trust among different countries.8.“一带一路”建设将由大家共同商量,“一带一路”建设成果将由大家共同分享。
The pursuit of this initiative is based on extensive consultation and its benefits will be shared by us all.引经据典
In this lovely season of early Summer when every living thing is full of energy.►群贤毕至,少长咸集。
This is indeed a gathering of great minds.►桃李不言,下自成蹊。
Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees.►使者相望于道,商旅不绝于途。
The bustling scenes of visits and trade over land and ships calling at ports.►道路通,百业兴。
Building roads and railways creates prosperity in all sectors.►国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。
Friendship, which derives from close contact between the people, holds the key to sound state-to-state relations.►万事开头难。
The beginning is the most difficult part.►不积跬步,无以至千里。
A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time.►金字塔是一块块石头垒成的。
The Pyramid was built by piling one stone on another.►伟业非一日之功。
Rome wasn't built in a day.