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紧紧依靠改革创新 增强经济发展新动力 ——在第八届夏季达沃斯论坛上的致辞



Creating New Dynamism Through Reform and Innovation

Address at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2014

By Premier Li Keqiang 10 September 2014


Dear Professor Klaus Schwab, Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴和大家相聚中国天津,共同出席第八届夏季达沃斯论坛。我谨代表中国政府对论坛召开表示热烈祝贺!对各位远道而来的嘉宾表示诚挚欢迎!

It gives me great pleasure to meet you here in Tianjin at the eighth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or the Summer Davos Forum.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the Forum and a cordial welcome to all of you who have come from afar.本届论坛以“推动创新,创造价值”为主题,具有很强的现实意义。创新是人类社会的永恒话题,也是经济社会发展的不熄引擎。世界经济稳定复苏要靠创新,中国经济提质增效升级也要靠创新。近几年,中国经济之所以能够保持持续发展,向着健康方向前进,主要动力还是来自于改革创新。

The theme for this year's Forum, namely “Creating Value Through Innovation”, is a most relevant one.Innovation is an eternal topic of the human society and an inexhaustible engine driving economic and social development.Innovation is vital to the steady recovery of the world economy.Innovation is also essential to upgrading the Chinese economy and improving its performance.And it is thanks to reform and innovation that the Chinese economy has in recent years maintained steady and sound growth.今年以来,世界经济形势错综复杂,发达国家经济复苏艰难曲折,新兴市场国家经济增速放缓,中国经济下行压力加大。我们坚持稳中求进的工作总基调,保持定力,主动作为,不搞强刺激,没有放松银根,而是强力推进改革,大力调整结构,着力改善民生,保持了经济平稳运行。上半年,中国经济增长7.4%,居民消费价格涨幅为2.3%。在经济增速放缓的情况下,1-8月,31个大中城市调查失业率保持在5%左右,城镇新增就业970多万人,与去年同期相比多增了10多万人。

The global economic environment has remained an intricate one since the beginning of this year.The road to recovery in developed countries has remained bumpy.Growth in emerging market economies has slowed down, and the Chinese economy faces greater downward pressure.Facing this challenging environment, we have continued to follow the general principle of making progress while maintaining stability.We have stayed the course and pursued a proactive approach.Instead of adopting strong economic stimulus or easing monetary policy, we have vigorously promoted reform and economic readjustment, and made efforts to improve people's lives.As a result, we have maintained steady economic performance.In the first half of the year, the Chinese economy registered a 7.4 percent growth, and CPI rise was kept at 2.3 percent.Despite economic slowdown, between January and August, the surveyed unemployment rate was kept at around 5 percent in 31 big and medium-sized cities.More than 9.7 million urban jobs were created, which is over one hundred thousand more compared with the same period last year.经济下行压力加大,但就业不降反增,主要是改革发了力。本届政府成立以来,我们大力推进行政审批制度改革,各部门已取消和下放了600多项行政审批事项,今年又在全国推行商事制度等改革,企业准入的门槛低了,“紧箍咒”松了,极大地调动了全社会创业兴业的热情。1-8月,新登记注册市场主体800多万户,其中3-8月工商登记制度改革后新登记注册企业同比增长61%,出现“井喷式”增长,带动1000万人以上就业。我们不仅推进商事制度改革,而且推进投融资、税收、流通等体制改革,进一步打开了服务业等新兴产业发展的闸门,对扩大就业起到重要的“推进器”、“容纳器”作用。

Despite growing downward pressure on the economy, more jobs were created, thanks to new steps of reform taken.Since the beginning of this government, we have advanced the reform of the administrative review and approval system.Government departments have removed or delegated to lower levels administrative approval on over 600 items, and this year, the business registration reform, among others, has been carried out nationwide.This has lowered the threshold for starting businesses and removed restrictions on them, thus giving a great boost to business development in the whole country.Between January and August, the amount of newly registered market entities was more than eight million, and from March to August, with the business registration reform, the number of newly registered businesses grew by 61 percent over the previous year, all pointing to a massive upsurge which has generated more than 10 million jobs.In addition to reforming the business registration system, we have also introduced reforms to investment financing, taxation and logistics systems, and further opened the gate for the development of the service sector and other emerging industries.All these measures have been vital in fostering and increasing job opportunities.中国经济的积极变化,不仅表现在就业增加和居民收入增长上,也体现在结构优化上。简政放权加上“定向减税”、“定向降准”等财税金融措施,有力地支持了服务业、“三农”、小微企业、民营企业和新兴业态的发展。上半年,物流快递、电子商务等新产业、新商业模式迅速成长;新登记注册服务业企业增幅达70%以上,第三产业增速和比重继续超过第二产业,在国民经济中处于领先地位;民间投资占固定资产投资比重同比提高1.4个百分点;高技术产业和装备制造业增长均快于工业整体增长。

The positive changes in China's economy are not only reflected in the increase of jobs and residents' incomes, but also in the structural upgrading.We have streamlined administration, delegated powers to the lower levels, and adopted fiscal, taxation and financial measures such as targeted tax reduction and targeted reduction of required bank reserve ratio.All these measures have spurred the growth of the service sector, agriculture, rural area and the welfare of farmers, as well as small and micro-businesses, private businesses and emerging industries.In the first half of the year, new businesses and new business models such as logistics, express delivery and e-commerce all developed fast.The number of newly registered service businesses surged by more than 70 percent.The tertiary industry continued to outperform the secondary industry in terms of growth rate and share of GDP, and is a leading sector of the economy.The share of private investment in fixed asset investment increased by 1.4 percentage points year on year.High-tech industries and equipment manufacturing grew faster than the industrial average.结构调整深入推进,提高了经济增长质量。我们以改革创新为动力,一手抓压减过剩产能,尤其是淘汰落后产能,一手抓培育新的增长点。上半年,高耗能、高排放行业投资和生产增速明显放慢。单位GDP能耗同比下降4.2%,碳排放强度下降5%左右,是多年来降幅最大的。

Deepening structural readjustment has improved the quality of economic growth.On the basis of carrying out reform and innovation, we have reduced overcapacity, eliminating outdated capacity in particular, and fostered new growth areas.In the first half of the year, the growth of investment and production of industries with high energy consumption and emissions noticeably slowed down.The per unit GDP energy consumption dropped by 4.2 percent year on year, and carbon intensity was cut by about 5 percent, the largest drop in many years.经济总体平稳、稳中提质,重要的是我们实施了区间调控下的定向调控,抓住经济社会发展的关键领域和薄弱环节,更多运用改革创新的办法,聚焦在“激活力、补短板、强实体”上,精准发力,定向施策。这实际上是一种结构性调控,既包括改革,也包括调整,努力使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,大力破除市场障碍;更好发挥政府作用,努力促进社会公平。我们积极平衡国内国外需求,协调区域发展,缩小城乡差距,稳定农产品供给;我们还加强了中西部铁路、棚户区改造、污染防治等民生和发展工程建设,扩大的都是长期制约平衡发展的“瓶颈”,有力地支持了新型城镇化,也有效地增加了公共产品供给。

We have managed to ensure steady growth and improve the quality of the Chinese economy by taking targeted, range-based macro-control measures.With focus on key areas and weak links of China's economic and social development, we have used more reform and innovation measures to incentivize market entities, strengthen weak links, boost the real economy and ensure that our efforts are well-targeted.This approach, which was also structural adjustment in nature, involved both reform and readjustments.We have strived to remove market obstacles and make the market play a decisive role in resources allocation.We have also endeavored to improve the role of the government and promote social equity.We have worked actively to balance domestic and international demands, coordinate regional development, narrow the gap between rural and urban areas and stabilize agricultural supply and demand.We have strengthened the construction of railways in central and western China, the renovation of rundown areas, as well as pollution control and prevention and other livelihood and development projects.We have actively tackled the bottlenecks that have long constrained China's balanced development.All of these have vigorously supported the process toward a new type of industrialization and effectively increased the supply of public goods.在国际国内经济出现新常态下,我们保持定力、深处着力,更加关注结构调整等长期问题,并不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。比如说,7、8月份用电量、货运量等指标出现一些波动,这是难以避免的,也是在预料之中的,因为国内外经济形势仍然复杂多变,而且去年下半年我们发展的基数也比较高。看中国经济,不能只看眼前、看局部、看“单科”,更要看趋势、看全局、看“总分”。我们坚持区间调控的基本思路,只要经济增速保持在7.5%左右,高一点,低一点,都属于合理区间。尤其应当看到,稳增长是为了保就业,调控的下限是比较充分的就业。随着总量扩大,尤其是服务业发展迅速,经济增长的就业容量扩大了,对波动的容忍度也提高了。还要看到,中国经济有巨大韧性、潜力、回旋余地,我们采取的措施既利当前、更惠长远,有能力防范出现大的起伏,更不会发生“硬着陆”。但并不是说我们在发展中没有困难和挑战。相反,我们遇到的困难和挑战依然是艰巨的。Facing the new normal state of the global and the Chinese economy, we have remained level-headed and taken steps to tackle deep-seated challenges.We focused more on structural readjustment and other long-term problems, and refrained from being distracted by the slight short-term fluctuations of individual indicators.In July and August, electricity consumption, freight volume and other indicators fluctuated somewhat.That was inevitable and within our expectation.It was because the domestic and international economic situation was still complex and volatile and base figures for the second half of last year were relatively high.When observing the Chinese economy, one should not just focus on its short-term performance or the performance of a particular sector.Rather, one should look at the overall trend, the bigger picture and the total score.Judging by the principle of range-based macro-control, we believe the actual economic growth rate is within the proper range, even if it might be slightly higher or lower than the 7.5 percent target.In particular, we should realize that an important goal of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment, and the floor of the proper range is to ensure relatively adequate employment.As the economic aggregate continues to expand, and in particular, as the service sector develops rapidly, growth will mean more jobs and there will be greater tolerance to fluctuations.We should also be clear that China's economy is highly resilient and has much potential and ample space to grow, and we have a full range of tools of macro-control at our disposal.The measures we have taken are good both for now and for longer-term interests, and will therefore enable us to prevent major fluctuations and make a “hard landing” even less possible.However, this is not denying that our development faces difficulties and challenges.On the contrary, we are indeed confronted with enormous difficulties and challenges.今年后四个月,我们将统筹稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险,不断完善和创新宏观调控思路和方式,在区间调控的基础上加强定向调控,推进结构性改革与调整,抱定壮士断腕、背水一战的决心,推动牵一发而动全身的重点改革,着眼解决长远问题。一是继续从政府自身革命做起,进一步加大简政放权力度,深化财税改革,推进预算管理制度改革,使公共资金公平有效使用,继续扩大支持服务业尤其是研发企业发展的“营改增”试点;深化金融改革,推进民营银行试点工作,清理规范金融业准入限制,推进多层次资本市场发展;深化国有企业改革;推进价格改革,完善能源产品、药品和医疗服务价格形成机制;深化投资体制改革,推进政府购买服务、公私合作模式和特许经营制度。二是继续围绕破解深层次结构性矛盾,进一步增加公共产品有效供给,以带动有效需求,补上投资短板,扩大居民消费,拓展新的增长领域。三是继续用好和盘活财政、金融增量和存量资金,进一步加大对实体经济和新兴产业、新兴业态的支持,更多惠及“三农”、小微企业和服务业等。通过我们的努力,把“改革的红利”转化为“发展新动能”、“民生新福祉”。中国有信心、有能力、也有条件不断克服困难,实现今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标。In the four months ahead, we will coordinate the efforts to stabilize growth, promote reform, readjust the structure, improve people's livelihoods and prevent risks.We will continue to improve and innovate in the thinking and approaches of macro-control, strengthen targeted macro-control on the basis of range-based macro-control, promote structural reform and readjustments, carry out reforms in key areas of systemic importance with every determination to forge ahead and focus on addressing long-term problems.First, we will continue to press ahead with revolutionizing the government itself and further intensify efforts to streamline administration and delegate powers.We will deepen fiscal and taxation reform, promote reform of the budgetary management system so as to use public funds in an equitable and effective way, and continue to expand the pilot programs for business tax to VAT reform which is conducive to the development of the service sector, particularly the R&D companies.We will deepen financial reform, promote the pilot programs for non-state owned banks, sort out and standardize the limit requirements on access to the financial sector and develop a multi-tiered capital market.We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises.We will deepen price reform and improve the pricing mechanisms for energy products, medicine and medical services.We will deepen reform of the investment system and implement government purchase of service contracting, public-private cooperation models and franchise operation system.Second, we will continue to focus on tackling the deep-seated structural problems, further increase the effective supply of public goods to generate effective demand, strengthen weak links in investment, increase household consumption and nurture new growth areas.Third, we will continue to ensure efficient use of both the existing and the increase of fiscal and financial resources and further scale up support for the real economy and emerging industries and businesses, for the greater benefit of rural areas, agriculture and farmers, as well as micro-businesses and the service sector.These efforts are aimed at turning the gains of reform into new dynamism of development that would bring more benefit to the people.We have all the confidence, ability and resources to overcome the difficulties and realize the major goals of China's economic and social development in 2014.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,中国还是一个发展中国家,必须始终坚持以经济建设为中心。发展是硬道理,是解决一切问题的根本。经济发展方式不转变不行,经济发展不适度也不行。当然,我们所说的发展,是就业和收入增加的发展,是质量效益提高和节能环保的发展,也就是符合经济规律、社会规律和自然规律的科学发展。

China is still a developing country.We must give top priority to economic development.Only development will deliver progress.Ultimately, it is only development that will resolve all the problems in China.We cannot advance without changing the growth model, nor can we advance without adequate development.Of course, the development we pursue should be one that promotes employment, increases incomes, improves economic performance and boosts energy conservation and environmental protection.It should be scientific development, namely, sound and balanced development that is in keeping with the laws governing economic activities, social development and nature.当前,世界经济不稳定不确定因素依然较多,中国经济正处于深层次矛盾凸显和“三期叠加”的阶段,到了爬坡过坎的关键时候。下半年和今后一段时间,我们将进一步加快经济发展方式的转变,以结构性改革促进结构性调整,用好创新这把“金钥匙”,着力推进体制创新和科技创新,使中国经济保持中高速增长、迈向中高端水平,创造价值,打造中国经济升级版。

Currently, there are many destabilizing and uncertain factors in the global economy, and China's economic development also faces an array of overlapping and deep-seated problems.It is in a critical stage where its path upward is particularly steep.In the latter half of the year and beyond, we will further accelerate the transformation of the development model, push forward structural readjustment through structural reform, make good use of the “golden key” of innovation and promote institutional innovation as well as innovation in science and technology.By so doing, we will be able to maintain a medium-high growth rate, move toward medium-high level of development, create more value and upgrade the Chinese economy.加快体制机制创新步伐。中国经济每一回破茧成蝶,靠的都是创新。创新不单是技术创新,更包括体制机制创新、管理创新、模式创新。中国30多年来改革开放本身就是规模宏大的创新行动,今后创新发展的巨大潜能依然蕴藏在体制改革之中。试想,13亿人口中有8、9亿的劳动者,如果他们都投入创业和创新创造,这将是巨大的力量。关键是要进一步解放思想,进一步解放和发展社会创造力,进一步激发企业和市场活力,破除一切束缚发展的体制机制障碍,让每个有创业意愿的人都拥有自主创业的空间,让创新创造的血液在全社会自由流动,让自我发展的精神在群众中蔚然成风。借改革创新的“东风”,在中国960万平方公里土地上掀起一个“大众创业”、“草根创业”的新浪潮,中国人民勤劳智慧的“自然禀赋”就会充分发挥,中国经济持续发展的“发动机”就会更新换代升级。

We will accelerate the pace of institutional innovation.Innovation has been the ultimate cause of the leapfrog development of the Chinese economy.China's innovation involves not only technology but more of institution, management and growth models.China's reform and opening-up for the past three decades and more has in itself been a huge innovation drive, and the huge, untapped potential of innovation and development in the future still lies in institutional reform.Just imagine how big a force it could be when the 800 or 900 million laborers among the 1.3 billion population are engaged in entrepreneurship, innovation and creation.I believe the key to realizing that is to further liberate our mind, further liberate and develop the creativity of society, further energize businesses and the market, and remove all institutional obstacles to development so that everyone interested in starting a business is given more space for entrepreneurship and the blood of innovation could flow unhampered in a society where everyone is full of the spirit of self-development.When reform and innovation fuels the massive wave of entrepreneurship by the people and at the grassroots level on the land of the 9.6 million square kilometers of China, the enormous power of the diligent and resourceful Chinese people will be fully unlocked and the engine driving China's sustained economic development will constantly regenerate itself and remain powerful.中国全面深化改革未有穷期,政府带头自我革命,“开弓没有回头箭”。我们将继续深化行政管理体制改革,力争用更短的时间完成取消和下放行政审批事项的五年任务,释放市场潜能和发展动力。如果说简政放权是“先手棋”,那么制度建设就是“连环炮”。一方面,要拿出“权力清单”,政府应该干什么,“法无授权不可为”,这样才能防止公权滥用,减少寻租现象,使政府真正履行为人民、为大众服务的职责。另一方面,要给出“负面清单”,企业不能干什么,“法无禁止皆可为”,这样才能形成公开透明、预期稳定的制度安排,促进企业活力充分迸发。还有一方面,就是要拿出“责任清单”,政府该怎么管市场,“法定责任必须为”,以建立和维护诚信经营、公平竞争的市场环境,激发企业动力,鼓励创新创造。政府要加强事中事后监管,当好市场秩序的“裁判员”和改革创新的“守护者”。“只有拔掉杂草,稻谷才能长得茂盛”。宽容违法者,就是对守法者的不公,甚至会导致“劣币驱逐良币”的现象。对假冒伪劣、坑蒙拐骗、窃取商业机密等行为,不管是国内企业还是国外企业,都要一视同仁依法加以惩治。保护知识产权,就是保护发明创造的火种、维护创新者的权益。对严重侵犯知识产权的行为,要依法严惩,包括实行巨额赔偿惩罚,使违法者付出难以承受的代价,为创新助力。

China's effort to comprehensively deepen reform is an ongoing process.The government is taking the lead in conducting a “self-targeted revolution”.Just like an arrow shot, there will be no turning back.We will deepen the reform in the administrative approval system.We hope to complete the task of removing and delegating items subject to government approval, originally planned for five years, in a shorter period of time.This is to unleash the potential of the market and the driving force for development.If streamlining administration and delegating power is like taking a proactive move in the chess game, then introducing new systems is like a “serial blast”.On the one hand, we should provide the list of government powers which defines the scope of what the government should do.Items not found on the list will be deemed as not permissible.Only in this way could we prevent the abuse of government power, reduce rent-seeking and ensure that the government better performs its duty of serving the people.On the other, a negative list should be formulated which defines areas off-limits to businesses.Items not found on the list will be deemed as permissible.Only by so doing could we build open and transparent systematic arrangements with stable expectations and bring about enterprises' vitality to the fullest extent.Moreover, we should formulate a list of government responsibilities to define how the government should regulate the market.All items on the list should be fulfilled by the government.Only by so doing could we build and sustain a market environment that favors honest operations and fair play, energizes businesses and encourages innovation and creativity.The government should enhance ongoing and ex-post oversight and perform its role well both as a referee of the market order and as a guardian of reform and innovation.As a saying goes, only by weeding out the barnyard grass can rice grow properly.Being lenient to law breakers is tantamount to doing wrong to law abiding people.It could even result in “bad money driving out the good”.We will mete out stringent punishment to companies, domestic or foreign, that are involved in producing counterfeit, fake and shoddy products, engaging in fraud and deception, and stealing trade secrets.Protecting intellectual property rights is in fact protecting the kindling of innovation and creativity and the rights and interests of innovators.We will penalize serious IPR infringement to the fullest extent in accordance with the law, including imposing heavy fines to make law breakers pay insufferable prices, so as to propel innovation.加大科技创新力度。中国经济虽然已居世界前列,但许多产业仍处在世界的中低端,传统的粗放式增长路径已经行不通了,必须更多地依靠科技进步调整结构。这是一种战略性、结构性、创新性调整。我们将坚持有扶有控、有保有压,培育壮大新产品、新业态,促进服务业、高技术产业、新兴产业加快发展;积极化解产能过剩矛盾,加快传统产业改造步伐,淘汰落后产能,提升中国产品和服务业在全球价值链中的位置,使创新真正能创造出更高的价值;加强人力资本投入,提高劳动者素质,提升产业技术、质量和品牌水平。特别是要通过加快改革,解除对个体、对企业创新的种种束缚,中国有各类专业技术人员和各类技能劳动者近两亿人。如果这么多人哪怕是大部分人都能发挥出他们的聪明才智,形成“万众创新”、“人人创新”的新态势,体力加脑力,制造加创造,开发出先进技术乃至所谓颠覆性技术,中国发展就一定能够创造更多价值,上新台阶。

We will step up science and technology innovation.The Chinese economy is among the largest in the world, but in many sectors China still ranks fairly low and its traditional, extensive way of seeking growth has been proved unsustainable.Readjusting the structure must be driven, more than ever, by science and technology progress, and that requires strategic, structural, and innovative readjustment.We will support and provide guarantee to certain sectors and curb and scale back some others, cultivate and promote new products and new businesses and speed up the development of service, high technology and emerging sectors.At the same time, we will phase out overcapacity, accelerate the transformation of traditional sectors and eliminate outdated capacity so that Chinese products and China's service sector can move up the global value chain and more value could be created through innovation.We must invest more in human capital and increase the ranks of high-caliber workers.We will improve the technological sophistication, quality and brand awareness of Chinese industries.In particular, we need to step up reforms to remove restraints on innovation by individuals and companies.When the talent of all, or at least most of the nearly 200 million professionals and skilled workers is brought to the full, a new pattern of innovation by the people and innovation by all, supported by the massive physical and mental power of the people and the strength of China's manufacturing and creative capability, will be fostered.This, coupled with the development of advanced and even revolutionary technologies, will create more value and move China's development to a higher level.中国城乡和区域发展还很不平衡,差距大、潜力也大。推进以人为核心的新型城镇化,是最大的结构调整。我们将抓住世界新技术和产业革命机遇,加快“宽带中国”、“智慧城市”等建设,发挥城市星罗棋布带动广阔腹地发展的作用,促进城乡一体化和区域梯度开发,实现新型工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化同步发展;同时,大力发展民生事业,促进基本公共服务均等化,加强社会保障,包括为创业者中的失败者提供保障,这也是为他们再次创业提供机会。我们将继续扩大居民消费,形成内需拉动经济增长的新动力。China faces uneven development between its urban and rural areas and among its different regions.But the existing disparity, which is quite striking, can entail a huge potential.Promoting a people-centered, new type of urbanization will be in itself the biggest structural readjustment.We will seize opportunities brought by technological advances and global industrial revolution to speed up the development of such schemes as “broadband China” and “smart cities”, leverage the role of cities across the country in galvanizing hinterland development, promote urban-rural integration and a gradient development of different regions and bring about a synchronized progress of the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization.At the same time, we will vigorously develop programs related to people's wellbeing, promote equal access to basic public services and strengthen social security, including providing security to those who failed in their entrepreneurial endeavor to help them restart businesses.We will continue to increase household consumption and make sure that greater internal demand could serve as a new power to drive economic growth.中国经济还处于发展中阶段,但资源环境矛盾已经十分突出,必须加大节能环保力度。应对气候变化,既是中国作为一个负责任大国应尽的义务,也是我们自身发展的迫切需要。中国加强生态文明建设只会前进,不会倒退。我们已提出向污染宣战,并认真履行相应的国际责任,正在研究2030年前后中国控制温室气体排放行动目标,这其中包括二氧化碳排放峰值、碳排放强度比例下降、非化石能源比重上升等。中国推进绿色、循环、低碳发展不仅有决心,而且有能力,我们将紧紧依靠科技创新,进行艰苦卓绝、持续不断的努力,来加大环境治理力度,加快发展节能环保产业,着力完成节能减排任务,与世界各国一道为应对全球气候变化采取实实在在的行动。

The Chinese economy, now heading toward further growth, is also being weighed down by increasing resources and environmental constraints.It is imperative for us to enhance energy conservation and environmental protection.Tackling climate change is not only our binding international obligation as a major responsible country, but also the pressing need for our own development.There is no turning back in China's commitment to a sound eco-system.We have declared war on pollution and earnestly fulfilled our due international responsibilities.We are studying the action targets on greenhouse gas emissions control, including the peak of CO2 emission, the carbon emission intensity reduction and the increase in the share of non-fossil energy by 2030 and beyond.We have the resolve, the will and the capability to pursue green, circular and low-carbon development.We will keep focusing on scientific and technological innovation and make hard and unremitting efforts to step up environmental management, boost the development of energy conservation and environment protection sectors, fulfill the task of energy conservation and emissions reduction, and work with other countries to effectively address global climate change.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,人类已进入经济全球化深入发展的时代,各国利益相互依存,彼此命运休戚与共,世界离不开中国,中国也离不开世界。中国实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”,将会给世界带来发展机遇和巨大市场。各国间不应再是你输我赢、“零和博弈”,而应该是双赢多赢、互利共赢,唯此世界才能繁荣进步。中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,我们是国际体系的积极参与者、建设者和贡献者。我们致力于维护和平稳定的大环境,主张遵循国际关系基本准则,以和平方式、政治手段、通过对话解决地区冲突与热点问题。我们愿与亚洲邻国不断深化合作,妥善处理分歧,维护稳定安全大局,维护和平的秩序。我们倡导开放公平的全球统一大市场,支持多边自贸安排和双边自贸区建设“两个轮子一起转”,努力形成“面向全球的高标准自贸区网络”,反对各种形式的保护主义,更不赞成打贸易战。我们坚持实行更加积极主动的开放战略,完善开放型经济体系,重视稳定出口,也积极扩大进口,加快服务业、沿边和中西部地区开放,保持外资政策稳定,而且会更加开放。我们将不断完善和规范营商环境,继续吸引外国企业来华投资兴业,同时学习国外先进的技术、成熟管理经验和优秀的文化成果,兼容并蓄、消化吸收。中国永远做一个开放的大国、学习的大国、包容的大国,从中国国情出发,努力建设成为一个创新的大国。We now live in an era defined by deepening economic globalization, with countries increasingly depending on one another in interests and sharing their destinies closely.The world needs China, and China needs the world.China's endeavor to realize the two centenary goals(namely, to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021, and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the People's Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049)and the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation will present great development opportunities and a huge market to the world.Instead of “I win, you lose” or a “zero-sum game”, we need win-win or all-win, which ensures mutual benefit.Only in this way could the world prosper and advance forward.China is resolute in following the path of peaceful development.China is a defender and builder of the existing international system and is dedicated to maintaining an overall environment of peace and stability.We call for observance of the basic norms governing international relations and believe that regional conflicts and hotspot issues should be solved peacefully and politically through dialogue.We stand ready to deepen cooperation with our Asian neighbors, properly handle differences as there may be, maintain the overall interest of stability and security and uphold the order of peace.We advocate the building of an open, fair and integrated global market and support the establishment of both multilateral free trade arrangements and bilateral FTAs, in order to build a high-standard FTA network that is globally oriented.We oppose protectionism in all its forms and do not favor fighting trade wars.We will continue to pursue a more proactive strategy of opening-up and improve the open economic system.We will focus on stabilizing export and actively expanding import.We will move faster to bring greater openness in the service sector, as well as China's areas bordering other countries and its vast central and western regions.We will follow a stable and more open policy on foreign capital.We will continue to improve and standardize the business environment, in order to attract more foreign businesses and investment and draw upon and adopt the advanced technologies, mature managerial expertise and fine cultural achievements of other countries.China will always be a major country committed to learning from others and to being open and inclusive.Acting on the basis of its actual conditions, China will strive to become a major country driven by innovation.“大智兴邦,不过集众思”。也就是说,智慧来自于大众。我刚才强调的大众创业、万众创新将会迸发出灿烂的火花。我们比任何时候都需要改革创新,更需要分享改革创新成果。这用中国的成语说,就是众人拾柴火焰高。希望与会各位畅所欲言,共同探索改革创新和开放发展之路,共同谋划创造价值与互利共赢之策,为中国经济社会发展、为世界繁荣进步作出应有的努力与贡献。

As the saying goes, great vision that makes a country prosper is but the result of collective wisdom.In other words, wisdom comes from the people.In the same line, the massive entrepreneurship and innovation by all, as I emphasized earlier, will generate enormous power.Today more than any other time, we need reform and innovation and the sharing of the result of reform and innovation.To use a Chinese idiom, the fire will burn higher when everyone adds wood to it.I hope that all our distinguished participants will speak up your minds, jointly explore ways for reform, innovation and open development, share your views on how to create value and achieve mutual benefit, and do what you can to help China's economic development and world prosperity and progress.预祝本届夏季达沃斯论坛圆满成功!愿各位嘉宾在华工作顺利、身体健康!Let me conclude by wishing this Summer Davos a complete success, and I wish all of you a successful Forum and very good health!

谢谢大家!Thank you.











































 李克强在第七届夏季达沃斯论坛上的致辞

中新网9月12日电 据中国政府网消息,2013夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式于9月11日下午在大连国际会议中心全会厅举行,国务院总理李克强在开幕式上发表特别致辞。全文如下:以改革创新驱动中国经济长期持续健康发展


尊敬的克劳斯 施瓦布主席先生和夫人,尊敬的各位贵宾、女士们、先生们、朋友们:首先,我代表中国政府对第七届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺!对各位嘉宾的光临表示诚挚欢迎!
























Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum,Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴来到瑞士达沃斯。现在虽然仍处冬季,但我们在这里已经感受到了春天将至的气息和经济复苏的希望。今年是世界经济论坛第四十届年会。这使我想起2000多年前中国先哲孔子说过的一句很有哲理的名言,“四十而不惑”。意思是人到成熟之年,有更加开阔的眼界和更为豁达的心胸,这也寓意着我们应以更多的智慧,来理解与应对纷繁的世事。本届论坛以“改变世界:重新思考、重新设计、重新建设”为主题,共商后危机时代世界经济发展之计,体现了合作创新的精神。这对于集聚各方智慧和力量,“改善世界的状况”,具有现实意义。

It gives me great pleasure to come to Davos, Switzerland.Though it is winter, here we feel the spring of the coming economic recovery.This is the 40th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.And it reminds me of what Confucius, the great ancient Chinese philosopher, once said over two thousand years ago, “when one becomes forty, he will no longer suffer from perplexity”, meaning that when one reaches maturity in age, he will have a broader vision and be more open-minded.It tells us that we should have ample wisdom to better understand and deal with the complicated world as we gather today at this annual meeting to discuss important issues on post-crisis development of the world economy under the theme “Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild”.It embodies the spirit of cooperation and innovation.This meeting is highly relevant as it helps to pool the wisdom and strength of all to “improve the state of the world”.过去一年,面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,中国政府果断决策、及时部署,实施了保持经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,在较短时间里实现了经济回升向好。国内需求在中国经济增长中发挥了主导作用。去年中国国内生产总值增长8.7%,其中内需扩大贡献了12.6个百分点,弥补了因外需萎缩而减少3.9个百分点的影响。在内需中,投资需求贡献了8个百分点,消费需求贡献了4.6个百分点,表现出经济自主增长的强劲动力。同时,中国经济增长是开放的。去年中国货物进口10056亿美元,贸易顺差比上年减少了近1000亿美元,是世界第二大进口国和全球最大的新兴市场。中国国内生产总值增量达到3800亿美元,为世界经济复苏作出了积极贡献。

In the past year, facing the severe impact of the international financial crisis, the Chinese government made the resolute decision and took timely measures to implement a package plan aimed at maintaining steady and fast growth, and our efforts resulted in quick economic rebound and recovery.Growing domestic demand has p

layed a critical role in making it a reality.China’s GDP grew by 8.7% in 2009, wherein growing domestic demand contributed 12.6 percentage points, making up for the loss of 3.9 percentage points caused by contraction of external demand.Investment and consumption respectively contributed 8 and 4.6 percentage points, showing a strong momentum of home-driven growth in the Chinese economy.Meanwhile, our economic growth is open in nature.China’s imports of goods totaled 1,005.6 billion US dollars last year and its trade surplus dropped by nearly 100 billion US dollars over 2008, making it the world’s second largest importer and the largest emerging market.With an increase of 380 billion US dollars in GDP, China’s contribution to world economic recovery is obvious.为有效应对危机,我们大规模增加财政公共支出并实行结构性减税。2009年新增公共投资达7200多亿元,加上减税5000多亿元,相当于国内生产总值的约3.6%,既刺激了市场需求,促进了经济增长;又减轻了企业负担,增强了经济活力。中国的财政赤字则保持在不超过国内生产总值3%的合理范围以内。我们把民生工程作为公共投资的重点。在总额4万亿元的两年投资计划中,用于改善民生的投入占政府投入的50%以上,带动了居民消费。同时,大幅度增加社会保障投入,把基本医疗卫生制度作为公共产品向全社会提供,努力在13亿人口中推进“全民基本医保”。我们在促进增长中不放松调整结构,积极发展新能源、节能环保等战略性新兴产业,加快淘汰高耗能、高排放的落后产能,去年淘汰单机在10万千瓦以下的小火电机组达2600万千瓦。中国应对国际金融危机取得的成效,是政府正确决策的结果,更是人民勤奋工作的结果。正是中国人民的坚韧不拔,尤其是广大劳动者的辛勤努力,推动了中国经济平稳较快发展。

To effectively cope with the crisis, we increased public spending by a large margin and carried out structural tax cuts.In 2009, over 720 billion yuan of additional public investment and tax cuts totaling 500 billion yuan added up to 3.6% of the GDP.They stimulated market demand and spurred economic growth, while reducing burdens on enterprises and strengthening vitality of the economy.At the same time, fiscal deficit was kept within a reasonable range of less than 3% of the GDP.The focus of public investment was to improve people’s wellbeing.In fact, under the two-year investment program totaling four trillion yuan, more than half of the government-funded projects were designed to improve people’s wellbeing, and they boosted consumer spending.Meanwhile, we significantly increased input in social security, promoted basic medical and health care system for the people as public goods, and advanced “basic medical insurance for all”.While promoting growth, we spared no effort

s in readjusting the economic structure.We actively developed new industries of strategic importance, such as new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and accelerated the phasing out of outdated production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting.Last year alone, we closed down a total of 26 million kilowatts of coal-fired power generator sets whose single unit capacity was less than 100,000 kilowatts.China’s achievements in tackling the crisis are attributable to the government’s proper decision-making.More importantly, they have been made possible by all hard working Chinese people.It is the diligence, fortitude and perseverance of the Chinese people, that has ensured China’s steady and fast economic growth.去年四季度,中国居民收入、财政收入、企业利润与国内生产总值同步增长,价格水平由负转正,经济回升的基础得到巩固。但是国际国内经济环境中仍然存在许多不确定因素,今年中国经济发展面临的形势极其复杂。我们将保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,同时根据新形势新情况着力提高政策的针对性和灵活性。关键是处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构和管理好通胀预期的关系,着力提高经济增长质量和效益,切实防范可能出现的风险。

In the fourth quarter of last year, China’s central government revenue, household income and profits of businesses all increased in tandem with GDP growth.The price level turned from negative to positive, and the foundation for economic recovery was consolidated.However, there still remain many uncertainties in domestic and external economic environment, and the road toward China’s further economic development this year is beset by extreme complexities.To tackle these problems, we will keep continuity and stability of our macro economic policies, continue to follow a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy and make our policies better targeted and more flexible in response to new circumstances.The key in achieving this goal is to strike a balance among promoting steady and fast growth, readjusting economic structure and properly managing inflation risks.We will endeavor to raise the quality and efficiency of growth and take effective measures to fend off potential risks.需要强调指出的是,国际金融危机没有改变中国经济发展的基本面和长期向好的趋势。回顾去年,我们坚定信心、迎难而上,保持了中国经济平稳较快发展。筹划今年,我们有能力处理复杂局面,继续保持中国经济平稳较快发展。展望未来,我们有条件实现中国经济长期平稳较快发展。中国人口多,市场广阔,回旋余地大,正处于工业化、城镇化快速推进时期,现代化建设的进程不可逆转。中国经济


It should be stressed that, despite the international financial crisis, the fundamentals and long-term positive trend of China’s economic development remains unchanged.Last year, we acted with resolve and confronted challenges head-on, and succeeded in ensuring steady and fast economic growth.As we draw plans for this year, we are confident that we can stay on top of the complicated situation and maintain the steady and fast growth of the Chinese economy.Looking ahead, we are well positioned to achieve long term, fast and steady economic growth.China has a large population and a huge domestic market, and enjoys considerable buffer against setbacks.The process of industrialization and urbanization in China is picking up speed, and the process of modernization is irreversible.However, though China’s economic aggregate is among the largest in the world, its per capita national income is lower than some 100 other countries.Although cities and coastal regions have made progress in their development, people’s income is still very low in China’s rural areas and central and western regions.It is the strong aspiration of the Chinese people to live a better life and achieve all-round progress.And our efforts to achieve these goals hold out great potentials for development.我们还清醒地认识到,中国发展仍然面临许多挑战。后危机时代,国际经济形势还存在诸多不稳定因素,国内经济运行长期积累的矛盾亟待解决。经济结构不合理,增长付出的代价大,资源环境制约日趋严重。在我们这样一个有十几亿人口的发展中大国实现现代化,还需要战胜重重困难,付出艰苦努力,是一个很长的过程。站在新的历史起点上,传统的粗放型增长方式必须转变,过于依赖投资和出口的发展模式必须创新。这需要我们按照科学发展观的要求,加快经济发展方式根本性转变,加大经济结构战略性调整,着力创新发展模式。

We are also keenly aware of the many challenges in China’s future development.In the post-crisis era, the international economic situation will still be fraught with destabilizing factors, and the problems built up in China’s economic development over the years are still outstanding.The economic structure needs to be optimized.The economic growth is not cost-effective, and the pressure on resources and the environment is mounting.China, a big developing country with more than one billion population, has to keep working hard and overcome many difficulties before it can realize modernization.As we stand at a new historical junct

ure, we must change the old way of inefficient growth and transform the current development model that is excessively reliant on investment and export.We need to follow the scientific outlook on development, accelerate transformation of economic growth pattern, intensify strategic adjustment of economic structure, and endeavor to explore new development model.我们将立足扩大内需拉动经济增长。面对世界上潜力最大的国内市场,需要着力扩大国内需求特别是居民消费需求,千方百计扩大就业,加快健全社会保障的“安全网”,积极调整国民收入分配结构,提高中低收入居民收入,促进居民消费持续增加。同时,大力优化投资结构,不断改善投资效益。近十几年来,中国城镇化率年均提高1个百分点,一年有近千万人口由农村转入城市,既改变着城乡结构,又扩大了国内需求。需要继续积极稳妥地推进城镇化,逐步形成大中小城市和小城镇并举、沿海城市带和中西部城市群并立的发展格局。

We will focus on boosting domestic demand to drive economic growth.China’s domestic market has huge potential.We will strive to expand domestic demand, especially consumer demand.We will make every effort to increase employment, speed up improvement of the social safety net, adjust national income distribution structure, increase income of the low and middle income groups and work to ensure sustained increase in consumer spending.At the same time, we will optimize investment structure and continue to improve investment returns.Over the last decade and more, China’s urbanization rate has grown by one percentage point annually.Nearly 10 million people moved from the countryside to cities every year.This has not only raised the urbanization rate, but also boosted domestic demand.We need to continue to advance this process in a vigorous and steady manner, so that there will emerge a pattern of balanced development of large, medium, small-sized cities and small towns and parallel development of city belts along the coast and city clusters in the central and western parts of the country.我们将依靠技术创新和节能减排促进产业结构优化升级。随着世界经济结构调整和国内消费结构升级,中国产业结构优化升级势在必行。需要适应市场需求,以企业创新为主体,以技术进步为支撑,保护好知识产权,不断提高制造业产品质量和发展水平。同时,进一步加强农业基础,保障农产品供应;加快发展服务业,以吸收更多就业;继续淘汰落后产能,大力培育战略性新兴产业。1990-2005年,中国单位国内生产总值能耗及二氧化碳排放强度已经下降46%。最近,中国政府又提出,到2020年二氧化碳排放强度比2005年进一步下降40-45%,可再生能源和核能等非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%左右,这充分


We will rely on technological innovation, energy conservation and emissions reduction to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading.Adjustments of the world economy and upgrading of China’s domestic consumption structure require us to optimize and upgrade our industrial mix.We must adapt to market needs, encourage innovation of enterprises and be supported by technological progress.Efforts need also be made to protect intellectual property rights.These will improve the quality of manufactured products and raise the level of the manufacturing industry.At the same time, we will further strengthen the foundation of agricultural development and ensure supply of agricultural products.We will speed up development of the service industry in order to create more jobs.We will continue to phase out backward production capacities, foster new industries of strategic importance.Between 1990 and 2005, China’s energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 46%.Recently, the Chinese government announced the target of cutting CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% by 2020 from the 2005 level and increasing the share of non-fossil energies in primary energy consumption to around 15%, including renewable energies and nuclear energy.This clearly represents China’s commitment to voluntary energy conservation, emissions reduction and greater restructuring.We need to place more emphasis on saving energy, increasing efficiency and protecting the environment.We will speed up development of green economy, circular economy and low-carbon economy.We will actively tackle climate change and make sure that China’s economic growth is resource efficient and environment friendly.我们将坚持深化改革扩大开放。这是中国经济长期平稳较快发展的强大动力和有效保障。需要坚定不移地推进体制机制创新,坚持市场化改革的方向,继续推进价格、财税、金融、投资等领域的改革,更好地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用。进一步转变政府职能,深化国有企业改革,破除垄断、鼓励竞争,促进民营经济发展,增强经济增长的内生动力。30多年来,我们通过对外开放,与世界经济互接互补,引进国外先进技术、管理经验和高素质人才,吸收人类文明优秀成果,实现了中国经济快速发展,也为世界经济发展作出了积极贡献。目前,在中国的出口中,约55%是在华外商投资企业生产的商品。在中国的进口中,近70%是来自各国的工业制成品。开放使中国的发展成果为国际社会所共享,实现了互利互惠。我们将始终不渝地奉行互利共赢的开放战略,加快转变


We will deepen reform and open wider to the world.Reform and opening-up provides the driving force and effective guarantee of China’s long-term, steady and fast economic growth.We need to unswervingly advance institutional innovation and stay committed to market-oriented reform.We will press ahead with reforms in pricing, fiscal, taxation, finance, investment and other areas and allow the market to better play a primary role in allocating resources.We will further shift functions of the government.We will deepen reform of state-owned enterprises, break monopolies and encourage competition.We will promote development of the non-public sector of the economy to strengthen the inherent dynamism of economic growth.Opening up to the world over the last 30 years and more has closely integrated China with the world, enabling it to bring in advanced technologies, managerial expertise and high-caliber talents from all over the world and draw on the fine achievements of other civilizations.It has made it possible for China to realize fast economic growth and contribute its share to the growth of the world economy.Currently, almost 60% of China’s exports are products made by foreign invested companies in China.And up to 70% of China’s imports are finished industrial products from across the world.Opening-up has enabled the world to share the benefits of China’s development and brought about win-win results.We will remain committed to the win-win strategy of opening up.We will accelerate the change of trade growth pattern, innovate on ways of using foreign investment and making outbound investment and strive to achieve common development with other countries around the world.需要重申的是,中国的发展是和平的发展。“和”是中国五千年文化的精髓,也是中华民族不懈追求的理想境界。中国过去几十年的发展,是在总体和平的环境下实现的,从而能够聚精会神搞建设;今后的发展更需要维护一个和平的环境,才能一心一意谋发展,这符合中国人民的根本利益。在经济全球化的条件下,各国可以通过优势和资源的互补实现和平发展。作为一个负责任的发展中大国,中国将始终不渝地走和平发展道路,同世界各国一道,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。I want to reiterate here that China is fully committed to peaceful development.Peace is the essence of the 5,000-year-long Chinese culture and an ideal of constant pursuit for the Chinese nation.A generally peaceful environment has made it possible for China to achieve development in the past several decades and to focus entirely on development in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people.And a peaceful world is all the more important for China to con

centrate on development in the future.In an era of economic globalization, mutual complementarity of strengths and resources among countries can lead the way to peaceful development.As a responsible big developing country, China will remain steadfast on the path of peaceful development and work with other countries in a joint endeavor to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen, 一年多来,国际社会同心协力,共克时艰,取得了应对危机的初步成果,国际金融市场渐趋稳定,世界经济有望实现恢复性增长。历史是一面镜子,人类总是在反思过去中寻求进步,在应对挑战中实现发展。经历国际金融危机的洗礼,人们对发展理念、经济模式、治理结构、全球性挑战等问题,都需要重新认识、认真思考,以谋划好后危机时代世界经济发展之路。

Over the past year, the international community has worked closely to counter the crisis, and these concerted efforts have produced initial results.The international financial markets have gradually stablized and the world economy is expected to achieve recovery growth.History is a mirror.The history of mankind reveals that progress is possible if we learn from the past and breakthroughs can be achieved in the course of challenges overcome.We all have stood the test of the international financial crisis, and we all have to rethink and reflect seriously on the philosophy of development, economic models, governance structures and global challenges so that we can draw good plans for the development of the world economy in the post-crisis era.国际社会应对这次危机的一条宝贵经验,就是携手合作、共同应对,也弘扬了合作包容的理念。当今时代,各国的命运紧密相连,需要进一步共担责任、精诚合作,继续发扬同舟共济的精神,在错综复杂的环境中形成合力、实现互惠。各国的利益紧密相连,需要进一步加强交流、倡导包容,共同把“蛋糕”做大,在丰富多彩的世界中求同存异、实现共赢。

Reviewing international response to the financial crisis underscores the importance of working together in a joint response and it carries forward the spirit of cooperation and inclusiveness.In today’s world, the destinies of all countries are closely interlinked.That requires us to go one step further in jointly taking up responsibilities and work in tandem with each other so as to pool strengths for win-win progress in a complex environment.Likewise, the interconnectedness of interests of all countries requires us to step up exchanges and promote inclusiveness.We need to make the pie bigger, seek common ground while recognizing differences and achieve win-win progress in this colorful world.面对后危机时代,促进世界经济健康复苏和持续发展尤为重要。在此,我提出以

下五点建议。To promote sound recovery and sustained development of the world economy is crucial in the post-crisis era.In this context, I have the following proposals.第一,继续合作战胜危机。风浪并未平息,同舟才能共济。在全球化背景下,各国的经济相互依存、相互促进,各国的政策相互影响、相互作用。只有实现全球经济复苏,才能巩固一国经济复苏。过去一段时间,各国携手应对,减轻了国际金融危机的严重损害,节制了可能出现的较大衰退。当前,国际金融危机尚未结束,经济复苏的基础还不牢固,可能是缓慢而复杂的。避免复苏过程的曲折,降低复苏过程中存在的风险,需要各国继续合作。国际社会应进一步加强宏观政策的协调与合作,把握好经济政策的方向和重点,掌握好刺激政策退出的时机与节奏,使世界经济早日全面复苏。

First, we should continue to work together and prevail over the crisis.The storm has not subsided, and we have to continue working together like passengers on a same boat.In a globalized world, the economies of all countries are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.The policies of one country can well impact those of others.Only when global economic recovery is achieved can the recovery of national economies be secured.The recent joint response by various countries has reduced the severe impact of the international financial crisis and prevented a serious recession that might have otherwise occurred.The international financial crisis is not over yet and the foundation for economic recovery is still weak.Continued cooperation among countries is needed to avoid twists and turns and reduce risks in the course of recovery.The international community should increase coordination and cooperation in macro-economic policies, identify the right direction and priorities of their economic policies, and withdraw stimulus policies at the right time and right pace in order to bring about a full recovery of the world economy at an early date.第二,推动市场更加开放。这是继续应对危机的必由路径。开放是多边的,也是双边的。开放有利于扩大合作、推动发展、促进繁荣,“一加一”往往“大于二”。而搞保护主义只会加重经济危机,减缓复苏进程,最终也会损害自身利益,上个世纪30年代大萧条的教训就是明证。一年多来,各国表达了反对保护主义的立场,但各种形式的保护主义仍然不断出现。对此,国际社会应当坚决反对。目前,迫切需要把各方的郑重承诺转化为实际行动,继续推进贸易和投资自由化、便利化,推动多哈回合谈判早日达成更加合理、均衡的结果,使国际市场更加开放。

Second, we should promote more open market.This is the only way forward in our continued response to the crisis.Opening-up can be b

oth bilateral and multilateral.It helps increase cooperation, bolster development and promote prosperity.In this sense, one plus one is, more often than not, bigger than two.Trade protectionist practice will only exacerbate the economic crisis, slow down the recovery process and ultimately harm the interests of the very countries who apply such measures.The lesson we learnt from the Great Depression in the 1930s is a perfect example.In the past year or so, countries have voiced opposition to trade protectionism.However, protectionist practices in various manifestations have kept emerging.This is what the international community should firmly fight against.It is high time for all parties to translate their solemn commitments into real actions, and continue to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.It is important to ensure a more rational and balanced outcome of the Doha Round negotiations at an early date and make the global market more open.第三,促进世界平衡发展。推动开放是为了发展,改善民生更需要发展。我们不能忘记全球还有10亿人口仍在遭受贫困、饥饿的折磨。只有改变广大发展中国家的经济落后状态,才能解决温饱和实现减贫目标。只有开拓广大发展中国家的潜在需求,才能更好地扩大国际市场,缓解各国就业矛盾。国际社会应当从全局和长远考虑,以积极的态度拓展发展空间、促进平衡发展,进一步加强南南合作、南北合作,完善促进平衡发展的国际机制,加大对发展中国家的援助力度,如期实现联合国千年发展目标,使发展成果惠及各国人民。

Third, we should promote balanced development of the world.The goal of opening-up is to achieve development, and development is what we need in order to improve people’s livelihood.We should not forget that one billion people on this planet are still suffering from poverty and hunger.Only by helping developing countries out of economic backwardness can we ensure enough food and clothing for their people, achieve the goal of poverty reduction.And only by tapping the potential demand of developing countries can we expand the global market and reduce unemployment around the world.The international community should proceed from the overall and long-term interest of world, actively open up more space for development and promote balanced development.Efforts should be made to strengthen South-South cooperation and North-South cooperation, improve international mechanisms to promote balanced development, scale up assistance to developing countries and realize the United Nations Millennium Development Goals on schedule so as to deliver the benefits of development to people in all countries.第四,携手应对重大挑战。这是促进世界经济健康复苏和持续发展的紧迫课题。在气候变化、能源资源安全、粮食安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然


Fourth, we should jointly tackle major challenges.This is our urgent task if we want to ensure sound recovery and sustained development of the world economy.No country is immune, nor can it shirk its responsibility from tackling global challenges like climate change, energy and resources security, food security, public health security and major natural disasters.The international community ought to coordinate actions to meet the challenges.In the fight against climate change, countries need to actively follow up on the Copenhagen Accord, act in unison and be forward-looking.It is important to speedily conclude negotiations under the Bali Roadmap according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and promote comprehensive, effective and continued implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol.With a strong sense of responsibility, the Chinese government will continue to play an active and constructive role in international cooperation on climate change.第五,改善全球治理结构。无论是战胜金融危机、推动市场开放,还是促进平衡发展、应对重大挑战,不仅需要更多的共识和行动来推进,而且需要可靠的制度安排来保障。通过改进和完善已有架构,形成一个更有利于兼顾公平和效率的全球治理体系,以反映国际政治经济格局的变化,已成为各方共识。全球治理结构的改善,应当体现平等参与、合作包容的原则;需要优先增加发展中国家的代表性和发言权,尊重各种不同发展模式的选择;需要更好地发挥联合国和相关机构的基础性作用,发挥二十国集团的建设性作用。在金融治理方面,需要总结金融危机教训及应对经验,改革国际金融机构,加强全球金融监管,建立区域性资金救助机制,强化国际货币发行方的责任与约束,维护好世界金融稳定和经济发展。Fifth, we should improve the structure of global governance.If we are to overcome the crisis, open up markets, promote balanced development and address major challenges, we need not only more consensus and actions, but also reliable institutional guarantee.It has become a consensus of all parties to improve current structures and develop a more fair and efficient structure of global governance that reflects changes in the global political and economi





equal participation and inclusive cooperation should be followed in improving global governance.It is imperative to raise the voice and representation of developing countries.Choice of different development models should be respected.The primary role of the United Nations and relevant agencies and the constructive role of the G20 should be given a better play.In terms of financial governance, we should draw lessons from this financial crisis and learn from our experience in tackling it.We need to reform international financial institutions, tighten global financial regulation, and put in place regional financial assistance mechanisms.Accountability and discipline on the part of global reserve currency issuers should be strengthened.In this way, financial stability and economic development of the world will be achieved.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen,国际金融危机终将过去。这次危机留下的不应只是共克时艰的一段记忆,更应留下对世界经济发展和人类前途命运的深入思考,留下对未来发展路径的创新设想,以更好地推动后危机时代的世界经济发展。我相信,只要我们以合作的精神共谋发展,以包容的态度共创未来,世界经济就能走出一条健康复苏和持续发展的道路。

The international financial crisis will eventually be over.It should leave for us more than just a memory of our joint response to challenges.More importantly, it should provoke in-depth reflections on world economic development and mankind’s future, inspire our innovative thinking on future development, and help us ensure greater development of the world economy in the post-crisis era.I am confident that the world will achieve sound economic recovery and sustained development as we build a common future through cooperation and inclusiveness.谢谢大家!

Thank you!


























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