hamster 仓鼠ppt配套演讲稿

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第一篇:hamster 仓鼠ppt配套演讲稿

As we know, hamsters have become one of the most popular pets in the world.But, do you know what the species hamsters have? do you know what the life habit of hamster is and how to keep a hamster? Today, I’ll introduce you all of them.Hamsters are typically stout-bodied, with little tails, and have small, furry ears, short, stocky legs, and wide feet.They have thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, colored black, grey, honey, white, yellow, red, or a mix, depending on the species.The most famous and funny thing of them is they have elongated cheek pouches extending to their shoulders in which they carry food back to their burrows.(金丝熊)The best-known species of hamster is the golden hamster, which is the type most commonly kept as pets.Pet stores also have taken to calling them “honey bears”.They can be quite tame and easy to handle.(坎贝尔)Other hamsters kept as pets are the various species of “dwarf hamster”.Campbell's dwarf hamster is the most common—they are also sometimes called “Russian dwarfs”.(老公公Roborovskis are the world's smallest hamsters, just like a ping-pong ball.The coat is brown, the belly and side arches are pure white.Their large black eyes are emphasized with a white facial marking which slightly resemble eyebrows.Robs are extremely active, making them somewhat difficult to handle, but certainly entertaining.Before you buy any pet, make sure you have a home set up for them.If you are bringing home a new hamster soon, here is a list of supplies you will need before you get your hamster.Cage:Get a cage that is large enough, escape-proof, and easy to clean.Most hamsters are strictly solitary.If housed together, acute and chronic stress may occur, and they may fight fiercely, sometimes fatally.Therefore, please remember one hamster one cage.Exercise Wheel:Anyone who has kept a hamster knows what an energetic little creature it can be.In a single night a hamster may cover the equivalent of four human marathons.Hamsters love to run, and need the exercise.Make sure the wheel is quiet as well, since hamsters run at night(especially if your hamster will be in your room).Food:Choose a good quality food for your hamster.Pelleted foods offer a good nutritional balance and for many hamsters are a better option than loose food mixes.House:Your hamster will appreciate a private getaway for sleeping.It can be as simple as a small cardboard box, a plastic hide box or a wooden box

Bedding Material:Hamsters need to be provided with some soft material to build a nest in their hide-away for curling up in and sleeping.Bathing Sand: Hamsters can not be washed with water.You can provide a dish of hamster bathing sand, in which you hamster can roll to keep its coat in good condition.This is a panorama of a hamster home.We can see the cage, water bottle, grinding stone, wheel, food, little house, bedding material and only one hamster in it.Finally, let me show you my adorable pets.They are Kongkong and Silver.Kongkong is a Roborovskis and Silver is a Dwarf hamster.They have always been my little buddies and they are there the whole time with me through the bitter and the sweet.Both of them are more than two years old.I’m aware of the fact that they don’t have much time left, so I cherish every limited second with them.No matter how small hamsters are, they are also lives.As their owners, please treat them well and make their short lives happy.


亲爱的老师们,同学们.在这个特殊的日子里,我们三年级九班即将在这里举行一次主题班会,与过往的班会有所不同,我们这次班会的主题是”竞争 合作 双赢”.下面请看幻灯片。



在我们班每个同学都有自己的长处,与同学相比,我们的优劣在哪里? 与某某同学相比我的优势是,我的不足是,我应如何与他竞争?请大家记在纸上,2分钟后举手提问






















The 1940's were dominated by World War II.European artists and intellectuals fled to the United States from Hitler and the Holocaust, bringing new ideas created in disillusionment.War production pulled us out of the Great Depression.Women were needed to replace men who had gone off to war, and so the first great exodus of women from the home to the workplace began.Rationing affected the food we ate, the clothes we wore, the toys with which children played.After the war, the men returned, having seen the rest of the world.No longer was the family farm an ideal;no longer would blacks accept lesser status.The GI Bill allowed more men than ever before to get a college education.Women had to give up their jobs to the returning men, but they had tasted independence.Population 132,122,000

Unemployed in 1940-8,120,000

National Debt $43 Billion

Average Salary $1,299.Teacher's salary $1,441

Minimum Wage $0.40 per hour

55% of U.S.homes have indoor plumbing

Antarctica is discovered to be a continent

Life expectancy 68.2 female, 60.8 male

Auto deaths 34,500

Supreme Court decides blacks do have a right to vote

World War II changed the order of world power;theUnited States and the USSR become super powers

Cold War begins.Thewas the height of fashion among daring young men until the War Production Department restricted the amount of fabric that could be used in men's garments.The same restrictions led to the popularity of the women's , a jacket, short skirt, and blouse.The jacket could be shed for more formal attire at night.Silk stockings were unavailable, so, to give the illusion with stockings with their prominent seam, women would draw a line up the backs of their legs with an eyeliner.Oxford Baggies originated on the campus of Oxford University, England, during the summer of 1925.The full cut of these pants and cuff with a circumference of 22 inches allowed students to easily slip them on over their beloved knickers, which had been

banned by the University.Unlike the ZOOT SUITS above Oxford Baggies were more socially accepted and worn by the masses.Jazz clothing surfaced in 1919 as a new music called Jazz was first being performed.This JAZZ SUIT, identified by it's extremely trim, tight/pinched look, was worn by those in the theatrical profession.As seen in World War One uniforms the jacket has a unique waist seam.When the war and it's restrictions ended, Christian Dior introduced the , feminine dresses with long, full skirts, and tight waists.Comfortable, low-heeled shoes were forsaken for high heels.Hair was curled high on the head in front, and worn to the shoulders in the back, and make-up was socially acceptable.Silk stockings were first made popular in the 1940’s but they’ve been around since the 16th century.Several hundred years ago, women believed that silk stockings added luxury to one’s dress – especially if you were middle class.Silk stockings were not just popular hundreds of years ago;they’ve been an integral part of pop culture for over 50 years.Queen Elizabeth and Marilyn Monroe were often caught walking in silk stockings.Indeed, Marilyn Monroe’s iconic image is one with her wearing sexy silk stockings.Silk stockings were quite popular because they showed the shape and form of a woman’s leg – and they fit quite well with the miniskirts that were so prevalent in that era.Jitterbug

American soldiers brought Lindy Hop/Jitterbug to Europe around 1942, where this dance quickly became popular among the young.In the United States the term 'Swing' became the most common word used to describe the dance

Cabaret is a form of entertainment having comedy, song, dance, and theatre.Cabarets are mostly performed in a restaurant or nightclub with a stage for performances and the audience sitting at tables(often dining or drinking)watching the performance.The play begins with the people of Berlin living a fun, decadent life for which the city was famous, especially for those who frequented The Kit-Kat Club.Although the play begins with the emcee playful and happy, it ends with a moment that takes your breath away when he takes off a long military overcoat to reveal the striped pajama type uniform worn by Jews and Jehovah’s Witness who were persecuted by the Nazis.The term pin up girl was first used in the early 1940's.The now famous pin up girl images were originally published in magazines, newspapers, calendars and postcards.



邵原镇花园小学 李佳佳














Have you ever kept a pet?Such as some cats, some dogs or some rabbits?

Do you want to keep an animal as your little friend? If so……

Today I will talk about my favourite animal , hamster.There are a lot species of the hamsters.Just like “dong bai”, ”zi cang”, “hei bu ding”, “yin hu”, ”jin hu”, “hua po po” and soon.The hamsters are very cute, and its fur are very smooth.The hamster in the picture just like a ball with fur.The hamsters are different from the other mice, they have storehouses.They are used to store food.The picture is a hamster with two big storehorses.It is so funny.The hamsters colored black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red, or a mix.They are all very beautiful.The hamster has the front tooth which a pair grows

unceasingly, for studies the tooth by Japan first to introduce, latter took pet raising.The hamsters’ build is short and heavy,the tail is short.It can stand in a cup.It is so short.The hamsters are Nocturnal animal.They always active during the night about 7 o’clock to 12 o’clock or 0 o’clock to 4o’clock.They like sleeping.They always sleep like a ball.It makes me can’t stop to touch them.And they also love eating.During the day, they almost eat food.The hamster in the picture is eating vegetable.They always live alone like some cats.We often feed two ones together.They can’t stand the heat.So if you have hamster, must keep its house away from the sunshine.We must feed them some food.They eat seeds.Main food is the plant seed, the happy food is sunflower seed.Sometimes they eat the bug.And don’t give them dirty water.They love boiled water.The hamsters’ houses are very important, too.They don’t like to live in a house with some cotton.So we often let them live in these house.They fit these houses very much.And we need to wash them twice a week.We often use these things.They also need warm and love.This is my brother’s hamster.It is a “jin hu”.Its name is “shui shui”.Because it loves sleeping.About 12 hours a day.It is one times more than the other.It loves eating, too.When I see it, it just sleep or eat.Shui shui loves to eat vegetables.Such as tomatoes, carrots and so on.Some months ago, I went to my brother’s house with my cat.When shui shui saw my cat, it was very afraid.The mice always afraid the cat.But my cat was interested in shui shui.So it ran around the shui shui’s house.Shui shui had to stay at the corner for a long time.And there are some pictures about hamsters.That’s all.Thank you.

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