5.在真实语言环境中学习:我们创造了一个让所有学习英语成功者推崇的真实英语世界,让您与外教的充分交流中掌握 纯正英语。
体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 标题: 出国旅游口语培训学校的主要授课方式
关键词: 出国旅游口语培训学校
导读: 出国旅游口语培训学校是一类很多朋友都上过的学校,大家也特别的希望在短时间内把这类口语提升上去,所以此时此刻,我们就不得不提到了出国旅游口语培训学校的主要授课方式。
中影培训基地是由中国电影集团国家中影数字制作基地技术培训分公司联合中影影视后期分公司及影院动画分公司组织成立的,作为中影制作基地的人才储备与培养中心, 旨在向数字媒体专业领域和广大影视爱好者提供包括影视前期(包括影视前期创意,影视编导,表演,服装,化妆,道具,制片等), 影视后期制作(包括数字非线性剪辑、合成、跟踪,特效, 调色等),影院级动画的二维/三维制作,以及游戏制作、多媒体互动等方向的高端职业技能培训,从而满足中影制作基地的用人需求和填补影视产业的巨大人才缺口。中影培训基地依托中影制作基地强大技术实力和软硬件设备以及北京电影学院等院校丰富的师资力量,为学员的学习、实践和就业提供了可靠的保障。
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If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do? 答:首先,我会检查一下我自己是否有不足之处。如果有,我会向他们道歉;如果没有,我会耐心地向他们作解释工作,直到他们满意为止。
First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly.If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.2、问:如果他们故意找你麻烦,闹事,怎么办? If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do? 答:首先,我不会跟他们吵,骂不还口,打不还手,而是耐心地解释。解释无效,我会向上级汇报。当然,我想新加坡是一个文明的国家,应该不会出现这种情况。
First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly.3、问:你的爱好是什么? What are your hobbies? 答:看电视,读报纸。
Watching TV and reading newspapers.4、问:你以前在其他医院工作过吗?是干什么的?
Where did you work before you work in this hospital? And what is your job? 答:我毕业至今一直在启东市人民医院工作。做过儿科,妇科,产科,内科,外科等科室的护士。
I have been working in Qidong People’s Hospital since graduation from school.I worked as a nurse in several departments such as 儿科(pediatrics department), 妇科(gynecology department), 产科(obstetrics department), 内科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical department)and other departments.5、问:你在医院里月薪多少?
What’s your monthly salary in the hospital? 答:每月不含加班,人民币1000元左右。
About one thousand Renminbi yuan , not including overthime salary.6、问:你家里有多少人?
How many people are there in your family? 答:三个人,丈夫,女儿和我。
Three people: my husband, my daughter, and me.7、问:你来新加坡,你的父母同意吗?
You want to go to Singapore, and do your parents agree with you? 答:同意的,而且非常支持。他们希望我多学技术。
Yes, they do.And they support me very much.They hope I can learn more technologies。
Who will take care of your parents if you go to Singapore? If your parents miss you, or you miss them, what will you do? 答:他们身体很健康,还能干活,即使有事,也有我许多的亲戚,像伯伯和伯母啦,表哥表姐等他们会帮忙的。
They are very healthy.They can work now.If something happens, many of my relatives, say ,my uncles, aunts, and cousins, can help them.9、问:你结婚了吗? Are you married or single? 答:没有/ 结婚了。No./ Yes, I am married.10、问:有没有男朋友?为什么现在还没有结婚? Do you have boyfriend? Why have not you got married? 答:没有,我一直是单身。(或以前有过男朋友,但现在分手了,或有男朋友,但他也非常支持我出国锻炼。)
No, I am single./ I had a boyfriend, but now we were separated./ Yes, I have, and he also encourages me to work in Singapore to improve myself.My hospital is a state-owned hospital in general.However, there are investment from Hong Kong in the gynecology department, obstetrics department and pediatrics department, which I work at.And people from Hong Kong also manage the three departments.11、问:请谈一下你的医院好吗?
Can you tell me something about your hospital? 答,好的,它是一个全国二等甲级医院,是中国县级最高的级别,它还是世界卫生组织,联合国儿童基金会和中国卫生部命名的爱婴医院,它又是许多医科大学的教学医院。O.K.It is a Class-two Grade-one hospital in China.Among the best hospitals at county level.It is also a Baby-friendly Hospital named by WHO, United Nations Children’s Fund and the Ministry of Public Health of China.My hospital is also the teaching and training base or many medical colleges.12、问:请问你们医院有哪些科室?
答:There are 传染病科(Infectious disease department), 结核病科(tuberculosis department), 妇科(gynecology department),产科(obstetrics department), 儿科(pediatrics department), 内科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical department), 普通外科(general surgery department), 急救站(first-aid station), 眼科(ophihaimonogy department), 牙科(dental department), 耳鼻喉科(ENT department), 泌尿科(urology department), 皮肤科(dermatology department), 麻醉科(anesthesiology department),中医科(TCM department), 精神病科(psychiatry department), 骨科(orthopediacs department), 胸外科(cerebral surgery depart.)脑外科(thoraeic surgery depart).心脏内科(cardiology depart)心脏外科(cardiology surgery depart), 神经内科(neurology depart), 神经外科(neuro-surgery depart), 手术室(operation theater)等等and so on.13、问:请摘下你的口罩和手套,可以吗?
Please take off your mask and gloves, OK ?Or Would you please take off your mask and gloves? 答:可以的。OK。
When did you graduate from school? Which school and which program? 答:我是1995年毕业的,毕业于南通卫生学校,护干专业。
I graduated from Nantong Medical School as a major of nursing care in 1995.15、问:你已经工作了几年了?从哪一年开始?
How many years have you been working? From which year? 答:五年了。从1995年开始 Five years.Since 1995
How will you spend your salaries? How much money do you want to make In Singapore? 答:自己留一部分生活费用,其它寄回去,或存银行。
I will leave some for daily use , and post other money to my home, or save them in the bank
How many nurses and doctors are there in your hospital? 答:有100名左右的护士,有80名医生,还有2名美国来的外籍专家。About 100 nurses,80 doctors and 2 foreign experts.They are from
18、问:到新加坡后如不适应新环境, 新气候,怎么办?
What will you do if you can not suit the new environment and new climate in Singapore? 答:我相信自己的能力。再大,再难的苦,我都会挺住,何况逆境会造就人才!I have confidence in my ability.I can overcome every difficulties.Also, I believe that adversities can improve me
Can you take an introduction to yourself, and tell me all about yourself? 答:可以的,我名叫张平,我来自江苏省启东市,卫校(中专)学历,25岁
Yes, my name is Zhang ping, I come from jiangsu province qidong city , Set(secondary)degree ,I am 25 years old
一、选派类别和留学期限selected categories and study duration1、博士研究生(赴国外攻读博士学位):留学期限为36-48个月;Ph.D.(doctorate abroad): study period of 36-48 months;
2、硕士研究生(赴国外攻读硕士学位):留学期限为12-24个月;graduates(master's degree abroad): study period of 12-24 months;
二、优先资助学科、专业领域funding priorities disciplines, professional fields
Focus on selected areas of energy, resources, environment, agriculture, manufacturing, information and other key areas of life , space, marine , nano , new materials and other strategic areas and application of social sciences and humanities.三、资助内容:一般为往返国际旅费和规定留学期间的奖学金生活费。
funding Contents: General requirements for the round-trip international travel and living expenses during the study scholarship.四、申请条件
(一)申请人条件the applicant Conditions
Applicants should colleges and universities, enterprises, institutions , administrative agencies, research institutions and regular staff outstanding students at the school and meet the following basic requirements:
love the motherland and socialism , with good political and professional qualities , no law and discipline records, work, study, outstanding performance , upon graduation returned to the motherland construction services;
has a good professional basis and development potential, foreign language proficiency to achieve “ national language study abroad Funding conditions ” requirements;
3、身心健康;physical and mental health;
4、曾经享受国家留学基金资助出国留学的人员,回国后工作一般须满五年方可再次申请。who enjoy the state funded study abroad personnel , after returning to work for five years before they are generally required to re-apply.(二)申请类别及要求
Application, not older than 35 years(March 20, 1975 after the birth), with a master's degree , or an application for the fresh graduates or graduate students in reading(including fresh graduates)or PhD first year students.Applicants from universities should apply to attend college full-time students in reading(except commissioned training and targeted students).Application shall be submitted to the admission of foreign educational institutions photocopy , free tuition fee subsidy certificate or obtain copies of IELTS / TOEFL transcripts or foreign institution / tutor issued by foreign certification.Intake principle is the year of application.1、选拔办法selection methods
to take “ individual applications , the unit recommendation, expert evaluation , merit ”
approach to selection.Who meet the eligibility criteria of the Chinese citizens can apply for the required procedures.2、受理方式the admissibility of way
留学基金委委托各受理单位统一受理本地区的申请。受理单位负责接受咨询、受理、审核申请材料;留学基金委一般不直接受理个人及单位的申请。,CSC entrusted with receiving units to accept all of the region applications.Receiving unit is responsible for counseling , acceptance, review the application materials;CSC generally do not directly accept applications for individuals and units.3、评审、录取accreditation and admission
录取通知将根据项目要求通过各有关受理机构转发或由留学基金委直接发至申请人所在单位。CSC will be based on the specific requirements of the project organized experts to review the application materials , and according to experts opinions to determine a list of persons
admitted.Admission notice will be based on the project requirements through the relevant appellate body or forwarded by CSC sent directly to the applicant's unit.4、派出及管理sending and managing
Personnel sent abroad shall, before signing with the CSC “ funded study abroad agreement” and notarial deposit margin and the “ international travel health certificate ”,booking airline tickets and other dispatch procedures.After sending Scholarship Fund shall comply with study abroad personnel requirements and the “financing agreement to study abroad ,” the relevant conventions.Study period , students should consciously accept the embassy(consulate)Department of Education(group)management.5、具体条件the specific conditions
A certain standards of foreign languages,self-care ability ,sufficient financial resources,and be in good health.二、申请人的外语条件foreign institutions Foreign applicants for studying conditions
Applicants for studying foreign schools have some level of foreign language requirements , but different schools in different countries have different standards.United States, Britain , Australia, Canada , the new English-speaking countries and other common learning needs through English proficiency exams, such as TOFEL, GRE, ESE, GMAT, MELAB, IELTS etc.In IELTS , for example, Chinese mainland students to apply for the UK , Australia and New Zealand students , graduate students shall be 6.5 points or more.三、经济担保the economic security
Studying Abroad , applicants must prove that they have sufficient ability to pay tuition fees, accommodation , living expenses and other costs.Economic source methods are
self-financing , funding relatives , friends guarantees , access to scholarships or grants,work-study and other means.If you can get a higher institutions abroad scholarships, grants , can not guarantee the economy.四、外国对留学申请者身体健康条件foreign applicants studying the health conditions 申请出国留学必须身体健康,尤其不能有传染病、精神病。许多国家对申请者体检都有明确的规定和要求。申请者的年龄一般应在18岁以上,35岁以下。
Apply to study abroad must be in good health , especially not an infectious disease , mental illness.Many medical examination of the applicant countries have clear rules and requirements.Applicants should generally be in the age of 18 years , 35 years of age.四、支持我国公民自费留学政策to support our citizens studying abroad at their own expense the main policy
high school graduates , college graduates apply their own expense to study abroad at their own expense , to hold relevant documents directly to the domicile public security organs for study abroad at their own expense procedures.2、大专以上的公费在校学生和公费培训的大专以上学历人员(包括归国华侨、国外华侨、香港、澳门、台湾同胞和外籍华人的直系、非直系眷属)在国内服务一定年限或偿还高等教育费后均可申请自费出国留学。
a college student in the school of public funds and publicly funded training college education staff(including returned overseas Chinese , overseas Chinese , Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese immediate , non-lineal dependents)in the domestic service or repay certain number of years of higher Education fees may apply to study abroad at their own expense.3为鼓励在国内攻读博士学位,对博士毕业研究生自费出国做博士后研究不收取高等教育培养费。
in order to encourage domestic doctoral degree, graduate students for doctoral study at their own expense to go abroad to do postdoctoral training does not charge higher fees.剑桥大学 Cambridge
关注排名前3%的学生,而且这些学生的最优或最相关科目平均在90%以上……1.需要有良好的考试成绩记录,特别是在16岁之后的教育中的成绩;2.需要有卓越的院校推荐信;3.需要有合适的专业选择;4.需要有最佳的测试表现和高质量的书面作业;5.需要有学术潜力,即知识和技能、逻辑能力和清晰思路以及知识的灵活性、想象力等。其中,推荐信主要作用在于说明申请人在同学中的排名,与所选专业的关系以及所在学校和学习方向的情况。而申请人的叙述则侧重于对所选专业的兴趣,包括为学习专业进行的阅读和其他学习、课外活动担任的角色等。剑桥大学特别重视面试。申请学生需要在面试中展示出优秀的学术能力、独立思考的能力以及对所选专业的热情。Cambridge attention of the top three percent of the students, but these students the best or most relevant subjects on average more than 90% …… 1.Requires good record test scores , especially in education after the age of 16 achievements;
2.need a remarkable institution letters of recommendation;.need to have appropriate professional choice;.need to have the best test performance and quality written work;.need to have academic potential , namely knowledge and skills , logic skills and clear thinking and knowledge, flexibility , imagination, and so on.Among them, the letters of recommendation that the applicant in the main role of the students ranked the selected professional relationships and the direction of the school and learning situations.The applicant's narrative is focused on selected professional interests, including professional conduct for the learning of reading and other learning , the role of extra-curricular activities , etc.Cambridge particular attention to the interview.Students are required to apply in the interview show excellent academic ability , the ability to think independently and the selected professional enthusiasm.时间:Time:硕士入学每年只有秋季一次,9月入学。由于竞争激烈,申请英国大学最好从大三暑假就开始着手。
Time: Master Fall enrollment only once a year , in September enrollment.Due to intense competition , the best junior from British universities for summer vacation started.一、准备语言成绩:prepare language scores :
英国大学目前认可雅思和托福成绩。UK universities currently approved IELTS and TOEFL.二、费用:the cost :
Read English Graduate costs are a lot of students are very concerned about.According to our experience , on average, British Masters tuition plus living expenses for the year is generally 16 to 20 million yuan.Compared to other popular study abroad countries education expenses , because schooling is only 1 year , but the overall cost is cheaper.Especially in the last pound lower, to study in the UK will become more value.五、专业介绍:professional Intruduction:
Economics: Minimum IELTS 7.0 and less than 7.0 Speaking , reading , listening, writing is higher than 6.5 , there must GRE scores.英语和应用语言学:English and Applied Linguistics :雅思7.5或托福650,口语不少于7.0,阅读、听力、写作要高于6.5,要有GRE成绩。
English and Applied Linguistics : IELTS 7.5 or TOEFL 650 , speaking of not less than 7.0 , reading , listening, writing is higher than 6.5 , there must GRE scores.