
时间:2019-05-13 12:20:18下载本文作者:会员上传









She does 50% housework.32 She does 65% housework.33 He looks after the garden.34 He is not good at cooking.35 Philip


headache37death38 is repairing39 difficulty40 dishes

developed42 clearly43 secondly44 asleep45 heavily


the matter/trouble47 shouldn’t any48 Does have

decision to50 what should


To our52 make difference53 the more54 what to55 was dying


got57 duties58 remembered59 first60 everything

nurses62 sick63 tired64 taught65 stayed


66-70 CDEAB


Dear Alice,I’m sorry to hear you are ill.Don’t be worried about your illness.I think you will be better very soon.After you become well, you take more exercise and eat healthy food.You’d better have more fruit and vegetables.They are good for your health.At the same time,you should also get enough sleep.Do remember,it is the most important thing to stay happy every day.Yours,Mike



I.单项选择(每小题2分,共28分)()1.She wants ______.A.go skatingB.to go skatingC.to go to skate D.go to skate()2.Mr Li is a good teacher.He never gives us ____homework.A.a lotB.too manyC.too muchD.much too()3.—_____do you visit your grandparents ?—Every week.A.HowB.How longC.How muchD.How often()4.---What’s the matter ?---______.A.I’m coming in a minuteB.I have a bad cold.C.I’m going to buy some food.D.I watched TV last night.()5.—How often do you go home?

—___________.A.One a weekB.OnceC.OneD.Once a week()6.You should try to eat _____.Don’t eat junk food.A.healthy somethingB.healthy nothing C.something healthyD.nothing healthy()7._____he likes watching TV,he gets good grades.A butB becauseCAsDAlthough

()8.Some students watch TV threefoura week.AandtimesB but timeCandtimeDortimes

()9.Her lifestyle is the sameher brother’s.A.asB.forC.withD.to

()10.You don’t look,You should drink lots of water.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.bad

()11.They are leaving for London ____the morning of May 6.A.inB.onC.atD.for()12.--___you ____your homework this evening?—Yes, I am.A.Are , doingB.Did ,doC.Will ,doD.Were ,doing()13.I believe it’s important _____eight hours a night.A.to sleepB.sleepC.sleepsD.slept()14.You’ll be very ____when you have an _____ vacation.A.excited, excitedB.exciting, excitingC.excited, excitingD.exciting, excited II.完形填空(共10小题,共10分)

One day Mary__1__shopping with her mother.When they got__2__the supermarket, Mary was very__3__.There were many nice things and many people__4__it.Mary's mother told her__5__her.They walked around and they__6__some things for breakfast.When they came to one shelf(货架), Mary__7__some boxes of chocolate.Mary wanted her mother to buy some__8__her.Her mother gave__9__a box of brown chocolate.Mary shook(摇晃)her head.She

wanted a box of white chocolate.Her mother didn't understand her.“Why do you want a box of white chocolate?” asked her mother.“I won't bite my fingers(咬着手指)when I eat them__10__night.” answered Mary.After hearing this Mary's mother laughed and they left the supermarket happily.()1.A.wentB.goesC.to goD.going()2.A.forB.onC.toD.with()3.A.sorryB.happyC.sadD.good()4.A.onB.forC.atD.in

()5.A.followB.followsC.to followD.following()6.A.boughtB.takeC.carry(搬运)D.make()7.A.lookedB.watchedC.readD.saw()8.A.withB.forC.toD.about()9.A.herB.to herC.for herD.with her()10.A.inB.onC.atD.for Ⅲ.阅读理解(20分)


Mary is six years old now.This autumn she begins to go to school.She likes her teachers and has some friends.She studies hard and is good at her classes.So we think she's a good girl.It's Sunday today.It's fine and after breakfast the girl and her parents are going to the zoo.She likes to watch the animals very much.Now they're standing at the bus stop and

waiting for a bus.She sees her friend Jim and her grandpa there.“Good morning,Grandpa!” says the girl.“Are you going to the zoo,too?”

“Yes,we are,” says the old man.Then he says to Mary's father,“You have a polite daughter.How old is she?”

“Six,Grandpa.” answers the girl.“Six?” the old man says with a smile.“But you're shorter than my stick!” “How old is your stick,then?” 1.Mary is a ____________.A.teacherB.student C.worker


2.Mary is in Grade ____________ now.A.One

B.Two C.Three


3.We think Mary is a good girl because ____________.A.she's only six

B.she has some friends C.she likes her teacher

D.she's good at her classes

4.Mary and her parents are going to the zoo by ____________.A.carB.boat C.bus


5.Mary's Parents and the girl are going the zoo because____________.A.they like the animals

B.it's fine today

C.The zoo is near their house

D.Jim and his grandpa are going there,too


Old John went to see a doctor.The doctor examined and said, “Medicine can’t help you.You must have a good rest.Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early,drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day.” “ Thank you very much,” said Old John, “I will do everything you say.” A month later Old John came to the doctor again, “ Well,” said the doctor, “ I’m glad to see you.You look much younger.”“ Oh, doctor,’ said Old John, “I feel quite well now.I had a good rest.I went to bed early, I drank a lot ofmilk, and I walked a lot.Your adcice certainly helped me.But you asked me to smoke one ciger a day, and the one ciger a day nearly killed me at first.It’s no joke to start smoking at my age.”

()1.The doctor________.A.asked him to take some medicine

B.asked him not to take any medicineC.didn’t say any word about medicineD.gave him some medicine

()2.Old John ______ after a month..A.didn’t get wellB.got wellC.was youngD.was old()3.Which one is true ?

A.Old John smoked before.B.Old John didn’t smoke before.C.Old John didn’t smoke a ciger a day.D.Old John smoked less than before.()4.When Old John was ill , he looked _______.A.youngB.oldC.youngerD.older()5.The best title(标题)of this passage should be _______.A.Old JohnB.Old John Is illC.The Doctor’s AdviceD.Old John Did As the Doctor Asked Him Ⅳ.词汇:(20分)


1.Her parents are out now.She ___________(babysit)her sister.2.There are many________(different)between the two pictures.3.He thought about _________(go)to Greece last week.4.She ____________(exercise)every day.5.Mr Wang goes to Shanghai ______(two)a month.6.Let’s have a good eating ______(习惯)

7.Let’s go______(hike)in the mountains next weekend.8.That______(soung)nice, let’s go.9.They want to have a relaxing ______(假期).10.Some children live in the ______(农村).B)翻译短语。(10分)

1.患感冒____________________2.看牙医____________________ 3.此刻______________________4.保持健康__________________ 5.玩得高兴__________________6.有压力的____________________




10、乘船_________________ V.句型转换。(16分)

1.Lin Fei's home is about 10 kilometres from school.(划线提问)_______________________ Lin Fei's home from school?2.The old man often goes shopping by subway.(划线提问)_______________the old man often go shopping? 3.It took him 2 hours to finish the work.(画线提问)

_______ ______it ______ him to finish the work? 4.The girl is babysitting her brother.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答)______ thegirl______her brother? ______, she______.5.He is visiting his cousins for vacation.(就划线部分提问)______ ______he ______for vacation? Ⅵ.根据汉语意思完成句子。(16分)1.他嗓子疼,所以他应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。

He______________ sore throat, so he should drink some hot tea.2.好的食物和锻炼帮助我学习更好。

Good food and exercise______me______learn well.3.对于我们来说平衡饮食很重要。

It’s important________________________ a balanced diet.4.I hope you will enjoy yourself in the vocation.(同义句转换)

I hope you will________________________in the vocation.5.你能给我一些保持身体健康方面的建议吗?Can you give me______ ______ on my health? Ⅶ.作文:(10分)

请你根据一下信息,为马龙写一个40词左右的请假条。1.马龙因昨天在雨中与朋友踢足球而得了重感冒; 2.医生告诉马龙要多喝水,并建议他卧床休息三天。

October 25th Dear Miss Wang,_______________________________________________________________________________________________



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第一部分 听力部分(20分)

1-5 BCBAC 6-10 ACBBA

11-15 ABCBA

16-20 CBBCA


笔试部分(共100分)Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21-25 BACDB 26-30 ABDCB Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)31-35 BDADC 36-40 ABDAB

41-45 BCCBA III.阅读理解(每小题1.5分,共30分)

46-49 CADA 50-53 BDDC

54-57 BDDC 58-61 DBAC 62-65 CDAB IV.阅读填空。(每个单词限用1次,10分)





70.older 71.every




75.smiling V. 书面表达(共30分)

第一节 阅读表达(共10分,每题2分)

76.Pollution./Pollution problems.77.Yes./Yes, it is.78.About 3/three billion./3three billion.79.On /Since June 1,2008/June 1,2008.80.It can protect our environment and save energy./Protect our environment and save energy.第二节 写作(共20 分)

One possible version: Dear editor, I’ve just read an article in a newspaper about saving tigers.Recently I saw a few people sell bones of tigers by the roadside.I’m so worried about this.Tigers are endangered wild animals, and the number of tigers is becoming smaller and smaller.There are mainly two reasons for this.Firstly, some people kill tigers in order to make money.Secondly, people cut down so many forests that they destroy the living environment of tigers.So tigers are becoming fewer and fewer.We must do something to stop this.The government should punish the hunters severely.We should try our best to make the earth become the happy and peaceful home not only for humans but also for other animals.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


(Text 1)

W: I have bought a gift for you, Jimmy.M: Oh, a toy monkey.I like it very much.Thank you, Mom.(Text 2)

W: Let’s go to the space museum tomorrow.M: I have been there three times.Let’s go to the art museum instead.(Text 3)

M: The school concert is coming.What can you play, Anna? W: I can play the piano.由莲山课件提供http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资源全部免费 由莲山课件提供http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资源全部免费

(Text 4)

W: The Nile is the longest river in the world.M: You are right.(Text 5)

W: I got up at 7:00 last Sunday.What about you, Tony? M: I was sleeping at that time.I got up two hours later.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。

(Text 6)

W: What were you doing when it began to rain heavily last night? M: I was doing some reading in my bedroom at that time.W: What were you reading?

M: It is a magazine about the robots.听下面一段对话,回答第9-11三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题(Text 7)

W: Mike, let’s go to the movies tonight.M: Sorry, Mandy.I have no time.W: Do you have to do your homework?

M: No.My mother has a fever and I have to look after her at home.W: I’m sorry to hear that.When did it start? M: Last night.But she feels better now.听下面一段对话,回答第12-14三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 8)

M: Hi, Sandy!Could you go shopping with me after lunch? W: Yes, of course.What are you going to buy, John? M: Some cards for my family and friends.You know, Thanksgiving is coming.W: Will you be in China on Thanksgiving? M: No.I will fly to Canada.W: Good idea.Your parents will be happy to see you.M: I think so.听下面一段对话,回答第15-17三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 9)

M: Hello, this is Peter speaking.W: Hi, Peter.This is Grace.Tomorrow is Saturday.Could you go to the cinema with me tomorrow morning?

M: Sorry, Grace.I don’t want to do anything.I argued with my father yesterday.He didn’t allow me to play computer games for long.W: How long do you usually play them every day? M: About two hours.W: Oh, it is really a little long.听下面一段独白,回答第18-20三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 10)

Last week, Jim and his friends went to the forest.At first, they had a good time.Half an hour later, Jim got lost and couldn’t find his friends.It was all because he walked fast alone and didn’t stay with the others.He was very afraid.But he knew he couldn’t find his friends.At that time, he remembered that their teacher told them that if anyone gets lost, they should stay where they are and shout for help.So he did like that.Before he was too thirsty to shout, his friend heard him and came up to him.When they saw each other, they were happy and excited.由莲山课件提供http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资源全部免费 由莲山课件提供http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资源全部免费

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1.─ _________ will they return from holiday?─ In a month.A.How longB.How soonC.How fastD.How often 2.─Why don’t you have a notebook with you?─I’ve _________ it at home.A.lostB.forgottenC.leftD.found 3.Children shouldn’t be angry _________ their parents.A.atB.toC.withD.for 4.Miss Green didn’t tell us _________.A.where does she liveB.where she livesC.where did she live D.where she lived 5.Nine _________ a week? That’s very good.A.hundred ofB.hundreds ofC.hundredsD.hundred 6.----I don’t know if he ____________.----He will come if it _____________.A.comes;won’t rainB.will come;doesn’t rainC.comes;doesn’t rainD.will come;won’t rain7.─ What_________?─ I want to be an engineer.A.are you goingB.are you going to beC.will you areD.you will be 8.We’ll have _________ free time and _________ work.We’ll be very busy.A.more;lessB.more;fewerC.less;moreD.fewer;more 9.I need to get money to pay _________ summer camp.A.forB.withC.inD.on 10.He doesn’t have any money, _________.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.neither

11.─I saw Ann __ a green dress at the meeting.─I think she looks better __ red.A.dressed;inB.put on;wearC.wearing;inD.wear;put on 12.It’s dangerous _________ in the street.A.playingB.to playC.playD.plays 13.How much did you______ the house?

A.pay forB.cost forC.paid forD.cost on14.Don’t leave your books on the table.Please________.A.take away itB.take them awayC.take away themD.take it away 15.My mother wants me ________milk every day.A.drinkB.drinksC.drinkingD.to drink.16.Jim helped Li Lei ________ his English last week.A.inB.byC.withD.at 17.─ Why not ________ the music club?─ I’m sorry.I can’t sing or dance.A.to joinB.joinC.joiningD.to join in 18.He ____________ better in English if he works harder.A.doB.doesC.will doD.is doing

19.I’m going to ________ time with my grandparents this vacation.A.spendB.takeC.costD.pay 20.The accident________ on a cold winter morning.A.wan happenB.happenedC.was happenedD.happens 21.We played ______ last Monday.A.happy enoughB.happily enoughC.enough happily 22.He said it was ________ better if he did his own work.A.manyB.muchC.moreD.very 23.─ ________?─ It doesn’t work.A.How are youB.How much is your watch

C.Where is your watchD.What’s wrong with your watch 24.There ________ a football game next week.A.is going to haveB.is going to beC.will haveD.Will be have 25.The teacher made him ________ the word five times.A.writeB.to writeC.writingD.writes 26.I have two pens.One is yellow, ________ is green.A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another 27.There are some beautiful trees ________ our classroom.A.in frontB.at the front ofC.in the front ofD.in front of 28.I don’t know ________ yesterday.A.where he wentB.where did he goC.where to goD.he where to go 29.─ Rose and I will go to the cinema.─ ________.A.I, tooB.Me, tooC.I againD. of course, I will 30.Jim went to England.He will be back ________ a few days.A.afterB.inC.atD.on 31.—Nice to meet you , Mike.________?—Everything is OK.Thanks.A What are you doingB Where have you been/ 4

C How is it goingD What’s wrong with you

32.—Susan stays alone in the classroom and looks sad.—____to her? A What happensB What has happenedC What is happeningD What was happening

33.When you read English newspapers, please _______translate every word.A do try toB try to notC not try toD try not to34.Let’s play football together,______?

A has heB will youC shall weD is he35.Can you give me some _________ of advice?

A pieceB a pieceC one pieceD pieces

36.Most young people find ______exciting to watch a football match.A itB thisC thatD one

37.It will _____us several years to learn a foreign language well.A costB takeC spendD use

38.—Have you read a book called Jane Eyre?—Who _____itA writesB has writtenC was writingD wrote 39.How long ______your grandma_________?

A has;diedB has;been deadC did;dieD did;dead

40.While I __________to the English programes, mother_______ outside.A.listened;was washingB was listening;washedC was listening;was washingD listened;was washing 41.There’s little milk in the bottle,_____?

A isn’t thereB is thereC is itD isn’t it

42.—_____you ______the football match yesterday?—Yes, I did.It was great.A Did;seeB Have;seenC Will;seeD were;seen 43.My uncle has just _______abroad.He won’t come back this month.A gone toB goneC beenD been to

44.—How long have you ______the computer?—For about half a year.A boughtB foundC hadD borrowed 45.The boys _______themselves last night, did they?

A enjoyedB didn’t enjoyC haven’t enjoyedD have enjoyed

46.----Have you returned the book to the library ____?----Yes, I have ____ returned it.A.yet, yetB.already, alreadyC.already, yetD.yet, already 47.----____ have you lived here?----Since last year.A.How longB.How oftenC.How soonD.How far 48.He has been away ____.A.since a month B.for a monthC.for a month agoD.in a month 49.When did your father ____ your mother?

A.marryB.marry toC.marry withD.get married 50.___ she is over 40, ____ she looks young.A.Although, but B.But, althoughC.Although,/D./, but 51.My brother’s never been late for work, __________?

A.is heB.isn’t heC.has heD.hasn’t he 52.Neither a boy nor a girl __________ Hawaii before in our class.A.have been toB.has been toC.have gone toD.has gone to 53.We spend as much time as we can ______ English.A.readB.to readC.readingD.have read 54.There __________ great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years.A.has beenB.have beenC.wasD.were 55.He was seen ________ something from the shop.A.stealB.to stealC.to be stolenD.stealed 56.----Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please ?

----I'm afraid not.He ________ out.He ________ in 10 minutes.A.goes;comes B.gone;came C.will go;will come D.has gone;will come back 57.One of the club activities ________ by Mr.Smith.A.is holdingB.are heldC.is heldD.holds

58.He is a teacher.He has been a teacher ____ 1990 and he _____ by his students.A.in, is lovedB.until, lovesC.since, is lovedD.for, has loved 59.The students were all tired but ________ of them stopped ________.A.no, to restB.none, to restC.no, restingD.none, resting 60.Those boys didn’t start the work ________ their teacher come back.A.untilB.whileC.as soon asD.if 61.Math is a difficult subject ,really interesting and useful.A.orB.butC.andD.so

62.I want a new apartment.That’ sthan this one.A.comfortable B.more comfortableC.less comfortable D.most comfortable A.was watchingB.was hearingC.was listening toD.bought

64.I think there A.don’t , will haveB.don’t , will beC./, won’t haveD.do, is 65.Mary couldn’t her ID card, she look worried.A.look forB.findC.find outD.look up


67.Please get up early every day and keep this a good


68.She was lucky enough to the dangerous buildings finally.A.get out ofB.get upC.get offD.get over 69.Don’t worry.I can your dog when you go out.A.get along withB.say sorry toC.turn downD.take care of70.Mary’A.goodB.wellC.moreD.better

A.did do, madeB.is doing, is making

C.was doing, madeD.was doing, was making about their weekend plans.A.are talking happilyB.look happilyC.are excitingD.were interested ’s more delicious when it’s hot.A.hasB.becomesC.takesD.makes 74.Lily is over there, she is talking to a friend A.onB.inC.byD.for

football in the park.A.is, playB.is, will playC.will be, will playD.will be, can have

A.to turn it downB.to turn it onC.turn down itD.to turn on it ?

A.study English wellB.studies English well

C.studying English wellD.to study English well

78.—You don’A.I think itB.I think soC.I don’t think soD.I don’t think it the teacher came in.A.whenB.whileC.afterD.that

80.---Lucy, This semester you are hard—working.-----A.Don’t say soB.It’s very kindC.Thank youD.You are good



Yesterday Tom had no work to do after lunch.So his father asked him ______(go)to the bookstore to buy a few books.He _____(hurry)to the bus stop and arrived there at three.When he ____(wait)for a bus, he saw a little dog.It ___________(go)across the street.Just then a car ____(come), driving fast.But it ______(be)too late.The dog _______(fall)down and(not move)______

―Poor dog!‖ he cried.But look!Suddenly it ________(stand)up and went away.He was very glad ______(find)it was safe.B

We’re having a w________time in New Orleans.It’s so great to be here during Carnival time or Mardi Gras, as it’s called in the brochure.New Orleans is always lively,but it’s so much more fun to go s___________here at the moment.We have eaten some d________food here –very hot!We have enjoyed music played by a great band on the famous Bourbon Street and have d_________lots of beer!We’ve even been on a boat t_____on Mississippi and luckily I didn’t f______into the river!Then ,sadly, it’s just one more night before we have to get on our p______.It has been such an enjoyable time and it seems I’ve lived in a d_____.I’ve taken many p______and I want to s________them to my classmates.C

Kate’s grandmother is 60 years old.She likes _________(drive)very much and she __________(drive)for over 35years.She doesn’t drive fast these years because she is old.She drives well and never _____________(have)an accident.Sometimes Kate says to her, ―Please _______(not drive)your car, I can ______(take)you to the shops in mine.‖ But she always says, ―No, I like driving.I don’t want _________(stop)now.One day, she___________(stop)her car at the traffic lights because they were red.But when the lights ___________(turn)green, she couldn’t start her car and the lights ________(change)on.Just then a policeman __________(come)

1.In the future, kids will study at home on c___________.2.He is r___________ like his mother.3.We were having fun c__________ the mountain at that time.4.I’m going to become a ____________(职业的)basketball player.5.L_________(幸运), they all passed the exam.6.Have you been to the __________(主题)park?

7.We’re very happy to see the beautiful __________(景色).8.Can you tell me the ______(主要的)idea of this passage? 9.He didn’t ______(出现)until ten o’clock last night

10.Mr.Wu is a teacher with a lot of _______(经验).He has ways to make his class

lively.11.My mother has much ________(知识)of geography.12.The fans ____(鼓掌)and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.13.Jay sang the song________(beautiful).14.The water in the river is_______(harm).You can drink it without cooking.15.When I passed the driving test, I thought I was the_____(luck)person in the world.16.Danny and Daniel are brothers, and their_____(wife)are sisters.That’s interesting.17.This dress is very popular this year.Do you know who the ________(design)is?

18.What do you think about the air __________(pollute)in your


19.They stopped __________(talk)and listened to their teacher..20.Many people use computers in their ______(day)lives.21.Marcia said that she _________(have)a party for her son.22.2.Have you ever to meet a _____________(foreign)23.3.He was ____________(luck)enough to find the good job.24.4.Iris made her brother ____________(wash)the dishes 25.5.Could you please _____________(pass)me the pen, please.26.1.Jordan is a famous __________ _______________(职业篮球运动员)。27.2.Linda _________(争吵)her friend the day before yesterday.28.3.Reading can help you_______(打开)your eyes to the outside world.29.4.I hope my father and mother are _________________(身体健康)30.5.She ________(大概)thinks she's right when she says thing like that.三句型


He was helping the teacher ________________ the books at this time yesterday.2.这个游戏的目的是周游世界了解各地的历史。

The goal of the game is to _______ ______ the world to learn the history of each place.3.她边等车边看书。

He was reading ________ he was waiting for a bus.4.老人独自住在林子里,但他并不感到孤独。

The old man lives ________ in the village, but he does not ________________.5.我去过北京两次。我是在2001和2004年去那里的。

I have ________ to Beijing twice.I ________ there in 2001 and 2004.6.我们的理想迟早会实现的。

Our idea will _________ _________ sooner or later.7.他在大学里受到过良好的教育。

He _________ good ____________ in college.8.他问我是否可以抄袭我的作业。

He asked me __________ he could__________ my homework.9.前天她同她最好的朋友争吵了。

She _____________ ______________ her best friend the day before yesterday.10.她是个如此可爱的女孩,人人都喜欢她。

She is ____________ a lovely girl ___________ everyone likes her.





一、选择题(全部为单选,每小题2分,共40分)___1.《人民日报》的“元旦社论”打上了鲜明的时代印记,成为民众了解党和国家政策的风向号标。下列社论发表于新中国成立初期的是()A.在伟大爱国主义旗帜下巩固我们的伟大祖国B.把无产阶级文化大革命进行到底 场考 C.在十八精神指引下胜利前进D.迎接新世纪的曙光考2.毛泽东曾兴奋地说:“我为新中国数万万农民获得翻身的机会和国家获得工业化的基本条 件而表示高兴,表示庆贺。”据此可知,让毛泽东高兴的是()_A.新中国成立B.抗美援朝的胜利 __C.土地改革的完成D.“一五”计划完成 ___3.标志着西藏从黑暗走向光明,从分离走向团结,从落后走向进步的重要转折点是()_A.新中国成立B.西藏和平解放 姓名C.社会主义改造完成D.十一届三中全会召开4.时下人们爱用“最美”这一词赞美在危难关头舍己救人的英雄人物,如“最美女教师张 丽莉”“最美司机吴斌”„„在二十世纪五十年代人们用“最可爱的人”来赞美抗美援朝中 _涌现出的英雄人物。被誉为“最可爱的人”的英雄人物是()___①黄继光②董存瑞③邱少云④杨靖宇 __A.①②B.②③C.①③D.③④ _级5.1956年,一座宏伟的汽车城——第一汽车制造厂在长春建立。下列与其相关的事件是()班A.实行土地改革B.实行农业合作化 __C.实行第一个五年计划D.中共八大的召开 __6.右图是一套纪念邮票照片,上面写着人民代表大会成立五十周年。请问这套邮票是哪一__年发行的()_校A.1982年学B.1999年C.2004年__D.2012年 __7.党的十八大突出强调社会主义初级阶段这个最大国情、最大实际。我们知道,中国进入__社会主义初级阶段的标志是()_)A.中华人民共和国的成立 B.一五计划的完成 市 C.三大改造的基本完成 D.家庭联产承包责任制(县8.20世纪中期,四川有一首歌谣:“稻米赶黄豆,黄豆像地瓜;芝麻赛玉米,玉米有人大;






铭记。”1980年我国首先设立的四个经济特区是()①深圳②珠海③上海④汕头⑤厦门 A.①②③④B.②③④⑤C.①③④⑤D.①②④⑤ 11.会议重新确立解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,作出将党和国家的工作重心转移到经济建设上,是建国以来党的历史上具有深远意义的转折。这次会议是()A.中共十一届三中全会B.中共十二大 C.中共十四大D.中共十五大 12.十一届三中全会召开以后,中国共产党领导全国人民走上了改革开放的新征程。下面不属于改革开放后创新举措的是()A.农村实行家庭联产承包责任制B.设立经济特区C.实行民族区域自治D.国有企业实行政企分开 13.当前,提高人民军队战斗力的主要途径应该是()A.扩充兵源B.增加兵种C.科技强军D.发展核武器 14.1971年11月8日,美国《时代》周刊以周恩来总理为封面人物,并在封面上 写着:“The Chinese are coming”。美国人发出这样感慨的主要原因是()A.周恩来提出和平共处五项原则 B.中国恢复在联合国的合法席位 C.中美正式建立外交关系 D.美国乒乓球队访华 15.阅读以下对联,“学习文化重科技,尊重知识强教育”。“科技繁荣百业荣,教育兴旺万家旺。”上述两副对联较为合适的横批是()A.科学发展B.科教兴国C.和谐发展D.改革开放 16.互联网技术的飞速进步,深深影响着人们的生活,网络语言的出现就是一个缩影。像“喜欢”叫做“稀饭”、“哥哥”简称“GG”、“我”叫做“偶”。下面对此有关的评价错误的是()


B.网络语言别具特色C.该观点对网络持完全否定态度D.对于网络语言,我们最好坚持“网络语言有风险,使用需谨慎” 17.当今世界各国把发展高新技术作为进入21世纪的决定性因素,纷纷制定计划。我国发展高科技的计划是()A.“星球大战”计划B.“尤里卡计划”C.“2000年科学技术综合纲要”D.“863计划”




















22、(10分)阅读材料: 材料一:

图1图2材料二:“小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票。我在这头,母亲在那头 ······ 而现在,乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡。我在这头,大陆在那头。”













(1)材料一中 “唯一合法政府”、“平等、互利及互相尊重领土主权”等内容,与旧中国外交相比,体现了新中国外交政策的最根本特征是什么?(2分)




24、(16分)为了纪念伟人邓小平,某校八年级(2)班同学开展活动,再现伟人丰功伟绩。[ 听歌学习历史]








25、(10分)阅读下列材料: 材料一

敬爱的毛主席:„„我们祖祖辈辈做梦都在想着有一天自己能有三亩、五亩的地,能在自己的土地上耕种,那有多高兴啊!现在„„这个梦想实现了。„„在自己土地里出力劳动,劳动成果完全自己所得,这样我们生产的劲头怎能不大呢„„ ——选自辽宁宽甸县农民给毛主席的一封信

材料二“凡满六周岁的儿童,不分性别、民族、种族,应当入学接受规定年限的义务教育。条件不具备的地区,可以推迟到七周岁入学。” 材料三 请回答:
























(3)①中共十二大 ;②阐明了社会主义初级阶段理论,提出了初级阶段的基本路线;③中共十四大;④中共十五大。(4分)





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