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(2008年广东省高考英语试卷)第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


Hi, I am Mike.I just went through my first year of college.The toughest part on me at first was the general adjustment.1 went to a very small high school where my mom was a teacher and she did practically everything for me.But at the college I needed to know some basic life skills.such as balancing a check—book, laundry, and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school!It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homesick.Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life, I loved it—good facilities, helpful instructors.and a good library.The Students’ Union organizes various parties every week.I also go to cinemas and concerts, and often spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs.One thing I think is important is to get yourself active in things.I was on the dance team in college and met a ton of people that way ••• it was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground.[写作内容]

学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“大学校园生活”讨论。听完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Preparing Myself for College Life”,内容要点包括:







1.在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的Mike said that he was fond of college life after a period of tough adjustment.He found lif in college colourful and took part in various activities, throuth which he made many friends.Mike’s speech reminds me of my life as ahigh school student.During those three years, I have made lots of improvement both physically and mentally with my teachers and fellow students.Besides, the tough and interesting experience gradually shaped my value towards life and world.So I am convinced that I have been well prepared for college life.As a delight student, I have been dreaming of becoming a college student for years.In my ideal university, not only can I gain ample scientific knowledge but I can

also participate in some school activities, such as the Student Union, through which my horizen will surely be broadened.Thus, all-rounded improvements can be made.Having realized the difficulties between college ahd high school, I know I have to make adjustmetn.For instance, the firmer life is sticker and more formal.So I will look into some related information in advance.Now, I hardly can wait to paint my life in college with bravery and hope!

Throught what Mike said , we know that when he was a fresh man, he got through lots of obstacles to adjust himself to college life.However , later he enjoyed a lot by involving himself to the colourful activities.I’m reminded by Mike that my first year to highschool where I should also prepare myself for the independent school life which helps me a lot.Though the independent life takes up a lot of my time to prpare myself, it’s great fun to live with other students who have different but interesting characters from me.I’ve been dreaming of my college life for a long time and I suppose my ideal life will be full of meaningful andfunny activities which will enlighten my following life.As for me, there may be a lot of adjustments that I should prepare.Firstly, I should mentally prepare for the college life which is totally different from the highschool life.Secondly , I should try my best to make more friends there because friendds are the one who care about you at the college.Thirdly, I should make myself fully occupied with the study which is different from that in high school

In a word, I will prepare myself for my bright future.We can know from Mike’s speech that he couldn’t get well with his college life first because he needed to learn everything by himself.However Mike was attracted by colorful life after he got used to it.As a high school student, I do have a great feelings about high school life.For one thing, the study load becomes heavier than before, for another, the less spare time for me to pay attention to other things.However , it is the high school life that gives me a chance to learn to grow up.I enjoy it very much.If I am a college students, I think the life in college are more colourful and joyful.We can participate all kinds of activities, such as design and painting and so on.What’s more, we can make more friends and we can broaden our horizen when we take part time job.Getting more knowledge is to high school student while learning to use knowledge is to college student.High school give you a chance to learn and college offers you an opportunity to survial.As for me, I will make a plan in order to get used to college life.I will balance my spare time and study time, which can help me to adjust myself in college.As the saying goes, Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to do it.I’m sure I can.According to Mike’s speaking we may find that there must be a general adjustment to the fiist year of college.Since many things are to be changed, only when we become independent and to get ourselves active can we do it well.As a student of senior three, I often imagine the life in college, I think colleges take horizen, once there are so much freedom and we can do everything we like.In my dream of college , I can enjoy reading in the library after school.I can also sleep on the grasses to enjoy the sunshine with my friends at the weekend.Most importantly, I can learn what I like and choose the teachers who I prefer.But I believe there is a long distant between dream and real world.In my life of middle school, I live with my parents and they can do everything for me, such as washing my clothes and cooking.When I came across failure, they always accomplish with me and encourage me to be active.Both teachers and classmates treat me as their true friend.I feel so well.The differences between college life and middle school life is we have to do eveything by ourselves, such as balancing our check-book and we must have the ability to deal with everything.As far as I am concerned, I think we can join in the Students’ Union organization because it can help us to form the ability of organizing and staying with others.Just be active and positive and you will adjust to your new life quickly.



By JuliaCheung


1-5D B C B C6-10A D A A C11-15D A D B C


16.it17.earlier18.were told19.but20.why



26-30D B C B B

31-35B A D C B

36-40A A D C A

41-45B C A D C

46-50B C D F E



Richard Avis, a British born on December 1st, 1974, has been on his action to look for time twins all over the world since 2011.His purpose is to try to understand the meanings of successful lives in different cultures.With the help of local media, he has found out 32 time twins, among whom are 17 males and 15 females from 13 countries.Their jobs vary from government officers, athletes, drivers, teachers, artists and so on.Richard Avis intends to find out 40 time twins before his fortieth birthday and he plans to write a book about based on his experience of searching.(2)任务型写作

Oseola McCarty, a normal laundrywoman living a modest life, donated a great amount of money to a University, gained big national attention and pubic praise.She also received a sense of happiness and satisfaction.(34 words)




(1)书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(2)作者:Amy Chuo,美籍华人,耶鲁大学教授(3)出版时间:2010年

(4)内容:作者用中国传统教育方式教育两个女儿的故事(5)效应:引发了中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论 相关报道:

(1)中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售(2)意外反应:多数中国妈妈不同意作者的做法(3)最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁录取 ×耶鲁:Yale 哈佛:Harvard 【写作内容】

根据以上信息写一篇图书介绍,内容包括: 1.图书的基本信息 2.图书的相关报道 【写作要求】

只能用5个句子表达全部内容 【评分标准】

句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。参考范文: 【Version1】

A book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chuo was published in 2010.It tells how the author, a Chinese American and professor at Yale University, educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way.Its publication has started a debate as to which way of parenting is superior, the traditional Chinese way or the American way.It is reported that the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011.Unexpectedly, the majority of mothers in China disagree with the author though her 17-year-old elder daughter was lately reported to have got offers from both Harvard and Yale.【Version2】

A book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was published in 2010.Its author is Amy Chuo, a Chinese American and professor at Yale, who tells stories in her book about how she educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way.Ever since its publication, a heated discussion has been around about whether the Chinese way of educating is better than the American way.The Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011, but surprisingly most Chinese mothers do not agree to Amy Chuo’s way of parenting.A recent report says that Amy’s elder daughter, 17, has been accepted by both Harvard and Yale.



高考作文题目高考作文押题2017高考作文预测高考作文素材高考英语作文高考记叙文高考议论文高考满分作文高考零分作文高考作文专题寒窗苦读数十载,秉读诗书千万册,日夜奋进辛劳悴,只为今朝提名时。下面是出国留学网高考小编为您带来的2017年高考广东英语作文范文,欢迎阅读。Dear Leslie, How are you? Glad to see you have made some progress in Chinese learning and I’m writing to tell you something about our next lesson.The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in the classroom 502.In the class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese.You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry.You’d better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class.If there is anything that I can help you, please don’t hesitate to tell me.Looking forward to meeting you.



我个人认为要写好作文,要学好“折腾”的本领,写作过程就是“折 腾”的过程。它给我们一个标题,要求我们能够用正确,规范的语言来表达特定的内容。那么,我们就把它看成一个平台,一个展示我们平时积累的知识与句子结构的平台,把作文变成一个“句式和知识的万国博览会” 关于基础写作

首先,把给出的信息划分为五个句子,确定先后顺序。然后尽可能使用各种句式结构把每个句子完美地“翻译”出来。要熟练地使用各种常用的句式结构。如: be able to be interested in/take interest in;remind of;be busy doing;stop from doing sth;calm down;as...as;there is/are...;fail to do sth;fit in;have an influence on;enable...to do...;it is one’s first time to do sth;can’t help doing;can’t waite to do;so....succeed in doing;account for doing;suffer from等。要熟练使用定语从句,状语从句,同位语从句,主语从句等常用句型作为文章的骨架,提高文章档次。当然,平时加强训练是非常重要的。我建议大家把各种形式的基础写作归纳起来。不外乎下面几种,图表作文,表格作文,讨论辩论,发言稿,通知,人物简介,今昔对比,叙事经过,兴趣及写一些灾难事件,像地震或海啸等。每一种选一篇有代表性的背诵下来并会灵活运用就好了。把每一篇文章作文一个小“基地”,不断进行深化,比如写辩论该不该建核电站,你就注意有关这方面的文章【最好是英文的】,借鉴一些更好的建议改进文章。不仅可以精益求精,还可以提高你搜索资料的能力,对你的阅读能力大有帮助。基础写作



[写作内容] 国名 中华人民 共和国 地理位置 亚洲东部, 太平洋 面积 九百六十万平方里

人口13亿民族56 气候冬冷夏热国情1.有勤劳勇敢的人民拥有5000年的文明;2.首都北在 2008年月8日举办第29届奥运会。写作要求


2、文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准] 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯

One possible version: The People’s Republic of China lies in the east of Asia, facing the Pacific Ocean, and covers a total area of 9600000 square kilometers and five of the world’s 24 times areas.China belongs to continental climate, that is, cold in winter and hot in summer depending on different areas.China has 56 nationalities with the largest population of 1.3 billion in the world.We are a hard-working and brave people with a civilization of 5000 years.So we hope China will successfully host the 29th Olympic Games on October 8th, 2008, in the capital of Beijing, China.读写任务

概括记叙文内容要点,The author tells a story about......概括议论文的内容要点,The author thinks that........概括完要点,文章开头要先和材料联系起来,比如故事型的,The story reminds me of a experience that.....;议论型的,I completely agree what the author says.We should......文章正文同样要事先规划好,把要点先用英语翻译出来,不遗漏要点。一般按照是什么,为什么,怎么样的顺序排列写作。理由的有

For one thing...for another...;The reason why...is that....;措施的按firstly,...secondly,...thirdly,...lastly,...为写好读写任务,要学好利弊对比,赞成反对,说明理由,分析原因,观点论证,说明计划,发表看法,问题解决,心得体会和经历感受。同样找个典例,然后背诵和灵活运 用。例: 读写任务



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