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本科毕业设计外文翻译 题目: 德黑兰城市发展

学 院: 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师:

城市建设学院 建筑学

日 期: 二零一一年六月

First Chapter:Development of the city of Tehran

Ali Madanipour 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

Tehran :the making of a metropolis,First Chapter:Development of the city of Tehran,Ali Madanipour,ISBN:0471957798,Press: New York John Wiley,1998,page five to page eleven。



德黑兰:一个大都市的建造,第一章:德黑兰市的发展,阿里.马丹妮普尔,书号:0471957798,纽约John Wiley出版社,1998,第五页到第十一页。



第二次世界大战后,在盟军占领国家的期间,有一个时期的民主化,在冷战时开始的政治紧张局势之后,它们互相斗争对石油的控制权。这个时期已经结束于1953年,结果 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译


从石油行业的收入增长创造的盈余资源,需要流通和经济的吸收。50年代中期,特别是在工业化的驱动下德黑兰许多大城市有了新工作。20世纪60年代的土地改革释放了大量来自农业的农村人口,这是不能吸收的指数人口增长。这种新的劳动力被吸引到城市:到新的产业,到似乎始终蓬勃发展建筑界,去服务不断增长公共部门和官僚机构。德黑兰的角色是国家的行政,经济,文化中心,它坚定而巩固地通往外面的世界。德黑兰战后的城市扩张,是在管制、私营部门的推动,投机性的发展下进行的。房屋一直供不应求,并有大量可用的富余劳动力和资本,因此在德黑兰建筑行业蓬勃发展,土地和财产的价格不断上涨。这个城市成长为一个在某种意义上道路对外脱节的,城镇和乡村一体化的,郊区不断增长的新的定居点。这加强了社会的孤立性,破坏了郊区的花园和绿地,并使城市管理者的感到无能为力。1962年一位副市长在德黑兰表示:“建筑物和居民点已经满足人们所想要的无论何处何种样子”,创造了一个“事实上城镇相互连接的方式不当”的城市(Nafisi, 1964,第426页)。有许多事情迫切需要做,但市政府并没有法律上或经济上有能力处理这进程。

1966年市政法第一次规定了城规最高委员会的法律体制和土地利用规划公司的综合计划。还有他一系列法律,以支持德黑兰市的新的法律和体制安排,使住房和其他管理工作在城市中发展起来。最重要的一步是策划的德黑兰综合计划于1968年被批准。它是由一个伊朗规划师Fereydun Ghaffari领导下的美国的Victor Gruen和伊朗的Aziz Farmanfarmaian所共同产生的(Ardalan,1986)。该计划确定的城市的问题是:城市密度过高特别是城市中心、主要道路沿线商业活动的膨胀、污染、不完善的基础设施,贫困地区广泛的失业和低收入群体不断地迁移到德黑兰。解决的办法是城市自然社会和经济结构的转型。(Farmanfarmaian and Gruen, 1968).不过该提案大多主张形态上的变化,试图强调一个现代化的理念,强加这个复杂的都市的秩序。设想这个城市的未来可向西形成一个线性多中心的形式,减少密度和市中心的挤塞情况。全市将形成10个地区,其他各区由绿化带隔开,每个地区约50万居民,并设置拥有高楼的商业及工业中心。各个地区(mantagheh)将分为若干区域(nahyeh)和社区(mahalleh)。每个区域人口约1.5到3万,有一所中学和商业中心以及其他必要设施。每个社区有大约5000居民,有一所小学和一个当地的商业中心。这些地区和区域将有相连的交通运输网络,包括高速公路,捷运路线及巴士路线。过境路线的站点会迅速发展为活动度高居住密度高的节点。重建及改善计划中将有60万人离开中心地区(Farmanfarmaian and Gruen, 1968).。

几乎所有这些措施可以追溯到那个拥有时尚规划理念的时代,这主要是受英国新城镇的影响。在Victor Gruen的《我们城市的心脏》(1965)书中,曾设想未来的中心大 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

都市会由10个城市包围,每个国家都有它自己的中心。这很像Ebenezer Howard’s(1960年,第142页)提到的,那个四周被园林城市群包围着的中心城市:“社会的城市”。在德黑兰的规划中,这一概念的直译版被使用。另一个在英国新城镇被使用的概念,比如Redditch和 Runcorn,是把公共交通路线作为城市的骨架的重要性,其停车点是它的重点服务中心。使用邻里中心和小学来限制邻里单元人口,这被广泛应用于这些新市镇,这是一个曾在20世纪20年代在美国发展的想法(Mumford, 1954)。这些思想依然存在,但是,主要是在纸面上。该计划已执行,已在美国城市规划中有根深蒂固的想法,包括了用高速公路网的不断延伸去连接城市的脱节部分;在不同地区的社会管理和物理性质的基础上进行区划;引进容积率的控制发展的密度。

在20世纪70年代进行的其他主要规划工作包括Shahrak Gharb的局部发展新城镇,以及Shahestan依照英国顾问Llewelyn–Davies提出的规划新的城市行政中心,虽然这被当做正在上升的革命浪潮后来从未实施过。


德黑兰和其他城市经过两年大量实证,1979年有代表性的是一个革命的到来推翻了伊朗君主,由议会共和制和神父统治的不稳定结合所取代。其原因可以追溯到在国王的发展模式导致了许多冲突,现代与传统,经济发展与政治发展,全球市场力量和地方资产阶级力量,外国势力和民族主义,腐败和自满中坚分子与不满的群众。像1906年的革命一样,许多隐藏意见的累积使1979的革命成为可能。在第一次革命,维新已占了上风,而在第二次,传统主义者赢得了领导。然而,无论革命的态度还是他们掌握政权之后的一系列重大问题,包括城市发展都显示出现代化的偏好。从这个意义上讲,该国的这两个爆炸革命事件可以被看作是在动荡中逐步转型所作的努力(Madanipour,1998,2003)。革命是在与伊拉克长期战争(1980-1988)之后,其间停止了经济的发展。在城市发展方面的投资减少,而农村地区和省城受到革命政府的青睐,同时遏制从农村向城市迁移并与大城市公平对待。在此期间主要规划干预是对白天城市中心的私家车活动的限制。同时,战争和新政府的免费或低费用的设施,吸引了更多的人承诺向首都城市移民,到1986年人口达600万。从20世纪50年代城市人口的增长速度已开始减慢,而直到80年代中期首都的增长都更快,但是它的增长率也开始下降(Khatam, 1993)。在革命和战争后,正常化和重建时期开始了,其中大部分持续到上世纪90年代。这期间见证了德黑兰城市规划的若干努力。但是没有一个有效的框架来管理剧烈的城市发展。综合计划在革命后遭到攻击,因为它被认为无法适应变化。1998年,市长批评它主要是形态上的发展规划、植根于前政权的政治框架、并没有足够重视实际操作问题(Dehaghani,1995)。

综合计划的25年寿命在1991年结束。一个伊朗顾问公司(A-Tech)受委托于1985年筹备1986-1996期间的规划。经过多次延迟,在1993年,该计划最终被城市规划高级理事会批准。该计划还注重增长的管理和线性空间战略,利用了城市区域,次区域,地 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

区,小区和邻里尺度。它促进保护、权力下放、多中心发展,有五个卫星新市镇,并发展住宅增加城市密度。该协会建议,城市在5个亚区中被划分成22个区,每个区都拥有自己的服务中心(Shahrdari-e Tehran, 2004)。

1993年的计划不受市政当局欢迎,不同意它的估价和优先次序,认为它不现实、昂贵、无法实施。1996-2001年期间市政当局自己做了一个战略规划,它被认为是德黑兰市政的第一个规划或是德黑兰80。它强调对一个城市提出战略和政策来实现他们的第一个规划,而不是以介绍土地利用规划为目标。它把城市的主要问题确定为能提供服务的资源短缺、城市发展模式和速度、环境污染、缺乏有效的公共交通工具、效率低下和官僚主义。然后市政府对城市的未来远景概述了六个主要特征:一个清洁的城市,建设便于运动的城市公园和绿化带,新的文化和体育设施,改革发展的城市组织,以及对城市空间的改善,包括土地利用和保护的全面和详细的计划的编制规划(Shahrdari-e Tehran, 1996)。



Development of the city of Tehran The city had grown in size and complexity to such an extent thatits spatial managementneeded additional tools, which resulted in the growing complexity of municipalorganization, and in the preparation of a comprehensive plan for the city.After the Second World War, during which the Allied forces occupied the country, there was a period of democratization, followed by political tensions of the start of the cold war, 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

and struggles over the control of oil.This period was ended in 1953 by a coup detat that returned the Shah to power, who then acted as an executive monarch for the next 25 years.With high birth rates and an intensification of rural–urban migration, Tehran— and other large cities—grew even faster than before.By 1956, Tehran’s population rose to 1.5 million, by 1966 to 3 million, and by 1976 to 4.5 million;its size grew from 46 km² in 1934 to 250 km² in 1976(Kariman, 1976;Vezarat-e Barnameh va Budgeh, 1987).Revenues from the oil industry rose, creating surplus resources that needed to be circulated and absorbed in the economy.An industrialization drive from the mid-1950s created many new jobs in big cities, particularly in Tehran.The land reforms of the 1960s released large numbers of rural population from agriculture, which was not able to absorb the exponential demographic growth.This new labour force was attracted to cities: to the new industries, to the construction sector which seemed to be always booming, to services and the constantly growing public sector bureaucracy.Tehran’s role as the administrative, economic, and cultural centre of the country, and its gateway to the outside world, was firmly consolidated.Urban expansion in postwar Tehran was based on under-regulated, private-sector driven, speculative development.Demand for housing always exceeded supply, and a surplus of labor and capital was always available;hence the flourishing construction industry and the rising prices of land and property in Tehran.The city grew in a disjointed manner in all directions along the outgoing roads, integrating the surrounding towns and villages, and growing new suburban settlements.This intensified social segregation, destroyed suburban gardens and green spaces, and left the city managers feeling powerless.A deputy mayor of the city in 1962 commented that in Tehran, ‘‘the buildings and settlements have been developed by whomever has wanted in whatever way and wherever they have wanted’’, creating a city that was ‘‘in fact a number of towns connected to each other in an inappropriate way’’(Nafisi, 1964, p.426).There was a feeling that something urgently needed to be done, but the municipality was not legally or financially capable of dealing with this process.The 1966 Municipality Act provided, for the first time, a legal framework for the formation of the Urban Planning High Council and for the establishment of land-use planning in the form of comprehensive plans.A series of other laws followed, underpinning new legal and institutional arrangements for the Tehran municipality, allowing the Ministry of Housing and others to work together in managing the growth of the city.The most important step taken in planning was the approval of the Tehran Comprehensive Plan in 1968.It was produced by a consortium of Aziz Farmanfarmaian Associates of Iran and Victor Gruen Associates of the 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

United States, under the direction of Fereydun Ghaffari, an Iranian city planner(Ardalan, 1986).The plan identified the city’s problems as high density, especially in the city centre;expansion of commercial activities along the main roads;pollution;inefficient infrastructure;widespread unemployment in the poorer areas, and the continuous migration of low-income groups to Tehran.The solution was to be found in the transformation of the city’s physical, social and economic fabric(Farmanfarmaian and Gruen, 1968).The proposals were, nevertheless, mostly advocating physical change, attempting, in a modernist spirit, to impose a new order onto this complex metropolis.The future of the city was envisaged to be growing westward in a linear polycentric form, reducing the density and congestion of the city centre.The city would be formed of 10 large urban districts, separated from each other by green belts,each with about 500,000 inhabitants, a commercial and an industrial centre with high-rise buildings.Each district(mantagheh)would be subdivided into a number of areas(nahyeh)and neighborhoods(mahalleh).An area, with a population of about 15–30,000, would have a high school and a commercial centre and other necessary facilities.A neighborhood, with its 5000 inhabitants, would have a primary school and a local commercial centre.These districts and areas would be linked by a transportation network, which included motorways, a rapid transit route and a bus route.The stops on the rapid transit route would be developed as the nodes for concentration of activities with a high residential density.A number of redevelopment and improvement schemes in the existing urban areas would relocate 600,000 people out of the central areas(Farmanfarmaian and Gruen, 1968).Almost all these measures can be traced to the fashionable planning ideas of the time, which were largely influenced by the British New Towns.In his book, The Heart of Our Cities, Victor Gruen(1965)had envisaged the metropolis of tomorrow as a central city surrounded by 10 additional cities,each with its own centre.This resembled Ebenezer Howard’s(1960, p.142)‘‘social cities’’, in which a central city was surrounded by a cluster of garden cities.In Tehran’s plan, a linear version of this concept was used.Another linear concept, which was used in the British New Towns of the time such as Redditch and Runcorn, was the importance of public transport routes as the town’s spine, with its stopping points serving as its foci.The use of neighborhood units of limited population, focused on a neighborhood centre and a primary school, was widely used in these New Towns, an idea that had been developed in the 1920s in the United States(Mumford, 1954).These ideas remained, however, largely on paper.Some of the plan’s ideas that were implemented, which were rooted in American city planning, included a network of freeways to connect the disjointed 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

parts of the sprawling metropolis;zoning as the basis for managing the social and physical character of different areas;and the introduction of Floor Area Ratios for controlling development densities.Other major planning exercises, undertaken in the 1970s, included the partial development of a New Town, Shahrak Gharb, and the planning of a new administrative centre for the city—Shahestan—by the British consultants Llewelyn–Davies, although there was never time to implement the latter, as the tides of revolution were rising.Planning through policy development: reconstruction after the revolution and war The revolutionary and post-revolutionary period can be divided into three phases: revolution(1979–1988), reconstruction(1989–1996), and reform(1997–2004), each demonstrating different approaches to urban planning in Tehran.After two years of mass demonstrations in Tehran and other cities, the year 1979 was marked by the advent of a revolution that toppled the monarchy in Iran, to be replaced by a state which uneasily combined the rule of the clergy with parliamentary republicanism.Its causes can be traced in the shortcomings of the Shah’s model of development, which led to clashes between modernization and traditions, between economic development and political underdevelopment, between global market forces and local bourgeoisie, between foreign influence and nationalism, between a corrupt and complacent elite and discontented masses.Like the revolution of 1906, a coalition of many shades of opinion made the revolution of 1979 possible.In the first revolution, the modernizers had the upper hand, while in the second the traditionalists won the leadership.However, the attitudes of both revolutions—and the regimes that followed them—to a number of major issues, including urban development, show a preference for modernization.In this sense, both revolutions can be seen as explosive episodes in the country’s troubled efforts at progressive transformation(Madanipour, 1998, 2003).The revolution was followed by a long war(1980–1988)with Iraq, which halted economic development.Investment in urban development dwindled, while rural areas and provincial towns were favoured by the revolutionary government, both to curb rural–urban migration and to strike a balance with large cities.The key planning intervention in this period was to impose daytime restrictions on the movement of private cars in the city centre.Meanwhile, the war and the promise of free or low-cost facilities by the new government attracted more migrants to the capital city, its population reaching 6 million by 1986.The rate of population growth in the city had started to slow down from the 1950s, while the metropolitan region was growing faster until the mid-1980s, when its growth rate also started to decline(Khatam, 1993).After the revolution and war, a period of normalization and reconstruction started, which 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

lasted for most of the 1990s.This period witnessed a number of efforts at urban planning in Tehran.Once again, urban development had intensified without an effective framework to manage it.The comprehensive plan came under attack after the revolution, as it was considered unable to cope with change.In 1998, the Mayor criticized it for being mainly a physical development plan, for being rooted in the political framework of the previous regime, and for not paying enough attention to the problems of implementation(Dehaghani, 1995).The comprehensive plan’s 25-year lifespan came to an end in 1991.A firm of Iranian consultants(A-Tech)was commissioned in 1985 to prepare a plan for the period of 1986–1996.After much delay, it was only in 1993 that the plan was finally approved by the Urban Planning High Council.This plan also focused on growth management and a linear spatial strategy, using the scales of urban region, subregion, district, area and neighbourhood.It promoted conservation, decentralization, polycentric development, development of five satellite new towns, and increasing residential densities in the city.It proposed that the city be divided into 22 districts within five sub-regions, each with its own service centre(Shahrdari-e Tehran, 2004).The 1993 plan was not welcomed by the municipality, which disagreed with its assessments and priorities, finding it unrealistic, expensive, and impossible to implement.The municipality produced its own strategic plan for the period 1996–2001, known as Tehran Municipalty’s First Plan, or Tehran 80.Rather than introducing a land-use plan as its goal, this was the first plan for the city that emphasized a set of strategies and propose d policies to achieve them.It identified the city’s main problems as shortage of resources to deliver its services;the pace and pattern of urban growth;environmental pollution;the absence of effective public transport, and inefficient bureaucracy.The municipality’s vision for the future of the city was then outlined to have six major characteristics: a clean city, ease of movement in the city, the creation of parks and green spaces, the development of new cultural and sports facilities, reform of the municipal organization, and planning for the improvement of urban space, including preparation of comprehensive and detailed plans for land use and conservation(Shahrdari-e Tehran, 1996).The municipality implemented part of the proposals, such as increasing the amount of green open spaces in the south, or constructing new parts of the motorway network, which was proposed by the 1968 plan;opening large parts of the city to new development, and easing movement across the city.Following the advice of the 1993 plan, the municipality relaxed FAR limits and allowed higher densities through bonus zoning.This, however, was not based on planning considerations, but was mainly to bring financial autonomy to the municipality.This proved to be popular with the development industry, but controversial with citizens.Developers could build taller buildings by paying fines to the municipality, in a 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计外文翻译

policy popularly known as ‘‘selling density’’, without having to show their impacts on the surrounding environment.The face of the city, particularly in its northern parts, was transformed in a short period, consisting of medium to high-rise buildings connected through wide streets and motorways.In the poorer south, a major redevelopment project, Navab, cut a motorway through the dense and decayed fabric, building gigantic superstructures on each side.The city’s administrative boundaries were expanded twice, once outward and then westward, to encompass 22 district municipalities in 700 km².This controversial period of reconstruction was followed by a period of democratic reform, which re-launched an elected city council for the city, which at first caused institutional confusion about its relationship with the mayor and the municipality.The council published its own vision of the city as Tehran Charter in 2001, which was the summary of the principles agreed between council members, non-governmental organizations, and urban experts at a congress about the subject.The Charter adopted sustainability and democracy as its key principles, which were used to develop strategies for natural and built environments, transport, social, cultural and economic issues, urban management, and the city’s regional, national and international roles.




Relational databases have been in use for over two decades.A large portion of the applications of relational databases have been in the commercial world, supporting such tasks as transaction processing for banks and stock exchanges, sales and reservations for a variety of businesses, and inventory and payroll for almost of all companies.We study several new applications, which have become increasingly important in recent years.First.Decision-support system

As the online availability of data has grown, businesses have begun to exploit the available data to make better decisions about increase sales.We can extract much information for decision support by using simple SQL queries.Recently however, people have felt the need for better decision support based on data analysis and data mining, or knowledge discovery, using data from a variety of sources.Database applications can be broadly classified into transaction processing and decision support.Transaction-processing systems are widely used today, and companies have accumulated a vast amount of information generated by these systems.The term data mining refers loosely to finding relevant information, or “discovering knowledge,” from a large volume of data.Like knowledge discovery in artificial intelligence, data mining attempts to discover statistical rules and patterns automatically from data.However, data mining differs from machine learning in that it deals with large volumes of data, stored primarily on disk.Knowledge discovered from a database can be represented by a set of rules.We can discover rules from database using one of two models:

In the first model, the user is involved directly in the process of knowledge discovery.In the second model, the system is responsible for automatically discovering knowledge from the database, by detecting patterns and correlations in the data.Work on automatic discovery of rules has been influenced strongly by work in the artificial-intelligence community on machine learning.The main differences lie in the volume of data handled in databases, and in the need to access disk.Specialized data-mining algorithms have been developed to handle large volumes of disk-resident data efficiently.The manner in which rules are discovered depends on the class of data-mining application.We illustrate rule discovery using two application classes: classification and associations.Second.Spatial and Geographic Databases

Spatial databases store information related to spatial locations, and provide support for efficient querying and indexing based on spatial locations.Two types of spatial databases are particularly important:

Design databases, or computer-aided-design(CAD)databases, are spatial databases used to store design information about how objects---such as buildings, cars or aircraft---are constructed.Other important examples of computer-aided-design databases are integrated-circuit and electronic-device layouts.Geographic databases are spatial databases used to store geographic information, such as maps.Geographic databases are often called geographic information systems.Geographic data are spatial in nature, but differ from design data in certain ways.Maps and satellite images are typical examples of geographic data.Maps may provide not only location information-such

as boundaries, rivers and roads---but also much more detailed information associated with locations, such as elevation, soil type, land usage, and annual rainfall.Geographic data can be categorized into two types: raster data(such data consist a bit maps or pixel maps, in two or more dimensions.), vector data(vector data are constructed from basic geographic objects).Map data are often represented in vector format.Third.Multimedia Databases

Recently, there has been much interest in databases that store multimedia data, such as images, audio, and video.Today multimedia data typically are stored outside the database, in files systems.When the number of multimedia objects is relatively small, features provided by databases are usually not important.Database functionality becomes important when the number of multimedia objects stored is large.Issues such as transactional updates, querying facilities, and indexing then become important.Multimedia objects often have descriptive attributes, such as those indicating when they were created, who created them, and to what category they belong.One approach to building a database for such multimedia objects is to use database for storing the descriptive attributes, and for keeping track of the files in which the multimedia objects are stored.However, storing multimedia outside the database makes it harder to provide database functionality, such as indexing on the basis of actual multimedia data content.It can also lead to inconsistencies, such a file that is noted in the database, but whose contents are missing, or vice versa.It is therefore desirable to store the data themselves in the database.Forth.Mobility and Personal Databases

Large-scale commercial databases have traditionally been stored in central computing facilities.In the case of distributed database applications, there has usually been strong central database and network administration.Two technology trends have combined to create applications in which this assumption of central control and administration is not entirely correct:

1.The increasingly widespread use of personal computers, and, more important, of laptop or “notebook” computers.2.The development of a relatively low-cost wireless digital communication infrastructure, base on wireless local-area networks, cellular digital packet networks, and other technologies.Wireless computing creates a situation where machines no longer have fixed locations and network addresses.This complicates query processing, since it becomes difficult to determine the optimal location at which to materialize the result of a query.In some cases, the location of the user is a parameter of the query.A example is a traveler’s information system that provides data on hotels, roadside services, and the like to motorists.Queries about services that are ahead on the current route must be processed based on knowledge of the user’s location, direction of motion, and speed.Energy(battery power)is a scarce resource for mobile computers.This limitation influences many aspects of system design.Among the more interesting consequences of the need for energy efficiency is the use of scheduled data broadcasts to reduce the need for mobile system to transmit queries.Increasingly amounts of data may reside on machines administered by users, rather than by database administrators.Furthermore, these machines may, at times, be disconnected from the network.Summary

Decision-support systems are gaining importance, as companies realize the value of the on-line data collected by their on-line transaction-processing systems.Proposed extensions to SQL, such as the cube operation, help to support generation of summary data.Data mining seeks to discover

knowledge automatically, in the form of statistical rules and patterns from large databases.Data visualization systems help humans to discover such knowledge visually.Spatial databases are finding increasing use today to store computer-aided design data as well as geographic data.Design data are stored primarily as vector data;geographic data consist of a combination of vector and raster data.Multimedia databases are growing in importance.Issues such as similarity-based retrieval and delivery of data at guaranteed rates are topics of current research.Mobile computing systems have become common, leading to interest in database systems that can run on such systems.Query processing in such systems may involve lookups on server database.毕业设计(论文)——外文翻译(译文)








● 在第一个模型中,用户直接参与知识发现的过程

● 在第二个模型中,系统通过检测数据的模式和相互关系,自动从数据库中发现知识。有关自动发现规则的研究很大程度上是受人工智能领域在知识学习方面研究的影响。其主要的区别在于数据库中处理的数据量,以及是否需要访问磁盘。已经有一些具体的数据挖掘算法用于高效地处理放在磁盘上的大量数据。




● 设计数据库或计算机辅助设计(CAD)数据库是用于存储设计信息的空间数据库,这些信息主要是关于物体(如建筑、汽车或是飞机)是如何构造的。另一个计算机辅助设计数据库的重要例子是整合电路和电子设备设计图。

● 地理数据库是用于存储地理信息(如地图)的空间数据库。地理数据库常称为地理信息系统。







● 个人计算机越来越广泛的使用,其中更重要的 是便携式或“笔记本”计算机的使用。● 基于无限局域网、蜂窝数字包网络,以及其他技术成本相对低廉的无线数字通信基础设











Overview of JSp Technology

Benefits of JSp

JSp pages are translated into servlets.So, fundamentally, any task JSp pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets.However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSp pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios.The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other.After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language.But it still matters which you choose.JSp provides the following benefits over servlets alone:

•It is easier to write and maintain the HTML.Your static code is ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no lurking Java syntax.•You can use standard Web-site development tools.Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSp can be used because they simply ignore the JSp tags.•You can divide up your development team.The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code.The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer.On large projects, this division is very important.Depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your project, you can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content.Now, this discussion is not to say that you should stop using servlets and use only JSp instead.By no means.Almost all projects will use both.For some requests in your project, you will use servlets.For others, you will use JSp.For still others, you will combine them with the MVC architecture.You want the appropriate tool for the job, and servlets, by themselves, do not complete your toolkit.Advantages of JSp Over Competing Technologies

A number of years ago, Marty was invited to attend a small 20-person industry roundtable discussion on software technology.Sitting in the seat next to Marty was James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language.Sitting several seats away was a high-level manager from a very large software company in Redmond, Washington.During the discussion, the moderator brought up the subject of Jini, which at that time was a new Java technology.The moderator asked the manager what he thought of it, and the manager responded that it was too early to tell, but that it seemed to be an excellent idea.He went on to say that they would keep an eye on it, and if it seemed to be catching on, they would follow his company's usual “embrace and extend” strategy.At this point, Gosling lightheartedly interjected “You mean disgrace and distend.”

Now, the grievance that Gosling was airing was that he felt that this company would take technology from other companies and suborn it for their own purposes.But guess what? The shoe is on the other foot here.The Java community did not invent the idea of designing pages as a mixture of static HTML and dynamic code marked with special tags.For example, ColdFusion did it years earlier.Even ASp(a product from the very software company of the aforementioned manager)popularized this approach before JSp came along and decided to jump on the bandwagon.In fact, JSp not only adopted the general idea, it even used many of the same special tags as ASp did.So, the question becomes: why use JSp instead of one of these other technologies? Our first response is that we are not arguing that everyone should.Several of those other technologies are quite good and are reasonable options in some situations.In other situations, however, JSp is clearly better.Here are a few of the reasons.Versus.NET and Active Server pages(ASp)

.NET is well-designed technology from Microsoft.ASp.NET is the part that directly competes with servlets and JSp.The advantages of JSp are twofold.First, JSp is portable to multiple operating systems and Web servers;you aren't locked into deploying on Windows and IIS.Although the core.NET platform runs on a few non-Windows platforms, the ASp part does not.You cannot expect to deploy serious ASp.NET applications on multiple servers and operating systems.For some applications, this difference does not matter.For others, it matters greatly.Second, for some applications the choice of the underlying language matters greatly.For example, although.NET's C# language is very well designed and is similar to Java, fewer programmers are familiar with either the core C# syntax or the many auxiliary libraries.In addition, many developers still use the original version of ASp.With this version, JSp has a clear advantage for the dynamic code.With JSp, the dynamic part is written in Java, not VBScript or another ASp-specific language, so JSp is more powerful and better suited to complex applications that require reusable components.You could make the same argument when comparing JSp to the previous version of ColdFusion;with JSp you can use Java for the “real code” and are not tied to a particular server product.However, the current release of ColdFusion is within the context of a J2EE server, allowing developers to easily mix ColdFusion and servlet/JSp code.Versus pHp

pHp(a recursive acronym for “pHp: Hypertext preprocessor”)is a free, open-source, HTML-embedded scripting language that is somewhat similar to both ASp and JSp.One advantage of JSp is that the dynamic part is written in Java, which already has an extensive ApI for networking, database access, distributed objects, and the like, whereas pHp requires learning an entirely new, less widely used language.A second advantage is that JSp is much more widely supported by tool and server vendors than is pHp.Versus pure Servlets

JSp doesn't provide any capabilities that couldn't, in principle, be accomplished with servlets.In fact, JSp documents are automatically translated into servlets behind the scenes.But it is more convenient to write(and to modify!)regular HTML than to use a zillion println statements to generate the HTML.plus, by separating the presentation from the content, you can put different people on different tasks: your Web page design experts can build the HTML by using familiar tools and either leave places for your servlet programmers to insert the dynamic content or invoke the dynamic content indirectly by means of XML tags.Does this mean that you can just learn JSp and forget about servlets? Absolutely not!JSp developers need to know servlets for four reasons:

1.JSp pages get translated into servlets.You can't understand how JSp works without understanding servlets.2.JSp consists of static HTML, special-purpose JSp tags, and Java code.What kind of Java code? Servlet code!You can't write that code if you don't understand servlet programming.3.Some tasks are better accomplished by servlets than by JSp.JSp is good at generating pages that consist of large sections of fairly well structured HTML or other character data.Servlets are better for generating binary data, building pages with highly variable structure, and performing tasks(such as redirection)that involve little or no output.4.Some tasks are better accomplished by a combination of servlets and JSp than by either servlets or JSp alone.Versus JavaScript

JavaScript, which is completely distinct from the Java programming language, is normally used to dynamically generate HTML on the client, building parts of the Web page as the browser loads the document.This is a useful capability and does not normally overlap with the capabilities of JSp(which runs only on the server).JSp pages still include SCRIpT tags for JavaScript, just as normal HTML pages do.In fact, JSp can even be used to dynamically generate the JavaScript that will be sent to the client.So, JavaScript is not a competing technology;it is a complementary one.It is also possible to use JavaScript on the server, most notably on Sun ONE(formerly iplanet), IIS, and BroadVision servers.However, Java is more powerful, flexible, reliable, and portable.Versus WebMacro or Velocity

JSp is by no means perfect.Many people have pointed out features that could be improved.This is a good thing, and one of the advantages of JSp is that the specification is controlled by a community that draws from many different companies.So, the technology can incorporate improvements in successive releases.However, some groups have developed alternative Java-based technologies to try to address these deficiencies.This, in our judgment, is a mistake.Using a third-party tool like Apache Struts that augments JSp and servlet technology is a good idea when that tool adds sufficient benefit to compensate for the additional complexity.But using a nonstandard tool that tries to replace JSp is a bad idea.When choosing a technology, you need to weigh many factors: standardization, portability, integration, industry support, and technical features.The arguments for JSp alternatives have focused almost exclusively on the technical features part.But portability, standardization, and integration are also very important.For example, the servlet and JSp specifications define a standard directory structure for Web applications and provide standard files(.war files)for deploying Web applications.All JSp-compatible servers must support these standards.Filters can be set up to apply to any number of servlets or JSp pages, but not to nonstandard resources.The same goes for Web application security settings.Besides, the tremendous industry support for JSp and servlet technology results in improvements that mitigate many of the criticisms of JSp.For example, the JSp Standard Tag Library and the JSp 2.0 expression language address two of the most well-founded criticisms: the lack of good iteration constructs and the difficulty of accessing dynamic results without using either explicit Java code or verbose jsp:useBean elements.10.4 Misconceptions About JSp

Forgetting JSp Is Server-Side Technology

Here are some typical questions Marty has received(most of them repeatedly).•Our server is running JDK 1.4.So, how do I put a Swing component in a JSp page?

•How do I put an image into a JSp page? I do not know the proper Java I/O commands to read image files.•Since Tomcat does not support JavaScript, how do I make images that are highlighted when the user moves the mouse over them?

•Our clients use older browsers that do not understand JSp.What should we do?

•When our clients use “View Source” in a browser, how can I prevent them from seeing the JSp tags?

All of these questions are based upon the assumption that browsers know something about the server-side process.But they do not.Thus:

•For putting applets with Swing components into Web pages, what matters is the browser's Java version—the server's version is irrelevant.If the browser supports the Java 2 platform, you use the normal AppLET(or Java plug-in)tag and would do so even if you were using non-Java technology on the server.•You do not need Java I/O to read image files;you just put the image in the directory for Web resources(i.e., two levels up from WEB-INF/classes)and output a normal IMG tag.•You create images that change under the mouse by using client-side JavaScript, referenced with the SCRIpT tag;this does not change just because the server is using JSp.•Browsers do not “support” JSp at all—they merely see the output of the JSp page.So, make sure your JSp outputs HTML compatible with the browser, just as you would do with static HTML pages.•And, of course you need not do anything to prevent clients from seeing JSp tags;those tags are processed on the server and are not part of the output that is sent to the client.Confusing Translation Time with Request Time

A JSp page is converted into a servlet.The servlet is compiled, loaded into the server's memory, initialized, and executed.But which step happens when? To answer that question, remember two points:

•The JSp page is translated into a servlet and compiled only the first time it is accessed after having been modified.•Loading into memory, initialization, and execution follow the normal rules for servlets.Table 1 gives some common scenarios and tells whether or not each step occurs in that scenario.The most frequently misunderstood entries are highlighted.When referring to the table, note that servlets resulting from JSp pages use the _jspService method(called for both GET and pOST requests), not doGet or dopost.Also, for initialization, they use the jspInit method, not the init method.Table 1.JSp Operations in Various Scenarios

JSp page translated into servletServlet compiledServlet loaded into server's memoryjspInit called_jspService called

page first written

Request 1YesYesYesYesYes

Request 2NoNoNoNoYes

Server restarted

Request 3NoNoYesYesYes

Request 4NoNoNoNoYes

page modified

Request 5YesYesYesYesYes

Request 6NoNoNoNoYes







能够使用标准的网站开发工具。即使对那些对JSp一无所知的HTML工具,我们也可以使用,因为它们会忽略JSp标签(JSp tags)。

可以对开发团队进行划分。Java程序员可以致力于动态代码。Web开发人员可以将经理集中在表示层(presentation layer)上。对于大型的项目,这种划分极为重要。依据开发团队的大小,及项目的复杂程度,可以对静态HTML和动态内容进行弱分离(weaker separation)和强分离(stronger separation)。



许多年前,Marty受到邀请,参加一个有关软件技术的小型(20个人)研讨会.做在Marty旁边的人是James Gosling---Java编程语言的发明者。隔几个位置,是来自华盛顿一家大型软件公司的高级经理。在讨论过程中,研讨会的主席提出了Jini的议题,这在当时是一项新的Java技术.主席向该经理询问他的想法.他继续说,他们会持续关注这项技术,如果这项技术变得流行起来,他们会遵循公司的“接受并扩充(embrace and extend)”的策略.此时, Gosling随意地插话说“你的意思其实就是不接受且不扩充(disgrace and distend)。”

在此, Gosling的抱怨显示出,他感到这个公司会从其他公司那里拿走技术,用于他们自己的目的.但你猜这次怎么样?这次鞋子穿在了另一只脚上。Java社团没有发明这一思想----将页面设计成由静态HTML和用特殊标签标记的动态代码混合组成.。ColdFusion多年前就已经这样做了。甚至ASp(来自于前述经理所在公司的一项产品)都在JSp出现之前推广了这种方式。实际上,JSp不只采用了这种通用概念,它甚至使用许多和ASp相同的特殊标签。


与.NET和Active Server pages(ASp)相比


首先,JSp可以移植到多种操作系统和Web服务器,您不必仅仅局限于部署在Windows 和IIS上尽管核心.NET平台可以在好几种非Windows平台上运行,但ASp这一部分不可以。您不能期望可以将重要的ASp.NET应用部署到多种服务器和操作系统。对于某些应用,这种差异没有什么影响。但有些应用,这种差异却非常重要。




pHp(“pHp:Hypertext preprocessor”的递归字母缩写词)是免费的、开放源代码的、HTML嵌入其中的脚本语言,与ASp和JSp都有某种程度的类似。JSp的一项优势是动态部分用Java编写,而Java已经在联网、数据库访问、分布式对象等方面拥有广泛的ApI,而pHp需要学习全新的、应用相对广泛的语言。JSp的第二项优势是,和pHp相比,JSp拥有极为广泛的工具和服务器提供商的支持。










JavaScript也可以用在服务器端,最因人注意的是SUN ONE(以前的iplanet)、IIS和BroadVision服务器。然而,Java更为强大灵活、可靠且可移植。



但是,一些组织已经开发出了基于Java的替代技术,试图弥补这些不足。据我们的判断,这样做是错误的。使用扩充JSp和Servlet技术的第三方工具,如Apache Structs,是一种很好的思路,只要该工具带来的好处能够补偿工具带来的额外复杂性。但是,试图使用非标准的工具代替JSp则不理想。在选择一项技术时,需要权衡许多方面的因素:标准化、可移植性、集成性、行业支持和技术特性。对于JSp替代技术的争论几乎只是集中在技术特性上,而可移植性、标准化和集成性也十分重要。例如,Servlet和JSp规范为Web应用定义了一个标准的目录结构,并提供用于部署Web应用的标准文件(.war文件)。所有JSp兼容的服务器必须支持这些标准。我们可以建立过滤器作用到任意树木的Servlet和JSp页面上,但不能用于非标准资源。Web应用安全设置也同样如此。

此外,业界对JSp和Servlet技术的巨大支持使得这两项技术都有了巨大的进步,从而减轻了对JSp的许多批评。例如,JSp标准标签库和JSp 2.0表达式语言解决了两种最广泛的批评:缺乏良好的迭代结构;不使用显式的Java代码或冗长的jsp:useBean元素难以访问动态结果。





我如何将图像放到JSp页面中?我不知道读取图像文件应该使用哪些Java I/O命令。



当我们的客户在浏览器中使用“View Source”(查看源代码)时,如何阻止他们看到JSp标签?


如果要将使用Swing组件的applet放到网页中,重要的是浏览器的Java版本,和服务器的Java版本无关。如果浏览器支持Java 2平台,您可以使用正常的AppLET(或Java插件)标签,即使在服务器上使用了非Java技术也须如此。

您不需要Java I/O来读取图像文件,您只需将图像放在存储Web资源的目录中(即WEB-INF/classes向上两级的目录),并输出一个正常的IMG标签。









表1 各种情况下的JSp操作

将JSp 页面转换成servlet编译Servlet 将Servlet 载入到服务器内存中调用jspInit 调用_jspService


请求 1有有有有有

请求 2无无无无有



请求 4无无无无有


请求 5有有有有有

请求 6无无无无有




























































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顺序号 作者.题名.其他责任者.刊名,年,卷(期):在原文献中的位置



顺序号 作者.题名.见:编者.文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年.在原文献中的位置

示例:Fox R L, Willmert K D.不等式约束的连杆曲线最优化设计.见:机构学译文集编写组.机构学译文集.北京:机械工业出版社,1982.232~2


顺序号 标准代号 标准顺序号—发布年 标准名称

示例:GB3100~3102—93 量和单位


顺序号 作者.题名:[学位论文].保存地:保存者,年份



顺序号 作者.题名.会议名称,会址,会议年份





件1中文摘要式样 附件2英文摘要式样 附件3目录式样 附件4正文式样

附件5图表式样 附件6参考文献式样 附件7附录式样



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