
时间:2019-05-13 13:51:27下载本文作者:会员上传




一. 单选题

1.I just(A)at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.A.sit aroundB.sit inC.sit down

2.I come here twice a week to swim and(B)

A.workB.work outC.work to

3.On my way home, I quite often(C)the milk man.A.see withB.meet intoC.come across

4.You can paint the walls and(A)posters.You can do what you want.A.put upB.put downC.put on

5.But I(B)weight if I don’t exercise.A.put upB.put onC.put with

6.I am getting too fat.I have to(A)my weight.A.work offB.work ofC.work out

7.A:So, do you like


B:Yes,I(A)it.A.loveB.am lovingC.loves

8.It often(B)in winter in the north of China.A.snowB.is snowingC.snows

9.It(C)heavily here at this moment.A.rainB.rainsC.is raining

10.The workers usually(B)work at 8:30.A.are startingB.startC.starts

11.Rose is in the garden.She(A)her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.A.is havingB.hasC.have

12.Quite often after dinner, they _______ music in a pub and _______ home about midnight./ 6

the cinema near Hyde


A.are playing…are goingB.will play… are goingC.play…go

13.I’d like(A)apples, please.A.someB.anyC./

14.Have you got(B)lychees?


15.I don’t need _______mineral water, but I’d like ________tea, thanks.(C)

A.some, anyB.any, anyC.any, some

16.Do you have_______ friends in Shanghai?(B)


17.He hasn’t got _______ cousins.(A)


18.I don’t want _______ milk in my coffee.(A)


19.A: I like documentaries on TV.B: _______.(B)

A.So am IB.So do IC.So have I

20.A:I am from England.B: _______.(A)

A.So am IB.So do IC.So have I

21.A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.B:_______.(B)

A.So have IB.Me tooC.So am I

22.A:He has got two sisters.B:_______.(A)

A.So have IB.So am IC.So do I

23.A:I don’t get up late on Sundays.B:_______.(C)

A.Neither have IB.Neither am IC.Neither do I

24.A: I haven’t got a car.B: _______.(A)

A.Neither have IB.Neither do IC.Neither am I

25.A:The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree.It’s _______.(C)

A.no enough quietB.not enough quietC.not quiet enough

26.A:The classroom is not big enough for 50 students.(A)

B:Yes, I agree.It’s _______.A.too smallB.no enoughC.not enough bigger

27.A: The shops in this area are _______.(B)

B: Yes, I agree.They are not modern enough.A.enough old-fashionedB.old-fashionC.too old-fashioned

28.A: The chair is not comfortable enough.B: Yes, I agree.It is _______.(B)

A.to be not comfortableB.too uncomfortableC.no comfortable

29.The French restaurants are nice, but they are _______!(C)

A.not enough niceB.comfortableC.too expensive

30.The news is not new at all.It is _______.(B)

A.noB.quite oldC.enough old

31.This radio is _______ than that one.(A)

A.more expensiveB.quite oldC.enough old

32.James is _______ French than Polly.(A)

A.a bit better atB.a bit more good atC.a bit good at

33.This watch is_______ that one.(A)

A.as expensive asB.very expensive thanC.more expensive to

34.I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is _______ me.(B)

A.bad withB.worse thanC.less than

35.John is _______ experienced at training than Mary is.(A)

A.moreB.worseC.less than

36.This is his book.Could you give it _____ him?(A)




37.I'm a deputy manager.I work ________ an IT company.(A)




38.I am not keen_______ sports.(A)




39.Rose is experienced _________ training.(A)




40.Chris usually go to the gym _________ the weekend.(C)




41.Rose is experienced _________ training.(A)




42.Chris usually go to the gym _________ the weekend.(C)




43.A: _________________?

B: I've got a bad cough.(A)

A.What's the matter with you

B.What is it like

C.How was your day yesterday

44.A: How much is the rent of the flat?

B: _________________.(B)

A.The hotel room is expensive

B.It is 450 pounds a month

C.It is near the center of the city

45.A: What does she look like?

B: _________________.(B)

A.She likes playing tennis

B.She's slim with long, straight black hair

C.She's very nice and kind

46.A: What does her boyfriend look like?

B: _________________.(C)

A.He is intelligent and confident

B.He likes playing football

C.He is quite tall with fair curly hair

47.A: What does your English teacher look like?

B: _________________.(B)

A.She likes singing

B.She's tall and has long, wavy hair

C.She looks sad

48.A: How do I get there?

B: _________________.(A)

A.You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket

B.It takes about an hour to get there

C.I'd like to see them

49.A: Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?

B: _________________.(C)

A.It's not sure

B.That's all right

C.It's next to the newsagent

50.A: What time does the train leave?

B: _________________.(C)

A.On Tuesday

B.In the morning

C.At half past five

51.A: How long does it take from Beijng to London by plane?

B: _________________.(B)

A.It costs 1,200 dollars

B.It takes about 7 hours

C.It's not near enough

52.Hurry up.We don't have _____ time.(B)



C.too many

53.How many _____ would you like to buy?(C)




54.How many _____ can you see on the table ?(A)

A.cups of milk

B.cup of milk

C.a cup of milk

55.You can paint the walls and _____ posters.You can do what you want.(A)

A.put up

B.put down

C.put on

56.The house is very close to the railway station, so it's very _____ for transport.A.expensive



57.Lily and Lucy are _____ a picture-book in their room.(C)




58.Mark is responsible _____ the international market.(B)




59.I'm _____ a list of things to buy.(A)




60.He can _____good English.(A)







I.Vocabulary and Structure:30%

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C.and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence, then put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.Your experience in the war will become good ______ of a novel.A.stuffB.staffC.dialogueD.gesture

2.The victim was helpless because she couldn’t _____ her attacker in court.A.destroyB.overtakeC.identifyD.grab

3.The elevator often _____.A.break offB.break downC.smashes downD.goes on

4.Mr.White was generous and wouldn’t _____ your criticism___ you.A.apply….toB.single out….againstC.attach… toD.hold ….against

5.We_____ to decide who should clean up the bedroom.A.drew lotsB.conducted a pollC.had a betD.talked over

6.We get message s by radio, television, telephone and very other ___ of communications.A.approachesB.meansC.instrumentsD.measures

7.They had a ____ when their car crashed.A.escapeB.screenC.viewD.realm

8.They ___ the situation as favorable and took advantage of it.A.suspectedB.maintainedC.revealedD.viewed A.protectB.protestC.exposeD.separate A.I guessB.I wonderC.I’m sureD.I suspected

11.The company’A.develops intoB.comes toC.gets toD.turns out A.presumablyB.vividlyC.decentlyD.properly A.at any costB.in all waysC.after allD.of course A.hold onB.catch onC.hold tight ontoD.get hold of

15.The little girl wore a very thin coat.A sudden gust of cold wind made her ___.A.trembleB.shiverC.shakeD.chill

16.Unfortunately the plane crashed ___ it took off.A.now thatB.shortly whenC.the minuteD.not until

17.He decided the invitation ____ he had another appointment.A.for the reason ofB.because that

C.for the reason thatD.because of the reason that

18.The neighbors reported the event to the police;____ the police came to the spot.A.soon afterB.shortly afterC.right afterD.shortly afterwards.19.I’m terribly sorry.I didn’t mean ___ I said.A.anything thatB.all the thingsC.anything whichD.everything that

20.Spring festival is important to us Chinese _____Christmas is to Americans.A.in a wayB.the same as

C.in much the same wayD.in almost every aspect

21.____ a specific description of the attacker, we can track him down based on it.A.givenB.if you giveC.Given thatD.Giving

22.The athlete pictured himself _____ winning over all his rivals in the race.A.asB.byC.forD.with

23.Our nerve system reacts appropriately to __ we think or imagine to be true


24.The acid ran found in a number of large cities once again _____people ___ the urgent need to take care of our environment.A.reminds… toB.reminds ….ofC.tells…ofD.tells…for

25.If you don’t mind, I ____ listen to pop songs than to jazz.A.would ratherB.ratherC.would rather toD.rather to

26.It is responsibility of the commissioner of police to _____ law and order.A.remainB.keep fromC.maintainD.insist

27.In its Sea lab program, the United States has studied the possibility _____people ___ beneath the ocean.A.to have…to liveB.of have …liveC.to have…liveD.of having…live

28.___turn off the main road here ___ you will come to a small hill.A.if you…andB./….andC.you…./D./…/ A.interestedB.disinterestedC.separatedD.disconnected

30.If you associate with such people, I’A.are makingB.are gong to haveC.are avoidingD.are creating II.Cloze: 10%

Directions: The following passage is taken from one of the texts you have learned.Read the passage and fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word.Write the word on the Answer Sheet

Of course daydreaming is no substitute __1__ hard work.If it’s athletic achievement you want, you also have to__2___ lots of practice in your sport.You have to work hard to develop skills.If it’s school success you’re __3__, you can’t neglect studying.Daydreaming alone can’t __4__ you ___5__ your heart’s desire.But ____6___ combination __7__ the more usual methods of

self-development, it might make a ____8___ ___9__.It could be the difference between becoming __10__ good at something and becoming a champion.III.Reading Comprehension: 30%


1Some people have it easy.When their kids ask them what they do at work, they can give a simple, direct answer.“I put out fires “ or “ I fix sick people “ or “ I teach primary school”.As a theoretical physicist, I never had this luck.Society has come to expect many things from physicists.It used to be that we only had to discover the basic laws of the world and supply the techniques that would power the next silicon Valley(硅谷).With these expectations we were fairly comfortable.They are the sorts of things we think we know how to do.What makes us uncomfortable---and what makes it hard for us to tell our kids what we’re up to---is that in this century we have become, though unwillingly, gurus on questions such as “ What is the nature of


We now deal with a whole new class of problems.We ask how the world began and what is the nature of the matter.The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for the average person.So, when physicists get out of their cars in the morning, have a cup of coffee and sit down in front of their computers, they leave a familiar world and enter a place where things act in strange ways that are impossible for ordinary people to understand.1.According to the passage, in a way physicists are ___.A.intelligentB.comfortableC.strangeD.unlucky

2.Judging from the context, the word “ guru “ in the first paragraph most probably means a person_____

A.who acts as a teacher and answers big questions

B.who gives wrong answers to big questions.C.who does not like to answer big questions

D.who is eager to supply answers to big questions.3.Which of the following is true according to what the author says about physicists?____

A.physicists do not like their job

B.physicists live in two different worlds.C.Physicists are coming up new answers to old questions

D.Physicists do not have to tell people what they are doing

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A.theoretical physicist only has to answer the basic questions about the world

B.theoretical physicist contributed to the new industry in Silicon Valley

C.theoretical physicist have disappointed the expectations of many people

D.theoretical physicist have found it hard to make friends with ordinary people

5.Which o f the following is true about the job of physicists?

A.It is getting more and more difficult

B.It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.C.a person with average intelligence can not do it

D.both a and b



In the United States, advertising itself is a big business.Millions and millions of dollars are spent on television, radio, and printed messages to prospective consumers.Advertising firms do “market research” for their clients, testing out various “pitches” in the quest for ones that are effective.From the viewpoint of American consumers, advertising functions to inform them about available products and services, as well as to encourage them to buy.From the viewpoint of visitors from abroad, though, advertising serves and additional function, and it affords countless insights into American values, tastes and standards.From American advertising, foreign visitors can gain some understanding of these and other aspects of American society: American ideas about physical attractiveness in males and females, American ideas concerning personal hygiene, the emphasis Americans place on sex, speed and technical sophistication, the amount of faith Americans have in arguments that include specific numbers, materialism in American society,male-female relationships, both pre-and post-material, the attention Americans pay to the words of celebrities, the characteristics of people who, in Americans’ eyes, are considered “authorities”, whose ideas and recommendations are persuasive, and the sorts of things Americans find humorous.By comparing advertising they see in the States to what they have seen at home, foreign visitors can gain understanding not just of American society, but of their own as well.Pricing

With few exceptions, Americans are accustomed to fixed prices on merchandise they buy and sell.The usual exceptions are houses, automobiles, and something major appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines.Another exception is a private sales.Americans are not accustomed to bargaining over prices, and in fact usually feel quite uncomfortable with the idea.Foreign visitors must realize that the price marked on an item does not include the sales tax that is added as part of the payment.(Sales tax rates vary from one jurisdiction to another.)

Americans do not believe, as people from many cultures do, that a commercial transaction includes particular attention to the human relationships involved.They look for the item they want, decide whether they can afford the price marked on it, and, if they want to buy it, find a clerk or salesperson to take the money or do the paperwork for a credit-card purchase.People who try to bargain for a lower price in a shop or store are likely to be considered either quite odd or startlingly aggressive.1.Which of the following functions does advertising in the U.S.serve?

A.Advertising offers the consumers information about products and services and persuades them to buy.B.Advertising acquaints foreign visitors with American marketing strategy.C.Advertising tells people how to establish male-female relationships.D.Advertising tells people how to be attractive physically.2.Which of the following is true of American advertising?

A.It’s persuasive and humorous.B.It lays stress on technical development.C.The words of celebrities are usually quoted.D.It offers insights into American values, tastes and standards.3.Which of the following is true of American pricing?

A.Most products are not sold at fixed prices.B.Domestic appliances are not sold at fixed prices.C.Almost all the products are sold at fixed prices.D.Automobiles are sold at fixed prices.4.According to the passage, what the customers in the U.S.pay for a product or service is A.its fixed price.B.the price which is not fixed.C.the fixed price and the non-fixed priceD.the price and the sales tax

5.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A.Americans pay attention to human relationships when shopping.B.Americans don’t pay attention to human relationships.C.Americans seldom bargain when shopping.D.Americans like to do some shopping with a credit-card.Passage

3Humans are social animals.They depend on groups for survival.An individual human being lost in a wilderness is capable of doing many things.But he or she will probably be thinking constantly about how much better it would be if there were other people around to talk to and to help.Because humans like to live and work in groups, they come form couples and families;villages and cities;work groups, teams, and other organizations.Language is the “cement” that holds these social groups together.Through language we can share ideas and experiences.The human mouth and throat are so constructed that we can utter a variety of sounds.Language is the device for matching certain combinations of sounds with the symbols for things, ideas, and emotions.Our brains think in symbols----words and sentences-----as well as in the images that we receive from our sense.Thus we can turn experiences into symbols and communicate to other people through the use of language.Any one individual, therefore, can learn much more from others than he or she can discover alone.Language enables people to pass ideas from group to group and from generation to generation.Language is part of culture.Culture, in this sense, means all those customs, skills, and attitudes that are part of behavior of a particular group.The way you live, what you think, and what you want in life are all affected by the culture of the group in which you are raised.Groups of people live in different ways.They may have different skills, organizations, and art forms.Their family life may be completely different from yours.Human beings are inventive animals.They can even decide to change their cultures in order to meet new situations.They can choose to live in many environments and in a wide variety of ways.Of all living things, only human beings can choose where and how they want to live and then modify the physical environment to help them realize these choices.Acquiring the wisdom to make wise choices is the enduring challenge of being human.1.An individual human being lost in a wildness____

A.longs for a life among other peopleB.can do many things

C.keeps talking all the timeD.both a and b

2.Language is the device for_____

A.uttering a variety of soundsB.using a set of symbols.C.receiving a group of imagesD.matching sounds with symbols

3.With language, we can do all the following but ____

A.produce good healthB.communicate to other people

C.pass ideas from group to groupD.turn experiences into symbols.4.In what sense are humans wise and different from other living things? ___

A.Humans have a living placeB.humans can make wise choices

C.Humans move from place to placeD.humans live in group

5.The best title for this passage might be____

A.language and cultureB.the history of human beings

C.humans are inventive animalsD.a variety of cultures help humans survive IV.Translate the following sentences into English.15%

1.路灯亮起来时,我看到一个男人摇摇晃晃向市政厅(city hall)方向走去。




V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.15%

1.Mr.Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life.2.About a fourth of the American rice crop is grown in California.3.He forgot the financial crisis and the importance of raising the level of production.4.Within a year, consumers had returned millions of aluminum cans and glass and plastic bottles.5.She dropped me off at the end of her route and told me which bus to look for.Key


1-5a c b d a6-10b c d a c

11-15b d a c b16-20c c d b c

21-25a a b b a26-30 c d b b a




III.Passage 1 1-5 D A B B D

Passage 2 1-5 A D C D C

Passage 3 1-5 D D A B A


1.When the street lights went on, I saw a man walking unsteadily in the direction of the City

Hall.2.In general, prices can be brought down by increasing supply or decreasing demand.3.As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for some time.4.In those days, I would read everything I could get my hands on, as long as it was written in

English.5.I you stay up late working every night, your health will surely be affected.V.1.史密斯先生是位富有的工业家,但是他对生活并不满意。






Part I Writing

To Get along with Your Roommate

Roommate conflicts among college students are often heard on campus over recent years.Study shows that these conflicts make the excitement of campus life grow grey and have bad effects on both their living and learning.Roommate conflicts often spring from daily trivial things such as time when to turn off the light and space where to store luggage or personal belongs.When personalities don’t mix, the specifics can tear roommates apart and sometimes even lead to serious conflicts.Besides, the fact

that roommates hold different attitudes towards certain issue is another factor causing these conflicts.Roommate conflicts are harmful and need to be settled.Though many people think that school discipline can soften the conflicts, I believe learning to be tolerant with each other can play a more

constructive role because it teaches students flexibility and the art of compromise.Meanwhile, communication contributes to the solution to this problem since many of these conflicts stem from

misunderstanding.Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1.Y 2.N 3.Y 4.Y 5.N 6.NG 7.N

8.the educational underachievement

9.working with the family

10.Education Working Group

Part III Listening Comprehension

11~15 CCDAB 16~20 ABDDA 21~25 DCCBC 26~30 DABCA 31~35 ABDCD



44.It speeds up the heart rate, increases blood pressure and quickens breathing

45.listened to either an informative tape, or a cassette intended to relax them or no tape at all

46.those who had listened to the humorous tape could tolerate the discomfort much longer Part IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)


57~61 DACCC62~66 BCCDD

Part V Cloze

67~71 CBACD 72~76 ABCDB 77~81 CBADA 82~86 CADBD

Part VI Translation

87.As long as every Chinese

88.travel wherever /anywhere /everywhere you like

89.is as great as ever

90.to whom I complained

91.where/in which so many people lost their lives



Part I Writing

As is vividly illustrated in the picture, “there is no I in TEAM”.The above picture depicts the importance of cooperation in whatever tasks a team undertakes.As far as I am concerned, if a team intends to achieve its goal, each member of the team is supposed to forget about his or her self-interest and contribute to the whole.It is generally believed that cooperation is of great importance to the final success of a team.On one hand, without cooperation, a person or an organization is unable to accomplish much, especially in this increasingly interdependent society.On the other hand, it is cooperation that can integrate the strengths of each member of a group and contribute to the achievement of the target.Therefore, under no circumstances should we neglect the positive impacts brought by cooperation.In conclusion, in order to benefit each individual, we should lay great emphasis on cooperation, which has become a consensus among modern individuals.Only when each member of a team realizes the significance of being cooperative, can the ultimate success be achieved and can each individual benefit from the achievement.Part II Listening

1-5 B A D B C6-10 A D D C B11-15 A D B D C 16-20 D C A B D 21-25 B A C D Aholiday27give away28 achievements29expected30festival

blast32 perfect33 dropped slowly from34signal35champagne

Part III Reading

Section A



Section B


Section C

56.A.All its courses are offered online.57.C.a minimum or total absence of face-to-face instruction.58.D.work on the required courses whenever and wherever.59.C.There is no mechanism to ensure that they make the required effort.60.B.cutting down on their expenses.61.A.Children do find lots of fun in many mindless activities.62.B.Her way to success was full of pains and frustrations.63.C.She wanted to share her stories with readers.64.C.she wanted to help Rebecca realize her dream of becoming a writer.65.B.Children should be allowed freedom to grow through experience.Part IV Translation

Traditional Chinese holiday meals are indispensable on some festivals.For example, the Dragon Boat Festival is a day established in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan and people usually hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, or rice dumpling on that day.The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completeness and family reunion.Therefore, the special food of the day is a round cake known as the moon cake.The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year's holiday.Besides the popular poultry and meat,people cook traditional food according to regional customs, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the “new year cake”.



Paper One


11.D 12.A13.D14.A15.C16.B17.A18.C19.D20.D







Paper Two



B.The remarkable characteristic of successful researchers is, firstly, that they will not be disturbed by unexpected or seemingly adverse results.They always/invariably react to them in an extremely positive manner.Secondly, they have a superior /an unusual capacity of observation.This is not so much due to their sharp/ acute sight or hearing as due to their ability to relate/ combine/ associate the phenomenon to/with previous experience or theory(and)to form a meaningful frame of idea/ mind/reference.Writing(略)



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