1、生龙活虎: strong and healthy2、一团和气: Complete harmony3、好高骛远: aspiring spirit4、独断专行: Make independent decisions5、兴师动众: raise a big rumpus6、魂不附体: Nearly gave up the ghost/ out of one’s wits7、寄人篱下: Living with another family8、情投意合: be of one mind9、得陇望蜀: to hanker for more10、咬牙切齿: to grind one’s teeth11、一败涂地: be completely destroyed / be bankrupted12、鬼鬼祟祟: on the sly13、无法无天: run completely wild / wild and headstrong14、安分守己: behave properly / know your place and mind your own business15、无精打采: listlessly / depressed / in a low spirit / looked very downcast16、鸦雀无声: in silence / be strangely quiet / in absolute silence17、大惊小怪: make a commotion / be alarmists / make a fuss over sth.18、坐立不安/ 心情烦乱/ 如坐针毡/ 局促不安/ 心乱如麻/ 六神无主/ 手足无措/七上八下:
be on tenterhooks19、欢天喜地: be filled with joy/ in high spirits/ gladly / be delighted / obvious
pleasure/ happy/ in jubilation / delights20、一石二鸟/一箭双雕/一举两得: to kill two birds with one stone21、沧海一粟/ 九牛一毛/ 微不足道/ 微乎其微/ 不足挂齿/ 不值一提: a drop in the bucket22、对牛弹琴:to teach a pig to play on a flute23、过街老鼠:like a rat crossing the street / the object of universal condemnation/ a
bad man hated by everybody24、门庭若市: a much visited house/ a busy town/ bustling/ crowded25、望梅止渴:to gaze at plums to quench one’s thirst/ to console oneself with false
hopes/ to feed on fancies/ imagined satisfaction26、危如累卵:as dangerous as a pile of eggs/ hazardous in the extreme/ great
insecurity/ in a precarious [critical] condition/ at stake [risk/ hazard]/
in peril [jeopardy/ danger]/ dangerous/ perilous/ critical/ hazardous/
precarious/ insecure/ risky/ unsafe/ touchy27、乱七八糟:at sixes and sevens28、招风惹草: look for trouble29、插科打诨:cut in a joke30、畅所欲言:speak one’s mind31、称心如意:be after one’s own heart32、了如指掌:at one’s finger-tips33、浑水摸鱼:fish in troubled waters34、成千上万:thousands upon thousands of35、水深火热:in deep water36、嗤之以鼻:turn up one’s nose at37、皮包骨头:skin and bones38、一触即发:touch and go39、一生一世:from the cradle to the grave40、一语道破:hit the nail on the head41、充耳不闻:turn a deaf ear to42、出人头地:be head and shoulders above others43、吹毛求疵:pick a hole in sb’s coat44、破釜沉舟:burn one’s boat45、大惊小怪:make a fuss about46、大海捞针:look for a needle in a bundle of hay47、颠倒黑白:talk black in to white48、得意忘形:have one’s nose in the air49、攀龙附凤:worship the rising sun50、大发雷霆:hit the ceiling/ fly into a rage51、骑虎难下:hold a wolf by the ears52、视而不见:turn a blind eye to53、三思而后行:look before you leap54、趁热打铁:make hay while the sun shines55、半信半疑: take sth with a grain of salt56、锦囊妙计: get an ace up one’s sleeve57、赴汤蹈火: go through fire and flood58、福星高照: have a lucky star above you59、进退维谷: be between the devil and the deep sea60、咎由自取: reap what he has sown61、口蜜腹剑: be fair without but foul within62、伶牙俐齿: have a ready tongue63、梁上君子: the light-fingered gentry64、每况愈下: be on the downgrade65、迷人眼目: throw dust into the eye of the public66、摩拳擦掌: roll up one’s sleeves67、全力以赴: do one’s level best68、忍气吞声: swallow the insult69、走投无路: come to the end of one’s tether70、游手好闲: eating the bread of idleness71、引狼入室: set the wolf to keep the sheep72、信口开河: shoot off one’s mouth73、一窍不通:not know the first thing of sth.74、扪心自问:Search one’s heart75、美中不足:a fly in the ointment76、自作自受: give sb.rope to hang oneself77、勾心斗角: put spokes in the other’s wheels78、杀气腾腾: make vicious attacks79、厚此薄彼: make fish of one and flesh of another80、得意洋洋: walk on air81、鸡毛蒜皮:trifling82、开门见山: come straight to the point83、狗急跳墙: do sth.desperate84、顺手牵羊: walk off with sth.85、守株待兔: trust to chance and stoke of luck86、铜墙铁壁: an impregnable fortress87、唇枪舌剑: engage in a battle of words88、黔驴技穷: at one’s end89、单枪匹马: all by oneself90、生龙活虎:bursting with energy91、见异思迁:a rolling stone92、苦苦哀求:be on one’s knees93、惹是生非: wake a sleeping dog94、毛骨悚然:be horror-stricken95、不屈不挠:indomitable96、班门弄斧:show off in the presence of an expert97、大刀阔斧:be bold and resolute98、故步自封:narrow-minded conservatism99、夜郎自大:ignorant boasting100、鸡犬不宁:be in great disorder101、汗马功劳:outstanding military exploits102、目瞪口呆:be stunned103、盘根错节:be too complicated104、三言两语:to explain clearly in a few words105、棋逢对手:be well-matched106、犬马之劳:work faithfully107、三心二意:be wavering108、雪中送炭:offering timely help109、血肉相连:maintain the closest relations with110、七上八下:be in a turmoil111、饱食终日:be content to eat three square meals a day and do nothing 112、叶公好龙:Lord Ye who professed to love dragons113、南柯一梦:sth vanished like a dream114、愣头愣脑:be somewhat rash in the head115、举目无亲:be entirely on your own116、毛遂自荐/ 自告奋勇:volunteer117、洗心革面、脱胎换骨:turn over a new leaf118、过河拆桥、忘恩负义:kick down the ladder119、专心致志、聚精会神:devote one’s full attention to120、陈词滥调:old stuff/ cliche121、痴心妄想:wishful thinking / fond dream122、长篇大论: a ponderous thesis / a lengthy speech [article]
123、粗心大意:careless / negligent124、丰功伟绩:great [magnificent] contributions125、灵丹妙药:miraculous cure / heal-all126、自以为是、夜郎自大:self-conceited / arrogant127、以怨报德、恩将仇报:return kindness with ingratitude128、低三下
四、奴颜婢膝:humble oneself129、宽宏大量、既往不咎:forgive and forget130、工于心计、唯利是图:be calculating and mercenary131、意志坚强:tough-minded132、自私自利:be egotistic133、忠心耿耿:with loyalty and devotion134、死心塌地:die-hard
135:、坚忍不拔:firm and indomitable136、顽固不化:be incorrigibly obstinate137、别具匠心:show one’s ingenuity138、别出心裁:try to be different139、招摇撞骗:swindle and bluff140、足智多谋:wise and resourceful141、仪态万方:appeared in all one’s glory142、丑态百出:act like a buffoon143、诡计多端:have a whole bag of tricks144、毋庸置疑:it is beyond doubt145、欢天喜地:be in the seventh heaven146、精力充沛:be in full of beans147、空中楼阁:castle in the air148、晴天霹雳:a bolt from the blue149、正中下怀:after one’s own heart150、毛发倒竖:one’s hair stands on end151、一箭双雕:kill two birds with one stone152、露出马脚:show the cloven hoof153、千钧一发:hang by a hair154、杀鸡取卵:kill the goose that lays the golden eggs155、别有用心:have an axe to grind156、胡言论语:talk through one’s hat157、家徒四壁:to be as poor as Job158、不伦不类:neither fish nor fowl159、一视同仁:no respecter of persons160、千方百计:leave no stone unturned161、偷偷摸摸:hole and corner162、半斤八两:six of one and half a dozen of the other163、九死一生:by the skin of one’s teeth164、直言不讳:call a spade a spade165、缘木求鱼:make a wild-goose chase166、钻冰求酥:hold a candle to the sun167、以冰致蝇:catch at shadows168、以狸饵鼠:lash the waves189、隔靴搔痒:beat the air190、打草惊蛇:wake a sleeping dog/ to stir up the grass and alert the snake191、易如反掌:as easy as falling off a log / to be as easy as turning over one’s hand 192、挥金如土:to spend money like dirt / spend money like water193、画蛇添足:paint the lily / to draw a snake and add feet to it194、掌上明珠:the apple of one’s eye / a pearl in the palm195、声东击西:to shout in the east and strike in the west196、刻骨铭心:to be engraved on one’s heart and bones197、井底之蛙:to be like a frog at the bottom of a well198、扬眉吐气:to feel proud and elated199、灯红酒绿:dissipated and luxurious200、纸醉金迷:(a life of)luxury and dissipation
1、三个月内:in a quarter of a year2、二十年的时间: two decades3、一百年前:a century ago4、二十五年前:a quarter of a century ago5、三月上旬:in the first ten days of March6、十八(架飞机):a dozen and a half airplanes7、一位耄耋老人: an old man of over eighty years old8、八十七年前:fourscore and seven years ago9、年逾花甲:over sixty years old10、年过七旬:over seventy years old11、古稀之年:in the years of seventy12、而立之年:thirty years old13、不惑之年:over forty years old14、本世纪初二十五年:the first quarter of this century15、过去的十年间:in the last decade16、三十位学生:one and a half score of students17、两个星期:a fortnight18、五百年来:five centuries19、一个该题时代的儿童:a two or three years old child20、黄口小儿:a under ten years old boy21、一个金钗之年的少女:a twelve years old girl22、她正值豆蔻年华:She is in the year of thirteen or fourteen.23、他已近加冠之年:He is going to be twenty years old now.24、他英年早逝:He died of about thirty-five years old.25、她已进了开六的年纪:She is fifty-one years old.
液压传动和气压传动称为流体传动,是根据17世纪帕斯卡提出的液体静压力传动原理而发展起来的一门新兴技术,1795年英国约瑟夫•布拉曼(Joseph Braman,1749-1814),在伦敦用水作为工作介质,以水压机的形式将其应用于工业上,诞生了世界上第一台水压机。1905年将工作介质水改为油,又进一步得到改善。
第一次世界大战(1914-1918)后液压传动广泛应用,特别是1920年以后,发展更为迅速。液压元件大约在 19 世纪末 20 世纪初的20年间,才开始进入正规的工业生产阶段。1925 年维克斯(F.Vikers)发明了压力平衡式叶片泵,为近代液压元件工业或液压传动的逐步建立奠定了基础。20 世纪初康斯坦丁•尼斯克(G•Constantimsco)对能量波动传递所进行的理论及实际研究;1910年对液力传动(液力联轴节、液力变矩器等)方面的贡献,使这两方面领域得到了发展。
第二次世界大战(1941-1945)期间,在美国机床中有30%应用了液压传动。应该指出,日本液压传动的发展较欧美等国家晚了近20 多年。在 1955 年前后 , 日本迅速发展液压传动,1956 年成立了“液压工业会”。近20~30 年间,日本液压传动发展之快,居世界领先地位。
流体动力是自动化系统的肌肉,是因为一下四个方面: 1.简单而精确的控制。通过简单的杠杆原理,流体动力系统可以轻松的启动、停止、加速或者减速,并且定位动力可以提供任何的动力需要而使定位偏差精确到1/10000英寸。2.成倍的动力。液压系统可以简单而有效的将一盎司的力转换成百吨的输出力。3.恒定的力或转矩。只有液压系统可以不管速度怎么变化保持提供恒或力转矩,这可以适应不论是输出的速度或转速是几英寸每小时、几百英寸每秒还是几转每小时、几千转每秒。4.简单、安全、经济,一般情况下液压系统可以比机械或者电力系统用更少的零件实现同样的功能。
由于牛顿定律(F=m×a),将油液加速所需的力比将气体加速到同样值所需要的力要大很多倍,这导致更大的摩擦压力和功率损失。而且液压系统采用的油液介质与气体不同,它需要设置特制的储存油箱和无泄漏回油系统。液压系统 工程液压回路 泵就是用来提供压力油的也可以说是提供动力。阀是用来控制油的流量和控制提供需要的压力。每一个液压动力系统用一个或者多个泵提供液压油。从液压动力系统出来的液压油完成工作。压力油用来推动活塞杆在气缸中运动或者使液压马达的轴转动。泵的作用就是液压动力系统中将油液加压以完成工作。一些动力系统使用低压100pi来完成工作。当需要大功率输出时可以达到10000pi或者更多,所以我们发现现在的一些液压动力系统是由至少一个泵来加压油液的。泵的种类
一、汉英成语字面上的对等 有些成语按原文的字面翻译,或借用英语类似的成语,其比喻效果同原文一样生动,这类成语本身就能使读者很快联想起英文中的对等词语。破釜沉舟就是这样一个典型的例子。
1)破釜沉舟——burn the boat 出处:西汉·司马迁《史记·项羽本纪》:“项羽乃悉引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,烧庐舍,持三日粮,以示士卒必死,无一还心。
Andy is intelligent, energetic and is ready to burn his boat.但是,这个短语并不是时时都是褒义的,如果“破釜沉舟”精神领会的不好,那有时会真的是自绝后路,比如说:
Think carefully before you resign---if so, you will have burnt your boat.不少汉语成语不一定有非常对等的英语成语,但按照它们的字面意义翻译也能使译文读者得到正确无误的形象意义。如毛遂自荐
2)毛遂自荐——to volunteer one’s service
典故: 战国时代,秦国军队攻打赵国的都城。赵国的平原君打算亲自到楚国去请救兵,想挑选一个精明能干的人一同前去。有一个名叫毛遂的人,自告奋勇愿意同去。平原君到
例句:人大会议应向毛遂自荐者敞开大门.The National People’s congress should be open to those who volunteer to attend the meeting.二、带有文化背景与典故的成语 汉语言文化具有深厚的史学积淀,因而有相当一部分成语带有一定的中国文化背景。有的成语在字面上就会有中国古代的人名、地名,有的出自寓言或历史典故。特别是中国几部史书与名著,如《论语》、《史记》、《封神演义》、《三国演义》、《红楼梦》、《西游记》、《水浒》都闻名世界。翻译这类成语最好注明出处,以便译文读者能更好地理解。同时,英语成语中也有不少成语带有文化背景,如运用适当,更能使两种文化相互渗透,增加译文读者对中国传统文化的认同。以下几个例子就是代表。
3)初出茅庐——at the beginning of one’s career
典故: 东汉末年,刘备三顾茅庐请出诸葛亮并拜为军师。而关羽、张飞对他不以为然。没过多久,曹操派大将夏侯惇领十万大军攻打新野,刘备找诸葛亮商议,诸葛亮说:“怕众将不听我令,愿借主公印剑一用。”刘备忙将印剑交给诸葛亮。诸葛亮开始集众点将。命关羽带一千人马埋伏在豫山,放过敌人先头部队,看到起火,迅速出击。张飞带一千人马埋伏在山谷里,待起火后,杀向博望城。关平、刘封带五百人马,在博望坡后面分两路等候,敌军一到,立刻放火。又把赵云从樊城调来当先锋,只许败不许胜。刘备带一千人马作后援。关羽忍不住问:“我们都去打仗,先生干什么?”诸葛亮说:“我在城中坐等。”张飞大笑说:“我们都去拼命,先生你好逍遥!”诸葛亮说:“印剑在此,违令者斩!”关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。在战斗中,各将按诸葛亮吩咐行事,直杀得曹兵丢盔弃甲。诸葛亮初次用兵,神机妙算,大获全胜。关羽、张飞等佩服的五体投地。
Though at the beginning of his career, he could already see the empire would be divided into three states.2原来主角是个初出茅庐的小白.The leading player turns out to be a green hand with his operation at the
beginning level.4)不如虎穴,焉得虎子 ——nothing ventured, nothing gained
出处: 南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·班超传》:“超曰:‘不入虎穴,不得虎子。当今之计,独有因夜以火攻虏,使彼不知我多少,必大震怖,可殄尽也。’”
例句:1中国有句古话:“不入虎穴, 焉得虎子”, 这句话对于人们的实践是真理, 对于认识论也是真理。
There is an o ld Chinese saying, “How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair?”.This saying holds t rue for man’s practice and it also holds t rue for the theory of knowledge.2不入虎穴, 焉得虎子? 我决定冒险进去看看。
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.I decided to take the risk in going inside to have a look.总结:这
5)隔岸观火——look on at sb's trouble with indifference
出处: 唐·乾康《投谒齐己》:“隔岸红尘忙似火;当斩青嶂冷如冰。” 典故:东汉末年,袁绍兵败身亡,几个儿子为争夺权力互相争斗,曹操决定击败袁氏兄弟。袁尚、袁熙兄弟投奔乌桓,曹操向乌桓进兵,击败乌既,袁氏兄弟又去投奔辽东太守公孙康。曹营诸将向曹操进君,要一鼓作气,平服辽东,捉拿二袁。曹操哈哈大笑说,你等勿动,公孙康自会将二袁的头送上门来的。于是下令班师,转回许昌,静观辽东局势。公孙康听说二袁归降,心有疑虑。袁家父子一向都有夺取辽东的野心,现在二袁兵败,如丧家之犬,无处存身,投奔辽东实为迫不得已。公孙康如收留二袁,必有后患,再者,收容二袁,肯定得罪势力强大的曹操。但他又考虑,如果曹操进攻辽东,只得收留二袁,共同抵御曹操。当他探听到曹操已经转回许昌,并无进攻辽东之意时,认为收容二袁有害无益。于是预设伏兵,召见二袁,一举擒拿,割下首级,派人送到曹操营中。曹操笑着对众将说,公孙康向来俱怕袁氏吞并他,二袁上门,必定猜疑,如果我们急于用兵,反会促成他们合力抗拒。我们退兵,他们肯定会自相火并。看看结果,果然不出我料。
Before the issue of carve out board stocks, the best attitude should be wait and see.You’d better stand by with indifference and wait for gains.
轻如鸿毛——as light as a feather
旁观者清——The onlooker sees most of the game
艳如桃李——as red as rose
狐假虎威——ass in the lion's skin
物以类聚——Birds of a feather flock together
非驴非马——Neither fish, nor flesh, nor fowl.如释重负——to take a load off one's mind
挥金如土——to spend money like water
弱不禁风——as weak as water
瞬息之间——in the twinkle of an eye
泪如泉涌——a stream of tears
瓮中之鳖——a rat in a hole
扬眉吐气——to hold one's head high 一针见血——to touch one on the raw
不翼而飞——to take wings to itself
小题大做——to make mountains out of molehills
格格不入——a square peg in a round hole
山穷水尽——at the end of one's rope
冷若冰霜——as cold as a marble
半斤八两——six of one and half a dozen of the other
胸有成竹——to have a card up one's sleeve
孤注一掷——to put all one's eggs in one basket
纸上谈兵——armchair strategy
白费口舌——to speak to the wind
同行相嫉——Two of a trade can never agree.一文不名——without a penny to one's name
收回前言——to eat one's words
令人毛骨悚然——to make one's hair stand on end 人身攻击——personal remark
(一)爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.百闻不如一见Seeing is believing.比上不足,比下有余“worse off than some, better off than many;to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst
笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start.不眠之夜white night
不以物喜,不以己悲not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses不遗余力spare no effort;go all out;do one's best
不打不成交”No discord, no concord.拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul
辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old and usher in the new;ring out the old year and ring in the new
大事化小,小事化了try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
大开眼界open one's eyes;broaden one's horizon;be an eye-opener
国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace
过犹不及going too far is as bad as not going far enough;beyond is as wrong as falling short;too much is as bad as too little
功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits.好了伤疤忘了疼once on shore, one prays no more
好事不出门,恶事传千里Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.和气生财Harmony brings wealth
活到老,学到老One is never too old to learn.既往不咎let bygones be bygones
金无足赤,人无完人Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.金玉满堂Treasures fill the home
脚踏实地be down-to-earth
脚踩两只船sit on the fence
君子之交淡如水the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal;a hedge between keeps friendship green
老生常谈,陈词滥调cut and dried, cliché
礼尚往来Courtesy calls for reciprocity.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧“Where there is life, there is hope.”
马到成功achieve immediate victory;win instant success
名利双收gain in both fame and wealth
茅塞顿开be suddenly enlightened
没有规矩不成方圆Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.每逢佳节倍思亲
On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.谋事在人,成事在天“The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven./ Man proposes, God disposes.”
弄巧成拙be too smart by half;Cunning outwits itself.拿手好戏masterpiece
赔了夫人又折兵throw good money after bad
一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way;speed the parting guest
严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others
鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey
有情人终成眷属“Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.”
有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go.Money talks.有识之士people of vision
有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain
有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.与时俱进advance with times
以人为本people oriented;people foremost
因材施教teach students according to their aptitude
欲穷千里目,更上一层楼“to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further;Ascend further, were you to look farther;Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.”欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.优胜劣汰survival of the fittest
英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.冤家宜解不宜结Better make friends than make enemies.冤假错案“cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced;unjust, false or wrong cases”
一言既出,驷马难追A real man never goes back on his words.招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful
债台高筑become debt-ridden
致命要害Achilles' heel
众矢之的target of public criticism
知己知彼,百战不殆Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.纸上谈兵be an armchair strategist
纸包不住火Truth will come to light sooner or later.左右为难between the devil and the deep blue sea;between the rock and the hard place“跳进黄河洗不清”“eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name ”
歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena
物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together.往事如风“The past has vanished(from memory)like wind.;What in past, is past.”望子成龙hold high hopes for one's child
屋漏又逢连阴雨Misfortunes never come singly.When it rains it pours.文韬武略military expertise;military strategy
唯利是图draw water to one's mill
无源之水,无本之木water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots
无中生有make/create something out of nothing
无风不起浪There are no waves without wind.There's no smoke without fire.徇私枉法bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends
新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off
心想事成May all your wish come true
心照不宣have a tacit understanding;give tacit consent;tacit understanding
先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched.先下手为强catch the ball before the bound
像热锅上的蚂蚁like an ant on a hot pan
现身说法warn people by taking oneself as an example
息事宁人pour oil on troubled waters
喜忧参半mingled hope and fear
循序渐进step by step