American wedding customs : wedding customs are a nation an important part of traditional culture, including the characteristics of a traditional culture of the Americans in the marriage, the first feelings of stress, communication freedom, freedom of mate choice, love freedom.Love between men and women generally do not need matchmakers, parents rarely interfere.美国人喜欢在6月份喜结良缘,因而在美国有“六月新郎”的说法,此话的含义是每年6月份在美国各地都可以遇见结婚的新人。之所以美国人喜欢在六月结婚,是因为英语里的“六月(JUNE)”和罗马神话中主管爱情和婚姻的“女神朱诺(JUNO)”的发音相似。美国人便认为,在6月举行婚礼,“婚姻女神”就会给新婚夫妇带来欢乐和幸福。
Americans like to tie the knot in June, so in the United States, “June Groom” argument, is the meaning of words throughout the United States each year in June, married
couples can meet.The reason why Americans like to get married in June, because in English the “June(JUNE)” and the Roman god of love and marriage in charge of the “goddess Juno(JUNO)” sounds similar.Americans will believe that the wedding in June, “the goddess of marriage” will bring joy and happiness to the newlyweds.,按照习俗,结婚当日在走上教堂的圣坛之前,新郎新娘是不能见面的,新娘通常穿着雪白的结婚礼服,带着洁白的面纱,象征着纯洁的爱情。
According to custom, married the day before embarking on the church altar, the bride and groom can not be met, the bride is usually dressed in white wedding dress, with a white veil, symbol of pure love.“something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”
If the wedding day, brides who wear such a few things, their wedding will certainly be very happy.This is a demand, then good luck
臂,缓缓地通过走廊向圣坛走去,这时,花童走到新娘的面前,把花篮中的花瓣一片片洒落在走廊上,然后,新娘父亲把新娘带上圣坛,交给新郎,接着,新郎在左,新娘在右,面对牧师站好,由牧师举行传统的婚庆形式,此时,新人们互赠结婚戒指,戒指象征着对婚姻的承诺,最后,牧师宣告两人正式结为夫妻。Generally held in a church wedding, the wedding, the bride holding his father's arm, slowly walked through the corridor to the altar, then, flower girl walked in front of the bride, the flower petals in a piece of floating down the hallway then, the bride father bride to bring the altar, to the groom, then the groom on the left, the bride on the right, the face of priest to stand by the priest at the wedding of traditional form, this time, people give each other new wedding ring, ring symbolizes the commitment of marriage, and finally, the priest declared the two officially became husband and wife.婚礼仪式后,经常会举行盛大的婚宴,酒会上备有各种丰富的食物,吃完后,新娘手捧鲜花,把花束抛给那些参加婚礼的单身女性,这样乃是幸福的象征。After the wedding ceremony, often held a grand wedding, cocktail party with a rich variety of food, after eating, the
bride holding flowers, the wedding bouquet thrown to those single women, but this symbol of happiness.婚宴结束后,新婚夫妇向宾客道别,客人纷纷往他们身上撒生米粒,祝愿他们今后儿孙满堂。
After the wedding, the couple bid farewell to the guests, the guests have to sprinkle them raw rice, wish their future children and grandchildren。
And the United States compared to the wedding, a traditional Chinese wedding is very different, first wedding dress, a traditional Chinese wedding, the bride dress for the wide sleeves Zhai breasted suits, wearing a pearl coronet, the bride in the wedding day with a red
bonnet masked, a symbol of virginity, young, pure, but the United States wedding, the bride wore a white wedding dress symbolizes pure love.Personally opened by the groom after the wedding.Second, wedding transport, a traditional Chinese wedding wedding unlike the United States, to marry the bride with the wedding car, but with the “Da Jiao”, carrying eight people to use this kind of thing, so-called “eight Dajiao”,Finally, the wedding is held at different locations, the United States is generally in the church wedding, and the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony held at the groom's home.
All societies have customs and ceremonies surrounding the three most significant events in human life-birth,marriage and death.From the earliest times,marriage has been an important part of many legal and religious systems.Let us look at just one country-the United States-to see some of the customs and the reasons for their exitence.People throw rice at wedding.Brides always wear “something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue.The man customarily gives the girl a diamond ring.On the wedding day it is supposed to be bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the weeding.In England,there is a famous saying A SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD,and it means a terrible secret.It all begins with engagement.Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her.If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her.Often he tries to surprise her by ”popping the question“ in a romantic way.Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married.The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement.They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years.As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor's parties provide many useful gifts.Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement.This prepares them for the challenges of married life.At last it's time for the wedding.Although most weddings follow long-held traditions, there's still room for American individualism.For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church.But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot.A few even have the ceremony while skydiving or riding on horseback!The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close friends.They choose their own style of colors, decorations and music during the ceremony.But some things rarely change.The bride usually wears a beautiful, long white wedding dress.She traditionally wears ”something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.“ The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo.Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.As the ceremony begins, the groom and his attendants stand with the minister, facing the audience.Music signals the entrance of the bride's attendants, followed by the beautiful bride.Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows.Traditionally, they promise to love each other ”for better, for worse, for richer,for poorer, in sickness and in health.“ But sometimes the couple has composed their own vows.They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment.Finally the minister announces the big moment: ”I now pronounce you man and wife.You may kiss your bride!“
At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests.Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite.Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats.Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls.Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry.During the reception, playful friends ”decorate“ the couple's car with tissue paper, tin cans and a ”Just Married“ sign.When the reception is over, the newlyweds run to their ”decorated“ car and speed off.Many couples take a honeymoon, a one-to two-week vacation trip, to celebrate their new marriage.例如,新郎与新娘要交换戒指。戒指经常戴在左手的第四只无名指上,在婚礼上进行交换。这种传统起源于原始早期社会,还被认为是具有魔力的。在一些原始部落里新婚夫妇被戴上用草和花编织的花环,以象征婚姻的幸福与美满。现在,戒指则象征两人相互承担的义务。
美国电影新娘大作战中在两位女主人公结婚的当天,其中一位女主人公的父母送给另一个女主人公一样东西,是一个蓝色的小花头饰,这个小头饰象征着两个女孩儿过去一起走过的日子。这其中,隐含了一个美国的婚礼习俗,“something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”
something old 某样东西是旧的,象征着新娘的家庭和过去。
Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item.Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother.something new 某样东西是新的,象征新的生活。
If the bride purchased her wedding dress new, it may represent her new item, but any item that is new may be used.Something ”new" is usually the easiest category to fill.something borrowed某样东西是借来的,通常是指要从已婚的幸福夫妇那里踩踩气、借借光
(Their happiness will rub off on you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage.)
新娘以后也会向他们一样持家。Some brides borrow an item of clothing, a piece of jewelry, a handkerchief or perhaps a beaded purse.something blue某样东西是蓝色的,表示纯洁纯真的爱情(purity, fidelity and love),就像圣母玛利亚一直穿着的蓝色长袍一样。Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride's wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter.silver sixpence最后要在左鞋子里放六便士的银币,表明财富与幸运会源源不断地到来。美国婚礼
Since most brides probably don't even know what a sixpence is, this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times.However, if a bride would like to include it in her wedding, she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters and invitations.很多新娘非常的传统,她们通常会很精心的选择这五样东西
1.Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue.最近的Grey's Anatomy實習醫生第五季完結篇就有提到,還記得Meredith和Cristina站在櫃檯邊,Cristina拿出他的N次貼,說:“Okay,this is my grocery list.It's old.” 撕了一張起來後就把剩下的拿給Meredith(something new),再拿出一支筆 “Um,this is my favorite pen,so I want it back.Borrowed.” 然後全部都是藍色的 “And all of it's blue, so you're covered.” 這個說法源自維多利亞時代,習俗是新娘走上紅毯的時候,一定要有這四樣東西,代表祝福與好運,通常由伴娘幫忙凖備。(1)Something Old
有些新娘會直接穿媽媽的婚紗,就代表Something Old了。有時候也可以是手帕、圍巾、項鍊等。
(2)Something New 代表對未來的希望,通常為了婚禮買的東西都算是Something New,手上的花束、婚戒都可以。(3)Something Borrowed 代表不管未來有什麼困難,新娘的好友及家屬都會支持著她。
借的東西(習俗上)要來自另一個婚姻幸福的已婚婦女,而且婚禮結束後一定得歸還的東西。(4)Something Blue
Something Blue可以是頭飾,但是現在最常見的就是一種藍色的吊襪帶blue garter 2.Before the wedding, the bridegroom mustn't see the bride's dress.這個習俗是我在One Tree Hill籃球的天空裡注意到的。
3.The bride will throw her bouquet over her head and the lucky lady that catches the bouquet will be getting married next.這個台灣也有我就不用多說了,有這個習俗是因為新郎新娘在婚禮過後,會比佳賓們提早離開,然後禮堂外面會有一部寫著 “Just Married”的車等著,婚禮過後就可以直接開去渡蜜月了!
备受关注的美国前总统克林顿独女切尔西的婚礼仪式当地时间7月31日下午5点在纽约州莱因贝克小镇举行,7点左右,克林顿夫妇发表声明确认婚礼的举行。婚礼的地点选择在纽约上州的一处私人庄园Astor Courts。这个据估算花费三至五百万美金的Chelsea-Marc festivities成为了美国媒体眼中的“a picture-perfect day”。尽管切尔西的“未来公公”是一名服刑多年的诈骗犯,直到不久前才提前获释,但切尔西对此却毫不介意。据悉,这场婚礼的时机堪称“完美”——因为切尔西的母亲希拉里刚刚就任美国国务卿,而马克的父亲也刚刚从监狱中提前获释。中文里我们说新娘和新郎喜结连理,英文里正好有个意境相似的说法叫tie the knot。谈到中美婚俗的不同,感觉最大的差异在于中国是“娶媳妇”主场,美国是“嫁闺女”主场。当然,占据最强气场的一方总是掏钱买单的一方。那么全美国千千万万个“嫁闺女”的女方父母要为女儿砸多少钱呢?我找了个比较权威的网站,输入zip code就能查到所住区域的婚礼花费。查了查,本村儿的平均婚礼花费是between$25,704 and $42,840,这费用在美国可以念个硕士学位或者买辆奥迪Q7了。难怪我家隔壁那养俩儿子的大叔天天开着船出海去兜风,也难怪家有一对千金的奥巴马总统日里夜里在全世界各地加班儿。想到这里,我深深地为自己的未来松了一口气!如流水一样烧钱的这一天被称为“the big day”。美国的婚礼流程源于欧洲的white wedding, 意为包括了白色婚纱、花饰、装潢和蛋糕等的传统婚礼。这样的婚礼多选择在教堂举行ceremony,由新人所属的教会神职人员主持。Chelsea的婚礼选择在户外行礼,不全是追求时尚,主要原因在于新郎新娘信仰不同。
当神职人员宣布一对男女‘man and wife”之后,婚礼的下半段就拉开帷幕了──Reception,也就是吃吃喝喝的活动,这是婚礼花费的大头儿。
Reception有的选择在中午,有的选择在晚上进行,凭新人喜好和当日场地时间安排来定。这后半段的活动和中国的婚礼相差不多,放放录像,家人朋友轮流上台致谢或爆料。新郎新娘在精心挑选的浪漫音乐中跳第一支舞,衣香鬓影酒足饭饱,散场前大家醉醺醺的,也会有类似中国闹洞房的活动。Bridal toss,是新娘背对身后的单身女宾扔出捧花,抢到(或者砸到)的女宾有希望成为下一位新娘。Garter toss就更热闹些,配合点儿搞笑的音乐,新郎蒙着眼睛用牙把新娘大腿上的袜带叼下来,扔向如狼似虎的单身男宾们,抢到的男宾可以有幸亲手为刚才的bridal toss winner戴上这根袜带。
American wedding customs: wedding customsare a nation an important part of traditional culture, including the characteristics of a traditional culture of the Americans
in the marriage,the first feelings of stress, communication freedom, freedom of mate choice, love freedom.Love between men and women generally do not need matchmakers, parents rarely interfere.Americans like to tie the knot in June, so in the United States, “June Groom” argument, is the meaning of words throughout the United States each year in June, married
couples can meet.The reason why Americans like to get married in June, because in English the “June(JUNE)” and the Roman god of love and marriage in charge of the “goddess Juno(JUNO)” sounds similar.Americans will believe that the wedding in June, “the goddess of marriage” will bring joy and happiness to the newlyweds.,According to custom, married the day before embarking on the church altar, the bride and groom can not be met, the bride is usually dressed in white
wedding dress, with a white veil, symbol of pure love.Generally held in a church wedding, the wedding, the bride holding his father's arm, slowly walked through the corridor to the altar, then, flower girl walked in front of the bride, the flower petals in a piece of floating down the hallway then, the bride father bride to bring the altar, to the groom, then the groom on the left, the bride on the right, the face of priest to stand by the priest at the wedding of traditional form, this time, people give each other new wedding ring, ring symbolizes the commitment of marriage, and finally, the priest declared the two officially became husband and wife.“something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”
If the wedding day, brides who wear such a few things, their wedding will certainly be very happy.This is a demand, then good luck
After the wedding ceremony, often held a grand wedding, cocktail party with a rich variety of food, after eating, the
bride holding flowers, the wedding bouquet thrown to those single women, but this symbol of happiness.After the wedding, the couple bid farewell to the guests, the guests have to sprinkle them raw rice, wish their future children and grandchildren。