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1.education 2.major 3.minor 4.rewards 5.scholarship

6.excellent leader 7.semester term 8.pass 9.degree

10.maeter 11.bachelor 12.student


6.附录1 教育词汇

A.B.or B.A.文学士Bachelor of Arts

A.B.Ed.教育学士Bachelor of Arts in Education

B.Litt or B.lit.文学士Bachelor of Letters;Bachelor of Literature

Lit(t).B.文学学士Bachelor of Arts in Literature

B.A.A.应用美术学士Bachelor of Applied Arts

B.A.M.应用数学学士Bachelor of Applied Mathematics

B.Acc.会计学士Bachelor of Accounting B.Ag.or B.Agr.农业学士 Bachelor of Agriculture

B.Ar.or B.Arch.建筑学士 Bachelor of Architecture

B.B.A.商业管理学士Bachelor of Business Administration

B.C.or B.Ch.化学学士 Bachelor of Chemistry

B.C.E.化工学士Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

LL.B.or B.L.法学学士 Bachelor of Laws B.C.L.民法学士Bachelor of Civil Law B.D.神学学士Bachelor of Divinity B.E.工程学士Bachelor of Engineering B.E.E.电机工程学士Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

B.F.A.美术学士Bachelor of Fine Arts B.J.新闻学士Bachelor of Journalism

B.L.S.图书馆学士Bachelor of Library Science

B.M.E.机械工程学士Bachelor of Mechanical EngineeringB.M.or B.Mus.音乐学士 Bachelor of Music

B.P.or B.Phil.哲学士Bachelor of Philosophy

B.S.理学士Bachelor of Science

B.S.A.农业科学学士Bachelor of Science in Agriculture B.V.S.兽医学士Bachelor of Veterinary Science

Ed.B.教育学学士Bachelor of Education M.B.医学士Bachelor of Medicine Pe.B.小儿科学士Bachelor of Pediatrics Phar.B.药学士Bachelor of Pharmacy S.B.外科医学士Bachelor of Surgery

B.D.S.牙医学士Bachelor of Dental Surgery A.M.or M.A.文学硕士 Master of Arts

A.M.S.W.社会工作硕士 Master of Arts in Social Work

Ed.M教育学硕士Master of Education LL.M.法学硕士Master of Laws

M.Agr.农学硕士Master of Agriculture

M.B.A.企业管理硕士Master of Business Administration

M.D.S.牙医硕士Master of Dental Surgery M.E.教育硕士Master of Education M.F.A.美术硕士Master of Fine Arts

M.L.S.图书馆硕士Master of Library Science

M.S.or M.Sc.理学硕士 Master of Science M.S.E.工程科学硕士Master of Science in Engineering

Phar.M.药学硕士Master of Pharmacy

Litt.D.文学博士Doctor of Letters

D.S.or D.Sc.科学博士 Doctor of Science D.C.L.民法博士Doctor of Civil Law

D.Lit(t)文学博士Doctor of Literature, or Letters

Ed.D.教育学博士Doctor of Education Eng.D.工程博士Doctor of Engineering M.D.医学博士Doctor of Medicine Phar.D.药学博士Doctor of Pharmacy

D.P.H.公共卫生博士Doctor of Public Health

D.D.S.牙科博士Doctor of Dental Surgery D.V.M./V.M.D.兽医学博士 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Ph.D.哲学博士Doctor of Philosophy LL.D.法学博士Doctor of Laws

Lit.D.文学博士Doctor of Arts in Literature A.F.D.美术博士Doctor of Fine Arts D.D.神学博士Doctor of Divinity

D.Th.or D.Theol神学博士 Doctor of Theology


27.附录2 大学系别英汉名称对照

会计系Dept.of Accounting农业系Dept.of Agriculture

农业经济系Dept.of Agricultural Economics

农业化学系Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry

农业工程系Dept.of Agricultural Engineering

畜牧系Dept.of Animal Husbandry人类学系Dept.of Anthropology

应用数学系Dept.of Applied Mathematics

建筑系Dept.of Architecture考古学系Dept.of Archaeology天文系Dept.of Astronomy

原子能系Dept.of Atomic Energy解剖系Dept.of Anatomy金融系Dept.of Banking

工商管理系Dept. of Business Administration

生物学系Dept.of Biology

生物化学系Dept.of Biochemistry

植物学系Dept.of Botany

细菌学系Dept.of Bacteriology中文系Dept.of Chinese化学系Dept.of Chemistry

化学工程系Dept.of Chemical Engineering

控制工程系Dept.of Control Engineering

电信工程系Dept.of Communication Engineering

计算机科学系Dept.of Computer Science

电脑资讯系Dept.of Computer Information

土木工程系Dept.of Civil Engineering舞蹈系Dept.of Dance牙科学系Dept.of Dentistry营养学系Dept.of Dietetics外交学系Dept.of Diplomacy经济系Dept.of Economics教育系Dept.of Education

工程系Dept.of Engineering

环境工程系Dept.of Environmental Engineering

英语系Dept.of English

昆虫系Dept.of Entomology []

电子物理系Dept.of Electrophysics电子工程系Dept.of Electronic Engineering

电机工程系Dept.of Electrical Engineering

眼耳鼻喉系Dept.of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

渔业学系Dept.of Fishery

水产学系Dept.of Fishery Technology 食品科学系Dept.of Food Science外语系Dept.of Foreign Languages森林系Dept.of Forestry遗传系Dept.of Genetics地理系Dept.of Geography地质系Dept.of Geology

地球物理系Dept.of Geophysics历史系Dept.of History园艺系Dept.of Horticulture

国际关系学系Dept.of International Relations

国际贸易系Dept.of International Trade

工业设计系Dept.of Industrial Design 工业管理系Dept.of Industrial Management

新闻学系Dept.of Journalism法律系Dept.of Law

图书管理系Dept.of Library Management

文学系Dept.of Literature

机械工程系Dept.of Mechanical Engineering

治金系Dept.of Metallurgy[P

管理科学系Dept.of Management Science

大众传播系Dept.of Mass Communication

医学系Dept.of Medical Science

海洋运输学系Dept.of Marine Transportation

航海技术系Dept.of Maritime Technology

数学系Dept.of Mathematics

气象系Dept.of Meteorology []P0:CU:T5S:DN0]

矿业系Dept.of Mining核子工程系Dept.of Nuclear Enginerring护理系Dept.of Nursing

航海学系Dept.of Navigation

海洋科学系Dept.of Nautical Science [Q5:C0E:S]

造船学系Dept.of Naval Architecture东方语言系Dept.of Oriental languages 海洋学系Dept.of Oceanography海洋气象学系Dept.of Ocean Meteorology

石油系Dept.of Oil

药学系Dept.of Pharmacology[]G4:P:E5S:DN0]

病理学系Dept.of Pathology政治系Dept.of Political Science 物理系Dept.of Physics

体育系Dept.of Physical Culture生理学系Dept.of Physiology

植物病虫学系Dept.of Plant Pathology 植物生理系Dept.of Plant Physiology哲学系Dept.of Philosophy

电力物理系Dept.of Power Physics印刷系Dept.of Printing

公共卫生学系Dept.of Public Health卫生工程学系Dept.of Sanitary Engineering

土壤系Dept.of Soil纺织系Dept.of Spinning社会学系Dept.of Sociology测量系Dept.of Survey

纺织工程系Dept.of Textile Engineering戏剧系Dept.of Theatricals[I03CT0E:SL]

运输管理系Dept.of Transportation Management

兽医学系Dept.of Veterinary Medicine

水利系Dept.of Water Conservancy 水土保持系Dept.ofWater & Soil Maintenance Engineering

西方语言系Dept.of Western


动物学系Dept.of Zoology


28.附录3 常用职位英汉对照

Accounting Assistant会计助理Accounting Clerk记帐员

Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员Accounting Supervisor会计主管Acting President代理总裁Actor演员Actress女演员

Adjunct Professor副教授

Administration Manager行政经理Administration Staff行政人员Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员Advertising Staff广告工作人员Adviser指导教授;顾问

Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员

Airlines Staff航空公司职员Announcer播音员,讲解员Application Engineer应用工程师Architectural Engineer建筑工程师Architect建筑师

Art Designer美术设计师Artist美术家,艺术家 Assayer化验师Assistant Dean副院长

Assistant Engineer助理工程师Assistant Manager经理助理Assistant Plant Manager副厂长Assistant to the Dean院长助理Assistant to the President校长助理Associate Professor副教授 Aurist耳科医师


Biological Engineer生物工程师Bond Analyst证券分析员Bond Trader证券交易员Business Controller业务主任 Business Manager业务经理Buyer采购员Cashier出纳员

Chancellor大学校长;大法官 Chemical Engineer化学工程师Chief Editor总编辑

Chief Engineer总工程师Chief Nurse护士长

Civil Engineer土木工程师

Clerk Typist & Secretary文书打字兼秘书


Commentator评论员,实况播音员Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员

Computer Data Input Operator电脑数据输入员

Computer Engineer计算机工程师Computer Operator电脑操作员

Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员

Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理

Computer Training Staff电脑训练人员Computer Translator电脑翻译员Consulting Engineer顾问工程师Contractor合同工

Copyreader(出版社、报馆的)编辑 Copywriter广告文字撰稿人Correspondent记者Dancer舞蹈演员

Dean of General Affair总务长Dean of Studies教务长 Decorator装饰(璜)师Dentist牙科医生

Department Chairman系主任

Deputy General Manager副总经理Dermatologist[]D::P:C5S:DN0KC]皮肤科医生


Economic Research Assistant经济研究助理

Editorial Assistant助理编辑 Editor-in-Chief总编辑 Editor编辑

Electrical Engineer电气工程师Electrical Engineer电机工程师Electronics Engineer电子工程师Electronics Technician电子技术员Emeritus Professor名誉教授Engineer工程师

Engineering Manager工程部经理Engineering Technician工程技术员;工程技师

English Instructor/Teacher英语教师Export Sales Manager外销部经理Export Sales Staff外销部职员

F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员

F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员Financial Controller财务主任Financial Reporter财务报告人Foreman工头(领班)Full-time Professor专职教授

Fund Manager财务经理;基金经理人

General Auditor审计长

General Manager Assistant总经理助理General Manager/ President总经理 General Manager`s Secretary总经理秘书

Guest Professor客座教授Gynecologist妇科医师

Hardware Engineer计算机硬件工程师

Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Herb Doctor中医师Host节目主持人


Import Liaison Staff进口联络员Import Manager进口部经理Instructor讲师

Insurance Actuary保险公司核计员,理赔员

Interior Decorator室内装饰(磺)师Intern Doctor见习医生

International Sales Staff国际销售员Interpreter口语翻译 Journalist新闻记者Judicial Doctor法医

Junior Engineer初级工程师Keypunch Operator打卡员Laboratory Technician实验员Lecturer讲师

Legal Advisor法律顾问Librarian图书管理员

Line Supervisor生产线主管

Maintenance Engineer维修工程师Management Consultant管理顾问

Manager for Public Relations公关部经理


Manufacturing Engineer制造工程师Manufacturing Worker生产员工Market Analyst市场分析员

Market Development Manager市场开发部经理

Marketing Assistant销售助理Marketing Executive销售主管

Marketing Manager市场销售部经理Marketing Representative Manager市场调研部经理

Marketing Representative销售代表Marketing Staff市场销售员Mechanical Engineer机械工程师Medical Technician医疗技术人员 Mining Engineer采矿工程师Music Teacher音乐教师 Naval Architect造船工程师

Networking Integrated Engineer网络互联工程师




Office Assistant办公室助理 Office Clerk职员

Operational Manager业务经理 Package Designer包装设计师 Painter画家

Part-time Teacher兼职教师

Passenger Reservation Staff乘客票位预订员


Personnel Clerk人事部职员 Personnel Manager人事部经理 Pharmacist药剂师 Photographer摄影师

Physical Therapist物理治疗师Physician内科医生

Plant / Factory Manager厂长Plastic Surgeon整形医师 President大学校长 Principal中学校长

Product Manager生产部经理

Production Engineer产品工程师;生产工程师

Professional Staff专业人员 Professor教授


Programming Manager程序编制经理Project Staff项目策划人员 Proofreader校对员

Psychiatrist精神病医师Purchasing Agent采购员

Quality Control Engineer质量管理工程师

R&D Engineer研究开发工程师Real Estate Staff房地产职员

Recruitment Coordinator招聘协调人 Regional Manger地区经理 Reporter记者,通讯员Research Assistant研究助理

Research&.Development Engineer研究开发工程师

Resident Doctor住院部医师Restaurant Manager饭店经理 Rhinologist鼻科医师

Sales and Planning Staff销售计划员 Sales Assistant销售助理 Sales Clerk店员、售货员 Sales Coordinator销售协调人 Sales Engineer销售工程师 Sales Executive销售主管 Sales Manager销售部经理 Sales Supervisor销售监管 Salesperson销售员

Secretarial Assistant秘书助理 Secretary秘书

Security Officer安全人员 Seller Representative销售代表 Senior Accountant高级会计

Senior Agronomist高级农艺师Senior Consultant/Adviser高级顾问 Senior Employee高级雇员 Senior Engineer高级工程师Senior Secretary高级秘书 Service Manager服务部经理

Simultaneous Interpreter同声传译员 Singer歌手

Skilled Worker技术工人

Software Engineer计算机软件工程师 Staff Engineer工程师

Structural Engineer结构工程师Superintendent监督人,主管Supervisor监管员;导师 Surgeon外科医师Surveyor测量员

Surveying Engineer测量工程师Systems Adviser系统顾问 Systems Analyst系统分析员Systems Engineer系统工程师 Systems Operator系统操作员Teacher教师

Teaching Assistant助教

Technical Controller技术总监Technical Editor技术编辑

Technical Maintenance Staff技术维修人员 Technical Translator技术翻译 Technical Worker技术工人Technician技术员,技师

Telecommunication Executive电信员,电讯员

Telephonist / Operator电话接线员、话务员 Tourist Guide导游

Trade Finance Executive贸易财务主管 Trainee Manager培训部经理 Translation Checker翻译核对员 Translator翻译

Trust Banking Executive银行高级职员 Tutor导师,家庭教师 Typist打字员 Veterinarian兽医Vice President副校长Visiting Professor客座教授

Word Processor Operator文字处理操作员 Writer作家


29.附录4 工作能力英汉对照

Mature,dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、有活力、为人诚实。

Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independently. 能够独立工作。

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.需要个性稳重、具高度责任感的人。

Work well with a multicultural work force.能够和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。

Bright,aggressive applicants.开朗、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential. 要有雄心壮志。

Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.


Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮的人。

Strong determination to succeed. 有获取成功的坚定决心。

Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导才能。

Ability to work well with others.能够和他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.需要上进心强、可靠、身体健康和性格开朗的人。

The ability to take initiative and operate independently.积极主动、并能独立工作的人。

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很强的领导才能并具很强的集体精神。

Be highly organized and efficient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress. 肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind essential. 思想不消极、头脑灵活。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。


Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意并能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

Young,bright,energetic with strong career ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。有集体合作精神。

Be able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下并有时间限制的条件下工作。

Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。

With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。

The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备的素质是能吃苦耐劳、学习能力强、有事业心并且身体健康。

Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。

Being active, creative and innovative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力。



Product Testing

1.What will be the test cases for product testing? Give an example of test plan template.2.What are the advantages of working as a tester for a product based company as opposed to a

service based company?

3.4.Test Plan for a Login Screen?

5.How do you differentiate between testing a product and testing any web-based application?

6.What is the difference between Web based testing and Client server testing?

7.How to perform SOAP Testing manually?

8.Explain the significance of Waterfall model in developing a product.Quality Assurance

1.How do you ensure the quality of the product?

2.What do you do when there isn't enough time for thorough testing?

3.What are the normal practices of the QA specialists with perspective of a software?

4.Can you tell the difference between high level design and low level design?

5.Can you tell us how Quality Assurance differs from Quality Control?

6.You must have heard the term Risk.Can you explain the term in a few words? What are the

major components of the risk?

7.When do you say your project testing is completed? Name the factors.8.What do you mean by a walk through and inspection?

9.What is the procedure for testing search buttons of a web application both manually and

using Qtp8.2?

10.Explain Release Acceptance Testing.Explain Forced Error Testing.Explain Data Integrity

Testing.Explain System Integration Testing.11.How does compatibility testing differ while testing in Internet explorer and testing in


Testing Scenarios

1.How do you know that all the scenarios for testing are covered?

2.Can you explain the Testing Scenario? Also explain scenario based testing? Give an example

to support your answer.3.Consider a yahoo application.What are the test cases you can write?

4.Differentiate between test scenario and test case?

5.Is it necessary to create new Software requirement document, test planning report, if it is a

'Migrating Project'?

6.Explain the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

7.What are all the scenarios to be considered while preparing test reports?

8.What is an 'end to end' scenario?

9.Other than requirement traceability matrix, what are the other factors that we need to check

in order to exit a testing process ?

10.What is the procedure for finding out the length of the edit box through WinRunner?

Automated Testing

1.What automated testing tools are you familiar with?

2.Describe some problems that you encountered while working with an automated testing tool.3.4.5.Can you explain data driven automation?

6.Name the main attributes of test automation?

7.Do you think automation can replace manual testing?

8.How is a tool for test automation chosen?

9.How do you evaluate the tool for test automation?

10.What are the main benefits of test automation according to you?

11.Where can test automation go wrong?

12.Can you describe testing activities?

13.What testing activities you need to automate?

14.Describe common issues of test automation.15.What types of scripting techniques for test automation are you aware of?

16.Name the principles of good testing scripts for automation?

17.What tools can you use for support of testing during the software development life cycle?

18.Can you tell us, if the activities of a test case design can be automated?

19.What are the drawbacks of automated software testing?

20.What skills are needed to be a good software test automator?

Bug Tracking

1.Can you have a defect with high severity and low priority and vice-versa i.e high priority and

low severity? Justify your answer.2.Can you explain the difference between a Bug and a Defect? Explain the phases of bug life

cycle.3.What are the different types of Bugs we normally see in any of the projects? Also include

their severity.4.What is the difference between Bug Resolution Meeting and Bug Review Committee? Who

all participate in Bug Resolution Meeting and Bug Review Committee?

5.Can you name some recent major computer system failures caused by software bugs?

6.What do you mean by 'Reproducing a bug'? What do you do, if the bug was not


7.How can you tell if a bug is reproducible or not?

8.On what basis do we give priority and severity for a bug.Provide an example for high

priority and low severity and high severity and low priority?

9.Explain Defect Life Cycle in Manual Testing?

10.How do you give a BUG Title & BUG Description for ODD Division?

11.Have you ever heard of a build interval period?





I’m Cheers.Lee, I’m twenty-six year old, I majored in E-business and with a bachelor degree.I’m single.And I love software testing, as the software quality is vital to the company’s customer, it also could improve the company’s image, so quality is the best policy.We must devote all my energy to assure the software quality.The position which I’ve come to apply is senior software testing engineer.I have three years work experience, one year and a half of function testing experience and one year of performance and automation testing experience.I have been reading up on software testing, especially on performance testing and automation testing.I’m quite familiar with performance testing tool LoadRunner, and familiar with automation testing tool QTP.I’m good at developing performance testing script base on C language in web system, and also have good skills in develop QTP script.As we all know that software performance has become more and more important, while thousands of the users log in the system or visit the website simultaneously, the problem may occurred, the system crash or the server deny to provide the service to the user, so the performance testing need to be done before the software delivered to our customers.We also benefit from the automation testing.There is always a lot of function testing or regression testing need us to finish in a short time.But we do not have enough time and sufficient human resource to complete it, how should we do? So the automation testing is the best solution.It cut down the costs, improve the work efficiency, save our time and energy.Its advantage is not merely as so.软件测试工程师面试英文自我介绍范文2

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.I'm confident that I can succeed.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province.I graduated from Qingdao University.My major is electronics.And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university.And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major.It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.In July 2003, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city.Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job.And in August 2004, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty to others.Also,I am able to work under great pressure.I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.软件测试工程师面试技巧



































状态:新建,打开,修复,关闭,重复的bug,无效的bug,被拒绝的bug,其他 内容::标题、模块名称、项目名称、测试环境、重现步骤、期望结果、实际结果、严重级、优先级、发现人、接收人和附件(截图,说明等)。
















5.Alpha 测试与beta 测试的区别。















跌落测试: 杯子加包装(有填充物),在多高的情况摔下不破损

震动测试: 杯子加包装(有填充物),六面震动,检查产品是否能应对恶劣的铁路公路航空运输



说明书测试: 检查说明书书写准确性

给大家提三个产品:1.手机 2.电饭锅 3.电梯




9.软件测试分为几个阶段 各阶段的测试策略和要求是什么











个 人 简 历


姓 名:




电子邮箱: 性 别:男 毕业学校:广东建华学院 学 历:大专 专 业:计算机专业 手 机:





4、熟悉软件测试的管理工具,如BugFree 缺陷管理工具、SVN版本控制、MindManager 思 维导图等工具的使用;





项目名称: 奔腾出租车

运行环境: Linux + MySQL + Apache

项目概述: 本系统是一套功能全面的出租车管理系统,通过该软件可以让出租车公司内部及时准确地采集各种数据信息,处理高速化和网络办公自动化。实现对出租车 公司司机的信息记录,操作,出租车管理,提供精确查询等多种查询方式。主 要功能模块有:首页、基本信息设置、任务管理、统计图表、辅助工具、帮助 菜单、用户信息管理等。通过规范化管理来掌握车辆信息,处理车辆调度,将 很大程度上解决出租车公司在工作上的管理难度,让车管理更上一个台阶。责任描述: 1、根据项目需求文档进行需求分析,写出需求点;






项目心得: 对软件测试有了更深层的理解,当编写用例时,要尝试新的技术,新的思维,往往Bug就出现在意想不到的地方;明白了回归测试的重要性,因为偶尔会有些模块在上一版本没有出现问题,但在修复某个Bug时却出问题了,所以测试时需要考虑全局,不要只局限于某个小模块。


项目名称: 金华酒店管理系统

运行环境: Linux + MySQL + Apache +PHP

项目概述: 金华酒店管理系统主要应用于中小型酒店,通过该软件可以方便快捷的管理酒店,使酒店的工作质量和效率提高。软件采用先进的计算机网络通信技术,改变了酒店业务模式,大大提高了工作效率。本系统的功能包括房间状况管理、添加房间信息、维修管理、退房管理、客户入住等,是为了不让人工繁琐去操作,而设计的一个管理系统。

责任描述: 1、测试软件是否达到需求规格书的要求,包括:各个功能点是否以实现,业务流程是否正确;




项目心得: 测试的规范化是及其重要的。测试时要注意Bug的群集现象,因为往往百分之八十的问题都发生在百分之二十的模块当中。


项目名称: 科达薪水助手

运行环境: Linux + MySQL + Apache +PHP

项目概述: 本系统基于B/S架构,主要用来支持企业薪酬管理,方便企业管理员工信息,统计日常支出,员工薪酬管理等等。主要功能模块有员工信息管理、部门管理、工资管理、收支统计、系统设置、辅助工具、薪酬报表等。本系统的特色就是把员工的信息和薪酬等信息整合在一起,更方便快捷的操作,一套好的工资管理系统,有助于建立科学有效的薪酬体系。

责任描述: 1、编写测试用例;


项目心得: 对黑盒测试的各种方法的应用更加得心应手了。


2012/08—2021/01 创拓达科技有限公司 软件测试工程师 自我评价:

本人性格随和,适应能力强,有较强的学习能力,能独立分析和解决问题。能快速融 入到团队中去,工作积极上进,对于领导分配的任务认真完成。













1.Tell me about yourself自我介绍

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.I’m confident that I can succeed.Now I will introduce myself briefly.My name is Chen Manyuan.I am 25 years old,born in HuNan Province.I was graduated from ChangSha University of Science & Technology.My major is Mathmatics and Applied Mathmatics,and I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2006.I spend most of my time on study.I have passed CET-4,and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.In duly 2006,I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in ChangSha city.Because I’m capable of more resposibilities.So I decide to change my job.And in Augest 2008,I left ChangSha to ShangHai and studied for software testing training.Because I want to change my working environment.I’d like to find a job which is more chanllenging.Your company is a global company,so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company environment.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I’m a good team player and I’m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great pressure.That’s all,Thank you!

2.What can you offer us that other candidates can't? 为什么你是这份工作的最佳人选?

You need the person who can produce “efficiency”, while my background and experience can prove my ability, I can quickly integrate into a role of team, I also believe in the meantime, I will be acquainted with the business of your company,and I can work right away, contribute my strength for your company.3.What are your strengths?你的优势是什么?

I can make a great repeated work,and I have professional test technical ability,My ability well-trained of the operation automate testing tools.and I have a good logic thinking ability.4.How successful have you been so far?未来的计划

I have been all drawing up for I and plan for each five years, after finishing university, the first five years, the plan is to become an

occupation agent, at this is in the farsighted programming, I will divide three the step walk strategy, I have already exceeded forward square one, and succeed and carry out from a muddled graduating student,have certain theories and practice an empirical test engineer till now, at future three the middle of the years, I will toward my target exceed second step, at connect and become an item group in time of coming down one and half years of leader, can only block one side for company, my third step is to become an ideal medium item manager.I of so choose Shanghai, because I can learn in this rapid rhythm more, the

achievement is faster and quickly promote for oneself, in order to can carry out ownly the first five yearses to plan smoothly.5.What are your limitations?(What are your greatest weaknesses?)你的缺点是什么?

Working to pursue too much is perfect and result in thus plenty of time all on some businesses that don't close general situation, the cost's peacetime likes to investigate a root again, the teachers who had a class before usually looking at me afraid.6.How much are you worth?你的期望薪资是多少?

We can put this problem till the last and see first I can do for the company what.I would like to make great effort to work and find out fun and happiness from it.I also believe to will get to pay equal guerdon with myself.7.What are your ambitions for the future?

Indicate your desire to concentrate on doing the immediate job well-and your confidence that the future will then be promising.You do not want to convey that you have no desire to progress, but you need to avoid statements that are unrealistic, or that might threaten present incumbents.8.What do you know about our company?

You've done your homework, and have studied all that is publicly available about Acme and are thus aware of many published facts.However, you might state that you would like to know more;then be prepared to ask intelligent questions.Avoid a recitation of the facts, incorporate personal remarks and specific questions to facilitate a lively exchange of information.9.Why are you seeking a position with our company?你为什么选择我们公司?

Why I compete for this position in your company, the reason of the most

cover three areas:

1)I am much optimistic about the industry of your company, I think I can gain the most work in this kind of company environment.2)In the corporate culture of your company I understand something, your company pretty much values a talented person and pays attention to the occupation development of each employee, and can provide a good development terrace for employee.3)I cautiously checked your company's request to this position,I’mconfident that I am the best candidate, I believe I will enjoy this work by myself definitely.10.Give an example of high priority and low severity,low prority and high severity.举个例子高优先级低严重,低优先高严重。

For example.The model which the interface is disorderly and influence beauty,it is a high priority but a low severity,and the other case,The model which is influence on system, but the probability is very low, example:system crash for year to year.11.What’s the most difficult part of being a QA engineer?测试工程师最难的是什么?

I think the difficult part is analysis business, comprehension requirement, and how do you plan to improve your work which is more high-efficiency(as soon as quickly and early discover bugs)

12.What was the toughest part of your last job?你以前工作最困难的是什么

13.What would your management say about you?你以前上司怎么评价你? In the past,my leader trust me very much, because I always put the responsibility in the first, also I am able to work under great pressure, and ensure the project both quality and quantity of completion.14.What makes you want to work hard?你的工作动力是什么?

Because I want to carry out my first five years goal, I need to promote myself and to be studied for something, I lived in the village and because of the falling behind of local education system, so I will ensure that I must work hard more firmly now, I need to change present condition.15.Why do you want this job?你为什么选择这份工作?

16.Describe a situation in which you had a difficult management

problem and how you solved it.描述一下在你遇到困难时你是怎样解决它的? Sometimes working is heavy, the pressure is big, the customer presses tightly and makes oneself usually be placed in extremely busy

appearance, I usually is work overtime to add a point of work well my own task, then help the colleagues to quickly complete item.17.Which environments does QTP support?

Web、Windows Applicationals 23.Would you describe a few situations in which your work was criticized?

Describe only one, and tell how you have corrected or plan to correct the issue.Do not go into detail.If the interviewer wants more detail let them ask for it.24.What have you learned from your mistakes?

Discuss one or two situations where you successfully transformed a mistake or error in judgment into a learning experience.Emphasize the positive result, with the error as the learning catalyst.25.What important trends do you see coming in our industry?

Choose two or three important developments to discuss.This is your chance to show that you have thought about the future, the economics, the markets, and the technology of the industry.26.Why are you leaving your present job? 你离职的原因?

I was worked in the company for two years and had deeper feelings, since the year-end company in last year established a test section, I have been being acquainting with process and some test techniqueses of test, because of the mutation of this year market form, the company faces the pressure of retrenchment, I also felt that the do-it-yourself must be not employable, so upward the class invited Ci to work and was the professional knowledge and test technique that 51 this places study a test at that time, and more thorough ground to automation tool of study.My resignation come 51 not penitence, it makes me promote the gold content of oneself, I can re-look for higher can even develop the satge of my ability.27.Describe what you feel would be an ideal working environment.我期望的理想工作环境? Be just followed the New appointee of company, I should request I more

to acquaint with environment and adapt to environment as soon as

possible, but should not make to the environment what request, as long as the specialty that can develop me all right.28.If we were to offer you this position, what changes would you make in your organization?

The designation and request that hears a leadership first, then the relevant circumstance carry on understanding and acquaint with and connect down to draw up 1 the work in the near future to plan and report a leadership approval, finally develop a work according to the plan.29.Give one or two examples of your creativity.Refer to accomplishments that relate to the company and the position, if possible.11.What things are most important to you in a job?

Use information developed in your knowledge of the company and relate it to the position, if you know the details of the position.If not, use a corporate“ answer: ”to be challenged,“ ”part of the team,“ etc.12.How would you describe your personality?

Mention only 2 or 3 of your most useful traits.Remember that the interviewer is trying to determine your ”fit" in the company.Your ability to accurately identify their corporate values will enable you to frame your response appropriately

13.How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?

Be realistic and speak in terms of 6 months to a year.Again, the timing of the question is important.Do you know enough about the specific position to give a cogent response?(If it's a new, undefined job, even 6 months to a year may be overly optimistic.)



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