1—4 BBCD5---8 CDCB
16—20 FGABC 21-25 DCBAB
36-40 ACABA
on 42 time 43 snowy 44 have been 45 However 46.safer 47.It48.that 49.but50.to go
短文改错:Oncalling或去掉himselfanyhad去掉hardlater this same boy was one of∧theEvenhis
we can have easy access to the latest news at home and abroad.With the Internet, we can find our life and study easier and more interesting.With the Internet, we can „visit‟ famous people and places of interest any time anywhere.However, relying too much on the Internet can do harm to people, especially to children.The Internet language like „b4‟ or “cu” instead of „before‟ or “see you ” can have a bad effect on children‟s basic writing ability.Besides, children will be addicted to Internet games!
Therefore, the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.While it is important to “recognize” its disadvantages, it is even more important to take action.Undoubtedly, only when we make it serve our needs can we make use of its advantages to the fullest.9---12 ACBD26-30 BADBA13---15 CAB 31-35 CBBBA
听力1------10 BCACB CABCA11-----20 BCBABCBCAB
31~35 ACDAC36~40 BDACB41~45 ADBDC 46~50 ADBAC
阅读理解51----54 ABDA55-----60 BBABAB61-----64 BDCA
69.responsibility70.olive wreath
71.at war72.lessthan
Inaway74 Inrelief
pay more attention to76 According to
play jokes on78 From then on
humanrace80 every four years
As everybody knows, civilized behaviors are of great importance for a student.They not only show our good qualities but also make ourselves enjoy the harmony of school life, in which we can gain a better result of study.How can we develop civilized behaviors? The first important thing we should do is to be a student with good manners and a student who is always ready to help people in need.Besides, we should keep the school environment clean.Never destroy the plants in our school, such as flowers, trees and grass.Most importantly, we should remember working hard and obeying the school rules which make up the most necessary civilized behaviors as a result.
1—3 BCC4---7 CDAB8---11 ABBD12---15 DACC
26-30 CDCDA 16—20 DBCGF 21-25 DCABA 31-35 BABDC
36-40 BDABC
a 42 to stay 43 behaviour behavior 44 lower 45 which 46 is moved 47 if 48 them 49 heavily50 to
I’m glad to have been heard from you.You say you have difficulty doing去掉feelingadvice ∧ deep breath.Then you goyourselfawhatnecessary
check up your answers.In fact, Only if you master proper approaches and have
aremoreinyour spare time to help improve your listening ability.范文:
In order to create an atmosphere of learning English and arouse the students’ interest in English, we will have an English speech competition.The competition will be held at our lecture hall on the afternoon of May 22nd.There will be eight topics for all the contestants to choose from.Before the speech, every contestant will have to give a self-introduction in twenty seconds and the speech can’t last more than three minutes.We’ll award the first, second and third prizes for each grade.Hurry up to the office of the Students’ Union before May 15th to enter your names if you want to take part.Don’t miss the opportunity!
阅读理解:1-4BBCD5-7BCA8-11BBDA12-15 CDAB 七选五16----20EAGDC
21----25 CBDAC26----30 ADBCB31----35 ABCBA36----40 BACDB 语法填空:41 An42 without43 wife44 whenwhile45 too
was painting47 to lock48 after49 nothing50 angrily短文改错:
My friend Nick told me ^ story about his experience back in the US, which
a interesting camein 或groundballs
saying 去掉hasdown
a moment’s: “I’ll take them.”hisand
作文: 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)
Dear Tom,How is everything going?
I’m writing to share with you my unforgettable experience of sports meeting held last month.Before the meeting, my teacher and classmates made a detailed plan.We were all very excited to give advice and provide anything needed.At the same time, the athletes made full preparations, running and jumping in their spare time.During the meeting, the athletes competed fairly in the playground with the other students cheering around.What a great time!
I think our class has become more united after the sports meeting.In addition, the classmates know more about each other and become closer.As a result, we are more hopeful of the colorful school life.I would appreciate it if you could reply soon.Truly yours,Li Hua
1.B【解析】 A项句式杂糅。删去“根据”或“显示”。C项指向不明,在“已经超越2012年位居榜首的巴西”前加上“中国”,D项成分残缺,在“强制拆除” 后加“的流程”。
6.答案 B解析 A项,“质”同“锧”;C项,“案”同“按”;D项,“庭”同“廷”。
7.答案 C解析 C项,膏:肥沃。这里是使动用法。A项,舆:名词用作动词,抬,扛;B项,杖:名词用作动词,执、拄;D项,壮:意动用法,认为„„壮烈;雨:名词用作动词,下雨。其他都是使动用法。
8.答案 A解析 “可持续度”“反映了商品的可持续使用时间”错。9.答案 B
解析 “必然”错。
10.答案 C解析 “但现在为了某些利益还不愿公开”错。
11.答案 A解析 A项和例句中的“徒”都是“只,不过”的意思。12.答案 D解析 ①③④„„的缘故;②⑤⑥用来„„的依据。
13.答案 B解析 之:用在主谓之间,取消句子的独立性;而:③表转折连词,④表并列连词。14.答案(1)你们看廉将军与秦王相比哪个厉害?
16.答案 BE(对一个给3分全对给5分)解析 本题考查分析和概括文章内容的能力。A项应该是“新红学开拓者之一”;C项“贪腐黑暗”说得有点重;D项原因解说错误。
17.答案 ①与自身精研中国古典文学有关(或自身文化素养);
解析 本题考查筛选并整合文中的信息的能力。题目要求“结合全文简要概括”俞平伯先生对昆曲的爱好“由哪些因素促成”,首先要确定筛选的有效信息区间,即前四段;其次从这几段中找出相关信
解析 本题考查欣赏作品的形象,领悟作品的艺术魅力的能力。解答本题,首先要明确第③段写了俞平伯先生哪几件小事,然后分析这几件小事表现了人物怎样的性格特点,对全文(下文)又有什么作用即可。
19.解析 本题考查对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读的能力。题目中明确列出截然不同的两种观点,采用其一即可;说明理由不要脱离文本,如同意观点一可结合③~⑤节。不管同意哪种观点,都要注意言之成理,自圆其说。
答案 观点一:我认为俞平伯是我国有风骨的知识精英。
观点三 :既有有风骨的一面,也有木讷的一面。(理由略)20.【答案】对祖国的爱怜是一种发生于广袤无垠的心灵世界(2分),并带有丰富的历史文化内涵(2分)的崇高的情感活动(2分)。(6分)(评分标准:不是单句不得分)【解析】首先要确定句子的主干“对祖国的爱怜是一种情感活动”,然后将其他信息变成“情感活动”的定语。