加强伙伴关系 实现共同繁荣———在大湄公河次区域经济合作第二次领导人会议开幕式上的讲话中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2005年7月5日,中国昆明)尊敬的各位同事,女士们、先生们、朋友们:七月的昆明,花团锦簇,生机勃勃。我很高兴与大家一起出席大湄公河次区域经济合作第二次领导人会议。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向来自柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南五国以及亚洲开发银行的各位贵宾,表示热烈的欢迎。十多年前,亚洲开发银行发起了大湄公河次区域经济合作,实践证明,这对促进本区域经济发展发挥着越来越重要的作用。三年前,我们六国的领导人在金边首次相聚,共同表达了深化大湄公河次区域经济合作的决心。今天,我们再次聚首,回顾次区域合作走过的历程,共谋未来发展大计,这对于加强合作伙伴关系,实现各国共同繁荣,具有重要意义。当今世界,随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化不断发展,各国经济互利合作、相互依存日益加深。作为全球经济发展最具活力的亚洲,各种区域和次区域合作机制方兴未艾。各国通过平等参与、积极务实、形式多样、开放包容的区域合作,增强了政治互信,扩大了共同利益,为亚洲经济发展增加了新的动力。大湄公河次区域国家地缘相邻,文化相通,政治关系良好,民间往来密切,都处在发展的重要阶段,开展互利合作既有共同需要,也有许多有利条件。次区域合作机制启动以来,我们加强在交通、能源、电信、贸易、投资、旅游、环境、人力资源、农业等领域合作,卓有成效地实施了100多个合作项目,建成了一批标志性工程,促进了各国经济和社会发展,使成千上万的人口特别是贫困人口从中受益,也对维护地区和世界和平作出了积极贡献。十多年来,大湄公河次区域经济合作不仅取得了丰硕成果,而且形成了一系列成功的做法和经验。主要是:———相互尊重,平等协商。大湄公河次区域国家大小不同,发展水平各异,但都是平等的成员。要彼此信任、真诚相待、求同存异、互惠互利,使各成员的不同意见得到反映,不同要求得到照顾,共同利益得到维护。———加强合作,注重实效。根据不同国家及地区的发展需要,确定合作项目,充分合理使用合作资金,最大限度地扩大受益面。———突出重点,循序渐进。选择对经济发展带动性强的项目开展重点合作,集中力量办好事、办实事。同时,分阶段、有步骤地开展其他领域的合作。———统筹兼顾,协调推进。在开展经济合作的同时,积极开展人力资源开发、环境保护和其它方面的合作。在加强基础设施建设的同时,通过体制创新和政策调整,改善次区域贸易投资环境。上述做法和经验,既反映了各成员的不同特点和要求,也符合所有成员的共同利益和目标,既体现了大湄公河次区域经济合作灵活务实的合作特色,也是次区域合作的生命力之所在,得到各方的普遍赞同,我们应该长期坚持下去。从大湄公河次区域经济合作机制启动以来,中国一直本着积极务实的态度参与各项合作。中方既是次区域合作的受益者,也为次区域的发展做出了贡献。中国先后向昆曼公路、上湄公河航道改善等项目提供资金支持,为各成员国在农业、海关、电信等领域开展500多人次的培训。2004年,中国在亚行设立了2000万美元的特别基金,用于亚洲发展中国家的人力资源开发和减贫合作。大湄公河次区域合作取得成效,我们应该感谢亚洲开发银行的积极参与和支持。十三年来,亚洲开发银行提供直接贷款11.8亿美元和技术援助资金1.4亿美元,推动了次区域的合作,成为各成员国的好伙伴。我们希望亚洲开发银行在今后的合作中发挥更大作用。女士们,先生们,大湄公河次区域国家的经济发展虽然取得了明显成效,但实现经济社会全面繁荣发展任重道远。我们应当顺应时代潮流,坚持走互利共赢、联合自强的道路,巩固合作成果,拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,促进共同发展。在此,我愿就推进大湄公河次区域经济合作提出以下建议:
携手开创睦邻友好包容发展新局面 ——在大湄公河次区域经济合作第五次领导人会议开幕式上的讲话
(2014年12月20日,曼谷)中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强
中南半岛五国是东盟的重要成员,与中国同处澜沧江-湄公河两岸,山水相连,人文相通,经济互补,是中国在东盟近邻中的近邻。中国始终与湄公河流域国家友 好往来、相互尊重、平等相待,在地区和国际多边事务中相互沟通。我们愿践行“亲、诚、惠、容”的周边外交理念,继续坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,与中南半岛五国一道弘扬睦邻友好传统,促进区域经济发展和民生改善,深化各领域互利合作,为实现本地区长期繁荣稳定发展打好基础。
一是深化基础设施领域合作。湄公河流域国家都处在发展的关键时期,交通等领域基础设施建设将成为拉动经济、扩大就业新的增长点,而中南半岛互联互通更是实现澜沧江-湄公河次区域经济一体化的重要保障。中国提出“一带一路”倡议,为深化次区域合作带来新契机。中泰昨天签署铁路合作谅解备忘录,这是双方经过两年努力,达成的重要共识。这将是中南半岛首条现代化标准轨道铁路,全都使用中国技术和装备建造,并由中方提供必要融资支持,必将有力推动中南半岛泛亚铁路网建设。相信这条铁路一定能高水平、高质量、高速度建成。各方应以建立区域铁路联盟为契机,推动次区域公路、铁路、航运等综合运输体系建设。同时,加快通关便利化,落实次区域便利货物及人员跨境运输协定,提升“软件”联通水平。中方始终坚持开发与保护并举原则合理利用水资源,将出资1亿元人民币,用于开 2 展澜沧江-湄公河航道二期整治工程前期工作,愿与有关国家分享水文信息,加强防灾合作。
四是推进民生与社会事业发展。改善民生和消除贫困依然是大湄公河次区域的主要任务。中方将继续对次区域国家发展提供力所能及的支持。近年来,中国利用减贫与区域合作基金,已为26个次区域合作项目提供了约1100万美元支持。中方明年将向东盟欠发达国家提供30亿元人民币无偿援助,主要用于支持中南半岛国 家减贫合作。昨天,中泰双方还签署了农产品合作备忘录。双方扩大农产品贸易,有利于增加农民收入,能够实现互利双赢。今后3年,中国将为次区域国家提供3000个培训名额,帮助各国培训农业、卫生等民生领域专业人才,为长远发展增强后劲。
温家宝总理在哥本哈根气候变化会议领导人会议上的讲话 2009年12月18日,国务院总理温家宝在丹麦哥本哈根气候变化会议领导人会议上发表了题为《凝聚共识 加强合作 推进应对气候变化历史进程》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:
凝聚共识 加强合作 推进应对气候变化历史进程
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2009年12月18日 哥本哈根)Build Consensus and Strengthen Cooperation
To Advance the Historical Process of Combating Climate Change
Address by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
At the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit
Copenhagen, 18 December 2009
拉斯穆森首相阁下,各位同事: Prime Minister Rasmussen, Dear Colleagues, 此时此刻,全世界几十亿人都在注视着哥本哈根。我们在此表达的意愿和做出的承诺,应当有利于推动人类应对气候变化的历史进程。站在这个讲坛上,我深感责任重大。
At this very moment, billions of people across the world are following closely what is happening here in Copenhagen.The will that we express and the commitments that we make here should help push forward mankind's historical process of combating climate change.Standing at this podium, I am deeply aware of the heavy responsibility.气候变化是当今全球面临的重大挑战。遏制气候变暖,拯救地球家园,是全人类共同的使命,每个国家和民族,每个企业和个人,都应当责无旁贷地行动起来。
Climate change is a major global challenge.It is the common mission of the entire mankind to curb global warming and save our planet.It is incumbent upon all of us, each and every country, nation, enterprise and individual to act, and act now in response to this challenge.近三十年来,中国现代化建设取得的成就已为世人瞩目。在这里我还要告诉各位,中国在发展的进程中高度重视气候变化问题,从中国人民和人类长远发展的根本利益出发,为应对气候变化做出了不懈努力和积极贡献。
The past 30 years have seen remarkable progress in China's modernization drive.Let me share with you here that China has taken climate change very seriously in the course of its development.Bearing in mind the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and mankind's long-term development, we have exerted unremitting effort and made positive contribution to the fight against climate change.——中国是最早制定实施《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家。先后制定和修订了节约能源法、可再生能源法、循环经济促进法、清洁生产促进法、森林法、草原法和民用建筑节能条例等一系列法律法规,把法律法规作为应对气候变化的重要手段。
China was the first developing country to adopt and implement a National Climate Change Program.We have formulated or revised the Energy Conservation Law, Renewable Energy Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, Clean Production Promotion Law, Forest Law, Grassland Law and Regulations on Civil Building Efficiency.Laws and regulations have been an important means for us to address climate change.——中国是近年来节能减排力度最大的国家。我们不断完善税收制度,积极推进资源性产品价格改革,加快建立能够充分反映市场供求关系、资源稀缺程度、环境损害成本的价格形成机制。全面实施十大重点节能工程和千家企业节能计划,在工业、交通、建筑等重点领域开展节能行动。深入推进循环经济试点,大力推广节能环保汽车,实施节能产品惠民工程。推动淘汰高耗能、高污染的落后产能,2006至2008年共淘汰低能效的炼铁产能6059万吨、炼钢产能4347万吨、水泥产能1.4亿吨、焦炭产能6445万吨。截至今年上半年,中国单位国内生产总值能耗比2005年降低13%,相当于少排放8亿吨二氧化碳。
China has made the most intensive efforts in energy conservation and pollution reduction in recent years.We have improved the taxation system and advanced the pricing reform of resource products with a view to putting in place at an early date a pricing mechanism that is responsive to market supply and demand, resource scarcity level and the cost of environmental damage.We have introduced 10 major energy conservation projects and launched an energy conservation campaign involving 1,000 enterprises, bringing energy-saving action to industry, transportation, construction and other key sectors.We have implemented pilot projects on circular economy, promoted energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles and supported the use of energy-saving products by ordinary households with government subsidies.We have worked hard to phase out backward production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting.The inefficient production capacity that China eliminated between 2006and 2008 stood at 60.59 million tons for iron, 43.47 million tons of steel, 140 million tons for cement and 64.45 million tons for coke.By the end of the first half of this year, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP had dropped by 13 percent from the 2005 level, equivalent to reducing 800 million tons of carbon dioxide.——中国是新能源和可再生能源增长速度最快的国家。我们在保护生态基础上,有序发展水电,积极发展核电,鼓励支持农村、边远地区和条件适宜地区大力发展生物质能、太阳能、地热、风能等新型可再生能源。2005年至2008年,可再生能源增长51%,年均增长14.7%。2008年可再生能源利用量达到2.5亿吨标准煤。农村有3050万户用上沼气,相当于少排放二氧化碳4900多万吨。水电装机容量、核电在建规模、太阳能热水器集热面积和光伏发电容量均居世界第一位。--China has enjoyed the fastest growth of new energy and renewable energy.On the basis of protecting the eco-environment, we have developed hydro power in an orderly way, actively developed nuclear power, and encouraged and supported the development of renewable energy including biomass, solar and geothermal energy and wind power in the countryside, remote areas and other places with the proper conditions.Between 2005 and 2008,renewable energy increased by 51 percent, representing an annual growth rate of 14.7 percent.In 2008, the use of renewable energy reached an equivalent of 250 million tons of standard coal.A total of 30.5 million rural households gained access to bio-gas, equivalent to a reduction of 49 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.China ranked first in the world in terms of installed hydro power capacity, nuclear power capacity under construction, the coverage of solar water heating panels and photovoltaic power capacity.——中国是世界人工造林面积最大的国家。我们持续大规模开展退耕还林和植树造林,大力增加森林碳汇。2003至2008年,森林面积净增2054万公顷,森林蓄积量净增11.23亿立方米。目前人工造林面积达5400万公顷,居世界第一。--China has the largest area of man-made forests in the world.We have continued with the large-scale endeavor to return to farmland to forest and expand a forestation, and made vigorous effort to increase forest carbon sink.Between 2003 and 2008, China's forest coverage registered a net increase of 20.54 million hectares and forest stock volume rose by 1.123 billion cubic meters.The total area of man-made forests in China has reached 45million hectares, the largest in the world.中国有13亿人口,人均国内生产总值刚刚超过 3000美元,按照联合国标准,还有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下,发展经济、改善民生的任务十分艰巨。我国正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展的关键阶段,能源结构以煤为主,降低排放存在特殊困难。但是,我们始终把应对气候变化作为重要战略任务。1990至2005年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度下降 46%。在此基础上,我们又提出,到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,在如此长时间内这样大规模降低二氧化碳排放,需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力。我们的减排目标将作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展的中长期规划,保证承诺的执行受到法律和舆论的监督。我们将进一步完善国内统计、监测、考核办法,改进减排信息的披露方式,增加透明度,积极开展国际交流、对话与合作。
China has a 1.3 billion population and its per capita GDP has only exceeded 3,000 U.S.dollars.According to the U.N.standards, we still have 150 million people living below the poverty line and we therefore face the arduous task of developing the economy and improving people's livelihood.China is now at an important stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization, and, given the predominant role of coal in our energy mix, we are confronted with special difficulty in emission reduction.However, we have always regarded addressing climate change as an important strategic task.Between 1990 and 2005, China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP were reduced by 46 percent.Building on that, we have set the new target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level.To reduce carbon dioxide emissions on such a large scale and over such an extended period of time will require tremendous efforts on our part.Our target will be incorporated into China's mid-and-long term plan for national economic and social development as a mandatory one to ensure that its implementation is subject to the supervision by the law and public opinions.We will further enhance the domestic-statistical, monitoring and evaluation methods, improve the way for releasing emission reduction information, increase transparency and actively engage in international exchange, dialogue and cooperation.各位同事,Dear Colleagues, 应对气候变化需要国际社会坚定信心,凝聚共识,积极努力,加强合作。必须始终牢牢把握以下几点:
To meet the climate challenge, the international community must strengthen confidence, build consensus, make vigorous effort and enhance cooperation.And we must always adhere to the following three principles: 第一,保持成果的一致性。
First, maintaining the consistency of outcomes:
The campaign against climate change has not just started.In fact, the international community has been engaged in this endeavor for decades.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol are the outcomes of long and hard work by all countries.They reflect the broad consensus among all parties and serve as the legal basis and guide for international cooperation on climate change.And as such, they must be highly valued and further strengthened and developed.The outcome of this conference must stick to rather than obscure the basic principles enshrined in the Convention and the Protocol.It must follow rather than deviate from the mandate of the “Bali Roadmap”.It should lock up rather than deny the consensus and progress already achieved in the negotiations.第二,坚持规则的公平性。
Second, upholding the fairness of rules:
The principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities ”represents the core and bedrock of international cooperation on climate change and it must never be compromised.Developed countries account for 80 percent of the total global carbon dioxide emissions since the Industrial Revolution over 200 years ago.If we all agree that carbon dioxide emissions are the direct cause for climate change, then it is all too clear who should take the primary responsibility.Developing countries only started industrialization a few decades ago and many of their people still live in abject poverty today.It is totally unjustified to ask them to undertake emission reduction targets beyond their due obligations and capabilities in disregard of historical responsibilities, per capita emissions and different levels of development.Developed countries, which are already leading an affluent life, still maintain a level of per capita emissions that is far higher than that of developing countries, and most of their emissions are attributed to consumption.In comparison, emissions from developing countries are primarily survival emissions and international transfer emissions.Today, 2.4 billion people in the world still rely on coal, charcoal, and stalks as main fuels, and 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity.Action on climate change must be taken within the framework of sustainable development and should by no means compromise the efforts of developing countries to get rid of poverty and backwardness.Developed countries must take the lead in making deep quantified emission cuts and provide financial and technological support to developing countries.This is an unshirkable moral responsibility as well as a legal obligation that they must fulfill.Developing countries should, with the financial and technological support of developed countries, do what they can to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change in the light of their national conditions.第三,注重目标的合理性。
And third, paying attention to the practicality of the targets:
There is a Chinese proverb which goes, “A one-thousand-mile journey starts with the first step.” Similarly, there is a saying in the West which reads, “Rome was not built in one day.” In tackling climate change, we need to take a long-term perspective, but more importantly, we should focus on the present.The Kyoto Protocol has clearly set out the emission reduction targets for developed countries in the first commitment period by 2012.However, a review of implementation shows that the emissions from many developed countries have increased rather than decreased.And the mid-term reduction targets recently announced by developed countries fall considerably short of the requirements of the Convention and the expectations of the international community.Itis necessary to set a direction for our long-term efforts, but it is even more important to focus on achieving near-term and mid-term reduction targets, honoring the commitments already made and taking real action.One action is more useful than a dozen programs.We should give people hope by taking credible actions.第四,确保机制的有效性。
Fourth, ensure the effectiveness of institutions and mechanisms:
Concrete actions and institutional guarantee are essential to our effort on tackling climate change.The international community should make concrete and effective institutional arrangements under the Convention and urge developed countries to honor their commitments, provide sustained and sufficient financial support to developing countries, speed up the transfer of climate-friendly technologies and effectively help developing countries, especially small island states, least developed countries, landlocked countries and African countries, strengthen their capacity in combating climate change.最后,我要强调的是,中国政府确定减缓温室气体排放的目标是中国根据国情采取的自主行动,是对中国人民和全人类负责的,不附加任何条件,不与任何国家的减排目标挂钩。我们言必信、行必果,无论本次会议达成什么成果,都将坚定不移地为实现、甚至超过这个目标而努力。
I wish to conclude by underlining that it is with a sense of responsibility to the Chinese people and the whole mankind that the Chinese government has set the target for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.This is a voluntary action China has taken in the light of its national circumstances.We have not attached any condition to the target, nor have we linked it to the target of any other country.We will honor our word with real action.Whatever outcome this conference may produce, we will be fully committed to achieving and even exceeding the target.谢谢!Thank you.
Wen Jiabao speech to COP15 Copenhagen
Build Consensus and Strengthen Cooperation to Advance the Historical Process of Combating Climate Change
The following is the full text of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's address, delivered at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit here on Friday:
Prime Minister Rasmussen, Dear Colleagues,此时此刻,全世界几十亿人都在注视着哥本哈根。我们在此表达的意愿和做出的承诺,应当有利于推动人类应对气候变化的历史进程。站在这个讲坛上,我深感责任重大。
At this very moment, billions of people across the world are following closely what is happening here in Copenhagen.The will that we express and the commitments that we make here should help push forward mankind's historical process of combating climate change.Standing at this podium, I am deeply aware of the heavy responsibility.气候变化是当今全球面临的重大挑战。遏制气候变暖,拯救地球家园,是全人类共同的使命,每个国家和民族,每个企业和个人,都应当责无旁贷地行动起来。
Climate change is a major global challenge.It is the common mission of the entire mankind to curb global warming and save our planet.It is incumbent upon all of us, each and every country, nation, enterprise and individual to act, and act now in response to this challenge.近三十年来,中国现代化建设取得的成就已为世人瞩目。在这里我还要告诉各位,中国在发展的进程中高度重视气候变化问题,从中国人民和人类长远发展的根本利益出发,为应对气候变化做出了不懈努力和积极贡献。The past 30 years have seen remarkable progress in China's modernization drive.Let me share with you here that China has taken climate change very seriously in the course of its development.Bearing in mind the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and mankind's long-term development, we have exerted unremitting effort and made positive contribution to the fight against climate change.-中国是最早制定实施《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家。先后制定和修订了节约能源法、可再生能源法、循环经济促进法、清洁生产促进法、森林法、草原法和民用建筑节能条例等一系列法律法规,把法律法规作为应对气候变化的重要手段。
China was the first developing country to adopt and implement a National Climate Change Program.We have formulated or revised the Energy Conservation Law, Renewable Energy Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, Clean Production Promotion Law, Forest Law, Grassland Law and Regulations on Civil Building Efficiency.Laws and regulations have been an important means for us to address climate change.-中国是近年来节能减排力度最大的国家。我们不断完善税收制度,积极推进资源性产品价格改革,加快建立能够充分反映市场供求关系、资源稀缺程度、环境损害成本的价格形成机制。全面实施十大重点节能工程和千家企业节能计划,在工业、交通、建筑等重点领域开展节能行动。深入推进循环经济试点,大力推广节能环保汽车,实施节能产品惠民工程。推动淘汰高耗能、高污染的落后产能,2006至2008年共淘汰低能效的炼铁产能6059万吨、炼钢产能4347万吨、水泥产能1.4亿吨、焦炭产能6445万吨。截至今年上半年,中国单位国内生产总值能耗比2005年降低13%,相当于少排放8亿吨二氧化碳。
China has made the most intensive efforts in energy conservation and pollution reduction in recent years.We have improved the taxation system and advanced the pricing reform of resource products with a view to putting in place at an early date a pricing mechanism that is responsive to market supply and demand, resource scarcity level and the cost of environmental damage.We have introduced 10 major energy conservation projects and launched an energy conservation campaign involving 1,000 enterprises, bringing energy-saving action to industry, transportation, construction and other key sectors.We have implemented pilot projects on circular economy, promoted energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles and supported the use of energy-saving products by ordinary households with government subsidies.We have worked hard to phase out backward production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting.The inefficient production capacity that China eliminated between 2006 and 2008 stood at 60.59 million tons for iron, 43.47 million tons of steel, 140 million tons for cement and 64.45 million tons for coke.By the end of the first half of this year, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP had dropped by 13 percent from the 2005 level, equivalent to reducing 800 million tons of carbon dioxide.-中国是新能源和可再生能源增长速度最快的国家。我们在保护生态基础上,有序发展水电,积极发展核电,鼓励支持农村、边远地区和条件适宜地区大力发展生物质能、太阳能、地热、风能等新型可再生能源。2005年至2008年,可再生能源增长51%,年均增长14.7%。2008年可再生能源利用量达到2.5亿吨标准煤。农村有3050万户用上沼气,相当于少排放二氧化碳4900多万吨。水电装机容量、核电在建规模、太阳能热水器集热面积和光伏发电容量均居世界第一位。
-China has enjoyed the fastest growth of new energy and renewable energy.On the basis of protecting the eco-environment, we have developed hydro power in an orderly way, actively developed nuclear power, and encouraged and supported the development of renewable energy including biomass, solar and geothermal energy and wind power in the countryside, remote areas and other places with the proper conditions.Between 2005 and 2008, renewable energy increased by 51 percent, representing an annual growth rate of 14.7 percent.In 2008, the use of renewable energy reached an equivalent of 250 million tons of standard coal.A total of 30.5 million rural households gained access to bio-gas, equivalent to a reduction of 49 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.China ranked first in the world in terms of installed hydro power capacity, nuclear power capacity under construction, the coverage of solar water heating panels and photovoltaic power capacity.-中国是世界人工造林面积最大的国家。我们持续大规模开展退耕还林和植树造林,大力增加森林碳汇。2003至2008年,森林面积净增2054万公顷,森林蓄积量净增11.23亿立方米。目前人工造林面积达5400万公顷,居世界第一。
-China has the largest area of man-made forests in the world.We have continued with the large-scale endeavor to return to farmland to forest and expand a forestation, and made vigorous effort to increase forest carbon sink.Between 2003 and 2008, China's forest coverage registered a net increase of 20.54 million hectares and forest stock volume rose by 1.123 billion cubic meters.The total area of man-made forests in China has reached 45 million hectares, the largest in the world.中国有13亿人口,人均国内生产总值刚刚超过3000美元,按照联合国标准,还有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下,发展经济、改善民生的任务十分艰巨。我国正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展的关键阶段,能源结构以煤为主,降低排放存在特殊困难。但是,我们始终把应对气候变化作为重要战略任务。1990至2005年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度下降46%。在此基础上,我们又提出,到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,在如此长时间内这样大规模降低二氧化碳排放,需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力。我们的减排目标将作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展的中长期规划,保证承诺的执行受到法律和舆论的监督。我们将进一步完善国内统计、监测、考核办法,改进减排信息的披露方式,增加透明度,积极开展国际交流、对话与合作。China has a 1.3 billion population and its per capita GDP has only exceeded 3,000 U.S.dollars.According to the U.N.standards, we still have 150 million people living below the poverty line and we therefore face the arduous task of developing the economy and improving people's livelihood.China is now at an important stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization, and, given the predominant role of coal in our energy mix, we are confronted with special difficulty in emission reduction.However, we have always regarded addressing climate change as an important strategic task.Between 1990 and 2005, China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP were reduced by 46 percent.Building on that, we have set the new target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level.To reduce carbon dioxide emissions on such a large scale and over such an extended period of time will require tremendous efforts on our part.Our target will be incorporated into China's mid-and-long term plan for national economic and social development as a mandatory one to ensure that its implementation is subject to the supervision by the law and public opinions.We will further enhance the domestic-statistical, monitoring and evaluation methods, improve the way for releasing emission reduction information, increase transparency and actively engage in international exchange, dialogue and cooperation.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,应对气候变化需要国际社会坚定信心,凝聚共识,积极努力,加强合作。必须始终牢牢把握以下几点:
To meet the climate challenge, the international community must strengthen confidence, build consensus, make vigorous effort and enhance cooperation.And we must always adhere to the following three principles:
First, maintaining the consistency of outcomes:
The campaign against climate change has not just started.In fact, the international community has been engaged in this endeavor for decades.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol are the outcomes of long and hard work by all countries.They reflect the broad consensus among all parties and serve as the legal basis and guide for international cooperation on climate change.And as such, they must be highly valued and further strengthened and developed.The outcome of this conference must stick to rather than obscure the basic principles enshrined in the Convention and the Protocol.It must follow rather than deviate from the mandate of the “Bali Roadmap”.It should lock up rather than deny the consensus and progress already achieved in the negotiations.第二,坚持规则的公平性。“共同但有区别的责任”原则是国际合作应对气候变化的核心和基石,应当始终坚持。近代工业革命200年来,发达国家排放的二氧化碳占全球排放总量的80%。如果说二氧化碳排放是气候变化的直接原因,谁该承担主要责任就不言自明。无视历史责任,无视人均排放和各国的发展水平,要求近几十年才开始工业化、还有大量人口处于绝对贫困状态的发展中国家承担超出其应尽义务和能力范围的减排目标,是毫无道理的。发达国家如今已经过上富裕生活,但仍维持着远高于发展中国家的人均排放,且大多属于消费型排放;相比之下,发展中国家的排放主要是生存排放和国际转移排放。今天全球仍有24亿人以煤炭、木炭、秸秆为主要燃料,有16亿人没有用上电。应对气候变化必须在可持续发展的框架下统筹安排,决不能以延续发展中国家的贫穷和落后为代价。发达国家必须率先大幅量化减排并向发展中国家提供资金和技术支持,这是不可推卸的道义责任,也是必须履行的法律义务。发展中国家应根据本国国情,在发达国家资金和技术转让支持下,尽可能减缓温室气体排放,适应气候变化。
Second, upholding the fairness of rules:
The principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”represents the core and bedrock of international cooperation on climate change and it must never be compromised.Developed countries account for 80 percent of the total global carbon dioxide emissions since the Industrial Revolution over 200 years ago.If we all agree that carbon dioxide emissions are the direct cause for climate change, then it is all too clear who should take the primary responsibility.Developing countries only started industrialization a few decades ago and many of their people still live in abject poverty today.It is totally unjustified to ask them to undertake emission reduction targets beyond their due obligations and capabilities in disregard of historical responsibilities, per capita emissions and different levels of development.Developed countries, which are already leading an affluent life, still maintain a level of per capita emissions that is far higher than that of developing countries, and most of their emissions are attributed to consumption.In comparison, emissions from developing countries are primarily survival emissions and international transfer emissions.Today, 2.4 billion people in the world still rely on coal, charcoal, and stalks as main fuels, and 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity.Action on climate change must be taken within the framework of sustainable development and should by no means compromise the efforts of developing countries to get rid of poverty and backwardness.Developed countries must take the lead in making deep quantified emission cuts and provide financial and technological support to developing countries.This is an unshirkable moral responsibility as well as a legal obligation that they must fulfill.Developing countries should, with the financial and technological support of developed countries, do what they can to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change in the light of their national conditions.第三,注重目标的合理性。中国有句成语:千里之行,始于足下。西方也有句谚语:罗马不是一天建成的。应对气候变化既要着眼长远,更要立足当前。《京都议定书》明确规定了发达国家至2012年第一承诺期的减排指标。但从实际执行情况看,不少发达国家的排放不减反增。目前发达国家已经公布的中期减排目标与协议的要求和国际社会的期望仍有相当距离。确定一个长远的努力方向是必要的,更重要的是把重点放在完成近期和中期减排目标上,放在兑现业已做出的承诺上,放在行动上。一打纲领不如一个行动,我们应该通过切实的行动,让人们看到希望。
And third, paying attention to the practicality of the targets:
There is a Chinese proverb which goes, “A one-thousand-mile journey starts with the first step.”Similarly, there is a saying in the West which reads,“Rome was not built in one day.” In tackling climate change, we need to take a long-term perspective, but more importantly, we should focus on the present.The Kyoto Protocol has clearly set out the emission reduction targets for developed countries in the first commitment period by 2012.However, a review of implementation
shows that the emissions from many developed countries have increased rather than decreased.And the mid-term reduction targets recently announced by developed countries fall considerably short of the requirements of the Convention and the expectations of the international community.Itis necessary to set a direction for our long-term efforts, but it is even more important to focus on achieving near-term and mid-term reduction targets, honoring the commitments already made and taking real action.One action is more useful than a dozen programs.We should give people hope by taking credible actions.第四,确保机制的有效性。应对气候变化,贵在落实行动,重在机制保障。国际社会要在公约框架下做出切实有效的制度安排,促使发达国家兑现承诺,向发展中国家持续提供充足的资金支持,加快转让气候友好技术,有效帮助发展中国家、特别是小岛屿国家、最不发达国家、内陆国家、非洲国家加强应对气候变化的能力建设。Fourth, ensure the effectiveness of institutions and mechanisms:
Concrete actions and institutional guarantee are essential to our effort on tackling climate change.The international community should make concrete and effective institutional arrangements under the Convention and urge developed countries to honor their commitments, provide sustained and sufficient financial support to developing countries, speed up the transfer of climate-friendly technologies and effectively help developing countries, especially small island states, least developed countries, landlocked countries and African countries, strengthen their capacity in combating climate change.最后,我要强调的是,中国政府确定减缓温室气体排放的目标是中国根据国情采取的自主行动,是对中国人民和全人类负责的,不附加任何条件,不与任何国家的减排目标挂钩。我们言必信、行必果,无论本次会议达成什么成果,都将坚定不移地为实现、甚至超过这个目标而努力。
I wish to conclude by underlining that it is with a sense of responsibility to the Chinese people and the whole mankind that the Chinese government has set the target for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.This is a voluntary action China has taken in the light of its national circumstances.We have not attached any condition to the target, nor have we linked it to the target of any other country.We will honor our word with real action.Whatever outcome this conference may produce, we will be fully committed to achieving and even exceeding the target.谢谢!
Thank you.
中广网 2009-12-19 02:
国务院总理温家宝18日在丹麦哥本哈根气候变化会议领导人会议上发表了题为《凝聚共识 加强合作 推进应对气候变化历史进程》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:
凝聚共识 加强合作
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
(2009年12月18日 哥本哈根)