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1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

2.以s.x.sh.ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

3.以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:a.加s,如: photo---photos piano---pianosradio---radios zoo---zoos;b.加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes

4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

5.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives




3.含有man,woman的复合名词的变化如:Englishman—Englishmen,policewoman—policewomen,Frenchwoman— Frenchwomen,fisherman—fishermen。




若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双);suit(套);a pair of glasses;two pairs of trousers




1.一般情况在名词后加's。例如:That girl's coat is in the room.那个女孩的衣服在房间里。

2.在以s结尾的名词(包括以s结尾的复数名词)后面,只加 '。如果复数名词不是以s结尾的,末尾也要加's。例如:Today is September 10th, Teachers' Day.今天是九月十日,教师节。

3.表示词组内的并列名词各自的所有关系时,须在各个名词后加's;如果一个东西为两个人或者两个以上的人共同拥有,只在最后一个名词后面加's。He is Lily and Lucy's father.他是莉莉和露西的爸爸。

4.表示某人的家、店铺等的所有格,一般可以省略它后面所修饰的名词。例如:My father and I will have dinner at the Johnson's(home).我爸爸和我将要去约翰逊的家吃晚饭。

5.有些指时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,也可以加's构成所有格。例如:There is something important in today's newspaper.今天的报纸上有一些重要的东西。

6.英语名词所有格修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,后面则可以省略,以防止重复。例如:This is not Dick's dictionary, but is Tom's.这不是迪克的字典,但是是汤姆的。


1.表示“无生命的名词”一般与of构成短语,表示所有关系。例如:There is a river on the other side of the road.在公路的另一边有一条河。

2.有时我们用名词 + of +名词所有格构成双重所有格的形式。例如 This is a photo of Mr Brown's.











Dear Alice,尚文家教初三中考英语作文范文汇编一

As a teenager,I met the same problem as you.But now I can get along better with my mother.Here are some ideas for you.Your mother talks much,because she cares about you.Maybe it's not a good way, but it shows your mother's love.So I think you should listen to her.If your opinions are different from your mother's, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about.If your mother doesn't take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.I hope what I say here can help you a lot.二.网上交友

Should students make friends online? Some people say yes.Internet helps people make many friends.Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help for their foreign language studies.Others, however, think students should not.They say making friends online is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study.Besides, some students get cheated online.It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things.As for friendship, we can find it in our classmates and other people around us.三.环境保护

Although the world develops much faster and better,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done.Save water.Water is the source of life.No water,no life.So it's very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it,but also make full use of it.Save electricity.It is crucial.We can't imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity.Don't forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.Save forests.They are useful.Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead.Make our world a green one to live in.Recycle useful rubbish.Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper,bottles,and so on.We can save resources in this way.I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.四.健康问题

All of us want to be healthy.First, we should get enough sleep during the night.We can go to bed early and get up early.Staying up late is bad for our health.Second,we must have the right kinds of food.We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat.We should drink a lot of water.We should have healthy eating habits.Third, we should also do more exercise to build up our bodies.Finally, we should be happy everyday.Because smile will make us younger.五.初中生活回顾 Dear teacher,Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you.You have taken good care of me since I came to this school.When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up.You are kind but strict with us, you never allow us to pretend that we know what we don't know.You often tell us that it's no use memorizing new words without understanding.With your help,my English has greatly improved.Thank you for caring about me,I will work harder in the future.六.难忘假期

I am 'always busy with my lessons.what I have to do everyday is nothing but study.Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle's farm.we enjoyed a really interesting holiday.During the holiday, I didn't have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises.I rode the horse in the fields.I milked the cows on the farm.To my great joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing.Life on the farm is quite different from that at school.I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again.七.热爱运动

I think it’s very important for everyone to do sports.I like sports because they’re not only good for my health but also good for my study.My favorite sport is swimming.Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool.After swimming,I usually feel happy and relaxed.What’s more, I can put more energy into my study.So let’s do sports,and we will become stronger and stronger.Postscript:In the remaining time, I hope you to overcome difficulties, to meet the senior high school entrance examination.




1.被动语态的谓语动词形式: 1.is am are +done一般现在时的被动语态waswere +done过去时的被动语态3 will +be done将来时的被动语态 含情态动词的: can/ may/ must/ should be + done

Alot oftrees are planted by people every year

2.get/have + n./pron.+ v-ed叫/让/请别人做某事(即使谋事被做)

例: I want to get my coat mended.我要缝衣服.I want to have my hair cut.我要理发.3.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做…

4.倒装句: So + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语(前为肯定局)表示与前面所述事实一致.Neither/Nor + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语(前为否定)表示与前面所述事实一致.例: He likes oranges.So do weHe doesn’t like oranges.Neither do we

5So +主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词表示对前面事实的进一步确认.例: Henry is very tired.So he is(的确是)

9.clean(v.)打扫,清理clean up比较彻底地打扫,清理clean out打扫,清理地最彻底.10.fail a test = fail in a test 考试不及格

11.be strict with+人.be strict in+事物.例: The head teacher is strict with his studentsHe is strict in the work.12.the other day前几天,不久前的一天.(用于过去时)


例: He decided to concentrate on physics because he failed the exam.This company concentrates on $2 market.这家公司把重点放在中国市场上.14.more… than…①与其说…不如说;比…更…例: The man is more stupid than nervous.与其说那人紧张,倒不如说他愚蠢.15.volunteer ① n.自愿者.② v.volunteer to do sth.自愿做…

例: We all volunteered to help in the old people’s home.我们都志愿到敬老院帮忙.16.chance 指侥幸的,偶尔的机会,还可表示“可能性”opportunity 指有利的时机,良机.二者有时可以互换.Have an opportunity to do sth 有做…的机会.17.experience : ①可数名词 “经历,体验”

例: Please tell us something about your experiences.②不可数名词 ―经验‖例: He is a man of rich experience.③动词―经历‖ 例: She experienced lots of suffering.18.off 不工作,不上班,不上学,不值班.例: I think I’ll take the afternoon off.我想下午歇班.They haven’t had a day off since last week.从上周来,他们没休息过一天.20.get in the way(of)...妨碍...例: He never gets in others’ way.他从不妨碍别人.The bikes over there will get in the way of others.自行车放在那里会妨碍别人的.21.success(n.)successful(adj.)succeed(v.).23.in the end = finally = at last 最后.24.importance(n.)important(adj.)

25.be serious about对…热忠/极感兴趣.27.care about关心,在乎,在意.Carefor 喜欢take care 当心take care of照顾

.I don’t care about what he does.我并不在意他干什么.28.clothes 统指身上穿的各种服装,包括上衣,裤子,内衣等,做主语,谓语动词按复数处理.clothing 不可数名词,是服装的总称,包括各种衣服,帽子,鞋袜等.做主语谓动按单三处理.cloth 布料.为不可数名词


1.be allowed to do sth 被允许干…allow sb to do sth 允许某人干

2.sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old boys and girls 16岁的孩子3.part-time jobs 兼职工作4.a driver’s license 驾照

6.at that age 在那个年龄段7.on school nights 在上学期间的每个晚上

8.stay up 熬夜

9.clean up(相当与及物动词)清扫 10.fail(in)a test 考试不及格11.take the test 参加考试12.the other day 前几天

13.all my classmates 我所有的同学14.concentrate on 全神贯注于16.in groups 成群的,按组的17.get noisy 吵闹(系表结构)18.learn from 向某人学习19.at present 目前,现在21.English-English dictionary 英英词典22.at least 至少23.eight hours’ sleep a night 每晚8小时的睡眠

24.an old people’s home 敬老院27.have…off 放假,休息28.reply to 回答,答复

29.get in the way of 妨碍31.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想

32.think about 思考,考虑33.in the end 最后,终于37.agree withsb 同意…


1.使役动词:make、let、have + do 让某人做某事


may(可能)might、must(一定)+ do

3.Please+do、could you please+do 请...4.Why don't you=why not +do 为什么不...?

5.Had better +do 最好做某事

即可加do也可加doing 意思不同

1.forget to do 忘记要去做某事。(未做)forget doing 忘记做过某事。(已做)

2.remember to do 记得去做某事(未做)remember doing 记得做过某事(已做)

3.stop to do 停下来去做另一件事stop doing 停止做某事

4.try to do努力、企图做某事try doing试着做某事

5.go on to do 做了一件事后接着做另一件事。go on doing继续做原来做的事

1.Would you please ____ the door for me? a.holdingb.not to holdc.holdd.heldWe’d really like you ____ to the party tonight.a.comeb.to comec.will comed.should comeHave you got any thing ____ about this matter? a.sayingb.to sayc.saidd.SayHe was too excited ____.a.to go to sleepingb.to sleptc.to go to sleepd.going to sleepWe can’t have him ____ like that all day.a.to workb.workingc.to be workedd.workShe keeps telling us ____.a.what to dob.doing whatc.what is doingd.do whatI often spent much money ____ books.a.to buyb.buyingc.on buyingd.for buying

10.If you practice ____ English whenever you can, you will soon speak well.a.talkingb.going speakc.speakingd.to speak

11.She usually forgets ____ the door, but she remembered ____ it yesterday.a.to shut…to shutb.shutting…shuttingc.to shut…shuttingd.shutting…to shutI’m thirsty.Will you get me something ____?A.drinkB.to drinkC.eatD.eating

14It was great fun _____ a picnic on the hill.A.to haveB.of havingC.haveD.had

15Lily, keep the window ____.The sandstorm hasn’t stopped yet.A.closeB.closedC.openD.opened

16It’s bad for your eyes ____ computer games for a long time.A.playsB.to playC.playD.playedIs it always easier ____ friends than to keep them?A.makingB.makeC.to makeD.made

18It ____ Jack twenty minutes ____ the math problem yesterday.A.took;to work outB.takes;worked out

C.has taken;work outD.is taking;working out


1.Thomas Edison invented the light bulb._______________________________________________________People use stamps for sending letters._______________________________________________________6.Parents and teachers should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes._______________________________________________________8.Farmers grow rice in the south of China._______________________________________________________10.He gave me a new dictionary this morning.____________________________________________________________________14.I can’t repair the broken kite._______________________________________________________16.Students must obey the school rules._______________________________________________________17.We might put off the soccer match until next Tuesday._______________________________________________________19.Adults should make their own decisions._______________________________________________________20.People produce silk in Suzhou and Hanzhou.______________________________________________________21.I will study French later on._______________________________________________________22.She regards him as her own son._______________________________________________________23.We shouldn’t laugh at the disabled people _______________________________________________________24.Mrs Green chose some new clothes in the mall._______________________________________________________25.The cat terrified me in the dark._______________________________________________________26.Mr Bush took some photos in Paris._______________________________________________________27.We often hear her singing songs next door._______________________________________________________28.My uncle used up all of his money._______________________________________________________29.The police could catch the thieves._______________________________________________________30.The alien chased the man on the road._______________________________________________________31.This engineer design this new kind of mobile phone._______________________________________________________32.Mr Chen doesn’t teach us history._______________________________________________________33.He passed the sugar to me._______________________________________________________34.Her aunt bought her a colorful scarf._______________________________________________________35.This piece of news shocked us all._______________________________________________________


1.Everyone needs to have at least eight h_______ sleep a night.2.He is s______ because he often does foolish things like this.3.The house was a m_______ after a party.4.The p________ situation is peaceful, but in the past there was trouble in this area.5.I can't c_________ on my studies with so much noises.6.It would be a good e_________ for me to study at our school.7.There have been a few _____________(disagree)between the two parties.8.I feel ________(sleep);I'm going to lie down.9.She tried to stop smoking, and she ________(success).10.The matter is of great ________(important).B)用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.This machine ____________(use)for washing clothes.It is called ―washing machine‖.2.Now most work _____________(can do)by robots.3.Please read the passage ___________(write)by Lu Xun.4.Mr Brown will go fishing if it ____(not rain)tomorrow.5.I think he ____(be)back in a week.6.--____ your uncle ____(return)the video tapes to Mr Fox?

--No.They're still in his bedroom.7.By the end of last term, they ____(work)there for ten years.8.Mr.Wang ____(read)a newspaper in the office at this time yesterday.9.Mr.Green and his wife ____(live)in London for a few years before they ____(come)to work in China in 2001.10.About 400 years ago, Galileo(伽利略)proved that the earth ____(go)around the sun.二、单项选择(28分)

()1._________ should not be allowed to go out at night.A.Twelve-years-oldB.Twelve-year-oldsC.Twelve year oldD.Twelve years olds

()2.I ___________ yesterday.It was broken.A.had my bike repairB.had my bike repairsC.had my bike repairedD.has my bike repaired

()3.I need time _________ my computer.A.to mendB.mendingC.mendD.mended

()4.--He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday.--____________.A.So did weB.So we didC.We did soD.Did so we

()5.My father is very busy, he hasn't had a day _______ for two months.A.offB.onC.atD.in

()6.An accident ________ on Zhongshan Road yesterday.A.had been happenedB.was happenedC.is happenedD.happened

()7.We should go to school at 8 o'clock ________school mornings.A.atB.inC.onD.of

()8.Something is wrong with my computer.I'll get it_________.A.repairB.repairingC.to repairD.repaired

()9.His parents won' t let him______ when he wants.A.practiceB.to practiceC.practicedD.practicing

()10.The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he _______to the hospital.

A.takesB.is takenC.tookD.was taken

()11.I don't think they are careful,_______?A.do IB.don't theyC.are theyD.aren't they

()12.Our teacher is very strict _______us and is also very strict______ her work.A.in;withB.with;inC.for;inD.in;for

()13.You should be working ________lying there in bed.A.andB.notC.insteadD.instead of

()14.At last, Kangkang made the baby _______ and began to laughA.stop to cry B.stop cryingC.to stop to cryD.to stop crying

()15.—Did you go to Jack’s birthday party?—No, I ________.A.am not invitedB.wasn’t invitedC.haven’t invitedD.didn’t invite

()16.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A.needn’t to comeB.don’t need to comeC.needn’t comingD.didn’t need coming

()17.If you go to the park tomorrow morning, _________.A.so will heB.so he willC.so he doesD.so does he

()18 The room must _______ every day.A.be keep cleanB.be kept cleanC.be keep cleanD.kept clean()19.Library books should _____ on time ,A.give backB.is giving backC.be given backD.returned back()20.– It’s your turn!_________.A.So it doesB.So it isC.So does itD.So is it()21.It’s a good idea ______ the parents ______ kids to study in groups.A.of , to allowB.of , allowingC.for , to allowD.for , allowing

()22.Students ________ have part-time jobs.A.not should be allowed toB.should not be allowed toC.should be not allowed toD.should be allowed not to

()23.Everyone ______ to have a good rest.A.needsB.needC.needn’tD.don’t need

()24.Miss Green didn’t tell us ________ before she came to our school.A.where does she liveB.where she livedC.where did she liveD.where she had lived

()25.Tom,your hair is too long.Would you please get your hair A.cutB.to cutC.cuttingD.be cut

()26.It's ______to work out this problem.You needn't go to the teacher.

A.enough easyB.easily enoughC.easy enoughD.very easily




2017年7月 师德总结

一、师德特点有以下几点: 1.师德行为要成为楷模。

“德高为师,身正为范”江总书记在《关于教育的谈话中》指出:“教师作为人类灵魂的工程师,不仅要教好书,还要育好人,各个方面都要为人师表”。[2]为师要有知识,为表要有美德,人们形容教师:“人之楷模”、“以身立教”、“为人师表”等等。比喻成“园丁”、“红烛”等等均是对教师道德行为表率性或典范性的要求。苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基:“你们不仅是教课的教师,也是培养人的教育者,是生活的导师和道德教员。”乌申斯基:“教师个人的范例,对于青年人的心灵,是任何东西都不可能代替的最有用的阳光。” 2.师德意识要求高水准。

































许尚文 2016--2017学



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