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你是否足够达到申请院校要求(是否有足够的英语能力完成课程),如未达到怎样提升? 你对申请院校及课程的了解是否足够,哪些是必修课,哪些是选修课?







Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 20 short conversations.At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.(1-10选自1999年6月份四级;11-15选自第二次作业;16-20选自2001年六月份四级)

1.选D W: Excuse me, Sir.You are not supposed to be here.This area is for airport staff only.M: I'm sorry, I didn't note the sign.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A)The area is for passengers only.B)The woman is asking the man to leave.C)The woman feels sorry for the man.D)The man is a member of the staff.2.选C W: If I buy some plants for the house, will you water them for me while I'm a way? M: Sure I will, if you water mine while I am on vacation.Q: What will the man do for the woman? A)Water her plants while she is away.B)Clean her house while she is away.C)Water her plants when he is not at work D)Buy her some plants and take care of them.3.选C W: Excuse me, Professor Hill.May I ask you a few questions? M: Yes, of course.But I'm sorry I have a class at ten.Why don't you come in my office hours.That is 4 to 5 P.m.Monday, Thursday and Friday.Q: Why can't professor Hill answer her question now? A)He doesn't have time.B)It's not his office hour.C)He is too tired after class.D)He will only be available in the afternoon.4.选A M: I don't feel like going out.Why don't we just stay home and watch TV instead? W: Come on!You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A)The man promised her a gift on her birthday.B)The woman doesn't like watching TV.C)The woman insists on going out.D)The man is too tired to go out.5.选B W: I'm thinking of taking five courses next semester.M: Wouldn't four be wiser? Q: What does the man mean? A)It is wiser to take more than four courses.B)The man will take four courses next semester.C)There are too many courses offered to students.D)The woman should take fewer courses next term.6.选B W: I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party.Do you know their address? M: No.But I like them to come.I think Tom can give you their address.Q: What is the woman going to do? A)Invite Tom to the party.B)Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons.C)Get the Johnsons' address D)Ask Tom to send an invitation.7.选D W: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer? M: She is counting the days.Q: What does the woman imply? A)Jane is on her way home.B)Jane is looking for a summer job.C)Jane is packing for the summer vacation.D)Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.8.选A W: I think I will take the half-day tour of the city.M: Why not the whole day? Q: What does the man suggest? A)Touring the city on a fine day.B)Spending more time on sightseeing.C)Visiting the city with a group.D)Taking the man with her on the tour.9.选C M: This is a one-way street.Didn't you see the sign? W: Sorry.I didn't.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A)The woman is driving too fast.B)The woman has broken a traffic rule.C)The woman is driving at a slow speed.D)The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.10.选A W: I ought to call Joan, and tell her about the reception this evening.M: Why bother? You will see her at lunch.Q: What does the man mean? A)She may see Joan's brother at lunch.B)She must call on Joan after the reception.C)She can tell Joan when she sees her at noon.D)She should tell Joan's brother about the reception.11.选BI’ll look for it later.Right now I need your help fixing this bookshelf before painting it.Q: What will they do first?(场景—干活。Right now I need your help fixing this bookshelf)A.Write a letter.B.Fix a bookshelf.C.Paint the bookshelf.D.Search for a pen.12.选AThat’s true.After studying mathematics for three years, she changed her major to architecture.Q: What is true of Amy?(场景—谈论他人。细节,now she has just found a job as an engineer)A.She is an engineer.B.She is a mathematician.C.She is the manager of a company.D.She is an artist.13.选DShe ran out of milk and went out to go get some.Q: Where is Mary?(场景—谈论他人去向。语速较快,She ran out of milk and went out to go get some.)A.She has gone home.B.She has gone out for a walk.C.She is getting a newspaper.D.She is at a store.14.选CWe have to cross off(除去)fifteen names from our original list of one hundred.Q: How many people do they expect to attend the party?(细节, 数字计算,100-15=85)

A.15.B.50.C.85.D.100.15.选BI’ve been sick for 3 days.Q: What does the woman mean?(场景—谈论行动。间接回答,I’ve been sick for 3 days.)A.The new teacher is sick.B.She hasn't met the new teacher yet.C.There are three new teachers.D.She didn’t like the new teacher.16.选B W:Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twist your ankle? M:The injury didn't seem serious then.I decided to go today,because my foot still hurt when I put my weigh on it.Q:Why didn't the man.see the doctor earlier? A)His injury kept him at home.B)He didn't think it necessary.C)He was too weak to see the doctor.D)He failed to make an appointment.17.选C M:I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 o'clock.W:Her husband said she left home at 4:30.she should be here at 5:10,and 5:15 at the latest.Q:what time did Suzy leave home? A)5:15 B)5:10 C)4:30 D)5:00

18.选B W:When will you be through with your work,John? M:who knows? My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.Q:What do we learn from the conversation? A)The man needs help.B)The man is complaining.C)The man likes his job.D)The man is talking with his boss.19.选C W:I don't know what I'm going to wear to the party.All of my clothes look so old and I can't afford something new.M:Why don't you wear your black silk dress? Q:What is the woman going to do? A)Wear a new dress.B)Make a silk dress.C)Attend a party D)Go shopping.20.选D M:How did you like yesterday's play? W:Generally speaking,it was quite good.The part of secretary was played wonderfully,but I think the man who played the boss was too dramatic to be realistic.Q:How does the woman feel about the man's acting in the play? A)He played his part quite well.B)He was not dramatic enough.C)He proformed better than the secretary D)He exaggerated his part.Section B Directions:In this section you will hear a conversation.The conversation will be spoken twice.There are five questions about the conversation.For each question there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Decide on the best answer and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 21-24选自交大英语听力课本New Test 4 Part II-Conversation1(内容略)

Questions 25-26选自第二次作业Question 8 and 9 W: Peter, you’ve been so busy lately that we don’t see you any more.M: I’ve been trying to finish this research project so that I can present my findings at the annual conference in July.W.But that’s 2 months away.You’ve still got lots of time.M.Not really.You see.I’ve just organized all the notes of the research, but it will take me almost 2 months to type them.W: Well, if that“s your only problem, I can type up your paper in less than 2 weeks.25.选A Q:What does the woman offer to do for the man?(细节考察,I can type up your paper in less than 2 weeks.)A.Type his paper.B.Help him with his research.C.Present his findings at the July conference.D.Organize all the notes.26.选D Q:What month is it now?(细节推断,I can present my findings at the annual conference in July/ But that’s 2 months away)

A.February.B.July.C.September.D.May.Questions 27-28选自交大英语听力课本New Test 1 Part II-Conversation3(内容略)

Part III.Passages In this section you will hear 3 passages.In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.Questions 29-32选自交大英语听力课本New Test 2 Part III-Passage 1 An elderly woman yesterday made a legal claim against a department store because it had wrongly accused her of stealing a Christmas card.Ms.Doss white, 72 years old, is claiming $ 3000 damages from the store for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.Ms.White visited the store while doing Christmas shopping, but did not buy anything.She was followed through the town by a store manager.He had been told that a customer saw her take a card and put it in her shopping bag.He stopped her at a bookstore as she was reading a book.Ms.White said.“This man, a total stranger, suddenly grasped my bag and asked if he could look in it.” She was taken back to the store and shut in a small room in full view of shop pers for 20 minutes until the police arrived.At the police station she was body-searched and nothing was found.Her lawyer said the department store sent an in sincere apology and they insisted that she may have been stealing.The hearing continues today.29.选D Q:What does the story tell us about the old woman? A)She was found stealing in a bookstore.B)She caught someone in the act of stealing.C)She admitted having stolen something.D)She said she was wrongly accused of stealing.30.选D Q:What was said to have been stolen? A)A book.B)$3,000.C)A handbag.D)A Christmas card.31.选B Q:What happened to Ms.White after she was taken back to the store? A)She was questioned by the police.B)She was shut in a small room for 20 minutes.C)She was insulted by the shopper around her.D)She was body-searched by the store manager.32.选C Q:What was now the attitude of the department store in this legal case? A)They refused to apologize for having followed her through the town.B)They regretted having wrongly accused her of stealing.C)They still suspected that she was a thief.D)The agreed to pay her $3,000 damages.Questions 33-35选自交大英语听力课本New Test 2 Part III-Passage 1

Language shows the way that man looks at the world around him.Man lives in a world of words.By talking to one another people are able to know and understand one another.A people’s language allows them to do this.But not all the people of the world speak the same language.This can cause people and nations not to understand or agree with one another.Different languages see the world in different ways.Each group of people thinks that its language is the best, other languages seem strange or wrong.But each language is clear to the people that speak it.Every language in the world has words that tell the time, age, sex and the way of life of people that speak it.The language of a nation shows the customs and values of its people.33.选B Q:Why can different languages cause misunderstanding and disagreement between peoples of different languages according to the passage?(细节考察,But not all the people of the world speak the same language.This can cause people and nations not to understand or agree with one another.)A.Because each group of people thinks that its language is the best.B.Because not all languages see the world the same way.C.Because different languages tell the time, age, sex and the life of people in different ways.D.Because a nation has customs different from those of another nation.34.选D Q: How do people usually understand one another?(细节考察,By talking to one another people are able to know and understand one another.)

A.By looking at the world around them.B.By stopping thinking their own language is the best.C.By getting rid of disagreement.D.Through languages.35.选C Q:What can be found in a people’s language?(细节考察,The language of a nation shows the customs and values of its people.)A.How to live in a world of words.B.How to understand the people of different languages.C.Its cultural values.D.Its customs similar to another nation’s.Questions 36-40无参考 36.选D A.It is the most important event in life.B.It is an expression of love.C.It is a global ceremony.D.It is a universal symbot.37.选B A.They threw rice at each other.B.They sprinkled rice at people around them.C.They ate rice together.D.All of the above.38.选C A.Protecting the newlyweds from evil spirits.B.Having plenty of children.C.Breathing high spirits into the newlyweds.D.A fruitful life in the future.39.选B A.Longevity B.Sincerity C.Friendship D.Fruitfulness

40.选C A.It is charged with new meaning nowadays.B.Most of its ancient meaning has been lost.C.It has become much simpler in moderm times.D.It is still practiced today.






D.汤云为教授 演讲的主要内容为企业期权定价








A.胡伟教授演讲题目《公共管理的理论前沿与发展趋势》和 李国振教授演讲题目为《如何成为《现代组织的优秀主管》》

B.胡伟教授演讲题目《如何成为《现代组织的优秀主管》》和 李国振教授演讲题目为《公共管理的理论前沿与发展趋势》

C.朱军生教授演讲题目《公共管理的理论前沿与发展趋势》和 朱伟教授演讲题目为《如何成为《现代组织的优秀主管》》

D.朱军生教授演讲题目《如何成为《现代组织的优秀主管》》和 朱伟教授演讲题目为《公共管理的理论前沿与发展趋势》



上财继发 [2012]01号










上海财经大学成人高等教育本科毕业生 申请学士学位外语水平要求的补充规定






























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