
时间:2019-05-13 07:00:46下载本文作者:会员上传






Enjoying the trust of clients and employees of inestimable importance for an international group like the Company.Developing such trust takes time and thoughtless action can easily destroy it.The Company is committed to and demands a high standard of ethical behaviour from its employees in relation to conflicts of interest that could undermine trust in the group.The basic rule must therefore be: avoid conflicts between personal, the Company and client interest.我公司作为国际型企业,在客户群里享有良好声誉,其作用不可估量。要发扬这种美誉,需日积月累,若要毁坏,只需草率行事。公司在道德行为方面始终以高标准要求员工,防止员工在涉及个人利益冲突时损坏公司整体信誉。对于此类事件的基本原则是:竭力避免公司及员工与客户之间的利益冲突。

For instance:例如

A.Many employees are in a position to obtain information about a client’s business and future prospects.Such information must be kept strictly confidential.It must not be misused for personal gain or to benefit others.In other words, employees must not take action that is(or could appear to be)motivated by information obtained in the course of their work.When in doubt a superior should be consulted in advance.许多员工可以了解到客户的商业信息及其发展前景,但此类信息必须严格予以保密。任何员工不得滥用此类信息另谋利益,换言之,员工不得受工作中所得信息的影响而做出其它与工作无关的行为。如有涉嫌,其领导承担第一责任。

B.Employees are expected to refrain from using information about the Company’s business or future prospects to benefit themselves or others, or to compete directly or indirectly with the Company in the purchase or sale of property, interests or the like.员工不得使用有关公司业务及其发展前景的信息为自己或他人牟利,或在诸如公司采购或财产变卖等事宜中为己牟利。

C.Employees should avoid holding ownership interests of any significance in, or providing any form of service to, a company that has commercial relations with the Company or is in competition with it.They should also refrain from favouring or employing a company in which they or a close relation has ownership interests.员工应避免在与公司有商业联系或存在竞争的公司持有权益或向此类公司提供任何形式的服务。员工同时也应避免向其本人或其亲属持有权益的公司予以偏助或雇用。

D.Nor should employees accept gifts of more then symbolic value, or other types of service(including entertainment)which might suggest that a dependent relationship had been with the Company.Employees should not perform such services themselves or promise to perform them.员工不得接受任何超过象征性意义的礼物或其它性质的服务(包括娱乐服务),此类行为会导致员工与公司产生一种私下独立的关系。员工自身应避开此等服务。

In most cases, employees will know instinctively what is right and what is wrong.The best rule is

“when in doubt do not do it”.If necessary, the advice of a superior should be sought.大多情况下,员工自身能够辨别是非。最好的准则是:身陷疑虑便予以远离。如有必要,可寻求领导建议。


I, __________, an employee of.assigned to Toyo Engineering Corporation(China)(“Company”), hereby acknowledge that I am familiar with the Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Confidential Information of the Company stated above and promise to adhere by them as required for the employees of the Company during the term of my service for the Company.本人__________,属日本东洋工程公司(中国)(以下简称“公司”),在此承诺,本人已了解公司上述利益冲突及保密信息规定,并许诺在为公司作业中按照公司要求执行。

Signature:签字 ______________________




第一章 总则 第一条 目的

为保守公司秘密,维护公司权益,通过对公司全体员工做出限制性规定,从而减少人为因素对工作的干扰,以保证公司员工公正廉洁地执行公务。第二条 适用范围

本制度适用于集团公司所有员工。第三条 职责

集团行政部为公司信息保密和利益冲突管理的职能归口负责部门。集团审计监察部负责本制度的督导检查和实施。各部门负责人是本部门保密管理和利益冲突管理工作的责任人,应加强对下属人员的教育,使本制度得到贯彻落实。第二章 信息保密政策 第四条 保密事项和密级确定





1.公司经营发展中,直接影响公司权益的重要决策文件资料为绝密级。2.公司的规划、财务报表、统计资料、重要会议记录、公司经营情况为机密级。3.公司人事档案、合同、协议、尚未进入市场或尚未公开的各类信息为秘密级。第五条 保密管理


(二)对于密级文件、资料,必须采取以下保密措施: 1.非经总经理或主管副总经理批准,不得复制和摘抄。







4.员工离职后不得泄漏公司的专有的知识产权、秘密信息、技术资料等,不得使用这些资产谋取个人利益。第六条 员工的保密责任

每个员工都有责任确保公司资产安全的责任,不在不利于保密的场合谈论保密事项,非因工作需要,不携带保密资料去公众场所,用过的保密资料要及时归还。第三章 利益冲突政策 第七条 绝对禁止的利益冲突



(三)未经公司批准担任公司的供应商、销售代理的业务代表,或向其提供有关 公司业务的建议或服务并接受报酬。




第八条 与客户和供货商对外接洽业务,应做到廉洁自律,禁止索贿受贿和收受回扣行为,不得索取或变相索取客户的财物,不得接受客户的昂贵款待和奢侈娱乐。不得有损害本公司利益和名誉的行为。

第九条 在与竞争对手交往时,应遵循守法、公平、尊重对手的基本原则。与竞争对手接触时,不要讨论定价政策、合同条款、成本、存货、营销与产品计划、市场调查与研究、生产计划与生产能力等内容,也要避免讨论其他任何公司的信息或机密。

第十条 公司员工有亲属关系的不得在同一部门担任双方直接隶属于同一领导人的职务,或者有直接上下级领导关系的职务,也不得在其中一方担任领导职务的部门从事采购、销售、人力资源、技术研发、审计和财务工作,财务部的会计和出纳不能存在任何关系。

第十一条 董事会办公室是对外发布信息的专职机构,公司所有的应对外披露的信息,必须经由董事会办公室对外披露,其他涉密人员在信息未披露之前,不得对任何人泄露任何相关信息。第十二条 利益冲突的管理


(二)员工有权对损害公司利益的行为进行举报。公司内部的投诉和举报,可以向集团董事会办公室、审计监察部、行政部提出。受理部门和人员应认真调查处理投诉和举报,并为投诉人和举报人保密。第四章 责任与处罚

第十三条 出现下列情况之一者,给予警告,并扣发工资100—500元:



第十四条 出现下情况之一的,给予解除劳动合同并酌情赔偿经济损失直至追究法律责任:


(二)违反本制度规定,损害公司利益的。第五章 附则

第十五条 公司现有的《廉洁协议》、《保密与竞业协议》都是本制度的一部分。第十六条 本制度由人力资源部负责制定,经总裁批准后实施。


保密协议Confidentiality Agreement


Party A: XX Co.,Ltd.乙方:

Party B:




Providing of relevant business and commercial information from Party A to Party B is required for the ongoing business discussions or cooperation between Party A and Party B with respect to,this agreement is entered into by and between Party A and Party B through friendly consultations and under the principle of mutual benefit and joint development.第一条 保密资料的定义

Article 1 Definition of Confidential Information


All communications, information, drawings, products and other materials obtained by Party B from Party A during the negotiations, are confidential(“Confidential Information”),excluding the following data and information:


1.Information that is already or to be make public available,except those disclosed by Party A or its representatives in violation of this agreement and without authorization;


2.Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of Party B before the disclosure of Party A;


Article 2 Obligations and Liabilities


(1)Party B shall undertake confidentiality obligations and liabilities.(二)乙方未经甲方书面同意不得向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开和披露任何保密资料或以其他方式使用保密资料。乙方也须促使其代表不向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开或披露任何保密资料或以其它方式使用保密资料。除非披露、公开或利用保密资料是乙方从事或开展合作项目工作在通常情况下应承担的义务(包括乙方今后依法律或合同应承担的义务)适当所需的。

(2)Party B shall not disclose or make public any confidential information to a third party(including the press)or otherwise make use of the confidential information without the written approval of the other party;Party B is obliged to urge its representatives not to disclose or make public any confidential information to a third party(including the press)or otherwise make use of the confidential information; unless the disclosure,publicity and application of the confidential information is required by the due performance of the obligation of Party B in association with the undertaking and proceeding of the cooperative programs under normal circumstances(including obligation to be assumed by Party B in the future pursuant to the law and the contracts signed by the two parties)。


(3)Party B shall strictly limit the access to the confidential information to its responsible representatives only for the purposes specified hereunder.(四)除经过甲方书面同意而必要进行披露外,乙方不得将含有对方或其代表披露的保密资料复印或复制或者有意无意地提供给他人;

(4)Party B shall not provide a third party with copies or duplicates of the confidential information disclosed by Party A or its representative,whether intentionally or not,unless the disclosure is allowed by a written agreement signed by Party A.(五)如果合作项目不再继续进行或其中一方因故退出此项目,经甲方在任何时候提出书面要求,乙方应当、并应促使其代表在五(5)个工作日内销毁或向甲方返还其占有的或控制的全部保密资料以及包含或体现了保密资料的全部文件和其它材料并连同全部副本。但是在不违反本协议其它条款的条件下,双方可仅为本协议第四条之目的,保留上述文件或材料的复制件一份;

(5)In the event that the proceeding of the cooperative program ceases or either party quits the program with reasons,Party B shall and shall urge its representatives to destroy or return to Party A all confidential information as well as all documents and materials and all duplicates thereof containing confidential information within five working days,upon the request of Party A at any time.Nevertheless,Party B that possess the confidential information may keep one piece of the duplicates of the documents or materials described above only for the purpose enshrined in Article 4 hereunder,without breaching other provisions of this agreement.第三条 知识产权

Article 3 Intellectual Property Rights


Disclosure of the confidential information by Party A to Party B or its representatives shall not be construed to constitute an assignment or grant to Party B or its representatives of the rights and interests in relation to its trade secrets,trademarks,patents,know-how or any other intellectual property,nor shall it constitute an assignment or grant to Party B or its representatives the rights and interests in relation to the trade secrets,trademarks,patents,know-how,or any other intellectual property authorized by a third party.第四条 保密资料的保存和使用

Article 4

Preservation and Application of the Confidential Information


(1)Party B has the right to preserve necessary confidential information,so as to make use of which in implementing binding laws,regulations,and obligations under their cooperative programs.(二)乙方在书面通知甲方并将披露的复印件抄送甲方后,可根据需要在提交任何市、省、中央或其他对乙方有管辖权的监管团体的任何报告、声明或证明中披露保密资料。

(2)Party B can,in light of actual demand,disclose the confidential information in any reports,statements or certificates submitted to any regulatory organs at municipal,provincial,central,or other levels that have jurisdiction over Party B,after informing Party A in written form and making a copy for Party A of the disclosed information.第五条 违约金

Article 5 Payment of Penalty

违反本协议项下的任何一项义务的单个情况,违约方应当支付伍万美元(USD 50.000)的违约金。此等违约金不限制另一方要求超出此数额的实际损害赔偿的权利。任何一次对本协议的违约行为都不应当被认为是前一次违约行为的继续。

For each individual breach of an obligation under this agreement the Party in breach shall pay a contractual penalty of the equivalent amount of fifty thousand United States Dollars(USD 50,000.), without limiting the right of the other Party to claim actual damages in excess of this amount.No act of breach of this Agreement shall be considered the continuation of a previous act of breach of this Agreement.第六条 争议解决和适用法律

Article 6 Dispute Settlement and Governing Laws


This agreement shall be governed by and be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.With respect to any issues,disputes,lawsuits or proceedings arising from or in connection with the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder,the two parties shall irrevocably accept the jurisdiction of the people's courts of the People's Republic of China.第七条 协议有效期

Article 7 Term of the Agreement


This agreement shall remain effective for five years,and shall come into force as from the date when both parties sign and stamp the company chop on the agreement.第八条 其他

Article 8 Miscellaneous Provisions


(1)This Agreement shall be drawn up in an English and a Chinese version.If there is any discrepancy between English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.(二)本协议一式四份,双方各执两份,具有同等法律效力。

(2)This agreement shall be held in four originals of the same form.Each party shall preserve two originals with equal legal effect.甲方:XX有限公司

Party A: XXCo.,Ltd.地 址:




传 真:



Postal Code


法定代表人(或授权代表人)签字:Signature of Legal Representative Representative):

日期: 年 月 日Date:

乙方:Party B:

地 址:



传 真:Fax:

邮政编码:Postal Code:


法定代表人(或授权代表)签字:Signature of Legal Representative Representative):

日期: 年 月 日Date:

or Authorized or Authorized((



2006-2-21 【大 中 小】








































Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement

ABC Company having its principal office at _________(hereinafter referred to as “ABC”)and XYZ Company having its principal office at _________(hereinafter referred to as “XYZ”)in

consideration of the mutual covenants of this Agreement, hereby agree as follows:

Article 1 In connection with negotiations between both parties regarding a strategic alliance(hereinafter referred to as “Subject Matter”), each party to this Agreement may wish to disclose its

proprietary information(hereinafter referred to as “Information”)to the other party on a confidential basis.The disclosing party may consider such Information proprietary under this Agreement either because it has developed the Information internally, or because it has received

the Information subject to a continuing obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the

Information, or because of other reasons.Article 2 When information deemed to be proprietary is furnished in a tangible form, the disclosing party shall mark the Information in a manner to indicate that it is considered proprietary or confidential or otherwise subject to limited distribution as provided herein.When Information is provided orally, the disclosing party shall, at the time of disclosure, clearly identify the information as being proprietary or confidential or otherwise subject to limited distribution as provided herein, and promptly thereafter provide written confirmation of the proprietary or confidential nature of such information.In addition, the existence and terms of this Agreement, and the fact and substance of discussions and correspondence between the parties concerning the

Subject Matter, shall be deemed Proprietary Information.Article 3 With respect to Information disclosed under this Agreement, the party to whom the

Information is disclosed, its employees and employees of its affiliated companies shall:

(1)Hold the Information in confidence, exercising a degree of care not less than the care used by disclosing party to protect its own proprietary of confidential information that it does not wish

to disclose, and in any event, not less than a reasonable degree of care;

(2)Restrict disclosure of the Information solely to those directors, officers, employees and/or

agents/consultants with a need to know and not disclose it to any other person;

(3)Advise those persons to whom the Information was disclosed of the obligations to keep in

confidence with respect to the Information;and

(4)Use the Information only in connection with continuing correspondence and discussions by the parties concerning the Subject Matter, except as may otherwise be mutually agreed upon in

writing.Article 4 If the party to whom information has been disclosed proposes to disclose that Information to any unaffiliated consultant or agent, it shall obtain the prior written consent of the party from whom the Information was originally received, and shall arrange for the execution of

the consultant or agent of non-disclosure agreement in a form satisfactory to the party from whom

the Information was originally received.Article 5 The Information shall be deemed the property of the disclosing party and, upon request, the other party shall return all Information received in tangible form to the disclosing party or shall destroy all such information at the disclosing party's direction.If either party loses or makes an unauthorised disclosure of the other party's Information, it shall notify such other party immediately and use reasonable efforts to retrieve the lost or wrongfully disclosed Information.Article 6 The party to whom Information is disclosed shall have no obligation to preserve the

proprietary nature of any Information which:

(1)Was previously known to such party free of any obligation to keep it confidential;or

(2)Is or becomes generally available to the public by means other than unauthorized


(3)Is developed by or on behalf of such party independent of any information furnished

under this Agreement;or

(4)Is received from a third party whose disclosure does not violate any confidentiality


(5)Is required to be disclosed by law or by any government agency having jurisdiction pursuant to an order to produce or in the course of a legal proceeding pursuant to a lawful request for discovery provided, however, that if a party is so required to disclose the Information such party shall promptly notify the other party of the order or request in discovery and cooperate with such other party in any reasonable manner requested in the event the other party elects(at its expense)to intervene in the proceeding in which the order was entered or the request for discovery made for the purpose of limiting or avoiding such disclosure by any lawful means including, but

not limited to in camera review and protective order.Article 7 Neither this Agreement, nor the disclosure of Information under this Agreement, nor the ongoing discussions and correspondence between the parties, shall constitute or imply a commitment or binding obligation between the parties or their respective affiliated companies, if

any, regarding the Subject Matter.If, in the future, the parties elect to enter into binding commitments regarding the Subject Matter, such commitments shall be explicitly stated in a separate written agreement executed by both parties, and the parties hereby affirm that they do not intend their discussions, correspondence, and other activities to be construed as forming a contract regarding the Subject Matter or any other transaction between them without execution of such

separate written agreement.Article 8 Neither party is responsible or liable for other party's actions taken pursuant to this Agreement, or for any business decisions made or inferences drawn by the other party in reliance on the Information provided according to this Agreement.Neither party solicits any changes in the

business practices or services of the other, and no obligations are incurred with regard to the accuracy of the observations of either party.Neither party makes any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the Information.Neither party shall be liable to the other hereunder for amounts representing loss of profits, loss of business, or indirect, consequential, or punitive damages of the

other party in connection with the provision or use of the Information hereunder.Article 9 This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective

successors and assignees.Article 10 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Britain Law and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.In the event of a dispute arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, the loosing party shall pay the court costs and

reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party.Article 11 Disclosures of Information under this Agreement may take place for a period(the “Information Disclosure Period”)of no more than one(1)year following the Effective Date set forth below.The obligations of the parties contained in Paragraphs 3 and 4 shall survive and continue beyond the expiration of the Information Disclosure Period for a term of three(3)years.Article 12 The parties acknowledge that in the event of an unauthorized disclosure, damages to the disclosing(Information-owning)party as a result thereof may be difficult or impossible to ascertain, and in any event inadequate to compensate such disclosing party;and therefore such disclosing party may seek injunctive relief and/or specific performance as well as monetary

damages against the party that breaches this Agreement.Article 13 So long as this Agreement is not breached as a result thereof, this Agreement shall not be construed to prevent either party from pursuing any other business activity, whether or not

related to the Proprietary Information exchanged.Article 14 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the Information provided hereunder.No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or binding on the parties unless made in writing and executed on behalf of each

party by its duly authorized representative.Each party represents that it has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf as of the

date written below by a representative empowered to bind that party with respect to the

undertakings and obligations contained herein.
























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