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Although most know the basic story of Hamlet, I thought you might find it helpful to have a plot summary broken down by scenes.HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK

SCENE: Elsinore, Denmark


Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is advised by the sentinels of the royal castle of Kronborg, at Elsinore, that an apparition strongly resembling his dead father had appeared on the battlements.Hamlet therefore resolves to encounter the spirit and learn from it, if possible, the true cause of his father's taking-off, about which the Prince has had many suspicions.He meets the Ghost at its next nightly visitation, and in an interview with it his worst fears are

confirmed.The late King's brother Claudius, who has ascended the throne and wedded the widowed Queen, had poisoned the King while he slept.Hamlet is enjoined to secrecy and revenge, and the Ghost vanishes.Hamlet's followers are sworn to say nothing of the occurrence.ACT II

Because of the news and of the dread task to which he is commissioned,Hamlet is seized with a species of madness, perhaps largely feigned, whereby he may cloak his designs.He writes incoherent and passionate letters to his lady-love, Ophelia, daughter of Polonius, a court dignitary.At this juncture a company of strolling players arrives at the castle and at Hamlet's suggestion a certain play is given before the King and Queen and members of the court.ACT III

The play deals with the murder of a Venetian duke, whose wife afterwards weds the murderer.The story closely resembles the circumstances of the King of Denmark's demise.During the play Hamlet is intent not upon the players but upon the countenance and actions of his uncle.The latter, as if struck with a realising sense of his own crime, as Hamlet suspected, hurriedly leaves.Hamlet no longer doubts the truth of the Ghost's communications, and turns with energy to seek the vengeance which he has sworn to execute.The queen mother is also much disturbed by the purport of the play, and sends for Hamlet in order to upbraid him.Hamlet answers reproach with reproach, and leaves his mother overwhelmed with shame and self-convicted.But for the opportune arrival of the dead King's spirit, Hamlet might have adopted even

more violent measures.Ophelia's father, Polonius, who is spying upon this interview, is slain by Hamlet, who mistakes him for the King.ACT IV

Hamlet's banishment is decided upon.Two former school comrades of his are entrusted with a commission to leave him in England, where sealed orders are to bring about the Prince's death.But by a combination of plot and accident the execution is visited instead upon the heads of the two accomplices.Hamlet returns to Denmark.There he is greeted by a strange spectacle—the funeral of a young girl, honored by the presence of the King, Queen, and persons of the court.Hamlet has in fact arrived home just at the time of Ophelia's interment.That unfortunate maiden, through incessant brooding over the madness of her lover, the untimely end of her father, and the continued absence of her brother, Laertes, had become insane.For some days she had wandered about the court singing and strewing flowers, then had strayed to the banks of a stream and been drowned.ACT V

When Hamlet discovers that it is Ophelia's funeral, he is beside himself with grief.He leaps into the grave and angrily contests with Laertes, who also has just returned, the place of chief mourner.Laertes in turn desires to kill Hamlet, for he regards the Prince as the cause of all the woes that have fallen upon his house.Seeing the animosity of Laertes, King Claudius thinks he may make use of it to work Hamlet's undoing.He secretly advises Laertes to engage Hamlet in a fencing-match—supposedly friendly.Laertes' foil, however, is to be naked and envenomed.Hamlet, unsuspecting, consents to a trial of skill before the court.The King prepares a poisoned drink for Hamlet, if perchance he shall escape the tipped foil.Laertes and Hamlet fence.After a touch or two for Hamlet, the Queen, to do him honour, toasts him, unwittingly, with the poisoned cup.Laertes wounds Hamlet.In the scuffle they change rapiers, and Hamlet in turn wounds Laertes with the latter's treacherous blade.The Queen dies from the drug while Laertes falls, but before he dies he confesses his guilty design and craves pardon of the Prince.Hamlet turns upon the King with his own dying strength and stabs the usurping monarch to the heart.NOTES

Hamlet was probably written between the years 1598 and 1602.It is not

mentioned by Meres in his “Palladis Tamia” of the earlier year;and in the latter

year it was entered in the “Stationers' Register.” Internal evidence places it about the year 1600.FIRST EDITIONS.In 1603 an imperfect text of Hamlet, evidently a pirated version, was published.The next year a clearer, and doubtless official, text was printed, now called the Second Quarto.Both had Shakespeare's name on the title page.The Third Quarto appeared in 1605, and the Fourth in 1611.The First Folio, of 1623, supplies some additional readings not found in any Quarto.SOURCES.In the twelfth century, the “Historia Danica” by Saxo Grammaticus, a Danish writer of importance, contained the story of Hamlet.The story went the rounds of the minstrels and storytellers, and was first printed in 1514.Belleforest translated it into French in his “Histoires Tragiques,” of 1571.Shakespeare may have been familiar with the story aside from either printed form.An earlier play of “Hamlet,” now lost, was known to his company of players, about 1590.ACTION.The historical period is indeterminate, but dates back to the eighth or tenth century.The time depicted on the stage is seven days, with intervals considerably lengthening this time.SELECTED CRITICISM.“Hamlet is a name;his speeches and sayings but the idle coinage of the poet's brain.What then, are they not real? They are as real as our own thoughts.Their reality is in the reader's mind.It is we who are Hamlet.This play has a prophetic truth, which is above that of history.Whoever has become thoughtful and melancholy through his own mishaps or those of others;whoever has borne about with him the clouded brow of

reflection and thought himself `too much i' th' sun'...this is the true Hamlet.”

From J.Walker McSpadden, Shakespearean Synopses(New York: Crowell, 1959).英文版读后感

“ Hamlet ” of Shakespear is a classical representative work.This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the

historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: “ you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter,borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result.” Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch.Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually

witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius.Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.英翻中读后感


Impression of reading Hamlet


Be yourself and choose an uncommon heart

当哈姆雷特沉浸在丧父之痛中,曾一度发问:“生存或毁灭, 这是一个值得考虑的问题。”是奋起,还是堕落。因为悲痛和郁闷,在他眼里,一切高洁的花卉全都枯死了,倒是杂草却在那里疯长。露台那一夜之后,仇恨的火焰终于燃烧在哈莫雷特的胸间。他选择了复仇,深爱他的和他深爱的奥菲莉娅死去,固执的波洛涅斯悲惨地死去,哈姆雷特或许会有片刻的不安,但为了他的复仇大业——在我看来不免有些残忍的复仇大业——无论如何这就是他的选择,摒弃了生存选择毁灭,视宫廷皇室为无物,这就是他选择的路,是伟大却令后人叹息的王子的决绝。莎士比亚不属于一个时代而属于全世纪,他的戏剧就象灿烂星空中的北斗,为人们指引着方向。哈姆雷特并不是一个客观的过时的角色,而是我们每个人自己。

When Hamlet was whelmed in the bereavement of losing his father, he once questioned: “Survival or destruction, this is a problem deserving of

consideration”.Whether to rise vigorously or go downhill? Because of sorrow and oppression, all the virtuous flowers have withered in his eyes, while the rank grasses are growing crazily.After the night of balcony, the flame of hatred finally simmered in the heart of Hamlet and he chose revenge.With the death of Ophelia, who loved him dearly and he loved dearly, and the tragic death of obstinate Polonius, Hamlet may have a moment of uneasiness, but to

accomplish his revenge cause-the revenge cause I thought brutal-anyway, this is his choice, abandon survival and choose destruction, regard the royal place as nothing, this is the road his chose and the abandonment of a great prince that makes the later generations sign.Shakespeare does not belong to an era but all the centuries and his plays are like a Big Dipper in the starlit sky, which points the way for people.Hamlet is not an objective and obsolete role, but each of us.人的一生中总是会面临很多选择,当我们要做出选择时就意味着要放弃,而放弃总是那么不舍,不论是美食、新衣、刺激魔幻的电脑画面。但放弃才能有更宝贵的所得,也许是更大的所得,至少是期望中的收获。舍得舍得,不舍何来得?当我“点兵点将”而获得自己内心中真正想要的那一件东西,随之而来的是满心欢愉,舍去的不快早已化作烟尘。也许我应该学会的是用一种自信去面对选择的能力,这一种生存的本能。

You always have to face many choices in your lifetime, when we make a

choice, it means we must give up, while we are reluctant to give up, no matter it is delicious food, new clothes, exciting and magic computer images.But only by giving up can we have more valuable gains, maybe be greater gains and at least the expected gains.Give up and gain, how can you gain without giving up? When I give up and get a thing that I am really after in my heart, it will be

followed by full joy and the displeasure of giving up have long turned into dust.Maybe what should I learn is to make a choice with confidence, and this is an instinct of survival.人生中的选择尽管多,可它是有限的!如果想令自己的人生充实、快乐,那么就应该好好地把握每一次选择。尽管人生譬如朝露,尽管要叹去日苦多,但积极的选择自己的命运,无疑是攀上人生高峰的一条捷径,是战胜自己的一种信念。每一个抉择都不会容易。在一个除了目标,再也没有任何尺度可以衡量其善恶的世界里,勇敢地作出抉择,然后坦然地接受自己的命运……这就是哈姆雷特永恒的魅力之所在吧?

Although the choices in your lifetime are various, they are limited.If you want to make your life full and happy, you should avail yourself of each choice.Although man’s life is but the morning dew, past days many and future days few, we should actively choose our fate, which is an undoubted shortcut to climb to the peak of your life and the faith to overcome ourselves.Each choice will be not easy.In the world that without objectives, there is no longer any scale to measure the good and devil, make a choice bravely and then accept the fate calmly…this may be the eternal charm of Hamlet.是什么样的人就有什么样的选择,抑或选择仰望天空,抑或选择脚踏实地,但无论是什么选择,我们都要让它成为我们的骄傲。我要做真实的自己,择一颗不凡的心,让我成为自己的希望,自己的骄傲……

What kind of people will have what kind of choice, and one may choose to lift up eyes to the sky, or plant feet on solid ground, but whatever the choice is, we shall let it be our pride.I want to be true to myself and choose an uncommon heart, let myself be my hope, my pride…









高桥初中09级10班 吴金良











(辅导教师 李明锋)


高桥初中09级9班 秦桂芝











高桥初中09级9班 赵艺筱













(辅导教师 李明锋)










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