六年级英语Unit 5 第二课时教学反思五篇

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第一篇:六年级英语Unit 5 第二课时教学反思


本节课只要让学生能够听懂、会说“Whatdoes....do ?She/He is a /an....”并能在情境中运用。


Writer.Myfatherisawriter.再让学生自学Let'stalk.教师板书并示范句型:Whatdoesyourfather /motherdo ?She's/

He'sa /anfarmer.学生跟读、口拼句型。最后教师放录音,学生跟读。学生两人一组做对话练习。





1、四会单词和词组:holiday、last、early、meet、before、did、taste、pull up、milk、cook及其中动词的过去式。

2、句型What(else)did you do….? We / I ….3、三会单词和词组: farm、carrot、fun、camp、National Day film、cow、pick、wonderful、volleyball、mountain

4、三会日常交际用语: Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.5、能听读、辨认字母组合igh在单词中的读音

6、会诵读歌谣 Last week


1、本单元主要围绕谈论‚过去所做的事情‛这个话题展开各项活动。对小学生来说,这一课他们将面临以下难点: a 正确掌握动词过去式的三种读音; b正确理解一般过去时的意义; c 较熟练的运用本单元所学内容。


Unit 5(第1课时)


B Look read and learn /C Ask and answer / F Do a survey


1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last、did、taste、pull up、milk、cook、及其中动词的过去式。



4、掌握句型What(else)did you do ….?和日常交际用语Did you ……?


1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last、did、taste、pull up、milk、cook、及其中动词的过去式。


3、掌握句型What(else)did you do ….?和日常交际用语Did you ……?







5)板书:写好课题、日期和句型 What do you usually do on Sundays? What else do you do?


Step 1 Free talk and revision 1 What date is/was it today/ yesterday/ last Sunday? 2 What do you usually do on Sundays? 事先板书好 What else do you do?

’s play a game, OK? Listen and act.Touch your nose.(your mouth, ears, eyes, head)OK, stop here.You did very well just now.Step 2 Presentation and practice 1出示单词卡:did(do 的过去式)快速领读 Do you like to drink milk and eat eggs ? 生答(略)Me, too.And I like to collect eggs and milk cows.学习词组:collect eggs、milk cows 3(出示桔子)Look, what ‘s this? It’s an orange.4(出示胡萝卜)And this is a carrot.(跟读)Please taste them.(出示图片)taste.Is it nice? 生答(略)

I like to eat carrots and oranges, and I like to pick oranges and pull up carrots.(出示图片 pull up carrots, pick oranges, taste oranges and carrots,cook nice food, water flowers)Look and read(看看说说).Listen, repeat and act(听听、边说边做动作).6 Where can we do these things? In the city or on the farm? 生答 On the farm.(指课题,领读生词farm)

Step 3 Ask and answer 1Last Sunday my friends and I visited a farm.(课件呈现B部分图)What did we do on the farm? Let me tell you.We milked cows,picked oranges, cooked nice food ,pulled up carrots , watered trees and flowers ,collected eggs and tasted oranges.2 领读动词的过去式,要求发音准确 milked picked cooked pulled up watered collected tasted 3 Now you are these boys and girls , what did you do last Sunday? Can you tell me? 换板书What did you do last Sunday? What else did you do? 在学生讲的过程中,发现问题及时纠正 Why do we use ‚ed‛ here? Let’s watch ‚knowledge window‛.在英语表达中,过去的‚做‛和现在的‚做‛以及平时的‚做‛都是不一样的。例如: I watch TV every Sunday.我每个星期天看电视(一般现在时/动词原形)I am watching TV now.我正在看电视。(现在时进行时/动词的进行式)I watched TV yesterday.我昨晚看电视的。(一般过去时/动词的过去式)

一般过去时是指过去曾经发生的动作或处于的状态,它可能只限于一次,也可能是过去经常发生的。一般来说,动词的过去式就是在动词的词尾加上-ed.同学们,你们知道了吗? 5(课件显示C部分图)

Today is Thursday.Mike is telling Gao Shan about what he did last week.Look at Part C.Suppose you’re Gao Shan and Mike.Practice in pairs.(板书句型)

Step 4 Consolidation 1 Boys and girls, I want to do a survey.Can you help me? 生答略 What did you do last week/yesterday/ this morning …? What else did you do?‛ 老师先做一次示范,接着四人一组完成调查任务。(调查表略)Do you know farm is a good place for people to spend their holidays now.Would you like to go to a farm with me? Let’s visit ‚Ali Baba’s Farm‛ , OK? Try to follow.(学生边看边听边拍手)

七、作业设计 Read Part B and C 2 Copy the new words and phrases


Unit 5 On the farm(B, C, F)Nov.6th Wednesday What did you do on Sunday? I /We…… What else did you do? I /We……


Unit 5(第2课时)


A Listen, read and say


1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词holiday, last, early, meet , before.2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组 National Day, film, wonderful

3、听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny carton.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.三、教学重点

1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词holiday, last, early, meet , before.2、进一步理解一般过去时的意义,掌握一般过去时的用法。




2、听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny carton.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.五、教学准备

1、教具准备 1)‚金太阳‛课文配套课件 2)日历牌一个 3)录音机和磁带




Step 1 Free talk and revision 1(出示日历牌)What’s the date today? What day is it today? What was the date yesterday? What day was it yesterday? 2 Review the new words and expressions we learned last lesson.3 Practice Part C Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 What do you like? Do you like watching films? Did you watch a film ‚ Kenan‛ last week? Yes, I did.Me ,too.It was a funny cartoon, right? Did you like the film?(学习单词film)Me, too.We all liked it very much.2 What do you usually do after class? What did I do before class? You collected books.(如学生说不出来,教师可告诉学生)

Before class, I went to our classroom early.I collected books, cleaned the blackboard, and wrote something on the blackboard.(学习单词 before early)(出示课件国庆节画面)

Is it National Day or Children’s Day? It’s National Day.How many days are there in National Day holiday? There are 7.(学习单词National Day, holiday)

What did you do last National Day holiday?(指导学生用 I went to ……来回答)

Were there any …..? 引导学生回答Yes, there were.There were …..Wonderful!I want to go to …….,too.Step 3 Consolidation 1 听对话全文,学习课文 2 学生跟读模仿对话两遍 学生分组分角色朗读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。4 学生分组完成本课判断题,教师给予反馈及恰当评价。

七、作业设计 听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课的对话。2 抄写要求四会的单词和句子。以本课为原形,整理编写一段对话,谈谈过去时间里发生的事情,准备交流。


Unit 5 On the farm(A)

Nov.7th Thursday Did you like the film? It was a funny carton.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.九、教后记


小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱 ,玩,单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会,提高学生的语音和语调。在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。只靠模仿不培养学习能力,也难减轻学习负担。所以小学生还是应当认真进行语言学习。

第三篇:小学英语六年级PEP7 UNIT2 第二课时教学反思












1、四会单词和词组:holiday、last、early、meet、before、did、taste、pull up、milk、cook及其中动词的过去式。

2、句型What(else)did you do….? We / I ….3、三会单词和词组: farm、carrot、fun、camp、National Day film、cow、pick、wonderful、volleyball、mountain

4、三会日常交际用语: Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.5、能听读、辨认字母组合igh在单词中的读音

6、会诵读歌谣 Last week


1、本单元主要围绕谈论‚过去所做的事情‛这个话题展开各项活动。对小学生来说,这一课他们将面临以下难点: a 正确掌握动词过去式的三种读音; b正确理解一般过去时的意义; c 较熟练的运用本单元所学内容。


Unit 5(第1课时)


B Look read and learn /C Ask and answer / F Do a survey


1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last、did、taste、pull up、milk、cook、及其中动词的过去式。



4、掌握句型What(else)did you do ….?和日常交际用语Did you ……?


1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last、did、taste、pull up、milk、cook、及其中动词的过去式。


3、掌握句型What(else)did you do ….?和日常交际用语Did you ……?







5)板书:写好课题、日期和句型 What do you usually do on Sundays?


Step 1 Free talk and revision 1 What date is/was it today/ yesterday/ last Sunday? 2 What do you usually do on Sundays? 事先板书好 What else do you do? 3 Let’s play a game, OK? Listen and act.Touch your nose.(your mouth, ears, eyes, head)OK, stop here.You did very well just now.Step 2 Presentation and practice 1出示单词卡:did(do 的过去式)快速领读 Do you like to drink milk and eat eggs ? 生答(略)Me, too.And I like to collect eggs and milk cows.学习词组:collect eggs、milk cows 3(出示桔子)Look, what ‘s this? It’s an orange.4(出示胡萝卜)And this is a carrot.(跟读)Please taste them.(出示图片)taste.Is it nice? 生答(略)

I like to eat carrots and oranges, and I like to pick oranges and pull up carrots.(出示图片 pull up carrots, pick oranges, taste oranges and carrots,cook nice food, water flowers)Look and read(看看说说).Listen, repeat and act(听听、边说边做动作).6 Where can we do these things? In the city or on the farm? 生答 On the farm.(指课题,领读生词farm)

Step 3 Ask and answer 1Last Sunday my friends and I visited a farm.(课件呈现B部分图)What did we do on the farm? Let me tell you.We milked cows,picked oranges, cooked nice food ,pulled up carrots , watered trees and flowers ,collected eggs and tasted oranges.2 领读动词的过去式,要求发音准确 milked picked cooked pulled up watered collected tasted 3 Now you are these boys and girls , what did you do last Sunday? Can you tell me? 换板书What did you do last Sunday? What else did you do? 在学生讲的过程中,发现问题及时纠正 Why do we use ‚ed‛ here? Let’s watch ‚knowledge window‛.在英语表达中,过去的‚做‛和现在的‚做‛以及平时的‚做‛都是不一样的。例如: I watch TV every Sunday.我每个星期天看电视(一般现在时/动词原形)I am watching TV now.我正在看电视。(现在时进行时/动词的进行式)I watched TV yesterday.我昨晚看电视的。(一般过去时/动词的过去式)



Today is Thursday.Mike is telling Gao Shan about what he did last week.Look

’re Gao Shan and Mike.Practice in pairs.(板书句型)

Step 4 Consolidation 1 Boys and girls, I want to do a survey.Can you help me? 生答略 What did you do last week/yesterday/ this morning …? What else did you do?‛ 老师先做一次示范,接着四人一组完成调查任务。(调查表略)Do you know farm is a good place for people to spend their holidays now.Would you like to go to a farm with me? Let’s visit ‚Ali Baba’s Farm‛ , OK? Try to follow.(学生边看边听边拍手)

七、作业设计 Read Part B and C 2 Copy the new words and phrases 3 Write part C


Unit 5 On the farm(B, C, F)Nov.6th Wednesday What did you do on Sunday? I /We…… What else did you do? I /We……


Unit 5(第2课时)


A Listen, read and say


1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词holiday, last, early, meet , before.2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组 National Day, film, wonderful

3、听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny carton.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.三、教学重点

1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词holiday, last, early, meet , before.2、进一步理解一般过去时的意义,掌握一般过去时的用法。




2、听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Did you like the film? It was a funny carton.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.五、教学准备

1、教具准备 1)‚金太阳‛课文配套课件 2)日历牌一个 3)录音机和磁带



六、教学过程(出示日历牌)What’s the date today? What day is it today? What was the date yesterday? What day was it yesterday? 2 Review the new words and expressions we learned last lesson.3 Practice Part C Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 What do you like? Do you like watching films? Did you watch a film ‚ Kenan‛ last week? Yes, I did.Me ,too.It was a funny cartoon, right? Did you like the film?(学习单词film)Me, too.We all liked it very much.2 What do you usually do after class? What did I do before class? You collected books.(如学生说不出来,教师可告诉学生)

Before class, I went to our classroom early.I collected books, cleaned the blackboard, and wrote something on the blackboard.(学习单词 before early)3(出示课件国庆节画面)

Is it National Day or Children’s Day? It’s National Day.How many days are there in National Day holiday? There are 7.(学习单词National Day, holiday)

What did you do last National Day holiday?(指导学生用 I went to ……来回答)

Were there any …..? 引导学生回答Yes, there were.There were …..Wonderful!I want to go to …….,too.Step 3 Consolidation 1 听对话全文,学习课文 2 学生跟读模仿对话两遍 学生分组分角色朗读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。4 学生分组完成本课判断题,教师给予反馈及恰当评价。

七、作业设计 听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课的对话。2 抄写要求四会的单词和句子。以本课为原形,整理编写一段对话,谈谈过去时间里发生的事情,准备交流。


Unit 5 On the farm(A)

Nov.7th Thursday Did you like the film? It was a funny carton.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.九、教后记


小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱 ,玩,单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会,提高


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