卢赛赛 演讲稿

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第一篇:卢赛赛 演讲稿




















Can you imagine a man without faith ? OMG!That’s impossible.Only a walking corpse can keep life going without faith.Faith play as a steering wheel in our life--give directions when we suffer great loss , help us pull through difficulties.This peaceful time witnessed the growth of our generation.No threat to starving.No worry of dropping out of school.It seems that there is no need for us , young people , to struggle for some basic elements of life.So , faith doesn’t matter important , right ?Absolutely wrong!The gradually chilly job market , aggravating peer pressure , skyrocketing real estate price and population imbalance make our youth blend into hardship.Therefore , we need strong faith to live a better life.In urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary can hardly make ends meet.So what do they do? Many of them have to share space--squeezed in very limited space to save money--and they call themselves “tribe of ants”.Being an ant in tribe is not the last choice.They can return to their rural hometown for another fortune, or borrow a hand from their parents , or other possibility.But they stick in big cities and transfer sweat into money to sustain their own living.That is what we called “faith” support them fight against the cruel reality.They steadfastly believe that they can figure it out one day by this way.Sheltering in small house , eating instant noodles , they gather information on newspaper and set goals approaching to their dream inch by inch.Happy , upset , then try again.Never settle!The “tribe of ants” constitute a representative of us in youth.Moreover , set a good example!Thus ,while our life is the true expression of our faith, whom can we fear ? Challenge the present under the guidance of faith!


A: Ladies and gentlemen.Good evening!Welcome to our party tonight!Thank you for being here!

B: 各位领导、老师、同学大家晚上好!

A:To show English variety, to enrich extracurricular activities,to improve English level,and to cultivate the comprehensive abilities.B:展现英语风采,丰富课余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。

A: You perform while I sing, our school life is colorful.B:你想我做,团结合作展现风采。

A: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。


A: The third English stage party and the competition for the second English drama festival for Guangxi college student in 2006, now begins.B:首届首届届英语配音大赛,现在开始!






2、相关领导和评委老师)学院的领导都非常关心和重视今天的大赛,并在百忙之中出席了今天的英语话剧比赛。他们分别是+++ 各位领导来宾的光临,让我们以热烈的掌声表示欢迎。本次英语话剧大赛是在学院的大力支持下由大学生英语协会承办。今晚我们和荣幸的请到了各资深老师淡然本次大赛评委。他们是++++。





A:We are enthusiastic;we have dreams!


A: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。


A:Congratulation to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges!Thank your for your coming!


A: Let’s look forwards to the next year’s competition.Thanks again!Bye!






2012年9月,我的孩子十个月,经过考试我成为一名特岗老师,我的这种感动就越发强烈,而它的源泉就来自于我的孩子们, 是他们给了我无限的感动,让我重新审视自己,是他们让我更进一步解读生活,解读教师的神圣与伟大,也让我收获了幸福快乐的人生。

我任一年级的语文老师兼班主任。班里大多是山村留守儿童,还有单亲家庭。对于刚踏进教师行业的我绝对是一个挑战。我需要面对和自己心爱的孩子分离的不舍,更要面对班里56个孩子和五十六个年龄 性格 参次不齐的家长。包班上课还要负责给孩子打饭。吃的是闷烂的面条凉米饭凉馒头。一个人恨不得分几半,忙碌的一天伴随着孩子们憨憨的睡声而结束,而老师们此时才能静静的躺在床上,放飞对亲人对自己孩子的那份思念,我心里悄悄的想念自己十个月大的孩子嗷嗷待哺时的神情。我不禁怅然若失。问自己这就是自己追求的梦想吗?这就是自己想要的生活吗?



我们班有这样一个孩子,他执着着,追求着也让人感动着,再一次拼音测试中他拿着试卷满脸疑惑的去问我老师我„„„我„„„我不会这道题,我告诉他考试不会做的题目留下来老师回头给你讲,可是他还是没有动弹,近乎一种乞求的眼光看着我,真的无法让人拒绝。试卷的上孩子那工整的字迹已跃然,字迹娟秀清晰 仿佛让人感受到一条清澈的小溪静静的流淌在你面前。只有一个地方空着画着一个菠萝下面让补充音节,他怯怯的抬头说:“老师我不认识图片上画的是什么我从来没有见过”我怔住了,七岁了竟 没见过菠萝,我心里好像被什么堵住了一样 说不出话来,我笑笑告诉他 老师下次给你带来让你亲眼看看。经过了解这是一个单亲家庭。父亲年岁很大才取了云南媳妇,孩子才生下来母亲就扔下他离开了这个贫困的家。或许上天眷顾孩子聪明伶俐。懂事可爱,可是老天似乎有意要考验这个可怜的孩子,父亲患上了癌症,我听到这里才意识到自己的孩子虽然没有妈妈的陪伴可是却有一大家人用爱来浇灌着,他是幸福的,可是眼前这个孩子呢、明天等待他的又会是什么呢 ?当我从家里带来了菠萝 满心欢喜送到他家里,看到的那一幕让我的泪水再也止不住的流了下来,破旧的房子里偌大的一口大锅前只看到一个瘦小的背影登着板凳在左右摇晃着

身体,我已看不清了这背影在我的视线里淡淡的模糊了,,我没有打扰他悄悄的把菠萝和字条留下。在他父亲病重的日子里他依然往返学校与家里。只不过眼睛里总是充满血丝。他的话语不多可是他品学兼优,对生活不悲观 不放弃在众多老师和学生的陪伴下他用坚强的泪水送走了自己的唯一的亲人 他的父亲。

自此学校里多了一个瘦小的身影在自习室 在宿舍 在操场上穿梭的身影。作为班主任的我尽自己最大的努力陪伴孩子走过那阴暗的岁月,我细心谨慎的呵护着这幼小的心灵,孩子的书桌里偶尔会有糖果 也会有衣物偶尔也会有个小字条,而我的宿舍门口窗台上总会有从路边采来的鲜花,偶而也会有三三两两的酸枣和杏子,宿舍的水桶里永远有用不完的水。转眼三年的时间过去了这种师生间淡淡的丝丝缕缕的情怀,绵绵延续让我倍感温馨与幸福。

在他们身上,演义着善良和执着 演绎着坚持和不懈。是他们,推动着我一步步向前。是他们,让我感受到了当老师的幸福;




From saving comes having

Old proverbs sound trite at times to our ears.But they have lived because in that particular word combination lies still an older truth.And no truth could be older than “From saving comes having” and it reminds me of the importance of saving.How come is that a penny saved is a penny earned------and I would say a penny saved is more than a penny earned and it can be twice got.Suppose that by declining to spend a penny and to save one’s money instead, you’re a penny up rather than a penny down, hence twice got!That’s not great arithmetic, but it does make a good sense.Nowadays most of Chinese people are leading a fairly comfortable life because we are wealthier than ever before.Some of us can even afford much more than they really need.However, when we begin to enjoy what we have already, we certainly should make the best of what we have, but not waste them.It’s absolutely a wrong idea that saving or being thrifty is already out of fashion in modern society.If you have no awareness of saving and spend more than you make, you’ll find your wealth disappearing little by little, day by day.And in the end, you’ll have nothing left.In the broader sense, there will always be the need to energetically encourage the practice of building up the country and going in for all undertakings through thrift and hard work.And we should not confine our efforts to money saving only.It may be a more urgent task for us to save energy and natural resources as well.We only have limited fresh water, limited land, limited coal and limited oil.To save is to have them for longer.That’s why sustainable development is so widely pursued around the world.Saving doesn’t mean being a penny pincher.It’s no doubt that we should spend our money on where it should be spent but not spend it meaninglessly.Saving doesn’t create any fortune, but it guarantees you a constant having.Our saving should start from our daily life where many people always neglect because they don’t realize its power.The power of saving is that of accumulation.That from small increments comes abundance is a law of nature.From saving comes having.A penny saved is more than a penny earned.With saving, having will be sustaining;without saving, having will eventually be nothing.11.Reading Selectively or Extensively

Once a famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”, which means that anyone who wants to be a full man must keep on reading.But books are of various kinds and different contents.Then how to read? People's ideas on reading differ greatly from person to person.Some are in favor of the idea of reading selectively, just as some of my friends.They believe that it is not how much one reads but what he reads that really counts.Living in an information age, more and more books are published each year, it is impossible and unnecessary for us to read all the books.Moreover, there are certainly some books which are not worth reading.So, we should select some books we are interested in and ignore others.Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.However, I think that reading extensively is also essential.In my opinions, different books are of different uses.Just like Bacon mentioned, “Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to content.” And that now branches of knowledge diverge into each other rather than are isolated from each other.Therefore, reading widely is necessary for a full man.In my viewpoint, we should read both selectively and extensively.The two reading ways have their respective advantages in our reading.We can read selectively for specialized knowledge, or read widely for general information.If we only read selectively, our knowledge may be limited in a specific field.If we read too extensively, we may not have so much time and energy and be expertise in one particular field.Therefore, the combination of the two ways will be more reasonable and beneficial.By doing so, we can not only become a knowledgeable person in our own field, but also become a well-informed and qualified modern man.Laughter Is the Shortest Distance between Two People At first, let me share a story about my roommate Berry and I.A few weeks ago, Berry quarreled with me for an insignificant thing, neither she nor I wanted to surrender and broke the icy silence between us.One day, she got a party to attend.In the process of making preparation, she shared a funny story about herself to our roommates.As she was doing her making-up, she accidently got her mascara brush stuck in her forehead hair!The scene that she tried to push the mascara brush out of her forehead hair was so amusing and the face she was making up was so funny!All of us couldn’t help bursting out loud laugh over it, Berry and I smiled to each other and we knew that we like each other.So as you see, laughter makes people closer, laughter is the shortest distance between two people, just as Victor Borge says.“Every morning when you come across a stranger on the way to office, if you smile at him or her, you will feel like you are friends.Every evening before you go to bed, a bedtime story to your dear kid will introduce stronger family bond in your family, and you will have a sweet dream.”

Any time when you have some troubles in getting along with your friends, family member or neighborhood, a funny story or a humorous joke will build a bridge between you and you will have a nice time with him or her.No Man is Rich Enough to Buy Back His Past The movie Seventeen Again tell us a story about a man who held a desperate attitude towards life in his 30’s.He lost his job and divorced with his wife, feeling the whole world was upside down.However, after being changed back into 17 by an old mysterious man, he gradually realized that the life he had chosen was the best life and he need to cherish.The man in the movie was lucky enough to know the true meaning of life, but actually in our real life, we have no other chance to go back to our past.Even a wealthy man with quantities of property could not buy back his past, since the old days are irretrievable.Life is like a drama, God gives everyone only one chance to play on the stage, once missed, it still makes no difference even one is sighing and shedding tears of regret.Nothing in the world can measure time, let alone money.As the British dramatist John Fletcher said, weep no more, no sigh, no groan , sorrow calls no time that’s gone.So what we should do is not trying to make compensation for our past or think of the good memories but making the best of our rest life.An sensible man will always look into the future, while those who put too much attention on the past lead an unhappy life.Every day is a new day and every hour is the blessed gift of God.Life is too short to waste, if we don’t cherish the time now, no mysterious man will bring us back into our past, no magic will happen.Believe me, we have no ability and we don’t need to buy back our past.Just cherish and lead a life in a best way, then we’ll be the happiest people in the world.No road of flowers leads to glory Looking back on the river of history, we may find that success happens not by chance--The road to success is full of thorn.The history of successful people is the record of blood and tears.In the pursuit of success, we may be questioned and condemned.Nevertheless, we must keep in mind that only by persistent effort, can the success knock the door.When we are faced with difficulties? What should we do? To stop or to go on? Mrs.Curie told us the answer.We all know that Mrs.Curie discovered radium, but how many people really know how hard she worked? At that time, there were many people disapprove of Mrs.Curie.Although she got over hundreds of difficulties, she still believed in herself and never gave up.Finally, she succeeded to discover radium.She proved that she was right by her persistent effort and her strong spirit.We should learn from Mrs.Curie.She told us the truth through her own experiences that believe in yourself, you can do it!Never give up, accept the challenge and face the difficulties with a smile, someday, you will be proud of yourself.No one knows how happy you will be after you try your best and succeed until you do it.That is to say, when you face with difficulty, don’t easily give up.Maybe just try one more time;you can get the fruits of victory.What You Have Learned from Sichuan Earthquake Recently, when you flip open a newspaper, turn on the TV, log onto the web, it is about the Ya'an earthquake in Sichuan.Before the 7.0-magnitude earthquake, Ya'an was an elegant and peaceful city.But after it, Ya'an became a town with still air and severely damaged buildings, with no birds singing happily there once more.The death toll has reached almost 200, with mourns everywhere in China.Facing up to such a huge disaster, what we can do is to pray for the dead and try to learn most from it.In fact, personally, I have learned much from it.First of all, “Love is to be found everywhere.” It's a different time for everyone in and out the disaster area.And many individuals and institution from other parts of China and from all over the world actively extend their helping hands by donating food, clothes and money to the local people living there.In front of natural disasters, effects of earthquakes could be fatal, but the team spirit can help many families live a new life.Secondly, to lessen the damage caused by natural disasters, measures should be taken to ensure construction quality.We can't deny that our life and property would be safer if our house and buildings could be with stronger structure and of better quality.Therefore, we should bear deeply the importance of the sentence in mind that prevention is better than cure, which includes enhancing the quality of constructions at the very beginning and helping more people escape from the dangerous buildings when it happened all of a sudden.Thirdly, none of us can predict the exact future and we can never know what will happen in the next minute.Life is so amazing that we hope we can have chance to experience every tiny sweet moment.So we should have a right view of life and be able to maintain optimistic attitude when facing difficulties.Life seems to be vulnerable when facing natural disasters, whereas it seems to be strong when we choose to face the difficulties bravely.We are not predictors, but we can choose to spend every day with our genuine heart.My dear fellows please cherish every moment with your friends and family, and every chance to achieve your dream.Finally, may the soul of the deceased rest in peace, and the living be strong.

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