
时间:2019-05-13 00:18:05下载本文作者:会员上传


牛津小学英语4A课文Unit1 Su Hai : May I come in,Miss Li?我能进来吗,李老师? Miss Li: Yes.Come in,please.是的。请进。

Su Hai : May I have a copybook?我能要一本抄写本吗? Misss Li: Yes.This copybook is for you.好。这本笔记本给你。Su Hai : Thank you.谢谢。Su Hai : May I have a copybook for Su Yang?我能要一本抄写本给苏阳吗? Miss Li: Sure.Here you are.当然。给你。Su Hai : Thank you.谢谢。Su Hai : Goodbye,Miss Li.再见,李老师!Miss Li: Goodbye.再见。

第二篇:牛津小学英语6A Unit 1

6A Unit 1 The public signs Teaching aims: 1.Words: suddenly, note, nearby, quickly, keeper, point, fine, pick up , take a walk, look around, come up 2.Pronunciation: ea 3.Song: The signs in the park.Teaching process: Step1.Free talk and revision 1.Good morning, every one.Nice to see you here.2.Last class we learnt some public signs.Let’s play games about them.3 T: Magic eyes.What does this sign mean?

What about this one?

And this one? 3.Guessing game, what does this sign mean?

Yes, you’re right.What does this sign mean? Sorry, you’re wrong.Try again.Sorry.Try again.It means ‘No fishing’ Yes, you are right.4.Play the guessing game in pairs.Use these sentences… NO.1, 2, 3.Step2.Sing a song 1.Look, there are signs in the park.2.Talk about the signs like this… What does this sign mean? It means…

It means we should not… 3.About this sign.Learn : rubbish, bin

put the rubbish in the bin 2.Here’s a song.Try to read it.3.Try to sing.4.Now sing in groups.Step3.Read and match(Part E)1.There are lots of signs in the park.Look at this one.It says,“please keep off the grass.Fine ten yuan.”

Fine? Does it mean ‘good’? Here is a funny story for you.Open your books, turn to page 11.Read and answer questions.Learn: park keeper, ten-yuan note 2.There are four pictures, read the story again.Writer the correct words in the boxes.The answer is…

3.There are many phrases in the passage.Underline the key phases according to the pictures.Pic 1: take a walk Pic 2: see something Pic 3: look around, pick it up

Pic 4: come up , point to, say to , fine ten yuan 4.Now let’s read the story together.5.Try to retell the story in groups.We can give you some help.Mr Smith and park keeper.Who can try?(4 pictures , 4 people)Picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4.Step3.Listen and repeat 1.Mr Smith is not happy, right? Cause he didn’t get the ten-yuan note.What about this boy? Is he happy? How do you know? What is he doing? Yes.The boy is shaking his head.Learn: shake, shaking, shaking his head Shaking head means ‘No’ , Why?

2.Do you know why? There are four key words, make sentences to guess.Here ‘ea’ pronounce …

Read : e, words, sentences.Read in groups.3.How about these words? ea pronounce …

4.So, we know a lot about ‘ea’, right? Step4.Summary 1.Also, we learnt a lot about signs.We read funny stories about signs.We sang a song about the signs in the park.We played games about signs.And we know…

2.We know signs are important in our life.This sign means ‘Green food’.It’s good for our health.The sign ‘3 C’ is a sign for toys.We should buy toys with this sign.And this sign means there’s a school in front.Be careful.It’s good for

the students.3.Signs makes our life more orderly and interesting!Homework: 1.Read and recite Part E,try to retell.2.Sing the song after the tape.3.Collect more words and funny stories about signs.教学设计:


本节课的复习阶段把对单词的复习和书上G部分的小游戏结合在一起进行,让单词的复习更加有趣味性。也让导入阶段比较自然和紧凑。然后自然过度到歌曲部分的教学,围绕着No littering这一标志,讨论复习了上节课的句型又攻克了歌曲中的难点。这样歌曲的学习难度就不大了。本节课最难处理的是E部分的阅读的教学。我把这个部分设计为一个围绕标志展开的有趣故事,设计了四个任务:听故事回答问题;读故事,排顺序;围绕图片学习短语;阅读和复述的巩固练习。层次清晰,对文章的理解步步深入。也逐步提高的学生的阅读理解能力。而listen and repeat部分,把主动权交给学生,自己去读,去组句子,去发现读音规则,总结发音规律。



Home alone Act one Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected.The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter.Dad: It’s so nice to be home!

Mom: Yes, I can’t wait to surprise the boys!

Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room.Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.Eric: Mom!Dad!You’re back early!(looking around room, sounding frightened)But, but---you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow!The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad.Mom:(Bending to touch dog)Eric, he’s so tired and hungry!(looking at table)The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving!What did you do with the cash we left? Dad: And look at this room— garbage all over the place!Where is your brother?(shouting angrily)Daniel!Daniel:(running into room)Mom, Dad, I can explain---Dad opens the curtains and light comes into the room.The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper.Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel.Dad:(sounding very angry)listen to me, young man----we left you in charge? We thought you could act like an adult!I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty---Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions.Dad: How can we trust you any more? We won’t tolerate such behavior in our house!

Daniel:(shouting)Stop shouting at me.I’m still a teenager!Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door.Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out.Act two, scene one Daniel and Eric’s bedroom.Eric sits on his bed.Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.Daniel: They never even gave me a chance to explain.I hate them!Eric: You don’t hate them.I can tell them we had an emergency.Then they won’t be mad anymore.Daniel: No, don’t tell them anything.Anyhow they didn’t trust me.They don’t deserve an explanation.Let them think what they want.Eric: But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and we used the money to take him to the clinic---Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him and that is why we had no time to clean the house---but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me? Act two, scene two Mom: Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess…

Dad: Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he won’t respect us.Mom: Oh, why does this have to be so difficult? Mom sigh End of act two.Growing pains Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through.Day by day, everything seems different, yet the same.Life never seems to be going fast enough;yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control.Has anyone else ever felt this way? These feelings are a common part of adolescence—the time of life between child and adult.And, though it may some times be difficult to believe, you are not alone—every adult has gone through adolescence, and your friends are going through it right now along with you.It is common for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood.These feelings can be thought of as growing pains—the difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults.As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world both inside and outside of them.During adolescence, teenagers go through great physical changes.They grow taller and their voices get deeper, among many other developments.Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes.Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard.Many boys become risk-takers—they want to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their behavior.At the same time, girls often want someone—anyone—to talk to, as they try to deal with their strong feelings.In the social world, as teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on themselves.They may badly want and need their parents’ love, yet feel distant;they may want to be part of the group, yet desire independence.Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society.The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last.In the end everything turns out OK—the teenager becomes a healthy adult, and this period of change and challenge is traded for the changes and challenges of grown-up life.



6A unit1 一个新学期现在是星期一早上。李老师和她的学生正在上课。这是新学期的第一节课。李老师:孩子们,欢迎回到学校。全体学生:李老师,很高兴见到你。李老师:杨玲,今天星期几?杨玲:星期一。李老师:高山,今天上午你们有什么课?高山:我们上语文、英语、数学和科学。李老师:这个学期我们上八节课。刘涛,它们是什么?刘涛:它们是语文、数学、英语、社会、科学、艺术、信息和体育。李老师:苏海,你最喜欢什么学科?苏海:我喜欢数学。李老师:苏阳,你呢?苏阳:我喜欢英语。它是有趣的。刘涛:我们一星期有多少节英语课苏阳:四节。

6A unit2 一次通话今天是星期三。海伦不在学校。她病了。苏阳午饭后打电话给她。海伦:你好!苏阳:你好,我能找海伦说话吗?海伦:我就是海伦苏阳:你好,海伦。我是苏阳。你今天为什么缺席?海伦:我病了。我正呆在床上。苏阳:你怎么了?海伦:我患了头痛和重感冒。苏阳:听到这个消息我心里很难过。我希望你很快好起来。苏阳:你现在感觉怎么样?海伦:我仍然感觉生病了。苏阳:你吃药了吗?海伦:是的,吃了许多了。苏阳:放学了。我会带些水果给你。海伦:谢谢。苏阳:一会见。

6Aunit3 爱好本的爱好是收集邮票。他有许多漂亮的邮票。他正在将它们(邮票)展示给他的同班同学看。本:我喜欢收集中国邮票。迈克:它们真有趣。我喜欢这张轮船邮票。杨玲:我觉得这些花卉邮票很美丽。本:我弟弟喜欢收集动物邮票。迈克:请给我们看看他的邮票。本:给你。本:迈克,你有一些爱好吗?迈克:是的,我有。我喜欢拍照。本:海伦也喜欢拍照,对吗?迈克:不,她不喜欢。她喜欢烹饪和种花。她做好吃的食物;种植美丽的花卉。本:杨玲,你喜欢烹饪吗?杨玲:不,我不喜欢。我喜欢做衣服。我会给我的洋娃娃做漂亮的连衣裙。迈克:你能给我妹妹的洋娃娃做一件T恤衫吗?杨玲:当然(可以)。6A unit4 一位英语朋友王兵正在电脑室里给他的英国朋友写一封电子邮件。高山进来了。他想和王兵打乒乓球。高山:王兵,让我们去打乒乓球吧!王兵:对不起,我不能去。我正忙着呢。高山:你正在浏览因特网吗?王兵:不,我正在给我的英国朋友——汤母写一封电子邮件。高山:他住在伦敦吗?王兵:不,他不(住在伦敦)。他住在伦敦附近的一个小镇上。高山:他在学校里学习什么科目?王兵:他学习英语、数学、科学和艺术。高山:他学习中文吗?王兵:不,他不(学)。高山:星期天他通常干些什么?王兵:他通常踢足球。高山:他(足球)踢得很棒吧?王兵:是的。他(足球踢得很棒)。他游泳也游得很棒。6A unit6 一节体育课学生们在操场上。他们正在上一节体育课。老师正在发号施令。学生们正在试着服从口令。马老师:请站成一排。让我们做一些准备活动。学生们:好的,马老师。马老师:双脚并拢。上下跳十次。学生们:好的,马老师。马老师:现在,仔细听(我的口令)。把你的双手放在你的头上左右旋转。做这个动作十次。学生们:好的,马老师。马老师:很好。(暂)停!马老师:孩子们,现在仰躺。抬起你的左腿用你的右手去碰它。然后抬起你的右腿用你的左手去碰它。做这个动作十次。学生们:好的,马老师。马老师:现在,全体起立!你们累了吗?学生们:是的,我们(累了)。

6A unit7忙碌的一天今天是星期四。大卫忙了一天。他从早上7点一直忙到晚上10点。妈妈:大卫,起床。六点半了。大卫:好的。妈妈:大卫,你准备好吃晚饭了吗?大卫:妈妈,还没有。我正在刷牙。妈妈:现在七点缺十分。要迟到了。大卫:没有时间吃早饭了。我会随身带些面包的。妈妈,再见!南希:大卫,吃午饭的时间到了。大卫:现在几点了?南希:现在十二点缺一刻。大卫:让我们赶紧。迈克和我今天值日。我们要去打扫图书管。迈克:大卫,快点。大卫:我来了。迈克:四点一刻有一场足球赛。让我们去看吧!大卫:当然(可以)。南希:我想看电视。大卫,你想看电视吗?大卫:是的,我想的。但是我正在做我的回家作业。南希:你今天真的很忙。大卫:是的。我也(很)累。6A unit8在周末现在是星期五下午。放学了。学生们正在谈论他们的周末。迈克:王兵,你是怎么度过你的周末的?王兵:我浏览因特网。它(因特网)非常有趣。我从它(因特网)那里学到许多(东西)。海伦:你每个星期六星期天都做这件事(浏览因特网)吗?王兵:不。有时我去游泳。有时我打篮球。我喜欢运动。你呢?迈克:我也喜欢运动。我经常去攀登。有时我听音乐或是去电影院。海伦:我喜欢在家看电视。海伦:杨玲,你是怎么度过你的周末的?杨玲:我经常去公园。我喜欢荡秋千。海伦:我在周末做家务。你也做功家务吗?杨玲:我当然也做(家务)。我打扫房间还有洗衣服。苏海,你呢?苏海:我经常看卡通片。杨玲:苏洋是怎么度过她的周末的?苏海:她也经常看卡通。有时我们一起去公园捉蝴蝶。

第五篇:牛津小学英语4A unit 1 教案

《牛津小学英语 4A Unit 1 May I have …》教案


1、能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写a pen、a ruler、a rubber、a ball pen、a pencil case、a bookmark、a pencil、a notebook、a book.2、能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:Come in、Thank you、Goodbye.3、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型May I have…? Yes/Sure.Here you are.教学重点和难点





Step 1 Free talk

1.T: Hello, may I come in?(敲门动作)


Hello/ Good morning./ Good afternoon.How are you?

Are you happy? …

3.板书:May I come in? 拼读划线部分

Step2 Revision

T: Oh , a new pen , It’s nice.Look, what’s this?

Do you like this …


pen , ruler, rubber, ball pen, pencil, book(English book, Chinese book)。

Step3 Presentation


T: I like your … May I have a … Yes or no.帮助学生理解后,在问两三名同学之后,告诉他们很愿意的话可以说:

Sure, here you are.(做送出的动作)

2.Play a game.你们有这么多的新文具,老师很羡慕,Now answer my question,你如果有


T: May I have a …

Ss: Sure , here you are.3.Look,do you know what’s this in English?


1)I have some notebooks , do you like notebooks?

(叫起一位学生)Do you like this notebook? 当他表示喜欢时,提示他用

May I have a …的句子来向老师要。


5.Read the dialogues.Step 4 Practice

1.Part C


2.Work in groups.任务:看看你的同学有了什么新文具,能不能借过来欣赏一下,小组内用英语交流

Step5 Consolidation

1.I say, you show


2出示小黑板:a pen, a ball pen, a pencil, a book

May I have a …Sure , here you are.(讲书写要求,拼读单词)

3.Write down in notebook.课后把Part C部分写在作业本上。


Unit 1 May I have…

a ruler a rubber

a pen a ball pen

a pencil a pencil case

a book a book mark

Sure, here you are.a note book



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