1、甲方同意将珠海市 房一套,租给乙方作居住使用。租期为 个月,从 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。
2、该房屋月租金为人民币 元(元整),并在每月 日前将当月租金交清。
3、签订本租赁合约时,乙方须向甲方缴交人民币 元(元整),作为履约保证金和财物押金。合同期满后,如乙方无违约或把房内财物丢失、损坏等情况,甲方须如数退回押金给乙方。
4、租赁期间,该住宅的出租管理费由 方负责缴纳,有线电视费、水电费、电话费及小区管理费等应由 方全部负责。
12、双方共同确认本合同于 年 月 日签订于珠海市。
联系电话: 联系电话
3、选择 “ 争议解决 ” 方式中提请仲裁方式时,应填写所选择仲裁机构的法定名称。
出租方(甲方)Lessor(hereinafter referred to as Party A): 承租方(乙方)Lessee(hereinafter referred to as Party B):
根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。In accordance with relevant Chinese laws、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations,Party Aand Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude thefollowingcontract.一、物业地址 Location of the premises
Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself,which islocated
_______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________.二、房屋面积 Size of the premises
The registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters(Gross size).三、租赁期限 Lease term
The lease term will be from _____(month)_____(day)_______(year)to ________(month)_____(day)_______(year).Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for usebefore _____(month)_____(day)_______(year).四、租金 Rental
1.数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付给甲方。
Amount: the rental will be ____________per month.Party B will pay the rentalto Party A in theform of ____________in ________________.2.租金按_____月为壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担)。甲方收到租金后予书面签收。
Payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s).The first installment will be paidbefore_______(month)______(day)__________(year).Each successive installment will bepaid_____________each month.Party B will pay the rental before using the premises andattached facilities(In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date ofremitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.)PartyA will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.3.如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十五天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。In case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, Party B will pay 0.5
percent ofmonthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, Party B will bedeemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract.In this situation,Party A has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party B's breach.美联英语:www.xiexiebang.com
第一章 总则
第一条 为完善商业、服务业企业租赁经营,增强企业活力,提高经济效益和社会效益,参照国务院发布的《全民所有制小型工业企业租赁经营暂行条例》,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于国营小型零售商业、服务业、商办工业企业,市、区、县商业委员会归口管理的集体企业,以及经区、县政府批准的少数亏损或微利的中型商业、服务业企业(以下统称企业)。
第三条 实行租赁经营,必须兼顾国家、企业、职工、承租方和消费者的利益。
第四条 出租方和承租方必须执行国家的法律、法规、政策和本市法规、规章,接受人民政府有关机关的监督。
第五条 租赁经营的企业,所有制性质不变,行政隶属关系不变,职工身份不变。
第二章 出租方与承租方
第六条 企业上级主管部门为出租方,代表国家行使企业的出租权,国务院或市人民政府另有规定的,按规定执行。
第八条 租赁经营的条件和形式:
第九条 租赁期限每届一般不少于3年。承租方在租赁期间不得将企业转租或改变经营方向。
第十条 承租经营者是指承租经营企业的个人,合伙承租、全员承租确定的经理,或者承租企业派出的经理。承租经营者是企业租赁期间的法人代表,行使经理职权,对企业全面负责。
第十一条 承租经营者必须身体健康,懂得并遵守有关法律、法规、规章和政策,熟悉商业业务并善于经营管理。
第十二条 承租方必须提供下列担保:
第三章 租赁程序
第十三条 出租方在企业出租前必须会同有关部门清查或评估企业财产,清理债权债务,商品或其他财产短缺、残损、变质的,出租方应会同财政、税务机关核实批准,按企业财产损失处理。冷背呆滞商品贬值损失,在逐年提取的商品削价准备金中解决。
第十四条 企业租金按企业的固定资产、自有流动资金、地理位置和行业效益等条件综合确定。
固定资产占用费和企业流动资金占用费均在税前列支;租赁调节费在税后留利中支付。第十五条 出租方选择承租方的步骤:
第十六条 出租方选定承租方后,必须与承租方订立租赁合同。由承租方持租赁合同到工商、税务机关登记并到银行办理有关手续。
第十七条 企业租赁后,其原有职工在本企业安排。承租经营者的家属,如系本系统职工,允许调在同一企业工作。
第十八条 解赁期满,出租方应会同有关部门组织验收,并对承租经营者进行离任审计。租赁双方必须必须在资产损失、债务偿还、清缴税款以及其他遗留事项处理完毕后,方可解除租赁关系。
第十九条 租赁期满前6个月,出租方和承租方应互相明确是否继续租赁关系和续租的条件。
第四章 租赁经营合同
第二十条 租赁经营合同应当采取书面形式。订立租赁合同的双方必须坚持自愿、平等、协商的原则。
第二十一条 租赁经营合同应当具备下列主要条款:
第二十二条 租赁企业的清产核资登记表、担保人和财产共有人的保证书,以及合伙人或全员租赁企业职工对承租经营者的委托书,应作为租赁合同的主要附件。
第二十三条 合伙租赁经营的,合伙人之间应就合伙租赁中财产担保、利润分配、债务清偿、入伙、退伙等内容签订书面协议,并将协议作为租赁合同的附件。
第二十四条 租赁合同依本规定订立,即具有法律约束力,任何一方不得随意变更和解除。但发生下列情况之一的,合同双方可协商变更和解除合同:
第二十五条 承租方违法经营,损害国家和消费者利益,或者承租方经营管理不善发生严重亏损,亏损额己接近或达到担保财产和风险保证金总额时,出租方有权提出解除租赁经营合同。
第二十六条 租赁和同一方要求变更或者解除合同时,应当及时以书面形式通知对方,双方达成协议以前,原合同仍然有效。
第二十七条 因变更合同造成的损失,由合同双方分清责任后,按责任大小合理负担。第二十八条 租赁合同双方发生合同纠纷,应当协商解决。协商不成的,可以按租赁合同的规定向工商行政管理机关申请调解或者仲裁;也可以按租赁合同的规定直接向人民法院起诉。
第五章 权利与义务
第二十九条 出租方的权利:
(四)监督承租方建立并执行民主管理制度,维护租赁企业职工的合法权益。第三十条 出租方的义务:
第三十一条 承租方的权利:
第三十二条 承租方的义务:
第六章 收益分配和债权债务处理
第三十三条 个人或合伙租赁经营的企业,执行个体工商户的税收和财务制度;全员租赁经营的企业,执行集体所有制企业的税收和财务制度;企业租赁经营的企业,执行企业租赁前原税收和财务制度。
第三十四条 租赁企业实现的利润,依法纳税并交付租金后,按下列规定进行分配:
第三十五条 全员租赁经营的企业完成租赁合同时,承租经营者除按原标准领取工资、奖金外,还可按合同规定或职工同意的比例,提取风险责任收入,承租经营者工资、奖金和风险责任收入总额最高不得超过职工平均收入的3倍。
完不成租赁合同的,承租经营者不得领取风险责任收入,并且按合同规定或职工同意的比例,根据企业利润下降情况,扣发其奖金(提成工资)直至扣发其20%以内的标准工资。第三十六条 合伙租赁经营的,承租经营者和合伙人的个人收入按照租赁合同和合伙协议进行分配。
第三十七条 租赁企业新增财产按资金来源确定所有权。全员租赁的企业用生产发展基金投资的,归企业所有。个人、合伙租赁的企业用税后留利部分投资的,归个人或合伙人所有。承租企业筹资投入的,归承租企业所有。
第三十八条 租赁企业职工集资,或者个人,合伙人投资扩大企业经营的,可将集资或投资部分作股到人,实行按股分红。
第三十九条 承租方以租赁企业名义向金融部门以外的单位和个人借款的,应经出租方批准。未经批准的,承租方必须承担由此产生的全部债务。
第四十条 租赁期满,经验收确认各项指标达到合同要求后,出租方应将风险保证金、担保现金和按照银行同期利率计算的利息一并退还承租方。承租方在租赁期内未能完成租赁合同、欠交租金或有债务的,应当以企业风险保证金抵补;不足部分,由承租方及其保证人提供的担保财产抵补。保证人以其保证财产抵补后,有权向承租方追偿。
第四十一条 国家对饮食、服务、修理业企业在租赁期间减免的所得税,由行业主管部门专项用于行业的改造和发展。
第七章 附则
第四十二条 本规定所称小型企业,系指按照《国务院批转商业部〈关于当前城市商业体制改革若干问题的报告〉的通知》标准确认的企业。
第四十三条 本规定实施前订立的租赁经营合同,经合同双方协商同意,可适用本规定。
第四十四条 本规定由市商业委员会组织实施并负责解释实施中的具体问题。第四十五条 本规定自1988年9月15日起实施。
第一章 总则
第二条 本条例所称房屋,包括住宅、工商业用房、办公用房、仓库及其他用房。
第三条 房屋租赁当事人建立租赁关系应遵循自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则。
第五条 房屋租赁实行租赁合同登记制度。
第二章 租赁管理
第六条 房屋租赁关系的设立、变更,当事人应自签订租赁合同之日起十日内到区主管机关登记。
第七条 租赁登记,由当事人向区主管机关申请,并提交下列文件:
第九条 有下列情形之一的,区主管机关不予登记:
第十条 房屋出租人将房屋承包给他人经营,或者以合作、联营的名义,不直接参与经营的,视为房屋租赁行为。
第十一条 市主管机关应根据房屋租赁市场价格水平定期颁布房屋租赁指导租金。当事人可参照指导租金,约定租金数额。
第十二条 行政划拨、减免地价款的土地上的房屋,经批准出租的,出租人应按市主管机关的规定补交地价款。
第十三条 房屋出租人应按法律、法规规定,交纳有关税款。
第十六条 主管机关的管理人员执行公务时,应出示市主管机关统一制发的证件。
第三章 租赁合同
第十七条 房屋租赁,当事人应使用主管机关提供的统一合同格式。当事人对租赁合同条款的内容可作增删。
第十八条 当事人可委托他人代为出租或者承租房屋。
第十九条 租赁合同应具备以下主要条款:
第二十条 租赁合同一经依法签订,即为生效。当事人应全面履行,任何一方不得擅自变更或者解除。
第二十一条 有下列情形之一的,允许变更或者解除租赁合同:
第二十二条 承租人在租赁期内死亡,租赁房屋的共同居住人要求继承原租赁关系的,出租人应继续履行原租赁合同。
第二十三条 租赁合同因租赁期限届满终止。
第四章 出租人及其权利和义务
第二十四条 房屋出租人应为房屋所有人或者合法使用人。
第二十五条 出租人应按租赁合同约定的时间向承租人提供房屋。
第二十六条 共有房屋出租时,在同等条件下,其他共有人有优先承租权。
第二十七条 出租人依租赁合同约定向承租人收取租金。
第二十八条 出租人有权对承租人使用房屋的情况进行监督。
第二十九条 承租人有下列行为之一的,出租人有权解除租赁合同:
第三十条 出租人应按租赁合同约定的责任负责检查、维修房屋及其设施,保证房屋安全。
第三十一条 出租人改建、扩建或者装修房屋,须经承租人同意;按规定须经有关部门批准的,应报请批准。
第三十二条 房屋出租不妨碍房地产权的转移。
第五章 承租人及其权利和义务
第三十五条 承租人应按租赁合同约定向出租人交付租金。
第三十六条 出租人有下列行为之一的,承租人有权拒绝交付部分或者全部租金,并可解除租赁合同:
第三十七条 承租人因自己的原因不能行使对房屋的使用权,不免除交付租金的义务。
第三十八条 承租人应按租赁合同的约定,合理使用房屋,不得擅自改变房屋的结构和用途。
第四十条 承租人因使用不当,造成房屋损坏的,应负责修缮并支付由此发生的费用。
第四十四条 出租人出售已出租房屋,须提前一个月书面通知承租人;在同等条件下,承租人有优先购买权。
第六章 转租
第四十五条 经出租人同意,承租人可将租赁房屋的一部或者全部转租第三人。
第四十六条 受转租人应符合本条例第三十四条的规定。
第四十七条 转租人与受转租人应按本条例规定订立租赁合同,并进行登记。
第四十八条 转租的租赁合同约定的租期最后时限,不得超过原租赁合同中约定的最后租期期日。
第五十条 转租期间,原租赁合同变更、解除或者终止的,因转租而签订的租赁合同随之相应变更、解除或者终止。
第七章 法律责任
第五十五条 出租人或者转租人违反本条例第十三条、第二十七条第二款规定,由税务部门按有关规定处理。
第七章 附则
第六十一条 深圳市人民政府可根据本条例制定实施细则。
第六十二条 本条例自一九九三年五月一日起施行。
Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Lease of Houses
Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Lease of Houses(Originally adopted at the thirteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the First Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on December 26, 1992.Revised for the first time at the nineteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on December 17, 1997 in accordance with the Resolution on Revision of the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Zone on Lease of Houses.Revised for the second time at the fifteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on April 26, 2002 in accordance with the Resolution on Revision of the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Zone on Lease of Houses.)
ChapterⅠ General Provision
Article 1 In order to maintain the lease market order of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone(hereinafter referred to as “Special Zone”)and protect lawful rights and interests of the parties, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of laws and administrative regulations and the actual circumstances of Special Zone,Article 2 “Houses” in these regulations include dwelling-houses, industry and commerce houses, office houses, warehouses and houses for other uses.“Lease of houses” means the lessor provides the house to the lessee for the lessee's use, and the lessee pays the rent to the lessor and returns the house to the lessor when the lease relationship ends.Article 3 The parties of house leasing shall abide by the principles of voluntariness, fairness, honesty and credibility to establish lease relationship.The parties of house leasing shall observe national laws and support the relevant departments to bring social security under control in a comprehensive way.Article 4 The administrative department in charge of real estate of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government is the competent authority(hereinafter referred to as “the competent authority”)of house leasing, the administrative departments in charge of house leasing designated by District People's Government is District competent authority of house leasing.The District Competent Authority may establish detached offices at subdistricts.The municipal competent authority shall implement uniform administration of house leasing market.The Municipal and District Competent Authority shall perform the following duties:
(1)To the carry out national laws and regulations on house leasing and these regulations;to draft administrative measures which shall take effect with approval by Municipal People's Government in accordance with these regulations;
(2)To register and administrate the house lease contracts in accordance with the provisions of these regulations;
(3)To investigate and punish the illegal house leasing activities in accordance with the provisions of these regulations;
(4)To mediate and settle disputes of house leasing according to the application of the parties of house leasing;
(5)Other duties prescribed in laws and regulations or assigned by Municipal People's Government.The District Competent Authorities shall perform the duties prescribed in these regulations and other duties assigned by the Municipal Competent Authorities.The Municipal Competent Authority shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of law enforcement and strengthen the direction to the District Competent Authority.Article 5 House leasing shall be subject to Lease Contract Registration.Chapter Ⅱ Lease Administration
Article 6 The parties who establish and alter the house leasing relation shall apply to the District Competent Authority for registration within ten days from the date that the lease contract is concluded.Article 7 The parties shall apply to the District Competent Authority for lease registration and submit the following documents:
(1)The real estate ownership certificate or other valid instruments that testify the parties' property right;
(2)The house lease contract;
(3)The identity certification or juristical competency certification of the lessor;
(4)The identity certification or juristical competency certification of the lessee.Article 8 The District Competent Authority shall conduct registration within five days from the date receiving the lease registration application, if the application conforms to the provisions of these regulations;if the application fails to conform to the provisions of these regulations, the District Competent Authority shall not conduct registration and reply to the applicant in writing.If the District Competent Authority fails to make decision of approval or disapproval of registration within the time limit, the registration shall be considered to have conducted.The parties shall handle the registration formalities at the District Competent Authority within fifteen days from the date the time limit expired.The District Competent Authority shall submit the duplicate of the registered lease contract to the taxation department at the corresponding level for record within thirty days from the date of registration.Article 9 Under any of the following circumstances, the District Competent Authority shall not conduct registration:
(1)The parties fail to conform to the provisions of Article23, Article33 of these regulations;
(2)The parties alter the use of land and house without an approval of the relevant department;
(3)The duration of the lease contract exceeds the regulated duration;
(4)The duration of the lease contract exceeds the duration of land use;
(5)The content of the lease contract violates the provisions of these regulations and other relevant laws.Article 10 It shall be considered as house leasing in the case that the lessor contracts the house to other persons to operate, or joins the operation indirectly, in name of cooperation and affiliation instead.Article 11 The Municipal Competent Authority shall issue the directive rent of house leasing periodically according to the price level of house leasing on the market.The parties may bargain the amount of the rent taking the directive rent standard as referrance.Article 12 The lessor shall make up the deficiency in premium in line with the provisions of the Municipal Competent Authority, if the house built on the land whose purchasing price is allocated in administrative way or is reduced and remitted, is approved to be rent.Article 13 The lessor shall pay taxes on the basis of the provisions of the laws and regulations.Article 14 The lessor shall pay two percent of the monthly rent to District Competent Authority as house leasing management charge.The measures of the management charge payment shall be formulated by Shenzhen Municipal People's Government.In case that the house is subleased and the sublease rent exceeds original rent, the sublessor shall pay the house leasing management charge about the margin part according to the standard prescribed by the preceding paragraph.The management charge of house leasing shall be used for the management of housing lease market and shall not be misappropriated for other uses.The surplus shall be turned over to Finance Department.Article 15 Taxation Department and the District Competent Authority shall take the directive rent as the accounting base when they impose concerned taxes or collect management charge of house leasing;in case that the rent agreed upon in lease contract exceeds the directive rent, the agreed rent in lease contract shall be taken as the accounting base.Article 16 The administrative personnel of the Competent Authority shall show their credentials uniformly made and issued by the Municipal Competent Authority when they carry out their official tasks.Chapter Ⅲ Lease Contract
Article 17 The parties of house leasing shall use the formality of contract uniformly provided by Competent Authority.The parties may make addition and omission to the contents of the lease contract articles.Article 18 The parties may entrust other persons to let or rent house.The entrustee shall hold the authorized letter.The authorized letter of the parties abroad shall be notarized or certified according to the relevant stipulations.Article 19 A lease contract shall contain the following main terms:
(1)The name and address of the parties;
(2)The location, size, decoration and facilities of the house;
(3)The use of the house;
(4)Duration of the lease;
(5)Amount of rent and mode of payment;
(6)The liability for maintenance of the house;
(7)The agreement on decoration;
(8)The agreement about sublease;
(9)The conditions of canceling a contract;
(10)Responsibility for breach of lease contract;and
(11)Other terms agreed by the parties to the lease.In respect to item(4)of the preceding clause, the lease duration of houses for residence shall not exceed eight years;lease duration of houses for other uses shall not exceed fifteen years.The lease duration shall be prolonged with the approval of the Municipal Competent Authority if it needs to exceed limitation mentioned above under special circumstances.Article 20 Once signed in conformity with the law, the lease contract shall take effect.The parties shall make full performance.Anyone of the parties shall not alter or cancel the contract.Article 21 The lease contract are allowed to be altered or the cancel under the following circumstances:
(1)The contract can not be performed or not fully performed because of force majeure;
(2)The parties reach unanimity through consultation;
(3)Anyone of the parties has reasonable grounds to alter or cancel;
(4)Anyone of the parties loses the qualification stipulated in Article23, Article33 of these regulations;The party that is at fault shall bear the liability if he causes losses to the other party by altering or the canceling lease contract;if both of the parties are at fault, each party shall respectively be liable.Article 22 In case that the lessee is deceased during the term of the lease and the person lives with him are willing to inherit original lease relation, the lessor shall continue to perform the original lease contract.If the lessor is deceased or terminated during the term of the lease, or is altered with the conveyance of the property right of the lease house, his/her legitimate inheritor or successor-in-interest shall continue to perform the lease contract.Article 23 The lease contract shall terminate at the expiration of the term of the lease.If the parties need to continue the lease relation at the expiration of the term of the lease, they shall present the claim one month before the termination of the lease contract, resign a lease contract ten days before the termination of the lease contract and apply for registration in line with the provisions of Article 6 in these regulations.Chapter Ⅳ The Lessor and Its Rights and Liabilities
Article 24 The lessor shall be the owner or the legitimate user of the house.Article 25 The lessor shall provide the house to the lessee at the time as agreed in the lease contract.The lessor may collect the lease guaranty bond from the lessee, which shall not excess the amount of three month rents, as agreed in the lease contract.The ways of returning the guaranty bond shall be engaged by the parties in the lease contract.In case that the lessor fails to provide the house to the lessee as agreed in the lease contract, or the house provided by the lessor fails to conform to the commitment of the lease contract, the lessor shall pay breach of contract damages agreed in the lease contract.If the breach of contract damages is insufficient to compensate for losses of the lessee caused therefrom, the lessor shall make up for the deficiency.Article 26 When the house under co-ownership is for lease, the other co-owners shall have the priority to lease the house under the same conditions.Article 27 The lessor shall collect the rent from the lessee as agreed in the lease contract.The lessor shall draw the invoice that uniformly printed by the Taxation Department when he collects the rent.The lessor shall not collect other charges from the lessee except the rent in respect to house leasing.Article 28 The lessor has right to supervise the lessee's use of the house.The lessor shall not make disturbance or obstruction to the lessee's normal and reasonable use of the house.Article 29 The lessor has right to cancel the lease contract if the lessee commits any of the following acts:
(1)Using the house to conduct illegal activities which may cause damages to the public interest and the interest of other person;
(2)Altering the house's structure or the agreed usage without authorization;
(3)Subleasing the house to the third party without authorization;
(4)The rent has not paid yet exceeding the term agreed in the contract;or delaying to pay the rent for more than three months if there is no provisions in the contracts.If the lessor suffers damage because of the behaviors mentioned above, the lessor has right to claim for compensation from the lessee.Article 30 The lessor has the duty to check and maintain the house and its facilities, and guarantee security of the house as agreed in the lease contract.Article 31 The lessor shall obtain the consent of the lessee to reconstruct, extend or decorate the house;if approval by relevant departments is required according to regulations, the lessor shall submit the application to relevant departments for approval.Article 32 The house leasing shall not hamper the conveyance of the real estate right.After the conveyance of the real property right, the transferee shall bear the obligations of the former lessor and enjoy the rights of the former lessor, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.Article 33 If, upon the expiration of the term of the lease no new lease contract is signed, the lessor has the right to take back the house in accordance with the term agreed in the event that the lessor cancels the lease contract because the lessee violates Article29 of these regulations, the lessor has the right to take back the house.If the lessee does not move out the house at the expiration of the term without consent of the lessor, in addition to handling in accordance with Article43 of these regulations, the lessor may ask the District Competent Authority to issue a notification of moving out within the time limit to the lessee and may bring a lawsuit to the People's Court.Chapter Ⅴ The lessee and his rights and obligations
Article 34 Natural person, legal person and other organizations shall offer the lease contract registered by the District Competent Authority, if they apply to the Public Security Department for the temporary residence certificate of Shenzhen, apply to Industry and Commerce Administration Departments for business license, or apply to the relevant department for the effective certification of establishment where the certification of the house leasing is required to provide according to laws and regulations.Article 35 The lessee shall pay the rent to the lessor in accordance with the terms in the lease contract.The lessee shall pay the prescribed breach of contract damages if he violates the preceding paragraph.Article 36 The lessee shall have the right to refuse to pay part or full of rent and cancel the lease contract if the lessor commits any of the following behaviors:
(1)Violating the provision of the item(1)of Article25 in these regulations;
(2)Violating the provision of the item(3)of Article27 in these regulations;
(3)Violating the provision of the item(2)of Article28 in these regulations;
(4)Violating the provision of Article30 in these regulations.Article 37 If the lessee fails to exercise the right of use the house due to his own reason, the lessee shall not be exempt from the obligation of paying the rent.Article 38 The lessee shall use the house reasonably according to the provisions of the lease contract and shall not alter construct and use of the house without authorization.The lessee shall obtain the consent of the lessor if there is necessary to change the use of house or decorating the house;if the approval of the change and decoration of the house by relevant authorities is required under provisions, the lessee shall file an application for approval and shall be liable for the expenses brought about therefrom.Article 39 In case that the house's faults defect effects the normal use of the house during the term of the lease, the lessee shall take effective measures to prevent the defect from enlarging, notify the lessor in writing immediately and apply to the District Competent Authority for record.If the lessor fails to repair the house after receiving the written notice from the lessee, the lessee shall apply to the District Competent Authority for instantaneous examination and verification and may repair it by himself with approval of the District Competent Authority.The expenses brought about therefrom shall be borne by the lessor.If the lessee has a dispute with the lessor over the defect mentioned in paragraph one of this article, he may apply to the relevant department for appraisal.Article 40 If the lessee causes damages to the house because of his improper use, he shall be responsible for repairs and the expenses brought about therefrom.Article 41 If the lessee moves out the house by himself without canceling the lease relation during the lease, and whereafter, the third party occupies and uses the house, which results in damages to the house, the lessee and the third person shall both bear joint and several liability for compensation.Article 42 After the expiration of the lease term, the lessee may put forward to the lessor the offer for renewal of lease in accordance with the Article23 of these regulations.The lessee shall have the priority to rent the house under the same conditions.Article 43 The lessee shall pay double rent to the lessor if lease term expires, or he fails to move out of the house without consent of the lessor or without the agreement for renewal of lease between the parties in violation of Article29 of these regulations;if the lessee causes damages to the lessor, he shall bear the responsibility for compensation.Article 44 If the lessor sells the leased house, he shall notify the lessee in writting one month before sale;the lessee has the priority to buy the house on the same conditions.ChapterⅥ Sublease
Article 45 With the consent of the lessor, the lessee may sublease part or whole of the leased house to the third party.The lessee shall not sublease the house without the consent of the lessor.Article 46 Sublessee shall abide by the provisions of Article34 of these regulations.Sublessee shall not sublease the leased house again.Article 47 Sublessor and sublessee shall conclude the lease contract according to the provisions of these regulations and apply for registration.Article 48 The deadline of the sublease contract shall not exceed the deadline of the original lease contract.Article 49 Once the lease sublease contract takes effect, the sublessor shall enjoy the rights and bear the obligations referring to the rights and obligations of the lessor that prescribed in Chapter Four and shall continue to perform the obligations agreed in the original contract;subleassee shall enjoy the rights and bear the obligations referring to the rights and obligations of the lessee that prescribed in Chapter Five, unless otherwise provided in these regulations or agreed in the contract.Sublessor and sublessee shall bear the joint and several liability to the original lessor.Article 50 If during the term of sublease, the original lease contract is modified, canceled and terminated, the sublease contract shall be modified, canceled and terminated accordingly.Chapter Ⅶ Legal Responsibility
Article 51 If the parties disagree to the reply of disapproval of registration made by the District Competent Authority, they may apply for reconsideration to the Municipal Competent Authority within fifteen days from the day receiving the answer notification.If the applicant disagrees on the decision of reconsideration, he may bring a lawsuit to the People's Count within fifteen days from the day receiving the notification of decision of reconsideration.Article 52 If the parties have disputes, they shall settle the disputes through consultation;if they fail to consult, they may apply to the Municipal Competent Authority or the District Competent Authority for conciliation, appeal to arbitration at arbitral agency or bring a lawsuit to the People's Court.Article 53 If the house is leased without registration in violation of Article 6, Article 47 of these regulations, the sublessor and sublessee shall be penalized with a fine of an amount not less than one time but not more than two times the amount of monthly rent, and shall be recovered the charge for management and, the fine for delaying payment;the sublessor and sublessee who has faults shall be penalized a fine not more than one time the amount of lunar rent.Article 54 If the lessee violates the provisions of Article 45(2)or the sublessee violates Article 46(2)of these regulations, he shall be confiscated his unlawful gains and be penalized a fine of not more than one time the amount of monthly rent.Article 55 If the sublessor and sublessee violates the provisions of Article 13, Article 27(2), the taxation department shall handle such such cases according to the relevant stipulations.Article 56 If the sublessor and sublessee fails to pay or delays paying the charge for the management of the lease house in violation of the provisions of Article 14(1)(2), the competent authority shall order him to pay and, for each delaying day, collect 3‰ of the amount of the management charge that should be paid as the fine for delaying payment.Article 57 If the parties disagree to the sanction made by the relevant administration department, they shall apply for reconsideration to relevant departments within fifteen days from the day receiving the notice of penalty decision.If the applicant disagrees to the decision of reconsideration, he may bring a lawsuit to the People 's Count.In respect of the administrative penalty decision that takes effect, the competent authority may apply the People's Count for coercive execution.Article 58 If the Competent Authority embezzles the charge for management of the lease house in violation of Article 14(3)of these regulations, the Audit Department shall recover the whole money that embezzled.The person direct liable and the leader in charge shall be given disciplinary sanction by their units or by superior administration departments in charge of their units.If their wrongful act constitutes a crime, they shall be prosecuted for criminal liability.Article 59 If the management official in the competent authority neglects his duty and commits fraudulent acts for personal gains, he shall be subject to disciplinary sanction by his units or by superior administrative departments in charge of his units.If his wrongful act constitutes a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal liability.Chapter Ⅷ Supplementary Provisions
Article 60 If the lease contract has been signed, however, the registration formalities has not been handled before the enforcement of these regulations, the parties shall handle the registration formalities according to the provisions of these regulations within three months from the date on which these regulations take effect.If the parties fail to handle in the prescribed period of time, such cases shall be settled in line with the provision of Article53 of these regulations.Article 61 People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality may enact detailed rules for implementation in accordance with these regulations.Article 62 These regulations shall take effect as the day of May 1,1993.Where there are contradictions between the provisions of these regulations and other relevant rules that enacted in the Special Zone before, these regulations shall prevail.
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