
时间:2019-05-13 01:42:18下载本文作者:会员上传


 国民经济、对外经济贸易 , Foreign economic relations and trade  经济指标 economic indicators

total product of society

(Gross National Product)

(Gross Domestic Product)

 人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita

 工农业总产值 gross output value of industry and agriculture

national income

purchasing power parity

state revenue

 社会商品零售总额 total volume of retail sales

 社会零售物价总指数 general retail price index

 百分点 percentage points

 “八五”划划 the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development planned economy

 统购统销 state monopoly over purchase and marketing

 建立市场经济、法制、民主监督和廉政“三个机制” establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government

 抓好农业、交通能源、教育科技“三个基础” stress priorities over agriculture, transportation and energy supply, education and science and technology

 实现、生态环境和人口素质“三个优化” optimize industrial structure, ecological environment and the quality of population

 第一、二、三产业 primary, secondary and tertiary industries

 外向型经济 export-oriented economy

 创汇型企业 foreign exchange-earning enterprise

 劳动密集型 labor intensive

 技术、智力、资本密集型 technology, knowledge or capital intensive

 高附加值的深加工 down-stream processing with high added-value

 优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources

 生产力 productive forces

 生产资料 capital goods

 科研成果产业化 industrialization of research findings

Torch Plan

 技术入股 technology appraised as capital stock

venture investment/capital

investment in fixed assets

 折旧费 depreciation cost

 关系民生的产品 products vital to the people’s livelihood

 供大于求 oversupply

 供不应求 short supply

 经济过热 overheated economy

 抑制炒房地产热 stem frenzied and speculative trading in the property market macro-economic control

economic levers

 产业政策 industrial policy

 财政, 税收, 信贷,利率, 汇率 public financing, taxation, credit, interest rate, exchange rate

 提高经济效益 enhance economic performance/returns

social effect/returns

 实现持续、稳定、协调的发展 bring about sustained, stable and coordinated development  财政赤字(盈余)budget deficit(surplus)

 外贸出口总额 gross foreign export value

 外商直接投资协议金额 contracted foreign direct investment

 实际利用外资 foreign investment in actual use

(中外合资合作、外商独资经营)three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment: sino-foreign joint venture, contractual joint venture

 允许外商独资经营 allow full foreign equity operation

 优惠条件 confessional terms;favorable terms

 减免税收 tax reduction and exemption

 合作方式 approaches to cooperation

 出资方式 means of contributing investment

 合营期限 contract term of a joint venture

(,来件装配,来样加工)and compensation trades(with materials or given samples, assembling supplied components) 贸易伙伴 trade partner

 转口贸易 transit trade

foreign trade surplus

 积极引进外来资金、技术、人才和管理经验 actively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise form outside

turn-key project

 招标承包制 bidding invitation contract system

 招标出售技术 bids for technology

 公开招标 call for bid;tenders

 招标单 invitation for bid(IFB)

bidding document

 竟标 competitive bidding

bid for a project

 投标报价书 bid proposals

bid proposal evaluation

bid opening

 中标 win a bid;be awarded a tender


 租赁 leasing

bonded area;free trade area

 实行全方位开放 practice multi-directional opening

 统一政策、放开经营、平等竞争、unified policy, liberalized operation, and equal competition

 自负盈亏、工贸结合、推行代理制 responsibility for one’s own profits and losses, the integration of industry and foreign trade, and the promotion of agent system

 知识产权 intellectual property rights

feasibility study

 意向书 letter of intent

investment environment

 跨国公司 transnational coorporation

 20年基本实现现代化 basically achieve modernization in 20 years

 发挥技术窗口管理窗口和人才窗口的作用 serve as a medium for introducing advanced technologies, managerial expertise and qualified professionals from outside. 招商 attract investment

 招商项目 project proposals for investment

 同国际惯例接轨 follow the international codes of practice;bring … in line with the international usage

 加大改革力度 intensify reforms

 一条龙服务 one package service

 一支笔审批 one-chop approval

 我们两市的经济互补性很强。To a great extent, the economies between out two cities are complementary to each other.平等互利,互通有无 equality and mutual benefit, and trading of needed goods

 外引内联 act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connections

 保持发展后劲 bring about a sustainable development;sustain momentum of development

 三通一平(水通、电通、路通、施工场地平)“three connections and one leveling” assuring that a construction site is connected to water and electric power supplies and roads, and that the ground is leveled before a project is begun. 瓶颈 bottleneck

 以工养农 use industrial income to finance agriculture

 以路养路 use tolls to repay investment in road projects

 下放审批权 delegate the authority to examine and approve to lower levels

 统而不死,活而不乱 ensure a flexible control

 良性循环 positive cycle

 国民经济的支柱 mainstay of the national economy

 格局初步形成 Pattern has taken initial shape. 理顺企业的产权关系 rationalize the property rights relationships of enterprises policy-related loss

 三角债 chain debts

 上不封顶,下不保底 set no ceiling limit and give no minimum guarantee

                         企业“工效挂钩” link total payroll with the performance of an enterprise 生意兴隆/冷淡 Business is booming/sluggish 质量信得过单位 quality trustworthy organization 批量生产 mass production 以销定产 limit production to market ability 内联企业 inland associated enterprises 菜篮子工程 shipping basket project 国产化 percentage of home-made parts 配套改革 coordinated reforms 配套措施 supporting measures 配套工程 auxiliary project 国内配套资金 domestic funds 向基础工业倾斜的政策 policy in favor of basic industry 升级换代 upgrading and updating 看好经济增长 think highly of economic growth 行情看好 Favorable price/market can be expected.行情看涨/跌 anticipate lower market price/rising price 随行就市 fluctuate in line with market conditions 片面追求发展速度 seek an unduly high growth rate 在过渡时期 in a period of transition 粗放/集约经营 extensive/intensive operation 基础地位 leading position 门类齐全 covering extensive fields / /foreign exchange reserves 贸易顺差 trade surplus



Personal income proof


Company name:

兹证明XXX为本单位职工,已连续在我单位工作X年,This is to certify that XXX for this unit worker, has worked in my unit X years in a row,学历为XXX毕业,目前其在我单位担任XXX职务。

Degree of XXX, XXX position right now it's in my unit.近一年内该职工在我单位平均月收入(税后)为XXXX元,(大写X万X仟X佰X拾X元整)。

Nearly a year the average monthly income of the worker in my unit(after tax)is RMB XXXX,(X million usd $X X X X yuan).该职工身体状况XX(良好)

This worker in XX(good)health


This unit hereby promises that proved to be correct, true.特此证明

Hereby certify


The unit official seal




Name of the entity


The unit address


Unit phone




South Korea’s new president 韩国新总统朴槿惠

Plenty on her plate 准备仍需继续

Park Geun-hye prepares to address some of her father’s legacy 朴槿惠准备继承父亲遗志

Jan 5th 2013 | SEOUL | from the print edition

PARK GEUN-HYE’S campaign advertising described her as a “prepared female president”.Having narrowly defeated the Democratic United Party(DUP)candidate, Moon Jae-in, on December 19th, two-thirds of her slogan will be realised with her inauguration on February 25th.The “prepared” part, however, is less clear.朴槿惠的竞选广告形容她是一位“做好了准备的女总统”。12月19号,她以微弱优势击败了民主统和党候选人文在寅。而随着1月25日就职典礼的举行,这句口号的三分之二将得以实现。然而,关于其“是否真的做好了准备”,一切仍有待观察。

South Korean presidents-elect appoint transition teams to help smooth their way into office and many of their members then take up posts in the new government.With her appointments, Ms Park seems to be trying to bridge the political divide.Her transitional team, consisting of nine subcommittees, is headed by Kim Yong-joon, a former head of South Korea’s Constitutional Court.新总统组建了职务交接委员会来帮助新政府上台。他们中的很多成员之后也将在新政府中拥有一席之地。朴槿惠似乎在以这种委派职务的方式来尽力弥合政治上的分歧。职务交接委员会由9个分科委员会组成。其委员长由前韩宪法法院院长金容俊担任。

Mr Kim is a conservative like Ms Park, but is not seen as hardline by the 48% who voted for Mr Moon.As a young judge in 1963, he even ruled against the detention of an army chief-of-staff who had opposed Ms Park’s father, the dictator Park Chung-hee.Ms Park has also taken care to give prominent roles to natives of Jeolla province, such as Han Kwang-ok, head of the subcommittee on national unity.Jeolla suffered under successive military regimes in the past, and always votes for the DUP rather than Ms Park’s Saenuri Party.金容俊和朴槿惠总统一样是保守派人士,但在支持文在寅的那48%选民看来,他的作风却并不强硬。1963年,当时还是一名年轻法官的文在寅甚至反对拘捕一名反总统武装的头目。而时任总统正是朴槿惠的父亲,独裁统治者朴正熙。朴槿惠还特别对一些全罗道出身的官员委以要职,例如目前正担任统一分科委员会委员长的韩光玉。历史上,全罗道曾长期处于军事政权统治下,并且一向倾向于支持民主统和党,而非朴槿惠所属的新国家党。

The rallying cry of the election was “economic democratisation”, a fluffy term that has two main strands, both of which Ms Park seems to be sticking to.The first is to counter the vast(and increasingly unpopular)power of families that run the chaebol, South Korea’s huge conglomerates.Ms Park’s party is historically pro-chaebol.Her father set up the system that enabled them to flourish with governmental support.But she has promised a otugher line, notably on the system of cross-holdings that permit control of a conglomerate with only a small amount of capital 朴槿惠的竞选口号是推行“经济民主化”。这一政策力度温和,朴槿惠总理的变革主要集中在两个方面。首先是对那些势力庞大且日渐令人生厌的家族企业说“不”。在韩国,这种大型企业被称为财阀。从历史上看,朴槿惠所在的新国家党其实就是财阀的前身。正是她的父亲开创了这种模式,使企业得以依靠政府而蓬勃发展。但朴槿惠却走了一条更为艰难的道路,尤其是考虑到当前制度下财阀间的交叉控股现象—他们往往只需持有一笔小额资本便可实现对彼此集团的永久性支配。

At a meeting on December 26th with the Federation of Korean Industries, a chaebol lobby group, Ms Park emphasised jobs over profit maximisation.She has also pledged to be tougher on crooked behaviour.In the past decade three chairmen of the largest five chaebol have received presidential pardons following convictions for offences such as fraud and tax evasion.If she sticks to her word, this will stop.12月26日,朴槿惠与财阀游说组织,韩国产业联合会会面。比起如何实现利润最大化,她在会上强调得更多的是就业问题。同时她还承诺将严厉打击业界不法行为。仅在过去十年里,韩国五大财阀的董事长中就有三位因为诈骗和逃税迫使总统动用了豁免权。而今后这种现象将不复存在。

The second strand is the expansion of the welfare state.Ms Park promises to provide free child care for under-fives, and to subsidise social security contributions and university-tuition fees for the poor.On January 1st the national assembly approved 2.4 trillion won($2.3 billion)of extra welfare spending to pay for all this, as part of the “Park Geun-hye budget”.Old conservatives like the outgoing finance minister, Bahk Jae-wan, have long grumbled about the populism of such measures.改革的另一个方面则是关于社会福利支出。朴槿惠承诺将推行五岁以下儿童免费教育,贫困大学生学费减免以及加强公共社会安全等一系列措施。1月1日,韩国国会通过了为以上方针增拨2亿四千万韩元(约合2300万美元)的议案,同时将这笔支出纳入政府预算中。但一些保守人士,如前财政部部长朴宰完,则对这份福利方案颇有微词。

A dangerous neighbourhood 躁动的邻国

Although Ms Park has undoubtedly shifted her party on domestic issues, foreign policy is unlikely to change much from that of outgoing president, Lee Myung-bak.Ms Park speaks some Chinese and will want to overcome the strains caused by China’s insistence on sending North Korean refugees back home rather than to South Korea, as well as the incursion of Chinese fishing boats into South Korean waters.But relations with America are strong and she will not want to risk them merely to please China.On December 24th, the Obama administration offered South Korea four advanced spy drones 尽管朴槿惠政府不遗余力地对本国各方面施行改革,但其外交政策却基本沿袭了前总统李明博时期的作风。朴槿惠会说一些汉语,因此也想借机和缓一下由于朝鲜难民遣返问题以及中方渔船非法作业问题而稍显紧张的两国关系。不过,介于美韩之间的同盟关系,她也不会以此为代价去讨好中国。就在12月24日,奥巴马才刚刚宣布为韩提供4台先进的无人侦察机。

America’s expansion of its missile-defence programme in Asia raises Chinese concerns about.containment Some analysts say this will make Beijing see South Korea’s alliance with America as part of a wider anti-China strategy, rather than one merely directed at North Korea.There could be problems ahead, regardless of the fluency of Ms Park’s Chinese.中国认为美国对韩导弹防御系统的支援其实是一次针对中方的遏制性战略部署。有分析指出这将使中国视美韩结盟为整个反华战略的一部分,而非单单只针对朝鲜。无论朴槿惠总统的汉语有多流利,中韩关系都将因此面临一些新的挑战。

American officials hope Ms Park can repair damaged ties with their other main regional partner, Japan.South Koreans remain angry about colonial-era sex slavery, and the ownership dispute over the Dokdo islands(known as Takeshima in Japan), visited by President Lee in August.Ms Park’s father once served in the Japanese imperial army that occupied northeast China, making it politically impossible for her to show too much kindness to Japan.美国当局希望朴槿惠政府能与其在亚洲的另一盟友日本改善关系。韩国仍对日方在慰安妇问题上的态度以及独岛(日本称竹岛)所有权争端一事耿耿于怀。2012年8月,前总统李明博曾登上了独岛。朴槿惠的父亲曾在日军占领中国东北时为其效力,这就注定了她在政治立场上不会是亲日派。

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s new premier, sent envoys to meet Ms Park on January 4th in an attempt to ease the tension, but the South Korean press has been working itself into a frenzy over Mr Abe’s strident nationalism.His big majority gives him leeway to be diplomatic, but any move to rescind a 1995 apology for wartime suffering his country caused would be disastrous for the bilateral relationship.为了缓解局势,1月4日,新任日本首相安倍晋三派遣使团与朴槿惠会面。不过,韩国媒体此时早已掀起了对安倍极端民族主义的口伐笔诛。1995年,日本曾为发动侵略战争致歉。如今,虽然民众的大力支持使安倍有资格代表日本的外交立场,但是只要日方对当初的道歉有一丝收回之意,都将给两国脆弱的关系带去毁灭性的打击。

Then there is North Korea.Ms Park has based her approach on reciprocity, pitched halfway between the “sunshine” policy of former presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun, and the frostiness of Mr Lee.She says she will start with small economic projects and humanitarian aid, and engage further if the North’s leader, Kim Jong Un, chooses diplomacy with the South.She calls it “trustpolitik”


On January 1st Mr Kim gave the first new year’s speech by a North Korean leader for 19 years, calling for an end to confrontation.But, although the style may mark a change, his demand for the implementation of old sunshine-era agreements is likely to leave Ms Park unmoved.Experience shows that one of the few things North Korea can be trusted to do is to continue developing nuclear weapons.Mr Kim may well test a device soon.Ms Park will need to be prepared.1月1日,金正恩发表了朝鲜领导人19年来首次新年致辞,宣称朝韩对峙的时代已经结束。不过,尽管金正恩放低了姿态,但倘若他要求韩国政府履行“阳光政策”时代达成的协议,或许会使朴槿惠在对朝态度上强硬起来。经验告诉我们,关于朝鲜,唯一可以相信的就在于它肯定会继续核武器的开发。金正恩也许很快就会进行试验。对此,朴槿惠必须有所准备。









概括性是词义最重要的特点之一。词义的概括性是在使用语言的集团内部长期地、历史地形成的,是指人们在了解、掌握一个词的意义时,舍弃了客观事物的个性而把握了它的一般特征。英汉有些同义词事实上词义概念范围是不同的,有些汉语释义缩小英语词义的概念范围,有些汉语释义扩大了英语单词的概念范围。譬如:汉语的“工程师”是比较高级的技术职称,一般指受过大学教育并有若干年工作经验、经国家认定的技术人员,但英语的engineer 含义五花八门,按《新英汉词典》的释义,它既指工程师、技师,也指火车司机、轮机员、工兵,乃至倒垃圾的工人sanitary engineer,这就与中国的“工程师”的含义相差甚远了。


例如:The conflict spread everywhere,intovillages,as well as intocities.根据英汉综合大词典对as well as 的释义:(1)不亚于;与……相同;(2)又,也,此外。如果简单地把例句理解成“冲突到处蔓延,蔓延到了农村,也蔓延到了城市”,则把原文的语意轻重关系给弄颠倒了。在原文中as well as 的前项为语义重点,而在上面的中译文中却把as well as 的后项变为语义重点了。因此,上面的英文应当理解成:冲突到处蔓延,蔓延到了城市,也蔓延到了农村。


一个民族的文化以及思维模式的形成是在该民族长期的地理位置、哲学背景、文化传统影响之下逐步形成的。因此,不同民族、不同文化下的英汉两种语言对同一事物的理解与表达着重点会不同。例如,“大雪”heavy snow比big snow更符合英语习惯,“红茶”英语习惯的表达为black tea 而不是red tea,“浓汤”thick soup 而不是strong soup。






以白色为例,在中文中与丧事有关,治丧人家穿白衣、带白幄、挂白幡都是久远的民俗;而英语中white 表示纯洁无瑕、幸运吉利,white day(吉日),days marked with awhite stone(幸福的日子),white Christmas(洁白的圣诞)。



Brad:What’s the damage?

Lucy: It’s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether.Brad:(to the waiter)Check, please.在这段对话中“What’s the damage?”中“damage”具有相当强烈的口语色彩,是口语中询问“该付多少钱”时的幽默问法。在教学的过程中要根据学习的题材让学生了解由于词汇的语体色彩的限制其使用在某些领域是恰当的,如法律英语、科技英语、文学作品等题材的内容所使用的词汇就具有不同的语体色彩。


主要指搭配对象、词性、句法功能、构词能力和构形变化,搭配意义不同的词。以搭配对象为例,有些英语词汇和汉语词汇虽然所表示的意义相同,但搭配能力却不同。例如英语中的relax 和汉语中的对应词“放松”:它们都表示放松的含义,都既可以当及物动词也可以做非及物动词。但在,在汉语中可以说“周末我只想好好放松下自己”,而英语中说A hot bath should help to relax you.能够被接受,但I just want to relax myself却违背英语语言习惯。


一个民族有关宗教、神话、文学、艺术传统、历史的词汇大都属内涵非对应或零对应词。如英语中的boycott;Achilles’heel;throw in the towel等词汇,若不从文化的角度加以讲解,学生对该词汇的全面认识与理解便无从谈起。


儒家文化和基督教文化, 在中西文化中各自占据着十分重要的地位。以基督教文化为基础的英语国家侧重抽象思维和逻辑分析,以儒家文化为主体的中国传统文化则侧重形象思维,这种思维模式和价值观念等内隐文化的差异会导致英汉句子结构的不同。这种不同被学术界称之为“句型文化”,申小龙亦著有《中国句型文化》一书。因此,在进行句法教学时,教师应当在讲解句型所涉及的语法知识之外,还应该向学生介绍中英两种语言不同的句型文化。具体的讲授思路可以从以下几个方面入手:


①If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


在句①中,If 从句的使用让两句间的逻辑关系一目了然。在句②中,从句之间未使用连接手段,句子间的逻辑关系没有句①明显。由此我们不难看出,英语句型体系是一种相当严密的句型体系。西方人擅长逻辑思维,其句子的核心在于“形式”,或者说成分是否完整,句式具有较强的逻辑性,无论句子多长、多复杂也能进行分析。简言之,英语以形合为主。汉语句子的核心构架远不如英语那样清晰。中国传统文化侧重形象思维,其句子的核心在于“意”,或者说信息是否表达完整。汉语句式的特点是重视句子不太重视语法,要求达意即可,句子利于领悟而不利于层层分析。简言之,汉语以意合为主。


英美文化注重事物对人的作用和影响, 自然界被置于与人对立的位置,成为被改造和征服的对象。而中国传统文化把自然与人看成是一个整体,思维往往以“人”为中心,认为只有

人才能做出有意识的动作。因此, 英语趋向于使用客观视角,重物称,而汉语趋向于使用主观视角,重人称。如It must be admitted that(必须承认),It is always stressed that(人们总是强调),It is imagined that(人们认为)。再如: As it is imagined bymany that the operations of the common mind can by no means be compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.如果被理解成“许多人认为,普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维活动相比,并且这些思维活动必须经过某种专门训练才能掌握。”则更加符合汉语习惯。


由于西方文化直线型的思维方式,在表达逻辑思维时,英语往往是开门见山,判断或结论等在前,事实或描写等在后,以谓语动词为核心,借助反映形式关系的连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词、非谓语动词等构建句子结构,把各个分句有机地结合起来, 即呈现首重心的特点。


如There is no agreement whether method ology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.同样的意义表达,在中文中如果被理解成“方法论究竟是指一般历史研究中独有的概念,还是指历史研究中适合各个分支的研究方法,人们对此还没有一致意见。”则更加符合中国文化与汉语的语用习惯。



I’ve worked in the factories surrounding my hometown every summer since I graduated from high school, but making the transition(转变)between school and full-time blue-collar work during the break never gets any easier.For a student like me who considers any class before noon to be uncivilized, getting to a factory by 6 o’clock each morning is torture.My friends never seem to understand why I’m so relieved to be back at school or that my

summer vacation has been anything but a vacation.There’re few people as self-confident as a college student who has never been out in the real world.People of my age always seem to overestimate the value of their time and knowledge.In fact, all the classes did not prepare me for my battles with the machine 1 ran in the plant, which would jam whenever I absent-mindedly put in a part backward or upside down.The most stressful thing about blue-collar life is knowing your job could disappear overnight.Issues like downsizing(裁员)and overseas relocation had always seemed distant to me until my co-workers told me that the unit I was working in would shut down within six months and move to Mexico, where people would work for 60 cents an hour.After working 12-hour shifts in a factory, the other options have become only too clear.When I’m back at the university, skipping classes and turning in lazy re-writes seems too irresponsible after seeing what I would be doing without school.All the advice and public-service announcements about the value of an education that used to sound stale now ring true.These lessons I'm learning, however valuable, are always tinged(带有)with a sense of guilt.Many people pass their lives in the places I briefly work, spending 30 years where I spend only two

months at a time.“This job pays well, but it's hell on the body,” said one co-worker.“Study hard and keep reading,” she adde.

第五篇:中英文 海伦娜在“经济全球化与青年就业”会议致辞












世界银行2002年的报告显示,自70年代中期到1998年,发展中国家的制造业在出口中的比重由原来的25%增至80%。而在融入全球经济的一些国家,比如乌干达、印度、越南和中国,高工资和良好的就业状况积极地促进了这些国家的减贫。在许多发展中国家,如埃及、巴西和马兰西亚,卫生和教育状况明显改善,婴儿死亡率在90年代平均降低了30% 以上,而所有发展国家平均降低了12%。这些数据清楚地表明,全球化带来了经济利益,但是这些利益的获得可能不可避免地需要为此付出社会代价,而青年人比其他任何社会群体都更有可能被迫承担为全球化付出的社会代价。





Helena Helve, PhD



It gives me great pleasure on behalf of the International Sociological Association, in this case the Youth Research Committee(ISA RC 34)to be opening the 6th International Conference on Asian Youth Issues.I thank you very much for the invitation to this Conference with its very important and timely theme of the Economic Globalization and Youth Employment.Nevertheless, when speaking about youth sociology and youth research within the context of the social sciences we try to reach findings which are as universally valid as possible.The theme of this conference indeed is universally valid.All different aspects of globalization and youth employment are connected to the vulnerable young people, policies for youth employment, skill training and social and cultural construction of youth: youth as a state of being, a distinct category of subjectivity and identity, a form of cul-tural expression, a stage of life, an element of social-cultural capital and a socio-eco-nomic resource – these are specific issues of youth in this conference.Can we detect globally comparable trends? It was also to answer these sorts of questions that RC 34 was established as a specialized branch of the ISA in 1975 in close cooperation with the Research Department of UNESCO.Yet from the beginning RC 34 has not been just a network for pure academic youth research, but it has remained committed to its original heritage of social and politi-cal responsibility for promoting peace education and youth issues in the post-war world.It has also been the policy of RC 34 to invite in colleagues from other disciplines, as well as practitioners in the youth fields, for membership and participation, and then to serve as a global, Tran disciplinary network and meeting place regarding youth issues in general.The theme of the 6th International Conference on Asian Youth Issues is very appropriately related to this aim.I am quite sure that also this conference will be a place for youth sociologists, youth workers and NGO youth officers from all around Asia and other parts of the world.This conference will contribute to the development of youth sociology and youth research, in theory and practice, on an international level-bringing together the professional knowledge, scientific consciousness, and social commitment to work on problems and issues relevant to young people themselves on a local, regional, and international level.The work of RC 34 is built on regional Vice-Presidencies running their activities and networking in various areas of the world.I would like to thank the Vice-President, Professor Ngan Pun Ngai, who is representing Asia, including Japan and China, for his active work in RC34 and his contribution with his colleagues to the development of the theory and practice of youth sociology and youth research in China and other parts of Asia.The world in which we live today is global.Cooperation between nations and individuals is growing constantly.Information and communication technologies bring us ever closer together, delivering messages and information rapidly from one culture to another.However there are also threats to the security of children and young people.They relate to the environment, diseases like HIV/AIDS, drugs, human rights violations, inequality, crime and terrorism.We are faced with various social and economic changes which also affect children and young people – in different ways in different parts of the world.The World Bank(2002)reports that between the mid-1970s and 1998 manufacture increased from 25% of developing countries” exports to more than 80%.In some cases, higher wages and the employment characteristic of globalizing countries such as Uganda, India, Vietnam and China is closely related to poverty reduction.Health and education provision has improved in many of the developing countries such as Egypt, Brazil and Malaysia where infant mortality was reduced on average by more than 30 per cent during the 1990s, as compared to an average decline of 12 per cent amongst all developing countries.These figures clearly reflect the fact that globalization offers economic benefits, but those benefits, perhaps inevitably, are accompanied by social costs, andyoung people, perhaps more so than any other social group, are forced to pay the social cost of globalization.These facts are some of the good reasons that bring us together to discuss not only the problems facing children and young people today, but especially, I hope, the opportunities which are open to them in today’s world.There is a need for multilateral action.We need all governments, organizations, civil society and also scientists and researchers to work together in order to build human rights, gender equality, social security and development,health and community services.This work is not only a matter of politics.We also need research on children and young people, we need comparative research, and we need proposals for the protection and realization of the risks young people are facing.We therefore need research on the needs of young people in different parts of the world.We also need information and research on new

issues such as the impact of the internet, online-chatting, video games and virtual life on the physical and mental development of children, etc.This International Conference on Asian Youth Issues offers us a place for bringing together different expert perspectives on the present situation of young people of today.I believe that this meeting will produce good papers and good discussions, giving an overall view of matters relating to economic globalization and youth employment in the 21st century.I would like to thank the host organization, China Youth & Children Research Center, China Youth & Children Research Association and co-organizers, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Macao Education and Youth Affairs Departmentand all our colleagues from the Academic Committee for the work they have done for this conference on young people and for giving us, researchers and experts from different parts of the world, the opportunity to bring our various perspectives into the important theme of the economic globalization and youth employment.Ladies and Gentleman, dear colleagues, once more, thank you for your careful preparations and for all your work for the young people of today, which is providing a basis for the building of a better future.海伦娜:国际社会学会第34委员会会长,芬兰赫尔幸基大学教授,博士



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