2014秋外研版九上教材(新)词组Moudle 1-Module 6

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第一篇:2014秋外研版九上教材(新)词组Moudle 1-Module 6


1.wonders of the world

2.join in

3.on the eastern coast of

4.in one’s opinion

5.millions of

6.be interested in

7.become grey

8.get out of

9.go through

10.fall away

11.look over

12.look across

13.look down

14.on top of

15.at the bottom of

16.on both sides

17.look like

18.be famous for

19.do an interview

20.draw a picture of

21.go down

22.high up

23.wait for

24.more than

25.dozens of

26.in height

1.世界奇观 2.加入 3.在…...的东海岸 4.据某人看来 5.无数的 6.对……感兴趣 7.变成灰色 8.从……出来 9.穿过,从头至尾地练习10.突然向下倾斜 11.从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查12.眺望 13.俯视;向下看 14.在……的顶部 15.在……的底部 16.在两边 17.看起来像 18.以……闻名 19.做采访 20.画一幅……的图画 21.下去,下沉,坠落 22.在高处 23.等候 24.超过 25.许多 26.高度;在高度上


1.1.as soon as1.一 ……就……

2.take a vacation2.去度假

3.have a picnic 3.野餐

4.play music4.演奏音乐

5.go somewhere interesting5.去有趣的地方

6.make short speeches

7.give thanks for

8.grow corn

9.lay the table

10.as well

11.plenty of

12.make much progress

13.get back

14.think about

15.make a plan for

16.wake up

17.fall asleep

18.in difficult ways

19.count down

20.depend on

21.apart from

22.at the same time

23.since then

24.all kinds of

6.作简短的演讲 7.感谢,向……感激 8.种植玉米 9.摆设餐具 10.也 11.丰富的,充足的 12.取得很大的进步 13.回来 14.考虑;思考 15.为…..制订计划 16.醒来 17.睡着 18.以不同的方式 19.倒数 20.依靠;取决于 21.除……以外(还有)22.同时 23.从那以后 24.各种各样的1.in the world

2.play table tennis

3.give up

4.as well as

5.have to

6.die for

7.take care of

8.close to

9.so that

10.at that time

11.learn about

12.in the end

13.on the moon

14.a lot of

15.in need of

16.think about

17.die of

18.be proud of

19.because of

20.set off

21.get away

22.on the way home

23.so...that...24.learn from

25.once again

1.在世界上 2.打乒乓球 3.放弃 4.不但......而且.......5.必须,不得不 6.为......而死 7.照顾;护理 8.接近9.以便 10.那时候 11.了解 12.最后 13.在地球上 14.许多 15.需要 16.考虑 17.死于......18.以......而自豪 19.因为 20.出发;开始 21.离开 22.在回家的路上 23.如此......以至于......24.向......学习25.再一次

1.look after

2.be careful with

3.make sure

4.plenty of

5.wake up

6.text massage

7.a couple of

8.turn off

9.come true

10.be worried about

11.on business

12.at last

13.as soon as

14.have fun

15.hurry to do sth.16.ask sb.for sth.17.hand in

18.unable to do sth.19.wake sb.up

20.tidy up

21.depend on

22.in the end

23.say goodbye to sb.24.see sb.off

25.all day long

26.by accident

1.照顾 2.小心(对待)......3.确保 4.许多,大量 5.醒;醒来 6.短信 7.两个 8.关掉;关闭(设备等)9.实现 10.担心 11.出差 12.最后;终于 13.一......就......14.玩得高兴;有乐趣 15.赶紧做某事 16.向某人要某物 17.提交;上交 18.不能做某事 19.叫某人起床 20.收拾;整理 21.依靠;依赖 22.最后 23.和某人道别 24.给某人送行 25.整天 26.意外地;偶然地

1.take a photo1.拍照

2.against the rule

3.no wonder

4.be rude

5.go upstairs/ downstairs

6.be sure

7.take a boat trip

8.put on

9.have a high fever

10.on time

11.send an email

12.write down

13.get into trouble

14.break the rule

15.keep quiet

16.be different from

17.welcome to

18.be noisy

19.answers to questions

20.physics experiments

21.find out


23.fast enough

24.as well as

25.something new

26.be free

27.make sure

28.in the whole world

29.allow sb.to do sth.30.thousands of

31.make a noise

32.next to

33.between… and…

34.drop in

35.think about

2.违法规定 3.难怪 4.粗鲁的 5.上楼/ 下楼 6.确信 7.乘船旅行 8.穿上 9.发高烧 10.准时 11.发送电子邮件 12.写下 13.陷入麻烦 14.破坏规则 15.保持安静 16.与……不同 17.欢迎到…… 18.吵闹的 19.问题的答案 20.物理实验 21.查明;找出 22.同……作比较 23.足够快 24.不仅……而且……25.某些新东西 26.免费的 27.务必 28.在全世界 29.允许某人做某事 30.成千上万的 31.发出噪声 32.靠近33.在……和……之间34.顺便拜访 35.考虑


1.too much

2.play the guitar

3.have to

4.agree with

5.do one’s homework

6.go to bed

7.as soon as

8.come home from school

9.be able to

10.get into the habit of

11.instead of

12.last word

13.be good for

14.at the same time

15.after school

16.come round

17.go wrong

18.play games

19.try out

20.take off

21.at the end of

22.no longer

23.at least

24.pocket money

25.play football

26.by mistake

27.be worried about

28.hurry up

29.make mistake

30.make progress

31.do well with

32.save up

33.on my best way home

34.be good at

35.a lot of

36.give up

37.get into trouble

38.in the past

39.tell sb.about sth.1.太多 2.弹吉他 3.必须,不得不 4.同意 5.做家庭作业 6.去睡觉 7.一......就......8.从学校回家,放学回家 9.会,能够 10.养成......的习惯 11.代替,而不是 12.最终决定;最后一句话 13.对......有好处 14.同时 15.放学后 16.拜访(某人的家)17.有毛病;发生故障 18.玩游戏 19.试用;试 20.拆除;起飞;脱下;离开 21.在......的尽头;在......结束时22.不再 23.至少,起码 24.零花钱 25.踢足球 26.错误地 27.担心 28.赶快 29.犯错误 30.取得进步 31.在......方面做得好 32.储蓄;贮存 33.在我回家的路上 34.擅长 35.许多,大量 36.放弃 37.陷入困境 38.在过去 39.告诉某人关于某事



in front of在……前面get up 起床

go home 回家a pair of 一双;一对lots of 大量;许多= a lot of 大量;许多

on television 通过电视;在电视上think of 想出

switch on 接通;开(电灯、机器等)


take photos 拍照wait for 等待;等候

the Great Wall 长城a good time 美好时光

a lot 非常put on 穿上

at home 在家hot dog热狗

at the moment 现在,此时look at 看……

See you later.再见good night 晚安(打招呼用语)Spring Festival 春节get ready for 为……准备好 dragon dance 舞龙Lantern Festival 元宵节

sweep away 扫去at work 在工作

paper cut 剪纸New Year’s Eve 新年前夜 a few一些all the year round 一年到头 have a picnic 吃野餐walk up 沿……走;登上

look forward to期待do some sightseeing 游览

get(from …)to …(从……)到达……go sightseeing去观光

go cycling 去骑自行车go shopping 去买东西;去购物 go out外出in the future 在将来;在未来 get warm 变暖be good at 擅长

take around 领(某人)四处参观think about 思考;考虑

be born出生于once upon a time(常用作讲故事的开头语)从前 go for a ride 去乘(骑……)pick up 捡起

look around 向四周看change into 变成go away 走开;离开at the age of在……岁时 go through 穿过on holiday 在度假;在休假 do some shopping 买东西;购物play with 和……一起玩

第三篇:外研版·初一英语上·词组归纳 (全·打印版)



1.起立stand up 2.坐下sit down 3.谢谢你thank you 4.早上好good morning 5.下午好good afternoon 6.晚上好good evening 7.晚安good night 8.我的朋友my friend(s)9.我的老师my teacher(s)10.用英语in English 11.我的教室my classroom 12.我的身体my body

13.摸摸你的鼻子 touch your nose 14.多少how many 15.十张课桌en desks 16.一只钢笔a/one pen 17.三棵树three trees 18.一只耳朵an ear 19.一只眼睛an eye 20.一条手臂an arm 21.七只猫seven cats 22.六把椅子six chairs 23.什么颜色what color 24.蓝色的花blue flowers 25.一分one point 26.在椅子上no the chair 27.在床下under the bed 28.在包里in the bag 29.最喜欢的食物 favourite food 30.在床上on the bed 31.你的苹果your apple

32.三件红色的外套 three red coats 33.一只黑色的鸟 a black bird 34.两只白色的猫 two white cats 35.听音乐listen to music

36.玩电脑游戏play computer games 37.踢足球play football 38.看电视watch TV

39.最喜欢的体育项目 favourite sports 40.骑车ride a bike 41.开车drive a car 42.弹钢琴play the piano

43.写中文 write Chinese 44.说英语 speak English 45.在春天 in spring 46.在夏天 in summer47.在秋天 in autumn 48.在冬天 in winter 49.在伦敦 in London 50.写英语 write English 51.说汉语 speak Chinese 正篇词组 Module 1

1.来自be from=come from 2.很高兴见到你 nice to meet you

3.练习说英语practice speaking English 4.在一班in Class One

5.在黑板上写字 write on the blackboard 6.姓family name 7.名given name

8.第一节英语课 the first English lesson 9.我的/你的名字 my/your name 10.一个大城市a big city11.好朋友good friends 12.几岁how old

13.十三岁thirteen years old 14.在我班in my class

15.读书read a book=read books 16.中文名字Chinese name 17.英文名字English name 18.一个新学生a new student 19.介绍你自己introduce yourself Module 2

1.打篮球play basketball 2.打乒乓球play table tennis 3.打网球play tennis 4.骑马ride a horse

5.李老师的照片 a photo of Miss Li=Miss Li’s


6.在北京国际学校 at Beijing International


7.在北京in Beijing

8.在医院in/at a hospital 9.在学校at school 10.在家at home

11.欢迎…来到…welcome…to… 12.工厂工人factory workers 13.工厂经理factory managers

14.宾馆经理hotel managers 15.贝蒂的父母Betty’s parents 16.一位英语老师an English teacher 17.你好吗?How are you ? 18.唱歌sing a song 19.在我们的学校 in our school Module 3

1.在…隔壁…next to2.在…前面…in front of 3.在…后面…behind

4.一块黑板a blackboard 5.在李老师的桌上 on Miss Li’s desk 6.一个办公室an office 7.一间科学实验室 a science lab 8.在一座建筑物里 in a building 9.在体育馆的后面 behind the gym 10.两个图书馆two libraries

11.在办公室前面in front of the office 12.在你校in your school 13.在教室里in the classroom 14.有there be

15.76名学生seventy-six students 16.在吉姆的学校in Jim’s family 17.在你和我后面behind you and me 18.在教室边上next to the classroom 19.英国的学校schools in the UK

20.欢迎来到我们学校welcome to our school 21.一张讲台a teacher’s desk 22.李老师的包Miss Li’ bag

23.三个食堂three dinging halls 24.一些字典some dictionaries Module 4

1.在你家里in your family 2.多少人how many people3.拥有have/has got 4.有(存在)there be

5.一个姑姑和一个叔叔 an aunt and an uncle 6.家谱family tree 7.他们的名字their names 8.两个大家庭two big families 9.和他一起在中国with him in China 10.一个美国朋友an American friend 11.一封电子邮件an email

12.在托尼的家庭里in Tony’s family

13.因为…而感谢你 thank you for sth./doing sth.14.在美国in America=in the USA

15.在中国in China

16.在英国in England=in the UK 17.兄弟姐妹brothers and sisters 18.小家庭a small family 19.大家庭a big family 20.南非South Africa 21.世界各地around the world 22.金一家the King family

23.我的两个外祖父母 my two grandparents 24.他的父母his parents

25.为你的家庭制作家谱 make a family tree for

you family

26.我/我们拥有I/we have got 27.他/她拥有he/she has got 28.用英语写write in English Module 5

1.饮食food and drinks2.蔬菜和水果vegetables and fruit 3.一个洋葱an onion

4.一些健康的食物some healthy food 5.某人最喜欢的食物 one’s favourite food 6.吃肉和汉堡eat meat and hamburgers 7.一种不健康的饮料an unhealthy drink 8.喝中国茶drink Chinese tea 9.在冰箱里in the fridge

10.我最喜爱的水果 my favourite fruit 11.喝苹果汁drink apple juice 12.糖和冰淇淋candy and ice cream 13.吃面条eat/have noodles 14.三个汉堡three hamburgers 15.一些米饭some rice 16.四个胡萝卜four carrots 17.一些鸡肉some chicken 18.三只小鸡three chickens

19.土豆和西红柿potatoes and tomatoes 20.一点水a little water 21.中国食物Chinese food 22.美国食物American food 23.没有haven’t/hasn’t got

24.一堂有关健康的课a lesson in good health 26.橙汁orange juice 27.保持健康keep healthy 28.垃圾食品unhealthy food 29.健康in good health 30.为了健康to be healthy Module 6

1.去电影院go to the cinema

2.去看足球赛go to watch a football match 3.看电影go to a cinema 4.在早上in the morning5.在下午in the afternoon 6.在晚上in the evening

7.邀请托尼去看电影invite Tony to the cinema 8.上演be on

9.在星期一/星期二on Monday/Tuesday 10.在酒店in a hotel 11.在体育馆in the gym 12.在剧院at the theater 13.美好的祝愿best wishes

14.上课have a lesson=have lessons 15.呆在家里stay at home

16.做作业do(one’s)homework 17.去公园in the park

18.上游泳课have a swimming lesson 19.新时代电影院New Times Cinema 20.在太阳剧院at the Sun Cinema

21.邀请某人做某事invite sb.to do sth.22.一场魔术表演a magic show

23.在星期六的早上on Saturday morning 24.要求某人做某事ask sb.to do sth.25.想要某物would like / want sth.26.想要做某事would like / want to do sth.27.让某人做某事let sb.to do sth.28.一个主意an idea 29.在正午at noon 30.在家at home 31.在学校at school

32.做家庭作业do homework Module 7

1.上语文课have Chinese=have a Chinese lesson 2.上一堂英语课have an English lesson

3.你今天上什么课?What class do you have today? 4.在八点at eight o’clock 5.在十点半at half past ten

6.谈论某人的作业talk about one’s homework 7.你呢?/你怎么样啊?what / how about you? 8.起床get up

9.吃早饭have breakfast 10.吃中饭have lunch

11.吃晚饭have dinner / supper 12.上学got to school

13.休息have a break / rest

14.与我的朋友交谈/聊天talk to my friends 15.吃肉和米饭eat meat and rice 16.回家go home 17.到家get home

18.放学after / finish school

19.学习科学/数学study science / maths 20.完成作业finish homework

21.在上午六点at six o’clock in the morning 22.离开学校leave school 23.在食堂in the dining hall 24.我的学校生活my school day 25.喝可乐drink Coke 26.看电视watch television 27.玩的开心have a good time 28.睡觉go to bed 29.看一看have a look

30.上三节课have three lessons 31.去游泳go swimming 32.去购物go shopping

33.完成做某事finish doing sth 34.做家务do housework Module 8

1.不同的习惯different habits 2.做蛋糕make a cake 3.开个晚会have a party

4.送他一张卡片send him a card 5.给我一本杂志give me a magazine 6.做一个蛋糕给他make a cake for him 7.送一个游戏给他send a game to him 8.看足球赛watch a football match 9.去某人的晚会go to one’s party 10.大量;很多lots of = a lot of 11.去听音乐会go to concerts 12.在美国in America / the USA

13.来自美国be / come from America 14.通过电视on television

15.Twins的CD a CD by Twins 16.一盒巧克力a box of chocolates 17.一双软运动鞋a pair of trainers 18.一条牛仔裤a pair of jeans 19.在某人的家in one’s home

20.立刻;马上at once / right now

21.送花作为礼物send flowers as presents 22.想出think of

23.一张电影票a cinema ticket 24.穿丝绸衬衫wear silk shirt

25.为某人选择生日礼物choose birthday presents

for sb.26.她最喜欢的歌手her favourite singer 27.看杂志read magazines / read a magazine 28.看小说read novels / read a novel 29.看电影see a film

30.居住在美国live in the USA 31.生日快乐!Happy birthday!32.打开礼物open the presents 33.大明的叔叔Daming’s uncle

34.买他最喜欢歌手的唱片buy CDs by his

favourite singer

35.从不穿牛仔裤和软运动鞋never wear jeans or


36.喜欢看书like reading

37.我同桌的名字my partners’ name 38.在他们生日的那天on their birthday

39.在我妈妈的生日聚会上at my mum’s birthday


40.收到一张照片get a photo 41.上学迟到be late for school Module 9

1.欢迎来到中国!Welcome to China!

2.欢迎你们来到北京动物园welcome you to

Beijing Zoo

3.一万六千sixteen thousand

4.来自北极be / come from the Arctic 5.在北极in the Arctic 6.她在那里she is there 7.在欧洲in Europe 8.在非洲in Africa 9.在亚洲in Asia

10.是欧洲的/非洲的/亚洲的be European / African

/ Asian

11.是欧洲人/非洲人/亚洲人be European / African

/ Asian

12.一只欧洲的狼a European wolf 13.一只非洲的骆驼an African camel 14.一头亚洲的大象an Asian elephant 15.在野外in the wild

16.动物园之行a trip to the zoo

17.喜欢游泳like swimming / to swim 18.每天every day

19.五千只动物five thousand animals 20.去看看go and see

21.吃草和树叶eat grass and leaves

22.在森林里工作work in the forest 23.住在北极live in the Arctic 24.保持健康stay / keep healthy 25.11点差一刻a quarter to eleven

26.我最喜欢的动物my favourite animal 27.15公斤竹子fifteen kilos of bamboo 28.想要做…would like to do sth.29.北美North America

30.全世界all over the world 31.在这里be here 32.在那里be there

33.许多其他的many more 34.在草原上in the grassland 35.在丛林里in the jungle 36.制作海报make a poster 37.在沙漠in the desert Module 10

1.开电脑switch on / turn on the computer

2.从网上下载音乐download music from the


3.上网go online

4.做旅游计划make travel plans 5.在互联网上on the Internet 6.在周末at the weekend

7.浏览网页;访问网站write websites

8.用笔记本电脑备课use the laptop for lessons 9.用互联网做作业use the Internet to do


10.连接到互联网connect to the Internet

11.把显示器连接到主机connect the monitor to

the computer

12.保存文件save the document 13.打印文件print the document

14.查询时刻表check the train timetable 15.在工作at work 16.多久how often

17.点击新文件click the new document 18.获得一些信息get some information 19.写小说write novels

20.在电脑上on the computer 21.发送电子邮件send emails

22.关掉电脑switch off / turn off the computer 23.买票buy tickets

24.多少邮件how many emails


第八模块单词、短语和重点句子1.获得50多分 2.打比赛 3.和......比赛


5.为…训练 6.赢得比赛/奖品 7.记忆力好/差 8.做决定

9.那不是借口。10.决不;不可能 11.上次,这一回 12.面对事实 13.说实在的 14.没机会做某事 15.记得做某事 16.下周六中午 17.生某人的气

18.对某事生气 19.做得好


21.让某人开心/振作起来 22.投球给他们 23.获得一枚金牌 24.跳高比赛


25.跳远比赛 26.被鼓励去做某事 27.有做某事的能力





32.打破纪录 33.调整...的训练方法 34.在110米跨栏比赛中 35.把某物挂在脖子上 36.从现在/那时起 37.患(病),受(某病)折磨 38.放弃做某事 39.阻止某人做某事





44.一些重要的比赛 45.继续做某事 46.还有一个问题1.我正在训练,为下周的那场重要比赛做准备。2.你们和哪个队比赛?

3.上次比赛中他们不是把你们打败了吗? 4.大明上次没有被选上参加比赛。5.这个赛季两只球队没有多大差异。







25.the long jump跳远比赛

26.be encouraged to do sth.被鼓励去做

1.score over 50 points获得50多分 27.have the ability to do sth.有做某事2.play in the competition打比赛 的能力

3.play against 和......比赛 28.have the ability in doing sth.有能力4.stand for是.......的缩写;代表

做某事 5.train for 为……训练 29.set up 建立,成立

6.win the match /prize 赢得比赛/奖品 30.among us在我们中间(>3)7.have a goodmemory 记忆力好 31.at the same time 同时

8.make a decision 做决定

32.break the record 打破纪录 9.That’s no excuse.那不是借口。33.change the training methods for调10.no way决不;不可能 整...的训练方法 11.last/ this time上次,这一回 34.in the 110m hurdles race在110米跨12.face the truth 面对事实 栏比赛中 13.to tell the truth说实在的 35.hang sth around the neck把某物挂在14.have no chance to do / of doing sth.脖子上 没机会做某事 36.from now/then on 从现在/那时起 15.remember to do sth记得做某事 37.suffer from… 患(病),受(某病)折磨 16.at noon next Saturday下周六中午 38.give up doing sth放弃做某事 17.be mad at/ with sb.= be angry with 39.stop sb.(from)doing sth.sb.生某人的气

18.be mad about sth.对某事生气 19.nice work= good job = well done做得好

20.cheer for sb.为某人加油

21.cheer sb.up 让某人开心/振作起来 22.throw balls to them投球给他们 23.win a gold medal获得一枚金牌 24.the high jump跳高比赛 jump high 跳得高

1.记忆;回忆n.______ 2.比分n.______ 3.决定n._____ 4.理由;借口n.________ 5.中午;正午n.________ 6.座位;座椅n.________ 7.公平的;合理的adj._____ 8.踢v._______

9.生气的;恼火的adj._____ 10.运动员n.______ 11.能力n.________ 12.跨栏赛跑n._______ 13.女运动员n._______ 14.比赛;赛跑n.________ 15.记录v.最佳记录n.____ 16.办法;方法n._____

17.日本n.____________ 18.打破(记录);打碎v.____ 过去式,过去分词________ 19.运动员n._______ 20.亚洲的;亚洲人的adj.__ 21.患有(疾病等);经受v.__ 22.勇气;胆量n.________ 23.自豪感;骄傲n.________


40.a symbol of courage 勇气的象征

41.take pride in...以.......为骄傲

42.first of all 首先,起初(强调次序)

43.above all 首要的是,最重要的是(强调要引起特别注意)

44.a number of races一些比赛 45.continue to do sth.继续做某事 46.one more question还有一个问题24.决不;不可能_________ 25.跳高_________ 26.受折磨;因…而受苦____ 27.第一名;冠军_________ 28.阻止某人做某事_______ 29.感到自豪____________

第五篇:外研版九上M6U1 教学设计


Module 6 Problems 单元名称

Unit1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed 教材版本

外研社 授课年级


一、课型:Listening and speaking


根据新教材“题材—功能—结构—任务”的编写原则来分析本模块的具体内容如下:本模块以青少年在成长过程中遇到的诸多问题话题,展开听、说、读、写的语言实践活动。功能是能够在日常交往中恰当理解和运用态度(警告和禁止:No deal.That’s not the point.)的语言形式。语法是能够正确运用if引导的条件状语从句。任务是让学生设计一个读者来信专栏,指导青少年面对问题,有效途径解决问题的思想意识。






1.话题:Interpersonal communication 2.语音:能够掌握条件状语从句的停顿。


名词:deal exam instrument habit(get into the habit of...)volunteer shame community knowledge point

动词:fail consider

形容词:musical necessary

副词: instead(instead of)

4.语法:能够正确运用if 引导的条件状语从句

5.功能:能够在日常交往中恰当理解和运用态度(警告和禁止:No deal.That’s not

the point.)的语言形式。










Step 1 Pre-listening 听前热身感知,激活学生思维,复习巩固词汇,有意识地进行训练,贴近中考题型。

1.Look at the pictures and the following words try to finish the sentences.【设计意图】学生根据图片提示选择词的适当形式填空,完成句子。利用交互式白板的拖拽功能拖拽图片以及词汇反查功能,尽快学习并熟悉本单元的话题词汇,激发学生的思维和背景知识,扫清下文听力词汇障碍,引入新课。

2.Free talk

【设计意图】学生根据图片提示练习条件从句(if +祈使句)的用法,在练习对话中自然引入(if+ 一般将来时)的用法,帮助学生尽快熟悉本模块语法内容,同时为后面的听力做好铺垫。

Step 2 While-listening 听中听力训练,获取具体信息

2.1.Listen and choose the best answers.Do it individually first, check in groups, =then together.【设计意图】利用点读笔音频功能,播放录音,学生听音选择,小组合作讨论。


Step 3 Post-listening 听后语言输出,注重运用提升

1.Listen and repeat the conversation first, then read by themselves, finally pay attention to mark the pauses.【设计意图】利用点读笔播放录音,学生听音模仿跟读对话,培养语感,掌握地


2.Analyze the conversation.Work in groups.Talk about the details about the dialogue, then choose the best answers and check.【设计意图】学生小组合作完成读对话,获取对话细节信息,帮助进一步理解课文内容。掌握相应知识点。

3.Read the conversation again and find the information about

1)Tony’s problems

2)Tony’s Excuses and Reasons

3)Suggestions from Tony’s father



4.Bonus time.Work in groups.Practise the chain game.【设计意图】学生小组合作,练习假设问题造成的循环结果;展示讨论结果,培养学生的语言组织以及输出能力,拓宽他们的思维,突破本课的重难点;注重语言的运用提升,达到本课说的技能目标要求。通过游戏的方式让学生在轻松的氛围中合作讨论,无形之中复习本单元的知识点。


A:1.Read the conversation correctly, fluently and naturally.2.Preview the new vocabulary in unit2.3.Write down your own chain game.B: Think about your problems in your daily life and try to deal with them.【设计意图】作业分必做题和选做题,学生会有更多的选择空间,培养预习习惯,提高学习兴趣,学有所获。利用交互式白板的标注功能,引起学生注意不同作业的侧重点,尤其是选做题,帮助学生针对自身问题进行思考,尝试处理自己的问题,学以致用。

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