河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?第一,二课时当堂训练(精选5篇)

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第一篇:河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?第一,二课时当堂训练

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?第一,二课时当堂训练


1.下象棋________2.play the guitar______________3.加入艺术俱乐部_________________ 4.speak Englis well___________5.体育俱乐部 _____________6.sound good_________7.象棋俱乐部_________.8.swimming club___________ II.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1.Do you want to join the m______ club? 2.Tom can play the g______ but he can’t play it w_____.3.What club do you want to j_______?4.Can you play c______?

5.Mary can play the tr_____ and the p______.6.I can’t sing, but I can play the v______.7.I don’t want to join the s______ club because I don’t like sports.8.Bob likes playing b_____.III.单项选择

1– Can you play ____ chess? – Yes, I canA.a B.an C.the D./2.Little Tom can draw ________.His drawings are very ________.A good well B well good C good good D well well

3.--Can you ____ Japanese?--A little.A speak B say C talk D tell4.Do you want ____ the English club?A join B to join C in D be5.Can he dance? Yes, he ________.A do B can C is D can’t IV.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.Do you want to join the ___________(swim)club?2.Can Mary and Alice ___________(play)computer games?3.Come and ___________(join)the art club.4.She wants ___________(dance)with her friends.5.Thanks for ___________(help)me 6.what club do you want_____(join)?7.Bob_____(like)English club, so he joins it.8.She ___(speak)English very well.9.What club does Tom ___(want)to join?10.Can you


1. can为情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后跟动词原形。把句中有can的肯定句为否定句时,只需在后加not,一般缩写为can't;变为一般疑问句时,把can提前即可,肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+ can't。She can play the guitar.-----She can't play the guitar.----Can she play the guitar? Yes, she can.No, she can't.2.总结情态动词的用法:①情态动词没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形 ②不能独立做谓语,要与后面的动词一起构成谓语 ③含情态动词的句子变否定在其后加 not,变疑问句将其提前.3.play和乐器名词连用时,要加定冠词the,表示弹奏吹拉某种乐器;但和球类名词连用,表示踢/打某种球时不加the。

play the piano play basketball play chess play computer gamesplay with sb.与某人一起玩

3.join v(及物)参加,加入(sb,社团,俱乐部等某种组织,并成为其中一员)eg.join the art club/us/the army/the Party

join in=take part in 参加比赛,竞赛,运动会等相对短期的活动(程度好的可补充)eg.join in the speech contest/the Asia Gam 4.What club do you want to join?

want to do sth 想做某事 want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事 want sth 想要某物。Eg.I want to buy a computer I want him to play with meI want a new car.Unit 1Section A(Grammar-3c)I.翻译词组(中英互译)

1.打排球____________2.wanted for _________3.踢足球___________4.tell stories______ 5.展示给我们_________6.school show________ II.用can或 can’t将下列单词连成句子。

1,heplaythepiano.______________________________________mybrothernotspeakEnglish.______________________________________ 3Tomswim.______________________________________

4Thekidplaychesswell_______________________________________ III句型转

1.I can dance.(变一般疑问 句)____________________________

2.Can he play the guitar well?(做出否定回答)______________________________3.She can paint.(变否定句)__________________________________

4.He can sing an English song.(对划线部分提问)What _____he _____?

5.He can swim.(变一般疑问句并作肯 定回答)____ ___ swim ? ____, ___ ____.V.用speak,say,tell,talk 填空。

1.Tom ______ he can _____ a little Chinese.2.—Do you often ______ with Kate? —No, I don’t.3.My father often _______ me funny stories.4.What does he often ____with you about 5.you should ____“thank you” ,when someone helps you.VI汉译英:(1)我们足球队招收运动员(广告语)Players ________ ________ Our Football Team

(2)我们的摇滚乐队需要两名优秀的音乐人。We _____ two good ______ ______ our rock band.(3)李梅想参加音乐俱乐部吗?是的,但是她妈妈却想让她参加英语俱乐部。—Does Li Mei ________ ________ ________ the music club? —Yes, she does.But her mother wants ________ ________ ________ the English club.[知识讲堂]

1.wanted for 多用于广告中“„„招收,需要„„” wanted 前写招收的对象,for 后接招收单位或组织,活动

【例句】 Actors Wanted for School Day 校庆招收演员(广告语)Actors are wanted for School Day.校庆招收演员。(书面语)

【拓展1】 want to do sth.想要做某事 【例句】 I want to have a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶。

【拓展2】 want sb.to do sth.想让某人做某事 【例句】 He wants me to tell you the truth.他想让我告诉你事实。2.【辨析】speak, say, talk, tell

speak 强调说话的动作、声音,而不强调内容,也表示说某种语言。

say 指用语言表达思想,着重指说话的内容。She said goodbye to all her friends and left.她跟她所有的朋友说再见,然后离开了。Ben never forgets to say “Please” and “Thank you”.本从来不忘说“请”和“谢谢你”。

talk 表示两个人或多个人在一起讲话、谈论(多指随意谈论)。I don’t like to talk to him.我不喜欢和他谈话。

.talk to sb 对某人谈话 与某人交谈 谈论某人/ 谈论某人/某事 对某人谈 论„ 与某人谈论„ 与某人谈论

talk with sbtalk to sbtalk with sb about sth

tell 的意思是“告诉,讲述,吩咐”,讲故事或讲笑话多用tell。She loves to tell stories.她喜欢讲故事。Can you tell me the way to the station? 你能告诉我去车站的路吗?

第二篇:河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining!第一、二课时当堂训练

Unit 7 It’s raining!第一、二课时当堂训练


下雨;雨水多雨的_________风多风的云____________多云的晴朗的_________ 下雪;雪天气做饭重点短语



4.多伦多的天气怎么样? 像往常一样,正在下雨5.乔叔叔在那吗?不,不在。他在外面。6.乔叔叔在做什么?



(一)根据句意,补全已给出首字母的单词 1.---The win Beijing is hot now.2.---It smells so good.---My sister is cfish in the kitchen.3.---What do you do on rdays.---I read some books at home.4.---The sky is so blue.---Yes, it is a sday.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空

1.---Look!They(study)in the classroom.2.---My brother often(watch)football matches on TV.3.---We can’t go out now.It’s(rain)so hard.4.---It’s(cloud),but it’s very hot.(三)按要求改写句子

1.What’s the weather like in London.(同义句)in London.2.There is a lot of wind today in Hainan.(同义句)It’s verytoday in Hainan.3.It’s very rainy outside now.(同义句)It’soutside now.4.My mother is cooking fish in the kitchen now?is your motherin the kitchen now.5.Are they studying in the classroom.?(作肯定回答),they【快乐链接】形容词后缀-y

snowrainy 有雨的cloud – cloudy 多云的storm – stormy 暴风雨的wind – windy 刮风的sun – sunny 晴朗的Unit7 第二课时当堂检测



5.他(he的宾格)________6.能;可以__________7.回来_____8.困难___________9.再一次;又一次_________ 10.捎个口信;传话_____________11.(给某人)回电话_________


1.—情况怎么样?—还好,谢谢。____________________________________________ 2.听起来好像你正玩得高兴。_____________________________________________ 3.我可以给他捎个口信吗?__________________________________________________ 4.你能不能叫他给我回个电话?______________________________________________ 5.—天气怎么样?—多云/晴天/雨天。__________________________________________ 6.—进展得如何?—很棒/不错/糟糕!__________________________________________


1.Can you say it a______?I can't hear.2.Could you tell _______(他)to come here

tomorrow morning?3.Let's go to the_________(公园).4.Please take it ________(回


5.That's a _________(难题).6.It's 6:00 p.m.Mom is c______in the kitchen.7.—How's everything?—Not b_______.8.—How is the w______ today?—It's cloudy.9.—H_____ is it going?—Not bad.10.He s_______English very hard.五、单项选择。1.—What are you doing there? —I am _____.Breakfast will be OK soon.A .runningB .singingC .sleepingD .cooking 2.—Hello!_______.—Hi,Rick.It's Steve.A Rick speaksB.I am Rick C .That is RickD .Rick speaking

3.—How's it going? —_____.A .It's sunny B .It's three o'clockC .Not bad D .It's on the table

4.—Could you help me?—_______.

A.Yes,I couldB.No,I could not C.Sure,no problemD.Yes,I can 5.My parents often tell me __my homework.A.doB.doesC.doingD.to do 6.Steve,I'm going to the park.—___A.OKB.Have a good timeC.Thank you D.Sounds good

7.— ____you tell her ________ me back?—Sure,no problem.A.Can,callB.Can,callingC.Could,callD.Could,to call 8.—Where's Tom?—He ____basketball outside.A.playB.playsC.is playingD.to play

9.Can I take __ for Lily?A.any message B.any informationsC.a informationD.a message

10.Look!The children _____ on the playground.I want to join them.I like soccer,too.A.are swimmingB.are talking C.are playing soccerD.are singing

11.—How is the weather today?—It's_____.A.sunnyB.Sunday C.longD.interesting 12.It's_____ now.I think it will be ________ soon.A.raining,sunnyB.raining,sun C.rain,sunnyD.rainy,sun 13.We _____any Chinese class on Thursday.We _____ an English class now.A.aren't having,are havingB.don't have,haveC.don't have,are havingD.aren't having, have

14.My brother often _____TV in the evening.He's __ TV now.A.watches,watchesB.watches,watching C.watch,watchesD.watching,watching

二、用方框中词的形式填空。not bad,right now,snow,in,rain

1.What are you doing now?2.—How is the weather? —It's_____ .We can go skating.3.—How is it going? —_______!4.It's a____day.You should stay at home.5.How's the weather _______Paris?

四、句型转换。1.They are having fun in the park.(改为同义句)They are____ in the park.2.How's the weather?(改为同义句)_______the weather_______?

3.There is much wind in Wuhan today.(改为同义句)__________in Wuhan today.4.It's rainy today.(对画线部分提问)________the ___ _____today?

5.It is snowing in Guangxi now.(改为否定句)It __________ in Guangxi now.

第三篇:河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining!Section A当堂训练2

Unit 7 It’s raining!Section A当堂训练2


1.---Haven’t seen you for ages, Mike._____?---Pretty good.Everything goes well.A.What are you doingB.How are you C.How’s it going D.What’s wrong

2.---How was your day off, Gloria? – It was ____.I had a fantastic time.A.terrible B.so-so C.great

3.---Hello, this is Wendy.Can I speak to Jessica?---Yes, _____.A.Jessica is me.B.Jessica, please C.my name is Jessica D.this is Jessica speaking.4.---Hello, this is Tina speaking.Is that Sam?---Sorry, he isn’t here at this moment.________?

A.Can I take a messageB.What are you saying C.May I speak to Sam D.Who’s that speaking

5.I’m sorry.I didn’t hear you clearly.Would you say it _____? A.again B.too C.either D.also

6.May I ask you some __________? A.problem B.problems C.question D.questions 7._____ is the weather like today? A.Who B.How C.What D.Why

8.We had a good time ______ in the party yesterday.A.dance B.danceing C.dancing D.to dance

9.Look, it’s _______.I think it’s going to rain soon.A.rain B.cloud C.cloudy D.clouds

10.Everyone was ______ when they heard the ______ news.A.exciting, excitedB.exciting,exciting C.excited, exciting D.excited, excited

11.---How’s it going ?---_______.A.Pretty good B.I’m reading C.It’s May 5 D.It’s ten

12.---What’s the weather like?---_____.A.Pretty good B.It’s sunny C.I don’t like it D.It’s rain.13.Don’t go out.It ______ hard.A.snow B.snowy C.is snowing D.are snowing 14.---I’m going to Beijing for a vacation.---_____.A.It’s good.B.You’re right.C.Have a good time

15.It’s hot.The boys _____ in the river now.A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D.are swimming

16.How’s the weather______ Picture Six? It’s cloudy.A.in B.at C.on D.of 16.Many students are playing sports on the playground._____ are playing soccer, and _____ are running and jumping.A.Other, the others B.Some, other C.Some, others D.One, the other

17.London is a _______ and foggy city in Britain.A.rain B.raining C.rains D.rainy 18.I think everyone ______ his or her weekend.A.enjoy B.enjoying C.is enjoying D.enjoys

19.It’s bad for _______ today because it’s foggy.A.walking B.walks C.to walk D.walk

20.---Could you tell him to _____?---Sure, of course.A.call back me B.call me back C.call me 二.完形填空:

Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is1.Dally wants2her mother something.Dally310 dollars.She is thinking about4.She thinks and thinks.Then she has an5.“I can buy a card6my dear mother.”

Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful card.She7some words on it.She shows it to her mother and says, “Here is a card for you, Mum.”Her mother is8 happy.“9, Dally.” She says.Dally is10, too.1.A.Teachers’ DayB.Christmas’ Day C.Women’s DayD.Womans’ Day2.A.to giveB.giveC.givingD.to have3.A.haveB.has C.isD.buys4.A.how to buyB.what to buy C.how buy itD.what buy

5.A.cardB.ideaC.hourD.idea6.A.withB.at C.ofD.for place to take a walk.3.I hope I can be _____(回来)in a week.4.Listen!They7.A.writesB.reads C.hearsD.says8.A.much B.very C.real D.certain 9.A.Come onB.It’s March 7th today C.I buy a card for you D.Thank you 10.A.sadB.happyC.tallD.angry 三.阅读理解:

It’s a sunny and warm Sunday morning.My parents, my sister and I are all at home.My parents don’t have to go to work, and my sister and I don’t have to go to school.We are all in the yard(院子).Look!My father is cleaning his bike.He often goes to work by bike.The bike ride takes him about ten minutes.My mother is watering the flowers.The flowers make our yard very beautiful.We all like the flowers.My sister is playing with a dog.It’s her pet dog.The dog is very smart.My mother often takes the dog out for a walk after dinner.What am I doing? I’m drawing.I like drawing very much.I want to join the art club at school.It’s a nice day and we’re busy in the yard.We are very happy today!

21.How’s the weather today?A.It’s sunny.B.It’s windy.C.It’s cloudy.D.It’s rainy.22.How many people are there in the family?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.23.How does the father often go to work?A.By subway.B.By car.C.By bus.D.By bike.24.What’s the mother doing?AShe’s cleaning the yard.B.She’s reading a book.C.She’s watering the flowers.D.She’s playing with a dog.25.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The sister is very smart.B.The father doesn’t like the flowers.C.The writer doesn’t want to join the art club.D.The mother often walks the dog after dinner.四.词语运用。1.Here are three ________(信息)for you.2.The _______(公园)is a good

(sing)in the next room.5.It is(sun)and warm today.6.Why are you late ________(再一次)? 7.--This is Mary _______(speak).Who is that?--Mary, this is Lucy.8.Look!Everyone _________(have)a good time in our English class.9.--How is it ______(go)?--Not bad.10.Don’t go out!It __________(snow)hard.11.Look at the _______(snow)!It’s _________(snow)heavily now.12.--Shall we go to Beijing tomorrow?--S_______like a good idea.13.Could you please ______________(捎个口信)him? 14.Can you tell her ________________(给我回电话), please?

15.The food safety(食品安全)is a serious p_______in our country.We should try to solve(解决)it.五.句型转换

1.It is snowing today.(同义句转换)Today _______________.2.Bob has a good time during the holiday.(对划线提问)____________ Bob _____ a good time ?

3.It’s cloudy today.(提问)_________________ the weather today?

4.He swims in the river everyday.(用now 改为现在进行时)He _____________ in the river now.5.What’s the weather like today ?_________ the weather ?

6.Bob has a good time during the holiday.(对划线提问)___________ Bob ______ a good time ?

7.你能给我爸爸捎个口信吗?Can you ________________ to my father for me ? 8.看 他们在公园里玩得很高兴。Look!They are _______ _________________in the park.9.我是林涛,你是汤姆吗?(电话用语)。________Lin Tao.____________Tom ?

10.当冬天来临时,天经常下雨。It often ______ when______ comes.6连词成句1 playingsome I friends at am basketball with the park.________ _____________

2.you like sounds a good having are time._____________________ _____________ 3.I message a for take can him._______________ _____________ 4.just could him you me call back tell to__________________________ 5.home studying his he at is friend’s.__________________________________

第四篇:河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining!第三、四课时当堂训练

Unit 7 It’s raining!第三、四课时当堂训练


1.--_______ is the weather _____ Beijing?--It’s windy.A.How;inB.How;aboutC.What;inD.What;about

2.I’m ________ the music.A.listeningB.listenC.listen toD.listening to

3.Many kids like Jay Chou because he looks very ______.A.cool B.terrible C.boringD.bad

4.It' s very hot in Guangzhou, but it' s still very ___ in Harbin now.A.hot B.humid C.cold D.warm

5.--______ is the weather like_______ London?--It's very warm.A.What;aboutB.What;inC.How;aboutD.How;in

6.--What are you doing in your room?--I am ______.The soap opera is too fun.A.playing computer game B.watching TV C.listening to music D.sleeping 7.--Shall we go shopping now?--Sorry, I can’t.Imy shirts.A.washB.washesC.washedD.am washing

8.The weather is very cold,but everyone____having a good time.A.beB.isC.areD.beingⅡ.词语运用。

1.Some boys _________(make)a snowman in the snowy weather now.2.My sister _______(skate)on the river and I am looking at her.3.You need to bring your umbrella on ________(rain)days, or you’ll get wet.4.It’s cold.Please wear w_______ clothes.5.--it going?--Great!

6.It’s s________today.The sun is shining brightly in the sky.7.It’s very h________ today.Please open the door.8.The weather ____(be)windy today.9.It often _______(下雪)in winter here.10.Look!The trees are shaking(摇晃).It’s w________.Ⅲ.完形填空。

Jenny is a student in Hangzhou now.She moves(搬家)to this1with her family, _2Hangzhou is a beautiful place and they like it very much.They are very pleased with their3in Hangzhou.The city is beautiful and clean.The people are kind and4to them.Now Jenny’s parents work5a bank and Jenny6at a great middle school.Everything is going7.But there is a big problem.They don’t like the8in Hangzhou.Jenny said, “It’s too hot in summer while too cold in winter.On hot days, I have to stay at home.When it’s very cold, it often9.I can’t go out to play, either(也).That’s really10.1.A.city





5.A.onB.inC.underD.to6.A.staysB.studiesC.worksD.swims 7.A.good





B.hospitalC.foodD.weather 9.A.rain




10.A.greatB.scaryC.terribleD.exciting Ⅳ.阅读理解。

The weather in differernt seasons(季节)is different.In spring, it is often windy in March and it is always warm in April and May.It rains sometimes and trees and grass turn()green in May.In summer, it’s hot in the day and cool at night.It usually rains a lot in July and August.The days are longer and the night are shorter.The weather in autumn is very nice.It’s always warm and sunny in September and October.People like going out in this season.The winter is always

from December to February.It’s very cold in winter and it snows sometimes.1.The spring is from March to May.2.It is ususlly humid in July.3.It’s very cold from December to February.4.The weather in September is terrible.5.The summer is very long but the winter is very short.Unit7第四课时当堂训练


1.It’s very h________ today.Please open the door.2.I’m s________ to know you don’t do well in English contest.3.When I get to their school, they give me a w________ welcome.4.I like s_________, because I can swim in the river.5.Look!Many boys are t________ photos in the park.6.We don’t like him, because he is a _________(坏的)man.7.It often __________(下雪)in this city in winter.8.__________(每个人)has an English book in our class.m] 单选

1.She is in Canada ______ vacation now.A.in B.onC.atD.to2.What _______ sunny weather!A.aB.anC.theD./

3.It’s time ______ have dinner.A.forB.withC.atD.to4.My friend __ me.I have to leave now.A.waits for B.waited for C.is waiting for D.was waiting for阅读理解

Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.It is ture.People usually begin their talks with “Isn’t it a nice day?” “Do you think it

will rain?” “What a fine day!”

Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like.But they hardly agree with(同意)each other.One man says, “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It’s going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “No, its going to be fine tomorrow.”

People often look for the weather they want.When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it’s going to rain.He won’t believe(相信)anything else.When friends have a journey, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly.Almost(几乎)everything listens to what the weatherman says, but it doesn’t always tell us what we want, and sometimes he makes a mistake.Still he probably comes closer to being correct than anyone else.1.“No one anything about the weather” means _______.A.no one can make the weatherB.no one can change(改变)the weatherC.no one can talk about the weatherD.everyone likes the weather 2..________ is a common(普通的)way to start a talk.A.Talking about the weatherB.Keeping silent(沉默)C.Asking each other’s nameD.Talking about yourself

3..Many people hope the weather will be ______.A.fineB.rainyC.snowyD.like what they like to be

4.The weatherman probably is a man who ________.A.reports the weatherB.can see the weather C.can change the weatherD.likes the weather very much

5.“The weatherman” _______ makes a mistake.A.oftenB.neverC.sometimesD.always

第五篇:河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining!Section B当堂训练2

Unit 7 It’s raining!Section B当堂训练2


1.---What are you doing?---I’m having a good time _____ in the park..A.to play B.playing C.play D.plays

2.______ is the weather like?A.HowB.WhatC.Which 3.______ is it going?A.HowB.WhatC.Where

4._______is Jeff going for his vacation?A.HowB.WhatC.Where 5.What __you ___when it’s raining?A.do doB.aredoingC.diddo 6.I like the weather there.It’s always _____.A.sunnyB.snowingC.funny 7.Thank you for _____us.A.helpingB.to helpC.help

8.What ____Lucy and Lily ____?A.is„ doingB.are „ doingC.does„ do 9.--____________?--It’s raining now.A.What’s the weather likeB.How’s your birthday party

C.Where are they having a good timeD.When is it coming

10.What’s the weather like today?_________A.It’s rain.B.It’s raining.C.It rainy.D.It’s wind.11..Everyone in Class 4 ______ TV on Sundays.A.watchesB.to watchC.watching D.Watched

12.It’s a cool day today, _______ it? A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.isD.does 13.Judy and Nancy are sitting ______ the pool and reading books.A.at B.by C.in D.to

14.Look!They are taking _____ a cute panda.A.a photo B.photos C.a photo of D.many photos

15.The student is so happy ______ his mother.A.seeing B.to see C.to look at D.see

16.The weather is cool and cloudy, just right _____ A.walk B.to walk C.for walking

D.for walk

17.They are listening to music.They are very _______.A.relaxing B.relax C.relaxes D.relaxed

18.It often _____ here in winter.Look!It’s ______ again.A.snowy;snowing B.snow;snowy C.snows;snowing D.snowing;snows 19.Can you write ______ me soon? A.for B.at C.to D.in

20.It’s ______ today.It’s a good day to take a walk.A.terrible B.cold C.sunny II.完形填空It’s sunny today.Mrs.White goes out of her 1.She sees a young man in her garden(花园).He is2grass(草)there.Mrs.White comes to the young man and asks, “ 3are you eating grass?”

The young man looks at 4and says, “I don’t have any food 5my breakfast.” “Why don’t you go to work and6some food?”

“I don’t like working.I just like eating.Can you give me some7?” “Come with me,” says Mrs.White.The young man thinks he can get some food from the old woman, 8he goes with her.They9to the back door(门)of the house.Mrs.White says to the young man, “Go out!Then you can find the grass there is very10.Eat the grass there.” 1.A.carB.busC.houseD.school2.A.watchingB.savingC.cleaningD.eating

3.A.WhyB.WhenC.HowD.What4.A.him B.herC.usD.them

5.A.withB.to C.forD.of6.A.get B.seeC.cookD.taste 7.A.waterB.foodC.paperD.clothes8.A.but B.becauseC.orD.so 9.A.arriveB.crossC.comeD.listen10.A.delicious B.shortC.healthyD.badIII.阅读理解

I'm Bruce.I like nature(自然),so I sent to university(大学)and worked hard at gardening.I became a gardener in a park..I love my job.I like the outdoor life—not sitting at a desk for me, though sometimes it is a bit lonely.I have to spend the whole day in the park and can not see anyone else.I enjoy all kinds of things I do.I know I also have to be outside in really bad weather sometimes.When people visit the park, I try to walk to them and encourage(鼓励)them to love nature and the outdoors.I don't like to see branches(树枝)broken off trees, plants pulled up, animals hurt and so on(等等).But on the whole, it's a useful job.1.What does Bruce do? A.A teacher.B.A student.C.A worker.D.A gardener.2.How did Bruce study in university? A.Easily.B.Hard.C.Difficultly.D.Slowly.3.Bruce likes outdoor life becauseA.he needn't sit at a desk all day B.he doesn't like to see other peopleC.he likes to be lonelyD.he like the bad weather 4.When people come to see the park, Bruce does his best.A.to ask them to go away from the parkB.to ask them to work in the park C.to ask them to cut branches off the treesD.to ask them to love nature 5.What does Bruce think of his work? ]A.Not importantB.Tired.C.Very useful.D.Dangerous.IV.词语运用。1.--It smells so good.– My sister ________(cook)fish in the kitchen.2.The weather here is very d______.3.The boy in the white T-shirt looks very c_____.4.Be quiet!The other students __________(sleep).5.______________(天气如何)in Wuhan today?

6.It’s very c______ outside.You’d better put on more clothes.7.--There is too much rain in many parts of the world now.–That sounds t__________.8.It’s so h________today.People are swimming in the pool.9.--Where is Miss Wang?--Look, she __________(talk)with the students.It’s cold outside.Come in.It’s w_______in the room.V.选词填空。cool, warm, cold, hot, go

1.It’s snowing hard outside.It’s very _______now.2.It gets _______ when autumn comes.3.--How is it _______in your new school?--Not bad.4.People like to swim in summer because it is too ________.5.The weather in Hainan is ______ all year round, so people can grow rice three times a year there.VI.连词成句

1.I’m summer to school going __________________________ 2.the is weather and here cool cloudy___________________________ 3.today’s just for weather is right walking_________________________ 4.she the sits by feels pool and very relaxed.______________________________ 5.how your going vacation is _______________________________

6.I want but not working my call to you phone is.____________________________________ VII.句型转换1.看!他们在公园里玩的很开心Look!They are _____a good _____ in the park.2.What are you doing when it _______(下雨)? I am reading.3.那的天气怎么样?--太糟了,在下雪呢。What is the __________ there?----______.It is _____.4.最近怎么样? ________________5.We are watching TV._______ are ______ doing? VIII.书面表达。




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下载河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?第一,二课时当堂训练(精选5篇).doc


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