第一篇:9 知识产权与国际消费者权益日
9.The Intellectual Property Rights&The International Consumers’ Day
To affect change,there needs to be a motivation1 to change;there has to be a concept of how to change and then there has to be a means and program of
implementation2 of this change.This applies as we narrow it down to the issue of counterfeiting3 and to the issue of counterfeiting intellectual property rights as well.At this NPC in Beijing in front of about 2000 people associated with the
governments of China, for the first time, intellectual property rights was addressed to the NPC by a scholar.This week consumer organizations around the world celebrate consumer rights' day and this celebration marks the day in 1962 that then President of United States John F.Kennedy proposed a Consumer Bill of Rights.In this speech, President Kennedy identified4 four basic consumer rights: the first was safety,consumers had the right to safe products.The second was right to information: they had the right to be exposed to the information about the product which they buy.The third was the right to choose, to choose to buy or not buy or to buy among several different competing products.And the fourth one was the right to be heard, the right to give feedback5 and complain and also work in a court system to discuss these products.In modern economies, which are flourishing6 consumer economies,consumers buying goods are the engines that drive economic growth.There is a close relationship that exists between consumer rights and intellectual property rights.Basically we as consumers, we buy products and we have the right to expect that they be safe.We have the right to expect the manufacturer to stand behind the
product.When there are counterfeit products, we are denied these rights.The effective protection of intellectual property has been a major factor in the rapid development of an economic society not only of our own country but also other advanced economies such as United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and other nations.When you think about it, what we are talking about basically is the creation of wealth and nation.And this creation of wealth once the nation has accommodated7 for food, clothing and shelter in access for its people populous8.Then the creation of wealth allows its well-being9 and material well-being.It allows for a discretionary10 time.It allows for the development of culture and for time spent on environmental protections, on security, on politics and on the things we tie into the world--quality of life.You are from a culture, from China and I get to enjoy being here.It has a
tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably11 to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture.Schoolchildren worlds over have learned about what we call China's four great inventions.It might be different from the ones you think of China's four great inventions.But the issues of gunpowder, paper, the compass12, the printing press that I particularly remember as a schoolchild was impressing.China's contributions to art, culture, philosophy13 and all forms of culture are well known.Well, the other thing that is always striking me about China is the Chinese admiral14 Zhenhe who sailed in the 1400s before my country was
discovered by the Europeans.And he sailed with a fleet of 62 ships.The longest of
which was about a hundred meters long, which was three times larger than
Columbus's largest ship when he sailed to United States be discovered.But the United States does not have as long a history as China's.In recent years, our country has been associated with scientific progress in technical inventions.And the United States has claimed the several things but sub-legitimated claims to the
15telephone, the semi conductor, the personal computer and the Internet.In fact, the
inventor of Internet came up in our last political campaign.But almost every country in the world is filing an increasing numbers of patent applications every year.And this reflects the growing importance of intellectual property along with the
accelerating16 pace of technological change.I'd like to take you back to the three points I made a moment ago.There needs to be motivation.There needs to be a concept and there needs to be a means of
implementation to affect change.This leads to a very implicit17 comparison.Abraham Lincoln is one of the best-known U.S.presidents and he is best known not only in our country but also world-wide for saying U.S.is the country, a government of the people, by the people and for the people.Least known is the fact that Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer and also an inventor who registered patents at U.S.patent offices.In 1859 before Lincoln was elected president, our country was largely an agrarian18 nation.When Lincoln was from a state Illinois, which was perhaps alike western part of Hebei.He gave a speech on inventions and he talked about the advancement of mankind and he made the point that there were four steps of the advancement of mankind.The first three had to do with communications and the last one had to do with the invention of law to protect intellectual property.Told why, he said that this protection of intellectual property allowed the inventor to take advantage of the thing he had invented.It gave him the opportunity to capitalize on his invention rather than have someone else take it.Lincoln in his very simple but eloquent19 way said that, “ It added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.” Lincoln said eloquently the point what I'm trying to make: motivation, concept and implementation.Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous20 inventions.Most historians believe that actual trademarks were invented in China.There came the period the ceramics21 used to bear the seal of the companies that made them.One of the seminal books on economics written by Adam Smith in 1776 called The Wealth of Nations talked about the three fundamentals that need to be protected and add to the economy are labor, capital and natural resources.Most people these days would add a fouth, and that would be knowledge.知识产权与国际消费者权益日
关注消费安全 提高生活品质
营造安全的消费环境 切实保障消费者的合法权益
关注弱势群体 保障安全权益
“国际消费者权益日” 定于每年的3月15日,在3·15即将到来之际,校维权保卫部特此举办3·15系列活动,分别有各院系的板报评比、维权签名活动以及维权电影展等一系列活动,希望通过开展此次活动加强对消费者权益的宣传,充分发挥维权保卫部的工作职能,维护在校大学生的合法权益,使其学会正确地维护自身的合法权益。通过外部监督畅通大学生国际消费者权益日渠道;加强宣传教育,提高大学生法律意识和依法国际消费者权益日意识,扩大“消费者权益日”组织在学生中的影响。让同学们更加了解3·15,提高自身权利意识。3月15日中午我们将在安苑食堂举行签名活动,希望广大同学可以积极参与。3月15日晚C教室将播放关于消费者权益日宣传电影,到时还有精美礼品现场派送,欢迎广大同学前来观赏!
3月15日,是一年一度“国际消费者权益日”,也是广大消费者维护自己合法权益的节日。2014第是第32个国际消费者权益日,今年的主题是“新消法 新权益 新责任”。
1898年,全世界第一个消费者组织在美国成立,1936年,建立了全美的消费者联盟。第二次世界大战后,各种反映消费者利益和要求的组织,在一些发达国家相继出现。在此基础上,1960年,国际消费者联盟组织宣告成立。之后,消费者运动更加活跃,许多发展中,有些国家也建立了消费者组织,使消费者运动成为一种全球性的社会现象,全世界已有90多个国家共300 多个消费者组织在开展活动。
权益部 张靖榕
苹果换机不换后盖 周大生千足金以铱充金 江淮汽车用“生锈钢板” 大众变速器存安全隐患 宽带运营商强制推送垃圾广告