人造板 non-wood based panel
大芯板,lumber core
细木工板BLOCKBOARD 或laminated wood board
桐木拼板:paulownia board
桐木指接板:paulownia jointed board
桐木装饰木线:paulownia lumber standard moulding
桐棺木:paulownia coffin
中密度板:MDF(Medium Density Fibreboard)
刨花板 chipboard
1。木芯板/细木工板(Blockboard/Cabinetwork Board)
2。中纤板(Medium Density Fiber Board)(MDF)
3。刨花板(Particle Board)
4。纤维板(Fiber Borad)
5。三聚氰氨装饰板(Melamine Decoration Board)
6。指接板(Wedge Joint Board)
7。建筑模板(Building Templates)
9。防火装饰板(Fireproof Decoration Board)
10.纸覆膜石膏板(Paper tectorial plaster panel)
1.雾气 Moisture Streaks
2.玻纤分配不均 Glass Fiber Streaks
3.困气 Gas Trap Effect
4.银丝纹 Sliver Marks
5.结合线 Weld Line
6.水波痕 Water Wave Effect
7.黑点 Dark Sport
8.顶出印 Visible Ejector Marks
9.变形 Deformation During Demolding
10.填充不足 Short Filling
11.冷料流痕 Cold Slug
12.进胶口点不良 Dull Spots Near The Sprue
13.喷射痕 Jetting
14.表面起层 Flaking Of The Surface Layer
15.浮泡 Entrapped Air
16.过热变色 Burnt Streaks
17.龟裂 Stress Crack
18.缩水痕 Sink Marks
19.真空气泡 Density Bubble
20.披锋 Flash
21.擦伤印 Scratch MarksGlass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 22 尺寸过大 Over dimension
23尺寸过小 Under dimension翘曲 Warpage/warped收缩 Shrinkage/shrink缩影 Sink marks打不满 Short shot/short molding
干燥方法 drying methods
天然干燥 natural drying;natural seasoning 大气干燥 air seasoning;air drying 强制气干 forced air drying 人工干燥 artificial drying;artificial seasoning 室干 kiln drying;kiln seasoning .
常规干燥 conventional drying;usual drying 常温干燥 normal temperature drying 高温干燥 high temperature drying 低温干燥 low temperature drying 过热蒸汽干燥 super heated steam drying 炉气干燥 furnace gas drying 特种干燥 special drying
除湿干燥 dehumidification drying 真空干燥 vacuum drying
太阳能干燥 solar drying solar-energy drying
高频干燥 high frequency drying;radio frequency drying 微波干燥 microwave drying 红外线干燥 infra-red drying 加压干燥 pressure drying 化学干燥 chemical drying 太阳能除湿干燥 solar-dehumidification drying 高频真空除湿干燥 high frequency-vacuum and dehumidification drying 高频真空干燥 high-frequency-vacuum drying 热风干燥 hot-air drying 熏烟干燥 smoke drying 预干 predrying 再干 re-drying
木材干燥室 wood drying kiln
强制性循环干燥室 forced circulation kiln 自然循环干燥室 natural circulation(draught)kiln 周期式干燥室 compartment kiln 周期式强制循环干燥室 forced circulation compartment kiln 周期式自然循环干燥室 natural circulation compartment kiln 连续式干燥室 progressive kiln
连续式强制循环干燥室 forced circulation progressive kiln 连续式自然循环干燥室 natural circulation progressive kiln 空气干燥室 air kiln
过热蒸汽干燥室 superheated steam kiln 炉汽干燥室 furnance gas kiln 长(纵)轴型干燥室 line-shaft kiln 短(横)轴型干燥室 cross-shaft kiln 侧风机型干燥室 side-fan kiln 端风机型干燥室 end-fan kiln 喷气型干燥室 jet kiln 除湿干燥室 dehumidification drying kiln 真空干燥室 vacuum dryer 间歇真空干燥机 alternate vacuum dryer 连续真空干燥机 continuous vacuum dryer 高频真空干燥机 high frequency-vacuum dryer 太阳能干燥室solar drying kiln 太阳能除湿干燥室 solar-dehumidification drying kiln 微波干燥室 microwave dryer 红外线干燥室 infra-red drying kiln 热风干燥室 hot-air kiln 烟道干燥室 smoke channel kiln 熏烟干燥室 smoke drying kiln 单轨干燥室 single track kiln 双轨干燥室 double track kiln 砖混凝土体干燥室 brick and concrete kiln 金属壳体干燥室 all-metal kiln 预制组装结构干燥室 pre-fabricated modular construction kiln 高温干燥室 high temperature drying kiln 预干室 pre-dry kiln 干端 dry end 湿端 green end 进气道 inlet air duct;fresh air duct;air inlet flue 排气道 exhaust air duct 闸门 damper 导风板 baffle 气道 vent
检查门 inspection door 吊门 vertical lifting door 折叠门 folding door 拉门 sliding door
平滑管加热器 heating coil made with plain pipe 肋形管加热器 heat exchanger made with cast iron ribbed pipe 喷蒸管 steam spray pipe 翅片管加热器 heating coil made with fin pipe 喷水器 water sprayer 疏水器 trap
供汽主管 main feed header
排水主管 drain header;discharger header 回水线路 water-return lines 单线车 single track truck 载料车truck
转运车 transport truck 装堆机 stacking machine 卸堆机 unstacking machine 干湿球温度计 wet and dry bulb thermometer(psychrometer)除湿器 dehumidifier
含水率电测计 electrical moisture content meter 干材库 storage for dried timber
干燥过程 drying process
干燥前期 the early stage of drying 干燥后期 the later stage of drying 干燥基准 drying schedule 含水率干燥基准 moisture content drying schedule 时间干燥基准 time drying schedule 波动干燥基准 fluctuant drying schedule
半波动干燥基准 semi-fluctuant drying schedule 软干燥基准 mild drying schedule 硬干燥基准 harsh drying schedule 连续升温干燥基准 continuously rising temperature drying schedule 热湿处理 conditioning treatment 初期处理 pretreatment 中期(间)处理 intermediate treatment 终期处理 final treatment平衡处理 equalization treatment 汽蒸处理 steaming 冷却 cooling
材堆 stack;piles;loads 材堆区 pile area
垫条 sticker;stick;crosser 垫条间隔 sticker spacing 堆基 foundation 顶盖 roof
堆积方法 piling method平堆 flat stacking
竖(立)堆 end stacking;end piling 斜堆 slope piling 叠对 lap piling 层堆 open piling 实堆solid piling 单元堆 package piling 自垫堆积 self-crossing 堆间距离 space between piles 堆内通气道 chimneys in pile 板间间隙 cracks
垂直通气道 vertical flue;chimney 装堆 stacking;loading 卸堆 unstacking;unloading 宽材堆 wide piles 窄材堆 narrow piles
干燥缺陷 drying defects 干裂 drying checks 端裂 end check 表裂 surface check 劈裂 split
轮裂 ring shake;ring crack 内裂 internal check;heneycombing 变形 distortion 翘曲 warp 顺弯 bow 横弯 crook 翘弯 cup 扭曲 twist
菱形变形 diamonding 表面硬化 case hardening
逆表面硬化 reverse case hardening 变定 set
皱缩 collapse;crimp 变色 discoloration 炭化 char 降等 degrade 过干 overdrying 试材 test piece
检验板 sample board 含水率检验板 moisture content sample board 应力检验板 stress sample board 试验板 test board
含水率试片 moisture content section 应力试片 stress section 叉齿(齿片)prong 干燥质量 drying quality 干燥成本 drying cost
能量消耗 energy consumption
比能耗(单位能耗)specific energy consumption 热耗量 heat consumption 热损失 heat loss 蒸汽耗量 steam consumption
电耗量 electrisity consumption;power consumption 加热面 radiating surface
木材干燥 wood drying;wood seasoning 干燥机理 drying mechanism 木材干燥静力学 wood drying statics 木材干燥动力学 wood drying dynamics 木材干燥运动学 wood drying kinematics 干燥速度 drying rate 干燥曲线 drying curve
温度曲线 temperature curve 干燥速度曲线 drying rate curve 干燥梯度 drying gradient 干燥势 drying power 干燥介质 drying medium 湿空气 moist air
过热蒸汽 superheated steam 炉汽 furnace air 新鲜空气 fresh air 废气 exhaust air
绝对含水率 absolute moisture content 相对含水率 relative moisture content
木材平衡含水率 wood equilibrium moisture content 吸湿稳定含水率 adsorption stabilizing moisture content 解吸稳定含水率 desorption stabilizing moisture content 初含水率 initial moisture content 终含水率 final moisture content 分层含水率 layer moisture content 平均含水率 average moisture content 当时含水率 actual moisture content 要求含水率 desired moisture content 生材含水率 moisture content of green wood 运输含水率 transport moisture content 木材含水率梯度 moisture content gradient of wood 初重 initial weight;original weight 绝干重 absolute dry weight;oven dry weight 干燥时间 drying time;drying cycle;drying duration 干燥应力 drying stress 拉应力 tensile stress 压应力 compressive stress 残余应力 residual stress 干球温度 dry-bulb temperature 湿球温度 wet-bulb temperature 干湿球温度差 hygrometric difference;wet-bulb depression 最初温度 initial temperature 最终温度 final temperature 最高温度 highest temperature 冷却极限温度 cooling limit temperature;wet-bulb temperature 木材水分移动 moisture movement in wood 解吸 desorption 吸湿 adsorption 吸湿滞后 sorption hysteresis 不均匀干缩 restrained shrinkage 等温解湿线 desorption isotherm 等温吸附线 sorption isotherm 绝热蒸发过程 adiabatic evaporation process 稳定蒸发过程 steady evaporation process 强制循环 forced circulation(draught)自然循环 natural circulation(draught)横向循环 cross(transverse)circulation 垂直循环 vertical circulation 往复循环 recirculation
逆行循环 reverse circulation 循环速度 circulation velocity 通气断面 free cross section 湿度图 psychrometric chart 标准木料 standard timber
1. 加:用and ,plus , added to 等词表示。+ 4 = 6 可译为:
Two and four is six.Two plus four is equal to six.Two added to four equals six.Two and four makes six.Two plus four will be six.If you add two to four , you get six.2. 减:用minus, taken from, subtracted from 等表示。
Eight minus three is five.Eight minus three is equal to five.Three taken from eight leaves five.Three subtracted from eight leaves five.Take three from eight and the remainder is five.3. 乘:用multiply···by···/ multiplied by / time 等表示。3 × 5 = 15可译为:
Multiply three by five is(gives)fifteen.Three multiplied by five is fifteen.Multiply three by five , you get fifteen.Three times five is(makes, will be , equals, is equal to)fifteen.4. 除:用divide···by···/ divided by / divide···into··· / into 等表示。24 ÷ 8 = 3 可译为:
Twenty-four divided by eight makes(is , equals)three.Twenty-four divided by eight is equal to three.Eight into twenty-four goes three times.Divide eight into twenty-four , and you get three.Divide twenty-four by eight , and you get three.
09英语师范 刘凯 09041006
1、like To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings.2、likewise By this logic the soldier would call his rifle “she”, and likewise the carpenter his hammer.3、in the same way We repaired the machine in the same way as he.4、in a like manner There are constitutionally allowable measures that can be enacted at the federal level to reduce ID fraud.Federal politicians, in a like manner to state ones, should consider submitting bills calling for all federal agencies to immediately cease using Social Security account numbers and birth dates as universal passwords.5、another Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs.So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.6、equally important At the same time, willingness by other countries and regions to work together with China is equally important
7、besides Besides, parents own much more life experience than us.Sometimes, they are just like our models.8、in fact There is not enough energy, in fact, in many regions of China.9、furthermore Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.1
10、too This is exact the job that I’m looking for, which is totally in line with my major, and the salary is very tempting, too.11、then I think after you become mature enough, then you can use your sharp eyes to recognize people, find who you really suit to, then, take it seriously.12、in addition to She speaks five foreign languages in addition to English.13、for one thing For one thing,with the increase in car ownership in recent years,the roads are becoming more and more crowded,often making the journey to work more of a nightmare than a dream.14、moreover Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women.15、at the same time At the same time, they will help us to shake off our demerit.16、accordingly So you should change your search term accordingly.17、similarly Similarly, a country, too, needs friends.二、进行对比时常用的过渡词语:
1、on the contrary On the contrary, I have only just begun.2、on the other hand On the other hand, libraries should not refuse the latest information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers.3、despite Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance.4、yet Yet there is no consensus on the development of private cars.5、unlike Unlike people and dogs, cats are true carnivores.6、in contrast In contrast, science/technology/ education and art/literature/poetry books only account for 10.8 percent and 5.1 percent separately.7、conversely Conversely, many people have an ordor for pop music.8、however However, without perseverance, one’s success may be more dependent on luck than anything else.9、different from Learning a language is different from learning math.10、in spite of In spite of all the above mentioned, I still favor owning a car.11、although Now although every minute is critical for this young life, his oiperation has been delayed for lack of money.12、but But when I went home and read it carefully, I found in surprise that a few pages were missing, what’s worse, there are too many misprints.13、whereas In conclusion, my idea is that just as there is no distinction between high culture and low culture, so it is inappropriate to say pop music belongs to the “lower” people whereas symphonies in a higher, loftier form of music.14、while Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while others believe that it is better to learn through personal experience.3
15、nevertheless Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, studying abroad also confronts one with a series of hardships.16、instead Instead, they should be allowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations.Only in this way can they really relax and refresh themselves for a new round of work.